Java tutorial
/* * JDynA, Dynamic Metadata Management for Java Domain Object * * Copyright (c) 2008, CILEA and third-party contributors as * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution * statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are * distributed under license by CILEA. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU * Lesser General Public License v3 or any later version, as published * by the Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this distribution; if not, write to: * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package it.cilea.osd.jdyna.web.controller; import it.cilea.osd.common.controller.BaseAbstractController; import it.cilea.osd.common.util.displaytag.DisplayTagData; import it.cilea.osd.jdyna.components.IComponent; import it.cilea.osd.jdyna.model.AType; import it.cilea.osd.jdyna.model.AnagraficaSupport; import it.cilea.osd.jdyna.model.Containable; import it.cilea.osd.jdyna.model.IContainable; import it.cilea.osd.jdyna.model.PropertiesDefinition; import it.cilea.osd.jdyna.model.Property; import it.cilea.osd.jdyna.web.IPropertyHolder; import it.cilea.osd.jdyna.web.ITabService; import it.cilea.osd.jdyna.web.Tab; import it.cilea.osd.jdyna.web.Utils; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; public abstract class SimpleDynaController<P extends Property<TP>, TP extends PropertiesDefinition, H extends IPropertyHolder<Containable>, T extends Tab<H>> extends BaseAbstractController { private final int PAGE_SIZE = 20; protected ITabService applicationService; protected Class<? extends AnagraficaSupport<P, TP>> objectClass; protected Class<TP> tpClass; protected Class<? extends AType<TP>> typeClass; protected Class<T> tabClass; protected Class<H> propertyHolderClass; protected String modelPath; private String i18nPrefix = "action"; private Map<String, IComponent> components; private String specificPartPath; public void setComponents(Map<String, IComponent> components) { this.components = components; } public void setTypeClass(Class<? extends AType<TP>> typeClass) { this.typeClass = typeClass; } public SimpleDynaController(Class<? extends AnagraficaSupport<P, TP>> anagraficaObjectClass) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { objectClass = anagraficaObjectClass; tpClass = objectClass.newInstance().getClassPropertiesDefinition(); } public SimpleDynaController(Class<? extends AnagraficaSupport<P, TP>> anagraficaObjectClass, Class<TP> classTP) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { objectClass = anagraficaObjectClass; tpClass = classTP; } public SimpleDynaController(Class<? extends AnagraficaSupport<P, TP>> anagraficaObjectClass, Class<TP> classTP, Class<T> classT, Class<H> classH) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { objectClass = anagraficaObjectClass; tpClass = classTP; tabClass = classT; propertyHolderClass = classH; } public void setApplicationService(ITabService applicationService) { this.applicationService = applicationService; } @Override protected ModelAndView handleRequestInternal(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { ModelAndView retValue = null; if ("details".equals(method)) retValue = handleDetails(request, response); else if ("delete".equals(method)) retValue = handleDelete(request); else if ("list".equals(method)) retValue = handleList(request); return retValue; } protected Integer getTabId(HttpServletRequest request) { String param = request.getParameter("tabId"); try { return Integer.valueOf(param); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return null; } } protected Integer getAnagraficaId(HttpServletRequest request) { String param = request.getParameter("id"); try { return Integer.valueOf(param); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return null; } } protected ModelAndView handleDetails(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Integer objectId = getAnagraficaId(request); AnagraficaSupport<P, TP> jdynaObject = null; if (objectId != null) { jdynaObject = applicationService.get(objectClass, objectId); } else { jdynaObject = objectClass.newInstance(); } // this map contains key-values pairs, key = box shortname and values = // collection of metadata Map<String, List<IContainable>> mapBoxToContainables = new HashMap<String, List<IContainable>>(); Map<String, Map<String, IContainable>> mapBoxToMapContainables = new HashMap<String, Map<String, IContainable>>(); List<IContainable> pDInTab = new LinkedList<IContainable>(); List<H> propertyHolders = new LinkedList<H>(); List<T> tabs = findTabsWithVisibility(request, model, response); Integer tabId = getTabId(request); try { T t = null; if (tabId == null) { if (tabs != null && !tabs.isEmpty()) { t = tabs.get(0); tabId = t.getId(); } } else { t = applicationService.get(tabClass, tabId); } if (tabId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("No tabs to display contact administrator"); } if (!tabs.contains(t)) { throw new RuntimeException("You not have needed authorization level to display this tab"); } // collection of boxs propertyHolders = t.getMask(); String openbox = extractAnchorId(request); // this piece of code get containables object from boxs and put them // on map for (H box : propertyHolders) { String boxExternalPage = box.getExternalJSP(); List<IContainable> temp = applicationService .<H, T>findContainableInPropertyHolder(propertyHolderClass, box.getId()); Map<String, IContainable> tempMap = new HashMap<String, IContainable>(); if (components != null && boxExternalPage != null && !boxExternalPage.isEmpty()) { IComponent comp = components.get(box.getShortName()); if (comp != null) { comp.setShortName(box.getShortName()); comp.evalute(request, response); } } if (box.getShortName().equals(openbox)) { if (box.isCollapsed()) { box.setCollapsed(false); } } for (IContainable tt : temp) { tempMap.put(tt.getShortName(), tt); } mapBoxToContainables.put(box.getShortName(), temp); mapBoxToMapContainables.put(box.getShortName(), tempMap); pDInTab.addAll(temp); } jdynaObject.inizializza(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); sendRedirect(request, response, e, "" + objectId); throw new RuntimeException(e); } Collections.sort(propertyHolders); model.put("propertiesHolders", propertyHolders); model.put("propertiesDefinitionsInHolder", mapBoxToContainables); model.put("mapPropertiesDefinitionsInHolder", mapBoxToMapContainables); model.put("tabList", tabs); model.put("tabId", tabId); model.put("path", modelPath); model.put("anagraficaObject", jdynaObject); model.put("addModeType", "display"); model.put("specificPartPath", getSpecificPartPath()); return new ModelAndView(getDetailsView(), model); } protected abstract String extractAnchorId(HttpServletRequest request); protected abstract Integer getRealPersistentIdentifier(String persistentIdentifier); protected Integer extractEntityId(HttpServletRequest request) { String path = request.getPathInfo().substring(1); // remove first / String[] splitted = path.split("/"); request.setAttribute("authority", splitted[1]); Integer id = getRealPersistentIdentifier(splitted[1]); request.setAttribute("entityID", id); return id; } protected abstract void sendRedirect(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Exception ex, String objectId) throws IOException, ServletException; protected abstract List<T> findTabsWithVisibility(HttpServletRequest request, Map<String, Object> model, HttpServletResponse response) throws SQLException, Exception; protected ModelAndView handleList(HttpServletRequest request) { String paramSort = request.getParameter("sort"); String paramPage = request.getParameter("page"); String paramDir = request.getParameter("dir"); String sort = paramSort != null ? paramSort : "id"; String dir = paramDir != null ? paramDir : "asc"; int page = paramPage != null ? Integer.parseInt(paramPage) : 1; long count = applicationService.count(objectClass); Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(); List<? extends AnagraficaSupport<P, TP>> objectlist; TP tipProp = applicationService.findPropertiesDefinitionByShortName(tpClass, sort); if (tipProp != null) { objectlist = applicationService.getPaginateListByTipologiaProprieta(objectClass, tipProp.getId(), "desc".equals(dir), page, PAGE_SIZE); } else { objectlist = applicationService.getPaginateList(objectClass, sort, "desc".equals(dir), page, PAGE_SIZE); } List<TP> listTipologieShowInColumn = applicationService.getValoriDaMostrare(tpClass); DisplayTagData displayList = new DisplayTagData(count, objectlist, sort, dir, page, PAGE_SIZE); model.put("objectList", displayList); model.put("showInColumnList", listTipologieShowInColumn); return new ModelAndView(getListView(), model); } protected ModelAndView handleDelete(HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String paramId = request.getParameter("id"); Integer epiobjectID = Integer.valueOf(paramId); /* uso il delete controllato */ AnagraficaSupport<P, TP> a = applicationService.get(objectClass, epiobjectID); try { applicationService.delete(objectClass, epiobjectID); saveMessage(request, getText(i18nPrefix + ".deleted", request.getLocale())); } catch (Exception e) { String path = Utils.getAdminSpecificPath(request, null); log.error("Non e' stato possibile eliminare l'oggetto " + e); saveMessage(request, getText(i18nPrefix + ".notdeleted", request.getLocale())); return new ModelAndView(getDetailsView() + "?id=" + epiobjectID + "&path=" + path, model); } return redirect(a, request); } /** Redirige sulla pagina del dettaglio */ public ModelAndView redirect(AnagraficaSupport<P, TP> epi, HttpServletRequest request) { String path = Utils.getAdminSpecificPath(request, null); return new ModelAndView(getListView() + "?path=" + path, null); } public String getI18nPrefix() { return i18nPrefix; } public void setI18nPrefix(String prefix) { i18nPrefix = prefix; } public void setModelPath(String modelPath) { this.modelPath = modelPath; } public ITabService getApplicationService() { return applicationService; } public Map<String, IComponent> getComponents() { return components; } public void setSpecificPartPath(String specificPartPath) { this.specificPartPath = specificPartPath; } public String getSpecificPartPath() { return specificPartPath; } }