Java tutorial
/************************************************************************************************* * This file is part of ISPyB. * * ISPyB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * ISPyB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with ISPyB. If not, see <>. * * Contributors : S. Delageniere, R. Leal, L. Launer, K. Levik, S. Veyrier, P. Brenchereau, M. Bodin, A. De Maria Antolinos ****************************************************************************************************/ package; import; import ispyb.server.common.util.ejb.Ejb3ServiceLocator; import ispyb.server.common.util.ejb.EJBAccessCallback; import ispyb.server.common.util.ejb.EJBAccessTemplate; import ispyb.server.common.vos.proposals.Proposal3VO; import ispyb.server.common.vos.shipping.Container3VO; import ispyb.server.common.vos.shipping.Dewar3VO; import ispyb.server.common.vos.shipping.Shipping3VO; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.sql.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.ejb.EJB; import javax.ejb.SessionContext; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.NoResultException; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import javax.persistence.Query; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.FetchMode; import org.hibernate.SQLQuery; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.criterion.Order; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.hibernate.transform.AliasToEntityMapResultTransformer; import; import; /** * <p> * This session bean handles ISPyB Shipping3. * </p> */ @Stateless public class Shipping3ServiceBean implements Shipping3Service, Shipping3ServiceLocal { private final static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(Shipping3ServiceBean.class); // Generic HQL request to find instances of Shipping3 by pk // TODO choose between left/inner join private static final String FIND_BY_PK(boolean fetchDewars) { return "from Shipping3VO vo " + (fetchDewars ? "left join fetch vo.dewarVOs " : "") + "where vo.shippingId = :pk"; } private static final String FIND_BY_PK(boolean fetchDewars, boolean fetchSessions) { if (fetchDewars) { return "FROM Shipping3VO vo LEFT JOIN FETCH vo.dewarVOs dewars " + (fetchSessions ? " LEFT JOIN FETCH dewars.sessionVO " : "") + " WHERE vo.shippingId = :pk"; } return FIND_BY_PK(fetchDewars); } private static final String FIND_BY_PK(boolean fetchDewars, boolean fetchContainers, boolean fetchSamples) { if (fetchDewars) { return "FROM Shipping3VO vo LEFT JOIN FETCH vo.dewarVOs dewars " + (fetchContainers ? " LEFT JOIN FETCH dewars.containerVOs co " : "") + (fetchSamples ? " LEFT JOIN FETCH co.sampleVOs " : "") + " WHERE vo.shippingId = :pk"; } return FIND_BY_PK(false); } private static final String FIND_BY_PK(boolean fetchDewars, boolean fetchContainers, boolean fetchSamples, boolean fetchSubSamples) { if (fetchDewars) { return "FROM Shipping3VO vo LEFT JOIN FETCH vo.dewarVOs dewars " + (fetchContainers ? " LEFT JOIN FETCH dewars.containerVOs co " : "") //+ (fetchSamples ? " LEFT JOIN FETCH co.sampleVOs sa " : "") + (fetchSamples ? " LEFT JOIN FETCH co.sampleVOs sa LEFT JOIN FETCH sa.blsampleImageVOs " : "") + (fetchSubSamples ? " LEFT JOIN FETCH sa.blSubSampleVOs " : "") + " WHERE vo.shippingId = :pk"; } return FIND_BY_PK(fetchDewars); } private static final String FIND_BY_PROPOSAL_ID(boolean fetchDewars, boolean fetchContainers, boolean feacthSamples) { if (fetchDewars) { return "FROM Shipping3VO vo LEFT JOIN FETCH vo.dewarVOs dewars " + (fetchContainers ? " LEFT JOIN FETCH dewars.containerVOs co " : "") + (feacthSamples ? " LEFT JOIN FETCH co.sampleVOs sa LEFT JOIN FETCH sa.blsampleImageVOs LEFT JOIN FETCH sa.blSubSampleVOs " : " ") + " LEFT JOIN FETCH vo.sessions se " + " LEFT JOIN FETCH se.proposalVO proposal " + " WHERE proposal.proposalId = :proposalId"; } return FIND_BY_PK(fetchDewars); } private static final String FIND_BY_SHIPPING_ID() { return "select " + SqlTableMapper.getShippingTable() + ", (select count(*) from BLSample where BLSample.containerId = Container.containerId) as sampleCount, " + SqlTableMapper.getContainerTable() + " , (select count(*) from StockSolution where Dewar.dewarId = StockSolution.boxId) as stockSolutionCount, " + SqlTableMapper.getDewarTable() + " from Shipping \r\n" + " left join Dewar on Dewar.shippingId = Shipping.shippingId \r\n" + " left join Container on Dewar.dewarId = Container.dewarId \r\n" + " where Shipping.shippingId = :shippingId"; } private static final String FIND_BY_PROPOSAL_ID() { return "select " + SqlTableMapper.getShippingTable() + ", (select count(*) from BLSample where BLSample.containerId = Container.containerId) as sampleCount, " + SqlTableMapper.getContainerTable() + " , (select count(*) from StockSolution where Dewar.dewarId = StockSolution.boxId) as stockSolutionCount, " + SqlTableMapper.getDewarTable() + " from Shipping \r\n" + " left join Dewar on Dewar.shippingId = Shipping.shippingId \r\n" + " left join Container on Dewar.dewarId = Container.dewarId \r\n" + " where Shipping.proposalId = :proposalId"; } // Generic HQL request to find all instances of Shipping3 // TODO choose between left/inner join private static final String FIND_ALL() { return "from Shipping3VO vo "; } private final static String UPDATE_PROPOSALID_STATEMENT = " update Shipping set proposalId = :newProposalId " + " WHERE proposalId = :oldProposalId"; // 2 old value to be replaced private final static String COUNT_SHIPPING_INFO = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(histo.dewarTransportHistoryId)) eventsNumber, " + " count(DISTINCT(bls.blSampleId)) samplesNumber " + "FROM Shipping s " + " LEFT JOIN Dewar d ON (d.shippingId=s.shippingId) " + " LEFT JOIN Container c ON c.dewarId = d.dewarId " + " LEFT JOIN BLSample bls ON bls.containerId = c.containerId " + " LEFT JOIN DewarTransportHistory histo ON (histo.dewarId = d.dewarId) " + // TODO use the Constants -- problem while deploying app. // "AND (histo.dewarStatus='"+ Constants.SHIPPING_STATUS_AT_ESRF + "' " + // " OR histo.dewarStatus='" + Constants.SHIPPING_STATUS_SENT_TO_USER + "')" + "AND (histo.dewarStatus='atESRF' " + "OR histo.dewarStatus='sent to User') " + "WHERE s.shippingId = :shippingId GROUP BY s.shippingId "; @PersistenceContext(unitName = "ispyb_db") private EntityManager entityManager; public Shipping3ServiceBean() { }; /** * Create new Shipping3. * * @param vo * the entity to persist. * @return the persisted entity. */ public Shipping3VO create(final Shipping3VO vo) throws Exception { checkCreateChangeRemoveAccess(); // TODO Edit this business code this.checkAndCompleteData(vo, true); this.entityManager.persist(vo); return vo; } /** * Update the Shipping3 data. * * @param vo * the entity data to update. * @return the updated entity. */ public Shipping3VO update(final Shipping3VO vo) throws Exception { checkCreateChangeRemoveAccess(); this.checkAndCompleteData(vo, false); return entityManager.merge(vo); } /** * Remove the Shipping3 from its pk * * @param vo * the entity to remove. */ public void deleteByPk(final Integer pk) throws Exception { checkCreateChangeRemoveAccess(); Shipping3VO vo = findByPk(pk, true); delete(vo); } /** * Remove the Shipping3 * * @param vo * the entity to remove. */ public void delete(final Shipping3VO vo) throws Exception { checkCreateChangeRemoveAccess(); entityManager.remove(vo); } /** * Finds a Scientist entity by its primary key and set linked value objects if necessary * * @param pk * the primary key * @param withLink1 * @param withLink2 * @return the Shipping3 value object */ public Shipping3VO findByPk(final Integer pk, final boolean withDewars) throws Exception { checkCreateChangeRemoveAccess(); try { return (Shipping3VO) entityManager.createQuery(FIND_BY_PK(withDewars)).setParameter("pk", pk) .getSingleResult(); } catch (NoResultException e) { return null; } } public Shipping3VO findByPk(final Integer pk, final boolean withDewars, final boolean withcontainers, final boolean withSamples) throws Exception { checkCreateChangeRemoveAccess(); try { return (Shipping3VO) entityManager.createQuery(FIND_BY_PK(withDewars, withcontainers, withSamples)) .setParameter("pk", pk).getSingleResult(); } catch (NoResultException e) { return null; } } public String findSerialShippingByPk(final Integer pk, final boolean withDewars, final boolean withcontainers, final boolean withSamples, final boolean withSubSamples) throws Exception { checkCreateChangeRemoveAccess(); String st = null; Shipping3VO vo = this.findByPk(pk, withDewars, withcontainers, withSamples, withSubSamples); if (vo != null) { st = serialize(vo); } return st; } public Shipping3VO findByPk(final Integer pk, final boolean withDewars, final boolean withcontainers, final boolean withSamples, final boolean withSubSamples) throws Exception { checkCreateChangeRemoveAccess(); try { return (Shipping3VO) entityManager .createQuery(FIND_BY_PK(withDewars, withcontainers, withSamples, withSubSamples)) .setParameter("pk", pk).getSingleResult(); } catch (NoResultException e) { return null; } } @Override public List<Map<String, Object>> getShippingById(final Integer shippingId) throws Exception { checkCreateChangeRemoveAccess(); String mySQLQuery = FIND_BY_SHIPPING_ID(); Session session = (Session) this.entityManager.getDelegate(); SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(mySQLQuery); query.setParameter("shippingId", shippingId); query.setResultTransformer(AliasToEntityMapResultTransformer.INSTANCE); List<Map<String, Object>> aliasToValueMapList = query.list(); return aliasToValueMapList; } @Override public List<Map<String, Object>> getShippingByProposalId(final Integer proposalId) throws Exception { checkCreateChangeRemoveAccess(); String mySQLQuery = FIND_BY_PROPOSAL_ID(); Session session = (Session) this.entityManager.getDelegate(); SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(mySQLQuery); query.setParameter("proposalId", proposalId); query.setResultTransformer(AliasToEntityMapResultTransformer.INSTANCE); List<Map<String, Object>> aliasToValueMapList = query.list(); return aliasToValueMapList; } // TODO remove following method if not adequate /** * Find all Shipping3s and set linked value objects if necessary * * @param withLink1 * @param withLink2 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Shipping3VO> findAll() throws Exception { List<Shipping3VO> foundEntities = entityManager.createQuery(FIND_ALL()).getResultList(); return foundEntities; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Shipping3VO> findFiltered(final Integer proposalId, final String type) throws Exception { Session session = (Session) this.entityManager.getDelegate(); Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(Proposal3VO.class); crit.setResultTransformer(Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY); // DISTINCT RESULTS ! if (type != null && !type.isEmpty()) { crit.add("shippingType", type)); } if (proposalId != null) { crit.createCriteria("proposalVO"); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("proposalId", proposalId)); } crit.addOrder(Order.desc("shippingId")); List<Shipping3VO> foundEntities = crit.list(); return foundEntities; } /** * Check if user has access rights to create, change and remove Shipping3 entities. If not set rollback only and throw * AccessDeniedException * * @throws AccessDeniedException */ private void checkCreateChangeRemoveAccess() throws Exception { // AuthorizationServiceLocal autService = (AuthorizationServiceLocal) // ServiceLocator.getInstance().getService(AuthorizationServiceLocalHome.class); // TODO change method // to the one checking the needed access rights // autService.checkUserRightToChangeAdminData(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<Shipping3VO> findByStatus(final String status, final java.util.Date dateStart, final boolean withDewars) throws Exception { Session session = (Session) this.entityManager.getDelegate(); Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Shipping3VO.class); if (status != null && !status.isEmpty()) { criteria.add("shippingStatus", status)); } if (dateStart != null) { criteria.add("creationDate", dateStart)); } if (withDewars) { criteria.setFetchMode("dewarVOs", FetchMode.JOIN); } criteria.addOrder(Order.desc("shippingId")).setResultTransformer(Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY); // DISTINCT // RESULTS ! return criteria.list(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<Shipping3VO> findByProposal(final Integer userProposalId, final boolean withDewars) throws Exception { Session session = (Session) this.entityManager.getDelegate(); Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Shipping3VO.class); if (userProposalId != null) { Criteria subCritProposal = criteria.createCriteria("proposalVO"); subCritProposal.add(Restrictions.eq("proposalId", userProposalId)); } if (withDewars) { criteria.setFetchMode("dewarVOs", FetchMode.JOIN); } criteria.addOrder(Order.desc("creationDate")); criteria.addOrder(Order.desc("shippingId")); criteria.setResultTransformer(Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY); return criteria.list(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<Shipping3VO> findByProposal(final Integer proposalId, final boolean fetchDewars, final boolean fetchContainers, final boolean fetchSamples) throws Exception { try { return entityManager.createQuery(FIND_BY_PROPOSAL_ID(fetchDewars, fetchContainers, fetchSamples)) .setParameter("proposalId", proposalId).getResultList(); } catch (NoResultException e) { return null; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<Shipping3VO> findByCreationDate(final Date firstDate, final boolean withDewars) throws Exception { Session session = (Session) this.entityManager.getDelegate(); Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Shipping3VO.class); if (firstDate != null) { criteria.add("creationDate", firstDate)); } if (withDewars) { criteria.setFetchMode("dewarVOs", FetchMode.JOIN); } criteria.addOrder(Order.desc("creationDate")); criteria.addOrder(Order.desc("shippingId")); criteria.setResultTransformer(Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY); return criteria.list(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<Shipping3VO> findByCreationDateInterval(final Date firstDate, final Date endDate) throws Exception { Session session = (Session) this.entityManager.getDelegate(); Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Shipping3VO.class); if (firstDate != null) { criteria.add("creationDate", firstDate)); } if (endDate != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.le("creationDate", endDate)); } criteria.addOrder(Order.desc("creationDate")); criteria.addOrder(Order.desc("shippingId")); criteria.setResultTransformer(Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY); return criteria.list(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<Shipping3VO> findByBeamLineOperator(final String beamlineOperatorSiteNumber, final boolean withDewars) throws Exception { Session session = (Session) this.entityManager.getDelegate(); Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Shipping3VO.class); if (beamlineOperatorSiteNumber != null) { Criteria sessionCriteria = criteria.createCriteria("sessions") .add(Restrictions.eq("operatorSiteNumber", beamlineOperatorSiteNumber)); // .addOrder(Order.desc(propertyName)) if (withDewars) { criteria.setFetchMode("dewarVOs", FetchMode.JOIN); } criteria.addOrder(Order.desc("creationDate")); criteria.addOrder(Order.desc("shippingId")); criteria.setResultTransformer(Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY); return criteria.list(); } else return null; } @Override public List<Shipping3VO> findByProposalCode(final String proposalCode, final boolean withDewars) throws Exception { return this.findFiltered(null, null, proposalCode, null, null, null, null, null, withDewars); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<Shipping3VO> findFiltered(final Integer proposalId, final String shippingName, final String proposalCode, final String proposalNumber, final String mainProposer, final Date date, final Date date2, final String operatorSiteNumber, final boolean withDewars) throws Exception { Session session = (Session) this.entityManager.getDelegate(); Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Shipping3VO.class); if ((shippingName != null) && (!shippingName.isEmpty())) { criteria.add("shippingName", shippingName)); } if (date != null) { criteria.add("creationDate", date)); } if (date2 != null) { criteria.add(Restrictions.le("creationDate", date2)); } if (proposalId != null || proposalCode != null || mainProposer != null) { Criteria subCritProposal = criteria.createCriteria("proposalVO"); if (proposalId != null) { subCritProposal.add(Restrictions.eq("proposalId", proposalId)); } if (proposalId == null && proposalCode != null && !proposalCode.isEmpty()) { subCritProposal.add("code", proposalCode).ignoreCase()); } if ((mainProposer != null) && (!mainProposer.isEmpty())) { Criteria subCritPerson = subCritProposal.createCriteria("personVO"); subCritPerson.add("familyName", mainProposer).ignoreCase()); } } if (operatorSiteNumber != null) { criteria.createAlias("sessions", "se"); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("se.operatorSiteNumber", operatorSiteNumber)); } if (withDewars) { criteria.setFetchMode("dewarVOs", FetchMode.JOIN); } criteria.addOrder(Order.desc("creationDate")); criteria.addOrder(Order.desc("shippingId")); criteria.setResultTransformer(Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY); return criteria.list(); } @Override public List<Shipping3VO> findByCustomQuery(final Integer proposalId, final String shippingName, final String proposalCode, final String proposalNumber, final String mainProposer, final Date date, final Date date2, final String operatorSiteNumber) throws Exception { return this.findFiltered(proposalId, shippingName, proposalCode, proposalNumber, mainProposer, date, date2, operatorSiteNumber, false); } /** * update the proposalId, returns the nb of rows updated * * @param newProposalId * @param oldProposalId * @return * @throws Exception */ public Integer updateProposalId(final Integer newProposalId, final Integer oldProposalId) throws Exception { int nbUpdated = 0; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(UPDATE_PROPOSALID_STATEMENT) .setParameter("newProposalId", newProposalId).setParameter("oldProposalId", oldProposalId); nbUpdated = query.executeUpdate(); return new Integer(nbUpdated); } public int deleteAllSamplesAndContainersForShipping(Integer shippingId) throws Exception { Ejb3ServiceLocator ejb3ServiceLocator = Ejb3ServiceLocator.getInstance(); Dewar3Service dewarService = (Dewar3Service) ejb3ServiceLocator.getLocalService(Dewar3Service.class); Container3Service containerService = (Container3Service) ejb3ServiceLocator .getLocalService(Container3Service.class); int nb = 0; Shipping3VO ship = this.findByPk(shippingId, true); Set<Dewar3VO> dewars = ship.getDewarVOs(); for (Dewar3VO dewar3vo : dewars) { Dewar3VO dewar = dewarService.findByPk(dewar3vo.getDewarId(), true, true); Set<Container3VO> containers = dewar.getContainerVOs(); for (Container3VO container3vo : containers) { containerService.deleteByPk(container3vo.getContainerId()); nb = nb + 1; } } return nb; } @Override public List<Shipping3VO> findByProposalType(String proposalType) throws Exception { return this.findFiltered(null, null, proposalType, null, null, null, null, null, false); } @Override public List<Shipping3VO> findByProposalCodeAndDates(String proposalType, Date firstDate, Date endDate) throws Exception { return this.findFiltered(null, null, proposalType, null, null, firstDate, endDate, null, false); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<Shipping3VO> findByIsStorageShipping(final Boolean isStorageShipping) throws Exception { Session session = (Session) this.entityManager.getDelegate(); Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Shipping3VO.class); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("isStorageShipping", isStorageShipping)); return criteria.list(); } public Shipping3VO loadEager(Shipping3VO vo) throws Exception { Shipping3VO newVO = this.findByPk(vo.getShippingId(), true); return newVO; } public Integer[] countShippingInfo(final Integer shippingId) throws Exception { Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(COUNT_SHIPPING_INFO).setParameter("shippingId", shippingId); List orders = query.getResultList(); int nb = orders.size(); Integer nbSamples = 0; Integer nbDewarHistory = 0; Integer[] tab = new Integer[2]; if (nb > 0) { Object[] o = (Object[]) orders.get(0); nbDewarHistory = ((BigInteger) o[0]).intValue(); nbSamples = ((BigInteger) o[1]).intValue(); } tab[0] = nbDewarHistory; tab[1] = nbSamples; return tab; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see, boolean, boolean) */ @Override public Shipping3VO findByPk(final Integer pk, final boolean withDewars, final boolean withSession) throws Exception { checkCreateChangeRemoveAccess(); try { if (withSession) { return (Shipping3VO) entityManager.createQuery(FIND_BY_PK(withDewars, withSession)) .setParameter("pk", pk).getSingleResult(); } return (Shipping3VO) entityManager.createQuery(FIND_BY_PK(withDewars)).setParameter("pk", pk) .getSingleResult(); } catch (NoResultException e) { return null; } } /* Private methods ------------------------------------------------------ */ public static String serialize(Shipping3VO shipping) { Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().excludeFieldsWithModifiers(Modifier.PRIVATE).serializeNulls().create(); return gson.toJson(shipping); } /** * Checks the data for integrity. E.g. if references and categories exist. * * @param vo * the data to check * @param create * should be true if the value object is just being created in the DB, this avoids some checks like * testing the primary key * @exception VOValidateException * if data is not correct */ private void checkAndCompleteData(Shipping3VO vo, boolean create) throws Exception { if (create) { if (vo.getShippingId() != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Primary key is already set! This must be done automatically. Please, set it to null!"); } } else { if (vo.getShippingId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Primary key is not set for update!"); } } // check value object vo.checkValues(create); // TODO check primary keys for existence in DB } }