Java tutorial
/* * $Id$ * Created on Oct 31, 2005 * * Copyright (C) 2005 Idega Software hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. * Use is subject to license terms. */ package is.idega.idegaweb.egov.cases.presentation; import; import; import is.idega.idegaweb.egov.cases.util.CasesConstants; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.block.process.presentation.beans.CasePresentation; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWMainApplication; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.presentation.CSSSpacer; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Layer; import com.idega.presentation.Table2; import com.idega.presentation.TableCell2; import com.idega.presentation.TableColumn; import com.idega.presentation.TableColumnGroup; import com.idega.presentation.TableRow; import com.idega.presentation.TableRowGroup; import com.idega.presentation.text.Heading1; import com.idega.presentation.text.Heading2; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Form; import com.idega.presentation.ui.IWDatePicker; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Label; import com.idega.presentation.ui.SubmitButton; import com.idega.presentation.ui.handlers.IWDatePickerHandler; import; import com.idega.util.CoreConstants; import com.idega.util.CoreUtil; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; import com.idega.util.ListUtil; import com.idega.util.StringUtil; import com.idega.util.database.ConnectionBroker; import com.idega.util.expression.ELUtil; public class CasesStatistics extends CasesBlock { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(CasesStatistics.class.getName()); private static final String PARAMETER_FROM_DATE = "prm_from_date"; private static final String PARAMETER_TO_DATE = "prm_to_date"; public static final String UNKOWN_CATEGORY_ID = "case.unkown_category"; private String visibleStatuses = null; private Boolean useStatisticsByCaseType, showDateRange = Boolean.TRUE; private Collection<CasePresentation> cases; private List<Integer> customCategories; private List<String> namesOfCustomCategories = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList("BPM")); // TODO: use constant private List<String> availableStatuses; private String casesCriteria; private String categoriesCriteria; private String statusesCriteria; @Autowired(required = false) private CaseManagersProvider caseManagersProvider; @Override public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { try { ELUtil.getInstance().autowire(this); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to autowire Spring bean: " + CaseManagersProvider.class.getName() + ". Will skip BPM cases in statistics"); } super.main(iwc); } @Override protected void present(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { boolean useSubCats = super.getCasesBusiness(iwc).useSubCategories(); boolean useTypes = super.getCasesBusiness(iwc).useTypes(); IWResourceBundle iwrb = getResourceBundle(iwc); Collection<CaseStatus> statuses = null; if (visibleStatuses == null) { if (ListUtil.isEmpty(cases)) { statuses = getCasesBusiness().getCaseStatuses(); } else { // Will be used statuses provided by cases statuses = new ArrayList<CaseStatus>(); CaseStatus status = null; for (CasePresentation theCase : cases) { status = theCase.getCaseStatus(); if (status != null && !statuses.contains(status)) { statuses.add(status); } } } } else { statuses = new ArrayList<CaseStatus>(); StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(visibleStatuses, CoreConstants.COMMA); while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { String status = tok.nextToken().trim(); try { CaseStatus cStat = getCaseStatusHome().findByPrimaryKey(status); statuses.add(cStat); } catch (FinderException f) { f.printStackTrace(); } } } String localizedStatus = null; Collection<CaseStatus> statusesToUse = new ArrayList<CaseStatus>(); if (!ListUtil.isEmpty(statuses)) { for (CaseStatus status : statuses) { if (!statusesToUse.contains(status)) { localizedStatus = getCasesBusiness().getLocalizedCaseStatusDescription(null, status, iwc.getCurrentLocale()); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(localizedStatus) && !localizedStatus.equals(status.getStatus())) { statusesToUse.add(status); } } } } Form form = new Form(); form.setID("casesStatistics"); form.setStyleClass("adminForm"); add(form); boolean addDateIntervalChooser = isShowDateRange(); if (addDateIntervalChooser) { if (CoreUtil.isSingleComponentRenderingProcess(iwc)) { try { int pageId = iwc.getCurrentIBPageID(); ICPageHome pageHome = (ICPageHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ICPage.class); ICPage page = pageHome.findByPrimaryKey(pageId); form.setAction(CoreConstants.PAGES_URI_PREFIX.concat(page.getDefaultPageURI())); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); addDateIntervalChooser = false; } } } Layer section = new Layer(Layer.DIV); section.setStyleClass("formSection"); form.add(section); IWDatePicker from = new IWDatePicker(PARAMETER_FROM_DATE); from.setUseCurrentDateIfNotSet(false); from.setShowMonthChange(true); from.setShowYearChange(true); from.keepStatusOnAction(true); IWDatePicker to = new IWDatePicker(PARAMETER_TO_DATE); to.setUseCurrentDateIfNotSet(false); to.setShowMonthChange(true); to.setShowYearChange(true); to.keepStatusOnAction(true); if (addDateIntervalChooser) { Layer element = new Layer(Layer.DIV); element.setStyleClass("formItem"); Label label = new Label(getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("cases_fetcher.from_date", "From date"), from); element.add(label); element.add(from); section.add(element); element = new Layer(Layer.DIV); element.setStyleClass("formItem"); label = new Label(getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("cases_fetcher.to_date", "To date"), to); element.add(label); element.add(to); section.add(element); SubmitButton fetch = new SubmitButton( getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("cases_fetcher.fetch", "Fetch")); fetch.setStyleClass("indentedButton"); fetch.setStyleClass("button"); element = new Layer(Layer.DIV); element.setStyleClass("formItem"); element.add(fetch); section.add(element); } section = new Layer(Layer.DIV); section.setStyleClass("formSection"); section.setStyleClass("statisticsLayer"); form.add(section); Heading1 heading = new Heading1(iwrb.getLocalizedString("case.statistics", "Case statistics")); section.add(heading); IWTimestamp fromDate = null; if (iwc.isParameterSet(PARAMETER_FROM_DATE)) { fromDate = new IWTimestamp(IWDatePickerHandler.getParsedDate(iwc.getParameter(PARAMETER_FROM_DATE), iwc.getCurrentLocale())); } IWTimestamp toDate = null; if (iwc.isParameterSet(PARAMETER_TO_DATE)) { toDate = new IWTimestamp( IWDatePickerHandler.getParsedDate(iwc.getParameter(PARAMETER_TO_DATE), iwc.getCurrentLocale())); } Collection<Result> resultsByCaseCategories = getResults(iwc, useSubCats, -1, true, fromDate, toDate); addResults(null, null, null, iwc, iwrb, section, resultsByCaseCategories, statusesToUse, iwrb.getLocalizedString("case.cases_by_category", "Cases by category"), useSubCats, false, 0, fromDate, toDate); section.add(new CSSSpacer()); Collection<Result> resultsByUsers = getResultsUsers(iwc, fromDate, toDate); addResults(null, null, null, iwc, iwrb, section, resultsByUsers, statusesToUse, iwrb.getLocalizedString("case.cases_by_handler", "Cases by handler"), false, false, 0, fromDate, toDate); section.add(new CSSSpacer()); if (useStatisticsByCaseType != null) { useTypes = useStatisticsByCaseType; } if (useTypes) { Collection<Result> resultsByCaseTypes = getResultsCode(iwc, fromDate, toDate); addResults(null, null, null, iwc, iwrb, section, resultsByCaseTypes, statusesToUse, iwrb.getLocalizedString("case.cases_by_type", "Cases by type"), false, false, 0, fromDate, toDate); section.add(new CSSSpacer()); } } private int addResults(Map<CaseStatus, Integer> totals, Table2 table, TableRowGroup group, IWContext iwc, IWResourceBundle iwrb, Layer section, Collection<Result> results, Collection<CaseStatus> statuses, String header, boolean useSubCats, boolean isSubCategory, int iRow, IWTimestamp fromDate, IWTimestamp toDate) { if (totals == null) { totals = new LinkedHashMap<CaseStatus, Integer>(); for (Iterator<CaseStatus> statIter = statuses.iterator(); statIter.hasNext();) { CaseStatus status =; totals.put(status, 0); } } if (table == null) { Heading2 heading2 = new Heading2(header); section.add(heading2); table = new Table2(); table.setWidth("100%"); table.setCellpadding(0); table.setCellspacing(0); table.setStyleClass("adminTable"); table.setStyleClass("ruler"); section.add(table); TableColumnGroup columnGroup = table.createColumnGroup(); TableColumn column = columnGroup.createColumn(); column.setSpan(3); column = columnGroup.createColumn(); column.setSpan(2); column.setWidth("12"); group = table.createHeaderRowGroup(); TableRow row = group.createRow(); TableCell2 cell = row.createHeaderCell(); cell.setStyleClass("firstColumn"); cell.setStyleClass("name"); cell.add(new Text(getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("name", "Name"))); CaseStatus status; for (Iterator<CaseStatus> statIter = statuses.iterator(); statIter.hasNext();) { status =; cell = row.createHeaderCell(); cell.setStyleClass(status.getStatus()); String statusLabel = null; try { statusLabel = getCasesBusiness().getLocalizedCaseStatusDescription(null, status, iwc.getCurrentLocale()); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } cell.add(new Text(StringUtil.isEmpty(statusLabel) ? status.getStatus() : statusLabel)); } cell = row.createHeaderCell(); cell.setStyleClass("total lastColumn"); cell.add(new Text(getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("total", "Total"))); group = table.createBodyRowGroup(); } if (!ListUtil.isEmpty(results)) { for (Iterator<Result> iter = results.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { ++iRow; Result res =; boolean hasSubCats = false; Collection<Result> subCats = null; if (useSubCats) { subCats = getResults(iwc, true, res.getID(), res.isUseDefaultHandlerIfNotFoundResultsProvider(), fromDate, toDate); hasSubCats = !ListUtil.isEmpty(subCats); } addResultToTable(totals, statuses, group, iRow, res, isSubCategory, !hasSubCats); if (hasSubCats) { iRow = addResults(totals, table, group, iwc, iwrb, section, subCats, statuses, header, useSubCats, true, iRow, fromDate, toDate); } } } if (!isSubCategory) { group = table.createFooterRowGroup(); TableRow row = group.createRow(); TableCell2 cell = row.createCell(); cell.setStyleClass("total"); cell.setStyleClass("firstColumn"); cell.add(new Text(iwrb.getLocalizedString("total", "Total"))); int total = 0; for (Iterator<CaseStatus> caseStatusIter = totals.keySet().iterator(); caseStatusIter.hasNext();) { CaseStatus status =; Integer statusTotal = totals.get(status); total += statusTotal.intValue(); cell = row.createCell(); cell.setStyleClass(status.getStatus()); cell.add(new Text(statusTotal.toString())); } cell = row.createCell(); cell.setStyleClass("total"); cell.setStyleClass("lastColumn"); cell.add(new Text(String.valueOf(total))); } return iRow; } private void addResultToTable(Map<CaseStatus, Integer> totals, Collection<CaseStatus> statuses, TableRowGroup group, int iRow, Result res, boolean isSubCategory, boolean showNumbers) { TableRow row; TableCell2 cell; CaseStatus status; Map<String, Integer> map = res.getStatusMap(); row = group.createRow(); cell = row.createCell(); cell.add(new Text(res.getName())); cell.setStyleClass("firstColumn"); int totalValue = 0; for (Iterator<CaseStatus> statIter = statuses.iterator(); statIter.hasNext();) { status =; Integer value = map.get(status.getStatus()); int val = 0; if (value != null) { val = value.intValue(); } totalValue += val; cell = row.createCell(); cell.setStyleClass(status.getStatus()); if (showNumbers) { cell.add(new Text(String.valueOf(val))); } else { cell.add(Text.getNonBrakingSpace()); } cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Table2.HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER); Integer total = totals.get(status); totals.put(status, (total.intValue() + val)); } cell = row.createCell(); cell.setStyleClass("total"); cell.setStyleClass("lastColumn"); if (showNumbers) { cell.add(new Text(String.valueOf(totalValue))); } else { cell.add(Text.getNonBrakingSpace()); } if (iRow % 2 == 0) { row.setStyleClass("evenRow"); } else { row.setStyleClass("oddRow"); } if (isSubCategory) { row.setStyleClass("subCategory"); } } private Collection<Result> getResults(IWContext iwc, boolean useSubCats, int parentID, boolean useHandlerIfNotFoundCustom, IWTimestamp dateFrom, IWTimestamp dateTo) { if (useHandlerIfNotFoundCustom) { Handler handler = new CategoryHandler(useSubCats, parentID); handler.setDateFrom(dateFrom); handler.setDateTo(dateTo); return getResults(iwc, handler); } return null; } private Collection<Result> getResultsUsers(IWContext iwc, IWTimestamp dateFrom, IWTimestamp dateTo) { Handler handler = new UserHandler(false, -1); handler.setDateFrom(dateFrom); handler.setDateTo(dateTo); return getResults(iwc, handler); } private Collection<Result> getResultsCode(IWContext iwc, IWTimestamp dateFrom, IWTimestamp dateTo) { Handler handler = new CaseTypeHandler(false, -1); handler.setDateFrom(dateFrom); handler.setDateTo(dateTo); return getResults(iwc, handler); } public void setVisibleStatuses(String statuses) { this.visibleStatuses = statuses; } protected CaseStatusHome getCaseStatusHome() { try { return (CaseStatusHome) IDOLookup.getHome(CaseStatus.class); } catch (IDOLookupException ile) { throw new IBORuntimeException(ile); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection<Result> getCustomCategoryResults(IWContext iwc, int categoryId) { if (getCaseManagersProvider() == null) { return null; } CaseCategory category = null; try { category = getCaseCategory(categoryId); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (category == null) { return null; } Collection<Case> cases = null; try { cases = getCasesBusiness().getCasesByCriteria(null, category, null, null, null, getCaseManagersProvider().getCaseManager().getType()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Map<String, List<Case>> casesByProcesses = getCasesByProcesses(cases); if (casesByProcesses == null || ListUtil.isEmpty(casesByProcesses.keySet())) {"Didn't find any custom category ('" + category + "') cases"); return null; } String localizedProcessName = null; Locale locale = iwc.getCurrentLocale(); List<Result> results = new ArrayList<Result>(); String unkownProcess = getResourceBundle(iwc).getLocalizedString("case_statistics.unkown_process", "Unkown process"); for (String processName : casesByProcesses.keySet()) { localizedProcessName = null; try { localizedProcessName = getCaseManagersProvider().getCaseManager().getProcessName(processName, locale); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (StringUtil.isEmpty(localizedProcessName)) { localizedProcessName = unkownProcess; } results.add(new Result(-1, localizedProcessName, getStatusesForCases(casesByProcesses.get(processName)), false)); } return results; } private Map<String, Integer> getStatusesForCases(List<Case> cases) { if (ListUtil.isEmpty(cases)) { return new HashMap<String, Integer>(); } Map<String, Integer> statuses = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); String statusId = null; for (Case theCase : cases) { statusId = theCase.getStatus(); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(statusId)) { LOGGER.warning("There is no status set for case: " + theCase); } else { Integer count = statuses.get(statusId); if (count == null) { count = Integer.valueOf(1); } else { count++; } statuses.put(statusId, count); } } return statuses; } private boolean canCaseBeUsedInStatistics(Case theCase) { if (ListUtil.isEmpty(cases)) { return true; // No data set is set } for (CasePresentation preCase : cases) { if (theCase.getPrimaryKey().toString().equals(preCase.getId())) { return true; } } return false; } private Map<String, List<Case>> getCasesByProcesses(Collection<Case> cases) { if (ListUtil.isEmpty(cases) || getCaseManagersProvider() == null || getCaseManagersProvider().getCaseManager() == null) { return null; } Map<String, List<Case>> casesByProcesses = new HashMap<String, List<Case>>(); String processDefinitionName = null; for (Case theCase : cases) { if (canCaseBeUsedInStatistics(theCase)) { processDefinitionName = null; try { processDefinitionName = getCaseManagersProvider().getCaseManager() .getProcessDefinitionName(theCase); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (StringUtil.isEmpty(processDefinitionName)) { LOGGER.warning("Unable to get process identifier for case: " + theCase); } else { List<Case> casesByProcess = casesByProcesses.get(processDefinitionName); if (ListUtil.isEmpty(casesByProcess)) { casesByProcess = new ArrayList<Case>(); } casesByProcess.add(theCase); casesByProcesses.put(processDefinitionName, casesByProcess); } } } return casesByProcesses; } private Collection<Result> getResults(IWContext iwc, Handler handler) { Connection conn = null; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; Collection<Result> results = new ArrayList<Result>(); try { conn = ConnectionBroker.getConnection(); stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(handler.getSQL()); results.addAll(handler.getResults(iwc, rs)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (rs != null) { try { rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (stmt != null) { try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (conn != null) { ConnectionBroker.freeConnection(conn); } } return results; } protected class Result { private int id; private boolean useDefaultHandlerIfNotFoundResultsProvider = true; private String name = null; private Map<String, Integer> statusMap; protected Result(int id, String name, Map<String, Integer> statusMap) { this(id, name, statusMap, true); } protected Result(int id, String name, Map<String, Integer> statusMap, boolean useDefaultHandlerIfNotFoundResultsProvider) { = id; = name; this.statusMap = statusMap; this.useDefaultHandlerIfNotFoundResultsProvider = useDefaultHandlerIfNotFoundResultsProvider; } protected String getName() { return name; } protected Map<String, Integer> getStatusMap() { return statusMap; } protected int getID() { return id; } protected boolean isUseDefaultHandlerIfNotFoundResultsProvider() { return useDefaultHandlerIfNotFoundResultsProvider; } } protected abstract class Handler { public abstract String getSQL(); public abstract Collection<Result> getResults(IWContext iwc, ResultSet rs) throws RemoteException, SQLException, FinderException; public abstract boolean addResult(IWContext iwc, Collection<Result> results, int prevID, Map<String, Integer> statuses) throws RemoteException, FinderException; private boolean useSubCats = false; private int parentID = -1; private IWTimestamp dateFrom; private IWTimestamp dateTo; protected boolean isUseSubCats() { return useSubCats; } protected void setUseSubCats(boolean useSubCats) { this.useSubCats = useSubCats; } protected int getParentID() { return parentID; } protected void setParentID(int parentID) { this.parentID = parentID; } protected IWTimestamp getDateFrom() { return dateFrom; } protected void setDateFrom(IWTimestamp dateFrom) { this.dateFrom = dateFrom; } protected IWTimestamp getDateTo() { return dateTo; } protected void setDateTo(IWTimestamp dateTo) { this.dateTo = dateTo; } } // Cases by categories protected class CategoryHandler extends Handler { private List<Integer> addedCategories = new ArrayList<Integer>(); public CategoryHandler(boolean useSubCats, int parentID) { setUseSubCats(useSubCats); setParentID(parentID); } @Override public String getSQL() { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder( "select cc.comm_case_category_id, count(c.case_category) as NO_OF_CASES, p.case_status, cc.category_order ") .append("from comm_case_category cc left join comm_case c on c.case_category = cc.comm_case_category_id ") .append("left join proc_case p on p.proc_case_id = c.comm_case_id "); if (getDateFrom() != null) { query.append(getDateFromCriteria(getDateFrom())); } if (getDateTo() != null) { query.append(getDateToCriteria(getDateTo())); } query.append(" where cc.parent_category "); if (isUseSubCats() && getParentID() > -1) { query.append("= ").append(getParentID()); // We seek for special category } else { query.append("is null"); // We weed ONLY top level categories query.append(getCategoriesIdsCriteria()); // We need the very categories used by PROVIDED cases set } query.append( " group by cc.comm_case_category_id, cc.category_order, p.case_status order by cc.category_order, cc.comm_case_category_id"); if (getParentID() == -1) { System.out.println("CategoryHandler: " + query.toString()); } return query.toString(); } @Override public Collection<Result> getResults(IWContext iwc, ResultSet rs) throws RemoteException, SQLException, FinderException { Collection<Result> results = new ArrayList<Result>(); int previousCaseCategoryId = -1; Map<String, Integer> statuses = null; while ( { int categoryId = rs.getInt("comm_case_category_id"); int count = rs.getInt("NO_OF_CASES"); String caseStatus = rs.getString("CASE_STATUS"); if (previousCaseCategoryId != categoryId) { if (statuses != null) { // Adding results for previous category addResult(iwc, results, previousCaseCategoryId, statuses); } // New category statuses = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); } statuses.put(caseStatus, isValidStatus(caseStatus) ? count : 0); previousCaseCategoryId = categoryId; } if (statuses != null) { // Adding results for LAST category addResult(iwc, results, previousCaseCategoryId, statuses); } return results; } @Override public boolean addResult(IWContext iwc, Collection<Result> results, int caseCategoryId, Map<String, Integer> statuses) throws RemoteException, FinderException { if (caseCategoryId < 0) { return false; } if (!addedCategories.contains(caseCategoryId) && isCustomCategory(caseCategoryId)) { addedCategories.add(caseCategoryId); Collection<Result> customCategoryResults = getCustomCategoryResults(iwc, caseCategoryId); if (!ListUtil.isEmpty(customCategoryResults)) { results.addAll(customCategoryResults); } return true; } return addResultToList(getCategoryName(iwc, getCaseCategory(caseCategoryId)), results, caseCategoryId, statuses); } } boolean isValidStatus(String caseStatus) { if (ListUtil.isEmpty(getAvailableStatuses())) { return true; } return availableStatuses.contains(caseStatus); } private CaseCategory getTopCategory(CaseCategory category) { CaseCategory parentCategory = category.getParent(); return parentCategory == null ? category : getTopCategory(parentCategory); } String getCategoryName(IWContext iwc, CaseCategory caseCategory) { return caseCategory == null ? getResourceBundle(iwc).getLocalizedString(UNKOWN_CATEGORY_ID, "Unkown category") : caseCategory.getLocalizedCategoryName(iwc.getCurrentLocale()); } CaseCategory getCaseCategory(Object primaryKey) throws RemoteException, FinderException { return getCasesBusiness(IWMainApplication.getDefaultIWApplicationContext()).getCaseCategory(primaryKey); } boolean isCustomCategory(int categoryId) { if (!ListUtil.isEmpty(customCategories) && customCategories.contains(Integer.valueOf(categoryId))) { return true; } if (categoryId < 0) { return false; } CaseCategory category = null; try { category = getCaseCategory(categoryId); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warning("Unable to get category by: " + categoryId); } if (category == null) { return false; } if (namesOfCustomCategories.contains(category.getName())) { if (ListUtil.isEmpty(customCategories)) { customCategories = new ArrayList<Integer>(); } customCategories.add(Integer.valueOf(categoryId)); return true; } return false; } // Cases by user protected class UserHandler extends Handler { public UserHandler(boolean useSubCats, int parentID) { setUseSubCats(useSubCats); setParentID(parentID); } @Override public String getSQL() { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder( "select handler, count(c.comm_case_id) as NO_OF_CASES, p.case_status from comm_case c ").append( "left join comm_case_category cc on c.case_category = cc.comm_case_category_id ") .append("left join proc_case p on p.proc_case_id = c.comm_case_id, ic_user u where c.handler = u.ic_user_id and c.handler is not null ") .append(getCasesIdsCriteria()).append(getStatusesIdsCriteria()); if (getDateFrom() != null) { query.append(getDateFromCriteria(getDateFrom())); } if (getDateTo() != null) { query.append(getDateToCriteria(getDateTo())); } query.append( " group by c.handler, p.case_status, u.display_name order by u.display_name, p.case_status"); System.out.println("UserHandler: " + query.toString()); return query.toString(); } @Override public Collection<Result> getResults(IWContext iwc, ResultSet rs) throws RemoteException, SQLException, FinderException { Collection<Result> results = new ArrayList<Result>(); int previousUserId = -1; Map<String, Integer> statuses = null; while ( { int handlerId = rs.getInt("handler"); int count = rs.getInt("NO_OF_CASES"); String caseStatus = rs.getString("case_status"); if (previousUserId != handlerId) { if (statuses != null) { // Adding results for previous user addResult(iwc, results, previousUserId, statuses); } // New user statuses = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); } statuses.put(caseStatus, count); previousUserId = handlerId; } if (statuses != null) { // Adding results for LAST user addResult(iwc, results, previousUserId, statuses); } return results; } @Override public boolean addResult(IWContext iwc, Collection<Result> results, int userId, Map<String, Integer> statuses) throws RemoteException, FinderException { String resultName = null; if (userId > -1) { User user = getUserBusiness().getUser(userId); resultName = user.getName(); } return addResultToList(resultName, results, userId, statuses); } } // Cases by type protected class CaseTypeHandler extends Handler { public CaseTypeHandler(boolean useSubCats, int parentID) { setUseSubCats(useSubCats); setParentID(parentID); } @Override public String getSQL() { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder( "select c.case_type, count(c.comm_case_id) as NO_OF_CASES, p.case_status from comm_case c ") .append("left join proc_case p on p.proc_case_id = c.comm_case_id where c.case_type = c.case_type ") .append(getCasesIdsCriteria()).append(getStatusesIdsCriteria()); if (getDateFrom() != null) { query.append(getDateFromCriteria(getDateFrom())); } if (getDateTo() != null) { query.append(getDateToCriteria(getDateTo())); } query.append(" group by c.case_type, p.case_status order by case_type"); System.out.println("CaseTypeHandler: " + query.toString()); return query.toString(); } @Override public Collection<Result> getResults(IWContext iwc, ResultSet rs) throws RemoteException, SQLException, FinderException { Collection<Result> results = new ArrayList<Result>(); int prevCaseTypeId = -1; Map<String, Integer> statuses = null; while ( { int caseTypeId = rs.getInt("case_type"); int count = rs.getInt("NO_OF_CASES"); String caseStatus = rs.getString("case_status"); if (prevCaseTypeId != caseTypeId) { if (statuses != null) { // Adding results for previous case type addResult(iwc, results, prevCaseTypeId, statuses); } // New case type statuses = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); } statuses.put(caseStatus, count); prevCaseTypeId = caseTypeId; } if (statuses != null) { // Adding results for LAST case type addResult(iwc, results, prevCaseTypeId, statuses); } return results; } @Override public boolean addResult(IWContext iwc, Collection<Result> results, int caseTypeId, Map<String, Integer> statuses) throws FinderException, RemoteException { String resultName = null; if (caseTypeId > -1) { CaseType type = getCasesBusiness().getCaseType(caseTypeId); resultName = type.getName(); } return addResultToList(resultName, results, caseTypeId, statuses); } } boolean addResultToList(String resultName, Collection<Result> results, int identifier, Map<String, Integer> statuses) { if (identifier < 0 || StringUtil.isEmpty(resultName)) { return false; } results.add(new Result(identifier, resultName, statuses)); return true; } String getDateFromCriteria(IWTimestamp date) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(" and p.created >= '").append(date.toSQLDateString()).append("'"); return builder.toString(); } String getDateToCriteria(IWTimestamp date) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(" and p.created <= '").append(date.toSQLDateString()).append("'"); return builder.toString(); } String getCasesIdsCriteria() { if (ListUtil.isEmpty(cases)) { return CoreConstants.EMPTY; } if (casesCriteria != null) { return casesCriteria; } StringBuilder casesIds = new StringBuilder(); for (Iterator<CasePresentation> casesIter = cases.iterator(); casesIter.hasNext();) { casesIds.append(; if (casesIter.hasNext()) { casesIds.append(CoreConstants.COMMA).append(CoreConstants.SPACE); } } casesCriteria = new StringBuilder(" and c.comm_case_id in (").append(casesIds.toString()).append(") ") .toString(); return casesCriteria; } String getCategoriesIdsCriteria() { if (ListUtil.isEmpty(cases)) { return CoreConstants.EMPTY; } if (categoriesCriteria != null) { return categoriesCriteria; } StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(" and cc.comm_case_category_id "); CaseCategory category = null; CaseCategory topCategory = null; List<String> categoriesToUse = new ArrayList<String>(); for (CasePresentation theCase : cases) { category = null; if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(theCase.getCategoryId())) { try { category = getCaseCategory(theCase.getCategoryId()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (category != null) { topCategory = getTopCategory(category); if (!categoriesToUse.contains(topCategory.getPrimaryKey().toString())) { categoriesToUse.add(topCategory.getPrimaryKey().toString()); } } } if (ListUtil.isEmpty(categoriesToUse)) { query.append("= -1"); // No categories needed!!! } else { query.append("in ("); for (Iterator<String> catIter = categoriesToUse.iterator(); catIter.hasNext();) { query.append(; if (catIter.hasNext()) { query.append(CoreConstants.COMMA).append(CoreConstants.SPACE); } } query.append(")"); } categoriesCriteria = query.toString(); return categoriesCriteria; } private List<String> getAvailableStatuses() { if (ListUtil.isEmpty(cases)) { return null; } if (!ListUtil.isEmpty(availableStatuses)) { return availableStatuses; } String status = null; availableStatuses = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Iterator<CasePresentation> casesIter = cases.iterator(); casesIter.hasNext();) { CaseStatus caseStatus =; status = caseStatus == null ? null : caseStatus.getStatus(); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(status) && !availableStatuses.contains(status)) { availableStatuses.add(status); } } return availableStatuses; } String getStatusesIdsCriteria() { if (ListUtil.isEmpty(cases)) { return CoreConstants.EMPTY; } if (statusesCriteria != null) { return statusesCriteria; } StringBuilder criteria = new StringBuilder(" and p.case_status "); List<String> statusesToUse = getAvailableStatuses(); if (ListUtil.isEmpty(statusesToUse)) { criteria.append("= '-1'"); } else { criteria.append("in ("); for (Iterator<String> statusesIter = statusesToUse.iterator(); statusesIter.hasNext();) { criteria.append(CoreConstants.QOUTE_SINGLE_MARK).append( .append(CoreConstants.QOUTE_SINGLE_MARK); if (statusesIter.hasNext()) { criteria.append(CoreConstants.COMMA).append(CoreConstants.SPACE); } } criteria.append(") "); } statusesCriteria = criteria.toString(); return statusesCriteria; } public Collection<CasePresentation> getCases() { return cases; } public void setCases(Collection<CasePresentation> cases) { this.cases = cases; } public CaseManagersProvider getCaseManagersProvider() { return caseManagersProvider; } public void setCaseManagersProvider(CaseManagersProvider caseManagersProvider) { this.caseManagersProvider = caseManagersProvider; } @Override public String getBundleIdentifier() { return CasesConstants.IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; } public Boolean getUseStatisticsByCaseType() { return useStatisticsByCaseType; } public void setUseStatisticsByCaseType(Boolean useStatisticsByCaseType) { this.useStatisticsByCaseType = useStatisticsByCaseType; } @Override public String getCasesProcessorType() { return null; } @Override public Map<Object, Object> getUserCasesPageMap() { return null; } @Override public boolean showCheckBox() { return false; } @Override public boolean showCheckBoxes() { return false; } public Boolean isShowDateRange() { return showDateRange; } public void setShowDateRange(Boolean showDateRange) { this.showDateRange = showDateRange; } }