Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2014 Gabriel Skantze. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v3.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Gabriel Skantze - initial API and implementation ******************************************************************************/ package iristk.util; import static iristk.util.Converters.*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Target; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import; import com.eclipsesource.json.JsonArray; import com.eclipsesource.json.JsonObject; import com.eclipsesource.json.JsonValue; import com.eclipsesource.json.ParseException; import javafx.util.converter.LocalDateStringConverter; import javafx.util.converter.LocalDateTimeStringConverter; /** * A Record is essentially a map of key-value pairs (much like any java {@link java.util.Map}). However, it supports a convenient way of adding and accessing values deep in the hierarchy by using colon (:) notation. * <p> For example you can add a value like this: {@code myRecord.put("foo:bar", 5)}. If the key "foo" does not already contain a nested Record, it will create one. It will then put the value 5 under the key "bar". * <p> You can also access values like this {@code myRecord.get("foo:bar")}. If it is not possible to traverse "foo" and then "bar" in the nested hierarchy, the method will return null. * <p> There are also convenience functions for getting a value of the right type. For example, {@code myRecord.getInt("foo:bar")} will try to convert the value to an Integer. If this fails the method will return null. * <p> Using kleen stars (*), it is also possible to search the hierarchy using the {@code has()} method. Thus, {@code myRecord.has("*:bar")} will return true. * */ public class Record { private static HashMap<Class<?>, RecordInfo> recordInfo = new HashMap<>(); private final HashMap<String, Object> dynamicFields = new HashMap<String, Object>(); public Record() { synchronized (Record.class) { if (!recordInfo.containsKey(getClass())) { recordInfo.put(getClass(), new RecordInfo(getClass())); } } } private RecordInfo getRecordInfo() { return recordInfo.get(getClass()); } private static class RecordInfo { private final HashMap<String, Field> classFields = new HashMap<>(); private final HashMap<String, Method> getMethodFields = new HashMap<>(); private final HashMap<String, Method> setMethodFields = new HashMap<>(); private final List<String> orderedFields; public RecordInfo(Class<? extends Record> clazz) { final HashMap<String, Integer> order = new HashMap<>(); setupFields(clazz, order); orderedFields = new ArrayList<String>(getMethodFields.keySet()); orderedFields.addAll(classFields.keySet()); Collections.sort(orderedFields, new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(String o1, String o2) { return order.get(o1) - order.get(o2); } }); } private void setupFields(Class<? extends Record> clazz, HashMap<String, Integer> order) { for (Field field : clazz.getDeclaredFields()) { if (field.isAnnotationPresent(RecordField.class)) { field.setAccessible(true); RecordField fieldAnnot = field.getAnnotation(RecordField.class); String name ="DEFAULT") ? field.getName() :; classFields.put(name, field); order.put(name, fieldAnnot.order()); } } for (Method method : clazz.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (method.isAnnotationPresent(RecordField.class)) { method.setAccessible(true); RecordField fieldAnnot = method.getAnnotation(RecordField.class); String name ="DEFAULT") ? method.getName() :; if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 1) { setMethodFields.put(name, method); } else if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 0) { order.put(name, fieldAnnot.order()); getMethodFields.put(name, method); } } } Class s = clazz.getSuperclass(); if (s != null) setupFields(s, order); } } public Record(Map map) { this(); putAll(map); } public Record(Object... init) { this(); if (init.length % 2 == 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can only initialize Record with even number of arguments"); for (int i = 0; i < init.length; i += 2) { put(init[i].toString(), init[i + 1]); } } public Record(Record initRecord, Object... init) { this(); if (init.length % 2 == 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can only initialize Record with even number of arguments"); putAllExceptNull(initRecord); for (int i = 0; i < init.length; i += 2) { put(init[i].toString(), init[i + 1]); } } public void putAllExceptNull(Record record) { for (String field : record.getFields()) { if (record.get(field) != null) { put(field, record.get(field)); } } } public void putAll(Record record) { for (String field : record.getFields()) { put(field, record.get(field)); } } public void putAll(Map map) { for (Object key : map.keySet()) { put(key.toString(), map.get(key)); } } public synchronized Class<?> getFieldClass(String fieldName) { RecordInfo info = getRecordInfo(); if (info.classFields.containsKey(fieldName)) { return info.classFields.get(fieldName).getType(); } if (info.setMethodFields.containsKey(fieldName)) { return info.setMethodFields.get(fieldName).getParameterTypes()[0]; } if (info.getMethodFields.containsKey(fieldName)) { return info.getMethodFields.get(fieldName).getReturnType(); } Object val = dynamicFields.get(fieldName); if (val != null) return val.getClass(); return null; } public static Object get(Object obj, String field) { if (obj == null) { return null; } else if (obj instanceof Record) { return ((Record) obj).get(field); } else if (obj instanceof List) { List list = (List) obj; try { if (field.contains(":")) { int i = field.indexOf(":"); String subf = field.substring(0, i); String rest = field.substring(i + 1); int li = Integer.parseInt(subf); if (li < list.size()) { Object sub = list.get(li); return get(sub, rest); } } else { int li = Integer.parseInt(field); if (li < list.size()) { return list.get(li); } } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } return null; } public synchronized Object get(String field) { if (field == null) return null; //if (field.contains(".")) { // System.err.println("Warning: use of dots when accessing record fields is deprecated: " + field); // field = field.replace(".", ":"); //} if (field.contains(":")) { int i = field.indexOf(":"); String subf = field.substring(0, i); String rest = field.substring(i + 1); Object sub = get(subf); return get(sub, rest); } else { RecordInfo info = getRecordInfo(); Method getMethod = info.getMethodFields.get(field); if (getMethod != null) { try { return getMethod.invoke(this); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Field getField = info.classFields.get(field); if (getField != null) { try { return getField.get(this); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (dynamicFields.containsKey(field)) return dynamicFields.get(field); try { int i = Integer.parseInt(field); if (i < dynamicFields.size()) { return dynamicFields.values().toArray()[i]; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } return null; } } public synchronized void putIfNotNull(String field, Object value) { if (value != null) put(field, value); } public synchronized void put(String field, Object value) { if (field != null) { //if (field.contains(".")) { // System.err.println("Warning: use of dots when accessing record fields is deprecated: " + field); // field = field.replace(".", ":"); //} if (field.contains(":")) { int i = field.indexOf(":"); String fn = field.substring(0, i); String rest = field.substring(i + 1); String[] subFields; if (fn.equals("*")) { subFields = dynamicFields.keySet().toArray(new String[0]); } else { subFields = new String[] { fn }; } for (String f : subFields) { Record subRec = getRecord(f); if (subRec != null) { subRec.put(rest, value); } else { Record record = new Record(); dynamicFields.put(f, record); record.put(rest, value); } } } else if (field.equals("*")) { for (String f : dynamicFields.keySet()) { dynamicFields.put(f, value); } } else { RecordInfo info = getRecordInfo(); Method setMethod = info.setMethodFields.get(field); if (setMethod != null) { try { setMethod.invoke(this, asType(value, setMethod.getParameterTypes()[0])); return; } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Field setField = info.classFields.get(field); if (setField != null) { try { if (setField.getType().equals(java.time.LocalDate.class)) { setField.set(this, new LocalDateStringConverter().fromString((String) value)); } else if (setField.getType().equals(java.time.LocalDateTime.class)) { setField.set(this, new LocalDateTimeStringConverter().fromString((String) value)); } else { setField.set(this, asType(value, setField.getType())); } return; } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } dynamicFields.put(field, value); } } } public synchronized boolean has(String field) { //if (field.contains(".")) { // System.err.println("Warning: use of dots when accessing record fields is deprecated: " + field); // field = field.replace(".", ":"); //} if (field.contains(":")) { int i = field.indexOf(":"); String subField = field.substring(0, i); String rest = field.substring(i + 1); if (subField.equals("*")) { for (String key : getFields()) { Object sub = get(key); if (sub instanceof Record) { if (((Record) sub).has(rest)) return true; } } return false; } else { Object sub = get(subField); if (sub instanceof Record) { return ((Record) sub).has(rest); } else { return false; } } } else { RecordInfo info = getRecordInfo(); return info.getMethodFields.containsKey(field) || info.classFields.containsKey(field) || field.equals("*") || dynamicFields.containsKey(field); } } public Object get(String field, Object def) { Object value = get(field); if (value != null) return value; else return def; } public String getString(String field, String def) { return asString(get(field), def); } public String getString(String field) { return asString(get(field)); } public Float getFloat(String field, Float def) { return asFloat(get(field), def); } public Float getFloat(String field) { return asFloat(get(field)); } public Double getDouble(String field) { return asDouble(get(field)); } public Double getDouble(String field, Double def) { return asDouble(get(field), def); } public Boolean getBoolean(String field, Boolean def) { return asBoolean(get(field), def); } public Boolean getBoolean(String field) { return asBoolean(get(field)); } public Integer getInteger(String field, Integer def) { return asInteger(get(field), def); } public Integer getInteger(String field) { return asInteger(get(field)); } /** * Increments the Integer under @field by @incr and returns the incremented value. If there is not such @field, it is set to @incr. */ public Integer incrInteger(String field, int incr) { int i = getInteger(field, 0) + incr; put(field, i); return i; } /** * Increments the Integer under field by 1 and returns the incremented value. If there is not such @field, it is set to 1. */ public Integer incrInteger(String field) { return incrInteger(field, 1); } public Record getRecord(String field) { return asRecord(get(field)); } public List getList(String field) { return asList(get(field)); } public synchronized List<String> getFieldsOrdered() { List<String> fields = new ArrayList<>(); RecordInfo info = getRecordInfo(); fields.addAll(info.orderedFields); fields.addAll(dynamicFields.keySet()); return fields; } public synchronized Set<String> getFields() { HashSet<String> fields = new HashSet<>(); fields.addAll(dynamicFields.keySet()); RecordInfo info = getRecordInfo(); fields.addAll(info.classFields.keySet()); fields.addAll(info.getMethodFields.keySet()); return fields; } public synchronized Set<String> getPersistentFields() { HashSet<String> fields = new HashSet<>(); fields.addAll(dynamicFields.keySet()); RecordInfo info = getRecordInfo(); fields.addAll(info.classFields.keySet()); for (String f : info.getMethodFields.keySet()) { if (info.setMethodFields.containsKey(f)) fields.add(f); } return fields; } public int size() { return getFields().size(); } public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; } //TODO: should support nested keys public synchronized void remove(String key) { dynamicFields.remove(key); } @Override public String toString() { Map map = toMap(); for (Object key : new ArrayList<String>(map.keySet())) { Object val = map.get(key); if (val instanceof Double || val instanceof Float) { map.put(key, String.format(Locale.US, "%.2f", val)); } if (map.get(key) == null) map.remove(key); } return getClass().getSimpleName() + map.toString(); } public Map toMap() { HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(size()); for (String field : getFields()) { map.put(field, get(field)); } return map; } /* public Map toMapDeep() { HashMap<String,Object> map = new HashMap<String,Object>(size()); for (String field : getFields()) { Object value = get(field); if (value != null && value instanceof Record) value = ((Record)value).toMapDeep(); map.put(field, value); } return map; } */ /** * Converts the Record to a JSONObject * @return JSONObject */ public JsonObject toJSON() { JsonObject json = new JsonObject(); if (this.getClass() != Record.class) { json.add("class", this.getClass().getName()); } for (String key : getPersistentFields()) { Object val = get(key); if (val != null) { if (key.equals("class")) { System.err.println("Warning: fields with the name 'class' are not allowed"); } else if (val instanceof Float) { json.add(key, (Float) val); } else if (val instanceof Double) { json.add(key, (Double) val); } else if (val instanceof Integer) { json.add(key, (Integer) val); } else if (val instanceof Long) { json.add(key, (Long) val); } else if (val instanceof Boolean) { json.add(key, (Boolean) val); } else if (val instanceof String) { json.add(key, (String) val); } else if (val instanceof Record) { json.add(key, ((Record) val).toJSON()); } else if (val instanceof List) { json.add(key, toJsonArray((List) val)); } else if (val instanceof LocalDateTime) { json.add(key, new LocalDateTimeStringConverter().toString((LocalDateTime) val)); } else if (val instanceof LocalDate) { json.add(key, new LocalDateStringConverter().toString((LocalDate) val)); } else { System.err.println("Warning: could not convert " + val.getClass() + " to JSON"); } } } return json; } /** * Saves the record in JSON format to a file. If the file already exists, the content in the file is overwritten with the new record data. * * @param inputJSONfile The file the record data are stored in * @throws IOException */ public void toJSON(File inputJSONfile) throws IOException { //Without the if the method will throw a NullPointer when no parent is directly specified when creating the new file if (inputJSONfile.getParent() != null) { if (!inputJSONfile.getParentFile().exists()) { inputJSONfile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } } OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(inputJSONfile); final PrintStream printStream = new PrintStream(out); printStream.print(toJSON().toString()); printStream.close(); } private static JsonArray toJsonArray(List list) { JsonArray arr = new JsonArray(); for (Object val : list) { if (val instanceof Float) { arr.add((Float) val); } else if (val instanceof Double) { arr.add((Double) val); } else if (val instanceof Integer) { arr.add((Integer) val); } else if (val instanceof Long) { arr.add((Long) val); } else if (val instanceof Boolean) { arr.add((Boolean) val); } else if (val instanceof String) { arr.add((String) val); } else if (val instanceof Record) { arr.add(((Record) val).toJSON()); } else if (val instanceof List) { arr.add(toJsonArray((List) val)); } else if (val instanceof LocalDateTime) { arr.add(new LocalDateTimeStringConverter().toString((LocalDateTime) val)); } else if (val instanceof LocalDate) { arr.add(new LocalDateStringConverter().toString((LocalDate) val)); } else { System.err.println("Warning: could not convert " + val.getClass() + " to JSON"); } } return arr; } public static Record fromJSON(URL resource) throws IOException, JsonToRecordException { return fromJSON(IOUtils.toString(resource.openStream(), "UTF-8")); } /** * Reads a Record from a Properties file. * * @param file JSON file with Record data * @return Record * @throws IOException * @throws JsonToRecordException */ public static Record fromJSON(File file) throws IOException, JsonToRecordException { return fromJSON(Utils.readTextFile(file)); } /** * Converts the JSON compatible String to a Record. * @throws JsonToRecordException */ public static Record fromJSON(String string) throws JsonToRecordException { try { JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject.readFrom(string); return parseJsonObject(jsonObject); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new JsonToRecordException(e.getMessage()); } } public static Object fromJSONValue(String string) throws JsonToRecordException { try { JsonValue json = JsonValue.readFrom(string); return parseJsonValue(json); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new JsonToRecordException(e.getMessage()); } } private static Record parseJsonObject(JsonObject json) throws JsonToRecordException { try { Record record; if (json.get("class") != null) { Constructor<?> constructor = Class.forName(json.get("class").asString()).getDeclaredConstructor(); constructor.setAccessible(true); record = (Record) constructor.newInstance(null); } else { record = new Record(); } for (String name : json.names()) { if (!name.equals("class")) { JsonValue jvalue = json.get(name); record.put(name, parseJsonValue(jvalue)); } } //System.out.println(json + " " + record); return record; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new JsonToRecordException("Class not found: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new JsonToRecordException("Could not create: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new JsonToRecordException("Could not access: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new JsonToRecordException("Illegal argument: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new JsonToRecordException("Invocation problem: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new JsonToRecordException("No such method: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (SecurityException e) { throw new JsonToRecordException("Securiry problem: " + e.getMessage()); } } public static class JsonToRecordException extends IOException { public JsonToRecordException(String message) { super(message); } } private static Object parseJsonValue(JsonValue value) throws JsonToRecordException { if (value.isObject()) { return parseJsonObject(value.asObject()); } else if (value.isNumber()) { try { return value.asInt(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return value.asFloat(); } } else if (value.isBoolean()) { return value.asBoolean(); } else if (value.isArray()) { ArrayList<Object> array = new ArrayList<Object>(); JsonArray ja = value.asArray(); for (int i = 0; i < ja.size(); i++) { array.add(parseJsonValue(ja.get(i))); } return array; } else { return value.asString(); } } public String toStringIndent() { return toStringIndent(0); } protected String toStringIndent(int level) { String result = "{"; int n = 0; for (String key : getFields()) { if (n > 0) { result += "\n" + indent(level + 1); } result += key + ": "; String value = value(get(key), level + 2); if (value.contains("\n")) { result += "\n" + indent(level + 2) + value; } else { result += value; } n++; } result += "}"; return result; } private static String value(Object o, int level) { if (o instanceof List) { return toStringIndent(((List) o), level); } else if (o instanceof Record) { return ((Record) o).toStringIndent(level); } else if (o instanceof Double || o instanceof Float) { float value = asFloat(o); if (Math.abs(value) < 1) return String.format(Locale.US, "%.3f", value); else return String.format(Locale.US, "%.2f", value); } else { return ("" + o).trim(); } } private static String indent(int level) { String result = ""; for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) result += " "; return result; } private static String toStringIndent(List list, int level) { String result = "["; boolean multiline = false; List<String> items = new ArrayList<>(); for (Object item : list) { String value = value(item, level + 1); items.add(value); multiline = multiline || value.contains("\n"); } int n = 0; for (String item : items) { if (n > 0 && multiline) { result += ",\n" + indent(level + 1); } else if (n > 0) { result += ", "; } result += item; n++; } result += "]"; return result; } /* public static void main(String[] args) { Record r = new Record(); r.put("test", 1); r.put("asdaafaf", 2); Record r2 = new Record(); r.put("kfjkf", r2); r2.put("jsjs", 23); r2.put("js", 2324); List l1 = new ArrayList(); r2.put("list", l1); l1.add(new Record("a", "b", "casd", "d")); l1.add(3); System.out.println(r.toStringIndent()); } */ /** * Converts the Record data to properties format. * * @return Properties object with the record data */ public Properties toProperties() { Properties prop = new Properties(); writeProperties(prop, "", this); return prop; } /** * Saves the record in a properties file. If the file already exists, the content in the file is overwritten with the new record data. * * @param file The file the record data are stored in * @throws IOException */ public void toProperties(File file) throws IOException { Properties prop = toProperties(); //Without the if the method will throw a NullPointer when no parent is directly specified when creating the new file if (file.getParent() != null) { if (!file.getParentFile().exists()) { file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } } OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);, ""); out.close(); } private static void writeProperties(Properties prop, String key, Record rec) { for (String field : rec.getFields()) { Object o = rec.get(field); String nkey; if (key.length() > 0) nkey = key + "." + field; else nkey = field; if (o instanceof Record) { writeProperties(prop, nkey, (Record) o); } else { prop.put(nkey, "" + o); } } } /** * Converts an InputStream of a Properties file into a Record object. * * @param inputStream InputStream from properties file with Record data * @return Record */ public static Record fromProperties(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException { Properties prop = new Properties(); prop.load(inputStream); return fromProperties(prop); } /** * Converts a Properties object into a Record object. * @param prop Properties file with Record data * @return Record */ public static Record fromProperties(Properties prop) { Record rec = new Record(); for (Object key : prop.keySet()) { rec.put(key.toString().replace(".", ":"), prop.get(key)); } return rec; } /** * Reads a Record from a Properties file. * * @param file A file with record data in properties format * @return Record * @throws IOException */ public static Record fromProperties(File file) throws IOException { return fromProperties(new FileInputStream(file)); } @Override public Record clone() { try { Constructor<?> constructor = getClass().getDeclaredConstructor(); constructor.setAccessible(true); Record clone = (Record) constructor.newInstance(null); clone.putAll(this); return clone; } catch (InstantiationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SecurityException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public Record deepClone() { try { Constructor<?> constructor = getClass().getDeclaredConstructor(); constructor.setAccessible(true); Record clone = (Record) constructor.newInstance(null); for (String field : this.getFields()) { Object value = get(field); if (value != null) { if (value instanceof Record) clone.put(field, ((Record) value).deepClone()); else clone.put(field, value); } } return clone; } catch (InstantiationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SecurityException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return false; } else if (this == obj) { return true; } else if (obj.getClass() == this.getClass()) { for (String field : getFields()) { Object o1 = get(field); Object o2 = ((Record) obj).get(field); if (o1 == null && o2 == null) { } else if (o1 == null || o2 == null) { return false; } else if (!o1.equals(o2)) { return false; } } return true; } else { return false; } } public void adjoin(Record record) { for (String field : record.getFields()) { Object value = record.get(field); if (value != null) { Object existing = this.get(field); if (existing instanceof List) { ((List) existing).addAll((List) value); } else if (existing instanceof Record && value instanceof Record) { ((Record) existing).adjoin((Record) value); } else { this.put(field, value); } } } } public List getValues() { ArrayList values = new ArrayList(); for (String field : getFields()) { Object value = get(field); if (value != null) values.add(value); } return values; } @Target({ ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD }) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface RecordField { String name() default "DEFAULT"; int order() default Integer.MAX_VALUE; } }