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 * #%L
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 * Copyright (C) 2014
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 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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 * #L%
package io.wcm.handler.richtext.util;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.jdom2.Content;
import org.jdom2.Document;
import org.jdom2.Element;
import org.jdom2.JDOMException;
import org.jdom2.Text;
import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder;
import org.osgi.annotation.versioning.ProviderType;

 * Utility methods for handling XHTML rich text fragments i.e. used for FCKEditor.
public final class RichTextUtil {

    private RichTextUtil() {
        // utility methods only

    private static final int EMPTYTEXT_DEFAULT_TRESHOLD = 20;

    private static final String XHTML_ENTITY_DEF = "<!ENTITY % HTMLlat1 PUBLIC \""
            + XHtmlResource.ENTITIES_LAT1.getPublicId() + "\" " + "\"" + XHtmlResource.ENTITIES_LAT1.getSystemId()
            + "\">" + "%HTMLlat1;" + "<!ENTITY % HTMLsymbol PUBLIC \"" + XHtmlResource.ENTITIES_SYMBOL.getPublicId()
            + "\" " + "\"" + XHtmlResource.ENTITIES_SYMBOL.getSystemId() + "\">" + "%HTMLsymbol;"
            + "<!ENTITY % HTMLspecial PUBLIC \"" + XHtmlResource.ENTITIES_SPECIAL.getPublicId() + "\" " + "\""
            + XHtmlResource.ENTITIES_SPECIAL.getSystemId() + "\">" + "%HTMLspecial;";

     * Check if the given formatted text block is empty.
     * A text block containing only one paragraph element and whitespaces is considered as empty.
     * A text block with more than 20 characters (raw data) is never considered as empty.
     * @param text XHTML text string (root element not needed)
     * @return true if text block is empty
    public static boolean isEmpty(String text) {
        return isEmpty(text, EMPTYTEXT_DEFAULT_TRESHOLD);

     * Check if the given formatted text block is empty.
     * A text block containing only one paragraph element and whitespaces is considered as empty.
     * A text block with more than pTreshold characters (raw data) is never considered as empty.
     * @param text XHTML text string (root element not needed)
     * @param treshold Treshold value - only strings with less than this number of characters are checked.
     * @return true if text block is empty
    public static boolean isEmpty(String text, int treshold) {

        // check if text block is really empty
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(text)) {
            return true;

        // check if text block has more than 20 chars
        if (text.length() > treshold) {
            return false;

        // replace all whitespaces and nbsp's
        String cleanedText = StringUtils.replace(text, " ", "");
        cleanedText = StringUtils.replace(cleanedText, "&#160;", "");
        cleanedText = StringUtils.replace(cleanedText, "&nbsp;", "");
        cleanedText = StringUtils.replace(cleanedText, "\n", "");
        cleanedText = StringUtils.replace(cleanedText, "\r", "");
        return StringUtils.isEmpty(cleanedText) || "<p></p>".equals(cleanedText);

     * Parses XHTML text string, and adds to parsed content to the given parent element.
     * @param parent Parent element to add parsed content to
     * @param text XHTML text string (root element not needed)
     * @throws JDOMException Is thrown if the text could not be parsed as XHTML
    public static void addParsedText(Element parent, String text) throws JDOMException {
        addParsedText(parent, text, false);

     * Parses XHTML text string, and adds to parsed content to the given parent element.
     * @param parent Parent element to add parsed content to
     * @param text XHTML text string (root element not needed)
     * @param xhtmlEntities If set to true, Resolving of XHtml entities in XHtml fragment is supported.
     * @throws JDOMException Is thrown if the text could not be parsed as XHTML
    public static void addParsedText(Element parent, String text, boolean xhtmlEntities) throws JDOMException {
        Element root = parseText(text, xhtmlEntities);

     * Parses XHTML text string. Adds a wrapping "root" element before parsing and returns this root element.
     * @param text XHTML text string (root element not needed)
     * @return Root element with parsed xhtml content
     * @throws JDOMException Is thrown if the text could not be parsed as XHTML
    public static Element parseText(String text) throws JDOMException {
        return parseText(text, false);

     * Parses XHTML text string. Adds a wrapping "root" element before parsing and returns this root element.
     * @param text XHTML text string (root element not needed)
     * @param xhtmlEntities If set to true, Resolving of XHtml entities in XHtml fragment is supported.
     * @return Root element with parsed xhtml content
     * @throws JDOMException Is thrown if the text could not be parsed as XHTML
    public static Element parseText(String text, boolean xhtmlEntities) throws JDOMException {

        // add root element
        String xhtmlString = (xhtmlEntities ? "<!DOCTYPE root [" + XHTML_ENTITY_DEF + "]>" : "") + "<root>" + text
                + "</root>";

        try {
            SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder();

            if (xhtmlEntities) {

            Document doc = StringReader(xhtmlString));
            return doc.getRootElement();
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing XHTML fragment.", ex);


     * Rewrites all children/sub-tree of the given parent element.
     * For rewrite operations the given rewrite content handler is called.
     * @param parent Parent element
     * @param rewriteContentHandler Rewrite content handler
    public static void rewriteContent(Element parent, RewriteContentHandler rewriteContentHandler) {

        // iterate through content list and build new content list
        List<Content> originalContent = parent.getContent();
        List<Content> newContent = new ArrayList<Content>();
        for (Content contentElement : originalContent) {

            // handle element
            if (contentElement instanceof Element) {
                Element element = (Element) contentElement;

                // check if rewrite is needed for element
                List<Content> rewriteContent = rewriteContentHandler.rewriteElement(element);
                if (rewriteContent != null) {
                    // element was removed
                    if (rewriteContent.isEmpty()) {
                        // do not add to newContent

                    // element is the same - rewrite child elements
                    else if (rewriteContent.size() == 1 && rewriteContent.get(0) == element) { //NOPMD
                        rewriteContent(element, rewriteContentHandler);

                    // element was replaced with other content - rewrite and add instead
                    else {
                        for (Content newContentItem : rewriteContent) {
                            if (newContentItem instanceof Element) {
                                Element newElement = (Element) newContentItem;
                                rewriteContent(newElement, rewriteContentHandler);

                // nothing to rewrite - do nothing, but rewrite child element
                else {
                    rewriteContent(element, rewriteContentHandler);


            // handle text node
            else if (contentElement instanceof Text) {
                Text text = (Text) contentElement;

                // check if rewrite is needed for text node
                List<Content> rewriteContent = rewriteContentHandler.rewriteText(text);
                if (rewriteContent != null) {
                    // element was removed
                    if (rewriteContent.isEmpty()) {
                        // do not add to newContent

                    // element is the same - ignore
                    else if (rewriteContent.size() == 1 && rewriteContent.get(0) == text) { //NOPMD
                        // add original element

                    // element was replaced with other content - add instead
                    else {
                        for (Content newContentItem : rewriteContent) {

                // nothing to rewrite - do nothing, but add original text element
                else {


            // unknown element - just add to new content
            else {


        // replace original content with new content

