Java tutorial
/* * #%L * * %% * Copyright (C) 2014 * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ package; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals; import static org.mockito.Mockito.verifyNoMoreInteractions; import; import; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONException; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner; import org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONAssert; import org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONCompareMode; import rx.Observable; @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) public class JsonPipelineMergeTest extends AbstractJsonPipelineTest { public JsonPipelineMergeTest() { super(); } @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void mergeNullTargetPropertyException() { // test throw of IllegalArgumentException by null target property argument JsonPipeline a = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: 123}"); JsonPipeline b = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{b: 456}"); a.merge(b, null); } @Test public void mergedPipelineSuccess() throws JSONException { // test successful merge of one pipeline into the other JsonPipeline a = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: 123}"); JsonPipeline b = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{b: 456}"); JsonPipeline merged = a.merge(b, "c"); assertNotEquals("descriptor has been updated?", a.getDescriptor(), merged.getDescriptor()); assertNotEquals("desriptor not just taken from the other pipeline?", b.getDescriptor(), merged.getDescriptor()); String output = merged.getStringOutput().toBlocking().single(); JSONAssert.assertEquals("{a: 123, c: {b: 456}}", output, JSONCompareMode.STRICT); } @Test public void mergePipelineNoTargetProperty() throws JSONException { // test successful merge of one pipeline into the other *without adding another property* JsonPipeline a = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: 123}"); JsonPipeline b = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{b: 456}"); JsonPipeline merged = a.merge(b); assertNotEquals("descriptor has been updated?", a.getDescriptor(), merged.getDescriptor()); assertNotEquals("desriptor not just taken from the other pipeline?", b.getDescriptor(), merged.getDescriptor()); String output = merged.getStringOutput().toBlocking().single(); JSONAssert.assertEquals("{a: 123, b: 456}", output, JSONCompareMode.STRICT); } @Test public void mergePipelineExtractedNodeIntoTargetProperty() throws JSONException { // test successful merge of one extracted results of pipeline into another pipeline node with specifying of target property JsonPipeline a = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: 123}"); JsonPipeline b = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{b: 456}"); JsonPipeline c = b.extract("b"); JsonPipeline merged = a.merge(c, "next node"); assertNotEquals("descriptor has been updated?", a.getDescriptor(), merged.getDescriptor()); assertNotEquals("desriptor not just taken from the other pipeline?", b.getDescriptor(), merged.getDescriptor()); String output = merged.getStringOutput().toBlocking().single(); JSONAssert.assertEquals("{a: 123, next node: 456}", output, JSONCompareMode.STRICT); } @Test(expected = JsonPipelineOutputException.class) public void mergePipelineExtractedNodeNoTargetProperty() { // test throw of JsonPipelineOutputException by merge of extracted node value into other pipeline node without specifying of target property JsonPipeline a = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: 123}"); JsonPipeline b = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{b: 456}"); JsonPipeline c = b.extract("b"); JsonPipeline merged = a.merge(c); merged.getStringOutput().toBlocking().single(); } @Test public void mergePipelineMissingNodeIntoTargetProperty() throws JSONException { // test successful merge of an extracted missing node into another pipeline node with specifying of target property JsonPipeline a = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: 123}"); JsonPipeline b = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{b: 456}"); JsonPipeline c = b.extract("c"); JsonPipeline merged = a.merge(c, "next node"); assertNotEquals("descriptor has been updated?", a.getDescriptor(), merged.getDescriptor()); assertNotEquals("desriptor not just taken from the other pipeline?", b.getDescriptor(), merged.getDescriptor()); String output = merged.getStringOutput().toBlocking().single(); JSONAssert.assertEquals("{a: 123, next node: null}", output, JSONCompareMode.STRICT); } @Test(expected = JsonPipelineOutputException.class) public void mergePipelineMissingNodeNoTargetProperty() { // test throw of JsonPipelineOutputException by merge of extracted missing node into other pipeline node without specifying of target property JsonPipeline a = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: 123}"); JsonPipeline b = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{b: 456}"); JsonPipeline c = b.extract("c"); JsonPipeline merged = a.merge(c); merged.getStringOutput().toBlocking().single(); } @Test(expected = JsonPipelineOutputException.class) public void mergePipelineEmptyArrayNodeNoTargetProperty() { // test throw of JsonPipelineOutputException by merge of a collected empty array node into other pipeline node without specifying of target property JsonPipeline a = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: 123}"); JsonPipeline b = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{b: 456}"); JsonPipeline c = b.collect("c"); JsonPipeline merged = a.merge(c); merged.getStringOutput().toBlocking().single(); } @Test(expected = JsonPipelineOutputException.class) public void mergePipelineArrayNodeNoTargetProperty() { // test throw of JsonPipelineOutputException by merge of a collected array node into other pipeline node without specifying of target property JsonPipeline a = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: 123}"); JsonPipeline b = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{b: 456}"); JsonPipeline c = b.collect("b"); JsonPipeline merged = a.merge(c); merged.getStringOutput().toBlocking().single(); } @Test public void mergePipelineEmptyArrayNodeIntoTargetProperty() throws JSONException { // test successful merge of a collected empty array node into another pipeline node with specifying of target property JsonPipeline a = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: 123}"); JsonPipeline b = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{b: 456}"); JsonPipeline c = b.collect("c"); JsonPipeline merged = a.merge(c, "arrayNode"); assertNotEquals("descriptor has been updated?", a.getDescriptor(), merged.getDescriptor()); assertNotEquals("desriptor not just taken from the other pipeline?", b.getDescriptor(), merged.getDescriptor()); String output = merged.getStringOutput().toBlocking().single(); JSONAssert.assertEquals("{a: 123, arrayNode: []}", output, JSONCompareMode.STRICT); } @Test public void mergePipelineCollectedArrayNodeIntoTargetProperty() throws JSONException { // test successful merge of a collected array node into another pipeline node with specifying of target property JsonPipeline a = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: 123}"); JsonPipeline b = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{b: 456}"); JsonPipeline c = b.collect("b"); JsonPipeline merged = a.merge(c, "arrayNode"); assertNotEquals("descriptor has been updated?", a.getDescriptor(), merged.getDescriptor()); assertNotEquals("desriptor not just taken from the other pipeline?", b.getDescriptor(), merged.getDescriptor()); String output = merged.getStringOutput().toBlocking().single(); JSONAssert.assertEquals("{a: 123, arrayNode: [456]}", output, JSONCompareMode.STRICT); } @Test public void mergePipelineNotAnObject() { // test failed merge into already existing property JsonPipeline a = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: 123}").collect("a"); JsonPipeline b = a.merge(newPipelineWithResponseBody("{b: 456}")); JsonPipeline c = b.merge(a, "c"); JsonPipelineOutputException exception = new JsonPipelineOutputException( "Target pipeline " + b.getDescriptor() + " already has a property named " + "a"); c.getStringOutput().subscribe(new ExceptionExpectingObserver(exception)); verifyNoMoreInteractions(cacheAdapter); } @Test public void mergePipelineIntoNoObjectNode() { TestJsonPipelineExceptionHandler handler = new TestJsonPipelineExceptionHandler(); // test failed merge into already existing property JsonPipeline a = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: 123}"); JsonPipeline b = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{b: 456}").extract("b").merge(a).handleException(handler); // Check that JSON pipeline could not be merged into another JSON pipeline because another JSON pipeline does not contain ObjectNode JsonPipelineOutputException exception = new JsonPipelineOutputException( "Only pipelines with JSON *Objects* can be used as a target for a merge operation, but response data for GET(//testService/path)+EXTRACT(b) contained IntNode"); b.getStringOutput().subscribe(new ExceptionExpectingObserver(exception)); RuntimeException actualException = handler.getActualException(); verifyNoMoreInteractions(cacheAdapter); assertEquals(exception.toString(), actualException.toString()); } @Test public void mergeNoObjectNodePipelineIntoTargetNode() { TestJsonPipelineExceptionHandler handler = new TestJsonPipelineExceptionHandler(); // test failed merge into already existing property JsonPipeline a = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a : 123}").extract("a"); JsonPipeline b = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{b: {b : 123}}").merge(a, "b").handleException(handler); // Check that JSON pipeline could not be merged into another JSON pipeline target node because it does not contain an Object node JsonPipelineOutputException exception = new JsonPipelineOutputException( "Only pipelines with JSON *Object* responses can be merged into an existing target property"); b.getStringOutput().subscribe(new ExceptionExpectingObserver(exception)); RuntimeException actualException = handler.getActualException(); verifyNoMoreInteractions(cacheAdapter); assertEquals(exception.toString(), actualException.toString()); } @Test public void mergePipelineIntoAlreadyExistingProperty() { TestJsonPipelineExceptionHandler handler = new TestJsonPipelineExceptionHandler(); // test failed merge into already existing property JsonPipeline a = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a : 123}"); JsonPipeline b = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{b: {a : 456}}").merge(a, "b").handleException(handler); // Check that JSON pipeline could not be merged into another JSON pipeline target node because it does not contain an Object node JsonPipelineOutputException exception = new JsonPipelineOutputException( "Target pipeline GET(//testService/path) already has a property named a"); b.getStringOutput().subscribe(new ExceptionExpectingObserver(exception)); RuntimeException actualException = handler.getActualException(); verifyNoMoreInteractions(cacheAdapter); assertEquals(exception.toString(), actualException.toString()); } @Test public void mergePipelineIntoNonObjectChildNode() { TestJsonPipelineExceptionHandler handler = new TestJsonPipelineExceptionHandler(); // test failed merge into already existing property JsonPipeline a = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: 123}"); JsonPipeline b = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{b: 456}").merge(a, "b").handleException(handler); // Check that Json pipeline could not be merged into another Json pipeline because it try no merge ObjectNode into a primitive child node JsonPipelineOutputException exception = new JsonPipelineOutputException( "When merging two pipelines into the same target property, both most contain JSON *Object* responses"); b.getStringOutput().subscribe(new ExceptionExpectingObserver(exception)); RuntimeException actualException = handler.getActualException(); verifyNoMoreInteractions(cacheAdapter); assertEquals(exception.toString(), actualException.toString()); } @Test public void mergedPipelineTransportError1() { // tests that errors from the transport layers are properly handled FileNotFoundException ex = new FileNotFoundException("Failed"); JsonPipeline a = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{a: 123}"); JsonPipeline b = newPipelineWithResponseError(ex); JsonPipeline merged = a.merge(b, "c"); // make sure that only #onError was called, and there wasn't any other interaction with the observer or cache merged.getStringOutput().subscribe(new ExceptionExpectingObserver(ex)); verifyNoMoreInteractions(cacheAdapter); } @Test public void mergedPipelineTransportError2() { // tests that errors from the transport layers are properly handled FileNotFoundException ex = new FileNotFoundException("Failed"); JsonPipeline a = newPipelineWithResponseError(ex); JsonPipeline b = newPipelineWithResponseBody("{b: 456}"); JsonPipeline merged = a.merge(b, "c"); // make sure that only #onError was called, and there wasn't any other interaction with the observer or cache merged.getStringOutput().subscribe(new ExceptionExpectingObserver(ex)); verifyNoMoreInteractions(cacheAdapter); } private static class TestJsonPipelineExceptionHandler implements JsonPipelineExceptionHandler { private RuntimeException actualException; @Override public Observable<JsonPipelineOutput> call(JsonPipelineOutput defaultFallbackContent, RuntimeException caughtException) { actualException = caughtException; throw caughtException; } public RuntimeException getActualException() { return actualException; } }; }