Java tutorial
// // Copyright 2016 Cityzen Data // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // package io.warp10.continuum.geo; import io.warp10.WarpURLEncoder; import io.warp10.continuum.Configuration; import io.warp10.continuum.JettyUtil; import io.warp10.continuum.KafkaOffsetCounters; import io.warp10.continuum.KafkaSynchronizedConsumerPool; import io.warp10.continuum.ThrottlingManager; import io.warp10.continuum.Tokens; import io.warp10.continuum.WarpException; import io.warp10.continuum.KafkaSynchronizedConsumerPool.ConsumerFactory; import io.warp10.continuum.KafkaSynchronizedConsumerPool.Hook; import io.warp10.continuum.egress.ThriftDirectoryClient; import io.warp10.continuum.gts.GTSEncoder; import io.warp10.continuum.gts.GTSHelper; import io.warp10.continuum.sensision.SensisionConstants; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.warp10.continuum.thrift.service.GeoDirectoryService; import io.warp10.crypto.CryptoUtils; import io.warp10.crypto.KeyStore; import io.warp10.crypto.OrderPreservingBase64; import io.warp10.crypto.SipHashInline; import; import io.warp10.script.WarpScriptException; import io.warp10.script.functions.PARSESELECTOR; import io.warp10.sensision.Sensision; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import kafka.consumer.ConsumerIterator; import kafka.consumer.KafkaStream; import kafka.javaapi.producer.Producer; import kafka.message.MessageAndMetadata; import kafka.producer.KeyedMessage; import kafka.producer.ProducerConfig; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ShutdownHookManager; import org.apache.thrift.TDeserializer; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.apache.thrift.TSerializer; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TCompactProtocol; import org.apache.thrift.server.TServer; import org.apache.thrift.server.TThreadPoolServer; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TServerSocket; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TServerTransport; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException; import org.apache.zookeeper.CreateMode; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Connector; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.ServerConnector; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.AbstractHandler; import org.python.jline.internal.InputStreamReader; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.geoxp.GeoXPLib; import com.geoxp.GeoXPLib.GeoXPShape; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This class manages indices of GTS (classid + labelsid) according to recent locations */ public class GeoDirectory extends AbstractHandler implements Runnable, GeoDirectoryService.Iface { public static final String INSTANCE_PAYLOAD_MODULUS = "modulus"; public static final String INSTANCE_PAYLOAD_REMAINDER = "remainder"; public static final String INSTANCE_PAYLOAD_GEODIR = "geodir"; public static final String INSTANCE_PAYLOAD_THRIFT_MAXFRAMELEN = "thrift.maxframelen"; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GeoDirectory.class); public static final String GEODIR_SERVICE = "com.cityzendata.warp.geodir"; private final long[] SIPHASH_KAFKA_SUBS; private final long[] SIPHASH_KAFKA_DATA; private final long[] SIPHASH_FETCH_PSK; private final byte[] AES_KAFKA_SUBS; private final byte[] AES_KAFKA_DATA; private final byte[] AES_ZK_SUBS; private final long KAFKA_OUT_MAXSIZE; /** * Name of GeoDirectory we're serving */ private final String name; /** * Out unique ID */ private final String id; /** * Endpoint for fetching data */ private final String fetchEndpoint; /** * CuratorFramework for storing Plasma subscriptions */ private final CuratorFramework plasmaCurator; /** * CuratorFramework for storing GeoDir subscriptions */ private final CuratorFramework subsCurator; /** * CuratorFramework for registering the Thrift service */ private final CuratorFramework serviceCurator; private final DirectoryClient directoryClient; /** * Map of token to set of selectors. */ private Map<String, Set<String>> selectors = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); /** * Map of token to set of GTS ids */ private Map<String, Set<String>> subscriptions = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); /** * Map of token to billed id */ private Map<String, String> billedId = new HashMap<String, String>(); /** * Modulus to apply to labels ID to decide if we select them or not */ private final long modulus; /** * Remainder of labelsId/modulus that we care for */ private final long remainder; /** * How often to update the subscriptions by reading 'Directory' */ private final long period; /** * When to wakeup next */ private AtomicLong wakeup = new AtomicLong(); /** * Current set of Plasma subscription znodes */ private Set<String> currentPlasmaZnodes = new HashSet<String>(); /** * Current set of Subscription znodes */ private Set<String> currentSubsZnodes = new HashSet<String>(); /** * Maximum size of data for each subscription znode in Plasma */ private final int maxPlasmaZnodeSize; /** * Root znode for Plasma subscriptions */ private final String plasmaZnodeRoot; /** * Root znode for storing subscriptions in ZK */ private final String subsZnodeRoot; /** * Maximum size of data for each GeoDir subscription znode */ private final int maxSubsZnodeSize; /** * Topic for Plasma */ private final String plasmaTopic; /** * Topic for subscriptions */ private final String subsTopic; /** * Flag indicating if selectors have been updated */ private final AtomicBoolean selectorsChanged = new AtomicBoolean(false); private final Producer<byte[], byte[]> subsProducer; private final Producer<byte[], byte[]> plasmaProducer; private final GeoIndex index; /** * Maximum number of cells per shape */ private final int maxcells; /** * Current list of pending Kafka messages */ private final List<KeyedMessage<byte[], byte[]>> msglist = new ArrayList<KeyedMessage<byte[], byte[]>>(); /** * Current size of pending message list */ private final AtomicLong msgsize = new AtomicLong(); private static final String[] REQUIRED_PROPERTIES = new String[] { Configuration.GEODIR_HTTP_HOST, Configuration.GEODIR_HTTP_PORT, Configuration.GEODIR_ACCEPTORS, Configuration.GEODIR_SELECTORS, Configuration.GEODIR_IDLE_TIMEOUT, Configuration.GEODIR_THRIFT_HOST, Configuration.GEODIR_THRIFT_PORT, Configuration.GEODIR_THRIFT_MAXTHREADS, Configuration.GEODIR_THRIFT_MAXFRAMELEN, Configuration.GEODIR_NAME, Configuration.GEODIR_ID, Configuration.GEODIR_CHUNK_DEPTH, Configuration.GEODIR_CHUNK_COUNT, Configuration.GEODIR_MODULUS, Configuration.GEODIR_REMAINDER, Configuration.GEODIR_PERIOD, Configuration.GEODIR_RESOLUTION, Configuration.GEODIR_MAXCELLS, Configuration.GEODIR_ZK_SUBS_QUORUM, Configuration.GEODIR_ZK_SUBS_ZNODE, Configuration.GEODIR_ZK_SUBS_MAXZNODESIZE, Configuration.GEODIR_ZK_SUBS_AES, Configuration.GEODIR_ZK_DIRECTORY_QUORUM, Configuration.GEODIR_ZK_DIRECTORY_ZNODE, Configuration.GEODIR_DIRECTORY_PSK, Configuration.GEODIR_FETCH_PSK, Configuration.GEODIR_FETCH_ENDPOINT, Configuration.GEODIR_ZK_SERVICE_QUORUM, Configuration.GEODIR_ZK_SERVICE_ZNODE, Configuration.GEODIR_ZK_PLASMA_QUORUM, Configuration.GEODIR_ZK_PLASMA_ZNODE, Configuration.GEODIR_ZK_PLASMA_MAXZNODESIZE, Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_SUBS_ZKCONNECT, Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_SUBS_BROKERLIST, Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_SUBS_TOPIC, Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_SUBS_GROUPID, Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_SUBS_NTHREADS, Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_SUBS_COMMITPERIOD, //Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_SUBS_MAC, Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_SUBS_AES, Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_DATA_ZKCONNECT, Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_DATA_BROKERLIST, Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_DATA_TOPIC, Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_DATA_GROUPID, Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_DATA_NTHREADS, Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_DATA_COMMITPERIOD, Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_DATA_MAXSIZE, //Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_DATA_MAC, //Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_DATA_AES, }; public GeoDirectory(KeyStore keystore, Properties properties) { // // Check required properties // for (String required : REQUIRED_PROPERTIES) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(properties.getProperty(required), "Missing configuration parameter '%s'.", required); } this.maxPlasmaZnodeSize = Integer .parseInt(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_ZK_PLASMA_MAXZNODESIZE, "65536")); this.plasmaZnodeRoot = properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_ZK_PLASMA_ZNODE); this.plasmaTopic = properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_DATA_TOPIC); this.maxSubsZnodeSize = Integer .parseInt(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_ZK_SUBS_MAXZNODESIZE, "65536")); this.subsZnodeRoot = properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_ZK_SUBS_ZNODE); this.subsTopic = properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_SUBS_TOPIC); = properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_NAME); = properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_ID); this.modulus = Long.parseLong(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_MODULUS)); this.remainder = Long.parseLong(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_REMAINDER)); this.period = Long.parseLong(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_PERIOD)); this.maxcells = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_MAXCELLS)); this.fetchEndpoint = properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_FETCH_ENDPOINT); this.KAFKA_OUT_MAXSIZE = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_DATA_MAXSIZE)); // // Create actual index // long depth = Long.parseLong(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_CHUNK_DEPTH)); int chunks = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_CHUNK_COUNT)); final int resolution = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_RESOLUTION)); this.index = new GeoIndex(resolution, chunks, depth); final String dumpPrefix = properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_DUMP_PREFIX); final GeoDirectory self = this; if (null != dumpPrefix) { File path = new File(dumpPrefix + "." +; try { this.index.loadLKPIndex(path); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.error("Error while loading LKP '" + + "' from " + path, ioe); } Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { @Override public void run() { File path = new File(dumpPrefix + "." +; try { self.index.dumpLKPIndex(path); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.error("Error while dumping LKP '" + + "' into " + path); } } }); // // Make sure ShutdownHookManager is initialized, otherwise it will try to // register a shutdown hook during the shutdown hook we just registered... // ShutdownHookManager.get(); } // // Create the outbound Kafka producer for subscriptions // Properties subsProps = new Properties(); // @see subsProps.setProperty("zookeeper.connect", properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_SUBS_ZKCONNECT)); subsProps.setProperty("", properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_SUBS_BROKERLIST)); if (null != properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_SUBS_PRODUCER_CLIENTID)) { subsProps.setProperty("", properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_SUBS_PRODUCER_CLIENTID)); } subsProps.setProperty("request.required.acks", "-1"); subsProps.setProperty("producer.type", "sync"); subsProps.setProperty("serializer.class", "kafka.serializer.DefaultEncoder"); // We use the default partitioner //dataProps.setProperty("partitioner.class", ...); ProducerConfig subsConfig = new ProducerConfig(subsProps); this.subsProducer = new Producer<byte[], byte[]>(subsConfig); // // Create the outbound Kafka producer for data // Properties plasmaProps = new Properties(); // @see plasmaProps.setProperty("zookeeper.connect", properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_DATA_ZKCONNECT)); plasmaProps.setProperty("", properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_DATA_BROKERLIST)); if (null != properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_DATA_PRODUCER_CLIENTID)) { plasmaProps.setProperty("", properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_DATA_PRODUCER_CLIENTID)); } plasmaProps.setProperty("request.required.acks", "-1"); plasmaProps.setProperty("producer.type", "sync"); plasmaProps.setProperty("request.required.acks", "-1"); plasmaProps.setProperty("producer.type", "sync"); plasmaProps.setProperty("serializer.class", "kafka.serializer.DefaultEncoder"); plasmaProps.setProperty("partitioner.class", io.warp10.continuum.KafkaPartitioner.class.getName()); ProducerConfig plasmaConfig = new ProducerConfig(plasmaProps); this.plasmaProducer = new Producer<byte[], byte[]>(plasmaConfig); // // Extract keys // this.AES_KAFKA_SUBS = keystore.decodeKey(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_SUBS_AES)); this.AES_KAFKA_DATA = keystore.decodeKey(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_DATA_AES)); this.AES_ZK_SUBS = keystore.decodeKey(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_ZK_SUBS_AES)); this.SIPHASH_KAFKA_SUBS = SipHashInline .getKey(keystore.decodeKey(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_SUBS_MAC))); this.SIPHASH_KAFKA_DATA = SipHashInline .getKey(keystore.decodeKey(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_DATA_MAC))); this.SIPHASH_FETCH_PSK = SipHashInline .getKey(keystore.decodeKey(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_FETCH_PSK))); keystore.setKey(KeyStore.SIPHASH_DIRECTORY_PSK, keystore.decodeKey(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_DIRECTORY_PSK))); // // Forget master key if it was set // keystore.forget(); // // Start the various curator frameworks // this.plasmaCurator = CuratorFrameworkFactory.builder().connectionTimeoutMs(1000) .retryPolicy(new RetryNTimes(10, 500)) .connectString(properties.getProperty(io.warp10.continuum.Configuration.GEODIR_ZK_PLASMA_QUORUM)) .build(); plasmaCurator.start(); this.subsCurator = CuratorFrameworkFactory.builder().connectionTimeoutMs(1000) .retryPolicy(new RetryNTimes(10, 500)) .connectString(properties.getProperty(io.warp10.continuum.Configuration.GEODIR_ZK_SUBS_QUORUM)) .build(); this.subsCurator.start(); this.serviceCurator = CuratorFrameworkFactory.builder().connectionTimeoutMs(1000) .retryPolicy(new RetryNTimes(10, 500)) .connectString(properties.getProperty(io.warp10.continuum.Configuration.GEODIR_ZK_SERVICE_QUORUM)) .build(); this.serviceCurator.start(); // // Create ThreadDirectoryClient // try { // // Copy configuration from GeoDir to Directory. // We can do that as we were passed a clone of 'properties' // properties.setProperty(Configuration.DIRECTORY_PSK, properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_DIRECTORY_PSK)); properties.setProperty(Configuration.DIRECTORY_ZK_ZNODE, properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_ZK_DIRECTORY_ZNODE)); this.directoryClient = new ThriftDirectoryClient(keystore, properties); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to start GeoDirectory", e); } // // Load the known subscriptions for this GeoDir // zkLoad(); // // Initialize Kafka Consumer Pools // // // GeoDir subscriptions // ConsumerFactory subsConsumerFactory = new SubsConsumerFactory(this); KafkaSynchronizedConsumerPool pool = new KafkaSynchronizedConsumerPool( properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_SUBS_ZKCONNECT), properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_SUBS_TOPIC), properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_SUBS_CONSUMER_CLIENTID), properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_SUBS_GROUPID), properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_SUBS_CONSUMER_PARTITION_ASSIGNMENT_STRATEGY), Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_SUBS_NTHREADS)), Long.parseLong(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_SUBS_COMMITPERIOD)), subsConsumerFactory); pool.setAbortHook(new Hook() { @Override public void call() { Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_GEODIR_SUBS_ABORTS, Sensision.EMPTY_LABELS, 1); } }); pool.setPreCommitOffsetHook(new Hook() { @Override public void call() { // // Store updated selectors to ZooKeeper // zkStore(); } }); pool.setCommitOffsetHook(new Hook() { @Override public void call() { Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_GEODIR_SUBS_KAFKA_COMMITS, Sensision.EMPTY_LABELS, 1); } }); pool.setSyncHook(new Hook() { @Override public void call() { Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_GEODIR_SUBS_SYNCS, Sensision.EMPTY_LABELS, 1); } }); // // Plasma data feed // ConsumerFactory dataConsumerFactory = new DataConsumerFactory(this); KafkaSynchronizedConsumerPool datapool = new KafkaSynchronizedConsumerPool( properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_DATA_ZKCONNECT), properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_DATA_TOPIC), properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_DATA_CONSUMER_CLIENTID), properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_DATA_GROUPID), properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_DATA_CONSUMER_PARTITION_ASSIGNMENT_STRATEGY), Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_DATA_NTHREADS)), Long.parseLong(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_KAFKA_DATA_COMMITPERIOD)), subsConsumerFactory); pool.setAbortHook(new Hook() { @Override public void call() { Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_GEODIR_DATA_ABORTS, Sensision.EMPTY_LABELS, 1); } }); pool.setCommitOffsetHook(new Hook() { @Override public void call() { Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_GEODIR_DATA_KAFKA_COMMITS, Sensision.EMPTY_LABELS, 1); } }); pool.setSyncHook(new Hook() { @Override public void call() { Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_GEODIR_DATA_SYNCS, Sensision.EMPTY_LABELS, 1); } }); // // Start Thread, this will trigger an initial subscription update // Thread t = new Thread(this); t.setDaemon(true); t.setName("Warp GeoDirectory"); t.start(); startThrift(properties); // // Start Jetty server // Server server = new Server(); ServerConnector connector = new ServerConnector(server, Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_ACCEPTORS)), Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_SELECTORS))); connector.setIdleTimeout(Long.parseLong(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_IDLE_TIMEOUT))); connector.setPort(Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_HTTP_PORT))); connector.setHost(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_HTTP_HOST)); connector.setName("Warp GeoDir"); server.setConnectors(new Connector[] { connector }); server.setHandler(this); JettyUtil.setSendServerVersion(server, false); try { server.start(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } // // Start Thrift Server // // // Register service in ZK // } private void startThrift(Properties properties) { // // Start the Thrift Service // GeoDirectoryService.Processor processor = new GeoDirectoryService.Processor(this); ServiceInstance<Map> instance = null; ServiceDiscovery<Map> sd = ServiceDiscoveryBuilder.builder(Map.class) .basePath(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_ZK_SERVICE_ZNODE)).client(this.serviceCurator) .build(); try { int port = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_THRIFT_PORT)); String host = properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_THRIFT_HOST); InetSocketAddress bindAddress = new InetSocketAddress(host, port); TServerTransport transport = new TServerSocket(bindAddress); TThreadPoolServer.Args args = new TThreadPoolServer.Args(transport); args.processor(processor); int maxThreads = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_THRIFT_MAXTHREADS)); int maxThriftFrameLength = Integer .parseInt(properties.getProperty(Configuration.GEODIR_THRIFT_MAXFRAMELEN)); args.maxWorkerThreads(maxThreads); args.minWorkerThreads(Math.max(1, maxThreads >> 2)); if (0 != maxThriftFrameLength) { args.inputTransportFactory(new io.warp10.thrift.TFramedTransport.Factory(maxThriftFrameLength)); args.outputTransportFactory(new io.warp10.thrift.TFramedTransport.Factory(maxThriftFrameLength)); } else { args.inputTransportFactory(new io.warp10.thrift.TFramedTransport.Factory()); args.outputTransportFactory(new io.warp10.thrift.TFramedTransport.Factory()); } args.inputProtocolFactory(new TCompactProtocol.Factory()); args.outputProtocolFactory(new TCompactProtocol.Factory()); TServer server = new TThreadPoolServer(args); ServiceInstanceBuilder<Map> builder = ServiceInstance.builder(); builder.port(((TServerSocket) transport).getServerSocket().getLocalPort()); builder.address(((TServerSocket) transport).getServerSocket().getInetAddress().getHostAddress());;; builder.serviceType(ServiceType.DYNAMIC); Map<String, String> payload = new HashMap<String, String>(); payload.put(INSTANCE_PAYLOAD_MODULUS, Long.toString(this.modulus)); payload.put(INSTANCE_PAYLOAD_REMAINDER, Long.toString(this.remainder)); payload.put("thrift.protocol", "org.apache.thrift.protocol.TCompactProtocol"); payload.put("thrift.transport", "org.apache.thrift.transport.TFramedTransport"); if (0 != maxThriftFrameLength) { payload.put(INSTANCE_PAYLOAD_THRIFT_MAXFRAMELEN, Integer.toString(maxThriftFrameLength)); } payload.put(INSTANCE_PAYLOAD_GEODIR,; builder.payload(payload); instance =; sd.start(); sd.registerService(instance); server.serve(); } catch (TTransportException tte) { LOG.error("Thrift transport error", tte); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Caught exception while starting Thrift service", e); } finally { if (null != instance) { try { sd.unregisterService(instance); } catch (Exception e) { } } } } /** * Add content of an encoder to our index, checking for */ private void index(GTSEncoder encoder) { // // Determine the set of 'tokens' for which we should index 'encoder' // Set<String> billed = new HashSet<String>(); String id = GTSHelper.gtsIdToString(encoder.getClassId(), encoder.getLabelsId()); for (Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : this.subscriptions.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().contains(id)) { // // Check Throttling // String producer = billedId.get(entry.getKey()); try { ThrottlingManager.checkDDP(null, producer, null, null, (int) encoder.getCount(), 0L); // We can add 'token' since throttling did not trigger billed.add(producer); } catch (WarpException we) { // Ignore exception } } } // // Do nothing if we don't need to index 'encoder' // if (billed.isEmpty()) { return; } long indexed = this.index.index(encoder); // // Now bill the various tokens // Map<String, String> labels = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String consumer : billed) { if (null == consumer) { continue; } labels.clear(); labels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_CONSUMERID, consumer); labels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_GEODIR,; Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_GEODIR_INDEXED_PERCONSUMER, labels, indexed); } labels.clear(); labels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_GEODIR,; Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_GEODIR_INDEXED, labels, indexed); } @Override public void handle(String target, Request baseRequest, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { if (Constants.API_ENDPOINT_CHECK.equals(target)) { baseRequest.setHandled(true); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); return; } // // Only support GEO endpoint calls for our GeoDirectory // if (!target.startsWith(Constants.API_ENDPOINT_GEO + "/" + + "/")) { return; } if ((Constants.API_ENDPOINT_GEO + "/" + + Constants.API_ENDPOINT_GEO_LIST).equals(target)) { doList(baseRequest, request, response); } else if ((Constants.API_ENDPOINT_GEO + "/" + + Constants.API_ENDPOINT_GEO_ADD).equals(target)) { doAdd(baseRequest, request, response); } else if ((Constants.API_ENDPOINT_GEO + "/" + + Constants.API_ENDPOINT_GEO_REMOVE) .equals(target)) { doRemove(baseRequest, request, response); } else if ((Constants.API_ENDPOINT_GEO + "/" + + Constants.API_ENDPOINT_GEO_INDEX) .equals(target)) { doIndex(baseRequest, request, response); } } private void doList(Request baseRequest, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { baseRequest.setHandled(true); String token = request.getParameter(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_TOKEN); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); response.setContentType("text/plain"); PrintWriter pw = response.getWriter(); Set<String> selectors = this.selectors.get(token); if (null == selectors) { throw new IOException("Unknown token."); } for (String selector : selectors) { pw.print("SELECTOR "); pw.println(selector); } pw.print("SUBSCRIPTIONS "); pw.println(this.subscriptions.containsKey(token) ? this.subscriptions.get(token).size() : 0); } private void doAdd(Request baseRequest, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { doAddRemove(true, baseRequest, request, response); } private void doRemove(Request baseRequest, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { doAddRemove(false, baseRequest, request, response); } private void doAddRemove(boolean add, Request baseRequest, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { baseRequest.setHandled(true); // // Extract parameters // String token = request.getParameter(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_TOKEN); String[] selectors = request.getParameterValues(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_SELECTOR); if (null == token || null == selectors) { throw new IOException("Missing '" + Constants.HTTP_PARAM_TOKEN + "' or '" + Constants.HTTP_PARAM_SELECTOR + "' parameter."); } // // Validate the token // try { ReadToken rt = Tokens.extractReadToken(token); } catch (WarpScriptException ee) { throw new IOException(ee); } // // Create subscription message // GeoDirectorySubscriptions sub = new GeoDirectorySubscriptions(); sub.setTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); sub.setRemoval(!add); sub.putToSubscriptions(token, new HashSet<String>()); for (String selector : selectors) { sub.getSubscriptions().get(token).add(selector); } TSerializer serializer = new TSerializer(new TCompactProtocol.Factory()); byte[] data = null; try { data = serializer.serialize(sub); } catch (TException te) { throw new IOException("Unable to forward subscription request."); } // // Encrypt // if (null != AES_KAFKA_SUBS) { data = CryptoUtils.wrap(AES_KAFKA_SUBS, data); } // // Add MAC // if (null != SIPHASH_KAFKA_SUBS) { data = CryptoUtils.addMAC(SIPHASH_KAFKA_SUBS, data); } // // Send the message to Kafka // KeyedMessage<byte[], byte[]> message = new KeyedMessage<byte[], byte[]>(this.subsTopic, data); this.subsProducer.send(message); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); } /** * Force indexing of some data by fetching them and forwarding them onto the data topic * This enables someone with a ReadToken to re-index historical data */ private void doIndex(Request baseRequest, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { baseRequest.setHandled(true); // // Extract parameters // String token = request.getParameter(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_TOKEN); String[] selectors = request.getParameterValues(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_SELECTOR); if (null == selectors) { throw new IOException("Missing selector."); } if (selectors.length != 1) { throw new IOException("Can only specify a single selector per request."); } if (null == token) { throw new IOException("Missing token."); } // // A token can only be used if it has subscribed to GTS in this index // if (!this.subscriptions.containsKey(token)) { throw new IOException("The provided token does not have any current subscriptions in this index."); } // // INFO(hbs): this will trigger billing for every one subscribing to GTS in this index, we consider this a marginal case // // // TODO(hbs): Issue a signed fetch request which will retrieve GTSWrappers (to be implemented in Fetch) // URL url = new URL(this.fetchEndpoint); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setDoOutput(false); conn.setDoInput(true); conn.setChunkedStreamingMode(8192); conn.setRequestMethod("POST"); conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(Long.toHexString(now)); sb.append(":"); byte[] content = (Long.toString(now) + ":" + token).getBytes(Charsets.ISO_8859_1); long hash = SipHashInline.hash24(this.SIPHASH_FETCH_PSK[0], this.SIPHASH_FETCH_PSK[1], content, 0, content.length); sb.append(Long.toHexString(hash)); conn.setRequestProperty(Constants.getHeader(Configuration.HTTP_HEADER_FETCH_SIGNATURE), sb.toString()); // // Build query string // // token // selector // format=wrapper // now + timespan // or start/stop // sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(WarpURLEncoder.encode(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_TOKEN, "UTF-8")); sb.append("="); sb.append(WarpURLEncoder.encode(token, "UTF-8")); sb.append("&"); sb.append(WarpURLEncoder.encode(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_SELECTOR, "UTF-8")); sb.append("="); sb.append(WarpURLEncoder.encode(selectors[0], "UTF-8")); sb.append("&"); sb.append(WarpURLEncoder.encode(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_FORMAT, "UTF-8")); sb.append("="); sb.append(WarpURLEncoder.encode("wrapper", "UTF-8")); if (null != request.getParameter(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_NOW) && null != request.getParameter(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_TIMESPAN)) { sb.append("&"); sb.append(WarpURLEncoder.encode(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_NOW, "UTF-8")); sb.append("="); sb.append(WarpURLEncoder.encode(request.getParameter(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_NOW), "UTF-8")); sb.append("&"); sb.append(WarpURLEncoder.encode(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_TIMESPAN, "UTF-8")); sb.append("="); sb.append(WarpURLEncoder.encode(request.getParameter(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_TIMESPAN), "UTF-8")); } else if (null != request.getParameter(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_START) && null != request.getParameter(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_STOP)) { sb.append("&"); sb.append(WarpURLEncoder.encode(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_START, "UTF-8")); sb.append("="); sb.append(WarpURLEncoder.encode(request.getParameter(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_START), "UTF-8")); sb.append("&"); sb.append(WarpURLEncoder.encode(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_STOP, "UTF-8")); sb.append("="); sb.append(WarpURLEncoder.encode(request.getParameter(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_STOP), "UTF-8")); } else { throw new IOException( "Missing parameters " + Constants.HTTP_PARAM_START + "/" + Constants.HTTP_PARAM_STOP + " or " + Constants.HTTP_PARAM_NOW + "/" + Constants.HTTP_PARAM_TIMESPAN); } byte[] postDataBytes = sb.toString().getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8); conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", Long.toString(postDataBytes.length)); conn.getOutputStream().write(postDataBytes); InputStream in = conn.getInputStream(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); TDeserializer deserializer = new TDeserializer(new TCompactProtocol.Factory()); long total = 0L; while (true) { String line = br.readLine(); if (null == line) { break; } // // Extract MAC // byte[] data = line.getBytes(Charsets.US_ASCII); long mac = Longs.fromByteArray(Hex.decode(new String(data, 0, 16, Charsets.US_ASCII))); // // Extract content and decode it // data = OrderPreservingBase64.decode(data, 16, data.length - 16); // // Compute hash // hash = SipHashInline.hash24(this.SIPHASH_FETCH_PSK[0], this.SIPHASH_FETCH_PSK[1], data, 0, data.length); // // Ignore invalid GTSWrapper // if (hash != mac) { Map<String, String> labels = new HashMap<String, String>(); labels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_GEODIR,; Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_GEODIR_FETCH_INVALIDMACS, labels, 1); continue; } // // Extract GTSWrapper // GTSWrapper wrapper = new GTSWrapper(); try { deserializer.deserialize(wrapper, Arrays.copyOfRange(data, 16, data.length)); total += wrapper.getCount(); } catch (TException te) { Map<String, String> labels = new HashMap<String, String>(); labels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_GEODIR,; Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_GEODIR_FETCH_FAILEDDESER, labels, 1); continue; } // // Check encoder base // if (0L != wrapper.getBase()) { Map<String, String> labels = new HashMap<String, String>(); labels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_GEODIR,; Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_GEODIR_FETCH_INVALIDBASE, labels, 1); continue; } // // Now push the encoder to Kafka // pushData(wrapper); } br.close(); conn.disconnect(); // // Flush Kafka // pushData(null); response.setContentType("text/plain"); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); response.getWriter().println(total); } private void pushData(GTSWrapper wrapper) { KafkaDataMessage msg = new KafkaDataMessage(); msg.setClassId(wrapper.getMetadata().getClassId()); msg.setLabelsId(wrapper.getMetadata().getLabelsId()); msg.setData(wrapper.bufferForEncoded()); msg.setType(KafkaDataMessageType.STORE); TSerializer serializer = new TSerializer(new TCompactProtocol.Factory()); byte[] value = null; try { value = serializer.serialize(msg); } catch (TException te) { // Ignore the error return; } // // Encrypt value if the AES key is defined // if (null != this.AES_KAFKA_DATA) { value = CryptoUtils.wrap(this.AES_KAFKA_DATA, value); } // // Compute MAC if the SipHash key is defined // if (null != this.SIPHASH_KAFKA_DATA) { value = CryptoUtils.addMAC(this.SIPHASH_KAFKA_DATA, value); ; } byte[] key = null; KeyedMessage<byte[], byte[]> outmsg = new KeyedMessage<byte[], byte[]>(this.plasmaTopic, key, value); send(outmsg); } private void send(KeyedMessage<byte[], byte[]> outmsg) { long thismsg = 0L; if (null != outmsg) { thismsg = outmsg.key().length + outmsg.message().length; } // FIXME(hbs): we check if the size would outgrow the maximum, if so we flush the message before. // in Ingress we add the message first, which could lead to a msg too big for Kafka, we will need // to fix Ingress at some point. synchronized (msglist) { if (msglist.size() > 0 && (null == outmsg || msgsize.get() + thismsg > KAFKA_OUT_MAXSIZE)) { this.plasmaProducer.send(msglist); Map<String, String> labels = new HashMap<String, String>(); labels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_GEODIR,; Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_GEODIR_DATA_KAFKA_OUT_SENT, labels, 1); msglist.clear(); msgsize.set(0L); } if (null != outmsg) { msglist.add(outmsg); msgsize.addAndGet(thismsg); Map<String, String> labels = new HashMap<String, String>(); labels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_GEODIR,; Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_GEODIR_DATA_KAFKA_OUT_MESSAGES, labels, 1); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_GEODIR_DATA_KAFKA_OUT_BYTES, labels, thismsg); } } } private void updateSubscriptions(String token) { // // Retrieve the Metadata from Directory // Set<String> tokens = new HashSet<String>(); if (null == token) { tokens.addAll(this.selectors.keySet()); } else { tokens.add(token); } for (String t : tokens) { Set<String> ids = new HashSet<String>(); ReadToken rtoken = null; try { rtoken = Tokens.extractReadToken(t); } catch (WarpScriptException ee) { // FIXME(hbs): we should continue; } Map<String, String> tokenLabelSelectors = Tokens.labelSelectorsFromReadToken(rtoken); Set<String> sel = new HashSet<String>(); sel.addAll(this.selectors.get(t)); for (String selector : sel) { // // Parse selector // String classSelector = null; Map<String, String> labelSelectors = null; try { Object[] result = PARSESELECTOR.parse(sel.toString()); classSelector = (String) result[0]; labelSelectors = (Map<String, String>) result[1]; } catch (WarpScriptException ee) { } if (null == classSelector || null == labelSelectors) { // // Remove selector from set as it is bogus // this.selectors.get(t).remove(sel); continue; } // // Add labels from token // labelSelectors.putAll(tokenLabelSelectors); List<String> classSel = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Map<String, String>> labelsSel = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(); classSel.add(classSelector); labelsSel.add(labelSelectors); Iterator<Metadata> iter = null; try { iter = directoryClient.iterator(classSel, labelsSel); // // Compute the GTS Id for each GTS // while (iter.hasNext()) { Metadata metadata =; long labelsid = metadata.getLabelsId(); // Ignore GTS if remainder is not the one we expect if (labelsid % this.modulus != this.remainder) { continue; } String gtsid = GTSHelper.gtsIdToString(metadata.getClassId(), metadata.getLabelsId()); ids.add(gtsid); } } catch (IOException ioe) { // Ignore error continue; } finally { if (null != iter && iter instanceof MetadataIterator) { try { ((MetadataIterator) iter).close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } } // // Store ids for token 't' // this.subscriptions.put(t, ids); } // // Store subscriptions in ZK // zkStore(); // // Store Plasma subscription // plasmaStore(); // // Update alarm // this.wakeup.set(System.currentTimeMillis() + this.period); } /** * Store the subscription so Plasma BackEnds can send us data * This code is almost verbatim that of */ private void plasmaStore() { // Extract current subscriptions Set<BigInteger> subs = new HashSet<BigInteger>(); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(subscriptions.size() * 16); for (Set<String> s : subscriptions.values()) { for (String ss : s) { try { baos.write(GTSHelper.unpackGTSId(ss)); } catch (IOException ioe) { } } } // Delete current znodes for (String znode : currentPlasmaZnodes) { try { this.subsCurator.delete().guaranteed().forPath(znode); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error while deleting subscription znodes", e); } } currentPlasmaZnodes.clear(); // Store new ones // Retrieve bytes byte[] bytes = baos.toByteArray(); // // We now create znodes, limiting the size of each one to maxZnodeSize // int idx = 0; while (idx < bytes.length) { int chunksize = Math.min(this.maxPlasmaZnodeSize, bytes.length - idx); // Ensure chunksize is a multiple of 16 chunksize = chunksize - (chunksize % 16); byte[] data = new byte[chunksize]; System.arraycopy(bytes, idx, data, 0, data.length); UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); long sip = SipHashInline.hash24(uuid.getMostSignificantBits(), uuid.getLeastSignificantBits(), data, 0, data.length); String path = this.plasmaZnodeRoot + "/0." + uuid.toString() + "." + this.plasmaTopic + "." + idx + "." + Long.toHexString(sip); try { this.subsCurator.create().withMode(CreateMode.EPHEMERAL).forPath(path, data); currentPlasmaZnodes.add(path); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error while creating ZK subscription znode " + path, e); } idx += data.length; } // // To notify the backend, update the subscription's zone data // byte[] randomData = (this.plasmaTopic + "." + System.currentTimeMillis()).getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8); try { this.subsCurator.setData().forPath(this.plasmaZnodeRoot, randomData); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error while storing data for " + this.plasmaZnodeRoot, e); } } /** * Store subscriptions in ZooKeeper so the other nodes * serving this GeoDirectory can pick them up when they * start. */ private void zkStore() { // // We only store something if there is a change // boolean hasChanged = this.selectorsChanged.getAndSet(false); if (!hasChanged) { return; } // // We remove all znodes with prefix 'id' // for (String znode : currentSubsZnodes) { try { this.subsCurator.delete().guaranteed().forPath(znode); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error while deleting " + znode, e); } } currentSubsZnodes.clear(); // // Create znodes with our current snapshot of subscriptions // // We synchronize on 'selectors' synchronized (this.selectors) { // Loop on the tokens int chunkid = -1; long chunksize = 0L; GeoDirectorySubscriptions thriftSubs = null; for (String token : this.selectors.keySet()) { for (String selector : this.selectors.get(token)) { if (null == thriftSubs) { thriftSubs = new GeoDirectorySubscriptions(); chunksize = 0L; chunkid++; } else { // If we would be over the maxSubZnodeSize limit, store the znode now if (chunksize + selector.length() + token.length() > this.maxSubsZnodeSize) { storeChunk(chunkid, thriftSubs); // // Reset 'thriftSubs' // thriftSubs = new GeoDirectorySubscriptions(); chunksize = 0L; chunkid++; } } if (0 == thriftSubs.getSubscriptionsSize() || !thriftSubs.getSubscriptions().containsKey(token)) { thriftSubs.putToSubscriptions(token, new HashSet<String>()); } } } // // Store the last chunk // if (null != thriftSubs && thriftSubs.getSubscriptionsSize() > 0) { storeChunk(chunkid, thriftSubs); } } } /** * Load initial subscriptions from ZooKeeper */ private void zkLoad() { List<String> znodes = null; try { znodes = this.subsCurator.getChildren().forPath(this.subsZnodeRoot); for (String znode : znodes) { byte[] data = this.subsCurator.getData().forPath(znode); // // Unwrap // if (null != AES_ZK_SUBS) { data = CryptoUtils.unwrap(AES_ZK_SUBS, data); } if (null == data) { LOG.error("Ignoring invalid znode data for " + znode); continue; } TDeserializer deser = new TDeserializer(new TCompactProtocol.Factory()); GeoDirectorySubscriptions gds = new GeoDirectorySubscriptions(); deser.deserialize(gds, data); // // Only consider the subscription if it is for our GeoDirectory // if ( { continue; } if (0 == gds.getSubscriptionsSize()) { continue; } for (Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : gds.getSubscriptions().entrySet()) { if (!this.selectors.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { this.selectors.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } else { this.selectors.get(entry.getKey()).addAll(entry.getValue()); } } // // Record the znode if it was produced by us (at least by a process using the same id) // if (znode.contains( + "-" + + "-")) { this.currentSubsZnodes.add(znode); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error while loading subscriptions", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private void storeChunk(long chunkid, GeoDirectorySubscriptions thriftSubs) { // // Complete thriftSubs // thriftSubs.setTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); thriftSubs.setName(; thriftSubs.setRemoval(false); // // Serialize 'thriftSubs' // TSerializer serializer = new TSerializer(new TCompactProtocol.Factory()); byte[] data = null; try { data = serializer.serialize(thriftSubs); } catch (TException te) { LOG.error("Error while serializing subscriptions", te); return; } // // Encrypt the serialized content // if (null != AES_ZK_SUBS) { data = CryptoUtils.wrap(AES_ZK_SUBS, data); } // // Store in ZK // String path = null; try { path = this.subsZnodeRoot + "/" + + "-" + + "-" + Long.toHexString(0x100000000L + chunkid); this.subsCurator.create().withMode(CreateMode.PERSISTENT).forPath(path, data); currentSubsZnodes.add(path); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error while creating subscription znode " + path, e); } } @Override public void run() { while (true) { // // Update the subscriptions, we need to do that unconditionnaly as Directory may have new GTS for a given selector // updateSubscriptions(null); // // Sleep for the configured delay // this.wakeup.set(System.currentTimeMillis() + this.period); do { long delay = this.wakeup.get() - System.currentTimeMillis(); if (delay < 0) { delay = 0; } try { Thread.sleep(delay); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } } while (System.currentTimeMillis() < this.wakeup.get()); } } /** * Do the actual filtering of GTS ids according to our GeoIndex */ @Override public GeoDirectoryResponse filter(GeoDirectoryRequest request) throws TException { GeoDirectoryResponse response = new GeoDirectoryResponse(); if (0 == request.getGtsSize() || 0 == request.getShapeSize()) { return response; } long nano = System.nanoTime(); // // Extract shape // GeoXPShape shape = GeoXPLib.fromCells(request.getShape()); // // Limit shape to the maximum number of allowed cells // shape = GeoXPLib.limit(shape, this.maxcells); Set<String> unfiltered = new HashSet<String>(); // // Convert GTS ids to strings // for (Entry<Long, Set<Long>> entry : request.getGts().entrySet()) { long classid = entry.getKey(); for (long labelsid : entry.getValue()) { String id = GTSHelper.gtsIdToString(classid, labelsid); unfiltered.add(id); } } // // Do the Geo filtering // Set<String> filtered = this.index.find(unfiltered, shape, request.isInside(), request.getStartTimestamp(), request.getEndTimestamp()); // // Update sensision metrics // Map<String, String> labels = new HashMap<String, String>(); labels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_GEODIR,; labels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_TYPE, request.isInside() ? "in" : "out"); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_GEODIR_FILTERED, labels, filtered.size()); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_GEODIR_UNFILTERED, labels, unfiltered.size()); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_GEODIR_REQUESTS, labels, 1); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_GEODIR_CELLS, labels, request.getShapeSize()); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_GEODIR_TIME_US, labels, (System.nanoTime() - nano) / 1000); // // Convert string GTS ids back to numeric classid/labelsid // for (String id : filtered) { long[] clslbls = GTSHelper.unpackGTSIdLongs(id); if (0 == response.getGtsSize() || !response.getGts().containsKey(clslbls[0])) { response.putToGts(clslbls[0], new HashSet<Long>()); } response.getGts().get(clslbls[0]).add(clslbls[1]); } return response; } private static class SubsConsumerFactory implements ConsumerFactory { private final GeoDirectory directory; public SubsConsumerFactory(GeoDirectory directory) { = directory; } @Override public Runnable getConsumer(final KafkaSynchronizedConsumerPool pool, final KafkaStream<byte[], byte[]> stream) { return new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ConsumerIterator<byte[], byte[]> iter = stream.iterator(); // Iterate on the messages TDeserializer deserializer = new TDeserializer(new TCompactProtocol.Factory()); KafkaOffsetCounters counters = pool.getCounters(); // TODO(hbs): allow setting of writeBufferSize try { while (iter.hasNext()) { // // Since the call to 'next' may block, we need to first // check that there is a message available // boolean nonEmpty = iter.nonEmpty(); if (nonEmpty) { MessageAndMetadata<byte[], byte[]> msg =; counters.count(msg.partition(), msg.offset()); byte[] data = msg.message(); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_GEODIR_SUBS_KAFKA_MESSAGES, Sensision.EMPTY_LABELS, 1); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_GEODIR_SUBS_KAFKA_BYTES, Sensision.EMPTY_LABELS, data.length); if (null != directory.SIPHASH_KAFKA_SUBS) { data = CryptoUtils.removeMAC(directory.SIPHASH_KAFKA_SUBS, data); } // Skip data whose MAC was not verified successfully if (null == data) { Sensision.update( SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_GEODIR_SUBS_KAFKA_INVALIDMACS, Sensision.EMPTY_LABELS, 1); continue; } // Unwrap data if need be if (null != directory.AES_KAFKA_SUBS) { data = CryptoUtils.unwrap(directory.AES_KAFKA_SUBS, data); } // Skip data that was not unwrapped successfuly if (null == data) { Sensision.update( SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_GEODIR_SUBS_KAFKA_INVALIDCIPHERS, Sensision.EMPTY_LABELS, 1); continue; } // // Extract GeoDirectorySubscriptions // GeoDirectorySubscriptions subs = new GeoDirectorySubscriptions(); deserializer.deserialize(subs, data); // // Ignore subscription if is not for our GeoDirectory // if (! { continue; } // // Ignore if there are no subscriptions // if (0 == subs.getSubscriptionsSize()) { continue; } // // Handle removals // if (subs.isRemoval()) { for (Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : subs.getSubscriptions().entrySet()) { Set<String> currentSubs = directory.selectors.get(entry.getKey()); if (null == currentSubs) { continue; } for (String sub : entry.getValue()) { currentSubs.remove(sub); directory.selectorsChanged.set(true); } } continue; } // // Handle additions // for (Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : subs.getSubscriptions().entrySet()) { // // Check token, and extract billedId // try { ReadToken rt = Tokens.extractReadToken(entry.getKey()); if (null != rt.getBilledId()) { directory.billedId.put(entry.getKey(), Tokens.getUUID(rt.getBilledId())); } } catch (Exception e) { Sensision.update( SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_GEODIR_SUBS_INVALIDKTOKENS, Sensision.EMPTY_LABELS, 1); } Set<String> currentSubs = null; synchronized (directory.selectors) { if (!directory.selectors.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { directory.selectors.put(entry.getKey(), new HashSet<String>()); } currentSubs = directory.selectors.get(entry.getKey()); } for (String sub : entry.getValue()) { currentSubs.add(sub); directory.selectorsChanged.set(true); } } } else { // Sleep a tiny while try { Thread.sleep(1L); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } } } } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(System.err); } finally { // Set abort to true in case we exit the 'run' method pool.getAbort().set(true); } } }; } } private static class DataConsumerFactory implements ConsumerFactory { private final GeoDirectory directory; public DataConsumerFactory(GeoDirectory directory) { = directory; } @Override public Runnable getConsumer(final KafkaSynchronizedConsumerPool pool, final KafkaStream<byte[], byte[]> stream) { return new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ConsumerIterator<byte[], byte[]> iter = stream.iterator(); // Iterate on the messages TDeserializer deserializer = new TDeserializer(new TCompactProtocol.Factory()); KafkaOffsetCounters counters = pool.getCounters(); try { while (iter.hasNext()) { // // Since the call to 'next' may block, we need to first // check that there is a message available // boolean nonEmpty = iter.nonEmpty(); if (nonEmpty) { MessageAndMetadata<byte[], byte[]> msg =; counters.count(msg.partition(), msg.offset()); byte[] data = msg.message(); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_GEODIR_DATA_KAFKA_MESSAGES, Sensision.EMPTY_LABELS, 1); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_GEODIR_DATA_KAFKA_BYTES, Sensision.EMPTY_LABELS, data.length); if (null != directory.SIPHASH_KAFKA_DATA) { data = CryptoUtils.removeMAC(directory.SIPHASH_KAFKA_DATA, data); } // Skip data whose MAC was not verified successfully if (null == data) { Sensision.update( SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_GEODIR_DATA_KAFKA_INVALIDMACS, Sensision.EMPTY_LABELS, 1); continue; } // Unwrap data if need be if (null != directory.AES_KAFKA_DATA) { data = CryptoUtils.unwrap(directory.AES_KAFKA_DATA, data); } // Skip data that was not unwrapped successfuly if (null == data) { Sensision.update( SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_GEODIR_DATA_KAFKA_INVALIDCIPHERS, Sensision.EMPTY_LABELS, 1); continue; } // // Extract KafkaDataMessage // KafkaDataMessage tmsg = new KafkaDataMessage(); deserializer.deserialize(tmsg, data); switch (tmsg.getType()) { case STORE: GTSEncoder encoder = new GTSEncoder(0L, null, tmsg.getData()); encoder.setClassId(tmsg.getClassId()); encoder.setLabelsId(tmsg.getLabelsId()); directory.index(encoder); break; case DELETE: case ARCHIVE: break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Invalid message type."); } } else { // Sleep a tiny while try { Thread.sleep(1L); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } } } } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(System.err); } finally { // Set abort to true in case we exit the 'run' method pool.getAbort().set(true); } } }; } } }