Java tutorial
// // Copyright 2016 Cityzen Data // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // package io.warp10.continuum.egress; import io.warp10.continuum.Configuration; import io.warp10.continuum.TimeSource; import io.warp10.continuum.Tokens; import io.warp10.continuum.gts.GTSDecoder; import io.warp10.continuum.gts.GTSEncoder; import io.warp10.continuum.gts.GTSHelper; import io.warp10.continuum.gts.GTSWrapperHelper; import io.warp10.continuum.gts.GeoTimeSerie; import io.warp10.continuum.sensision.SensisionConstants; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.warp10.crypto.CryptoUtils; import io.warp10.crypto.KeyStore; import io.warp10.crypto.OrderPreservingBase64; import io.warp10.crypto.SipHashInline; import; import io.warp10.script.WarpScriptException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import io.warp10.sensision.Sensision; import org.apache.thrift.TDeserializer; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.apache.thrift.TSerializer; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TCompactProtocol; import org.boon.json.JsonSerializer; import org.boon.json.JsonSerializerFactory; import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.AbstractHandler; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.geoxp.GeoXPLib; import; import; public class EgressFetchHandler extends AbstractHandler { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EgressFetchHandler.class); private DateTimeFormatter fmt = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTimeParser(); private final StoreClient storeClient; private final DirectoryClient directoryClient; private final byte[] fetchPSK; private final byte[] fetchAES; private final long maxSplitAge; public static final Pattern SELECTOR_RE = Pattern.compile("^([^{]+)\\{(.*)\\}$"); /** * Maximum number of GTS per call to the fetch endpoint */ public static long FETCH_BATCHSIZE = 100000; public EgressFetchHandler(KeyStore keystore, Properties properties, DirectoryClient directoryClient, StoreClient storeClient) { this.fetchPSK = keystore.getKey(KeyStore.SIPHASH_FETCH_PSK); this.fetchAES = keystore.getKey(KeyStore.AES_FETCHER); this.storeClient = storeClient; this.directoryClient = directoryClient; if (properties.containsKey(Configuration.EGRESS_FETCH_BATCHSIZE)) { FETCH_BATCHSIZE = Long.parseLong(properties.getProperty(Configuration.EGRESS_FETCH_BATCHSIZE)); } if (properties.containsKey(Configuration.EGRESS_FETCHER_MAXSPLITAGE)) { this.maxSplitAge = Long.parseLong(properties.getProperty(Configuration.EGRESS_FETCHER_MAXSPLITAGE)); } else { this.maxSplitAge = Long.MAX_VALUE; } } @Override public void handle(String target, Request baseRequest, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException, ServletException { boolean fromArchive = false; boolean splitFetch = false; boolean writeTimestamp = false; if (Constants.API_ENDPOINT_FETCH.equals(target)) { baseRequest.setHandled(true); fromArchive = false; } else if (Constants.API_ENDPOINT_AFETCH.equals(target)) { baseRequest.setHandled(true); fromArchive = true; } else if (Constants.API_ENDPOINT_SFETCH.equals(target)) { baseRequest.setHandled(true); splitFetch = true; } else if (Constants.API_ENDPOINT_CHECK.equals(target)) { baseRequest.setHandled(true); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); return; } else { return; } // Labels for Sensision Map<String, String> labels = new HashMap<String, String>(); labels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_TYPE, target); // // Add CORS header // resp.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); String start = null; String stop = null; long now = Long.MIN_VALUE; long timespan = 0L; String nowParam = null; String timespanParam = null; String dedupParam = null; String showErrorsParam = null; if (splitFetch) { nowParam = req.getHeader(Constants.getHeader(Configuration.HTTP_HEADER_NOW_HEADERX)); timespanParam = req.getHeader(Constants.getHeader(Configuration.HTTP_HEADER_TIMESPAN_HEADERX)); showErrorsParam = req.getHeader(Constants.getHeader(Configuration.HTTP_HEADER_SHOW_ERRORS_HEADERX)); } else { start = req.getParameter(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_START); stop = req.getParameter(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_STOP); nowParam = req.getParameter(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_NOW); timespanParam = req.getParameter(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_TIMESPAN); dedupParam = req.getParameter(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_DEDUP); showErrorsParam = req.getParameter(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_SHOW_ERRORS); } boolean showErrors = "true".equals(showErrorsParam); boolean dedup = null != dedupParam && "true".equals(dedupParam); if (null != start && null != stop) { long tsstart = fmt.parseDateTime(start).getMillis() * Constants.TIME_UNITS_PER_MS; long tsstop = fmt.parseDateTime(stop).getMillis() * Constants.TIME_UNITS_PER_MS; if (tsstart < tsstop) { now = tsstop; timespan = tsstop - tsstart; } else { now = tsstart; timespan = tsstart - tsstop; } } else if (null != nowParam && null != timespanParam) { if ("now".equals(nowParam)) { now = TimeSource.getTime(); } else { try { now = Long.parseLong(nowParam); } catch (Exception e) { now = fmt.parseDateTime(nowParam).getMillis() * Constants.TIME_UNITS_PER_MS; } } timespan = Long.parseLong(timespanParam); } if (Long.MIN_VALUE == now) { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Missing now/timespan or start/stop parameters."); return; } String selector = splitFetch ? null : req.getParameter(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_SELECTOR); // // Extract token from header // String token = req.getHeader(Constants.getHeader(Configuration.HTTP_HEADER_TOKENX)); // If token was not found in header, extract it from the 'token' parameter if (null == token && !splitFetch) { token = req.getParameter(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_TOKEN); } String fetchSig = req.getHeader(Constants.getHeader(Configuration.HTTP_HEADER_FETCH_SIGNATURE)); // // Check token signature if it was provided // boolean signed = false; if (splitFetch) { signed = true; } if (null != fetchSig) { if (null != fetchPSK) { String[] subelts = fetchSig.split(":"); if (2 != subelts.length) { throw new IOException("Invalid fetch signature."); } long nowts = System.currentTimeMillis(); long sigts = new BigInteger(subelts[0], 16).longValue(); long sighash = new BigInteger(subelts[1], 16).longValue(); if (nowts - sigts > 10000L) { throw new IOException("Fetch signature has expired."); } // Recompute hash of ts:token String tstoken = Long.toString(sigts) + ":" + token; long checkedhash = SipHashInline.hash24(fetchPSK, tstoken.getBytes(Charsets.ISO_8859_1)); if (checkedhash != sighash) { throw new IOException("Corrupted fetch signature"); } signed = true; } else { throw new IOException("Fetch PreSharedKey is not set."); } } ReadToken rtoken = null; String format = splitFetch ? "wrapper" : req.getParameter(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_FORMAT); if (!splitFetch) { try { rtoken = Tokens.extractReadToken(token); if (rtoken.getHooksSize() > 0) { throw new IOException("Tokens with hooks cannot be used for fetching data."); } } catch (WarpScriptException ee) { throw new IOException(ee); } if (null == rtoken) { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, "Missing token."); return; } } boolean showAttr = "true".equals(req.getParameter(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_SHOWATTR)); // // Extract the class and labels selectors // The class selector and label selectors are supposed to have // values which use percent encoding, i.e. explicit percent encoding which // might have been re-encoded using percent encoding when passed as parameter // // Set<Metadata> metadatas = new HashSet<Metadata>(); List<Iterator<Metadata>> iterators = new ArrayList<Iterator<Metadata>>(); if (!splitFetch) { String[] selectors = selector.split("\\s+"); for (String sel : selectors) { Matcher m = SELECTOR_RE.matcher(sel); if (!m.matches()) { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); return; } String classSelector = URLDecoder.decode(, "UTF-8"); String labelsSelection =; Map<String, String> labelsSelectors; try { labelsSelectors = GTSHelper.parseLabelsSelectors(labelsSelection); } catch (ParseException pe) { throw new IOException(pe); } // // Force 'producer'/'owner'/'app' from token // labelsSelectors.remove(Constants.PRODUCER_LABEL); labelsSelectors.remove(Constants.OWNER_LABEL); labelsSelectors.remove(Constants.APPLICATION_LABEL); labelsSelectors.putAll(Tokens.labelSelectorsFromReadToken(rtoken)); List<Metadata> metas = null; List<String> clsSels = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Map<String, String>> lblsSels = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(); clsSels.add(classSelector); lblsSels.add(labelsSelectors); try { metas = directoryClient.find(clsSels, lblsSels); metadatas.addAll(metas); } catch (Exception e) { // // If metadatas is not empty, create an iterator for it, then clear it // if (!metadatas.isEmpty()) { iterators.add(metadatas.iterator()); metadatas.clear(); } iterators.add(directoryClient.iterator(clsSels, lblsSels)); } } } else { // // Add an iterator which reads splits from the request body // boolean gzipped = false; if (null != req.getHeader("Content-Type") && "application/gzip".equals(req.getHeader("Content-Type"))) { gzipped = true; } BufferedReader br = null; if (gzipped) { GZIPInputStream is = new GZIPInputStream(req.getInputStream()); br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); } else { br = req.getReader(); } final BufferedReader fbr = br; MetadataIterator iterator = new MetadataIterator() { private List<Metadata> metadatas = new ArrayList<Metadata>(); private boolean done = false; private String lasttoken = ""; @Override public void close() throws Exception { fbr.close(); } @Override public Metadata next() { if (!metadatas.isEmpty()) { Metadata meta = metadatas.get(metadatas.size() - 1); metadatas.remove(metadatas.size() - 1); return meta; } else { if (hasNext()) { return next(); } else { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } } } @Override public boolean hasNext() { if (!metadatas.isEmpty()) { return true; } if (done) { return false; } String line = null; try { line = fbr.readLine(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException(ioe); } if (null == line) { done = true; return false; } // // Decode/Unwrap/Deserialize the split // byte[] data = OrderPreservingBase64.decode(line.getBytes(Charsets.US_ASCII)); if (null != fetchAES) { data = CryptoUtils.unwrap(fetchAES, data); } if (null == data) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid wrapped content."); } TDeserializer deserializer = new TDeserializer(new TCompactProtocol.Factory()); GTSSplit split = new GTSSplit(); try { deserializer.deserialize(split, data); } catch (TException te) { throw new RuntimeException(te); } // // Check the expiry // long instant = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (instant - split.getTimestamp() > maxSplitAge || instant > split.getExpiry()) { throw new RuntimeException("Split has expired."); } this.metadatas.addAll(split.getMetadatas()); // We assume there was at least one metadata instance in the split!!! return true; } }; iterators.add(iterator); } List<Metadata> metas = new ArrayList<Metadata>(); metas.addAll(metadatas); if (!metas.isEmpty()) { iterators.add(metas.iterator()); } // // Loop over the iterators, storing the read metadata to a temporary file encrypted on disk // Data is encrypted using a onetime pad // final byte[] onetimepad = new byte[(int) Math.min(65537, System.currentTimeMillis() % 100000)]; new Random().nextBytes(onetimepad); final File cache = File.createTempFile( Long.toHexString(System.currentTimeMillis()) + "-" + Long.toHexString(System.nanoTime()), ".dircache"); cache.deleteOnExit(); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(cache); TSerializer serializer = new TSerializer(new TCompactProtocol.Factory()); int padidx = 0; for (Iterator<Metadata> itermeta : iterators) { try { while (itermeta.hasNext()) { Metadata metadata =; try { byte[] bytes = serializer.serialize(metadata); // Apply onetimepad for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { bytes[i] = (byte) (bytes[i] ^ onetimepad[padidx++]); if (padidx >= onetimepad.length) { padidx = 0; } } bytes = OrderPreservingBase64.encode(bytes); writer.write(new String(bytes, Charsets.US_ASCII)); writer.write('\n'); } catch (TException te) { } } if (!itermeta.hasNext() && (itermeta instanceof MetadataIterator)) { try { ((MetadataIterator) itermeta).close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } catch (Throwable t) { throw t; } finally { if (itermeta instanceof MetadataIterator) { try { ((MetadataIterator) itermeta).close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } } writer.close(); // // Create an iterator based on the cache // MetadataIterator cacheiterator = new MetadataIterator() { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(cache)); private Metadata current = null; private boolean done = false; private TDeserializer deserializer = new TDeserializer(new TCompactProtocol.Factory()); int padidx = 0; @Override public boolean hasNext() { if (done) { return false; } if (null != current) { return true; } try { String line = reader.readLine(); if (null == line) { done = true; return false; } byte[] raw = OrderPreservingBase64.decode(line.getBytes(Charsets.US_ASCII)); // Apply one time pad for (int i = 0; i < raw.length; i++) { raw[i] = (byte) (raw[i] ^ onetimepad[padidx++]); if (padidx >= onetimepad.length) { padidx = 0; } } Metadata metadata = new Metadata(); try { deserializer.deserialize(metadata, raw); this.current = metadata; return true; } catch (TException te) { LOG.error("", te); } } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.error("", ioe); } return false; } @Override public Metadata next() { if (null != this.current) { Metadata metadata = this.current; this.current = null; return metadata; } else { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } } @Override public void close() throws Exception { this.reader.close(); cache.delete(); } }; iterators.clear(); iterators.add(cacheiterator); metas = new ArrayList<Metadata>(); for (Iterator<Metadata> itermeta : iterators) { while (itermeta.hasNext()) { metas.add(; // // Access the data store every 'FETCH_BATCHSIZE' GTS or at the end of each iterator // if (metas.size() > FETCH_BATCHSIZE || !itermeta.hasNext()) { try (GTSDecoderIterator iter = storeClient.fetch(rtoken, metas, now, timespan, fromArchive, writeTimestamp)) { if ("text".equals(format)) { textDump(resp, iter, now, timespan, false, dedup, signed, showAttr); } else if ("fulltext".equals(format)) { textDump(resp, iter, now, timespan, true, dedup, signed, showAttr); } else if ("raw".equals(format)) { rawDump(resp, iter, dedup, signed); } else if ("wrapper".equals(format)) { wrapperDump(resp, iter, dedup, signed, fetchPSK); } else if ("json".equals(format)) { jsonDump(resp, iter, now, timespan, dedup, signed); } else if ("tsv".equals(format)) { tsvDump(resp, iter, now, timespan, false, dedup, signed); } else if ("fulltsv".equals(format)) { tsvDump(resp, iter, now, timespan, true, dedup, signed); } else { textDump(resp, iter, now, timespan, false, dedup, signed, showAttr); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("", e); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.CLASS_WARP_FETCH_ERRORS, Sensision.EMPTY_LABELS, 1); if (showErrors) { resp.getWriter().println(); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); e.printStackTrace(pw); pw.close(); sw.flush(); String error = URLEncoder.encode(sw.toString(), "UTF-8"); resp.getWriter().println("# ERROR: " + error); } throw new IOException(e); } finally { if (!itermeta.hasNext() && (itermeta instanceof MetadataIterator)) { try { ((MetadataIterator) itermeta).close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } // // Reset 'metas' // metas.clear(); } } if (!itermeta.hasNext() && (itermeta instanceof MetadataIterator)) { try { ((MetadataIterator) itermeta).close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_CONTINUUM_FETCH_REQUESTS, labels, 1); } private static void rawDump(HttpServletResponse resp, GTSDecoderIterator iter, boolean dedup, boolean signed) throws IOException { String name = null; Map<String, String> labels = null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); OutputStream out = resp.getOutputStream(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(out); //PrintWriter pw = resp.getWriter(); while (iter.hasNext()) { GTSDecoder decoder =; if (dedup) { decoder = decoder.dedup(); } if (! { continue; } GTSEncoder encoder = decoder.getEncoder(true); // // Only display the class + labels if they have changed since the previous GTS // Map<String, String> lbls = decoder.getLabels(); // // Compute the name // name = decoder.getName(); labels = lbls; sb.setLength(0); GTSHelper.encodeName(sb, name); sb.append("{"); boolean first = true; for (Entry<String, String> entry : lbls.entrySet()) { // // Skip owner/producer labels and any other 'private' labels // if (!signed) { if (Constants.PRODUCER_LABEL.equals(entry.getKey())) { continue; } if (Constants.OWNER_LABEL.equals(entry.getKey())) { continue; } } if (!first) { sb.append(","); } GTSHelper.encodeName(sb, entry.getKey()); sb.append("="); GTSHelper.encodeName(sb, entry.getValue()); first = false; } sb.append("}"); pw.print(encoder.getBaseTimestamp()); pw.print("//"); pw.print(encoder.getCount()); pw.print(" "); pw.print(sb.toString()); pw.print(" "); pw.flush(); //pw.println(new String(OrderPreservingBase64.encode(encoder.getBytes()))); OrderPreservingBase64.encodeToStream(encoder.getBytes(), out); out.write('\r'); out.write('\n'); out.flush(); } } private static void wrapperDump(HttpServletResponse resp, GTSDecoderIterator iter, boolean dedup, boolean signed, byte[] fetchPSK) throws IOException { if (!signed) { throw new IOException("Unsigned request."); } // Labels for Sensision Map<String, String> labels = new HashMap<String, String>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); OutputStream out = resp.getOutputStream(); while (iter.hasNext()) { GTSDecoder decoder =; if (dedup) { decoder = decoder.dedup(); } if (! { continue; } GTSEncoder encoder = decoder.getEncoder(true); // // Build a GTSWrapper // GTSWrapper wrapper = GTSWrapperHelper.fromGTSEncoderToGTSWrapper(encoder, true); // GTSWrapper wrapper = new GTSWrapper(); // wrapper.setBase(encoder.getBaseTimestamp()); // wrapper.setMetadata(encoder.getMetadata()); // wrapper.setCount(encoder.getCount()); // wrapper.setEncoded(encoder.getBytes()); // // Serialize the wrapper // TSerializer serializer = new TSerializer(new TCompactProtocol.Factory()); byte[] data = null; try { data = serializer.serialize(wrapper); } catch (TException te) { throw new IOException(te); } // // Output is GTSWrapperId <WSP> HASH <WSP> GTSWrapper // out.write(Hex.encode(GTSWrapperHelper.getId(wrapper))); out.write(' '); if (null != fetchPSK) { // // Compute HMac for the wrapper // long hash = SipHashInline.hash24(fetchPSK, data); // // Output the MAC before the data, as hex digits // out.write(Hex.encode(Longs.toByteArray(hash))); } else { out.write('-'); } out.write(' '); // // Base64 encode the wrapper // OrderPreservingBase64.encodeToStream(data, out); out.write('\r'); out.write('\n'); out.flush(); // // Sensision metrics // labels.clear(); labels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_APPLICATION, wrapper.getMetadata().getLabels().get(Constants.APPLICATION_LABEL)); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_CONTINUUM_SFETCH_WRAPPERS, Sensision.EMPTY_LABELS, 1); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_CONTINUUM_SFETCH_WRAPPERS_PERAPP, labels, 1); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_CONTINUUM_SFETCH_WRAPPERS_SIZE, Sensision.EMPTY_LABELS, data.length); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_CONTINUUM_SFETCH_WRAPPERS_SIZE_PERAPP, labels, data.length); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_CONTINUUM_SFETCH_WRAPPERS_DATAPOINTS, Sensision.EMPTY_LABELS, wrapper.getCount()); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_CONTINUUM_SFETCH_WRAPPERS_DATAPOINTS_PERAPP, labels, wrapper.getCount()); } } /** * Output a text version of fetched data. Deduplication is done on the fly so we don't decode twice. * */ private static void textDump(HttpServletResponse resp, GTSDecoderIterator iter, long now, long timespan, boolean raw, boolean dedup, boolean signed, boolean showAttributes) throws IOException { //resp.setContentType("text/plain"); String name = null; Map<String, String> labels = null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); PrintWriter pw = resp.getWriter(); while (iter.hasNext()) { GTSDecoder decoder =; if (! { continue; } // // Only display the class + labels if they have changed since the previous GTS // Map<String, String> lbls = decoder.getLabels(); // // Compute the new name // boolean displayName = false; if (null == name || (!name.equals(decoder.getName()) || !labels.equals(lbls))) { displayName = true; name = decoder.getName(); labels = lbls; sb.setLength(0); GTSHelper.encodeName(sb, name); sb.append("{"); boolean first = true; for (Entry<String, String> entry : lbls.entrySet()) { // // Skip owner/producer labels and any other 'private' labels // if (!signed) { if (Constants.PRODUCER_LABEL.equals(entry.getKey())) { continue; } if (Constants.OWNER_LABEL.equals(entry.getKey())) { continue; } } if (!first) { sb.append(","); } GTSHelper.encodeName(sb, entry.getKey()); sb.append("="); GTSHelper.encodeName(sb, entry.getValue()); first = false; } sb.append("}"); if (showAttributes) { Metadata meta = decoder.getMetadata(); if (meta.getAttributesSize() > 0) { GTSHelper.labelsToString(sb, meta.getAttributes()); } else { sb.append("{}"); } } } long timestamp = 0L; long location = GeoTimeSerie.NO_LOCATION; long elevation = GeoTimeSerie.NO_ELEVATION; Object value = null; boolean dup = true; do { // FIXME(hbs): only display the results which match the authorized (according to token) timerange and geo zones // // Filter out any value not in the time range // long newTimestamp = decoder.getTimestamp(); if (newTimestamp > now || (timespan >= 0 && newTimestamp <= (now - timespan))) { continue; } // // TODO(hbs): filter out values with no location or outside the selected geozone when a geozone was set // long newLocation = decoder.getLocation(); long newElevation = decoder.getElevation(); Object newValue = decoder.getValue(); dup = true; if (dedup) { if (location != newLocation || elevation != newElevation) { dup = false; } else { if (null == newValue) { // Consider nulls as duplicates (can't happen!) dup = false; } else if (newValue instanceof Number) { if (!((Number) newValue).equals(value)) { dup = false; } } else if (newValue instanceof String) { if (!((String) newValue).equals(value)) { dup = false; } } else if (newValue instanceof Boolean) { if (!((Boolean) newValue).equals(value)) { dup = false; } } } } location = newLocation; elevation = newElevation; timestamp = newTimestamp; value = newValue; if (raw) { if (!dedup || !dup) { pw.println(GTSHelper.tickToString(sb, timestamp, location, elevation, value)); } } else { // Display the name only if we have at least one value to display // We force 'dup' to be false when we must show the name if (displayName) { pw.println(GTSHelper.tickToString(sb, decoder.getTimestamp(), decoder.getLocation(), decoder.getElevation(), decoder.getValue())); displayName = false; dup = false; } else { if (!dedup || !dup) { pw.print("="); pw.println(GTSHelper.tickToString(timestamp, location, elevation, value)); } } } } while (; // Print any remaining value if (dedup && dup) { if (raw) { pw.println(GTSHelper.tickToString(sb, timestamp, location, elevation, value)); } else { pw.print("="); pw.println(GTSHelper.tickToString(timestamp, location, elevation, value)); } } // // If displayName is still true it means we should have displayed the name but no value matched, // so set name to null so we correctly display the name for the next decoder if it has values // if (displayName) { name = null; } } } private static void jsonDump(HttpServletResponse resp, GTSDecoderIterator iter, long now, long timespan, boolean dedup, boolean signed) throws IOException { //resp.setContentType("application/json"); PrintWriter pw = resp.getWriter(); String name = null; Map<String, String> labels = null; pw.print("["); boolean hasValues = false; try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializerFactory().create(); boolean firstgts = true; long mask = (long) (Math.random() * Long.MAX_VALUE); while (iter.hasNext()) { GTSDecoder decoder =; if (dedup) { decoder = decoder.dedup(); } if (! { continue; } // // Only display the class + labels if they have changed since the previous GTS // Map<String, String> lbls = decoder.getLabels(); // // Compute the new name // boolean displayName = false; if (null == name || (!name.equals(decoder.getName()) || !labels.equals(lbls))) { displayName = true; name = decoder.getName(); labels = lbls; sb.setLength(0); sb.append("{\"c\":"); //sb.append(gson.toJson(name)); sb.append(serializer.serialize(name)); boolean first = true; sb.append(",\"l\":{"); for (Entry<String, String> entry : lbls.entrySet()) { // // Skip owner/producer labels and any other 'private' labels // if (!signed) { if (Constants.PRODUCER_LABEL.equals(entry.getKey())) { continue; } if (Constants.OWNER_LABEL.equals(entry.getKey())) { continue; } } if (!first) { sb.append(","); } //sb.append(gson.toJson(entry.getKey())); sb.append(serializer.serialize(entry.getKey())); sb.append(":"); //sb.append(gson.toJson(entry.getValue())); sb.append(serializer.serialize(entry.getValue())); first = false; } sb.append("}"); sb.append(",\"a\":{"); first = true; for (Entry<String, String> entry : decoder.getMetadata().getAttributes().entrySet()) { if (!first) { sb.append(","); } //sb.append(gson.toJson(entry.getKey())); sb.append(serializer.serialize(entry.getKey())); sb.append(":"); //sb.append(gson.toJson(entry.getValue())); sb.append(serializer.serialize(entry.getValue())); first = false; } sb.append("}"); sb.append(",\"i\":\""); sb.append(decoder.getLabelsId() & mask); sb.append("\",\"v\":["); } do { // FIXME(hbs): only display the results which match the authorized (according to token) timerange and geo zones // // Filter out any value not in the time range // if (decoder.getTimestamp() > now || (timespan >= 0 && decoder.getTimestamp() <= (now - timespan))) { continue; } // // TODO(hbs): filter out values with no location or outside the selected geozone when a geozone was set // // Display the name only if we have at least one value to display if (displayName) { if (!firstgts) { pw.print("]},"); } pw.print(sb.toString()); firstgts = false; displayName = false; } else { pw.print(","); } hasValues = true; pw.print("["); pw.print(decoder.getTimestamp()); if (GeoTimeSerie.NO_LOCATION != decoder.getLocation()) { double[] latlon = GeoXPLib.fromGeoXPPoint(decoder.getLocation()); pw.print(","); pw.print(latlon[0]); pw.print(","); pw.print(latlon[1]); } if (GeoTimeSerie.NO_ELEVATION != decoder.getElevation()) { pw.print(","); pw.print(decoder.getElevation()); } pw.print(","); Object value = decoder.getValue(); if (value instanceof Number) { pw.print(value); } else if (value instanceof Boolean) { pw.print(Boolean.TRUE.equals(value) ? "true" : "false"); } else { //pw.print(gson.toJson(value.toString())); pw.print(serializer.serialize(value.toString())); } pw.print("]"); } while (; // // If displayName is still true it means we should have displayed the name but no value matched, // so set name to null so we correctly display the name for the next decoder if it has values // if (displayName) { name = null; } } } catch (Throwable t) { throw t; } finally { if (hasValues) { pw.print("]}"); } pw.print("]"); } } /** * Output a tab separated version of fetched data. Deduplication is done on the fly so we don't decode twice. * */ private static void tsvDump(HttpServletResponse resp, GTSDecoderIterator iter, long now, long timespan, boolean raw, boolean dedup, boolean signed) throws IOException { String name = null; Map<String, String> labels = null; StringBuilder classSB = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder labelsSB = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder attributesSB = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder valueSB = new StringBuilder(); PrintWriter pw = resp.getWriter(); while (iter.hasNext()) { GTSDecoder decoder =; if (! { continue; } // // Only display the class + labels if they have changed since the previous GTS // Map<String, String> lbls = decoder.getLabels(); // // Compute the new name // boolean displayName = false; if (null == name || (!name.equals(decoder.getName()) || !labels.equals(lbls))) { displayName = true; name = decoder.getName(); labels = lbls; classSB.setLength(0); GTSHelper.encodeName(classSB, name); labelsSB.setLength(0); attributesSB.setLength(0); boolean first = true; for (Entry<String, String> entry : lbls.entrySet()) { // // Skip owner/producer labels and any other 'private' labels // if (!signed) { if (Constants.PRODUCER_LABEL.equals(entry.getKey())) { continue; } if (Constants.OWNER_LABEL.equals(entry.getKey())) { continue; } } if (!first) { labelsSB.append(","); } GTSHelper.encodeName(labelsSB, entry.getKey()); labelsSB.append("="); GTSHelper.encodeName(labelsSB, entry.getValue()); first = false; } first = true; if (decoder.getMetadata().getAttributesSize() > 0) { for (Entry<String, String> entry : decoder.getMetadata().getAttributes().entrySet()) { if (!first) { attributesSB.append(","); } GTSHelper.encodeName(attributesSB, entry.getKey()); attributesSB.append("="); GTSHelper.encodeName(attributesSB, entry.getValue()); first = false; } } } long timestamp = 0L; long location = GeoTimeSerie.NO_LOCATION; long elevation = GeoTimeSerie.NO_ELEVATION; Object value = null; boolean dup = true; do { // // Filter out any value not in the time range // long newTimestamp = decoder.getTimestamp(); if (newTimestamp > now || (timespan >= 0 && newTimestamp <= (now - timespan))) { continue; } // // TODO(hbs): filter out values with no location or outside the selected geozone when a geozone was set // long newLocation = decoder.getLocation(); long newElevation = decoder.getElevation(); Object newValue = decoder.getValue(); dup = true; if (dedup) { if (location != newLocation || elevation != newElevation) { dup = false; } else { if (null == newValue) { // Consider nulls as duplicates (can't happen!) dup = false; } else if (newValue instanceof Number) { if (!((Number) newValue).equals(value)) { dup = false; } } else if (newValue instanceof String) { if (!((String) newValue).equals(value)) { dup = false; } } else if (newValue instanceof Boolean) { if (!((Boolean) newValue).equals(value)) { dup = false; } } } } location = newLocation; elevation = newElevation; timestamp = newTimestamp; value = newValue; if (raw) { if (!dedup || !dup) { pw.print(classSB); pw.print('\t'); pw.print(labelsSB); pw.print('\t'); pw.print(attributesSB); pw.print('\t'); pw.print(timestamp); pw.print('\t'); if (GeoTimeSerie.NO_LOCATION != location) { double[] latlon = GeoXPLib.fromGeoXPPoint(location); pw.print(latlon[0]); pw.print('\t'); pw.print(latlon[1]); } else { pw.print('\t'); } pw.print('\t'); if (GeoTimeSerie.NO_ELEVATION != elevation) { pw.print(elevation); } pw.print('\t'); valueSB.setLength(0); GTSHelper.encodeValue(valueSB, value); pw.println(valueSB); } } else { // Display the name only if we have at least one value to display // We force 'dup' to be false when we must show the name if (displayName) { pw.print("# "); pw.print(classSB); pw.print("{"); pw.print(labelsSB); pw.print("}"); pw.print("{"); pw.print(attributesSB); pw.println("}"); displayName = false; dup = false; } if (!dedup || !dup) { pw.print(timestamp); pw.print('\t'); if (GeoTimeSerie.NO_LOCATION != location) { double[] latlon = GeoXPLib.fromGeoXPPoint(location); pw.print(latlon[0]); pw.print('\t'); pw.print(latlon[1]); } else { pw.print('\t'); } pw.print('\t'); if (GeoTimeSerie.NO_ELEVATION != elevation) { pw.print(elevation); } pw.print('\t'); valueSB.setLength(0); GTSHelper.encodeValue(valueSB, value); pw.println(valueSB); } } } while (; // Print any remaining value if (dedup && dup) { if (raw) { pw.print(classSB); pw.print('\t'); pw.print(labelsSB); pw.print('\t'); pw.print(attributesSB); pw.print('\t'); pw.print(timestamp); pw.print('\t'); if (GeoTimeSerie.NO_LOCATION != location) { double[] latlon = GeoXPLib.fromGeoXPPoint(location); pw.print(latlon[0]); pw.print('\t'); pw.print(latlon[1]); } else { pw.print('\t'); } pw.print('\t'); if (GeoTimeSerie.NO_ELEVATION != elevation) { pw.print(elevation); } pw.print('\t'); valueSB.setLength(0); GTSHelper.encodeValue(valueSB, value); pw.println(valueSB); } else { pw.print(timestamp); pw.print('\t'); if (GeoTimeSerie.NO_LOCATION != location) { double[] latlon = GeoXPLib.fromGeoXPPoint(location); pw.print(latlon[0]); pw.print('\t'); pw.print(latlon[1]); } else { pw.print('\t'); } pw.print('\t'); if (GeoTimeSerie.NO_ELEVATION != elevation) { pw.print(elevation); } pw.print('\t'); valueSB.setLength(0); GTSHelper.encodeValue(valueSB, value); pw.println(valueSB); } } // // If displayName is still true it means we should have displayed the name but no value matched, // so set name to null so we correctly display the name for the next decoder if it has values // if (displayName) { name = null; } } } }