Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 SmartBear Software * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.swagger.test.client; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JavaType; import io.swagger.test.client.auth.ApiKeyAuth; import io.swagger.test.client.auth.Authentication; import io.swagger.test.client.auth.HttpBasicAuth; import io.swagger.test.client.auth.OAuth; import io.swagger.util.Json; import org.glassfish.jersey.client.ClientConfig; import org.glassfish.jersey.filter.LoggingFilter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TimeZone; public class ApiClient { private Map<String, String> defaultHeaderMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); private boolean debugging = false; private String basePath = "http://localhost:8080/api"; private Map<String, Authentication> authentications; private DateFormat dateFormat; public ApiClient() { // Use ISO 8601 format for date and datetime. // See this.dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"); // Use UTC as the default time zone. this.dateFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); // Set default User-Agent. setUserAgent("Java-Swagger"); // Setup authentications (key: authentication name, value: authentication). authentications = new HashMap<String, Authentication>(); authentications.put("api_key", new ApiKeyAuth("header", "api_key")); authentications.put("petstore_auth", new OAuth()); // Prevent the authentications from being modified. authentications = Collections.unmodifiableMap(authentications); } public String getBasePath() { return basePath; } public ApiClient setBasePath(String basePath) { this.basePath = basePath; return this; } /** * Get authentications (key: authentication name, value: authentication). */ public Map<String, Authentication> getAuthentications() { return authentications; } /** * Get authentication for the given name. * * @param authName The authentication name * @return The authentication, null if not found */ public Authentication getAuthentication(String authName) { return authentications.get(authName); } /** * Helper method to set username for the first HTTP basic authentication. */ public void setUsername(String username) { for (Authentication auth : authentications.values()) { if (auth instanceof HttpBasicAuth) { ((HttpBasicAuth) auth).setUsername(username); return; } } throw new RuntimeException("No HTTP basic authentication configured!"); } /** * Helper method to set password for the first HTTP basic authentication. */ public void setPassword(String password) { for (Authentication auth : authentications.values()) { if (auth instanceof HttpBasicAuth) { ((HttpBasicAuth) auth).setPassword(password); return; } } throw new RuntimeException("No HTTP basic authentication configured!"); } /** * Helper method to set API key value for the first API key authentication. */ public void setApiKey(String apiKey) { for (Authentication auth : authentications.values()) { if (auth instanceof ApiKeyAuth) { ((ApiKeyAuth) auth).setApiKey(apiKey); return; } } throw new RuntimeException("No API key authentication configured!"); } /** * Helper method to set API key prefix for the first API key authentication. */ public void setApiKeyPrefix(String apiKeyPrefix) { for (Authentication auth : authentications.values()) { if (auth instanceof ApiKeyAuth) { ((ApiKeyAuth) auth).setApiKeyPrefix(apiKeyPrefix); return; } } throw new RuntimeException("No API key authentication configured!"); } /** * Set the User-Agent header's value (by adding to the default header map). */ public ApiClient setUserAgent(String userAgent) { addDefaultHeader("User-Agent", userAgent); return this; } /** * Add a default header. * * @param key The header's key * @param value The header's value */ public ApiClient addDefaultHeader(String key, String value) { defaultHeaderMap.put(key, value); return this; } /** * Check that whether debugging is enabled for this API client. */ public boolean isDebugging() { return debugging; } /** * Enable/disable debugging for this API client. * * @param debugging To enable (true) or disable (false) debugging */ public ApiClient setDebugging(boolean debugging) { this.debugging = debugging; return this; } /** * Get the date format used to parse/format date parameters. */ public DateFormat getDateFormat() { return dateFormat; } /** * Set the date format used to parse/format date parameters. */ public ApiClient getDateFormat(DateFormat dateFormat) { this.dateFormat = dateFormat; return this; } /** * Parse the given string into Date object. */ public Date parseDate(String str) { try { return dateFormat.parse(str); } catch (java.text.ParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Format the given Date object into string. */ public String formatDate(Date date) { return dateFormat.format(date); } /** * Format the given parameter object into string. */ public String parameterToString(Object param) { if (param == null) { return ""; } else if (param instanceof Date) { return formatDate((Date) param); } else if (param instanceof Collection) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for (Object o : (Collection) param) { if (b.length() > 0) { b.append(","); } b.append(String.valueOf(o)); } return b.toString(); } else { return String.valueOf(param); } } /** * Select the Accept header's value from the given accepts array: * if JSON exists in the given array, use it; * otherwise use all of them (joining into a string) * * @param accepts The accepts array to select from * @return The Accept header to use. If the given array is empty, * null will be returned (not to set the Accept header explicitly). */ public String selectHeaderAccept(String[] accepts) { if (accepts.length == 0) { return null; } if (StringUtil.containsIgnoreCase(accepts, "application/json")) { return "application/json"; } return StringUtil.join(accepts, ","); } /** * Select the Content-Type header's value from the given array: * if JSON exists in the given array, use it; * otherwise use the first one of the array. * * @param contentTypes The Content-Type array to select from * @return The Content-Type header to use. If the given array is empty, * JSON will be used. */ public String selectHeaderContentType(String[] contentTypes) { if (contentTypes.length == 0) { return "application/json"; } if (StringUtil.containsIgnoreCase(contentTypes, "application/json")) { return "application/json"; } return contentTypes[0]; } /** * Escape the given string to be used as URL query value. */ public String escapeString(String str) { try { return URLEncoder.encode(str, "utf8").replaceAll("\\+", "%20"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return str; } } /** * Deserialize the given JSON string to Java object. * * @param json The JSON string * @param containerType The container type, one of "list", "array" or "" * @param cls The type of the Java object * @return The deserialized Java object */ public Object deserialize(String json, String containerType, Class cls) throws ApiException { if (null != containerType) { containerType = containerType.toLowerCase(); } try { if ("list".equals(containerType) || "array".equals(containerType)) { JavaType typeInfo = Json.mapper().getTypeFactory().constructCollectionType(List.class, cls); List response = (List<?>) Json.mapper().readValue(json, typeInfo); return response; } else if (String.class.equals(cls)) { if (json != null && json.startsWith("\"") && json.endsWith("\"") && json.length() > 1) { return json.substring(1, json.length() - 2); } else { return json; } } else { return Json.mapper().readValue(json, cls); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new ApiException(500, e.getMessage(), null, json); } } private Entity<?> serialize(Object obj, String contentType) throws ApiException { try { if (obj != null) { if (contentType == null || MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON.equals(contentType)) { return Entity.json(Json.mapper().writeValueAsString(obj)); } return Entity.entity(obj, contentType); } else { return null; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ApiException(500, e.getMessage()); } } /** * Invoke API by sending HTTP request with the given options. * * @param path The sub-path of the HTTP URL * @param method The request method, one of "GET", "POST", "PUT", and "DELETE" * @param queryParams The query parameters * @param body The request body object * @param headerParams The header parameters * @param formParams The form parameters * @param accept The request's Accept header * @param contentType The request's Content-Type header * @param authNames The authentications to apply * @return The response body in type of string */ public String invokeAPI(String path, String method, Map<String, String> queryParams, Object body, Map<String, String> headerParams, Entity<?> formParams, String accept, String contentType, String[] authNames) throws ApiException { updateParamsForAuth(authNames, queryParams, headerParams); final ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig(); clientConfig.register(MultiPartFeature.class); if (debugging) { clientConfig.register(LoggingFilter.class); } Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(clientConfig); WebTarget target =; for (String key : queryParams.keySet()) { String value = queryParams.get(key); if (value != null) { target = target.queryParam(key, value); } } Invocation.Builder invocationBuilder = target.request(contentType); for (String key : headerParams.keySet()) { String value = headerParams.get(key); if (value != null) { invocationBuilder = invocationBuilder.header(key, value); } } for (String key : defaultHeaderMap.keySet()) { if (!headerParams.containsKey(key)) { String value = defaultHeaderMap.get(key); if (value != null) { invocationBuilder = invocationBuilder.header(key, value); } } } Response response = null; invocationBuilder = invocationBuilder.accept(accept); if ("GET".equals(method)) { response = invocationBuilder.get(); } else if ("POST".equals(method)) { if (formParams != null) { response =; } else if (body == null) { response =; } else { response =, contentType)); } } else if ("PUT".equals(method)) { if (formParams != null) { response = invocationBuilder.put(formParams); } else if (body == null) { response = invocationBuilder.put(null); } else { response = invocationBuilder.put(serialize(body, contentType)); } } else if ("DELETE".equals(method)) { response = invocationBuilder.delete(); } else { throw new ApiException(500, "unknown method type " + method); } if (response.getStatus() == Status.NO_CONTENT.getStatusCode()) { return null; } else if (response.getStatusInfo().getFamily().equals(Status.Family.SUCCESSFUL)) { if (response.hasEntity()) { return (String) response.readEntity(String.class); } else { return ""; } } else { String message = "error"; String respBody = null; Map<String, List<String>> responseHeaders = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); for (String key : response.getHeaders().keySet()) { List<Object> values = response.getHeaders().get(key); for (Object o : values) { List<String> headers = responseHeaders.get(key); if (headers == null) { headers = new ArrayList<String>(); responseHeaders.put(key, headers); } headers.add(String.valueOf(o)); } } if (response.hasEntity()) { try { message = String.valueOf(response.readEntity(String.class)); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); } } throw new ApiException(response.getStatusInfo().getStatusCode(), message, responseHeaders, respBody); } } /** * Update query and header parameters based on authentication settings. * * @param authNames The authentications to apply */ private void updateParamsForAuth(String[] authNames, Map<String, String> queryParams, Map<String, String> headerParams) { for (String authName : authNames) { Authentication auth = authentications.get(authName); if (auth == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Authentication undefined: " + authName); } auth.applyToParams(queryParams, headerParams); } } }