Java tutorial
package io.swagger.codegen.languages; import io.swagger.codegen.CliOption; import io.swagger.codegen.CodegenConfig; import io.swagger.codegen.CodegenConstants; import io.swagger.codegen.CodegenOperation; import io.swagger.codegen.CodegenParameter; import io.swagger.codegen.CodegenProperty; import io.swagger.codegen.CodegenType; import io.swagger.codegen.DefaultCodegen; import io.swagger.codegen.SupportingFile; import*; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public abstract class AbstractPhpCodegen extends DefaultCodegen implements CodegenConfig { static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractPhpCodegen.class); public static final String VARIABLE_NAMING_CONVENTION = "variableNamingConvention"; public static final String PACKAGE_PATH = "packagePath"; public static final String SRC_BASE_PATH = "srcBasePath"; // composerVendorName/composerProjectName has be replaced by gitUserId/gitRepoId. prepare to remove these. // public static final String COMPOSER_VENDOR_NAME = "composerVendorName"; // public static final String COMPOSER_PROJECT_NAME = "composerProjectName"; // protected String composerVendorName = null; // protected String composerProjectName = null; protected String invokerPackage = "php"; protected String packagePath = "php-base"; protected String artifactVersion = null; protected String srcBasePath = "lib"; protected String testBasePath = "test"; protected String docsBasePath = "docs"; protected String apiDirName = "Api"; protected String modelDirName = "Model"; protected String variableNamingConvention = "snake_case"; protected String apiDocPath = docsBasePath + "/" + apiDirName; protected String modelDocPath = docsBasePath + "/" + modelDirName; public AbstractPhpCodegen() { super(); modelTemplateFiles.put("model.mustache", ".php"); apiTemplateFiles.put("api.mustache", ".php"); apiTestTemplateFiles.put("api_test.mustache", ".php"); modelDocTemplateFiles.put("model_doc.mustache", ".md"); apiDocTemplateFiles.put("api_doc.mustache", ".md"); apiPackage = invokerPackage + "\\" + apiDirName; modelPackage = invokerPackage + "\\" + modelDirName; setReservedWordsLowerCase(Arrays.asList( // local variables used in api methods (endpoints) "resourcePath", "httpBody", "queryParams", "headerParams", "formParams", "_header_accept", "_tempBody", // PHP reserved words "__halt_compiler", "abstract", "and", "array", "as", "break", "callable", "case", "catch", "class", "clone", "const", "continue", "declare", "default", "die", "do", "echo", "else", "elseif", "empty", "enddeclare", "endfor", "endforeach", "endif", "endswitch", "endwhile", "eval", "exit", "extends", "final", "for", "foreach", "function", "global", "goto", "if", "implements", "include", "include_once", "instanceof", "insteadof", "interface", "isset", "list", "namespace", "new", "or", "print", "private", "protected", "public", "require", "require_once", "return", "static", "switch", "throw", "trait", "try", "unset", "use", "var", "while", "xor")); // ref: languageSpecificPrimitives = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("bool", "boolean", "int", "integer", "double", "float", "string", "object", "DateTime", "mixed", "number", "void", "byte")); instantiationTypes.put("array", "array"); instantiationTypes.put("map", "map"); // provide primitives to mustache template String primitives = "'" + StringUtils.join(languageSpecificPrimitives, "', '") + "'"; additionalProperties.put("primitives", primitives); // ref: typeMapping = new HashMap<String, String>(); typeMapping.put("integer", "int"); typeMapping.put("long", "int"); typeMapping.put("number", "float"); typeMapping.put("float", "float"); typeMapping.put("double", "double"); typeMapping.put("string", "string"); typeMapping.put("byte", "int"); typeMapping.put("boolean", "bool"); typeMapping.put("Date", "\\DateTime"); typeMapping.put("DateTime", "\\DateTime"); typeMapping.put("file", "\\SplFileObject"); typeMapping.put("map", "map"); typeMapping.put("array", "array"); typeMapping.put("list", "array"); typeMapping.put("object", "object"); typeMapping.put("binary", "string"); typeMapping.put("ByteArray", "string"); typeMapping.put("UUID", "string"); cliOptions.add(new CliOption(CodegenConstants.MODEL_PACKAGE, CodegenConstants.MODEL_PACKAGE_DESC)); cliOptions.add(new CliOption(CodegenConstants.API_PACKAGE, CodegenConstants.API_PACKAGE_DESC)); cliOptions.add( new CliOption(VARIABLE_NAMING_CONVENTION, "naming convention of variable name, e.g. camelCase.") .defaultValue("snake_case")); cliOptions.add(new CliOption(CodegenConstants.INVOKER_PACKAGE, "The main namespace to use for all classes. e.g. Yay\\Pets")); cliOptions.add(new CliOption(PACKAGE_PATH, "The main package name for classes. e.g. GeneratedPetstore")); cliOptions.add(new CliOption(SRC_BASE_PATH, "The directory under packagePath to serve as source root.")); // cliOptions.add(new CliOption(COMPOSER_VENDOR_NAME, "The vendor name used in the composer package name. The template uses {{composerVendorName}}/{{composerProjectName}} for the composer package name. e.g. yaypets. IMPORTANT NOTE (2016/03): composerVendorName will be deprecated and replaced by gitUserId in the next swagger-codegen release")); cliOptions.add(new CliOption(CodegenConstants.GIT_USER_ID, CodegenConstants.GIT_USER_ID_DESC)); // cliOptions.add(new CliOption(COMPOSER_PROJECT_NAME, "The project name used in the composer package name. The template uses {{composerVendorName}}/{{composerProjectName}} for the composer package name. e.g. petstore-client. IMPORTANT NOTE (2016/03): composerProjectName will be deprecated and replaced by gitRepoId in the next swagger-codegen release")); cliOptions.add(new CliOption(CodegenConstants.GIT_REPO_ID, CodegenConstants.GIT_REPO_ID_DESC)); cliOptions.add(new CliOption(CodegenConstants.ARTIFACT_VERSION, "The version to use in the composer package version field. e.g. 1.2.3")); } @Override public void processOpts() { super.processOpts(); if (additionalProperties.containsKey(PACKAGE_PATH)) { this.setPackagePath((String) additionalProperties.get(PACKAGE_PATH)); } else { additionalProperties.put(PACKAGE_PATH, packagePath); } if (additionalProperties.containsKey(SRC_BASE_PATH)) { this.setSrcBasePath((String) additionalProperties.get(SRC_BASE_PATH)); } else { additionalProperties.put(SRC_BASE_PATH, srcBasePath); } if (additionalProperties.containsKey(CodegenConstants.INVOKER_PACKAGE)) { this.setInvokerPackage((String) additionalProperties.get(CodegenConstants.INVOKER_PACKAGE)); } else { additionalProperties.put(CodegenConstants.INVOKER_PACKAGE, invokerPackage); } if (!additionalProperties.containsKey(CodegenConstants.MODEL_PACKAGE)) { additionalProperties.put(CodegenConstants.MODEL_PACKAGE, modelPackage); } if (!additionalProperties.containsKey(CodegenConstants.API_PACKAGE)) { additionalProperties.put(CodegenConstants.API_PACKAGE, apiPackage); } // if (additionalProperties.containsKey(COMPOSER_PROJECT_NAME)) { // this.setComposerProjectName((String) additionalProperties.get(COMPOSER_PROJECT_NAME)); // } else { // additionalProperties.put(COMPOSER_PROJECT_NAME, composerProjectName); // } if (additionalProperties.containsKey(CodegenConstants.GIT_USER_ID)) { this.setGitUserId((String) additionalProperties.get(CodegenConstants.GIT_USER_ID)); } else { additionalProperties.put(CodegenConstants.GIT_USER_ID, gitUserId); } // if (additionalProperties.containsKey(COMPOSER_VENDOR_NAME)) { // this.setComposerVendorName((String) additionalProperties.get(COMPOSER_VENDOR_NAME)); // } else { // additionalProperties.put(COMPOSER_VENDOR_NAME, composerVendorName); // } if (additionalProperties.containsKey(CodegenConstants.GIT_REPO_ID)) { this.setGitRepoId((String) additionalProperties.get(CodegenConstants.GIT_REPO_ID)); } else { additionalProperties.put(CodegenConstants.GIT_REPO_ID, gitRepoId); } if (additionalProperties.containsKey(CodegenConstants.ARTIFACT_VERSION)) { this.setArtifactVersion((String) additionalProperties.get(CodegenConstants.ARTIFACT_VERSION)); } else { additionalProperties.put(CodegenConstants.ARTIFACT_VERSION, artifactVersion); } if (additionalProperties.containsKey(VARIABLE_NAMING_CONVENTION)) { this.setParameterNamingConvention((String) additionalProperties.get(VARIABLE_NAMING_CONVENTION)); } additionalProperties.put("escapedInvokerPackage", invokerPackage.replace("\\", "\\\\")); // make api and model src path available in mustache template additionalProperties.put("apiSrcPath", "./" + toSrcPath(apiPackage, srcBasePath)); additionalProperties.put("modelSrcPath", "./" + toSrcPath(modelPackage, srcBasePath)); additionalProperties.put("apiTestPath", "./" + testBasePath + "/" + apiDirName); additionalProperties.put("modelTestPath", "./" + testBasePath + "/" + modelDirName); // make api and model doc path available in mustache template additionalProperties.put("apiDocPath", apiDocPath); additionalProperties.put("modelDocPath", modelDocPath); // make test path available in mustache template additionalProperties.put("testBasePath", testBasePath); // // apache v2 license // supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile("LICENSE", getPackagePath(), "LICENSE")); } public String getPackagePath() { return packagePath; } public String toPackagePath(String packageName, String basePath) { return (getPackagePath() + File.separatorChar + toSrcPath(packageName, basePath)); } public String toSrcPath(String packageName, String basePath) { packageName = packageName.replace(invokerPackage, ""); // FIXME: a parameter should not be assigned. Also declare the methods parameters as 'final'. if (basePath != null && basePath.length() > 0) { basePath = basePath.replaceAll("[\\\\/]?$", "") + File.separatorChar; // FIXME: a parameter should not be assigned. Also declare the methods parameters as 'final'. } String regFirstPathSeparator; if ("/".equals(File.separator)) { // for mac, linux regFirstPathSeparator = "^/"; } else { // for windows regFirstPathSeparator = "^\\\\"; } String regLastPathSeparator; if ("/".equals(File.separator)) { // for mac, linux regLastPathSeparator = "/$"; } else { // for windows regLastPathSeparator = "\\\\$"; } return (basePath // Replace period, backslash, forward slash with file separator in package name + packageName.replaceAll("[\\.\\\\/]", Matcher.quoteReplacement(File.separator)) // Trim prefix file separators from package path .replaceAll(regFirstPathSeparator, "")) // Trim trailing file separators from the overall path .replaceAll(regLastPathSeparator + "$", ""); } @Override public String escapeReservedWord(String name) { if (this.reservedWordsMappings().containsKey(name)) { return this.reservedWordsMappings().get(name); } return "_" + name; } @Override public String apiFileFolder() { return (outputFolder + "/" + toPackagePath(apiPackage, srcBasePath)); } @Override public String modelFileFolder() { return (outputFolder + "/" + toPackagePath(modelPackage, srcBasePath)); } @Override public String apiTestFileFolder() { return (outputFolder + "/" + getPackagePath() + "/" + testBasePath + "/" + apiDirName); } @Override public String modelTestFileFolder() { return (outputFolder + "/" + getPackagePath() + "/" + testBasePath + "/" + modelDirName); } @Override public String apiDocFileFolder() { return (outputFolder + "/" + getPackagePath() + "/" + apiDocPath); } @Override public String modelDocFileFolder() { return (outputFolder + "/" + getPackagePath() + "/" + modelDocPath); } @Override public String toModelDocFilename(String name) { return toModelName(name); } @Override public String toApiDocFilename(String name) { return toApiName(name); } @Override public String getTypeDeclaration(Property p) { if (p instanceof ArrayProperty) { ArrayProperty ap = (ArrayProperty) p; Property inner = ap.getItems(); return getTypeDeclaration(inner) + "[]"; } else if (p instanceof MapProperty) { MapProperty mp = (MapProperty) p; Property inner = mp.getAdditionalProperties(); return getSwaggerType(p) + "[string," + getTypeDeclaration(inner) + "]"; } else if (p instanceof RefProperty) { String type = super.getTypeDeclaration(p); return (!languageSpecificPrimitives.contains(type)) ? "\\" + modelPackage + "\\" + type : type; } return super.getTypeDeclaration(p); } @Override public String getTypeDeclaration(String name) { if (!languageSpecificPrimitives.contains(name)) { return "\\" + modelPackage + "\\" + name; } return super.getTypeDeclaration(name); } @Override public String getSwaggerType(Property p) { String swaggerType = super.getSwaggerType(p); String type = null; if (typeMapping.containsKey(swaggerType)) { type = typeMapping.get(swaggerType); if (languageSpecificPrimitives.contains(type)) { return type; } else if (instantiationTypes.containsKey(type)) { return type; } } else { type = swaggerType; } if (type == null) { return null; } return toModelName(type); } public void setInvokerPackage(String invokerPackage) { this.invokerPackage = invokerPackage; } public void setArtifactVersion(String artifactVersion) { this.artifactVersion = artifactVersion; } public void setPackagePath(String packagePath) { this.packagePath = packagePath; } public void setSrcBasePath(String srcBasePath) { this.srcBasePath = srcBasePath; } public void setParameterNamingConvention(String variableNamingConvention) { this.variableNamingConvention = variableNamingConvention; } // public void setComposerVendorName(String composerVendorName) { // this.composerVendorName = composerVendorName; // } // public void setComposerProjectName(String composerProjectName) { // this.composerProjectName = composerProjectName; // } @Override public String toVarName(String name) { // sanitize name name = sanitizeName(name); // FIXME: a parameter should not be assigned. Also declare the methods parameters as 'final'. if ("camelCase".equals(variableNamingConvention)) { // return the name in camelCase style // phone_number => phoneNumber name = camelize(name, true); } else { // default to snake case // return the name in underscore style // PhoneNumber => phone_number name = underscore(name); } // parameter name starting with number won't compile // need to escape it by appending _ at the beginning if (name.matches("^\\d.*")) { name = "_" + name; } return name; } @Override public String toParamName(String name) { // should be the same as variable name return toVarName(name); } @Override public String toModelName(String name) { // remove [ name = name.replaceAll("\\]", ""); // Note: backslash ("\\") is allowed for e.g. "\\DateTime" name = name.replaceAll("[^\\w\\\\]+", "_"); // FIXME: a parameter should not be assigned. Also declare the methods parameters as 'final'. // remove dollar sign name = name.replaceAll("$", ""); // model name cannot use reserved keyword if (isReservedWord(name)) { LOGGER.warn(name + " (reserved word) cannot be used as model name. Renamed to " + camelize("model_" + name)); name = "model_" + name; // e.g. return => ModelReturn (after camelize) } // model name starts with number if (name.matches("^\\d.*")) { LOGGER.warn(name + " (model name starts with number) cannot be used as model name. Renamed to " + camelize("model_" + name)); name = "model_" + name; // e.g. 200Response => Model200Response (after camelize) } // add prefix and/or suffic only if name does not start wth \ (e.g. \DateTime) if (!name.matches("^\\\\.*")) { name = modelNamePrefix + name + modelNameSuffix; } // camelize the model name // phone_number => PhoneNumber return camelize(name); } @Override public String toModelFilename(String name) { // should be the same as the model name return toModelName(name); } @Override public String toModelTestFilename(String name) { // should be the same as the model name return toModelName(name) + "Test"; } @Override public String toOperationId(String operationId) { // throw exception if method name is empty if (StringUtils.isEmpty(operationId)) { throw new RuntimeException("Empty method name (operationId) not allowed"); } // method name cannot use reserved keyword, e.g. return if (isReservedWord(operationId)) { LOGGER.warn(operationId + " (reserved word) cannot be used as method name. Renamed to " + camelize(sanitizeName("call_" + operationId), true)); operationId = "call_" + operationId; } return camelize(sanitizeName(operationId), true); } /** * Return the default value of the property * * @param p Swagger property object * @return string presentation of the default value of the property */ @Override public String toDefaultValue(Property p) { if (p instanceof StringProperty) { StringProperty dp = (StringProperty) p; if (dp.getDefault() != null) { return "'" + dp.getDefault() + "'"; } } else if (p instanceof BooleanProperty) { BooleanProperty dp = (BooleanProperty) p; if (dp.getDefault() != null) { return dp.getDefault().toString(); } } else if (p instanceof DateProperty) { // TODO } else if (p instanceof DateTimeProperty) { // TODO } else if (p instanceof DoubleProperty) { DoubleProperty dp = (DoubleProperty) p; if (dp.getDefault() != null) { return dp.getDefault().toString(); } } else if (p instanceof FloatProperty) { FloatProperty dp = (FloatProperty) p; if (dp.getDefault() != null) { return dp.getDefault().toString(); } } else if (p instanceof IntegerProperty) { IntegerProperty dp = (IntegerProperty) p; if (dp.getDefault() != null) { return dp.getDefault().toString(); } } else if (p instanceof LongProperty) { LongProperty dp = (LongProperty) p; if (dp.getDefault() != null) { return dp.getDefault().toString(); } } return null; } @Override public void setParameterExampleValue(CodegenParameter p) { String example; if (p.defaultValue == null) { example = p.example; } else { example = p.defaultValue; } String type = p.baseType; if (type == null) { type = p.dataType; } if ("String".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { if (example == null) { example = p.paramName + "_example"; } example = "\"" + escapeText(example) + "\""; } else if ("Integer".equals(type) || "int".equals(type)) { if (example == null) { example = "56"; } } else if ("Float".equalsIgnoreCase(type) || "Double".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { if (example == null) { example = "3.4"; } } else if ("BOOLEAN".equalsIgnoreCase(type) || "bool".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { if (example == null) { example = "True"; } } else if ("\\SplFileObject".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { if (example == null) { example = "/path/to/file"; } example = "\"" + escapeText(example) + "\""; } else if ("Date".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { if (example == null) { example = "2013-10-20"; } example = "new \\DateTime(\"" + escapeText(example) + "\")"; } else if ("DateTime".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { if (example == null) { example = "2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00"; } example = "new \\DateTime(\"" + escapeText(example) + "\")"; } else if (!languageSpecificPrimitives.contains(type)) { // type is a model class, e.g. User example = "new " + type + "()"; } else { LOGGER.warn("Type " + type + " not handled properly in setParameterExampleValue"); } if (example == null) { example = "NULL"; } else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isListContainer)) { example = "array(" + example + ")"; } else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isMapContainer)) { example = "array('key' => " + example + ")"; } p.example = example; } @Override public String toEnumValue(String value, String datatype) { if ("int".equals(datatype) || "double".equals(datatype) || "float".equals(datatype)) { return value; } else { return "\'" + escapeText(value) + "\'"; } } @Override public String toEnumDefaultValue(String value, String datatype) { return datatype + "_" + value; } @Override public String toEnumVarName(String name, String datatype) { if (name.length() == 0) { return "EMPTY"; } // for symbol, e.g. $, # if (getSymbolName(name) != null) { return (getSymbolName(name)).toUpperCase(); } // number if ("int".equals(datatype) || "double".equals(datatype) || "float".equals(datatype)) { String varName = name; varName = varName.replaceAll("-", "MINUS_"); varName = varName.replaceAll("\\+", "PLUS_"); varName = varName.replaceAll("\\.", "_DOT_"); return varName; } // string String enumName = sanitizeName(underscore(name).toUpperCase()); enumName = enumName.replaceFirst("^_", ""); enumName = enumName.replaceFirst("_$", ""); if (enumName.matches("\\d.*")) { // starts with number return "_" + enumName; } else { return enumName; } } @Override public String toEnumName(CodegenProperty property) { String enumName = underscore(toModelName(; if (enumName.matches("\\d.*")) { // starts with number return "_" + enumName; } else { return enumName; } } @Override public Map<String, Object> postProcessModels(Map<String, Object> objs) { // process enum in models return postProcessModelsEnum(objs); } @Override public Map<String, Object> postProcessOperations(Map<String, Object> objs) { Map<String, Object> operations = (Map<String, Object>) objs.get("operations"); List<CodegenOperation> operationList = (List<CodegenOperation>) operations.get("operation"); for (CodegenOperation op : operationList) { op.vendorExtensions.put("x-testOperationId", camelize(op.operationId)); } return objs; } @Override public String escapeQuotationMark(String input) { // remove ' to avoid code injection return input.replace("'", ""); } @Override public String escapeUnsafeCharacters(String input) { return input.replace("*/", ""); } }