Java tutorial
/* * Stallion Core: A Modern Web Framework * * Copyright (C) 2015 - 2016 Stallion Software LLC. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that * it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public * License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * */ package io.stallion.users; import io.stallion.exceptions.ClientException; import io.stallion.exceptions.RedirectException; import io.stallion.restfulEndpoints.BodyParam; import io.stallion.restfulEndpoints.MinRole; import io.stallion.settings.Settings; import io.stallion.templating.TemplateRenderer; import io.stallion.requests.validators.ParamExtractor; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import*; import; import; import java.util.*; import static io.stallion.utils.Literals.*; import static io.stallion.Context.*; public class OAuthEndpoints { @GET @Path("/auth") @Produces("text/html") @MinRole(Role.CONTACT) public Object authScreen(@QueryParam("client_id") String clientFullId, @QueryParam("scopes") String scopesString) { String[] scopes = StringUtils.split(scopesString, ","); String description = ""; Map<String, String> descriptionMap = Settings.instance().getoAuth().getScopeDescriptions(); for (int x = 0; x < scopes.length; x++) { String scope = scopes[x]; String s = or(descriptionMap.getOrDefault(scope, scope), scope); if (scopes.length == 1) { description = s; } else if (scopes.length == 2) { if (x == 0) { description += s; } else { description += " and " + s; } } else if (x + 1 == scopes.length) { description += " and " + s; } else { description += "," + s; } } Map<String, Object> ctx = map(val("clientId", clientFullId)); ctx.put("client", OAuthClientController.instance().clientForFullId(clientFullId)); ctx.put("scopesDescription", description); ctx.put("scopes", set(scopes)); String html = TemplateRenderer.instance().renderTemplate("stallion:public/oauth.jinja"); return html; } @POST @Path("/authorize-and-redirect") @MinRole(Role.CONTACT) @Consumes("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") public void authorizeToRedirect(@BodyParam("clientId") String fullClientId, @BodyParam("redirectUri") String redirectUri, @BodyParam("scopes") String scopesString, @BodyParam("state") String state) { state = or(state, ""); boolean scoped = true; Set<String> scopes = null; if (scopesString == null) { scoped = false; scopes = set(); } else { scopes = set(or(scopesString, "").split(",")); } String providedCode = request().getBodyMap().getOrDefault("providedCode", "").toString(); OAuthApproval approval = OAuthApprovalController.instance().checkGrantApprovalForUser(GrantType.CODE, getUser(), fullClientId, scopes, scoped, redirectUri, providedCode); if (!redirectUri.contains("?")) { redirectUri += "?"; } else if (!redirectUri.endsWith("&")) { redirectUri += "&"; } try { redirectUri += "code=" + approval.getCode() + "&state=" + URLEncoder.encode(state, "utf-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } ; throw new RedirectException(redirectUri, 302); } @POST @Path("/authorize-and-redirect-to-hash") @MinRole(Role.CONTACT) @Consumes("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") public void authorizeToRedirectHash(@BodyParam("clientId") String fullClientId, @BodyParam("redirectUri") String redirectUri, @BodyParam("scopes") String scopesString, @BodyParam("state") String state) { state = or(state, ""); boolean scoped = true; Set<String> scopes = null; if (scopesString == null) { scoped = false; scopes = set(); } else { scopes = set(or(scopesString, "").split(",")); } OAuthApproval approval = OAuthApprovalController.instance().checkGrantApprovalForUser(GrantType.TOKEN, getUser(), fullClientId, scopes, scoped, redirectUri); if (!redirectUri.contains("#")) { redirectUri += "#"; } else if (!redirectUri.endsWith("&")) { redirectUri += "&"; } try { redirectUri += "token=" + approval.getAccessToken() + "&state=" + URLEncoder.encode(state, "utf-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } throw new RedirectException(redirectUri, 302); } @POST @Path("/authorize-to-json") @MinRole(Role.CONTACT) public Map<String, Object> authorize(@BodyParam("grantType") String grantTypeString, @BodyParam("clientId") String fullClientId, @BodyParam("redirectUri") String redirectUri, @BodyParam("scopes") String scopesString, @BodyParam("state") String state) { GrantType grantType = Enum.valueOf(GrantType.class, grantTypeString.toUpperCase()); state = or(state, ""); boolean scoped = true; Set<String> scopes = null; if (scopesString == null) { scoped = false; scopes = set(); } else { scopes = set(or(scopesString, "").split(",")); } OAuthApproval approval = OAuthApprovalController.instance().checkGrantApprovalForUser(grantType, getUser(), fullClientId, scopes, scoped, redirectUri); Map<String, Object> data = map(val("state", state), val("redirect_uri", redirectUri)); if (grantType.equals(GrantType.CODE)) { data.put("code", approval.getCode()); } else if (grantType.equals(GrantType.TOKEN)) { data.put("access_token", approval.getAccessToken()); } return data; } @POST @Path("/refresh") public Object refresh(@BodyParam("access_token") String accessToken, @BodyParam("refresh_token") String refreshToken, @BodyParam("client_id") String fullClientId, @BodyParam("client_secret") String clientSecret) { OAuthApproval approval = OAuthApprovalController.instance().newAccessTokenForRefreshToken(refreshToken, accessToken, fullClientId, clientSecret); return map(val("access_token", approval.getAccessToken()), val("refresh_token", approval.getRefreshToken())); } @POST @Path("/token") public Object grantToken(@BodyParam("grant_type") String grantType) { switch (grantType) { case "authorization_code": return authorizationCodeGrantToken(); case "password": return passwordGrantToken(); default: throw new ClientException("Could not understand grant_type: " + grantType); } } public Object authorizationCodeGrantToken() { ParamExtractor<String> params = new ParamExtractor(request().getBodyMap(), "Required post body parameter {0} was not found."); String code = params.get("code"); String redirectUri = params.get("redirect_uri"); String fullClientId = params.get("client_id"); String clientSecret = params.get("client_secret"); OAuthClient client = OAuthClientController.instance().clientForFullId(fullClientId); if (emptyInstance(client)) { throw new ClientException("Client not found with id :'" + fullClientId + "'"); } if (client.hasGrantType(GrantType.CODE)) { throw new ClientException("Client cannot use password login."); } if (client.isRequiresSecret() && !clientSecret.equals(client.getClientSecret())) { throw new ClientException("The client secret was not valid"); } if (!client.getAllowedRedirectUris().contains(redirectUri)) { throw new ClientException("The URI '" + redirectUri + "' was not on the allowed list."); } OAuthApproval token = OAuthApprovalController.instance().forUniqueKey("code", code); if (emptyInstance(token)) { throw new ClientException("No valid token found for code: '" + code + "'"); } if (token.isVerified()) { throw new ClientException("Code has already been used: '" + code + "'"); } // Tokens expire in 15 minutes if they are not verified if ((token.getCreatedAt() + (15 * 60 * 1000)) < mils()) { throw new ClientException("Code was not verified within fifteen minutes: '" + code + "'"); } token.setVerified(true); token.setCode(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); OAuthApprovalController.instance().save(token); return map(val("access_token", token.getAccessToken()), val("refresh_token", token.getRefreshToken())); } public Object passwordGrantToken() { ParamExtractor<String> params = new ParamExtractor(request().getBodyMap(), "Required post body paramater {0} was not found."); String password = params.get("password"); String username = params.get("username"); String clientId = params.get("clientId"); OAuthClient client = OAuthClientController.instance().forUniqueKey("clientKey", clientId); if (emptyInstance(client)) { throw new ClientException("Client not found with id :'" + clientId + "'"); } if (client.hasGrantType(GrantType.PASSWORD)) { throw new ClientException("Client cannot use password login."); } Set<String> scopes; boolean scoped = true; if (client.isScoped()) { scopes = new HashSet<>(client.getScopes()); scoped = true; } else { scopes = set(); scoped = false; } IUser user = UserController.instance().checkUserLoginValid(username, password); OAuthApproval token = OAuthApprovalController.instance().generateNewApprovalForUser(user, client, scopes, scoped, ""); return map(val("access_token", token.getAccessToken())); } }