Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 SnappyData, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. See accompanying * LICENSE file. */ package io.snappydata.impl; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.LogWriterImpl; import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.ExternalTableMetaData; import com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.catalog.ExternalCatalog; import com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.engine.Misc; import com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.impl.jdbc.Util; import com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.impl.sql.catalog.GfxdDataDictionary; import com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.shared.common.reference.SQLState; import; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.MetaException; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.NoSuchObjectException; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Table; import org.apache.spark.sql.collection.Utils; import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.columnar.ExternalStoreUtils; import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.DriverRegistry; import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.ExternalTableType; import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.SnappyStoreHiveCatalog; import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.JdbcExtendedUtils; import; import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType; import org.apache.thrift.TException; public class SnappyHiveCatalog implements ExternalCatalog { final private static String THREAD_GROUP_NAME = "HiveMetaStore Client Group"; private ThreadLocal<HiveMetaStoreClient> hmClients = new ThreadLocal<>(); private final ThreadLocal<HMSQuery> queries = new ThreadLocal<>(); private final ExecutorService hmsQueriesExecutorService; public SnappyHiveCatalog() { final ThreadGroup hmsThreadGroup = LogWriterImpl.createThreadGroup(THREAD_GROUP_NAME, Misc.getI18NLogWriter()); ThreadFactory hmsClientThreadFactory = new ThreadFactory() { private int next = 0; @SuppressWarnings("NullableProblems") public Thread newThread(Runnable command) { Thread t = new Thread(hmsThreadGroup, command, "HiveMetaStore Client-" + next++); t.setDaemon(true); return t; } }; hmsQueriesExecutorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1, hmsClientThreadFactory); // just run a task to initialize the HMC for the thread. // Assumption is that this should be outside any lock HMSQuery q = getHMSQuery(); q.resetValues(HMSQuery.INIT, null, null, true); Future<Object> ret = hmsQueriesExecutorService.submit(q); try { ret.get(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public boolean isColumnTable(String schema, String tableName, boolean skipLocks) { HMSQuery q = getHMSQuery(); q.resetValues(HMSQuery.ISCOLUMNTABLE_QUERY, tableName, schema, skipLocks); Future<Object> f = this.hmsQueriesExecutorService.submit(q); return (Boolean) handleFutureResult(f); } public boolean isRowTable(String schema, String tableName, boolean skipLocks) { HMSQuery q = getHMSQuery(); q.resetValues(HMSQuery.ISROWTABLE_QUERY, tableName, schema, skipLocks); Future<Object> f = this.hmsQueriesExecutorService.submit(q); return (Boolean) handleFutureResult(f); } public String getColumnTableSchemaAsJson(String schema, String tableName, boolean skipLocks) { HMSQuery q = getHMSQuery(); q.resetValues(HMSQuery.COLUMNTABLE_SCHEMA, tableName, schema, skipLocks); Future<Object> f = this.hmsQueriesExecutorService.submit(q); return (String) handleFutureResult(f); } public ExternalTableMetaData getHiveTableMetaData(String schema, String tableName, boolean skipLocks) { HMSQuery q = getHMSQuery(); q.resetValues(HMSQuery.GET_COL_TABLE, tableName, schema, skipLocks); Future<Object> f = this.hmsQueriesExecutorService.submit(q); return (ExternalTableMetaData) handleFutureResult(f); } public HashMap<String, List<String>> getAllStoreTablesInCatalog(boolean skipLocks) { HMSQuery q = getHMSQuery(); q.resetValues(HMSQuery.GET_ALL_TABLES_MANAGED_IN_DD, null, null, skipLocks); Future<Object> f = this.hmsQueriesExecutorService.submit(q); return (HashMap<String, List<String>>) handleFutureResult(f); } public boolean removeTable(String schema, String table, boolean skipLocks) { HMSQuery q = getHMSQuery(); q.resetValues(HMSQuery.REMOVE_TABLE, table, schema, skipLocks); Future<Object> f = this.hmsQueriesExecutorService.submit(q); return (Boolean) handleFutureResult(f); } @Override public String catalogSchemaName() { return SnappyStoreHiveCatalog.HIVE_METASTORE(); } @Override public void stop() { HMSQuery q = getHMSQuery(); q.resetValues(HMSQuery.CLOSE_HMC, null, null, true); try { this.hmsQueriesExecutorService.submit(q).get(); } catch (Exception ignored) { } this.hmsQueriesExecutorService.shutdown(); try { this.hmsQueriesExecutorService.awaitTermination(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { } } private HMSQuery getHMSQuery() { HMSQuery q = this.queries.get(); if (q == null) { q = new HMSQuery(); this.queries.set(q); } return q; } private <T> T handleFutureResult(Future<T> f) { try { return f.get(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private class HMSQuery implements Callable<Object> { private int qType; private String tableName; private String dbName; private boolean skipLock; private static final int INIT = 0; private static final int ISROWTABLE_QUERY = 1; private static final int ISCOLUMNTABLE_QUERY = 2; private static final int COLUMNTABLE_SCHEMA = 3; // all hive tables that are expected to be in datadictionary // this will exclude external tables like parquet tables, stream tables private static final int GET_ALL_TABLES_MANAGED_IN_DD = 4; private static final int REMOVE_TABLE = 5; private static final int GET_COL_TABLE = 6; private static final int CLOSE_HMC = 7; // More to be added later HMSQuery() { } public void resetValues(int queryType, String tableName, String dbName, boolean skipLocks) { this.qType = queryType; this.tableName = tableName; this.dbName = dbName; this.skipLock = skipLocks; } @Override public Object call() throws Exception { try { if (this.skipLock) { GfxdDataDictionary.SKIP_LOCKS.set(true); } switch (this.qType) { case INIT: initHMC(); return true; case ISROWTABLE_QUERY: HiveMetaStoreClient hmc = SnappyHiveCatalog.this.hmClients.get(); String type = getType(hmc); return type.equalsIgnoreCase(ExternalTableType.Row().toString()); case ISCOLUMNTABLE_QUERY: hmc = SnappyHiveCatalog.this.hmClients.get(); type = getType(hmc); return !type.equalsIgnoreCase(ExternalTableType.Row().toString()); case COLUMNTABLE_SCHEMA: hmc = SnappyHiveCatalog.this.hmClients.get(); return getSchema(hmc); case GET_ALL_TABLES_MANAGED_IN_DD: hmc = SnappyHiveCatalog.this.hmClients.get(); List<String> dbList = hmc.getAllDatabases(); HashMap<String, List<String>> dbTablesMap = new HashMap<>(); for (String db : dbList) { List<String> tables = hmc.getAllTables(db); // TODO: FIX ME: should not convert to upper case blindly List<String> upperCaseTableNames = new LinkedList<>(); for (String t : tables) { Table hiveTab = hmc.getTable(db, t); if (isTableInStoreDD(hiveTab)) { upperCaseTableNames.add(t.toUpperCase()); } } dbTablesMap.put(db.toUpperCase(), upperCaseTableNames); } return dbTablesMap; case REMOVE_TABLE: hmc = SnappyHiveCatalog.this.hmClients.get(); hmc.dropTable(this.dbName, this.tableName); return true; case GET_COL_TABLE: hmc = SnappyHiveCatalog.this.hmClients.get(); Table table = getTableWithRetry(hmc); String fullyQualifiedName = table.getDbName().toUpperCase() + "." + table.getTableName().toUpperCase(); StructType schema = ExternalStoreUtils.convertSchemaMap(table.getParameters()); CaseInsensitiveMap parameters = new CaseInsensitiveMap( table.getSd().getSerdeInfo().getParameters()); int partitions = ExternalStoreUtils.getAndSetTotalPartitions(parameters, true); Object value = parameters.get(StoreUtils.GEM_INDEXED_TABLE()); String baseTable = value != null ? value.toString() : ""; String dmls = JdbcExtendedUtils.getInsertOrPutString(fullyQualifiedName, schema, false); value = parameters.get(ExternalStoreUtils.DEPENDENT_RELATIONS()); String[] dependentRelations = value != null ? value.toString().split(",") : null; int columnBatchSize = Integer .parseInt(parameters.get(ExternalStoreUtils.COLUMN_BATCH_SIZE()).toString()); int columnMaxDeltaRows = Integer .parseInt(parameters.get(ExternalStoreUtils.COLUMN_MAX_DELTA_ROWS()).toString()); value = parameters.get(ExternalStoreUtils.COMPRESSION_CODEC()); String compressionCodec = value == null ? null : value.toString(); String tableType = table.getParameters().get(JdbcExtendedUtils.TABLETYPE_PROPERTY()); return new ExternalTableMetaData(fullyQualifiedName, schema, tableType, ExternalStoreUtils.getExternalStoreOnExecutor(parameters, partitions, fullyQualifiedName, schema), columnBatchSize, columnMaxDeltaRows, compressionCodec, baseTable, dmls, dependentRelations); case CLOSE_HMC: hmc = SnappyHiveCatalog.this.hmClients.get(); hmc.close(); SnappyHiveCatalog.this.hmClients.remove(); return true; default: throw new IllegalStateException("HiveMetaStoreClient:unknown query option"); } } finally { GfxdDataDictionary.SKIP_LOCKS.set(false); } } public String toString() { return "HiveMetaStoreQuery:query type = " + this.qType + " tname = " + this.tableName + " db = " + this.dbName; } private void initHMC() { DriverRegistry.register("io.snappydata.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver"); DriverRegistry.register("io.snappydata.jdbc.ClientDriver"); String url = "jdbc:snappydata:;user=" + SnappyStoreHiveCatalog.HIVE_METASTORE() + ";disable-streaming=true;default-persistent=true"; HiveConf metadataConf = new HiveConf(); metadataConf.setVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.METASTORECONNECTURLKEY, url); metadataConf.setVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.METASTORE_CONNECTION_DRIVER, "io.snappydata.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver"); try { HiveMetaStoreClient hmc = new HiveMetaStoreClient(metadataConf); SnappyHiveCatalog.this.hmClients.set(hmc); } catch (MetaException me) { throw new IllegalStateException(me); } } private Table getTable(HiveMetaStoreClient hmc, String dbName, String tableName) throws SQLException { try { return hmc.getTable(dbName, tableName); } catch (NoSuchObjectException ignored) { return null; } catch (TException te) { throw Util.generateCsSQLException(SQLState.TABLE_NOT_FOUND, tableName, te); } } private String getType(HiveMetaStoreClient hmc) throws SQLException { Table t = getTable(hmc, this.dbName, this.tableName); if (t != null) { return t.getParameters().get(JdbcExtendedUtils.TABLETYPE_PROPERTY()); } else { // assume ROW type in GemFireXD return ExternalTableType.Row().toString(); } } private boolean isTableInStoreDD(Table t) { String type = t.getParameters().get(JdbcExtendedUtils.TABLETYPE_PROPERTY()); return type.equalsIgnoreCase(ExternalTableType.Row().toString()) || type.equalsIgnoreCase(ExternalTableType.Column().toString()) || type.equalsIgnoreCase(ExternalTableType.Sample().toString()); } private Table getTableWithRetry(HiveMetaStoreClient hmc) throws SQLException { Table table = null; try { table = getTable(hmc, this.dbName, this.tableName); } catch (SQLException sqle) { // try with upper-case name } if (table == null) { table = getTable(hmc, this.dbName, Utils.toUpperCase(this.tableName)); } return table; } private String getSchema(HiveMetaStoreClient hmc) throws SQLException { Table table = getTableWithRetry(hmc); if (table != null) { return SnappyStoreHiveCatalog.getSchemaStringFromHiveTable(table); } else { return null; } } } }