Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 M-Way Solutions GmbH * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.relution.jenkins.awssqs; import; import; import; import hudson.DescriptorExtensionList; import hudson.Extension; import hudson.Util; import hudson.console.AnnotatedLargeText; import hudson.model.AbstractProject; import hudson.model.Action; import hudson.model.Cause; import hudson.model.Item; import hudson.model.ParametersAction; import hudson.model.StringParameterValue; import hudson.triggers.Trigger; import hudson.triggers.TriggerDescriptor; import hudson.util.FormValidation; import hudson.util.ListBoxModel; import hudson.util.SequentialExecutionQueue; import io.relution.jenkins.awssqs.i18n.sqstrigger.Messages; import io.relution.jenkins.awssqs.interfaces.EventTriggerMatcher; import io.relution.jenkins.awssqs.interfaces.MessageParserFactory; import io.relution.jenkins.awssqs.interfaces.SQSQueue; import io.relution.jenkins.awssqs.interfaces.SQSQueueMonitorScheduler; import io.relution.jenkins.awssqs.logging.Log; import; import; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.apache.commons.jelly.XMLOutput; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.kohsuke.stapler.DataBoundConstructor; import org.kohsuke.stapler.QueryParameter; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; public class SQSTrigger extends Trigger<AbstractProject<?, ?>> implements io.relution.jenkins.awssqs.interfaces.SQSQueueListener, Runnable { private final String queueUuid; private transient SQSQueueMonitorScheduler scheduler; private transient MessageParserFactory messageParserFactory; private transient EventTriggerMatcher eventTriggerMatcher; private transient ExecutorService executor; @DataBoundConstructor public SQSTrigger(final String queueUuid) { this.queueUuid = queueUuid; } public File getLogFile() { if (this.job == null) { return null; } else { return new File(this.job.getRootDir(), "sqs-polling.log"); } } @Override public void start(final AbstractProject<?, ?> project, final boolean newInstance) { super.start(project, newInstance); final DescriptorImpl descriptor = (DescriptorImpl) this.getDescriptor(); descriptor.queue.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {"Start trigger for project %s", project); SQSTrigger.this.getScheduler().register(SQSTrigger.this); } }); } @Override public void run() { final SQSTriggerBuilder builder = new SQSTriggerBuilder(this, this.job);; } @Override public void stop() { super.stop(); final DescriptorImpl descriptor = (DescriptorImpl) this.getDescriptor(); descriptor.queue.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {"Stop trigger (%s)", this); SQSTrigger.this.getScheduler().unregister(SQSTrigger.this); } }); } @Override public Collection<? extends Action> getProjectActions() { return Collections.singleton(new SQSTriggerPollingAction()); } @Override public void handleMessages(final List<Message> messages) { for (final Message message : messages) { this.handleMessage(message); } } @Override public String getQueueUuid() { return this.queueUuid; } @Inject public void setScheduler(final SQSQueueMonitorScheduler scheduler) { this.scheduler = scheduler; } public SQSQueueMonitorScheduler getScheduler() { if (this.scheduler == null) { io.relution.jenkins.awssqs.Context.injector().injectMembers(this); } return this.scheduler; } @Inject public void setMessageParserFactory(final MessageParserFactory factory) { this.messageParserFactory = factory; } public MessageParserFactory getMessageParserFactory() { if (this.messageParserFactory == null) { io.relution.jenkins.awssqs.Context.injector().injectMembers(this); } return this.messageParserFactory; } @Inject public void setEventTriggerMatcher(final EventTriggerMatcher matcher) { this.eventTriggerMatcher = matcher; } public EventTriggerMatcher getEventTriggerMatcher() { if (this.eventTriggerMatcher == null) { io.relution.jenkins.awssqs.Context.injector().injectMembers(this); } return this.eventTriggerMatcher; } @Inject public void setExecutorService(final ExecutorService executor) { this.executor = executor; } public ExecutorService getExecutorService() { if (this.executor == null) { io.relution.jenkins.awssqs.Context.injector().injectMembers(this); } return this.executor; } public String getCurrentQueueUrl() { TriggerDescriptor descriptor = this.getDescriptor(); if (descriptor instanceof DescriptorImpl) { DescriptorImpl impl = (DescriptorImpl) descriptor; SQSQueue queue = impl.getSqsQueue(getQueueUuid()); return queue.getUrl(); } throw new RuntimeException("TriggerDescriptor should be instance of DescriptorImpl"); } private void handleMessage(final Message message) {"Message received..."); Map<String, String> jobParams = new HashMap<>(); // add job parameters from the message (N.B. won't work post Jenkins v2+) @see for (Map.Entry<String, String> att : message.getAttributes().entrySet()) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(att.getKey())) { jobParams.put("sqs_" + att.getKey(), att.getValue()); } } jobParams.put("sqs_body", message.getBody()); jobParams.put("sqs_messageId", message.getMessageId()); jobParams.put("sqs_receiptHandle", message.getReceiptHandle()); jobParams.put("sqs_bodyMD5", message.getMD5OfBody()); jobParams.put("sqs_queueUrl", getCurrentQueueUrl()); startJob(jobParams); // final MessageParser parser = this.messageParserFactory.createParser(message); // final EventTriggerMatcher matcher = this.getEventTriggerMatcher(); // final List<ExecuteJenkinsJobEvent> events = parser.parseMessage(message); // // if (matcher.matches(events, this.job)) { // this.execute(); // }else{ //"Executing handleMessage when no event is matched"); // this.execute(); // } } private void startJob(Map<String, String> jobParameters) { // initialise parameters... List<StringParameterValue> params = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> param : jobParameters.entrySet()) { params.add(new StringParameterValue(param.getKey(), param.getValue())); } // setup default cause... Cause cause = new Cause.RemoteCause("NOT_SET", "Job triggered by AWS SQS Message"); // attempt to build cause from descriptor... TriggerDescriptor descriptor = this.getDescriptor(); if (descriptor instanceof DescriptorImpl) { DescriptorImpl impl = (DescriptorImpl) descriptor; List<io.relution.jenkins.awssqs.SQSTriggerQueue> queues = impl.getSqsQueues(); if (!queues.isEmpty()) { cause = new Cause.RemoteCause(queues.get(0).getUrl(), "Job triggered by AWS SQS Message"); } } StringParameterValue[] parameters = params.toArray(new StringParameterValue[params.size()]);"Triggering job with %s parameters...", parameters.length); if (job == null) { Log.severe("Unexpected error, 'job' object was null!"); } else { job.scheduleBuild(0, cause, new ParametersAction(parameters)); }"Triggering job [COMPLETED]"); } // private void execute() { //"SQS event triggered build of %s", this.job.getFullDisplayName()); // this.executor.execute(this); // } public final class SQSTriggerPollingAction implements Action { public AbstractProject<?, ?> getOwner() { return SQSTrigger.this.job; } @Override public String getIconFileName() { return "clipboard.png"; } @Override public String getDisplayName() { return "SQS Activity Log"; } @Override public String getUrlName() { return "SQSActivityLog"; } public String getLog() throws IOException { return Util.loadFile(SQSTrigger.this.getLogFile()); } public void writeLogTo(final XMLOutput out) throws IOException { final AnnotatedLargeText<?> log = new AnnotatedLargeText<SQSTriggerPollingAction>( SQSTrigger.this.getLogFile(), Charset.defaultCharset(), true, this); log.writeHtmlTo(0, out.asWriter()); } } @Extension public static final class DescriptorImpl extends TriggerDescriptor { private static final String KEY_SQS_QUEUES = "sqsQueues"; private volatile List<io.relution.jenkins.awssqs.SQSTriggerQueue> sqsQueues; private volatile transient Map<String, io.relution.jenkins.awssqs.SQSTriggerQueue> sqsQueueMap; private transient boolean isLoaded; private transient final SequentialExecutionQueue queue = new SequentialExecutionQueue( Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()); public static DescriptorImpl get() { final DescriptorExtensionList<Trigger<?>, TriggerDescriptor> triggers = Trigger.all(); return triggers.get(DescriptorImpl.class); } public DescriptorImpl() { super(SQSTrigger.class); } @Override public synchronized void load() { super.load(); this.initQueueMap(); this.isLoaded = true; } @Override public boolean isApplicable(final Item item) { return item instanceof AbstractProject; } @Override public String getDisplayName() { return Messages.displayName(); } public ListBoxModel doFillQueueUuidItems() { final List<io.relution.jenkins.awssqs.SQSTriggerQueue> queues = this.getSqsQueues(); final ListBoxModel items = new ListBoxModel(); for (final io.relution.jenkins.awssqs.SQSTriggerQueue queue : queues) { items.add(queue.getName(), queue.getUuid()); } return items; } public FormValidation doCheckQueueUuid(@QueryParameter final String value) { if (this.getSqsQueues().size() == 0) { return FormValidation.error(Messages.errorQueueUnavailable()); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(value)) { return FormValidation.ok(Messages.infoQueueDefault()); } final SQSQueue queue = this.getSqsQueue(value); if (queue == null) { return FormValidation.error(Messages.errorQueueUuidUnknown()); } return FormValidation.ok(); } @Override public boolean configure(final StaplerRequest req, final JSONObject json) throws FormException { final Object sqsQueues = json.get(KEY_SQS_QUEUES); this.sqsQueues = req.bindJSONToList(io.relution.jenkins.awssqs.SQSTriggerQueue.class, sqsQueues); this.initQueueMap();; EventBroker.getInstance().post(new ConfigurationChangedEvent()); return true; } public List<io.relution.jenkins.awssqs.SQSTriggerQueue> getSqsQueues() { if (!this.isLoaded) { this.load(); } if (this.sqsQueues == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return this.sqsQueues; } public SQSQueue getSqsQueue(final String uuid) { if (!this.isLoaded) { this.load(); } if (this.sqsQueueMap == null) { return null; } return this.sqsQueueMap.get(uuid); } private void initQueueMap() { if (this.sqsQueues == null) { return; } this.sqsQueueMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(this.sqsQueues.size()); for (final io.relution.jenkins.awssqs.SQSTriggerQueue queue : this.sqsQueues) { this.sqsQueueMap.put(queue.getUuid(), queue); } } } }