Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 Realm Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.realm.realmtasks.list; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder; import android.text.Spanned; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import; import; import android.view.View; import android.view.animation.AlphaAnimation; import android.view.animation.RotateAnimation; import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.RelativeLayout; import android.widget.TextView; import io.realm.realmtasks.R; public class ItemViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder { @ColorInt private final int cellUnusedColor; @ColorInt private final int cellCompletedColor; @ColorInt private final int cellCompletedBackgroundColor; @ColorInt private final int cellDefaultColor; @ColorInt private final int metadataCellCompletedColor; private final RelativeLayout iconBar; private final LinearLayout row; private final RelativeLayout hintPanel; private final View metadataRow; private final ImageView arrow; private final EditText editText; private final TextView badge; private final TextView text; private final TextView metadata; private final RecyclerView.Adapter adapter; private boolean completed; private boolean shouldChangeBackgroundColor; private boolean shouldChangeTextColor; private int previousFirstLength; public final View delete; public ItemViewHolder(View itemView, RecyclerView.Adapter adapter) { super(itemView); iconBar = (RelativeLayout) itemView.findViewById(; row = (LinearLayout) itemView.findViewById(; hintPanel = (RelativeLayout) itemView.findViewById(; metadataRow = itemView.findViewById(; arrow = (ImageView) hintPanel.findViewById(; badge = (TextView) row.findViewById(; text = (TextView) row.findViewById(; metadata = (TextView) row.findViewById(; editText = (EditText) row.findViewById(; cellUnusedColor = ContextCompat.getColor(itemView.getContext(), R.color.cell_unused_color); cellCompletedColor = ContextCompat.getColor(itemView.getContext(), R.color.cell_completed_color); cellCompletedBackgroundColor = ContextCompat.getColor(itemView.getContext(), R.color.cell_completed_background_color); cellDefaultColor = ContextCompat.getColor(itemView.getContext(), R.color.cell_default_color); metadataCellCompletedColor = ContextCompat.getColor(itemView.getContext(), R.color.cell_default_metadata_color); shouldChangeBackgroundColor = true; shouldChangeTextColor = true; metadataRow.setVisibility(View.GONE); previousFirstLength = -1; this.adapter = adapter; delete = itemView.findViewById(; } private int generateBackgroundColor() { if (adapter != null && adapter instanceof TouchHelperAdapter) { return ((TouchHelperAdapter) adapter).generatedRowColor(getAdapterPosition()); } else { return cellUnusedColor; } } public void setCompleted(boolean completed) { if (completed == this.completed && !shouldChangeTextColor) { return; } this.completed = completed; int paintFlags = text.getPaintFlags(); if (completed) { text.setTextColor(cellCompletedColor); text.setPaintFlags(paintFlags | Paint.STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG); metadata.setTextColor(cellCompletedColor); metadata.setPaintFlags(paintFlags | Paint.STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG); row.setBackgroundColor(cellCompletedBackgroundColor); } else { if (badge.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE && badge.getText().equals("0")) { text.setTextColor(cellCompletedColor); metadata.setTextColor(cellCompletedColor); } else { text.setTextColor(cellDefaultColor); metadata.setTextColor(metadataCellCompletedColor); } text.setPaintFlags(paintFlags & ~Paint.STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG); metadata.setPaintFlags(paintFlags & ~Paint.STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG); row.setBackgroundColor(generateBackgroundColor()); } shouldChangeTextColor = false; } public boolean getCompleted() { return completed; } public void setEditable(boolean set) { if (set) { if (isEditable() == false) { editText.setText(text.getText().toString()); } hideReadOnlyTaskText(); editText.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); editText.requestFocus(); final Context context = editText.getContext(); final InputMethodManager inputMethodManager = (InputMethodManager) context .getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); inputMethodManager.showSoftInput(editText, InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT); } else { if (isEditable() == true) { text.setText(editText.getText().toString()); } showReadOnlyTaskText(); editText.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } private void hideReadOnlyTaskText() { text.setVisibility(View.GONE); metadataRow.setVisibility(View.GONE); metadata.setText(""); // clear the metadata text if we're hiding and showing the edit text. It will need to be reparsed. } private void showReadOnlyTaskText() { text.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } public boolean isEditable() { return editText.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE; } public void setBadgeVisible(boolean visible) { if (visible) { badge.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { badge.setVisibility(View.GONE); } shouldChangeTextColor = true; } public void setBadgeCount(int count) { badge.setText(Integer.toString(count)); if (count == 0) { text.setTextColor(cellCompletedColor); badge.setTextColor(cellCompletedColor); } else { text.setTextColor(cellDefaultColor); badge.setTextColor(cellDefaultColor); } shouldChangeTextColor = true; } public void setHintPanelVisible(boolean visible) { final int visibility = hintPanel.getVisibility(); boolean previousVisible = visibility == View.VISIBLE; if (previousVisible == visible) { return; } if (visible) { hintPanel.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); final AlphaAnimation alphaAnimation = new AlphaAnimation(0.2f, 1.0f); alphaAnimation.setDuration(150); hintPanel.setAnimation(alphaAnimation); final RotateAnimation rotateAnimation = new RotateAnimation(-90, 0, RotateAnimation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f, RotateAnimation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f); rotateAnimation.setDuration(500); arrow.startAnimation(rotateAnimation); } else { hintPanel.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } public void reset() { showReadOnlyTaskText(); editText.setVisibility(View.GONE); itemView.setTranslationX(0); itemView.setTranslationY(0); itemView.setRotationX(0); itemView.setAlpha(1f); row.setTranslationX(0); setIconBarAlpha(1f); setCompleted(false); setHintPanelVisible(false); shouldChangeBackgroundColor = true; shouldChangeTextColor = true; previousFirstLength = -1; } public void resetBackgroundColor() { row.setBackgroundColor(generateBackgroundColor()); } public LinearLayout getRow() { return row; } public TextView getBadge() { return badge; } public TextView getText() { return text; } public void setMetadataText(CharSequence text) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) { metadata.setText(""); metadataRow.setVisibility(View.GONE); } else { metadata.setText(text); metadataRow.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } } public EditText getEditText() { return editText; } public void setIconBarAlpha(float alpha) { iconBar.setAlpha(alpha); } public void changeBackgroundColorIfNeeded() { if (!shouldChangeBackgroundColor) { return; } if (completed) { row.setBackgroundColor(generateBackgroundColor()); } else { row.setBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(itemView.getContext(), R.color.completing)); } shouldChangeBackgroundColor = false; } public void revertBackgroundColorIfNeeded() { if (shouldChangeBackgroundColor) { return; } row.setBackgroundColor(generateBackgroundColor()); shouldChangeBackgroundColor = true; } public void setStrikeThroughRatio(float strikeThroughRatio) { final CharSequence text = this.text.getText(); final int textLength = text.length(); int firstLength = (int) (textLength * strikeThroughRatio); if (firstLength > textLength) { firstLength = textLength; } else if (firstLength == textLength - 1) { firstLength = textLength; } if (firstLength == previousFirstLength) { return; } previousFirstLength = firstLength; final int appendedLength = textLength - firstLength; final SpannableStringBuilder stringBuilder = new SpannableStringBuilder(text, 0, textLength); stringBuilder.clearSpans(); this.text.setPaintFlags(this.text.getPaintFlags() & ~Paint.STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG); final CharacterStyle firstCharStyle, secondCharStyle; if (completed) { firstCharStyle = new ForegroundColorSpan(cellCompletedColor); secondCharStyle = new StrikethroughSpan(); } else { firstCharStyle = new StrikethroughSpan(); secondCharStyle = new ForegroundColorSpan(cellDefaultColor); } stringBuilder.setSpan(firstCharStyle, 0, firstLength, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); stringBuilder.setSpan(secondCharStyle, textLength - appendedLength, textLength, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); this.text.setText(stringBuilder); } public static class ColorHelper { public static final int[] taskColors = { 0xFFE7A776, 0xFFE47D72, 0xFFE9636F, 0xFFF25191, 0xFF9A50A4, 0xFF58569D, 0xFF38477E }; public static final int[] listColors = { 0xFF0693FB, 0xFF109EFB, 0xFF1AA9FB, 0xFF21B4FB, 0xFF28BEFB, 0xFF2EC6FB, 0xFF36CFFB }; public static int getColor(int[] targetColors, int index, int size) { if (size < 13) { size = 13; } if (index < 0) { index = 0; } else if (index >= size) { index = size - 1; } double fraction = (double) index / size; if (fraction < 0.0) { fraction = 0.0; } else if (fraction > 1.0) { fraction = 1.0; } final double step = 1.0 / (targetColors.length - 1); final int colorIndex = (int) (fraction / step); final int topColor = targetColors[colorIndex]; final int bottomColor = targetColors[colorIndex + 1]; final int topRed = (topColor >> 16) & 0xFF; final int bottomRed = (bottomColor >> 16) & 0xFF; final int topGreen = (topColor >> 8) & 0xFF; final int bottomGreen = (bottomColor >> 8) & 0xFF; final int topBlue = topColor & 0xFF; final int bottomBlue = bottomColor & 0xFF; final double colorOffset = (fraction - (colorIndex * step)) / step; final int red = (int) (topRed + (bottomRed - topRed) * colorOffset); final int green = (int) (topGreen + (bottomGreen - topGreen) * colorOffset); final int blue = (int) (topBlue + (bottomBlue - topBlue) * colorOffset); final int color = 0xFF000000 | (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue; return color; } } }