Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2017 Dell Inc., or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * */ package io.pravega.controller.task.Stream; import; import; import; import io.pravega.client.ClientFactory; import io.pravega.client.netty.impl.ConnectionFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.pravega.common.Exceptions; import io.pravega.common.concurrent.Futures; import io.pravega.controller.server.SegmentHelper; import io.pravega.controller.server.eventProcessor.ControllerEventProcessors; import io.pravega.controller.server.eventProcessor.requesthandlers.TaskExceptions; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.pravega.controller.task.Task; import io.pravega.controller.task.TaskBase; import io.pravega.controller.util.Config; import io.pravega.shared.controller.event.ControllerEvent; import io.pravega.shared.controller.event.DeleteStreamEvent; import io.pravega.shared.controller.event.ScaleOpEvent; import io.pravega.shared.controller.event.SealStreamEvent; import io.pravega.shared.controller.event.TruncateStreamEvent; import io.pravega.shared.controller.event.UpdateStreamEvent; import io.pravega.shared.protocol.netty.WireCommands; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.apache.commons.lang3.NotImplementedException; import; import java.time.Duration; import java.util.AbstractMap; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import java.util.function.Supplier; import; import; import static io.pravega.controller.task.Stream.TaskStepsRetryHelper.withRetries; /** * Collection of metadata update tasks on stream. * Task methods are annotated with @Task annotation. * <p> * Any update to the task method signature should be avoided, since it can cause problems during upgrade. * Instead, a new overloaded method may be created with the same task annotation name but a new version. */ @Slf4j public class StreamMetadataTasks extends TaskBase { private final StreamMetadataStore streamMetadataStore; private final HostControllerStore hostControllerStore; private final ConnectionFactory connectionFactory; private final SegmentHelper segmentHelper; private ClientFactory clientFactory; private String requestStreamName; private final AtomicReference<EventStreamWriter<ControllerEvent>> requestEventWriterRef = new AtomicReference<>(); public StreamMetadataTasks(final StreamMetadataStore streamMetadataStore, final HostControllerStore hostControllerStore, final TaskMetadataStore taskMetadataStore, final SegmentHelper segmentHelper, final ScheduledExecutorService executor, final String hostId, final ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) { this(streamMetadataStore, hostControllerStore, taskMetadataStore, segmentHelper, executor, new Context(hostId), connectionFactory); } private StreamMetadataTasks(final StreamMetadataStore streamMetadataStore, final HostControllerStore hostControllerStore, final TaskMetadataStore taskMetadataStore, final SegmentHelper segmentHelper, final ScheduledExecutorService executor, final Context context, ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) { super(taskMetadataStore, executor, context); this.streamMetadataStore = streamMetadataStore; this.hostControllerStore = hostControllerStore; this.segmentHelper = segmentHelper; this.connectionFactory = connectionFactory; this.setReady(); } public void initializeStreamWriters(final ClientFactory clientFactory, final String streamName) { this.requestStreamName = streamName; this.clientFactory = clientFactory; } /** * Create stream. * * @param scope scope. * @param stream stream name. * @param config stream configuration. * @param createTimestamp creation timestamp. * @return creation status. */ @Task(name = "createStream", version = "1.0", resource = "{scope}/{stream}") public CompletableFuture<CreateStreamStatus.Status> createStream(String scope, String stream, StreamConfiguration config, long createTimestamp) { return execute(new Resource(scope, stream), new Serializable[] { scope, stream, config, createTimestamp }, () -> createStreamBody(scope, stream, config, createTimestamp)); } /** * Update stream's configuration. * * @param scope scope. * @param stream stream name. * @param newConfig modified stream configuration. * @param contextOpt optional context * @return update status. */ public CompletableFuture<UpdateStreamStatus.Status> updateStream(String scope, String stream, StreamConfiguration newConfig, OperationContext contextOpt) { final OperationContext context = contextOpt == null ? streamMetadataStore.createContext(scope, stream) : contextOpt; // 1. get configuration return streamMetadataStore.getConfigurationProperty(scope, stream, true, context, executor) .thenCompose(configProperty -> { // 2. post event to start update workflow if (!configProperty.isUpdating()) { return writeEvent(new UpdateStreamEvent(scope, stream)) // 3. update new configuration in the store with updating flag = true // if attempt to update fails, we bail out with no harm done .thenCompose(x -> streamMetadataStore.startUpdateConfiguration(scope, stream, newConfig, context, executor)) // 4. wait for update to complete .thenCompose(x -> checkDone(() -> isUpdated(scope, stream, newConfig, context)) .thenApply(y -> UpdateStreamStatus.Status.SUCCESS)); } else { log.warn("Another update in progress for {}/{}", scope, stream); return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(UpdateStreamStatus.Status.FAILURE); } }).exceptionally(ex -> { log.warn("Exception thrown in trying to update stream configuration {}", ex.getMessage()); return handleUpdateStreamError(ex); }); } private CompletionStage<Void> checkDone(Supplier<CompletableFuture<Boolean>> condition) { AtomicBoolean isDone = new AtomicBoolean(false); return Futures.loop(() -> !isDone.get(), () -> Futures.delayedFuture(condition, 100, executor).thenAccept(isDone::set), executor); } private CompletableFuture<Boolean> isUpdated(String scope, String stream, StreamConfiguration newConfig, OperationContext context) { return streamMetadataStore.getConfigurationProperty(scope, stream, true, context, executor).thenApply( configProperty -> !configProperty.isUpdating() || !configProperty.getProperty().equals(newConfig)); } /** * Method to check retention policy and generate new periodic cuts and/or truncate stream at an existing stream cut. * * @param scope scope * @param stream stream * @param policy retention policy * @param recordingTime time of recording * @param contextOpt operation context * @return future. */ public CompletableFuture<Void> retention(final String scope, final String stream, final RetentionPolicy policy, final long recordingTime, final OperationContext contextOpt) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(policy); final OperationContext context = contextOpt == null ? streamMetadataStore.createContext(scope, stream) : contextOpt; return streamMetadataStore.getStreamCutsFromRetentionSet(scope, stream, context, executor) .thenCompose(retentionSet -> { StreamCutRecord latestCut = .max(Comparator.comparingLong(StreamCutRecord::getRecordingTime)).orElse(null); return checkGenerateStreamCut(scope, stream, context, policy, latestCut, recordingTime) .thenCompose( x -> truncate(scope, stream, policy, context, retentionSet, recordingTime)); }); } private CompletableFuture<Void> checkGenerateStreamCut(String scope, String stream, OperationContext context, RetentionPolicy policy, StreamCutRecord latestCut, long recordingTime) { switch (policy.getRetentionType()) { case TIME: if (latestCut == null || recordingTime - latestCut.getRecordingTime() > Duration .ofMinutes(Config.MINIMUM_RETENTION_FREQUENCY_IN_MINUTES).toMillis()) { return generateStreamCut(scope, stream, context).thenCompose(newRecord -> streamMetadataStore .addStreamCutToRetentionSet(scope, stream, newRecord, context, executor)); } else { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); } case SIZE: default: throw new NotImplementedException("Size based retention"); } } private CompletableFuture<Void> truncate(String scope, String stream, RetentionPolicy policy, OperationContext context, List<StreamCutRecord> retentionSet, long recordingTime) { return findTruncationRecord(policy, retentionSet, recordingTime).map( record -> startTruncation(scope, stream, record.getStreamCut(), context).thenCompose(started -> { if (started) { return streamMetadataStore.deleteStreamCutBefore(scope, stream, record, context, executor); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Could not start truncation"); } })).orElse(CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null)); } private Optional<StreamCutRecord> findTruncationRecord(RetentionPolicy policy, List<StreamCutRecord> retentionSet, long recordingTime) { switch (policy.getRetentionType()) { case TIME: return .filter(x -> x.getRecordingTime() < recordingTime - policy.getRetentionParam()) .max(Comparator.comparingLong(StreamCutRecord::getRecordingTime)); case SIZE: default: throw new NotImplementedException("Size based retention"); } } /** * Generate a new stream cut. * * @param scope scope. * @param stream stream name. * @param contextOpt optional context * @return streamCut. */ public CompletableFuture<StreamCutRecord> generateStreamCut(final String scope, final String stream, final OperationContext contextOpt) { final OperationContext context = contextOpt == null ? streamMetadataStore.createContext(scope, stream) : contextOpt; final long generationTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); return streamMetadataStore.getActiveSegments(scope, stream, context, executor) .thenCompose(activeSegments -> Futures.allOfWithResults( Collectors.toMap(Segment::getNumber, x -> getSegmentOffset(scope, stream, x.getNumber()))))) .thenApply(map -> new StreamCutRecord(generationTime, Long.MIN_VALUE, ImmutableMap.copyOf(map))); } /** * Truncate a stream. * * @param scope scope. * @param stream stream name. * @param streamCut stream cut. * @param contextOpt optional context * @return update status. */ public CompletableFuture<UpdateStreamStatus.Status> truncateStream(final String scope, final String stream, final Map<Integer, Long> streamCut, final OperationContext contextOpt) { final OperationContext context = contextOpt == null ? streamMetadataStore.createContext(scope, stream) : contextOpt; // 1. get stream cut return startTruncation(scope, stream, streamCut, context) // 4. check for truncation to complete .thenCompose(truncationStarted -> { if (truncationStarted) { return checkDone(() -> isTruncated(scope, stream, streamCut, context)) .thenApply(y -> UpdateStreamStatus.Status.SUCCESS); } else { log.warn("Unable to start truncation for {}/{}", scope, stream); return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(UpdateStreamStatus.Status.FAILURE); } }).exceptionally(ex -> { log.warn("Exception thrown in trying to update stream configuration {}", ex); return handleUpdateStreamError(ex); }); } private CompletableFuture<Boolean> startTruncation(String scope, String stream, Map<Integer, Long> streamCut, OperationContext contextOpt) { final OperationContext context = contextOpt == null ? streamMetadataStore.createContext(scope, stream) : contextOpt; return streamMetadataStore.getTruncationProperty(scope, stream, true, context, executor) .thenCompose(property -> { if (!property.isUpdating()) { // 2. post event with new stream cut if no truncation is ongoing return writeEvent(new TruncateStreamEvent(scope, stream)) // 3. start truncation by updating the metadata .thenCompose(x -> streamMetadataStore.startTruncation(scope, stream, streamCut, context, executor)) .thenApply(x -> true); } else { log.warn("Another truncation in progress for {}/{}", scope, stream); return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(false); } }); } private CompletableFuture<Boolean> isTruncated(String scope, String stream, Map<Integer, Long> streamCut, OperationContext context) { return streamMetadataStore.getTruncationProperty(scope, stream, true, context, executor) .thenApply(truncationProp -> !truncationProp.isUpdating() || !truncationProp.getProperty().getStreamCut().equals(streamCut)); } /** * Seal a stream. * * @param scope scope. * @param stream stream name. * @param contextOpt optional context * @return update status. */ public CompletableFuture<UpdateStreamStatus.Status> sealStream(String scope, String stream, OperationContext contextOpt) { final OperationContext context = contextOpt == null ? streamMetadataStore.createContext(scope, stream) : contextOpt; // 1. post event for seal. SealStreamEvent event = new SealStreamEvent(scope, stream); return writeEvent(event) // 2. set state to sealing .thenCompose(x -> streamMetadataStore.getState(scope, stream, false, context, executor)) .thenCompose(state -> { if (state.equals(State.SEALED)) { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(true); } else { return streamMetadataStore.setState(scope, stream, State.SEALING, context, executor); } }) // 3. return with seal initiated. .thenCompose(result -> { if (result) { return checkDone(() -> isSealed(scope, stream, context)) .thenApply(x -> UpdateStreamStatus.Status.SUCCESS); } else { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(UpdateStreamStatus.Status.FAILURE); } }).exceptionally(ex -> { log.warn("Exception thrown in trying to notify sealed segments {}", ex.getMessage()); return handleUpdateStreamError(ex); }); } private CompletableFuture<Boolean> isSealed(String scope, String stream, OperationContext context) { return streamMetadataStore.getState(scope, stream, true, context, executor) .thenApply(state -> state.equals(State.SEALED)); } /** * Delete a stream. Precondition for deleting a stream is that the stream sholud be sealed. * * @param scope scope. * @param stream stream name. * @param contextOpt optional context * @return delete status. */ public CompletableFuture<DeleteStreamStatus.Status> deleteStream(final String scope, final String stream, final OperationContext contextOpt) { final OperationContext context = contextOpt == null ? streamMetadataStore.createContext(scope, stream) : contextOpt; return streamMetadataStore.getState(scope, stream, false, context, executor).thenCompose(state -> { if (!state.equals(State.SEALED)) { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(false); } else { return writeEvent(new DeleteStreamEvent(scope, stream)).thenApply(x -> true); } }).thenCompose(result -> { if (result) { return checkDone(() -> isDeleted(scope, stream)).thenApply(x -> DeleteStreamStatus.Status.SUCCESS); } else { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(DeleteStreamStatus.Status.STREAM_NOT_SEALED); } }).exceptionally(ex -> { log.warn("Exception thrown while deleting stream", ex.getMessage()); return handleDeleteStreamError(ex); }); } private CompletableFuture<Boolean> isDeleted(String scope, String stream) { return streamMetadataStore.checkStreamExists(scope, stream).thenApply(x -> !x); } /** * Helper method to perform scale operation against an scale request. * This method posts a request in the request stream and then starts the scale operation while * tracking its progress. Eventually, after scale completion, it sends a response to the caller. * * @param scope scope. * @param stream stream name. * @param segmentsToSeal segments to be sealed. * @param newRanges key ranges for new segments. * @param scaleTimestamp scaling time stamp. * @param context optional context * @return returns the newly created segments. */ public CompletableFuture<ScaleResponse> manualScale(String scope, String stream, List<Integer> segmentsToSeal, List<AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Double, Double>> newRanges, long scaleTimestamp, OperationContext context) { ScaleOpEvent event = new ScaleOpEvent(scope, stream, segmentsToSeal, newRanges, true, scaleTimestamp); return writeEvent(event).thenCompose(x -> streamMetadataStore .startScale(scope, stream, segmentsToSeal, newRanges, scaleTimestamp, false, context, executor) .handle((startScaleResponse, e) -> { ScaleResponse.Builder response = ScaleResponse.newBuilder(); if (e != null) { Throwable cause = Exceptions.unwrap(e); if (cause instanceof ScaleOperationExceptions.ScalePreConditionFailureException) { response.setStatus(ScaleResponse.ScaleStreamStatus.PRECONDITION_FAILED); } else { log.warn("Scale for stream {}/{} failed with exception {}", scope, stream, cause); response.setStatus(ScaleResponse.ScaleStreamStatus.FAILURE); } } else {"scale for stream {}/{} started successfully", scope, stream); response.setStatus(ScaleResponse.ScaleStreamStatus.STARTED); response.addAllSegments(startScaleResponse.getSegmentsCreated().stream() .map(segment -> convert(scope, stream, segment)).collect(Collectors.toList())); response.setEpoch(startScaleResponse.getActiveEpoch()); } return; })); } /** * Helper method to check if scale operation against an epoch completed or not. * * @param scope scope. * @param stream stream name. * @param epoch stream epoch. * @param context optional context * @return returns the newly created segments. */ public CompletableFuture<ScaleStatusResponse> checkScale(String scope, String stream, int epoch, OperationContext context) { return streamMetadataStore.getActiveEpoch(scope, stream, context, true, executor) .handle((activeEpoch, ex) -> { ScaleStatusResponse.Builder response = ScaleStatusResponse.newBuilder(); if (ex != null) { Throwable e = Exceptions.unwrap(ex); if (e instanceof StoreException.DataNotFoundException) { response.setStatus(ScaleStatusResponse.ScaleStatus.INVALID_INPUT); } else { response.setStatus(ScaleStatusResponse.ScaleStatus.INTERNAL_ERROR); } } else { Preconditions.checkNotNull(activeEpoch); if (epoch > activeEpoch.getKey()) { response.setStatus(ScaleStatusResponse.ScaleStatus.INVALID_INPUT); } else if (activeEpoch.getKey() == epoch) { response.setStatus(ScaleStatusResponse.ScaleStatus.IN_PROGRESS); } else { response.setStatus(ScaleStatusResponse.ScaleStatus.SUCCESS); } } return; }); } public CompletableFuture<Void> writeEvent(ControllerEvent event) { CompletableFuture<Void> result = new CompletableFuture<>(); getRequestWriter().writeEvent(event).whenComplete((r, e) -> { if (e != null) { log.warn("exception while posting event {} {}", e.getClass().getName(), e.getMessage()); if (e instanceof TaskExceptions.ProcessingDisabledException) { result.completeExceptionally(e); } else { // transform any other event write exception to retryable exception result.completeExceptionally(new TaskExceptions.PostEventException("Failed to post event", e)); } } else {"event posted successfully"); result.complete(null); } }); return result; } @VisibleForTesting public void setRequestEventWriter(EventStreamWriter<ControllerEvent> requestEventWriter) { requestEventWriterRef.set(requestEventWriter); } private EventStreamWriter<ControllerEvent> getRequestWriter() { if (requestEventWriterRef.get() == null) { if (clientFactory == null || requestStreamName == null) { throw new TaskExceptions.ProcessingDisabledException("RequestProcessing not enabled"); } requestEventWriterRef.set(clientFactory.createEventWriter(requestStreamName, ControllerEventProcessors.CONTROLLER_EVENT_SERIALIZER, EventWriterConfig.builder().build())); } return requestEventWriterRef.get(); } /** * Method to start scale operation. This creates new segments and then creates partial record in history table. * After that it optimistically calls tryCompleteScale. * Complete scale completes if there are no ongoing transactions on older epoch. * This method is called from both scale request handler and manual scale. * This takes a parameter called runOnlyIfStarted. The parameter is set from manual scale requests. * For autoscale, this is always false which means when a scale event is received on scale request event processor, it wil * be processed. * However, if a scale operation is started as part of a manual scale request, we want to make sure that manual scale operation * does not get stuck in an incomplete state and hence we also post a request for its processing in scale event stream. * However we want to process the scale request inline with the callers call so that we can send the response. And we want to * make sure that we dont do any processing on the scale request if caller may have responded with some pre condition failure. * So we send this flag to the event processor to process the scale request only if it was already started. Otherwise ignore. * * @param scaleInput scale input * @param runOnlyIfStarted run only if the scale operation was already running. It will ignore requests if the operation isnt started * by the caller. * @param context operation context * @return returns list of new segments created as part of this scale operation. */ public CompletableFuture<List<Segment>> startScale(ScaleOpEvent scaleInput, boolean runOnlyIfStarted, OperationContext context) { // called upon event read from requeststream return withRetries(() -> streamMetadataStore.startScale(scaleInput.getScope(), scaleInput.getStream(), scaleInput.getSegmentsToSeal(), scaleInput.getNewRanges(), scaleInput.getScaleTime(), runOnlyIfStarted, context, executor), executor).thenCompose(response -> streamMetadataStore .setState(scaleInput.getScope(), scaleInput.getStream(), State.SCALING, context, executor) .thenApply(updated -> response)) .thenCompose(response -> notifyNewSegments(scaleInput.getScope(), scaleInput.getStream(), response.getSegmentsCreated(), context).thenCompose(x -> { assert !response.getSegmentsCreated().isEmpty(); long scaleTs = response.getSegmentsCreated().get(0).getStart(); return withRetries(() -> streamMetadataStore.scaleNewSegmentsCreated( scaleInput.getScope(), scaleInput.getStream(), scaleInput.getSegmentsToSeal(), response.getSegmentsCreated(), response.getActiveEpoch(), scaleTs, context, executor), executor); }).thenCompose(x -> tryCompleteScale(scaleInput.getScope(), scaleInput.getStream(), response.getActiveEpoch(), context)) .thenApply(y -> response.getSegmentsCreated())); } /** * Helper method to complete scale operation. It tries to optimistically complete the scale operation if no transaction is running * against previous epoch. If so, it will proceed to seal old segments and then complete partial metadata records. * @param scope scope * @param stream stream * @param epoch epoch * @param context operation context * @return returns true if it was able to complete scale. false otherwise */ public CompletableFuture<Boolean> tryCompleteScale(String scope, String stream, int epoch, OperationContext context) { // Note: if we cant delete old epoch -- txns against old segments are ongoing.. // if we can delete old epoch, then only do we proceed to subsequent steps return withRetries( () -> streamMetadataStore.tryDeleteEpochIfScaling(scope, stream, epoch, context, executor), executor).thenCompose(response -> { if (!response.isDeleted()) { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(false); } assert !response.getSegmentsCreated().isEmpty() && !response.getSegmentsSealed().isEmpty(); long scaleTs = response.getSegmentsCreated().get(0).getStart(); return notifySealedSegments(scope, stream, response.getSegmentsSealed()) .thenCompose(y -> withRetries(() -> streamMetadataStore.scaleSegmentsSealed(scope, stream, response.getSegmentsSealed(), response.getSegmentsCreated(), epoch, scaleTs, context, executor), executor).thenApply(z -> {"scale processing for {}/{} epoch {} completed.", scope, stream, epoch); return true; })); }); } @VisibleForTesting CompletableFuture<CreateStreamStatus.Status> createStreamBody(String scope, String stream, StreamConfiguration config, long timestamp) { return this.streamMetadataStore.createStream(scope, stream, config, timestamp, null, executor) .thenComposeAsync(response -> {"{}/{} created in metadata store", scope, stream); CreateStreamStatus.Status status = translate(response.getStatus()); // only if its a new stream or an already existing non-active stream then we will create // segments and change the state of the stream to active. if (response.getStatus().equals(CreateStreamResponse.CreateStatus.NEW) || response.getStatus().equals(CreateStreamResponse.CreateStatus.EXISTS_CREATING)) { List<Integer> newSegments = IntStream .range(0, response.getConfiguration().getScalingPolicy().getMinNumSegments()) .boxed().collect(Collectors.toList()); return notifyNewSegments(scope, stream, response.getConfiguration(), newSegments) .thenCompose(y -> { final OperationContext context = streamMetadataStore.createContext(scope, stream); return withRetries(() -> { CompletableFuture<Void> future; if (config.getRetentionPolicy() != null) { future = streamMetadataStore.addUpdateStreamForAutoStreamCut(scope, stream, config.getRetentionPolicy(), context, executor); } else { future = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); } return future.thenCompose(v -> streamMetadataStore.setState(scope, stream, State.ACTIVE, context, executor)); }, executor).thenApply(z -> status); }); } else { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(status); } }, executor).handle((result, ex) -> { if (ex != null) { Throwable cause = Exceptions.unwrap(ex); if (cause instanceof StoreException.DataNotFoundException) { return CreateStreamStatus.Status.SCOPE_NOT_FOUND; } else { log.warn("Create stream failed due to ", ex); return CreateStreamStatus.Status.FAILURE; } } else { return result; } }); } private CreateStreamStatus.Status translate(CreateStreamResponse.CreateStatus status) { CreateStreamStatus.Status retVal; switch (status) { case NEW: retVal = CreateStreamStatus.Status.SUCCESS; break; case EXISTS_ACTIVE: case EXISTS_CREATING: retVal = CreateStreamStatus.Status.STREAM_EXISTS; break; case FAILED: default: retVal = CreateStreamStatus.Status.FAILURE; break; } return retVal; } private CompletableFuture<Void> notifyNewSegments(String scope, String stream, List<Segment> segmentNumbers, OperationContext context) { return withRetries(() -> streamMetadataStore.getConfiguration(scope, stream, context, executor), executor) .thenCompose(configuration -> notifyNewSegments(scope, stream, configuration,; } private CompletableFuture<Void> notifyNewSegments(String scope, String stream, StreamConfiguration configuration, List<Integer> segmentNumbers) { return Futures.toVoid(Futures.allOfWithResults( .map(segment -> notifyNewSegment(scope, stream, segment, configuration.getScalingPolicy())) .collect(Collectors.toList()))); } private CompletableFuture<Void> notifyNewSegment(String scope, String stream, int segmentNumber, ScalingPolicy policy) { return Futures.toVoid(withRetries(() -> segmentHelper.createSegment(scope, stream, segmentNumber, policy, hostControllerStore, this.connectionFactory), executor)); } public CompletableFuture<Void> notifyDeleteSegments(String scope, String stream, int count) { return Futures.allOf(IntStream.range(0, count).parallel() .mapToObj(segment -> notifyDeleteSegment(scope, stream, segment)).collect(Collectors.toList())); } public CompletableFuture<Void> notifyDeleteSegment(String scope, String stream, int segmentNumber) { return Futures.toVoid(withRetries(() -> segmentHelper.deleteSegment(scope, stream, segmentNumber, hostControllerStore, this.connectionFactory), executor)); } public CompletableFuture<Void> notifyTruncateSegment(String scope, String stream, Map.Entry<Integer, Long> segmentCut) { return Futures.toVoid(withRetries(() -> segmentHelper.truncateSegment(scope, stream, segmentCut.getKey(), segmentCut.getValue(), hostControllerStore, this.connectionFactory), executor)); } public CompletableFuture<Void> notifySealedSegments(String scope, String stream, List<Integer> sealedSegments) { return Futures.allOf( .map(number -> notifySealedSegment(scope, stream, number)).collect(Collectors.toList())); } private CompletableFuture<Void> notifySealedSegment(final String scope, final String stream, final int sealedSegment) { return Futures.toVoid(withRetries(() -> segmentHelper.sealSegment(scope, stream, sealedSegment, hostControllerStore, this.connectionFactory), executor)); } public CompletableFuture<Void> notifyPolicyUpdates(String scope, String stream, List<Segment> activeSegments, ScalingPolicy policy) { return Futures.toVoid(Futures.allOfWithResults( .map(segment -> notifyPolicyUpdate(scope, stream, policy, segment.getNumber())) .collect(Collectors.toList()))); } private CompletableFuture<Long> getSegmentOffset(String scope, String stream, int segmentNumber) { return withRetries(() -> segmentHelper.getSegmentInfo(scope, stream, segmentNumber, hostControllerStore, this.connectionFactory), executor).thenApply(WireCommands.StreamSegmentInfo::getWriteOffset); } private CompletableFuture<Void> notifyPolicyUpdate(String scope, String stream, ScalingPolicy policy, int segmentNumber) { return withRetries(() -> segmentHelper.updatePolicy(scope, stream, policy, segmentNumber, hostControllerStore, this.connectionFactory), executor); } private SegmentRange convert(String scope, String stream, Segment segment) { return ModelHelper.createSegmentRange(scope, stream, segment.getNumber(), segment.getKeyEnd(), segment.getKeyEnd()); } private UpdateStreamStatus.Status handleUpdateStreamError(Throwable ex) { Throwable cause = Exceptions.unwrap(ex); if (cause instanceof StoreException.DataNotFoundException) { return UpdateStreamStatus.Status.STREAM_NOT_FOUND; } else { log.warn("Update stream failed due to ", cause); return UpdateStreamStatus.Status.FAILURE; } } private DeleteStreamStatus.Status handleDeleteStreamError(Throwable ex) { Throwable cause = Exceptions.unwrap(ex); if (cause instanceof StoreException.DataNotFoundException) { return DeleteStreamStatus.Status.STREAM_NOT_FOUND; } else { log.warn("Delete stream failed.", ex); return DeleteStreamStatus.Status.FAILURE; } } @Override public TaskBase copyWithContext(Context context) { return new StreamMetadataTasks(streamMetadataStore, hostControllerStore, taskMetadataStore, segmentHelper, executor, context, connectionFactory); } @Override public void close() throws Exception { } }