Java tutorial
/** * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.macgyver.core.scheduler; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.boot.context.event.ApplicationReadyEvent; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import; import; import io.macgyver.core.Bootstrap; import io.macgyver.core.Kernel; import io.macgyver.core.resource.Resource; import io.macgyver.core.resource.ResourceMatcher; import io.macgyver.core.script.ExtensionResourceProvider; import; public class ScheduledTaskManager implements ApplicationListener<ApplicationReadyEvent> { public static final String SCHEDULE_TOKEN = "#@Schedule"; public static final String SCHEDULED_BY_SCRIPT = "script"; public static final String SCHEDULED_BY_MANUAL = "manual"; public static final String SCHEDULED_BY = "scheduledBy"; public static final String ENABLED = "enabled"; Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ScheduledTaskManager.class); @Autowired NeoRxClient neo4j; boolean schedulerEnabled = true; ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); public void scheduleInline(String id, String cron, String script) { scheduleInline(id, cron, script, "groovy"); } protected void throwIllegalStateOnEmptyList(String it, List<JsonNode> list) { if (list.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("ScheduledTask id=" + it + " does not exist"); } } public void scheduleInline(String id, String cron, String script, String language) { String cypher = "merge (t:ScheduledTask {id:{id}}) set t.scheduledBy='manual', t.cron={cron}, t.inlineScript={script}, t.enabled=true, t.inlineScriptLanguage={language} return t"; throwIllegalStateOnEmptyList(id, neo4j.execCypher(cypher, "id", id, "cron", cron, SCHEDULED_BY_SCRIPT, script, "language", language) .toList().toBlocking().first()); } public void updateSchedule(String id, String cron) { String cypher = "match (t:ScheduledTask {id:{id}}) set t.cron={cron} return t"; throwIllegalStateOnEmptyList(id, neo4j.execCypher(cypher, "id", id, "cron", cron).toList().toBlocking().first()); } public void disable(String id) { enable(id, false); } public void enable(String id) { enable(id, true); } public void enable(String id, boolean b) { String cypher = "match (t:ScheduledTask {id:{id}}) set t.enabled={enabled} return t"; throwIllegalStateOnEmptyList(id, neo4j.execCypher(cypher, "id", id, ENABLED, b).toList().toBlocking().first()); } public void scheduleManually(String id) { throwIllegalStateOnEmptyList(id, neo4j.execCypher("match (t:ScheduledTask {id:{id}}) set t.scheduledBy='manual' return t", "id", id) .toList().toBlocking().first()); } public void scheduleByScript(String id) { throwIllegalStateOnEmptyList(id, neo4j.execCypher( "match (t:ScheduledTask {id:{id}}) where length(t.script)>0 set t.scheduledBy='script' return t", "id", id).toList().toBlocking().first()); } public boolean isEnabled(JsonNode config) { return schedulerEnabled && config.path(ENABLED).asBoolean(true); } public void setSchedulerEnabled(boolean b) {"setting global scheduler status: {}", b); this.schedulerEnabled = b; } public boolean isSchedulerEnabled() { return this.schedulerEnabled; } protected Map<String, JsonNode> loadScheduledScriptTasks() { Map<String, JsonNode> m = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); String cypher = "match (s:ScheduledTask) where length(s.script)>0 return s"; neo4j.execCypher(cypher).forEach(it -> { String name = it.path(SCHEDULED_BY_SCRIPT).asText(); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(name)) { m.put(name, it); } }); return m; } protected boolean isScripptScheduledByScript(JsonNode n) { return n != null && n.path(SCHEDULED_BY).asText().equals(SCHEDULED_BY_SCRIPT); } protected boolean isScriptManuallyScheduled(JsonNode n) { return n != null && n.path(SCHEDULED_BY).asText().equals(SCHEDULED_BY_MANUAL); } class ScriptResourceMatcher implements ResourceMatcher { @Override public boolean matches(Resource r) { try { if (r.getPath().startsWith("scripts/")) { return true; } return false; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } } public void scan() throws IOException { Map<String, JsonNode> scriptMap = loadScheduledScriptTasks(); Kernel.getInstance(); ExtensionResourceProvider extensionLoader = Kernel.getApplicationContext() .getBean(ExtensionResourceProvider.class); long scanTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); CrontabExpressionExtractor expressionExtractor = new CrontabExpressionExtractor(); for (Resource r : extensionLoader.findResources(new ScriptResourceMatcher())) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("evaluating {} to see if it can be scheduled", r); } String path = r.getPath(); if (path != null && path.startsWith("scripts/scheduler/")) { ObjectNode descriptor = expressionExtractor.extractCronExpression(r).or(mapper.createObjectNode()); boolean b = descriptor.path(ENABLED).asBoolean(true); if (isScriptManuallyScheduled(scriptMap.get(path))) { // if the ScheduledTask node's scheduledBy attribute is set // to SCHEDULED_BY_MANUAL in neo4j, do not update. This // allows scripts enabled/cron attributes to be // manually adjusted (outside of the script). if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("manually scheduled script tassk will not be updated: {}", path); } } else { // Update the corresponding ScheduledTask node in neo4j. The // cron4j TaskCollector will read this. String cypher = "merge (s:ScheduledTask {id:{id}}) set s.script={id},s.scheduledBy='script', s.enabled={enabled}, s.cron={cron}, s.lastUpdateTs={ts} return s;"; neo4j.execCypher(cypher, "id", path, ENABLED, b, "cron", descriptor.path("cron").asText(), "ts", scanTime); } } } // now remove all entries scheduled via script that were not just // updated if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("removing old scheduled entries..."); } String cypher = "match (s:ScheduledTask) where s.scheduledBy='script' and (s.lastUpdateTs is null or s.lastUpdateTs<{ts}) delete s"; neo4j.execCypher(cypher, "ts", scanTime); } @Override public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationReadyEvent event) { try { // this is a one-time migration to use "id" as the identity // attribute neo4j.execCypher( "match (t:ScheduledTask) where exists(t.script) and (<>t.script or not exists( set return t"); } catch (RuntimeException e) { logger.warn("problem matching ScheduledTask nodes", e); } try { neo4j.execCypher("create index on :ScheduledTask(id)"); } catch (RuntimeException e) { logger.warn("problem creating index on TaskState(id)"); } } }