Java tutorial
/* * Project 'WS-Aggregation': * * * Copyright 2010 Vienna University of Technology * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.hummer.util.test; import io.hummer.util.coll.CollectionsUtil; import io.hummer.util.cp.ClasspathUtil; import; import io.hummer.util.log.LogUtil; import io.hummer.util.xml.XMLUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlTransient; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.w3c.dom.Element; @XmlRootElement @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) public class GenericTestResult { private static final Logger logger = LogUtil.getLogger(GenericTestResult.class); // to eliminate "outliers" that possibly influence the overall result @XmlTransient private int eliminateXlowestValues = 0; @XmlTransient private int eliminateXhighestValues = 0; @XmlTransient private NumberFormat f = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US); @XmlTransient private CollectionsUtil collUtil = new CollectionsUtil(); @XmlTransient private IOUtil ioUtil = new IOUtil(); @XmlTransient private ClasspathUtil cpUtil = new ClasspathUtil(); public static final String CMD_FLIP_AXES = "##flipaxes"; public static final String CMD_MULTI_LINE = "##multiline"; public static final String CMD_DRAW_LINE_THROUGH_CANDLESTICKS = "##linesThroughCandles"; public static final String CMD_MULTIPLE_CANDLES_PER_XTICK = "##multipleCandles"; public static final String CMD_NO_LINES_JUST_POINTS = "##onlyPoints"; public static final String CMD_ONLY_EVERY_2ND_XTICS = "##every2ndXtics"; public static final String CMD_ONLY_EVERY_3RD_XTICS = "##every3rdXtics"; public static final String CMD_MULTI_AXES = "##multipleAxes"; @XmlRootElement @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) public static class IterationResult { @XmlElement(name = "entry") private List<Entry> entries = new LinkedList<Entry>(); public synchronized void addEntry(String valueName, double value) { entries.add(new Entry(valueName, value)); } public synchronized List<Entry> getEntries() { return entries; } public void setEntries(List<Entry> entries) { this.entries = entries; } public void addEntryIfDifferent(String key, double value, String oldKeyPattnern, GenericTestResult parent) { List<Double> old = parent.getValuesByPattern(oldKeyPattnern); //System.out.println("Old/new value '" + key + "'/'" + oldKeyPattnern + "': " + old + "/" + value); if (old.isEmpty() || old.get(old.size() - 1) != value) { addEntry(key, value); } } public void addEntryAndRemoveOldIfSame(String keyPattern, String key, double value, GenericTestResult parent) { List<String> keys = parent.getAllValueNames(keyPattern); addEntry(key, value); if (keys.size() > 2) { String oldKey1 = keys.get(keys.size() - 2); String oldKey2 = keys.get(keys.size() - 1); Double old1 = parent.getValue(oldKey1); Double old2 = parent.getValue(oldKey2); if (old1.equals(old2) && old2.equals(value)) { /* remove oldKey2 which lies in the middle between oldKey1 and key */ removeEntry(oldKey2); } } } public void removeEntry(String name) { List<Entry> toRemove = new LinkedList<Entry>(); for (Entry e : toRemove) { if ( { toRemove.add(e); } } for (Entry e : toRemove) { entries.remove(e); } } } @XmlRootElement @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) public static class Entry { @XmlElement private String name; @XmlElement private Double value; public Entry() { } public Entry(String valueName, double value) { = valueName; this.value = value; } public Double getValue() { return value; } public void setValue(double value) { this.value = value; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } } public static enum ResultType { MEAN, THROUGHPUT, REGRESSION } public static enum EliminationMethod { REMOVE_EACH_NTH_ENTRY, CONSIDER_VALUE_DIFFERENCES } @XmlElement private List<IterationResult> iterations = new LinkedList<IterationResult>(); @XmlElement private long startTime; @XmlElement private long finishTime; public GenericTestResult() { f.setMaximumFractionDigits(1); f.setMinimumFractionDigits(1); f.setGroupingUsed(false); } public void setNumberFormat(int minimumFractionDigits, int maximumFractionDigits) { f.setMaximumFractionDigits(maximumFractionDigits); f.setMinimumFractionDigits(minimumFractionDigits); } public IterationResult newIteration() { IterationResult i = new IterationResult(); iterations.add(i); return i; } public double getStdDeviation(String valueName) { List<Double> values = getValues(valueName); return getStdDeviation(values); } public double getStdDeviation(List<Double> values) { return Math.sqrt(getSampleVariance(values)); } public List<Double> getStdDeviations(String namePattern, List<String> levels) { List<Double> result = new LinkedList<Double>(); for (String level : levels) { List<Double> values = getValues(namePattern.replace("<level>", level)); result.add(getStdDeviation(values)); } return result; } public double getSampleVariance(String valueName) { return getSampleVariance(getValues(valueName)); } public double getSampleVariance(List<Double> values) { double mean = getMean(values); double sumSquares = 0; for (double l : values) { double diff = mean - (double) l; sumSquares += diff * diff; } double variance = sumSquares / (double) (values.size() - 1); return variance; } public Double getValue(String valueNameOrPattern) { return getValue(valueNameOrPattern, null); } public Double getValue(String valueNameOrPattern, Double defaultIfNull) { List<String> names = getAllValueNames(valueNameOrPattern); if (names.size() != 1) { logger.debug("Expected a single key for pattern '" + valueNameOrPattern + "', got: " + names); return defaultIfNull; } List<Double> values = getValues(names.get(0), true, false); if (values.size() != 1) { logger.debug("Expected a single value for key '" + names.get(0) + "', got: " + values); return defaultIfNull; } return values.get(0); } public List<Double> getValuesByPattern(String valueNamePattern) { return getValues(valueNamePattern, true, true); } public List<Double> getValues(String valueName) { return getValues(valueName, true, false); } public List<Double> getValues(String valueNameOrPattern, boolean addZeroes) { return getValues(valueNameOrPattern, addZeroes, false); } public List<Double> getValues(String valueNameOrPattern, boolean addZeroes, boolean treatNameAsPattern) { List<Double> result = new LinkedList<Double>(); for (IterationResult r : iterations) { for (Entry e : r.getEntries()) { if ((!treatNameAsPattern && e.getName().equals(valueNameOrPattern)) || (treatNameAsPattern && e.getName().matches(valueNameOrPattern))) { double val = e.getValue(); if (addZeroes || val != 0.0) result.add(val); } } } if (result.size() > eliminateXhighestValues) { for (int i = 0; i < eliminateXhighestValues; i++) { Double max = Collections.max(result); result.remove(max); } } if (result.size() > eliminateXlowestValues) { for (int i = 0; i < eliminateXlowestValues; i++) { Double min = Collections.min(result); result.remove(min); } } return result; } public double getTotal(String valueName) { return getTotal(getValues(valueName)); } public double getTotal(List<Double> values) { double total = 0; for (Double d : values) total += d; return total; } public long getAmount(String valueName) { return getValues(valueName).size(); } public double getMean(String valueName) { return getMean(getValues(valueName)); } public double getMean(List<Double> values) { return getTotal(values) / (double) values.size(); } public double getMedian(String valueName) { return getMedian(getValues(valueName)); } public double getMedian(List<Double> values) { List<Double> copy = new ArrayList<Double>(values); Collections.sort(copy); return copy.get((int) ((double) copy.size() / 2.0)); } public double getMaximum(String valueName) { return Collections.max(getValues(valueName)); } public double getMinimum(String valueName) { try { return Collections.min(getValues(valueName)); } catch (RuntimeException e) { logger.warn("Unable to get minimum value for key: " + valueName); throw e; } } public String getPlottableAverages(String[] yValueNames, String[]... xValueNames) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < yValueNames.length; i++) { b.append(getMean(yValueNames[i])); for (int j = 0; j < xValueNames.length; j++) { b.append(" "); b.append(getMean(xValueNames[j][i])); } b.append("\n"); } return b.toString(); } public String getPlottableAveragesAllLevels(String[] xValueNames, ResultType type, String... additionalCommands) { List<Integer> levels = getAllLevels(xValueNames[0]); return getPlottableAverages(levels, xValueNames, type, additionalCommands); } public String getPlottableAveragesAllLevels(String[] xValueNames, String indexColumn, ResultType type, String... additionalCommands) { List<Integer> levels = getAllLevels(indexColumn); return getPlottableAverages(levels, xValueNames, indexColumn, type, additionalCommands); } public List<Integer> getAllLevels(String xValueName) { return getAllLevels(xValueName, 2000); } public List<Integer> getAllLevels(String xValueName, int maxLevel) { List<Integer> levels = new LinkedList<Integer>(); boolean goOn = true; boolean foundOne = false; for (int i = 0; i < maxLevel || goOn; i++) { String name = xValueName.replaceAll("<level>", "" + i); if (getValues(name).size() > 0) { levels.add(i); foundOne = true; } else if (foundOne) { goOn = false; } } return levels; } /** Deprecated: use getAllLevelIDsByPattern(..) instead! */ @Deprecated public List<Integer> getAllLevelsByPattern(String pattern, int resultGroupNumber) { List<String> values = getAllValueNames(pattern); List<Integer> levels = new LinkedList<Integer>(); for (String v : values) { v = v.replaceAll(pattern, "$" + resultGroupNumber); try { int lev = Integer.parseInt(v); if (!levels.contains(lev)) levels.add(lev); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { /* swallow */ } } return levels; } public List<String> getAllLevelIDsByPattern(String pattern, int resultGroupNumber) { List<String> values = getAllValueNames(pattern); List<String> levels = new LinkedList<String>(); for (String v : values) { v = v.replaceAll(pattern, "$" + resultGroupNumber); if (!levels.contains(v)) levels.add(v); } return levels; } public void createGnuplotMulti(List<?> levels, String[] xValueNames, String[] titles, ResultType type, String xLabel, String yLabel, String outFile, String... additionalCommands) throws Exception { if (additionalCommands == null) additionalCommands = new String[0]; List<String> levelStrings = collUtil.toStringList(levels); LinkedList<String> temp = new LinkedList<String>(Arrays.asList(additionalCommands)); temp.add(CMD_MULTI_LINE); additionalCommands = temp.toArray(new String[0]); createGnuplot("etc/createImageMulti.gnuplot", levelStrings, xValueNames, titles, type, xLabel, yLabel, outFile, additionalCommands); } public void createGnuplotHisto(List<?> levels, String[] xValueNames, String[] titles, ResultType type, String xLabel, String yLabel, String outFile, String... additionalCommands) throws Exception { if (additionalCommands == null) additionalCommands = new String[0]; LinkedList<String> temp = new LinkedList<String>(Arrays.asList(additionalCommands)); additionalCommands = temp.toArray(new String[0]); createGnuplot("etc/createImageHisto.gnuplot", levels, xValueNames, titles, type, xLabel, yLabel, outFile, additionalCommands); } public void createGnuplot(List<?> levels, String[] xValueNames, String[] titles, ResultType type, String xLabel, String yLabel, String outFile, String... additionalCommands) throws Exception { String file = Arrays.asList(additionalCommands).contains(GenericTestResult.CMD_MULTI_LINE) ? "etc/createImageMulti.gnuplot" : "etc/createImage.gnuplot"; createGnuplot(file, levels, xValueNames, titles, type, xLabel, yLabel, outFile, additionalCommands); } public void createGnuplot(String[] xValueNames, String[] yValueNames, String[] titles, ResultType type, String xLabel, String yLabel, String outFile, String... additionalCommands) throws Exception { String plot = getPlottableAverages(yValueNames, xValueNames, additionalCommands); String file = Arrays.asList(additionalCommands).contains(GenericTestResult.CMD_MULTI_LINE) ? "etc/createImageMulti.gnuplot" : "etc/createImage.gnuplot"; createGnuplot(file, xValueNames, yValueNames, null, plot, titles, type, xLabel, yLabel, outFile, additionalCommands); } public void createGnuplot(String fileName, List<?> levels, String[] xValueNames, String[] titles, ResultType type, String xLabel, String yLabel, String outFile, String... additionalCommands) throws Exception { String plot = getPlottableAverages(levels, xValueNames, type, additionalCommands); createGnuplot(fileName, xValueNames, null, levels, plot, titles, type, xLabel, yLabel, outFile, additionalCommands); } public void createGnuplot(String fileName, String[] xValueNames, String[] yValueNames, List<?> levels, String plot, String[] titles, ResultType type, String xLabel, String yLabel, String outFile, String... additionalCommands) throws Exception { List<String> xValueNamesNew = new LinkedList<String>(); List<Integer> xValueNamesLengths = new LinkedList<Integer>(); List<String> commandsList = new LinkedList<String>(Arrays.asList(additionalCommands)); boolean hasCandleSticks = false; for (String s : xValueNames) { String[] split = s.split(":"); xValueNamesLengths.add(split.length); hasCandleSticks |= split.length > 1; for (String sp : split) { xValueNamesNew.add(sp); } } if (hasCandleSticks) { if (levels == null) { plot = getPlottableAverages(yValueNames, xValueNames); } else { plot = getPlottableAverages(levels, xValueNames, type, additionalCommands); } } String gnuplotOriginal = null; if (new File(fileName).exists()) { gnuplotOriginal = ioUtil.readFile(fileName); } else { String file = fileName; if (file.contains("/")) file = file.substring(file.indexOf("/") + 1); Map<URL, String> resources = cpUtil.getSystemResources(file); if (resources.isEmpty()) { logger.warn("Unable to find system resource '" + file + "'"); } else { gnuplotOriginal = resources.values().iterator().next(); } } boolean multiline = commandsList.contains(CMD_MULTI_LINE); boolean drawLineCandle = commandsList.contains(CMD_DRAW_LINE_THROUGH_CANDLESTICKS); boolean multipleCandles = commandsList.contains(CMD_MULTIPLE_CANDLES_PER_XTICK); boolean multiAxes = commandsList.contains(CMD_MULTI_AXES); if (multiAxes) { for (int i = 1; i <= titles.length; i++) { commandsList.add("set y" + (i > 1 ? i : "") + "tics nomirror"); } } String additional = ""; for (String a : commandsList) { if (a.startsWith("##")) { // do not add } else if (a.startsWith("#")) { String left = a.substring(0, a.indexOf("=")); String right = a.substring(a.indexOf("=") + 1); gnuplotOriginal = gnuplotOriginal.replaceAll(left, right); } else { additional += a + "\n"; } } String gnuplot = gnuplotOriginal.replaceAll("#<extra>", additional); if (type == ResultType.REGRESSION) { gnuplot = gnuplot.replaceAll("#regression", ""); gnuplot = gnuplot.replaceAll("\"gnuplot.values\" using 1:2 title '<title1>'", "\"gnuplot.values\" using 1:2 title '<title1>', regrFunc(x) title 'Linear Regression' with lines"); gnuplot = gnuplot.replaceAll("with linespoints ls 1", ""); } if (commandsList.contains(CMD_FLIP_AXES)) { for (int i = 1; i <= titles.length; i++) { gnuplot = gnuplot.replaceAll("using 1:" + (i + 1), "using " + (i + 1) + ":1"); } String tmp = xLabel; xLabel = yLabel; yLabel = tmp; } if (xLabel != null) gnuplot = gnuplot.replaceAll("<xlabel>", xLabel); if (yLabel != null) gnuplot = gnuplot.replaceAll("<ylabel>", yLabel); Map<Integer, String> fillStylePatterns = collUtil.asMap(0, "4").entry(1, "1").entry(2, "3").entry(3, "2") .entry(4, "3").entry(5, "4").entry(6, "5").entry(7, "7"); for (int i = 1; i <= titles.length; i++) { gnuplot = gnuplot.replaceAll("#<do" + i + ">", ""); if (hasCandleSticks || commandsList.contains(CMD_NO_LINES_JUST_POINTS) || commandsList.contains(CMD_MULTI_AXES)) { int colIndexStart = 1 + getSublistSum(xValueNamesLengths, 0, i - 1) - xValueNamesLengths.get(i - 1) + 1; int colIndexEnd = 1 + getSublistSum(xValueNamesLengths, 0, i - 1); String colIndexes = ""; int maxCols = 4; /* required for candlesticks functionality */ for (int j = colIndexStart; j <= colIndexEnd && j <= (maxCols + 1); j++) { colIndexes += ":" + j; } String colIndexVariable = "(\\$1)"; if (multipleCandles) colIndexVariable = "(\\$1-0.5+" + ((double) i) * (1.0 / (double) titles.length) + ")"; if (colIndexStart < colIndexEnd) { String plotLine = "\"gnuplot.values\" using " + colIndexVariable + colIndexes + " title '<title" + i + ">' with candlesticks whiskerbars ls " + i + " fs pattern " + fillStylePatterns.get(i); if (drawLineCandle) { int idx = colIndexStart + 2; if (xValueNamesLengths.get(i - 1) >= 5) { idx = colIndexStart + 4; } plotLine += ", \"gnuplot.values\" using 1:" + idx + " title '' with lines ls " + i; } /* draw median line in boxplot/candlesticks */ if (xValueNamesLengths.get(i - 1) >= 5) { int idx = (colIndexStart + 4); plotLine += ", \"gnuplot.values\" using 1:" + idx + ":" + idx + ":" + idx + ":" + idx + " with candlesticks lt -1 lw 2 notitle " + i; } if (multiAxes && i > 1) { plotLine += " axes x1y" + i; } if (multiline) { plotLine = "plot " + plotLine; } else { if (i < titles.length) plotLine += ", \\\\"; } gnuplot = gnuplot.replaceAll("#<plot" + i + ">.*\\n", plotLine + "\n"); } else { String plotLine = "\"gnuplot.values\" using 1" + colIndexes + " title '<title" + i + ">' with linespoints ls " + i; if (commandsList.contains(CMD_NO_LINES_JUST_POINTS)) { plotLine = plotLine.replace("with linespoints", "with points"); } if (multiAxes) { plotLine += " axes x1y" + i; } if (multiline) { plotLine = "plot " + plotLine; } else { if (i < titles.length) plotLine += ", \\\\"; } gnuplot = gnuplot.replaceAll("#<plot" + i + ">.*\\n", plotLine + "\n"); } } gnuplot = gnuplot.replaceAll("#<plot" + i + ">", ""); if (titles != null && titles.length >= i) gnuplot = gnuplot.replace("<title" + i + ">", titles[i - 1]); } for (int i = titles.length + 1; i < 10; i++) { gnuplot = gnuplot.replaceAll("#<do" + i + ">", "#"); } System.out.println(gnuplot); ioUtil.saveFile("createImage.temp.gnuplot", gnuplot); ioUtil.saveFile("gnuplot.values", plot); Process gpProc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("gnuplot createImage.temp.gnuplot"); gpProc.waitFor(); String output = ioUtil.readFile(gpProc.getInputStream()); output += ioUtil.readFile(gpProc.getErrorStream()); System.out.println("gnuplot output:\n------\n" + output); if (output != null && (output.contains("Not enough columns") || output.contains("no valid points"))) { System.out.println("---> Apparently, gnuplot reported an error. Input values were:"); System.out.println(plot); } String fixbb = "etc/fixbb"; String fixbbTmp = null; if (!new File(fixbb).exists()) { fixbb = "../" + fixbb; if (!new File(fixbb).exists()) { fixbb = "../" + fixbb; } if (!new File(fixbb).exists()) { Map<URL, String> resources = cpUtil.getSystemResources("fixbb"); if (!resources.isEmpty()) { fixbbTmp = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); ioUtil.saveFile(fixbbTmp, resources.values().iterator().next()); new File(fixbbTmp).setExecutable(true); new File(fixbbTmp).deleteOnExit(); fixbb = "./" + fixbbTmp; } } } Runtime.getRuntime().exec(fixbb + " graph.eps").waitFor(); if (fixbbTmp != null) { new File(fixbbTmp).delete(); } if (outFile.endsWith(".pdf")) { Runtime.getRuntime().exec("epstopdf graph.eps").waitFor(); new File("graph.pdf").renameTo(new File(outFile)); new File("graph.pdf").delete(); } else { new File("graph.eps").renameTo(new File(outFile)); } new File("graph.eps").delete(); new File("gnuplot.values").delete(); new File("createImage.temp.gnuplot").delete(); } private int getSublistSum(List<? extends Number> values, int fromIndexInclusive, int toIndexInclusive) { int sum = 0; for (int i = fromIndexInclusive; i <= toIndexInclusive; i++) { if (i >= 0 && i < values.size()) sum += values.get(i).intValue(); } return sum; } public String getPlottableAverages(List<?> levels, String[] xValueNames, ResultType type, String... additionalCommands) { return getPlottableAverages(levels, xValueNames, null, type, additionalCommands); } public String getPlottableAverages(List<?> levels, String[] xValueNames, String indexColumn, ResultType type, String... additionalCommands) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); NumberFormat f = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US); f.setMinimumFractionDigits(3); f.setMaximumFractionDigits(3); f.setGroupingUsed(false); List<String> commandsList = Arrays.asList(additionalCommands); for (int i = 0; i < levels.size(); i++) { String index = "" + levels.get(i); if (indexColumn != null) { index = "" + getMean(indexColumn.replaceAll("<level>", "" + levels.get(i))); } int modulo = commandsList.contains(CMD_ONLY_EVERY_2ND_XTICS) ? 2 : commandsList.contains(CMD_ONLY_EVERY_3RD_XTICS) ? 3 : 1; if (i % modulo == 0) { b.append(index); } else { b.append("_"); } for (int j = 0; j < xValueNames.length; j++) { b.append("\t"); String nameString = xValueNames[j]; nameString = nameString.replaceAll("<level>", "" + levels.get(i)); if (nameString.equals(xValueNames[j])) nameString = nameString + levels.get(i); String[] actualNames = nameString.split(":"); for (String name : actualNames) { Double theValue = 0.0; if (name.endsWith(".min")) { theValue = getMinimum(name.substring(0, name.length() - ".min".length())); } else if (name.endsWith(".max")) { theValue = getMaximum(name.substring(0, name.length() - ".max".length())); } else { List<Double> values = getValues(name); if (type == ResultType.MEAN) { Number mean = getMean(values); theValue = mean.doubleValue(); } else if (type == ResultType.THROUGHPUT) { theValue = getThroughput(name); } if (values.size() <= 0) { theValue = Double.NaN; } } if (theValue > 1000000) { b.append(theValue.longValue()); } else { String val = f.format(theValue); if ((theValue).isNaN()) { //val = "0"; val = "NaN"; } while (val.length() < 10) val = " " + val; b.append(val); } } } b.append("\n"); } return b.toString(); } public static String[] getArray(String prefix, List<Integer> numbers) { String[] result = new String[numbers.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < numbers.size(); i++) { result[i] = prefix + numbers.get(i); } return result; } public List<IterationResult> getIterations() { return iterations; } public void setIterations(List<IterationResult> iterations) { this.iterations = iterations; } public long getFinishTime() { return finishTime; } public void setFinishTime() { this.finishTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void setFinishTime(long finishTime) { this.finishTime = finishTime; } public long getStartTime() { return startTime; } public void setStartTime() { this.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void setStartTime(long startTime) { this.startTime = startTime; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); List<String> names = new LinkedList<String>(); if (iterations.size() > 0) { IterationResult iter = iterations.get(0); for (Entry e : iter.getEntries()) { String name =; if (!names.contains(name)) { names.add(name); b.append(name + ":\n"); b.append("\tTotal: " + getTotal(name) + "\n"); b.append("\tAmount: " + getAmount(name) + "\n"); b.append("\tMean: " + getMean(name) + "\n"); b.append("\tStd.Dev.: " + getStdDeviation(name) + "\n"); } } } return b.toString(); } public long getDuration() { return finishTime - startTime; } public List<Entry> searchEntries(String namePattern, String valuePattern) { List<Entry> result = new LinkedList<Entry>(); for (Entry e : getEntriesByNamePattern(namePattern)) { if (e.value != null && e.value.toString().matches(valuePattern)) { result.add(e); } } return result; } public static GenericTestResult loadLast(String fileNamePattern) throws Exception { return loadLast(fileNamePattern, "<time>"); } public static GenericTestResult loadLast(String fileNamePattern, String placeHolder) throws Exception { String dir = fileNamePattern.contains("/") ? fileNamePattern.substring(0, fileNamePattern.lastIndexOf("/")) : "./"; String file = fileNamePattern.contains("/") ? fileNamePattern.substring(fileNamePattern.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) : fileNamePattern; List<Long> ids = new LinkedList<Long>(); for (String f : new File(dir).list()) { String pattern = file.replace(placeHolder, "(.+)"); Pattern p = Pattern.compile(pattern); Matcher m = p.matcher(f); if (m.matches()) { String id =; try { ids.add(Long.parseLong(id)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Ignoring ID '" + id + "', which cannot be parsed as Long."); } } } String id = ids.isEmpty() ? "" : ("" + Collections.max(ids)); return load(fileNamePattern.replace(placeHolder, id)); } public static GenericTestResult load(String file) throws Exception { XMLUtil xmlUtil = new XMLUtil(); IOUtil ioUtil = new IOUtil(); String content = ioUtil.readFile(new FileInputStream(file)); Element e = xmlUtil.toElement(content); return xmlUtil.toJaxbObject(GenericTestResult.class, e); } public void saveOnShutdown(final String filePath) { saveOnShutdown(filePath, null); } public void saveOnShutdown(final String filePath, final Runnable runBefore) { Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { public void run() { if (runBefore != null) {; } save(filePath); } }); } public boolean save(String filePath) { try { XMLUtil xmlUtil = new XMLUtil(); String content = xmlUtil.toString(xmlUtil.toElement(this), true); ioUtil.saveFile(filePath, content); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } public double getThroughput(String key) { double duration = getMean(key + "duration"); double numResults = getValues(key).size(); double resultsPerMS = numResults / duration; double resultsPerS = resultsPerMS * 1000.0; double resultsPerM = resultsPerS * 60.0; return resultsPerM; } public double getPercentile(String valueName, double p) { return getPercentile(getValues(valueName), p); } public double getPercentile(List<Double> values, double p) { Collections.sort(values); double size = values.size(); double index = (size - 1.0) * p; return values.get((int) index); } public String getPlottableValuesBoxplot(List<Integer> levels, String... keyTemplates) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for (int l : levels) { b.append(l + "\t"); for (String template : keyTemplates) { String key = template.replaceAll("<level>", "" + l); double min = getMinimum(key); double max = getMaximum(key); double p25 = getPercentile(key, 0.25); double p50 = getPercentile(key, 0.5); double p75 = getPercentile(key, 0.75); b.append(min + "\t" + p25 + "\t" + p50 + "\t" + p75 + "\t" + max + "\t"); } b.append("\n"); } return b.toString(); } public List<Entry> getEntriesByName(String name) { List<Entry> result = new LinkedList<Entry>(); for (IterationResult i : iterations) { for (Entry e : new LinkedList<Entry>(i.entries)) { if (e.getName().equals(name)) { result.add(e); } } } return result; } public List<Entry> getEntriesByNamePattern(String namePattern) { List<Entry> result = new LinkedList<Entry>(); for (IterationResult i : iterations) { for (Entry e : new LinkedList<Entry>(i.entries)) { if (e.getName().matches(namePattern)) { result.add(e); } } } return result; } public void limitNumberOfEntries(String levelsEntryNamePattern, String valuesEntryNamePattern, int limit, EliminationMethod method) { List<Integer> levels = getAllLevels(levelsEntryNamePattern); int maxLevel = levels.size() + 1; int numValues = levels.size(); if (numValues <= limit) return; int excess; if (method == EliminationMethod.CONSIDER_VALUE_DIFFERENCES) { do { // in a loop, determine the three entries (e1,e2,e3) with the smallest distance // between e1 and e3 and then delete e2! This method assumes that the values are ORDERED! String levelEntryNameToRemove = null; double lowestDiffValue = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < levels.size() - 2; i++) { String name1 = valuesEntryNamePattern.replaceAll("<level>", "" + levels.get(i)); String name2 = valuesEntryNamePattern.replaceAll("<level>", "" + levels.get(i + 2)); double value1 = getMean(name1); double value2 = getMean(name2); double diff = Math.abs(value2 - value1); if (diff < lowestDiffValue) { lowestDiffValue = diff; levelEntryNameToRemove = levelsEntryNamePattern.replaceAll("<level>", "" + levels.get(i + 1)); } } for (IterationResult i : iterations) { for (Entry e : new LinkedList<Entry>(i.entries)) { if (e.getName().equals(levelEntryNameToRemove)) { i.entries.remove(e); } } } levels = getAllLevels(levelsEntryNamePattern, maxLevel); numValues = levels.size(); excess = numValues - limit; } while (excess > 0); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Not yet implemented."); } } public void insertIntoLatexTemplate(String string, String outFile, String[] valueNames, List<Integer> levels) throws Exception { insertIntoLatexTemplate(string, new FileOutputStream(outFile), valueNames, levels, false); } public void insertIntoLatexTemplate(File templateFile, String outFile, String[] valueNames, List<Integer> levels, boolean doTTest) throws Exception { String template = ioUtil.readFile(new FileInputStream(templateFile)); insertIntoLatexTemplate(template, new FileOutputStream(outFile), valueNames, levels, doTTest); } public void insertIntoLatexTemplate(File templateFile, String outFile) throws Exception { insertIntoLatexTemplate(templateFile, outFile, null); } public void insertIntoLatexTemplate(File templateFile, String outFile, String pattern) throws Exception { String template = ioUtil.readFile(new FileInputStream(templateFile)); Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\$([^\\$]+)\\$"); Matcher m = p.matcher(template); List<String> fillIns = new LinkedList<String>(); while (m.find()) { fillIns.add(; } List<String> vNames = getAllValueNames(pattern); for (int i = 0; i < vNames.size(); i++) { boolean isContained = false; String vName = vNames.get(i); for (String s : fillIns) { if (s.startsWith(vName)) { isContained = true; break; } } if (!isContained) vNames.remove(i--); } //System.out.println("required variable names in template: " + vNames); insertIntoLatexTemplate(templateFile, outFile, vNames.toArray(new String[] {}), Arrays.asList(0), false); } public List<String> getAllValueNames() { return getAllValueNames(null); } public List<String> getAllValueNames(String pattern) { Pattern p = pattern != null ? Pattern.compile(pattern) : null; List<String> result = new LinkedList<String>(); for (IterationResult i : iterations) { for (Entry e : i.getEntries()) { if (!result.contains( { if (p == null || p.matcher( result.add(; } } } return result; } public String replace(String in, Map<String, String> searchReplace, int maxParallelReplacements) { if (searchReplace == null || searchReplace.isEmpty()) return in; Map<String, String> thisSearchReplace = new HashMap<String, String>(); int i = 0; for (String s : searchReplace.keySet()) { if ((i++) >= maxParallelReplacements) break; thisSearchReplace.put(s, searchReplace.get(s)); } String patternString = "(" + StringUtils.join(thisSearchReplace.keySet(), "|") + ")"; for (String s : thisSearchReplace.keySet()) searchReplace.remove(s); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(patternString); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(in); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); while (matcher.find()) { matcher.appendReplacement(sb, thisSearchReplace.get(; } matcher.appendTail(sb); in = sb.toString(); if (searchReplace.size() > 0) return replace(in, searchReplace, maxParallelReplacements); return in; } public void insertIntoLatexTemplate(String templateContent, OutputStream out, String[] valueNames, List<Integer> levels, boolean doTTest) throws Exception { String content = templateContent; for (String name : valueNames) { for (int i : levels) { String theName = name.replaceAll("<level>", "" + i); String nameWithoutLevel = name.replaceAll("<level>", ""); String nameInTemplate = theName; if (content.contains("$" + nameInTemplate + ".avg$")) { double avg = getMean(theName); content = content.replaceAll("\\$" + nameInTemplate + ".avg\\$", "" + f.format(avg)); } if (content.contains("$" + nameInTemplate + ".min$")) { double min = getMinimum(theName); content = content.replaceAll("\\$" + nameInTemplate + ".min\\$", "" + f.format(min)); } if (content.contains("$" + nameInTemplate + ".max$")) { double max = getMaximum(theName); content = content.replaceAll("\\$" + nameInTemplate + ".max\\$", "" + f.format(max)); } if (content.contains("$" + nameInTemplate + ".avgAllLev$")) { double avgAllLevels = getMean(name, levels); content = content.replaceAll("\\$" + nameWithoutLevel + ".avgAllLev\\$", "" + f.format(avgAllLevels)); } if (content.contains("$" + nameInTemplate + ".stddev$")) { double stddev = getStdDeviation(theName); content = content.replaceAll("\\$" + nameInTemplate + ".stddev\\$", "" + f.format(stddev)); } if (content.contains("$" + nameInTemplate + ".perct$")) { double perct = getPercentage(name, valueNames, levels); content = content.replaceAll("\\$" + nameInTemplate + ".perct\\$", "" + f.format(perct)); } if (doTTest) { for (String name1 : valueNames) { String theName1 = name1.replaceAll("<level>", "" + i); String nameInTemplate1 = name1.replaceAll("<level>", ""); if (!theName1.equals(nameInTemplate1)) nameInTemplate1 += "." + i; double t = getTValue(getMean(theName), getMean(theName1), getSampleVariance(theName), getSampleVariance(theName1), (int) getAmount(theName)); content = content.replaceAll( "\\$" + nameInTemplate + "." + nameInTemplate1 + "." + i + ".t\\$", "" + f.format(t)); } } } } BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out)); bw.write(content); bw.close(); } private double getPercentage(String oneName, String[] allNames, List<Integer> levels) { double sum = 0; for (String a : allNames) { sum += getMean(a, levels); } double oneMean = getMean(oneName, levels); return (oneMean / sum) * 100.0; } private double getMean(String nameTemplate, List<Integer> levels) { double sum = 0; for (int l : levels) { String name = nameTemplate.replaceAll("<level>", "" + l); sum += getMean(name); } return sum / (double) levels.size(); } protected double getPercentage(String nameTemplate, int i, List<Integer> levels) { double sum = 0; for (int l : levels) { String name = nameTemplate.replaceAll("<level>", "" + l); sum += getMean(name); } String name = nameTemplate.replaceAll("<level>", "" + i); return getMean(name) / sum; } public static double getTValue(double avgA, double avgB, double varianceA, double varianceB, int iterations) { double diff = avgA - avgB; double sum = (varianceA + varianceB) / (double) (iterations); return diff / Math.sqrt(sum); } public static double[] convert(Double[] in) { double[] out = new double[in.length]; for (int i = 0; i < in.length; i++) out[i] = in[i]; return out; } public static double[] convert(List<Double> in) { return convert(in.toArray(new Double[0])); } private static double getBarPosition(final double barWidth, final double spacing, int group, int positionInGroup) { if (group <= 0 && positionInGroup <= 0) return 0.5; if (positionInGroup >= 0) { double add = 0; // if(positionInGroup == 0) // add = barWidth; return add + barWidth + getBarPosition(barWidth, spacing, group, positionInGroup - 1); } if (group > 0) { int newPositionInGroup = 1; int newGroup = group - 1; if (newGroup <= 0) newPositionInGroup = 4; else if (newGroup == 1 || newGroup == 2) newPositionInGroup = 3; else if (newGroup > 2 && newGroup < 7) newPositionInGroup = 2; double add = 0; if (newGroup >= 4) add = -barWidth; return add + spacing + getBarPosition(barWidth, spacing, newGroup, newPositionInGroup); } return 0; } public static double getBarLabelPosition(final double barWidth, final double spacing, int group) { double min = getBarPosition(barWidth, spacing, group, 0); int position = 0; if (group <= 0) position = 4; else if (group >= 1 && group <= 2) position = 3; else if (group == 3) position = 2; else if (group > 3 && group < 7) position = 1; double max = getBarPosition(barWidth, spacing, group, position); return (max + min) / 2.0; } public String getPlottableAverages3D(List<Integer> levels, String[] keyTemplates, ResultType type, String... additionalCommands) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); NumberFormat f = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US); f.setMinimumFractionDigits(3); f.setMaximumFractionDigits(3); f.setGroupingUsed(false); for (int l : levels) { for (String t : keyTemplates) { String key = t.replaceAll("<level>", "" + l); Double val = 0.0; if (type == ResultType.THROUGHPUT) val = getThroughput(key); else if (type == ResultType.MEAN) val = getMean(key); if (val.isNaN()) val = 0.0; b.append(f.format(val)); b.append("\n"); } b.append("\n"); } return b.toString(); } @Deprecated public static void combineResults(String pattern, String... fileNames) throws Exception { XMLUtil xmlUtil = new XMLUtil(); GenericTestResult result = new GenericTestResult(); int i = 0; for (String filename : fileNames) { JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(GenericTestResult.class); Unmarshaller unmarsh = context.createUnmarshaller(); GenericTestResult temp = (GenericTestResult) unmarsh.unmarshal(new File(filename)); String contents = xmlUtil.toString(xmlUtil.toElement(temp)); contents = contents.replaceAll(pattern + "[0-9]+", pattern + (i++)); temp = xmlUtil.toJaxbObject(GenericTestResult.class, xmlUtil.toElement(contents)); result.getIterations().addAll(temp.getIterations()); } String out = xmlUtil.toString(xmlUtil.toElement(result), true); System.out.println(out); } public void mergeWith(GenericTestResult temp) { while (getIterations().size() < temp.getIterations().size()) newIteration(); for (int i = 0; i < temp.getIterations().size(); i++) { IterationResult iter = temp.getIterations().get(i); getIterations().get(i).getEntries().addAll(iter.getEntries()); } } public void mergeWith(Collection<GenericTestResult> temp) { for (GenericTestResult r : temp) { mergeWith(r); } } // public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // // if (args.length > 0 && args[0].equals("combine")) { // combineResults(args[1], Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 2, args.length)); // return; // } // // String filename = "etc/performanceTestResults_PortfolioUnoptimized.xml"; // if (args.length > 0) { // filename = args[0]; // if (!new File(filename).exists()) { // filename = "etc/performanceTestResults_" + args[0] + ".xml"; // } // } else // args = new String[] { "Voting" }; // JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(GenericTestResult.class); // Unmarshaller unmarsh = context.createUnmarshaller(); // GenericTestResult result = (GenericTestResult) unmarsh // .unmarshal(new File(filename)); // // List<Integer> levels = Arrays.asList(10, 30, 100, 250, 500); // String[] valueNames = new String[] {}; // String out = null; // ResultType type = ResultType.MEAN; // if (args.length > 0 && args[0].contains("Booking")) { // levels = Arrays // .asList(10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 750/* , 1000, 1500, 2000 */); // List<Integer> parallelities = Arrays.asList(1, 5, 10, 15, 30, 50); // // System.out.println(result.getThroughput("s500h2c3r1p1st1")); // // System.out.println(result.getThroughput("s500h2c3r1p5st1")); // // System.out.println(result.getThroughput("s500h2c3r1p10st1")); // // System.out.println(result.getThroughput("s500h2c3r1p15st1")); // // System.out.println(result.getThroughput("s500h2c3r1p30st1")); // // System.out.println(result.getThroughput("s500h2c3r1p50st1")); // String template = "s<level>h2a30c3r1p<par>st<strategy>"; // List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); // for (int strategy = 0; strategy < 5; strategy++) { // for (int par : parallelities) { // String s = template; // s = s.replaceAll("<strategy>", "" + strategy); // s = s.replaceAll("<par>", "" + par); // names.add(s); // } // } // // out = result.getPlottableAverages3D(levels, names.toArray(new // // String[]{}), ResultType.THROUGHPUT); // // valueNames = names.toArray(new String[] {}); // if (args.length > 1 && !args[1].equals("3D")) { // // int strategy = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); // out = null; // levels = Arrays.asList(1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 75, 100); // parallelities // valueNames = new String[] { // "s10h1a20c3r30p<level>st" + strategy, // "s50h1a20c3r30p<level>st" + strategy, // "s100h1a20c3r30p<level>st" + strategy, // "s200h1a20c3r30p<level>st" + strategy }; // type = ResultType.THROUGHPUT; // // } else if (args.length > 1 && args[1].equals("3D")) { // int strategy = 0; // if (args.length > 2) { // if (args.length > 2 && args[2].equals("aggregators")) { // parallelities = Arrays.asList(1, 5, 10, 15, 30, 50, /* */ // 75, 100); // strategy = 0; // template = "s200h2a<level>c3r1p<par>st" + strategy; // levels = Arrays.asList(1, 3, 5, /* */7, 10, 15/* */); // in // // this // // case: // // parallelity // // levels // names.clear(); // for (int par : parallelities) { // String s = template; // s = s.replaceAll("<par>", "" + par); // names.add(s); // } // out = result.getPlottableAverages3D(levels, names // .toArray(new String[] {}), // ResultType.THROUGHPUT); // // } else { // try { // strategy = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); // } catch (Exception e) { // } // levels = Arrays.asList(10, 50, 100, 200, 500/* , 750 */); // parallelities = Arrays.asList(1, 5, 10, 15, 30, 50, 75, // 100); // template = "s<level>h1a20c3r1p<par>st" + strategy; // names.clear(); // for (int par : parallelities) { // String s = template; // s = s.replaceAll("<par>", "" + par); // names.add(s); // } // out = result.getPlottableAverages3D(levels, names // .toArray(new String[] {}), // ResultType.THROUGHPUT); // // } // } // } else if (args[0].equals("BookingNumAggregators")) { // // result.eliminateXhighestValues = 2; // // levels = Arrays.asList(1,/* 3, */5,/* 7, */10, 15, 20/* ,25,30 */); // number // // of // // deployed // // aggregators // // levels = Arrays.asList(1, 25, 50, 100); // parallelity // // // out = result.getPlottableValuesBoxplot(levels, // // "s200h2a30c3r1p<level>st0", "s200h2a30c3r1p<level>st0"); // // out = result.getPlottableValuesBoxplot(levels, // // "s200h2a<level>c3r1p1st0", "s200h2a<level>c3r1p50st0"); // out = result.getPlottableValuesBoxplot(levels, // "s50h2a<level>c3r1p25st0", "s50h2a<level>c3r1p50st0", // "s50h2a<level>c3r1p100st0"); // } // // } else if (args.length > 0 && args[0].equals("Rendering")) { // levels = Arrays.asList(50, 100, 300, 700, 1200, 2000); // valueNames = new String[] { "s<level>h0c3r1", "s<level>h1c2r1", // "s<level>h1c3r1", "s<level>h2c2r1", "s<level>h2c3r1" }; // // } else if (args.length > 0 && args[0].equals("Voting")) { // levels = Arrays.asList(100, 200, 400, 700, 1000); // valueNames = new String[] { "s<level>h0a15c3r100p1st0", // "s<level>h1a15c2r100p1st0", "s<level>h1a15c3r100p1st0", // "s<level>h2a15c2r100p1st0", "s<level>h2a15c3r100p1st0" }; // // if (args.length > 1 && args[1].equals("memGnuplot")) { // double barWidth = 0.3; // double spacing = 0.5; // String[] keys = new String[] { "s1000h2c3_m", "s1000h2c2_m", // "s1000h1c3_m", "s1000h1c2_m", "s1000h0c3_m" }; // out = ""; // // ("1" 0.675, "2" 1.635, "3" 2.595, "4" 3.555, "5" 4.515, "6" // // 5.475, "7" 6.435, "8" 7.395, "9" 8.355, "10" 9.315, "11" // // 10.275, "12" 11.235, "13" 12.195) // out = "set xtics ("; // for (int i = 1; i <= 13; i++) { // out += "\"" + i + "\" " // + getBarLabelPosition(barWidth, spacing, i - 1); // if (i < 13) // out += ", "; // } // out += ")\n"; // out += "plot '-' with boxes lt 3 title \"13 Aggregators\", '-' with boxes fs pattern 5 lt 4 title \"7 Aggregators\", '-' title \"4 Aggregators\" with boxes fs pattern 6 lt 5, '-' title \"3 Aggregators\" with boxes fs pattern 10 lt 6, '-' title \"1 Aggregator\" with boxes fs pattern 9 lt 7\n"; // int count = 0; // for (String key : keys) { // for (int i = 1; i <= 13; i++) { // // double pos = 0.5 + count*spacing + (i-1)*barWidth; // double pos = getBarPosition(barWidth, spacing, i - 1, // count); // if ((count == 4 && i <= 1) || (count == 3 && i <= 3) // || (count == 2 && i <= 4) // || (count == 1 && i <= 7) // || (count == 0 && i <= 13)) { // out += pos + ", " // + (result.getMean(key + i) / 1000000.0); // out += "\n"; // } // } // out += "e\n"; // count++; // } // } else if (args.length > 1 && args[1].equals("3D")) { // Integer[] numsResults = { 100, 200, 400, 700, 1000 }; // String[] numsAggrs = { "s100h2c3r<level>", "s100h2c2r<level>", // "s100h1c3r<level>", "s100h1c2r<level>", // "s100h0c3r<level>" }; // out = result.getPlottableAverages3D(Arrays.asList(numsResults), // numsAggrs, ResultType.MEAN); // } // } else if (args.length > 0 // && (args[0].equals("PortfolioUnoptimized") || args[0] // .equals("PortfolioOptimized"))) { // levels = Arrays.asList(1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60); // valueNames = new String[] { "s<level>h2a15c3r10p1st0", // "s<level>h2a15c3r100p1st0", "s<level>h2a15c3r200p1st0" }; // result.eliminateXhighestValues = 1; // } // // if (out == null) // out = result.getPlottableAverages(levels, valueNames, type); // System.out.println(out); // // } }