Java tutorial
/* * Changes to this file committed after and not including commit-id: ccc0d2c5f9a5ac661e60e6eaf138de7889928b8b * are released under the following license: * * This file is part of Hopsworks * Copyright (C) 2018, Logical Clocks AB. All rights reserved * * Hopsworks is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Hopsworks is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. * If not, see <>. * * Changes to this file committed before and including commit-id: ccc0d2c5f9a5ac661e60e6eaf138de7889928b8b * are released under the following license: * * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2018, Logical Clocks AB and RISE SICS AB. All rights reserved * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this * software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, * publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit * persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or * substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING * BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package io.hops.hopsworks.common.util; import; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.dao.certificates.UserCerts; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.dao.hdfs.inode.Inode; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.dao.project.Project; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.exception.CryptoPasswordNotFoundException; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.hdfs.DistributedFileSystemOps; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.hdfs.HdfsUsersController; import; import; import; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.util.templates.AppendConfigReplacementPolicy; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.util.templates.ConfigProperty; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.util.templates.ConfigReplacementPolicy; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.util.templates.IgnoreConfigReplacementPolicy; import io.hops.hopsworks.common.util.templates.OverwriteConfigReplacementPolicy; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsAction; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.LocalResourceType; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.LocalResourceVisibility; import javax.crypto.Cipher; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Paths; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.json.JSONObject; /** * Utility methods. * <p> */ public class HopsUtils { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(HopsUtils.class.getName()); private static final int ROOT_DIR_PARTITION_KEY = 0; public static final short ROOT_DIR_DEPTH = 0; private static int RANDOM_PARTITIONING_MAX_LEVEL = 1; public static int ROOT_INODE_ID = 1; private static final FsPermission materialPermissions = new FsPermission(FsAction.ALL, FsAction.NONE, FsAction.NONE); private static final Pattern NEW_LINE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\r?\\n"); // e.x. spark.files=hdfs://someFile,hdfs://anotherFile private static final Pattern SPARK_PROPS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(.+?)=(.+)"); public static final ConfigReplacementPolicy OVERWRITE = new OverwriteConfigReplacementPolicy(); public static final ConfigReplacementPolicy IGNORE = new IgnoreConfigReplacementPolicy(); public static final ConfigReplacementPolicy APPEND_SPACE = new AppendConfigReplacementPolicy( AppendConfigReplacementPolicy.Delimiter.SPACE); public static final ConfigReplacementPolicy APPEND_PATH = new AppendConfigReplacementPolicy( AppendConfigReplacementPolicy.Delimiter.PATH_SEPARATOR); public static final ConfigReplacementPolicy APPEND_COMMA = new AppendConfigReplacementPolicy( AppendConfigReplacementPolicy.Delimiter.COMMA); /** * * @param <E> * @param value * @param enumClass * @return */ public static <E extends Enum<E>> boolean isInEnum(String value, Class<E> enumClass) { for (E e : enumClass.getEnumConstants()) { if ( { return true; } } return false; } public static int dataSetPartitionId(Inode parent, String name) { return calculatePartitionId(parent.getId(), name, 3); } public static int calculatePartitionId(int parentId, String name, int depth) { if (isTreeLevelRandomPartitioned(depth)) { return partitionIdHashFunction(parentId, name, depth); } else { return parentId; } } private static int partitionIdHashFunction(int parentId, String name, int depth) { if (depth == ROOT_DIR_DEPTH) { return ROOT_DIR_PARTITION_KEY; } else { return (name + parentId).hashCode(); } } private static boolean isTreeLevelRandomPartitioned(int depth) { return depth <= RANDOM_PARTITIONING_MAX_LEVEL; } /** * Retrieves the global hadoop classpath. * * @param params * @return hadoop global classpath */ public static String getHadoopClasspathGlob(String... params) { ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(params); try { Process process = pb.start(); int errCode = process.waitFor(); if (errCode != 0) { return ""; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()))) { String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line); } } //Now we must remove the yarn shuffle library as it creates issues for //Zeppelin Spark Interpreter StringBuilder classpath = new StringBuilder(); for (String path : sb.toString().split(File.pathSeparator)) { if (!path.contains("yarn") && !path.contains("jersey") && !path.contains("servlet")) { classpath.append(path).append(File.pathSeparator); } } if (classpath.length() > 0) { return classpath.toString().substring(0, classpath.length() - 1); } } catch (IOException | InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(HopsUtils.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return ""; } public static String getProjectKeystoreName(String project, String user) { return project + HdfsUsersController.USER_NAME_DELIMITER + user + "__kstore.jks"; } public static String getProjectTruststoreName(String project, String user) { return project + HdfsUsersController.USER_NAME_DELIMITER + user + "__tstore.jks"; } public static String getProjectMaterialPasswordName(String project, String user) { return project + HdfsUsersController.USER_NAME_DELIMITER + user + "__cert.key"; } public static void copyProjectUserCerts(Project project, String username, String localTmpDir, String remoteTmpDir, CertificateMaterializer certMat, boolean isRpcTlsEnabled) { copyProjectUserCerts(project, username, localTmpDir, remoteTmpDir, null, null, null, null, null, null, certMat, isRpcTlsEnabled); } public static void copyProjectUserCerts(Project project, String username, String localTmpDir, String remoteTmpDir, JobType jobType, DistributedFileSystemOps dfso, List<LocalResourceDTO> projectLocalResources, Map<String, String> jobSystemProperties, String applicationId, CertificateMaterializer certMat, boolean isRpcTlsEnabled) { copyProjectUserCerts(project, username, localTmpDir, remoteTmpDir, jobType, dfso, projectLocalResources, jobSystemProperties, null, applicationId, certMat, isRpcTlsEnabled); } /** * Remote user generic project certificates materialized both from the local * filesystem and from HDFS * @param projectName * @param remoteFSDir * @param certificateMaterializer */ public static void cleanupCertificatesForProject(String projectName, String remoteFSDir, CertificateMaterializer certificateMaterializer, Settings settings) { certificateMaterializer.removeCertificatesLocal(projectName); // If Hops RPC TLS is enabled then we haven't put them in HDFS, so we should not delete them if (!settings.getHopsRpcTls()) { String remoteDirectory = remoteFSDir + Path.SEPARATOR + projectName + Settings.PROJECT_GENERIC_USER_SUFFIX; certificateMaterializer.removeCertificatesRemote(null, projectName, remoteDirectory); } } /** * Remote user certificates materialized both from the local * filesystem and from HDFS * @param username * @param remoteFSDir * @param certificateMaterializer */ public static void cleanupCertificatesForUserCustomDir(String username, String projectName, String remoteFSDir, CertificateMaterializer certificateMaterializer, String directory, Settings settings) { certificateMaterializer.removeCertificatesLocalCustomDir(username, projectName, directory); String projectSpecificUsername = projectName + HdfsUsersController.USER_NAME_DELIMITER + username; // If Hops RPC TLS is enabled, we haven't put user certificates in HDFS, so we shouldn't try to remove them if (!settings.getHopsRpcTls()) { String remoteDirectory = remoteFSDir + Path.SEPARATOR + projectSpecificUsername; certificateMaterializer.removeCertificatesRemote(username, projectName, remoteDirectory); } } public static void cleanupCertificatesForUser(String username, String projectName, String remoteFSDir, CertificateMaterializer certificateMaterializer, Settings settings) throws IOException { cleanupCertificatesForUserCustomDir(username, projectName, remoteFSDir, certificateMaterializer, null, settings); } /** * Utility method that materializes user certificates in the local * filesystem and in HDFS * @param projectName * @param remoteFSDir * @param dfso * @param certificateMaterializer * @param settings * @throws IOException */ public static void materializeCertificatesForUserCustomDir(String projectName, String userName, String remoteFSDir, DistributedFileSystemOps dfso, CertificateMaterializer certificateMaterializer, Settings settings, String directory) throws IOException { String projectSpecificUsername = projectName + "__" + userName; certificateMaterializer.materializeCertificatesLocalCustomDir(userName, projectName, directory); // When Hops RPC TLS is enabled, Yarn will take care of application certificate if (!settings.getHopsRpcTls()) { String remoteDirectory = createRemoteDirectory(remoteFSDir, projectSpecificUsername, projectSpecificUsername, dfso); certificateMaterializer.materializeCertificatesRemote(userName, projectName, projectSpecificUsername, projectSpecificUsername, materialPermissions, remoteDirectory); } } public static void materializeCertificatesForUser(String projectName, String userName, String remoteFSDir, DistributedFileSystemOps dfso, CertificateMaterializer certificateMaterializer, Settings settings) throws IOException { materializeCertificatesForUserCustomDir(projectName, userName, remoteFSDir, dfso, certificateMaterializer, settings, null); } /** * Utility method that materializes user certificates in the local * filesystem and in HDFS * * @param projectName * @param remoteFSDir * @param dfso * @param certificateMaterializer * @param settings * @throws IOException */ public static void materializeCertificatesForProject(String projectName, String remoteFSDir, DistributedFileSystemOps dfso, CertificateMaterializer certificateMaterializer, Settings settings) throws IOException { certificateMaterializer.materializeCertificatesLocal(projectName); String projectGenericUser = projectName + Settings.PROJECT_GENERIC_USER_SUFFIX; // When Hops RPC TLS is enabled, Yarn will take care of application certificate // so we don't need them in HDFS if (!settings.getHopsRpcTls()) { String remoteDirectory = createRemoteDirectory(remoteFSDir, projectGenericUser, projectGenericUser, dfso); certificateMaterializer.materializeCertificatesRemote(null, projectName, projectGenericUser, projectGenericUser, materialPermissions, remoteDirectory); } } private static String createRemoteDirectory(String remoteFSDir, String certsSpecificDir, String owner, DistributedFileSystemOps dfso) throws IOException { boolean createdDir = false; if (!dfso.exists(remoteFSDir)) { Path remoteFSTarget = new Path(remoteFSDir); dfso.mkdir(remoteFSTarget, new FsPermission(FsAction.ALL, FsAction.ALL, FsAction.ALL)); createdDir = true; } Path projectRemoteFSDir = new Path(remoteFSDir + Path.SEPARATOR + certsSpecificDir); if (!dfso.exists(projectRemoteFSDir.toString())) { dfso.mkdir(projectRemoteFSDir, new FsPermission(FsAction.ALL, FsAction.ALL, FsAction.NONE)); dfso.setOwner(projectRemoteFSDir, owner, owner); createdDir = true; } if (createdDir) { dfso.flushCache(owner, owner); } return projectRemoteFSDir.toString(); } /** * Utility method that copies project user certificates from the Database, to * either hdfs to be passed as LocalResources to the YarnJob or to used * by another method. * * @param project * @param username * @param localTmpDir * @param remoteTmpDir * @param jobType * @param dfso * @param projectLocalResources * @param jobSystemProperties * @param flinkCertsDir * @param applicationId */ public static void copyProjectUserCerts(Project project, String username, String localTmpDir, String remoteTmpDir, JobType jobType, DistributedFileSystemOps dfso, List<LocalResourceDTO> projectLocalResources, Map<String, String> jobSystemProperties, String flinkCertsDir, String applicationId, CertificateMaterializer certMat, boolean isRpcTlsEnabled) { // Let the Certificate Materializer handle the certificates UserCerts userCert = new UserCerts(project.getName(), username); try { certMat.materializeCertificatesLocal(username, project.getName()); CertificateMaterializer.CryptoMaterial material = certMat.getUserMaterial(username, project.getName()); userCert.setUserKey(material.getKeyStore().array()); userCert.setUserCert(material.getTrustStore().array()); userCert.setUserKeyPwd(new String(material.getPassword())); } catch (IOException | CryptoPasswordNotFoundException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not materialize user certificates", ex); } //Check if the user certificate was actually retrieved if (userCert.getUserCert() != null && userCert.getUserCert().length > 0 && userCert.getUserKey() != null && userCert.getUserKey().length > 0) { Map<String, byte[]> certFiles = new HashMap<>(); certFiles.put(Settings.T_CERTIFICATE, userCert.getUserCert()); certFiles.put(Settings.K_CERTIFICATE, userCert.getUserKey()); try { String kCertName = HopsUtils.getProjectKeystoreName(project.getName(), username); String tCertName = HopsUtils.getProjectTruststoreName(project.getName(), username); String passName = getProjectMaterialPasswordName(project.getName(), username); try { if (jobType != null) { switch (jobType) { case FLINK: File appDir = Paths.get(flinkCertsDir, applicationId).toFile(); if (!appDir.exists()) { appDir.mkdir(); } File f_k_cert = new File(appDir.toString() + File.separator + kCertName); f_k_cert.setExecutable(false); f_k_cert.setReadable(true, true); f_k_cert.setWritable(false); File t_k_cert = new File(appDir.toString() + File.separator + tCertName); t_k_cert.setExecutable(false); t_k_cert.setReadable(true, true); t_k_cert.setWritable(false); if (!f_k_cert.exists()) { Files.write(certFiles.get(Settings.K_CERTIFICATE), f_k_cert); Files.write(certFiles.get(Settings.T_CERTIFICATE), t_k_cert); } File certPass = new File(appDir.toString() + File.separator + passName); certPass.setExecutable(false); certPass.setReadable(true, true); certPass.setWritable(false); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(certPass, userCert.getUserKeyPwd(), false); jobSystemProperties.put(Settings.CRYPTO_MATERIAL_PASSWORD, certPass.toString()); jobSystemProperties.put(Settings.K_CERTIFICATE, f_k_cert.toString()); jobSystemProperties.put(Settings.T_CERTIFICATE, t_k_cert.toString()); break; case PYSPARK: case SPARK: Map<String, File> certs = new HashMap<>(); certs.put(Settings.K_CERTIFICATE, new File(localTmpDir + File.separator + kCertName)); certs.put(Settings.T_CERTIFICATE, new File(localTmpDir + File.separator + tCertName)); certs.put(Settings.CRYPTO_MATERIAL_PASSWORD, new File(localTmpDir + File.separator + passName)); for (Map.Entry<String, File> entry : certs.entrySet()) { //Write the actual file(cert) to localFS //Create HDFS certificate directory. This is done //So that the certificates can be used as LocalResources //by the YarnJob if (!dfso.exists(remoteTmpDir)) { dfso.mkdir(new Path(remoteTmpDir), new FsPermission(FsAction.ALL, FsAction.ALL, FsAction.ALL)); } //Put project certificates in its own dir String certUser = project.getName() + "__" + username; String remoteTmpProjDir = remoteTmpDir + File.separator + certUser; if (!dfso.exists(remoteTmpProjDir)) { dfso.mkdir(new Path(remoteTmpProjDir), new FsPermission(FsAction.ALL, FsAction.ALL, FsAction.NONE)); dfso.setOwner(new Path(remoteTmpProjDir), certUser, certUser); } String remoteProjAppDir = remoteTmpProjDir + File.separator + applicationId; Path remoteProjAppPath = new Path(remoteProjAppDir); if (!dfso.exists(remoteProjAppDir)) { dfso.mkdir(remoteProjAppPath, new FsPermission(FsAction.ALL, FsAction.ALL, FsAction.NONE)); dfso.setOwner(remoteProjAppPath, certUser, certUser); } dfso.copyToHDFSFromLocal(false, entry.getValue().getAbsolutePath(), remoteProjAppDir + File.separator + entry.getValue().getName()); dfso.setPermission( new Path(remoteProjAppDir + File.separator + entry.getValue().getName()), new FsPermission(FsAction.ALL, FsAction.NONE, FsAction.NONE)); dfso.setOwner( new Path(remoteProjAppDir + File.separator + entry.getValue().getName()), certUser, certUser); projectLocalResources.add(new LocalResourceDTO(entry.getKey(), "hdfs://" + remoteProjAppDir + File.separator + entry.getValue().getName(), LocalResourceVisibility.APPLICATION.toString(), LocalResourceType.FILE.toString(), null)); } break; default: break; } } } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error writing project user certificates to local fs", ex); } } finally { if (jobType != null) { certMat.removeCertificatesLocal(username, project.getName()); } } } } /** * * @param jobName * @param dissalowedChars * @return */ public static boolean jobNameValidator(String jobName, String dissalowedChars) { for (char c : dissalowedChars.toCharArray()) { if (jobName.contains("" + c)) { return false; } } return true; } private static Key generateKey(String userKey, String masterKey) { // This is for backwards compatibility // sha256 of 'adminpw' if (masterKey.equals("5fcf82bc15aef42cd3ec93e6d4b51c04df110cf77ee715f62f3f172ff8ed9de9")) { return new SecretKeySpec(userKey.substring(0, 16).getBytes(), "AES"); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { sb.append(userKey.charAt(i)); if (masterKey.length() > i + 1) { sb.append(masterKey.charAt(i + 1)); } else { sb.append(userKey.charAt(Math.max(0, userKey.length() - i))); } } return new SecretKeySpec(sb.toString().getBytes(), "AES"); } /** * * @param key * @param plaintext * @return * @throws Exception */ public static String encrypt(String key, String plaintext, String masterEncryptionPassword) throws Exception { Key aesKey = generateKey(key, masterEncryptionPassword); Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES"); cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, aesKey); byte[] encrypted = cipher.doFinal(plaintext.getBytes()); return Base64.encodeBase64String(encrypted); } /** * * @param key * @param ciphertext * @return * @throws Exception */ public static String decrypt(String key, String ciphertext, String masterEncryptionPassword) throws Exception { Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES"); Key aesKey = generateKey(key, masterEncryptionPassword); cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, aesKey); String decrypted = new String(cipher.doFinal(Base64.decodeBase64(ciphertext))); return decrypted; } /** * Generates a pseudo-random password for the user keystore. A list of characters is excluded. * * @param length * @return */ public static String randomString(int length) { char[] characterSet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789".toCharArray(); Random random = new SecureRandom(); char[] result = new char[length]; for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { // picks a random index out of character set > random character int randomCharIndex = random.nextInt(characterSet.length); result[i] = characterSet[randomCharIndex]; } return new String(result); } /** * Converts HDFS quota from Bytes to a human friendly format * @param quota * @return */ public static String spaceQuotaToString(long quota) { DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("##.##"); if (quota > 1099511627776L) { float tbSize = quota / 1099511627776L; return df.format(tbSize) + "TB"; } else if (quota > 1073741824L) { float gbSize = quota / 1073741824L; return df.format(gbSize) + "GB"; } else if (quota >= 0) { float mbSize = quota / 1048576; return df.format(mbSize) + "MB"; } else { return "-1MB"; } } /** * Converts HDFS quota from human friendly format to Bytes * @param quotaString * @return */ public static long spaceQuotaToLong(String quotaString) { long quota = -1l; if (quotaString.endsWith("TB")) { quota = Long.parseLong(quotaString.substring(0, quotaString.length() - 2)); quota = quota * 1099511627776L; } else if (quotaString.endsWith("GB")) { quota = Long.parseLong(quotaString.substring(0, quotaString.length() - 2)); quota = quota * 1073741824L; } else if (quotaString.endsWith("MB")) { quota = Long.parseLong(quotaString.substring(0, quotaString.length() - 2)); quota = quota * 1048576; } else { quota = Long.parseLong(quotaString); } return quota; } /** * Convert processing quota from Seconds to human friendly format * The format produced is : -?[0-9]{1,}:([0-9]{1,2}:){2}[0-9]{1,2} * (Quota might be negative) * - Seconds * - Minutes * - Hours * - Days * @param quota * @return */ public static String procQuotaToString(float quota) { float absQuota = Math.abs(quota); long days = Math.round(Math.floor(absQuota / 86400)); absQuota %= 86400; long hours = Math.round(Math.floor(absQuota / 3600)); absQuota %= 3600; long minutes = Math.round(Math.floor(absQuota / 60)); int seconds = Math.round(absQuota % 60); if (quota >= 0) { return String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d", days, hours, minutes, seconds); } else { return String.format("-%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d", days, hours, minutes, seconds); } } /** * Convert processing quota from human friendly to seconds * The format accepted is -?[0-9]+:([0-9]+:){2}[0-9]+ * @param quota * @return */ public static float procQuotaToFloat(String quota) { String[] quotaSplits = quota.split(":", 4); float quotaSeconds = 0f; // Days (might have the - sign) quotaSeconds += Math.abs(Float.valueOf(quotaSplits[0])) * 86400; // Hours quotaSeconds += Float.valueOf(quotaSplits[1]) * 3600; // Minutes quotaSeconds += Float.valueOf(quotaSplits[2]) * 60; // Seconds quotaSeconds += Float.valueOf(quotaSplits[3]); if (Float.valueOf(quotaSplits[0]) < 0) { quotaSeconds *= -1f; } return quotaSeconds; } /** * Parse configuration properties defined by the user in Jupyter dashboard or Job Service. * * @param sparkProps Spark properties in one string * @return Map of property name and value */ public static Map<String, String> parseSparkProperties(String sparkProps) { Map<String, String> sparkProperties = new HashMap<>(); if (sparkProps != null) { Arrays.asList(NEW_LINE_PATTERN.split(sparkProps)).stream().map(l -> l.trim()).forEach(l -> { // User defined properties should be in the form of property_name=value Matcher propMatcher = SPARK_PROPS_PATTERN.matcher(l); if (propMatcher.matches()) { sparkProperties.put(,; } }); } if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("User defined spark properties are: "); if (sparkProperties.isEmpty()) { sb.append("NONE"); LOG.log(Level.FINE, sb.toString()); } else { for (Map.Entry<String, String> prop : sparkProperties.entrySet()) { sb.append(prop.getKey()).append("=").append(prop.getValue()).append("\n"); } LOG.log(Level.FINE, sb.toString()); } } return sparkProperties; } /** * Validate user defined properties against a list of blacklisted Spark properties * @param sparkProps Parsed user defined properties * @param sparkDir spark installation directory */ public static Map<String, String> validateUserProperties(String sparkProps, String sparkDir) throws IOException { Map<String, String> userProperties = parseSparkProperties(sparkProps); Set<String> blackListedProps = readBlacklistedSparkProperties(sparkDir); for (String userProperty : userProperties.keySet()) { if (blackListedProps.contains(userProperty)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("User defined property <" + userProperty + "> is blacklisted!"); } } return userProperties; } /** * Read blacklisted Spark properties from file * @return Blacklisted Spark properties * @throws IOException */ private static Set<String> readBlacklistedSparkProperties(String sparkDir) throws IOException { File sparkBlacklistFile = Paths.get(sparkDir, Settings.SPARK_BLACKLISTED_PROPS).toFile(); LineIterator lineIterator = FileUtils.lineIterator(sparkBlacklistFile); Set<String> blacklistedProps = new HashSet<>(); try { while (lineIterator.hasNext()) { String line = lineIterator.nextLine(); if (!line.startsWith("#")) { blacklistedProps.add(line); } } return blacklistedProps; } finally { LineIterator.closeQuietly(lineIterator); } } /** * Merge system and user defined configuration properties based on the replacement policy of each property * @param hopsworksParams System/default properties * @param userParameters User defined properties parsed by parseSparkProperties(String sparkProps) * @return A map with the replacement pattern and value for each property */ public static Map<String, String> mergeHopsworksAndUserParams(Map<String, ConfigProperty> hopsworksParams, Map<String, String> userParameters, boolean isJob) { Map<String, String> finalParams = new HashMap<>(); Set<String> notReplacedUserParams = new HashSet<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> userParam : userParameters.entrySet()) { if (hopsworksParams.containsKey(userParam.getKey())) { ConfigProperty prop = hopsworksParams.get(userParam.getKey()); prop.replaceValue(userParam.getValue()); finalParams.put(prop.getReplacementPattern(), prop.getValue()); } else { notReplacedUserParams.add(userParam.getKey()); if (isJob) { finalParams.put(userParam.getKey(), userParam.getValue()); } } } String userParamsStr = ""; if (!notReplacedUserParams.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder userParamsSb = new StringBuilder(); userParamsSb.append(",\n"); -> userParamsSb.append("\"").append(p).append("\": ") .append("\"").append(userParameters.get(p)).append("\"," + "\n")); userParamsStr = userParamsSb.toString(); // Remove last comma and add a new line char userParamsStr = userParamsStr.trim().substring(0, userParamsStr.length() - 2) + "\n"; } finalParams.put("spark_user_defined_properties", userParamsStr); for (ConfigProperty configProperty : hopsworksParams.values()) { finalParams.putIfAbsent(configProperty.getReplacementPattern(), configProperty.getValue()); } return finalParams; } /** * Search recursively for a key in JSON. * @param object json to parse * @param searchedKey key to search for * @return true if key is found, false otherwise. */ public static boolean jsonKeyExists(JSONObject object, String searchedKey) { boolean exists = object.has(searchedKey); if (!exists) { Iterator<?> keys = object.keys(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String key = (String); if (object.get(key) instanceof JSONObject) { exists = jsonKeyExists((JSONObject) object.get(key), searchedKey); } } } return exists; } }