Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package io.github.agentsoz.abmjadex.super_central;

 * #%L
 * BDI-ABM Integration Package
 * %%
 * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 by its authors. See AUTHORS file.
 * %%
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Lesser Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Lesser Public
 * License along with this program.  If not, see
 * <>.
 * #L%

import io.github.agentsoz.abmjadex.central_organizer.CentralOrganizerXMLCreator;
import io.github.agentsoz.abmjadex.miscellaneous.ABMBDILoggerSetter;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.apache.commons.cli.BasicParser;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter;
import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;

import jadex.base.Starter;
import jadex.bridge.IComponentIdentifier;
import jadex.bridge.IExternalAccess;
import jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo;
import jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo;
import jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentManagementService;
import jadex.commons.future.IFuture;
import jadex.commons.future.ThreadSuspendable;
import jadex.extension.envsupport.environment.IEnvironmentSpace;
import jadex.javaparser.SJavaParser;

public class ABMSimStarter {
    private final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ABMSimStarter.class.getName());

    public final static String SC_ONLY = "sc_only";
    public final static String SC_CO = "sc_co";
    public final static String CO_ONLY = "co_only";

    public final static String GUI = "gui";
    public final static String FORCED = "f";
    public final static String FORCED_LONG = "force";
    public final static String PROP = "prop";
    public final static String PROP_LONG = "properties";
    public final static String MODE = "mode";
    public final static String HELP = "h";
    public final static String HELP_LONG = "help";
    public final static String LOG_CONSOLE = "console";
    public final static String LOG_LVL = "loglvl";

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        parsingArguments(args, commandLinePreparation());
        //      startThroughCMS(args);
        //      startThroughStarterMain(args);

    @SuppressWarnings({ "static-access" })
    private static Options commandLinePreparation() {
        Options options = new Options();

        // create the Options      
        options.addOption(HELP, "help", false, "print the help list on usage (this message.)");
        options.addOption(FORCED, "force", false, "overwrite any CentralOrganizer created before.");
        options.addOption(LOG_CONSOLE, false, "Deciding whether to show logging to console or not");

        options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withDescription("Launch JCC or not (by default : not)").hasArg()
                OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("properties").withDescription("Locate the app's properties file").hasArg()
                .withDescription("Choose the starting mode." + "sc_only, will run only the SuperCentral,"
                        + "sc_co, will run both sc and co specified in properties file"
                        + "co_only, will run only a central organizer")
                .withDescription("Setup the logging level."
                        + "{SEVERE,WARNING,INFO,CONFIG,FINE,FINER,FINEST}(default: INFO)")
        return options;

    private static String[] packageOptionSpecific(String[] oldOption) {
        String[] specificOption = null;
        ArrayList<String> specificOptionList = new ArrayList<String>();

        for (int i = 0; i < oldOption.length; i++) {
            if (oldOption[i].equals("-" + LOG_CONSOLE) || oldOption[i].equals("-" + HELP)
                    || oldOption[i].equals("--" + HELP_LONG) || oldOption[i].equals("-" + FORCED)
                    || oldOption[i].equals("--" + FORCED_LONG)) {
            } else if (oldOption[i].equals("-" + GUI) || oldOption[i].equals("-" + LOG_LVL)
                    || oldOption[i].equals("-" + GUI) || oldOption[i].equals("-" + MODE)
                    || oldOption[i].equals("-" + PROP) || oldOption[i].equals("--" + PROP_LONG)) {
        specificOption = new String[specificOptionList.size()];
        return specificOption;

    private static void parsingArguments(String[] args, Options options) {
        boolean isRunningCO = true;
        boolean isForced = false; //Overwrite any existing CO xml file
        boolean isRunningSC = true;
        boolean isLogToConsole = false;
        Level logLevel = Level.INFO;

        Properties prop = null;
        CommandLine line = null;
        BasicParser parser = new BasicParser();
        ArrayList<String> argsList = new ArrayList<String>();

        //Initialize argsList with args
        for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {

        //Update 04/17/2013
        String[] specificArgs = packageOptionSpecific(args);

        try {
            // parse the command line arguments
            //line = parser.parse(options, args );
            //Update 04/17/2013
            line = parser.parse(options, specificArgs);

            //Commandline required -prop argument to be filled with valid properties file location
            if (line.hasOption(HELP)) {
                //Remove app specific arguments from total arguments
                int helpIndex = argsList.indexOf("-" + HELP);
                if (helpIndex == -1)
                    helpIndex = argsList.indexOf("-" + HELP_LONG);

                HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
                formatter.printHelp("Jadex-ABMS", options);

            if (line.hasOption(PROP)) {
                //Remove app specific arguments from total arguments
                int propIndex = argsList.indexOf("-" + PROP);
                if (propIndex == -1)
                    propIndex = argsList.indexOf("-" + PROP_LONG);
                argsList.remove(propIndex + 1);

                String propertiesLoc = line.getOptionValue(PROP).replace("\\", "/").replace("\\\\", "/");
                prop = new Properties();

                try {
                    prop.load(new FileInputStream(propertiesLoc));
                    //Parsing options value into local flags------------------------
                    if (line.hasOption(MODE)) {
                        String mode = line.getOptionValue(MODE);
                        if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase(CO_ONLY)) {
                            isRunningSC = false;
                        } else if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase(SC_CO)) {
                            //Default value is to run an SC and a CO
                        } else if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase(SC_ONLY)) {
                            isRunningCO = false;
                        } else {
                            throw new ParseException("Wrong argument for -mode.");

                        //Remove app specific arguments from total arguments
                        int modeIndex = argsList.indexOf("-" + MODE);
                        argsList.remove(modeIndex + 1);

                    if (line.hasOption(FORCED)) {
                        isForced = true;
                        //Remove app specific arguments from total arguments
                        int modeIndex = argsList.indexOf("-" + FORCED);
                        if (modeIndex == -1)
                            modeIndex = argsList.indexOf("-" + FORCED_LONG);

                    if (line.hasOption(GUI)) {
                        String guiMode = line.getOptionValue(GUI);
                        if (!guiMode.equalsIgnoreCase("true") && !guiMode.equalsIgnoreCase("false"))
                            throw new ParseException("Wrong argument for -gui.");
                    } else {
                        argsList.add("-" + GUI);
                        int guiIndex = argsList.indexOf("-" + GUI);
                        argsList.add(guiIndex + 1, "false");

                    if (line.hasOption(LOG_CONSOLE)) {
                        isLogToConsole = true;
                        //Remove app specific arguments from total arguments
                        int logCIndex = argsList.indexOf("-" + LOG_CONSOLE);

                    if (line.hasOption(LOG_LVL)) {
                        String level = line.getOptionValue(LOG_LVL);
                        if (level.equalsIgnoreCase("INFO")) {
                            logLevel = Level.INFO;
                        } else if (level.equalsIgnoreCase("ALL")) {
                            logLevel = Level.ALL;
                        } else if (level.equalsIgnoreCase("CONFIG")) {
                            logLevel = Level.CONFIG;
                        } else if (level.equalsIgnoreCase("FINE")) {
                            logLevel = Level.FINE;
                        } else if (level.equalsIgnoreCase("FINER")) {
                            logLevel = Level.FINER;
                        } else if (level.equalsIgnoreCase("FINEST")) {
                            logLevel = Level.FINEST;
                        } else if (level.equalsIgnoreCase("OFF")) {
                            logLevel = Level.OFF;
                        } else if (level.equalsIgnoreCase("SEVERE")) {
                            logLevel = Level.SEVERE;
                        } else if (level.equalsIgnoreCase("WARNING")) {
                            logLevel = Level.WARNING;
                        } else {
                            throw new ParseException("argument for loglvl unknown");
                        //Remove app specific arguments from total arguments
                        int logLvlIndex = argsList.indexOf("-" + LOG_LVL);
                        argsList.remove(logLvlIndex + 1);

                    //Setup logger
                    try {
                        ABMBDILoggerSetter.initialized(prop, isLogToConsole, logLevel);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Problems with creating logfile");

                    //Translate argsList into array------------------------------
                    String[] newargs = new String[argsList.size()];
                    for (int i = 0; i < argsList.size(); i++) {
                        newargs[i] = argsList.get(i);

                    //Running the system----------------------------------------
                    if (isRunningSC == true) {

                    if (isRunningCO == true) {
                        runCO(prop, newargs, isForced);

                } catch (IOException e) {
            } else {
                throw new ParseException("-prop <properties_location> is a required option");

        } catch (ParseException exp) {
            LOGGER.severe("Unexpected exception:" + exp.getMessage());

            //If its not working print out help info
            HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
            formatter.printHelp("Jadex-ABMS", options);

    private static void runSC(Properties prop) {
        String[] platfutArgs = { "-gui", "false" };

        // Start the platform with the arguments.
        IFuture<IExternalAccess> platfut = Starter.createPlatform(platfutArgs);

        // Wait until the platform has started and retrieve the platform access.
        ThreadSuspendable sus = new ThreadSuspendable();
        IExternalAccess platform = platfut.get(sus);"Started platform: " + platform.getComponentIdentifier());

        // Get the CMS service from the platform
        IComponentManagementService cms = SServiceProvider.getService(platform.getServiceProvider(),
                IComponentManagementService.class, RequiredServiceInfo.SCOPE_PLATFORM).get(sus);

        // Start the SuperCentralOrganizer
        String component = "rmit/agent/jadex/abm_interface/super_central/SuperCentralOrganizer.application.xml";
        IComponentIdentifier cid = createComponent(component, cms, sus);"Started Super Central component: " + cid);

        // Initialize Port
        IExternalAccess superCentral = cms.getExternalAccess(cid).get(sus);
        IEnvironmentSpace space = (IEnvironmentSpace) superCentral.getExtension("my2dspace").get(sus);
        space.setProperty("port", Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("sc_port")));
        space.setProperty("name", prop.getProperty("sc_name"));
        space.setProperty("minCapacityPerCO", Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("minCapacityPerCO", "25")));
        space.setProperty("maxCapacityPerCO", Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("maxCapacityPerCO", "100")));
        space.createSpaceObject("SuperStarter", null, null);

    private static void runCO(Properties prop, String[] args, boolean isOverwriting) {
        Properties properties = new Properties(prop);
        //Create CO files
        CentralOrganizerXMLCreator coCreator = new CentralOrganizerXMLCreator();
        coCreator.create(properties, isOverwriting);

        // Start the platform with the arguments.
        IFuture<IExternalAccess> platfut = Starter.createPlatform(args);

        // Wait until the platform has started and retrieve the platform access.
        ThreadSuspendable sus = new ThreadSuspendable();
        IExternalAccess platform = platfut.get(sus);"Started platform: " + platform.getComponentIdentifier());

        // Get the CMS service from the platform
        IComponentManagementService cms = SServiceProvider.getService(platform.getServiceProvider(),
                IComponentManagementService.class, RequiredServiceInfo.SCOPE_PLATFORM).get(sus);

        // Start the SuperCentralOrganizer
        String component = prop.getProperty("build_location").replace("\\", "/").replace("\\\\", "/");
        IComponentIdentifier cid = createComponent(component, cms, sus);"Started Central Organizer component: " + cid);

    public static IComponentIdentifier createComponent(String component, IComponentManagementService cms,
            ThreadSuspendable sus) {
        String name = null;
        String config = null;
        String args = null;
        Map<String, Object> oargs = null;
        String comp = component;
        // check if name:type are both present (to not find last : check that no ( before)
        int i1 = comp.indexOf(':');
        int i11 = comp.indexOf('(');
        if (i1 != -1 && (i11 == -1 || i11 > i1)) {
            name = comp.substring(0, i1);
            comp = comp.substring(i1 + 1);

        // check if (config:args) part is present
        int i2 = comp.indexOf('(');
        if (i2 != -1) {
            // must end with )
            // must have : if both are presents otherwise all is configname
            if (!comp.endsWith(")")) {
                throw new RuntimeException(
                        "Component specification does not match scheme [<name>:]<type>[(<config>)[:<args>]) : "
                                + component);

            int i3 = comp.indexOf(":");
            if (i3 != -1) {
                if (comp.length() - i3 > 1)
                    args = comp.substring(i3 + 1, comp.length() - 1);
                if (i3 - i2 > 1)
                    config = comp.substring(i2 + 1, i3 - 1);
            } else {
                config = comp.substring(i2 + 1, comp.length() - 1);

            comp = comp.substring(0, i2);

        if (args != null) {
            try {
                Object o = SJavaParser.evaluateExpression(args, null);
                if (!(o instanceof Map)) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Arguments must evaluate to Map<String, Object>" + args);
                oargs = (Map<String, Object>) o;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Arguments evaluation error: " + e);

        return cms.createComponent(name, comp, new CreationInfo(config, oargs), null).get(sus);

    public static void startThroughStarterMain(String[] args) {
        //Create The Desired CO
        int indexCO = -1;
        for (int j = 0; j < args.length; j++) {
            if (args[j].equals("-createCO")) {
                indexCO = j;
        if (indexCO == -1 || args[indexCO + 1].equals("true"))

        //Run an instance of SC & Run a JCC, Except User defined special args to do
        //something else
        String[] newArgs = new String[args.length + 2];
        newArgs[0] = "-component";
        newArgs[1] = "rmit/agent/jadex/abm_interface/super_central/SuperCentralOrganizer.application.xml";
        for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
            if (i != indexCO || (indexCO != -1 && i != indexCO + 1))
                newArgs[i + 2] = args[i];