Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 OICR * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.dockstore.client.cli.nested; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import; import; import io.dockstore.client.cli.Client; import io.swagger.client.ApiException; import io.swagger.client.api.ContainersApi; import io.swagger.client.api.ContainertagsApi; import io.swagger.client.api.UsersApi; import io.swagger.client.model.Body; import io.swagger.client.model.DockstoreTool; import io.swagger.client.model.Label; import io.swagger.client.model.PublishRequest; import io.swagger.client.model.SourceFile; import io.swagger.client.model.Tag; import io.swagger.client.model.User; import static io.dockstore.client.cli.ArgumentUtility.CWL_STRING; import static io.dockstore.client.cli.ArgumentUtility.DESCRIPTION_HEADER; import static io.dockstore.client.cli.ArgumentUtility.GIT_HEADER; import static io.dockstore.client.cli.ArgumentUtility.MAX_DESCRIPTION; import static io.dockstore.client.cli.ArgumentUtility.NAME_HEADER; import static io.dockstore.client.cli.ArgumentUtility.WDL_STRING; import static io.dockstore.client.cli.ArgumentUtility.boolWord; import static io.dockstore.client.cli.ArgumentUtility.columnWidthsTool; import static io.dockstore.client.cli.ArgumentUtility.containsHelpRequest; import static io.dockstore.client.cli.ArgumentUtility.errorMessage; import static io.dockstore.client.cli.ArgumentUtility.exceptionMessage; import static io.dockstore.client.cli.ArgumentUtility.kill; import static io.dockstore.client.cli.ArgumentUtility.optVal; import static io.dockstore.client.cli.ArgumentUtility.out; import static io.dockstore.client.cli.ArgumentUtility.printHelpFooter; import static io.dockstore.client.cli.ArgumentUtility.printHelpHeader; import static io.dockstore.client.cli.ArgumentUtility.reqVal; /** * Implement all operations that have to do with tools. * @author dyuen */ public class ToolClient extends AbstractEntryClient { public static final String UPDATE_TOOL = "update_tool"; private final Client client; private ContainersApi containersApi; private ContainertagsApi containerTagsApi; private UsersApi usersApi; public ToolClient(Client client) { /** for testing */ this.client = client; } public ToolClient(ContainersApi containersApi, ContainertagsApi containerTagsApi, UsersApi usersApi, Client client) { this.containersApi = containersApi; this.containerTagsApi = containerTagsApi; this.usersApi = usersApi; this.client = client; } @Override public String getEntryType() { return "Tool"; } @Override public boolean processEntrySpecificCommands(List<String> args, String activeCommand) { if (null != activeCommand) { switch (activeCommand) { case "version_tag": versionTag(args); break; case ToolClient.UPDATE_TOOL: updateTool(args); break; default: return false; } return true; } return false; } private static void printToolList(List<DockstoreTool> containers) { Collections.sort(containers, new ToolComparator()); int[] maxWidths = columnWidthsTool(containers); int nameWidth = maxWidths[0] + Client.PADDING; int descWidth = maxWidths[1] + Client.PADDING; int gitWidth = maxWidths[2] + Client.PADDING; String format = "%-" + nameWidth + "s%-" + descWidth + "s%-" + gitWidth + "s%-16s%-16s%-10s"; out(format, NAME_HEADER, DESCRIPTION_HEADER, GIT_HEADER, "On Dockstore?", "Descriptor", "Automated"); for (DockstoreTool container : containers) { String descriptor = "No"; String automated = "No"; String description = ""; String gitUrl = ""; if (container.getValidTrigger()) { descriptor = "Yes"; } if (container.getGitUrl() != null && !container.getGitUrl().isEmpty()) { automated = "Yes"; gitUrl = container.getGitUrl(); } if (container.getDescription() != null) { description = container.getDescription(); if (description.length() > MAX_DESCRIPTION) { description = description.substring(0, MAX_DESCRIPTION - Client.PADDING) + "..."; } } out(format, container.getToolPath(), description, gitUrl, boolWord(container.getIsPublished()), descriptor, automated); } } private static void printPublishedList(List<DockstoreTool> containers) { Collections.sort(containers, new ToolComparator()); int[] maxWidths = columnWidthsTool(containers); int nameWidth = maxWidths[0] + Client.PADDING; int descWidth = maxWidths[1] + Client.PADDING; int gitWidth = maxWidths[2] + Client.PADDING; String format = "%-" + nameWidth + "s%-" + descWidth + "s%-" + gitWidth + "s"; out(format, NAME_HEADER, DESCRIPTION_HEADER, GIT_HEADER); for (DockstoreTool container : containers) { String description = ""; String gitUrl = ""; if (container.getGitUrl() != null && !container.getGitUrl().isEmpty()) { gitUrl = container.getGitUrl(); } if (container.getDescription() != null) { description = container.getDescription(); if (description.length() > MAX_DESCRIPTION) { description = description.substring(0, MAX_DESCRIPTION - Client.PADDING) + "..."; } } out(format, container.getToolPath(), description, gitUrl); } } protected void handleList() { try { // check user info after usage so that users can get usage without live webservice User user = usersApi.getUser(); if (user == null) { errorMessage("User not found", Client.CLIENT_ERROR); } // List<Container> containers = containersApi.allRegisteredContainers(); List<DockstoreTool> containers = usersApi.userPublishedContainers(user.getId()); printPublishedList(containers); } catch (ApiException ex) { exceptionMessage(ex, "", Client.API_ERROR); } } protected void handleSearch(String pattern) { try { List<DockstoreTool> containers =; out("MATCHING CONTAINERS"); out("-------------------"); printToolList(containers); } catch (ApiException ex) { exceptionMessage(ex, "", Client.API_ERROR); } } protected void handlePublishUnpublish(String entryPath, String newName, boolean unpublishRequest) { if (unpublishRequest) { publish(false, entryPath); } else { if (newName == null) { publish(true, entryPath); } else { try { DockstoreTool container = containersApi.getContainerByToolPath(entryPath); DockstoreTool newContainer = new DockstoreTool(); // copy only the fields that we want to replicate, not sure why simply blanking // the returned container does not work newContainer.setMode(container.getMode()); newContainer.setName(container.getName()); newContainer.setNamespace(container.getNamespace()); newContainer.setRegistry(container.getRegistry()); newContainer.setDefaultDockerfilePath(container.getDefaultDockerfilePath()); newContainer.setDefaultCwlPath(container.getDefaultCwlPath()); newContainer.setDefaultWdlPath(container.getDefaultWdlPath()); newContainer.setIsPublished(false); newContainer.setGitUrl(container.getGitUrl()); newContainer.setPath(container.getPath()); newContainer.setToolname(newName); newContainer = containersApi.registerManual(newContainer); if (newContainer != null) { out("Successfully registered " + entryPath + "/" + newName); containersApi.refresh(newContainer.getId()); publish(true, newContainer.getToolPath()); } else { errorMessage("Unable to publish " + newName, Client.COMMAND_ERROR); } } catch (ApiException ex) { exceptionMessage(ex, "Unable to publish " + newName, Client.API_ERROR); } } } } protected void handleListNonpublishedEntries() { try { // check user info after usage so that users can get usage without live webservice User user = usersApi.getUser(); if (user == null) { errorMessage("User not found", Client.CLIENT_ERROR); } List<DockstoreTool> containers = usersApi.userContainers(user.getId()); out("YOUR AVAILABLE CONTAINERS"); out("-------------------"); printToolList(containers); } catch (ApiException ex) { exceptionMessage(ex, "", Client.API_ERROR); } } private void publish(boolean publish, String entry) { String action = "publish"; if (!publish) { action = "unpublish"; } try { DockstoreTool container = containersApi.getContainerByToolPath(entry); PublishRequest pub = new PublishRequest(); pub.setPublish(publish); container = containersApi.publish(container.getId(), pub); if (container != null) { out("Successfully " + action + "ed " + entry); } else { errorMessage("Unable to " + action + " container " + entry, Client.COMMAND_ERROR); } } catch (ApiException ex) { exceptionMessage(ex, "Unable to " + action + " container " + entry, Client.API_ERROR); } } @Override public void manualPublish(final List<String> args) { if (args.isEmpty() || containsHelpRequest(args)) { manualPublishHelp(); } else { final String name = reqVal(args, "--name"); final String namespace = reqVal(args, "--namespace"); final String gitURL = reqVal(args, "--git-url"); final String dockerfilePath = optVal(args, "--dockerfile-path", "/Dockerfile"); final String cwlPath = optVal(args, "--cwl-path", "/Dockstore.cwl"); final String wdlPath = optVal(args, "--wdl-path", "/Dockstore.wdl"); final String gitReference = reqVal(args, "--git-reference"); final String toolname = optVal(args, "--toolname", null); final String registry = optVal(args, "--registry", Registry.DOCKER_HUB.toString()); DockstoreTool container = new DockstoreTool(); container.setMode(DockstoreTool.ModeEnum.MANUAL_IMAGE_PATH); container.setName(name); container.setNamespace(namespace); container.setRegistry("".equals(registry) ? DockstoreTool.RegistryEnum.QUAY_IO : DockstoreTool.RegistryEnum.DOCKER_HUB); container.setDefaultDockerfilePath(dockerfilePath); container.setDefaultCwlPath(cwlPath); container.setDefaultWdlPath(wdlPath); container.setIsPublished(false); container.setGitUrl(gitURL); container.setToolname(toolname); container.setPath(Joiner.on("/").skipNulls().join(registry, namespace, name)); if (!Registry.QUAY_IO.toString().equals(registry)) { final String versionName = optVal(args, "--version-name", "latest"); final Tag tag = new Tag(); tag.setReference(gitReference); tag.setDockerfilePath(dockerfilePath); tag.setCwlPath(cwlPath); tag.setWdlPath(wdlPath); tag.setName(versionName); container.getTags().add(tag); } // Register new tool final String fullName = Joiner.on("/").skipNulls().join(registry, namespace, name, toolname); try { container = containersApi.registerManual(container); if (container != null) { // Refresh to update validity containersApi.refresh(container.getId()); } else { errorMessage("Unable to register " + fullName, Client.COMMAND_ERROR); } } catch (final ApiException ex) { exceptionMessage(ex, "Unable to register " + fullName, Client.API_ERROR); } // If registration is successful then attempt to publish it if (container != null) { PublishRequest pub = new PublishRequest(); pub.setPublish(true); DockstoreTool publishedTool = null; try { publishedTool = containersApi.publish(container.getId(), pub); if (publishedTool.getIsPublished()) { out("Successfully published " + fullName); } else { out("Successfully registered " + fullName + ", however it is not valid to publish."); // Should this throw an // error? } } catch (ApiException ex) { exceptionMessage(ex, "Successfully registered " + fullName + ", however it is not valid to publish.", Client.API_ERROR); } } } } /** * This method kinda sucks in the way it reaches back into client. * @param descriptorType * @param entry */ protected void handleDescriptor(String descriptorType, String entry) { try { SourceFile file = getDescriptorFromServer(entry, descriptorType); if (file.getContent() != null && !file.getContent().isEmpty()) { out(file.getContent()); } else { errorMessage("No " + descriptorType + " file found", Client.COMMAND_ERROR); } } catch (ApiException ex) { exceptionMessage(ex, "", Client.API_ERROR); } } protected void refreshAllEntries() { try { User user = usersApi.getUser(); if (user == null) { throw new RuntimeException("User not found"); } List<DockstoreTool> containers = usersApi.refresh(user.getId()); out("YOUR UPDATED TOOLS"); out("-------------------"); printToolList(containers); } catch (ApiException ex) { exceptionMessage(ex, "", Client.API_ERROR); } } protected void refreshTargetEntry(String toolpath) { try { DockstoreTool container = containersApi.getContainerByToolPath(toolpath); final Long containerId = container.getId(); DockstoreTool updatedContainer = containersApi.refresh(containerId); List<DockstoreTool> containerList = new ArrayList<>(); containerList.add(updatedContainer); out("YOUR UPDATED TOOLS"); out("-------------------"); printToolList(containerList); } catch (ApiException ex) { exceptionMessage(ex, "", Client.API_ERROR); } } public void handleLabels(String entryPath, Set<String> addsSet, Set<String> removesSet) { // Try and update the labels for the given container try { DockstoreTool container = containersApi.getContainerByToolPath(entryPath); long containerId = container.getId(); List<Label> existingLabels = container.getLabels(); String combinedLabelString = generateLabelString(addsSet, removesSet, existingLabels); DockstoreTool updatedContainer = containersApi.updateLabels(containerId, combinedLabelString, new Body()); List<Label> newLabels = updatedContainer.getLabels(); if (!newLabels.isEmpty()) { out("The container now has the following labels:"); for (Label newLabel : newLabels) { out(newLabel.getValue()); } } else { out("The container has no labels."); } } catch (ApiException ex) { exceptionMessage(ex, "", Client.API_ERROR); } } @Override public void handleInfo(String entryPath) { try { DockstoreTool container = containersApi.getPublishedContainerByToolPath(entryPath); if (container == null || !container.getIsPublished()) { errorMessage("This container is not published.", Client.COMMAND_ERROR); } else { Date dateUploaded = container.getLastBuild(); String description = container.getDescription(); if (description == null) { description = ""; } String author = container.getAuthor(); if (author == null) { author = ""; } String date = ""; if (dateUploaded != null) { date = dateUploaded.toString(); } out(""); out("DESCRIPTION:"); out(description); out("AUTHOR:"); out(author); out("DATE UPLOADED:"); out(date); out("TAGS"); List<Tag> tags = container.getTags(); int tagSize = tags.size(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); if (tagSize > 0) { builder.append(tags.get(0).getName()); for (int i = 1; i < tagSize; i++) { builder.append(", ").append(tags.get(i).getName()); } } out(builder.toString()); out("GIT REPO:"); out(container.getGitUrl()); out("QUAY.IO REPO:"); out("" + container.getNamespace() + "/" + container.getName()); // out(container.toString()); } } catch (ApiException ex) { exceptionMessage(ex, "Could not find container", Client.API_ERROR); } } private void versionTag(List<String> args) { if (args.isEmpty() || (containsHelpRequest(args) && !args.contains("add") && !args.contains("update") && !args.contains("remove"))) { versionTagHelp(); } else { String subcommand = args.remove(0); if (args.isEmpty()) { if (subcommand.equals("add")) { versionTagAddHelp(); kill(""); } else if (subcommand.equals("remove")) { versionTagRemoveHelp(); kill(""); } else if (subcommand.equals("update")) { versionTagUpdateHelp(); kill(""); } else { errorMessage("Please provide a correct subcommand", Client.CLIENT_ERROR); } } final String toolpath = reqVal(args, "--entry"); try { DockstoreTool container = containersApi.getContainerByToolPath(toolpath); long containerId = container.getId(); if (subcommand.equals("add")) { if (containsHelpRequest(args)) { versionTagAddHelp(); } else { if (container.getMode() != DockstoreTool.ModeEnum.MANUAL_IMAGE_PATH) { errorMessage("Only manually added images can add version tags.", Client.CLIENT_ERROR); } final String tagName = reqVal(args, "--name"); final String gitReference = reqVal(args, "--git-reference"); final Boolean hidden = Boolean.valueOf(optVal(args, "--hidden", "f")); final String cwlPath = optVal(args, "--cwl-path", "/Dockstore.cwl"); final String wdlPath = optVal(args, "--wdl-path", "/Dockstore.wdl"); final String dockerfilePath = optVal(args, "--dockerfile-path", "/Dockerfile"); final String imageId = reqVal(args, "--image-id"); final Tag tag = new Tag(); tag.setName(tagName); tag.setHidden(hidden); tag.setCwlPath(cwlPath); tag.setWdlPath(wdlPath); tag.setDockerfilePath(dockerfilePath); tag.setImageId(imageId); tag.setReference(gitReference); List<Tag> tags = new ArrayList<>(); tags.add(tag); List<Tag> updatedTags = containerTagsApi.addTags(containerId, tags); containersApi.refresh(container.getId()); out("The container now has the following tags:"); for (Tag newTag : updatedTags) { out(newTag.getName()); } } } else if (subcommand.equals("update")) { if (containsHelpRequest(args)) { versionTagUpdateHelp(); } else { final String tagName = reqVal(args, "--name"); List<Tag> tags = container.getTags(); Boolean updated = false; for (Tag tag : tags) { if (tag.getName().equals(tagName)) { final Boolean hidden = Boolean .valueOf(optVal(args, "--hidden", tag.getHidden().toString())); final String cwlPath = optVal(args, "--cwl-path", tag.getCwlPath()); final String wdlPath = optVal(args, "--wdl-path", tag.getWdlPath()); final String dockerfilePath = optVal(args, "--dockerfile-path", tag.getDockerfilePath()); final String imageId = optVal(args, "--image-id", tag.getImageId()); tag.setName(tagName); tag.setHidden(hidden); tag.setCwlPath(cwlPath); tag.setWdlPath(wdlPath); tag.setDockerfilePath(dockerfilePath); tag.setImageId(imageId); List<Tag> newTags = new ArrayList<>(); newTags.add(tag); containerTagsApi.updateTags(containerId, newTags); containersApi.refresh(container.getId()); out("Tag " + tagName + " has been updated."); updated = true; break; } } if (!updated) { errorMessage("Tag " + tagName + " does not exist.", Client.CLIENT_ERROR); } } } else if (subcommand.equals("remove")) { if (containsHelpRequest(args)) { versionTagRemoveHelp(); } else { if (container.getMode() != DockstoreTool.ModeEnum.MANUAL_IMAGE_PATH) { errorMessage("Only manually added images can add version tags.", Client.CLIENT_ERROR); } final String tagName = reqVal(args, "--name"); List<Tag> tags = containerTagsApi.getTagsByPath(containerId); long tagId; Boolean removed = false; for (Tag tag : tags) { if (tag.getName().equals(tagName)) { tagId = tag.getId(); containerTagsApi.deleteTags(containerId, tagId); removed = true; tags = containerTagsApi.getTagsByPath(containerId); out("The container now has the following tags:"); for (Tag newTag : tags) { out(newTag.getName()); } break; } } if (!removed) { errorMessage("Tag " + tagName + " does not exist.", Client.CLIENT_ERROR); } } } else { errorMessage("Not a valid subcommand", Client.CLIENT_ERROR); } } catch (ApiException ex) { exceptionMessage(ex, "Could not find container", Client.API_ERROR); } } } private void updateTool(List<String> args) { if (args.isEmpty() || containsHelpRequest(args)) { updateToolHelp(); } else { final String toolpath = reqVal(args, "--entry"); try { DockstoreTool container = containersApi.getContainerByToolPath(toolpath); long containerId = container.getId(); final String cwlPath = optVal(args, "--cwl-path", container.getDefaultCwlPath()); final String wdlPath = optVal(args, "--wdl-path", container.getDefaultWdlPath()); final String dockerfilePath = optVal(args, "--dockerfile-path", container.getDefaultDockerfilePath()); final String toolname = optVal(args, "--toolname", container.getToolname()); final String gitUrl = optVal(args, "--git-url", container.getGitUrl()); container.setDefaultCwlPath(cwlPath); container.setDefaultWdlPath(wdlPath); container.setDefaultDockerfilePath(dockerfilePath); container.setToolname(toolname); container.setGitUrl(gitUrl); containersApi.updateContainer(containerId, container); containersApi.refresh(containerId); out("The container has been updated."); } catch (ApiException ex) { exceptionMessage(ex, "", Client.API_ERROR); } } } public SourceFile getDescriptorFromServer(String entry, String descriptorType) throws ApiException { String[] parts = entry.split(":"); String path = parts[0]; String tag = (parts.length > 1) ? parts[1] : null; SourceFile file = new SourceFile(); // simply getting published descriptors does not require permissions DockstoreTool container = containersApi.getPublishedContainerByToolPath(path); if (container.getValidTrigger()) { try { if (descriptorType.equals(CWL_STRING)) { file = containersApi.cwl(container.getId(), tag); } else if (descriptorType.equals(WDL_STRING)) { file = containersApi.wdl(container.getId(), tag); } } catch (ApiException ex) { if (ex.getCode() == HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST) { exceptionMessage(ex, "Invalid tag", Client.API_ERROR); } else { exceptionMessage(ex, "No " + descriptorType + " file found.", Client.API_ERROR); } } } else { errorMessage("No " + descriptorType + " file found.", Client.COMMAND_ERROR); } return file; } public void downloadDescriptors(String entry, String descriptor, File tempDir) { // In the future, delete tmp files DockstoreTool tool = null; String[] parts = entry.split(":"); String path = parts[0]; String version = (parts.length > 1) ? parts[1] : "master"; try { tool = containersApi.getPublishedContainerByToolPath(path); } catch (ApiException e) { exceptionMessage(e, "No match for entry", Client.API_ERROR); } if (tool != null) { try { if (descriptor.toLowerCase().equals("cwl")) { List<SourceFile> files = containersApi.secondaryCwl(tool.getId(), version); for (SourceFile sourceFile : files) { File tempDescriptor = new File(tempDir.getAbsolutePath() + sourceFile.getPath()); Files.write(sourceFile.getContent(), tempDescriptor, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } } else { List<SourceFile> files = containersApi.secondaryWdl(tool.getId(), version); for (SourceFile sourceFile : files) { File tempDescriptor = File.createTempFile( FilenameUtils.removeExtension(sourceFile.getPath()), FilenameUtils.getExtension(sourceFile.getPath()), tempDir); Files.write(sourceFile.getContent(), tempDescriptor, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } } } catch (ApiException e) { exceptionMessage(e, "Error getting file(s) from server", Client.API_ERROR); } catch (IOException e) { exceptionMessage(e, "Error writing to File", Client.IO_ERROR); } } } @Override public String getConfigFile() { return client.getConfigFile(); } // Help Commands protected void printClientSpecificHelp() { out(" version_tag : updates version tags for an individual tool"); out(""); out(" " + ToolClient.UPDATE_TOOL + " : updates certain fields of a tool"); out(""); out(" manual_publish : registers a Docker Hub (or manual Quay) tool in the dockstore and then attempt to publish"); out(""); } public static void updateToolHelp() { printHelpHeader(); out("Usage: dockstore tool " + UPDATE_TOOL + " --help"); out(" dockstore tool " + UPDATE_TOOL + " [parameters]"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Update certain fields for a given tool."); out(""); out("Required Parameters:"); out(" --entry <entry> Complete tool path in the Dockstore"); out(""); out("Optional Parameters"); out(" --cwl-path <cwl-path> Path to default cwl location"); out(" --wdl-path <wdl-path> Path to default wdl location"); out(" --dockerfile-path <dockerfile-path> Path to default dockerfile location"); out(" --toolname <toolname> Toolname for the given tool"); out(" --git-url <git-url> Git url"); printHelpFooter(); } private static void versionTagHelp() { printHelpHeader(); out("Usage: dockstore tool version_tag --help"); out(" dockstore tool version_tag [command] --help"); out(" dockstore tool version_tag [command] [parameters]"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Add, update or remove version tags. For auto tools you can only update."); out(""); out("Commands:"); out(" add Add a new version tag"); out(""); out(" update Update an existing version tag"); out(""); out(" remove Remove an existing version tag"); printHelpFooter(); } private static void versionTagRemoveHelp() { printHelpHeader(); out("Usage: dockstore tool version_tag remove --help"); out(" dockstore tool version_tag remove [parameters]"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Remove an existing version tag of a tool."); out(""); out("Required Parameters:"); out(" --entry <entry> Complete tool path in the Dockstore"); out(" --name <name> Name of the version tag to remove"); printHelpFooter(); } private static void versionTagUpdateHelp() { printHelpHeader(); out("Usage: dockstore tool version_tag update --help"); out(" dockstore tool version_tag update [parameters]"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Update an existing version tag of a tool."); out(""); out("Required Parameters:"); out(" --entry <entry> Complete tool path in the Dockstore"); out(" --name <name> Name of the version tag to update"); out(""); out("Optional Parameters:"); out(" --hidden <true/false> Hide the tag from public viewing, default false"); out(" --cwl-path <cwl-path> Path to default cwl location, defaults to tool default"); out(" --wdl-path <wdl-path> Path to default wdl location, defaults to tool default"); out(" --dockerfile-path <dockerfile-path> Path to default dockerfile location, defaults to tool default"); out(" --image-id <image-id> Docker image ID"); printHelpFooter(); } private static void versionTagAddHelp() { printHelpHeader(); out("Usage: dockstore tool version_tag add --help"); out(" dockstore tool version_tag add [parameters]"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Add a new version tag to a manually added tool."); out(""); out("Required Parameters:"); out(" --entry <entry> Complete tool path in the Dockstore"); out(" --name <name> Name of the version tag to add"); out(""); out("Optional Parameters:"); out(" --git-reference <git-reference> Git reference for the version tag"); out(" --hidden <true/false> Hide the tag from public viewing, default false"); out(" --cwl-path <cwl-path> Path to default cwl location, defaults to tool default"); out(" --wdl-path <wdl-path> Path to default wdl location, defaults to tool default"); out(" --dockerfile-path <dockerfile-path> Path to default dockerfile location, defaults to tool default"); out(" --image-id <image-id> Docker image ID"); printHelpFooter(); } private static void manualPublishHelp() { printHelpHeader(); out("Usage: dockstore tool manual_publish --help"); out(" dockstore tool manual_publish [parameters]"); out(""); out("Description:"); out(" Manually register an tool in the dockstore. Currently this is used to register entries for images on Docker Hub."); out(""); out("Required parameters:"); out(" --name <name> Name for the docker container"); out(" --namespace <namespace> Organization for the docker container"); out(" --git-url <url> Reference to the git repo holding descriptor(s) and Dockerfile ex: \"\""); out(" --git-reference <reference> Reference to git branch or tag where the CWL and Dockerfile is checked-in"); out(""); out("Optional parameters:"); out(" --dockerfile-path <file> Path for the dockerfile, defaults to /Dockerfile"); out(" --cwl-path <file> Path for the CWL document, defaults to /Dockstore.cwl"); out(" --wdl-path <file> Path for the WDL document, defaults to /Dockstore.wdl"); out(" --toolname <toolname> Name of the tool, can be omitted, defaults to null"); out(" --registry <registry> Docker registry, can be omitted, defaults to"); out(" --version-name <version> Version tag name for Dockerhub containers only, defaults to latest"); printHelpFooter(); } // This should be linked to common, but we won't do this now because we don't want dependencies changing during testing public enum Registry { QUAY_IO(""), DOCKER_HUB(""); private String value; Registry(String value) { this.value = value; } @Override public String toString() { return value; } } private static class ToolComparator implements Comparator<DockstoreTool> { @Override public int compare(DockstoreTool c1, DockstoreTool c2) { String path1 = c1.getPath(); String path2 = c2.getPath(); return path1.compareToIgnoreCase(path2); } } }