Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Licensed to Crate.IO GmbH ("Crate") under one or more contributor
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package io.crate.operation.merge;


import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;

public class PassThroughPagingIterator<TKey, TRow> extends ForwardingIterator<TRow>
        implements PagingIterator<TKey, TRow> {

    private Iterator<TRow> iterator = Collections.emptyIterator();
    private final ImmutableList.Builder<KeyIterable<TKey, TRow>> iterables = ImmutableList.builder();
    private final boolean repeatable;
    private Iterable<TRow> storedForRepeat = null;

    private PassThroughPagingIterator(boolean repeatable) {
        this.repeatable = repeatable;

     * Create an iterator that is able to repeat over what has previously been iterated
    public static <TKey, TRow> PassThroughPagingIterator<TKey, TRow> repeatable() {
        return new PassThroughPagingIterator<>(true);

     * Create an iterator that is not able to repeat.
     * Calling {@link #repeat()} with instances created by this method is discouraged.
    public static <TKey, TRow> PassThroughPagingIterator<TKey, TRow> oneShot() {
        return new PassThroughPagingIterator<>(false);

    protected Iterator<TRow> delegate() {
        return iterator;

    public void merge(Iterable<? extends KeyIterable<TKey, TRow>> iterables) {
        Iterable<TRow> concat = Iterables.concat(iterables);

        if (repeatable) {
            this.storedForRepeat = null;
        if (iterator.hasNext()) {
            iterator = Iterators.concat(iterator, concat.iterator());
        } else {
            iterator = concat.iterator();

    public void finish() {

    public TKey exhaustedIterable() {
        return null;

    public Iterable<TRow> repeat() {
        Iterable<TRow> repeatMe = storedForRepeat;
        if (repeatMe == null) {
            repeatMe = Iterables.concat(;
            this.storedForRepeat = repeatMe;
        return repeatMe;