Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2015 CodisLabs. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.codis.nedis.util; import io.codis.nedis.AsyncCloseable; import io.codis.nedis.ConnectionManagement; import io.codis.nedis.NedisClient; import io.codis.nedis.NedisClientPool; import io.codis.nedis.protocol.BlockingListsCommands; import io.codis.nedis.protocol.TransactionsCommands; import; import; import; import; import io.netty.util.concurrent.EventExecutor; import io.netty.util.concurrent.Future; import io.netty.util.concurrent.FutureListener; import io.netty.util.concurrent.Promise; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; /** * @author Apache9 */ public class NedisUtils { public static final int DEFAULT_REDIS_PORT = 6379; public static byte[] toBytes(double value) { return toBytes(Double.toString(value)); } public static byte[] toBytes(int value) { return toBytes(Integer.toString(value)); } public static byte[] toBytes(long value) { return toBytes(Long.toString(value)); } private static final byte[] TRUE = new byte[] { '1' }; private static final byte[] FALSE = new byte[] { '0' }; public static byte[] toBytes(boolean value) { return value ? TRUE : FALSE; } public static byte[] toBytes(String value) { return value.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } public static byte[] toBytesExclusive(double value) { return toBytes("(" + Double.toString(value)); } public static String bytesToString(byte[] value) { return new String(value, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } public static double bytesToDouble(byte[] value) { return Double.parseDouble(bytesToString(value)); } public static byte[][] toParamsReverse(byte[][] tailParams, byte[]... headParams) { return toParams(headParams, tailParams); } public static byte[][] toParams(byte[][] headParams, byte[]... tailParams) { byte[][] params = Arrays.copyOf(headParams, headParams.length + tailParams.length); System.arraycopy(tailParams, 0, params, headParams.length, tailParams.length); return params; } public static EventExecutor getEventExecutor(Future<?> future) { Class<?> clazz = future.getClass(); for (;;) { try { Method method = clazz.getDeclaredMethod("executor"); method.setAccessible(true); return (EventExecutor) method.invoke(future); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { } catch (SecurityException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } clazz = clazz.getSuperclass(); if (clazz == null) { return null; } } } private static final class Invoker implements InvocationHandler { private final NedisClientPool pool; public Invoker(NedisClientPool pool) { this.pool = pool; } private void resetTimeout(final NedisClient client, long previousTimeoutMs) { client.setTimeout(previousTimeoutMs).addListener(new FutureListener<Long>() { @Override public void operationComplete(Future<Long> future) throws Exception { if (future.getNow() != null) { client.release(); } } }); } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) private void callBlocking(final NedisClient client, Method method, Object[] args, final long previousTimeoutMs, final Promise promise) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { ((Future) method.invoke(client, args)).addListener(new FutureListener() { @Override public void operationComplete(Future future) throws Exception { if (future.isSuccess()) { promise.trySuccess(future.getNow()); } else { promise.tryFailure(future.cause()); } resetTimeout(client, previousTimeoutMs); } }); } private void setInfiniteTimeout(final NedisClient client, final Method method, final Object[] args, @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") final Promise promise) { client.setTimeout(0L).addListener(new FutureListener<Long>() { @Override public void operationComplete(Future<Long> future) throws Exception { // will not fail, but could be null Long previousTimeoutMs = future.get(); if (previousTimeoutMs == null) { promise.tryFailure(new IllegalStateException("already closed")); } else { callBlocking(client, method, args, previousTimeoutMs.longValue(), promise); } } }); } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) private void call(final NedisClient client, Method method, Object[] args, final Promise promise) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { ((Future) method.invoke(client, args)).addListener(new FutureListener() { @Override public void operationComplete(Future future) throws Exception { if (future.isSuccess()) { promise.trySuccess(future.getNow()); } else { promise.tryFailure(future.cause()); } client.release(); } }); } @Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, final Method method, final Object[] args) throws Throwable { // delegate Object methods like toString, hashCode, etc. if (method.getDeclaringClass().equals(Object.class)) { return method.invoke(this, args); } if (method.getDeclaringClass().equals(AsyncCloseable.class)) { return method.invoke(pool, args); } if (method.getDeclaringClass().equals(ConnectionManagement.class)) { throw new OperationNotSupportedException( "Can not call connection related methods on pooled client"); } if (method.getDeclaringClass().equals(TransactionsCommands.class)) { throw new OperationNotSupportedException( "Can not call transaction related methods on pooled client"); } Future<NedisClient> clientFuture = pool.acquire(); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") final Promise promise = getEventExecutor(clientFuture).newPromise(); clientFuture.addListener(new FutureListener<NedisClient>() { @Override public void operationComplete(Future<NedisClient> future) throws Exception { if (future.isSuccess()) { if (method.getDeclaringClass().equals(BlockingListsCommands.class)) { setInfiniteTimeout(future.getNow(), method, args, promise); } else { call(future.getNow(), method, args, promise); } } else { promise.tryFailure(future.cause()); } } }); return promise; } } /** * Return a {@link NedisClient} which does acquire-execute-release automatically. You do not * need to call release when using the returned {@link NedisClient}. */ public static NedisClient newPooledClient(NedisClientPool pool) { return (NedisClient) Proxy.newProxyInstance(NedisClient.class.getClassLoader(), new Class<?>[] { NedisClient.class }, new Invoker(pool)); } public static final Comparator<byte[]> BYTES_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<byte[]>() { @Override public int compare(byte[] o1, byte[] o2) { for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < o1.length && j < o2.length; i++, j++) { int a = (o1[i] & 0xff); int b = (o2[j] & 0xff); if (a != b) { return a - b; } } return o1.length - o2.length; } }; public static <T> Map<byte[], T> newBytesKeyMap() { return new TreeMap<byte[], T>(BYTES_COMPARATOR); } public static Set<byte[]> newBytesSet() { return new TreeSet<byte[]>(BYTES_COMPARATOR); } private static Pair<EventLoopGroup, Class<? extends Channel>> DEFAULT_EVENT_LOOP_CONFIG; public static synchronized Pair<EventLoopGroup, Class<? extends Channel>> defaultEventLoopConfig() { if (DEFAULT_EVENT_LOOP_CONFIG == null) { DEFAULT_EVENT_LOOP_CONFIG = Pair.<EventLoopGroup, Class<? extends Channel>>of(new NioEventLoopGroup(), NioSocketChannel.class); } return DEFAULT_EVENT_LOOP_CONFIG; } }