Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Facebook, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.airlift.drift.codec.metadata; import; import; import; import; import; import io.airlift.drift.annotations.ThriftDocumentation; import io.airlift.drift.annotations.ThriftOrder; import io.airlift.drift.annotations.ThriftStruct; import io.airlift.drift.annotations.ThriftUnion; import io.airlift.drift.codec.ThriftProtocolType; import io.airlift.drift.codec.internal.builtin.OptionalDoubleThriftCodec; import io.airlift.drift.codec.internal.builtin.OptionalIntThriftCodec; import io.airlift.drift.codec.internal.builtin.OptionalLongThriftCodec; import io.airlift.drift.codec.internal.coercion.DefaultJavaCoercions; import io.airlift.drift.codec.internal.coercion.FromThrift; import io.airlift.drift.codec.internal.coercion.ToThrift; import io.airlift.drift.codec.metadata.MetadataErrors.Monitor; import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import; import static; import static; import static io.airlift.drift.codec.metadata.ReflectionHelper.getFutureReturnType; import static io.airlift.drift.codec.metadata.ReflectionHelper.getIterableType; import static io.airlift.drift.codec.metadata.ReflectionHelper.getMapKeyType; import static io.airlift.drift.codec.metadata.ReflectionHelper.getMapValueType; import static io.airlift.drift.codec.metadata.ReflectionHelper.getOptionalType; import static io.airlift.drift.codec.metadata.ThriftEnumMetadataBuilder.thriftEnumMetadata; import static io.airlift.drift.codec.metadata.ThriftType.BINARY; import static io.airlift.drift.codec.metadata.ThriftType.BOOL; import static io.airlift.drift.codec.metadata.ThriftType.BYTE; import static io.airlift.drift.codec.metadata.ThriftType.DOUBLE; import static io.airlift.drift.codec.metadata.ThriftType.I16; import static io.airlift.drift.codec.metadata.ThriftType.I32; import static io.airlift.drift.codec.metadata.ThriftType.I64; import static io.airlift.drift.codec.metadata.ThriftType.STRING; import static io.airlift.drift.codec.metadata.ThriftType.VOID; import static io.airlift.drift.codec.metadata.ThriftType.array; import static io.airlift.drift.codec.metadata.ThriftType.enumType; import static io.airlift.drift.codec.metadata.ThriftType.list; import static; import static io.airlift.drift.codec.metadata.ThriftType.optional; import static io.airlift.drift.codec.metadata.ThriftType.set; import static io.airlift.drift.codec.metadata.ThriftType.struct; import static java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isStatic; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import static; /** * ThriftCatalog contains the metadata for all known structs, enums and type coercions. Since, * metadata extraction can be very expensive, and only single instance of the catalog should be * created. */ @ThreadSafe public final class ThriftCatalog { private final MetadataErrors.Monitor monitor; private final ConcurrentMap<Type, ThriftStructMetadata> structs = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final ConcurrentMap<Class<?>, ThriftEnumMetadata<?>> enums = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final ConcurrentMap<Type, TypeCoercion> coercions = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final ConcurrentMap<Class<?>, ThriftType> manualTypes = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final ConcurrentMap<Type, ThriftType> typeCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); /** * This stack tracks the java Types for which building a ThriftType is in progress (used to * detect recursion) */ private final ThreadLocal<Deque<Type>> stack = ThreadLocal.withInitial(ArrayDeque::new); /** * This queue tracks the Types for which resolution was deferred in order to allow for * recursive type structures. ThriftTypes for these types will be built after the originally * requested ThriftType is built and cached. */ private final ThreadLocal<Deque<Type>> deferredTypesWorkList = ThreadLocal.withInitial(ArrayDeque::new); public ThriftCatalog() { this(MetadataErrors.NULL_MONITOR); } public ThriftCatalog(Monitor monitor) { this.monitor = monitor; addDefaultCoercions(DefaultJavaCoercions.class); addThriftType(new OptionalDoubleThriftCodec().getType()); addThriftType(new OptionalIntThriftCodec().getType()); addThriftType(new OptionalLongThriftCodec().getType()); } @VisibleForTesting Monitor getMonitor() { return monitor; } public void addThriftType(ThriftType thriftType) { manualTypes.put(TypeToken.of(thriftType.getJavaType()).getRawType(), thriftType); } /** * Add the @ToThrift and @FromThrift coercions in the specified class to this catalog. * All coercions must be symmetrical, so every @ToThrift method must have a * corresponding @FromThrift method. */ public void addDefaultCoercions(Class<?> coercionsClass) { requireNonNull(coercionsClass, "coercionsClass is null"); Map<ThriftType, Method> toThriftCoercions = new HashMap<>(); Map<ThriftType, Method> fromThriftCoercions = new HashMap<>(); for (Method method : coercionsClass.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (method.isAnnotationPresent(ToThrift.class)) { verifyCoercionMethod(method); ThriftType thriftType = getThriftType(method.getGenericReturnType()); ThriftType coercedType = thriftType.coerceTo(method.getGenericParameterTypes()[0]); Method oldValue = toThriftCoercions.put(coercedType, method); checkArgument(oldValue == null, "Coercion class two @ToThrift methods (%s and %s) for type %s", coercionsClass.getName(), method, oldValue, coercedType); } else if (method.isAnnotationPresent(FromThrift.class)) { verifyCoercionMethod(method); ThriftType thriftType = getThriftType(method.getGenericParameterTypes()[0]); ThriftType coercedType = thriftType.coerceTo(method.getGenericReturnType()); Method oldValue = fromThriftCoercions.put(coercedType, method); checkArgument(oldValue == null, "Coercion class two @FromThrift methods (%s and %s) for type %s", coercionsClass.getName(), method, oldValue, coercedType); } } // assure coercions are symmetric Set<ThriftType> difference = Sets.symmetricDifference(toThriftCoercions.keySet(), fromThriftCoercions.keySet()); checkArgument(difference.isEmpty(), "Coercion class %s does not have matched @ToThrift and @FromThrift methods for types %s", coercionsClass.getName(), difference); // add the coercions Map<Type, TypeCoercion> coercions = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<ThriftType, Method> entry : toThriftCoercions.entrySet()) { ThriftType type = entry.getKey(); Method toThriftMethod = entry.getValue(); Method fromThriftMethod = fromThriftCoercions.get(type); // this should never happen due to the difference check above, but be careful checkState(fromThriftMethod != null, "Coercion class %s does not have matched @ToThrift and @FromThrift methods for type %s", coercionsClass.getName(), type); TypeCoercion coercion = new TypeCoercion(type, toThriftMethod, fromThriftMethod); coercions.put(type.getJavaType(), coercion); } this.coercions.putAll(coercions); } private void verifyCoercionMethod(Method method) { checkArgument(isStatic(method.getModifiers()), "Method %s is not static", method.toGenericString()); checkArgument(method.getParameterTypes().length == 1, "Method %s must have exactly one parameter", method.toGenericString()); checkArgument(method.getReturnType() != void.class, "Method %s must have a return value", method.toGenericString()); } /** * Gets the default TypeCoercion (and associated ThriftType) for the specified Java type. */ public TypeCoercion getDefaultCoercion(Type type) { return coercions.get(type); } /** * Gets the ThriftType for the specified Java type. The native Thrift type for the Java type will * be inferred from the Java type, and if necessary type coercions will be applied. * * @return the ThriftType for the specified java type; never null * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Java Type can not be coerced to a ThriftType */ public ThriftType getThriftType(Type javaType) throws IllegalArgumentException { ThriftType thriftType = getThriftTypeFromCache(javaType); if (thriftType == null) { thriftType = buildThriftType(javaType); } return thriftType; } public ThriftType getThriftTypeFromCache(Type javaType) { return typeCache.get(javaType); } private ThriftType buildThriftType(Type javaType) { ThriftType thriftType = buildThriftTypeInternal(javaType); typeCache.putIfAbsent(javaType, thriftType); if (stack.get().isEmpty()) { // The stack represents the processing of nested types, so when the stack is empty // at this point, we've just finished processing and caching the originally requested // type. There may be some unresolved type references we should revisit now. Deque<Type> unresolvedJavaTypes = deferredTypesWorkList.get(); while (!unresolvedJavaTypes.isEmpty()) { Type unresolvedJavaType = unresolvedJavaTypes.pop(); if (!typeCache.containsKey(unresolvedJavaType)) { ThriftType resolvedThriftType = buildThriftTypeInternal(unresolvedJavaType); typeCache.putIfAbsent(unresolvedJavaType, resolvedThriftType); } } } return thriftType; } // This should ONLY be called from buildThriftType() private ThriftType buildThriftTypeInternal(Type javaType) throws IllegalArgumentException { Class<?> rawType = TypeToken.of(javaType).getRawType(); ThriftType manualType = manualTypes.get(rawType); if (manualType != null) { return manualType; } if (boolean.class == rawType) { return BOOL; } if (byte.class == rawType) { return BYTE; } if (short.class == rawType) { return I16; } if (int.class == rawType) { return I32; } if (long.class == rawType) { return I64; } if (double.class == rawType) { return DOUBLE; } if (String.class == rawType) { return STRING; } if (ByteBuffer.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) { return BINARY; } if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) { ThriftEnumMetadata<? extends Enum<?>> thriftEnumMetadata = getThriftEnumMetadata(rawType); return enumType(thriftEnumMetadata); } if (rawType.isArray()) { Class<?> elementType = rawType.getComponentType(); if (elementType == byte.class) { // byte[] is encoded as BINARY and requires a coercion return coercions.get(javaType).getThriftType(); } return array(getCollectionElementThriftTypeReference(elementType)); } if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) { Type mapKeyType = getMapKeyType(javaType); Type mapValueType = getMapValueType(javaType); return map(getMapKeyThriftTypeReference(mapKeyType), getMapValueThriftTypeReference(mapValueType)); } if (Set.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) { Type elementType = getIterableType(javaType); return set(getCollectionElementThriftTypeReference(elementType)); } if (Iterable.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) { Type elementType = getIterableType(javaType); return list(getCollectionElementThriftTypeReference(elementType)); } if (Optional.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) { Type elementType = getOptionalType(javaType); return optional(getOptionalThriftTypeReference(elementType)); } // The void type is used by service methods and is encoded as an empty struct if (void.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType) || Void.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) { return VOID; } if (isStructType(rawType)) { ThriftStructMetadata structMetadata = getThriftStructMetadata(javaType); // Unions are covered because a union looks like a struct with a single field. return struct(structMetadata); } if (ListenableFuture.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) { Type returnType = getFutureReturnType(javaType); // TODO: check that we don't recurse through multiple futures // TODO: find a way to restrict this to return values only return getThriftType(returnType); } // coerce the type if possible TypeCoercion coercion = coercions.get(javaType); if (coercion != null) { return coercion.getThriftType(); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Type can not be coerced to a Thrift type: " + javaType); } public ThriftTypeReference getFieldThriftTypeReference(FieldMetadata fieldMetadata) { Boolean isRecursive = fieldMetadata.isRecursiveReference(); if (isRecursive == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Field normalization should have set a non-null value for isRecursiveReference"); } return getThriftTypeReference(fieldMetadata.getJavaType(), isRecursive ? Recursiveness.FORCED : Recursiveness.NOT_ALLOWED); } public ThriftTypeReference getCollectionElementThriftTypeReference(Type javaType) { // Collection element types are always allowed to be recursive links if (isStructType(javaType)) { // TODO: This gets things working, but is only necessary when this collection is // involved in a recursive chain. Otherwise, it's just introducing unnecessary // references. We should see if we can clean this up. return getThriftTypeReference(javaType, Recursiveness.FORCED); } else { return getThriftTypeReference(javaType, Recursiveness.NOT_ALLOWED); } } public ThriftTypeReference getMapKeyThriftTypeReference(Type javaType) { // Maps key types are always allowed to be recursive links if (isStructType(javaType)) { // TODO: This gets things working, but is only necessary when this collection is // involved in a recursive chain. Otherwise, it's just introducing unnecessary // references. We should see if we can clean this up. return getThriftTypeReference(javaType, Recursiveness.FORCED); } else { return getThriftTypeReference(javaType, Recursiveness.NOT_ALLOWED); } } public ThriftTypeReference getMapValueThriftTypeReference(Type javaType) { // Maps value types are always allowed to be recursive links if (isStructType(javaType)) { // TODO: This gets things working, but is only necessary when this collection is // involved in a recursive chain. Otherwise, it's just introducing unnecessary // references. We should see if we can clean this up. return getThriftTypeReference(javaType, Recursiveness.FORCED); } else { return getThriftTypeReference(javaType, Recursiveness.NOT_ALLOWED); } } public ThriftTypeReference getOptionalThriftTypeReference(Type javaType) { // Optional types are always allowed to be recursive links if (isStructType(javaType)) { // TODO: This gets things working, but is only necessary when this collection is // involved in a recursive chain. Otherwise, it's just introducing unnecessary // references. We should see if we can clean this up. return getThriftTypeReference(javaType, Recursiveness.FORCED); } else { return getThriftTypeReference(javaType, Recursiveness.NOT_ALLOWED); } } private ThriftTypeReference getThriftTypeReference(Type javaType, Recursiveness recursiveness) { ThriftType thriftType = getThriftTypeFromCache(javaType); if (thriftType == null) { if (recursiveness == Recursiveness.FORCED || (recursiveness == Recursiveness.ALLOWED && stack.get().contains(javaType))) { // recursion: return an unresolved ThriftTypeReference deferredTypesWorkList.get().add(javaType); return new RecursiveThriftTypeReference(this, javaType); } else { thriftType = buildThriftType(javaType); typeCache.putIfAbsent(javaType, thriftType); } } return new DefaultThriftTypeReference(thriftType); } public boolean isSupportedStructFieldType(Type javaType) { return getThriftProtocolType(javaType) != ThriftProtocolType.UNKNOWN; } public ThriftProtocolType getThriftProtocolType(Type javaType) { ThriftType manualType = manualTypes.get(javaType); if (manualType != null) { return manualType.getProtocolType(); } Class<?> rawType = TypeToken.of(javaType).getRawType(); if (boolean.class == rawType) { return ThriftProtocolType.BOOL; } if (byte.class == rawType) { return ThriftProtocolType.BYTE; } if (short.class == rawType) { return ThriftProtocolType.I16; } if (int.class == rawType) { return ThriftProtocolType.I32; } if (long.class == rawType) { return ThriftProtocolType.I64; } if (double.class == rawType) { return ThriftProtocolType.DOUBLE; } if (String.class == rawType) { return ThriftProtocolType.STRING; } if (ByteBuffer.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) { return ThriftProtocolType.BINARY; } if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) { return ThriftProtocolType.ENUM; } if (rawType.isArray()) { Class<?> elementType = rawType.getComponentType(); if (isSupportedArrayComponentType(elementType)) { return ThriftProtocolType.LIST; } } if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) { Type mapKeyType = getMapKeyType(javaType); Type mapValueType = getMapValueType(javaType); if (isSupportedStructFieldType(mapKeyType) && isSupportedStructFieldType(mapValueType)) { return ThriftProtocolType.MAP; } } if (Set.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) { Type elementType = getIterableType(javaType); if (isSupportedStructFieldType(elementType)) { return ThriftProtocolType.SET; } } if (Iterable.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) { Type elementType = getIterableType(javaType); if (isSupportedStructFieldType(elementType)) { return ThriftProtocolType.LIST; } } if (Optional.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) { Type elementType = getOptionalType(javaType); return getThriftProtocolType(elementType); } if (isStructType(rawType)) { return ThriftProtocolType.STRUCT; } // NOTE: void is not a supported struct type // coerce the type if possible TypeCoercion coercion = coercions.get(javaType); if (coercion != null) { return coercion.getThriftType().getProtocolType(); } return ThriftProtocolType.UNKNOWN; } public static boolean isStructType(Type javaType) { Class<?> rawType = TypeToken.of(javaType).getRawType(); return rawType.isAnnotationPresent(ThriftStruct.class) || rawType.isAnnotationPresent(ThriftUnion.class); } public boolean isSupportedArrayComponentType(Class<?> componentType) { return boolean.class == componentType || byte.class == componentType || short.class == componentType || int.class == componentType || long.class == componentType || double.class == componentType; } /** * Gets the ThriftEnumMetadata for the specified enum class. If the enum class contains a method * annotated with @ThriftEnumValue, the value of this method will be used for the encoded thrift * value; otherwise the Enum.ordinal() method will be used. */ public <T extends Enum<T>> ThriftEnumMetadata<?> getThriftEnumMetadata(Class<?> enumClass) { checkArgument(enumClass.isEnum(), "Class %s is not an enum", enumClass.getName()); ThriftEnumMetadata<?> enumMetadata = enums.get(enumClass); if (enumMetadata == null) { enumMetadata = thriftEnumMetadata((Class<T>) enumClass); ThriftEnumMetadata<?> current = enums.putIfAbsent(enumClass, enumMetadata); if (current != null) { enumMetadata = current; } } return enumMetadata; } /** * Gets the ThriftStructMetadata for the specified struct class. The struct class must be * annotated with @ThriftStruct or @ThriftUnion. */ public <T> ThriftStructMetadata getThriftStructMetadata(Type structType) { ThriftStructMetadata structMetadata = structs.get(structType); Class<?> structClass = TypeToken.of(structType).getRawType(); if (structMetadata == null) { if (structClass.isAnnotationPresent(ThriftStruct.class)) { structMetadata = extractThriftStructMetadata(structType); } else if (structClass.isAnnotationPresent(ThriftUnion.class)) { structMetadata = extractThriftUnionMetadata(structType); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "getThriftStructMetadata called on a class that has no @ThriftStruct or @ThriftUnion annotation"); } ThriftStructMetadata current = structs.putIfAbsent(structType, structMetadata); if (current != null) { structMetadata = current; } } return structMetadata; } private static Class<?> getDriftMetaClassOf(Class<?> cls) throws ClassNotFoundException { ClassLoader loader = cls.getClassLoader(); if (loader == null) { throw new ClassNotFoundException("null class loader"); } return loader.loadClass(cls.getName() + "$DriftMeta"); } @SuppressWarnings("PMD.EmptyCatchBlock") public static ImmutableList<String> getThriftDocumentation(Class<?> objectClass) { ThriftDocumentation documentation = objectClass.getAnnotation(ThriftDocumentation.class); if (documentation == null) { try { Class<?> docsClass = getDriftMetaClassOf(objectClass); documentation = docsClass.getAnnotation(ThriftDocumentation.class); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // ignored } } return documentation == null ? ImmutableList.of() : ImmutableList.copyOf(documentation.value()); } @SuppressWarnings("PMD.EmptyCatchBlock") public static ImmutableList<String> getThriftDocumentation(Method method) { ThriftDocumentation documentation = method.getAnnotation(ThriftDocumentation.class); if (documentation == null) { try { Class<?> docsClass = getDriftMetaClassOf(method.getDeclaringClass()); documentation = docsClass.getDeclaredMethod(method.getName()) .getAnnotation(ThriftDocumentation.class); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { // ignored } } return documentation == null ? ImmutableList.of() : ImmutableList.copyOf(documentation.value()); } @SuppressWarnings("PMD.EmptyCatchBlock") public static ImmutableList<String> getThriftDocumentation(Field field) { ThriftDocumentation documentation = field.getAnnotation(ThriftDocumentation.class); if (documentation == null) { try { Class<?> docsClass = getDriftMetaClassOf(field.getDeclaringClass()); documentation = docsClass.getDeclaredField(field.getName()) .getAnnotation(ThriftDocumentation.class); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { // ignored } } return documentation == null ? ImmutableList.of() : ImmutableList.copyOf(documentation.value()); } @SuppressWarnings("PMD.EmptyCatchBlock") public static <T extends Enum<T>> ImmutableList<String> getThriftDocumentation(Enum<T> enumConstant) { try { Field f = enumConstant.getDeclaringClass().getField(; return getThriftDocumentation(f); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { // ignore } return ImmutableList.of(); } @SuppressWarnings("PMD.EmptyCatchBlock") public static Integer getMethodOrder(Method method) { ThriftOrder order = method.getAnnotation(ThriftOrder.class); if (order == null) { try { Class<?> docsClass = getDriftMetaClassOf(method.getDeclaringClass()); order = docsClass.getDeclaredMethod(method.getName()).getAnnotation(ThriftOrder.class); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { // ignored } } return order == null ? null : order.value(); } private ThriftStructMetadata extractThriftStructMetadata(Type structType) { requireNonNull(structType, "structType is null"); Deque<Type> stack = this.stack.get(); if (stack.contains(structType)) { String path = Stream.concat(, Stream.of(structType)) .map(type -> TypeToken.of(type).getRawType().getName()).collect(joining("->")); throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Circular references must be qualified with 'isRecursive' on a @ThriftField annotation in the cycle: " + path); } else { stack.push(structType); try { ThriftStructMetadataBuilder builder = new ThriftStructMetadataBuilder(this, structType); return; } finally { Type top = stack.pop(); checkState(structType.equals(top), "ThriftCatalog circularity detection stack is corrupt: expected %s, but got %s", structType, top); } } } private ThriftStructMetadata extractThriftUnionMetadata(Type unionType) { requireNonNull(unionType, "unionType is null"); Deque<Type> stack = this.stack.get(); if (stack.contains(unionType)) { String path = Stream.concat(, Stream.of(unionType)) .map(type -> TypeToken.of(type).getRawType().getName()).collect(joining("->")); throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Circular references must be qualified with 'isRecursive' on a @ThriftField annotation in the cycle: " + path); } stack.push(unionType); try { ThriftUnionMetadataBuilder builder = new ThriftUnionMetadataBuilder(this, unionType); return; } finally { Type top = stack.pop(); checkState(unionType.equals(top), "ThriftCatalog circularity detection stack is corrupt: expected %s, but got %s", unionType, top); } } enum Recursiveness { NOT_ALLOWED, ALLOWED, FORCED, } }