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 * Copyright (C) 2010 The Guava Authors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
 * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
 * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.


import static;


import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy;

 * A synchronization abstraction supporting waiting on arbitrary boolean conditions.
 * <p>This class is intended as a replacement for {@link ReentrantLock}. Code using {@code Monitor}
 * is less error-prone and more readable than code using {@code ReentrantLock}, without significant
 * performance loss. {@code Monitor} even has the potential for performance gain by optimizing the
 * evaluation and signaling of conditions. Signaling is entirely <a
 * href="">implicit</a>.
 * By eliminating explicit signaling, this class can guarantee that only one thread is awakened when
 * a condition becomes true (no "signaling storms" due to use of {@link
 * java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition#signalAll Condition.signalAll}) and that no signals are lost
 * (no "hangs" due to incorrect use of {@link java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition#signal
 * Condition.signal}).
 * <p>A thread is said to <i>occupy</i> a monitor if it has <i>entered</i> the monitor but not yet
 * <i>left</i>. Only one thread may occupy a given monitor at any moment. A monitor is also
 * reentrant, so a thread may enter a monitor any number of times, and then must leave the same
 * number of times. The <i>enter</i> and <i>leave</i> operations have the same synchronization
 * semantics as the built-in Java language synchronization primitives.
 * <p>A call to any of the <i>enter</i> methods with <b>void</b> return type should always be
 * followed immediately by a <i>try/finally</i> block to ensure that the current thread leaves the
 * monitor cleanly: <pre>   {@code
 *   monitor.enter();
 *   try {
 *     // do things while occupying the monitor
 *   } finally {
 *     monitor.leave();
 *   }}</pre>
 * <p>A call to any of the <i>enter</i> methods with <b>boolean</b> return type should always appear
 * as the condition of an <i>if</i> statement containing a <i>try/finally</i> block to ensure that
 * the current thread leaves the monitor cleanly: <pre>   {@code
 *   if (monitor.tryEnter()) {
 *     try {
 *       // do things while occupying the monitor
 *     } finally {
 *       monitor.leave();
 *     }
 *   } else {
 *     // do other things since the monitor was not available
 *   }}</pre>
 * <h2>Comparison with {@code synchronized} and {@code ReentrantLock}</h2>
 * <p>The following examples show a simple threadsafe holder expressed using {@code synchronized},
 * {@link ReentrantLock}, and {@code Monitor}.
 * <h3>{@code synchronized}</h3>
 * <p>This version is the fewest lines of code, largely because the synchronization mechanism used
 * is built into the language and runtime. But the programmer has to remember to avoid a couple of
 * common bugs: The {@code wait()} must be inside a {@code while} instead of an {@code if}, and
 * {@code notifyAll()} must be used instead of {@code notify()} because there are two different
 * logical conditions being awaited. <pre>   {@code
 *   public class SafeBox<V> {
 *     private V value;
 *     public synchronized V get() throws InterruptedException {
 *       while (value == null) {
 *         wait();
 *       }
 *       V result = value;
 *       value = null;
 *       notifyAll();
 *       return result;
 *     }
 *     public synchronized void set(V newValue) throws InterruptedException {
 *       while (value != null) {
 *         wait();
 *       }
 *       value = newValue;
 *       notifyAll();
 *     }
 *   }}</pre>
 * <h3>{@code ReentrantLock}</h3>
 * <p>This version is much more verbose than the {@code synchronized} version, and still suffers
 * from the need for the programmer to remember to use {@code while} instead of {@code if}.
 * However, one advantage is that we can introduce two separate {@code Condition} objects, which
 * allows us to use {@code signal()} instead of {@code signalAll()}, which may be a performance
 * benefit. <pre>   {@code
 *   public class SafeBox<V> {
 *     private final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();
 *     private final Condition valuePresent = lock.newCondition();
 *     private final Condition valueAbsent = lock.newCondition();
 *     private V value;
 *     public V get() throws InterruptedException {
 *       lock.lock();
 *       try {
 *         while (value == null) {
 *           valuePresent.await();
 *         }
 *         V result = value;
 *         value = null;
 *         valueAbsent.signal();
 *         return result;
 *       } finally {
 *         lock.unlock();
 *       }
 *     }
 *     public void set(V newValue) throws InterruptedException {
 *       lock.lock();
 *       try {
 *         while (value != null) {
 *           valueAbsent.await();
 *         }
 *         value = newValue;
 *         valuePresent.signal();
 *       } finally {
 *         lock.unlock();
 *       }
 *     }
 *   }}</pre>
 * <h3>{@code Monitor}</h3>
 * <p>This version adds some verbosity around the {@code Guard} objects, but removes that same
 * verbosity, and more, from the {@code get} and {@code set} methods. {@code Monitor} implements the
 * same efficient signaling as we had to hand-code in the {@code ReentrantLock} version above.
 * Finally, the programmer no longer has to hand-code the wait loop, and therefore doesn't have to
 * remember to use {@code while} instead of {@code if}. <pre>   {@code
 *   public class SafeBox<V> {
 *     private final Monitor monitor = new Monitor();
 *     private final Monitor.Guard valuePresent = new Monitor.Guard(monitor) {
 *       public boolean isSatisfied() {
 *         return value != null;
 *       }
 *     };
 *     private final Monitor.Guard valueAbsent = new Monitor.Guard(monitor) {
 *       public boolean isSatisfied() {
 *         return value == null;
 *       }
 *     };
 *     private V value;
 *     public V get() throws InterruptedException {
 *       monitor.enterWhen(valuePresent);
 *       try {
 *         V result = value;
 *         value = null;
 *         return result;
 *       } finally {
 *         monitor.leave();
 *       }
 *     }
 *     public void set(V newValue) throws InterruptedException {
 *       monitor.enterWhen(valueAbsent);
 *       try {
 *         value = newValue;
 *       } finally {
 *         monitor.leave();
 *       }
 *     }
 *   }}</pre>
 * @author Justin T. Sampson
 * @author Martin Buchholz
 * @since 10.0
public final class Monitor {
    // TODO(user): Use raw LockSupport or AbstractQueuedSynchronizer instead of ReentrantLock.
    // TODO(user): "Port" jsr166 tests for ReentrantLock.
    // TODO(user): Change API to make it impossible to use a Guard with the "wrong" monitor,
    //    by making the monitor implicit, and to eliminate other sources of IMSE.
    //    Imagine:
    //    guard.lock();
    //    try { /* monitor locked and guard satisfied here */ }
    //    finally { guard.unlock(); }
    // Here are Justin's design notes about this:
    // This idea has come up from time to time, and I think one of my
    // earlier versions of Monitor even did something like this. I ended
    // up strongly favoring the current interface.
    // I probably can't remember all the reasons (it's possible you
    // could find them in the code review archives), but here are a few:
    // 1. What about leaving/unlocking? Are you going to do
    //    guard.enter() paired with monitor.leave()? That might get
    //    confusing. It's nice for the finally block to look as close as
    //    possible to the thing right before the try. You could have
    //    guard.leave(), but that's a little odd as well because the
    //    guard doesn't have anything to do with leaving. You can't
    //    really enforce that the guard you're leaving is the same one
    //    you entered with, and it doesn't actually matter.
    // 2. Since you can enter the monitor without a guard at all, some
    //    places you'll have monitor.enter()/monitor.leave() and other
    //    places you'll have guard.enter()/guard.leave() even though
    //    it's the same lock being acquired underneath. Always using
    //    monitor.enterXXX()/monitor.leave() will make it really clear
    //    which lock is held at any point in the code.
    // 3. I think "enterWhen(notEmpty)" reads better than "notEmpty.enter()".
    // TODO(user): Implement ReentrantLock features:
    //    - toString() method
    //    - getOwner() method
    //    - getQueuedThreads() method
    //    - getWaitingThreads(Guard) method
    //    - implement Serializable
    //    - redo the API to be as close to identical to ReentrantLock as possible,
    //      since, after all, this class is also a reentrant mutual exclusion lock!?

     * One of the key challenges of this class is to prevent lost signals, while trying hard to
     * minimize unnecessary signals.  One simple and correct algorithm is to signal some other
     * waiter with a satisfied guard (if one exists) whenever any thread occupying the monitor
     * exits the monitor, either by unlocking all of its held locks, or by starting to wait for a
     * guard.  This includes exceptional exits, so all control paths involving signalling must be
     * protected by a finally block.
     * Further optimizations of this algorithm become increasingly subtle.  A wait that terminates
     * without the guard being satisfied (due to timeout, but not interrupt) can then immediately
     * exit the monitor without signalling.  If it timed out without being signalled, it does not
     * need to "pass on" the signal to another thread.  If it *was* signalled, then its guard must
     * have been satisfied at the time of signal, and has since been modified by some other thread
     * to be non-satisfied before reacquiring the lock, and that other thread takes over the
     * responsibility of signaling the next waiter.
     * Unlike the underlying Condition, if we are not careful, an interrupt *can* cause a signal to
     * be lost, because the signal may be sent to a condition whose sole waiter has just been
     * interrupted.
     * Imagine a monitor with multiple guards.  A thread enters the monitor, satisfies all the
     * guards, and leaves, calling signalNextWaiter.  With traditional locks and conditions, all
     * the conditions need to be signalled because it is not known which if any of them have
     * waiters (and hasWaiters can't be used reliably because of a check-then-act race).  With our
     * Monitor guards, we only signal the first active guard that is satisfied.  But the
     * corresponding thread may have already been interrupted and is waiting to reacquire the lock
     * while still registered in activeGuards, in which case the signal is a no-op, and the
     * bigger-picture signal is lost unless interrupted threads take special action by
     * participating in the signal-passing game.

     * Timeout handling is intricate, especially given our ambitious goals:
     * - Avoid underflow and overflow of timeout values when specified timeouts are close to
     *   Long.MIN_VALUE or Long.MAX_VALUE.
     * - Favor responding to interrupts over timeouts.
     * - System.nanoTime() is expensive enough that we want to call it the minimum required number of
     *   times, typically once before invoking a blocking method.  This often requires keeping track
     *   of the first time in a method that nanoTime() has been invoked, for which the special value
     *   0L is reserved to mean "uninitialized".  If timeout is non-positive, then nanoTime need
     *   never be called.
     * - Keep behavior of fair and non-fair instances consistent.

     * A boolean condition for which a thread may wait. A {@code Guard} is associated with a single
     * {@code Monitor}. The monitor may check the guard at arbitrary times from any thread occupying
     * the monitor, so code should not be written to rely on how often a guard might or might not be
     * checked.
     * <p>If a {@code Guard} is passed into any method of a {@code Monitor} other than the one it is
     * associated with, an {@link IllegalMonitorStateException} is thrown.
     * @since 10.0
    public abstract static class Guard {

        final Monitor monitor;
        final Condition condition;

        int waiterCount = 0;

        /** The next active guard */
        Guard next;

        protected Guard(Monitor monitor) {
            this.monitor = checkNotNull(monitor, "monitor");
            this.condition = monitor.lock.newCondition();

         * Evaluates this guard's boolean condition. This method is always called with the associated
         * monitor already occupied. Implementations of this method must depend only on state protected
         * by the associated monitor, and must not modify that state.
        public abstract boolean isSatisfied();

     * Whether this monitor is fair.
    private final boolean fair;

     * The lock underlying this monitor.
    private final ReentrantLock lock;

     * The guards associated with this monitor that currently have waiters ({@code waiterCount > 0}).
     * A linked list threaded through the field.
    private Guard activeGuards = null;

     * Creates a monitor with a non-fair (but fast) ordering policy. Equivalent to {@code
     * Monitor(false)}.
    public Monitor() {

     * Creates a monitor with the given ordering policy.
     * @param fair whether this monitor should use a fair ordering policy rather than a non-fair (but
     *        fast) one
    public Monitor(boolean fair) {
        this.fair = fair;
        this.lock = new ReentrantLock(fair);

     * Enters this monitor. Blocks indefinitely.
    public void enter() {

     * Enters this monitor. Blocks indefinitely, but may be interrupted.
     * @throws InterruptedException if interrupted while waiting
    public void enterInterruptibly() throws InterruptedException {

     * Enters this monitor. Blocks at most the given time.
     * @return whether the monitor was entered
    public boolean enter(long time, TimeUnit unit) {
        final long timeoutNanos = toSafeNanos(time, unit);
        final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock;
        if (!fair && lock.tryLock()) {
            return true;
        boolean interrupted = Thread.interrupted();
        try {
            final long startTime = System.nanoTime();
            for (long remainingNanos = timeoutNanos;;) {
                try {
                    return lock.tryLock(remainingNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
                } catch (InterruptedException interrupt) {
                    interrupted = true;
                    remainingNanos = remainingNanos(startTime, timeoutNanos);
        } finally {
            if (interrupted) {

     * Enters this monitor. Blocks at most the given time, and may be interrupted.
     * @return whether the monitor was entered
     * @throws InterruptedException if interrupted while waiting
    public boolean enterInterruptibly(long time, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException {
        return lock.tryLock(time, unit);

     * Enters this monitor if it is possible to do so immediately. Does not block.
     * <p><b>Note:</b> This method disregards the fairness setting of this monitor.
     * @return whether the monitor was entered
    public boolean tryEnter() {
        return lock.tryLock();

     * Enters this monitor when the guard is satisfied. Blocks indefinitely, but may be interrupted.
     * @throws InterruptedException if interrupted while waiting
    public void enterWhen(Guard guard) throws InterruptedException {
        if (guard.monitor != this) {
            throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
        final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock;
        boolean signalBeforeWaiting = lock.isHeldByCurrentThread();

        boolean satisfied = false;
        try {
            if (!guard.isSatisfied()) {
                await(guard, signalBeforeWaiting);
            satisfied = true;
        } finally {
            if (!satisfied) {

     * Enters this monitor when the guard is satisfied. Blocks indefinitely.
    public void enterWhenUninterruptibly(Guard guard) {
        if (guard.monitor != this) {
            throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
        final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock;
        boolean signalBeforeWaiting = lock.isHeldByCurrentThread();

        boolean satisfied = false;
        try {
            if (!guard.isSatisfied()) {
                awaitUninterruptibly(guard, signalBeforeWaiting);
            satisfied = true;
        } finally {
            if (!satisfied) {

     * Enters this monitor when the guard is satisfied. Blocks at most the given time, including both
     * the time to acquire the lock and the time to wait for the guard to be satisfied, and may be
     * interrupted.
     * @return whether the monitor was entered, which guarantees that the guard is now satisfied
     * @throws InterruptedException if interrupted while waiting
    public boolean enterWhen(Guard guard, long time, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException {
        final long timeoutNanos = toSafeNanos(time, unit);
        if (guard.monitor != this) {
            throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
        final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock;
        boolean reentrant = lock.isHeldByCurrentThread();
        long startTime = 0L;

        locked: {
            if (!fair) {
                // Check interrupt status to get behavior consistent with fair case.
                if (Thread.interrupted()) {
                    throw new InterruptedException();
                if (lock.tryLock()) {
                    break locked;
            startTime = initNanoTime(timeoutNanos);
            if (!lock.tryLock(time, unit)) {
                return false;

        boolean satisfied = false;
        boolean threw = true;
        try {
            satisfied = guard.isSatisfied() || awaitNanos(guard,
                    (startTime == 0L) ? timeoutNanos : remainingNanos(startTime, timeoutNanos), reentrant);
            threw = false;
            return satisfied;
        } finally {
            if (!satisfied) {
                try {
                    // Don't need to signal if timed out, but do if interrupted
                    if (threw && !reentrant) {
                } finally {

     * Enters this monitor when the guard is satisfied. Blocks at most the given time, including
     * both the time to acquire the lock and the time to wait for the guard to be satisfied.
     * @return whether the monitor was entered, which guarantees that the guard is now satisfied
    public boolean enterWhenUninterruptibly(Guard guard, long time, TimeUnit unit) {
        final long timeoutNanos = toSafeNanos(time, unit);
        if (guard.monitor != this) {
            throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
        final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock;
        long startTime = 0L;
        boolean signalBeforeWaiting = lock.isHeldByCurrentThread();
        boolean interrupted = Thread.interrupted();
        try {
            if (fair || !lock.tryLock()) {
                startTime = initNanoTime(timeoutNanos);
                for (long remainingNanos = timeoutNanos;;) {
                    try {
                        if (lock.tryLock(remainingNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)) {
                        } else {
                            return false;
                    } catch (InterruptedException interrupt) {
                        interrupted = true;
                        remainingNanos = remainingNanos(startTime, timeoutNanos);

            boolean satisfied = false;
            try {
                while (true) {
                    try {
                        if (guard.isSatisfied()) {
                            satisfied = true;
                        } else {
                            final long remainingNanos;
                            if (startTime == 0L) {
                                startTime = initNanoTime(timeoutNanos);
                                remainingNanos = timeoutNanos;
                            } else {
                                remainingNanos = remainingNanos(startTime, timeoutNanos);
                            satisfied = awaitNanos(guard, remainingNanos, signalBeforeWaiting);
                        return satisfied;
                    } catch (InterruptedException interrupt) {
                        interrupted = true;
                        signalBeforeWaiting = false;
            } finally {
                if (!satisfied) {
                    lock.unlock(); // No need to signal if timed out
        } finally {
            if (interrupted) {

     * Enters this monitor if the guard is satisfied. Blocks indefinitely acquiring the lock, but
     * does not wait for the guard to be satisfied.
     * @return whether the monitor was entered, which guarantees that the guard is now satisfied
    public boolean enterIf(Guard guard) {
        if (guard.monitor != this) {
            throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
        final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock;

        boolean satisfied = false;
        try {
            return satisfied = guard.isSatisfied();
        } finally {
            if (!satisfied) {

     * Enters this monitor if the guard is satisfied. Blocks indefinitely acquiring the lock, but does
     * not wait for the guard to be satisfied, and may be interrupted.
     * @return whether the monitor was entered, which guarantees that the guard is now satisfied
     * @throws InterruptedException if interrupted while waiting
    public boolean enterIfInterruptibly(Guard guard) throws InterruptedException {
        if (guard.monitor != this) {
            throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
        final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock;

        boolean satisfied = false;
        try {
            return satisfied = guard.isSatisfied();
        } finally {
            if (!satisfied) {

     * Enters this monitor if the guard is satisfied. Blocks at most the given time acquiring the
     * lock, but does not wait for the guard to be satisfied.
     * @return whether the monitor was entered, which guarantees that the guard is now satisfied
    public boolean enterIf(Guard guard, long time, TimeUnit unit) {
        if (guard.monitor != this) {
            throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
        if (!enter(time, unit)) {
            return false;

        boolean satisfied = false;
        try {
            return satisfied = guard.isSatisfied();
        } finally {
            if (!satisfied) {

     * Enters this monitor if the guard is satisfied. Blocks at most the given time acquiring the
     * lock, but does not wait for the guard to be satisfied, and may be interrupted.
     * @return whether the monitor was entered, which guarantees that the guard is now satisfied
    public boolean enterIfInterruptibly(Guard guard, long time, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException {
        if (guard.monitor != this) {
            throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
        final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock;
        if (!lock.tryLock(time, unit)) {
            return false;

        boolean satisfied = false;
        try {
            return satisfied = guard.isSatisfied();
        } finally {
            if (!satisfied) {

     * Enters this monitor if it is possible to do so immediately and the guard is satisfied. Does not
     * block acquiring the lock and does not wait for the guard to be satisfied.
     * <p><b>Note:</b> This method disregards the fairness setting of this monitor.
     * @return whether the monitor was entered, which guarantees that the guard is now satisfied
    public boolean tryEnterIf(Guard guard) {
        if (guard.monitor != this) {
            throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
        final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock;
        if (!lock.tryLock()) {
            return false;

        boolean satisfied = false;
        try {
            return satisfied = guard.isSatisfied();
        } finally {
            if (!satisfied) {

     * Waits for the guard to be satisfied. Waits indefinitely, but may be interrupted. May be
     * called only by a thread currently occupying this monitor.
     * @throws InterruptedException if interrupted while waiting
    public void waitFor(Guard guard) throws InterruptedException {
        if (!((guard.monitor == this) & lock.isHeldByCurrentThread())) {
            throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
        if (!guard.isSatisfied()) {
            await(guard, true);

     * Waits for the guard to be satisfied. Waits indefinitely. May be called only by a thread
     * currently occupying this monitor.
    public void waitForUninterruptibly(Guard guard) {
        if (!((guard.monitor == this) & lock.isHeldByCurrentThread())) {
            throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
        if (!guard.isSatisfied()) {
            awaitUninterruptibly(guard, true);

     * Waits for the guard to be satisfied. Waits at most the given time, and may be interrupted.
     * May be called only by a thread currently occupying this monitor.
     * @return whether the guard is now satisfied
     * @throws InterruptedException if interrupted while waiting
    public boolean waitFor(Guard guard, long time, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException {
        final long timeoutNanos = toSafeNanos(time, unit);
        if (!((guard.monitor == this) & lock.isHeldByCurrentThread())) {
            throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
        if (guard.isSatisfied()) {
            return true;
        if (Thread.interrupted()) {
            throw new InterruptedException();
        return awaitNanos(guard, timeoutNanos, true);

     * Waits for the guard to be satisfied. Waits at most the given time. May be called only by a
     * thread currently occupying this monitor.
     * @return whether the guard is now satisfied
    public boolean waitForUninterruptibly(Guard guard, long time, TimeUnit unit) {
        final long timeoutNanos = toSafeNanos(time, unit);
        if (!((guard.monitor == this) & lock.isHeldByCurrentThread())) {
            throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
        if (guard.isSatisfied()) {
            return true;
        boolean signalBeforeWaiting = true;
        final long startTime = initNanoTime(timeoutNanos);
        boolean interrupted = Thread.interrupted();
        try {
            for (long remainingNanos = timeoutNanos;;) {
                try {
                    return awaitNanos(guard, remainingNanos, signalBeforeWaiting);
                } catch (InterruptedException interrupt) {
                    interrupted = true;
                    if (guard.isSatisfied()) {
                        return true;
                    signalBeforeWaiting = false;
                    remainingNanos = remainingNanos(startTime, timeoutNanos);
        } finally {
            if (interrupted) {

     * Leaves this monitor. May be called only by a thread currently occupying this monitor.
    public void leave() {
        final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock;
        try {
            // No need to signal if we will still be holding the lock when we return
            if (lock.getHoldCount() == 1) {
        } finally {
            lock.unlock(); // Will throw IllegalMonitorStateException if not held

     * Returns whether this monitor is using a fair ordering policy.
    public boolean isFair() {
        return fair;

     * Returns whether this monitor is occupied by any thread. This method is designed for use in
     * monitoring of the system state, not for synchronization control.
    public boolean isOccupied() {
        return lock.isLocked();

     * Returns whether the current thread is occupying this monitor (has entered more times than it
     * has left).
    public boolean isOccupiedByCurrentThread() {
        return lock.isHeldByCurrentThread();

     * Returns the number of times the current thread has entered this monitor in excess of the number
     * of times it has left. Returns 0 if the current thread is not occupying this monitor.
    public int getOccupiedDepth() {
        return lock.getHoldCount();

     * Returns an estimate of the number of threads waiting to enter this monitor. The value is only
     * an estimate because the number of threads may change dynamically while this method traverses
     * internal data structures. This method is designed for use in monitoring of the system state,
     * not for synchronization control.
    public int getQueueLength() {
        return lock.getQueueLength();

     * Returns whether any threads are waiting to enter this monitor. Note that because cancellations
     * may occur at any time, a {@code true} return does not guarantee that any other thread will ever
     * enter this monitor. This method is designed primarily for use in monitoring of the system
     * state.
    public boolean hasQueuedThreads() {
        return lock.hasQueuedThreads();

     * Queries whether the given thread is waiting to enter this monitor. Note that because
     * cancellations may occur at any time, a {@code true} return does not guarantee that this thread
     * will ever enter this monitor. This method is designed primarily for use in monitoring of the
     * system state.
    public boolean hasQueuedThread(Thread thread) {
        return lock.hasQueuedThread(thread);

     * Queries whether any threads are waiting for the given guard to become satisfied. Note that
     * because timeouts and interrupts may occur at any time, a {@code true} return does not guarantee
     * that the guard becoming satisfied in the future will awaken any threads. This method is
     * designed primarily for use in monitoring of the system state.
    public boolean hasWaiters(Guard guard) {
        return getWaitQueueLength(guard) > 0;

     * Returns an estimate of the number of threads waiting for the given guard to become satisfied.
     * Note that because timeouts and interrupts may occur at any time, the estimate serves only as an
     * upper bound on the actual number of waiters. This method is designed for use in monitoring of
     * the system state, not for synchronization control.
    public int getWaitQueueLength(Guard guard) {
        if (guard.monitor != this) {
            throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
        try {
            return guard.waiterCount;
        } finally {

     * Returns unit.toNanos(time), additionally ensuring the returned value is not at risk of
     * overflowing or underflowing, by bounding the value between 0 and (Long.MAX_VALUE / 4) * 3.
     * Actually waiting for more than 219 years is not supported!
    private static long toSafeNanos(long time, TimeUnit unit) {
        long timeoutNanos = unit.toNanos(time);
        return (timeoutNanos <= 0L) ? 0L
                : (timeoutNanos > (Long.MAX_VALUE / 4) * 3) ? (Long.MAX_VALUE / 4) * 3 : timeoutNanos;

     * Returns System.nanoTime() unless the timeout has already elapsed.
     * Returns 0L if and only if the timeout has already elapsed.
    private static long initNanoTime(long timeoutNanos) {
        if (timeoutNanos <= 0L) {
            return 0L;
        } else {
            long startTime = System.nanoTime();
            return (startTime == 0L) ? 1L : startTime;

     * Returns the remaining nanos until the given timeout, or 0L if the timeout has already elapsed.
     * Caller must have previously sanitized timeoutNanos using toSafeNanos.
    private static long remainingNanos(long startTime, long timeoutNanos) {
        // assert timeoutNanos == 0L || startTime != 0L;

        // if (true) return timeoutNanos;
        // ONLY 2 TESTS FAIL IF WE DO:
        // if (true) return 0;

        return (timeoutNanos <= 0L) ? 0L : timeoutNanos - (System.nanoTime() - startTime);

     * Signals some other thread waiting on a satisfied guard, if one exists.
     * We manage calls to this method carefully, to signal only when necessary, but never losing a
     * signal, which is the classic problem of this kind of concurrency construct.  We must signal if
     * the current thread is about to relinquish the lock and may have changed the state protected by
     * the monitor, thereby causing some guard to be satisfied.
     * In addition, any thread that has been signalled when its guard was satisfied acquires the
     * responsibility of signalling the next thread when it again relinquishes the lock.  Unlike a
     * normal Condition, there is no guarantee that an interrupted thread has not been signalled,
     * since the concurrency control must manage multiple Conditions.  So this method must generally
     * be called when waits are interrupted.
     * On the other hand, if a signalled thread wakes up to discover that its guard is still not
     * satisfied, it does *not* need to call this method before returning to wait.  This can only
     * happen due to spurious wakeup (ignorable) or another thread acquiring the lock before the
     * current thread can and returning the guard to the unsatisfied state.  In the latter case the
     * other thread (last thread modifying the state protected by the monitor) takes over the
     * responsibility of signalling the next waiter.
     * This method must not be called from within a beginWaitingFor/endWaitingFor block, or else the
     * current thread's guard might be mistakenly signalled, leading to a lost signal.
    private void signalNextWaiter() {
        for (Guard guard = activeGuards; guard != null; guard = {
            if (isSatisfied(guard)) {

     * Exactly like signalNextWaiter, but caller guarantees that guardToSkip need not be considered,
     * because caller has previously checked that guardToSkip.isSatisfied() returned false.
     * An optimization for the case that guardToSkip.isSatisfied() may be expensive.
     * We decided against using this method, since in practice, isSatisfied() is likely to be very
     * cheap (typically one field read).  Resurrect this method if you find that not to be true.
    //   @GuardedBy("lock")
    //   private void signalNextWaiterSkipping(Guard guardToSkip) {
    //     for (Guard guard = activeGuards; guard != null; guard = {
    //       if (guard != guardToSkip && isSatisfied(guard)) {
    //         guard.condition.signal();
    //         break;
    //       }
    //     }
    //   }

     * Exactly like guard.isSatisfied(), but in addition signals all waiting threads in the
     * (hopefully unlikely) event that isSatisfied() throws.
    private boolean isSatisfied(Guard guard) {
        try {
            return guard.isSatisfied();
        } catch (Throwable throwable) {
            throw Throwables.propagate(throwable);

     * Signals all threads waiting on guards.
    private void signalAllWaiters() {
        for (Guard guard = activeGuards; guard != null; guard = {

     * Records that the current thread is about to wait on the specified guard.
    private void beginWaitingFor(Guard guard) {
        int waiters = guard.waiterCount++;
        if (waiters == 0) {
            // push guard onto activeGuards
   = activeGuards;
            activeGuards = guard;

     * Records that the current thread is no longer waiting on the specified guard.
    private void endWaitingFor(Guard guard) {
        int waiters = --guard.waiterCount;
        if (waiters == 0) {
            // unlink guard from activeGuards
            for (Guard p = activeGuards, pred = null;; pred = p, p = {
                if (p == guard) {
                    if (pred == null) {
                        activeGuards =;
                    } else {
           = null; // help GC

     * Methods that loop waiting on a guard's condition until the guard is satisfied, while
     * recording this fact so that other threads know to check our guard and signal us.
     * It's caller's responsibility to ensure that the guard is *not* currently satisfied.

    private void await(Guard guard, boolean signalBeforeWaiting) throws InterruptedException {
        if (signalBeforeWaiting) {
        try {
            do {
            } while (!guard.isSatisfied());
        } finally {

    private void awaitUninterruptibly(Guard guard, boolean signalBeforeWaiting) {
        if (signalBeforeWaiting) {
        try {
            do {
            } while (!guard.isSatisfied());
        } finally {

     * Caller should check before calling that guard is not satisfied.
    private boolean awaitNanos(Guard guard, long nanos, boolean signalBeforeWaiting) throws InterruptedException {
        boolean firstTime = true;
        try {
            do {
                if (nanos <= 0L) {
                    return false;
                if (firstTime) {
                    if (signalBeforeWaiting) {
                    firstTime = false;
                nanos = guard.condition.awaitNanos(nanos);
            } while (!guard.isSatisfied());
            return true;
        } finally {
            if (!firstTime) {