Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.aino.agents.wso2.mediator; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.synapse.MessageContext; import org.apache.synapse.core.axis2.Axis2MessageContext; import org.apache.synapse.mediators.AbstractMediator; import org.apache.synapse.mediators.MediatorProperty; import org.apache.synapse.util.xpath.SynapseXPath; import org.jaxen.JaxenException; import io.aino.agents.core.Agent; import io.aino.agents.core.Transaction; import io.aino.agents.core.config.InvalidAgentConfigException; import io.aino.agents.wso2.mediator.util.Enum; import io.aino.agents.wso2.mediator.util.Id; import io.aino.agents.wso2.mediator.util.IdPropertyBuilder; import io.aino.agents.wso2.mediator.util.MediatorLocation; import static io.aino.agents.wso2.mediator.config.AinoMediatorConfigConstants.*; /** * WSO2 ESB mediator. */ public class AinoMediator extends AbstractMediator { public Agent ainoAgent; private String separator; private String operation; private String message; private String esbServerName; private String fromApplication; private String toApplication; private String payloadType; private Enum.Status status; private final MediatorLocation mediatorLocation; private List<MediatorProperty> customProperties; private final List<Id> idList = new ArrayList<Id>(); @SuppressWarnings("serial") private class DataFieldList extends ArrayList<String> { public DataFieldList(List<String> data) { this.addAll(data); } public boolean doesNotContain(String item) { return !this.contains(item); } } private DataFieldList dataFields = new DataFieldList(Arrays.asList("from", "to", "message", "status", "timestamp", "operation", "ids", "flowId", "payloadType")); /** * Constructor. * * @param ml mediator location * @param agent aino agent instance */ public AinoMediator(MediatorLocation ml, Agent agent) { this.mediatorLocation = ml; this.ainoAgent = agent; } private static MediatorProperty getMediatorProperty(String name, String value, String expression) throws JaxenException { MediatorProperty mp = new MediatorProperty(); mp.setName(name); mp.setValue(value); if (null == expression) { return mp; } invokePropertyExpression(expression, mp); return mp; } private static Object invokePropertyExpression(String expression, MediatorProperty mp) { try { // Workaround for a peculiar WSO2 update approach where an // intermediate (SynapsePath) class was added into the class // hierarchy Class<?> parameterClass = getParameterClass(); Class<?> synapseXPathClass = getSynapseXpathClass(); Method setExpression = MediatorProperty.class.getMethod("setExpression", parameterClass); return setExpression.invoke(mp, synapseXPathClass.getConstructor(String.class).newInstance(expression)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InvalidAgentConfigException( "Unable to initialize a AinoMediator due to a reflection-related exception.", e); } } private static Class<?> getSynapseXpathClass() { return getClassForName("org.apache.synapse.util.xpath.SynapseXPath"); } private static Class<?> getParameterClass() { return getClassForName(getParameterClassName()); } private static Class<?> getClassForName(String name) { try { return Class.forName(name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not instantiate class: " + name); } } private static String getParameterClassName() { String esb480OrLater = "org.apache.synapse.config.xml.SynapsePath"; String beforeEsb480 = "org.apache.synapse.util.xpath.SynapseXPath"; try { // If running in ESB v4.8.0 or newer Class.forName(esb480OrLater); return esb480OrLater; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // If running in ESB older than v4.8.0 return beforeEsb480; } } /** * Adds id xpath with id type key. * * @param typeKey type key * @param xPath xpath of ids */ public void addId(String typeKey, SynapseXPath xPath) { idList.add(new Id(typeKey, xPath)); } /** * Adds custom list of {@link MediatorProperty}. * They will be logged by ESB. * * @param properties properties to add */ public void setProperties(List<MediatorProperty> properties) { customProperties = properties; } /** * Gets all custom {@link MediatorProperty}. * * @return custom properties */ public List<MediatorProperty> getProperties() { return customProperties; } @Override public boolean mediate(MessageContext context) { try { initTransportHeadersMap(context); Transaction transaction = createTransaction(context); new IdPropertyBuilder(this.idList).buildToContext(context, transaction); processTransaction(context, transaction); logToEsb(context, transaction); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error occurred while trying to log to!", e); } return true; } private void logToEsb(MessageContext context, Transaction transaction) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (MediatorProperty prop : customProperties) { sb.append(prop.getName()).append(" = ").append(prop.getValue()); sb.append(this.separator); } if (transaction != null) { appendNormalFieldsToLogMessage(transaction, sb); appendIdsToLogMessage(transaction, sb); }; } private void appendIdsToLogMessage(Transaction transaction, StringBuilder sb) { sb.append("ids = ["); for (String idName : transaction.getIds().keySet()) { sb.append(idName).append(": ["); List<String> ids = transaction.getIds().get(idName); sb.append(StringUtils.join(ids, ",")).append("],"); } sb.append("]"); } private void appendNormalFieldsToLogMessage(Transaction transaction, StringBuilder sb) { appendNameAndValueToLogMessage("operation", ainoAgent.getAgentConfig().getOperations().getEntry(transaction.getOperationKey()), sb); appendNameAndValueToLogMessage("flowId", transaction.getFlowId(), sb); appendNameAndValueToLogMessage("message", transaction.getMessage(), sb); appendNameAndValueToLogMessage("status", transaction.getStatus(), sb); appendNameAndValueToLogMessage("payloadType", ainoAgent.getAgentConfig().getPayloadTypes().getEntry(transaction.getPayloadTypeKey()), sb); appendNameAndValueToLogMessage("from", ainoAgent.getAgentConfig().getApplications().getEntry(transaction.getFromKey()), sb); appendNameAndValueToLogMessage("to", ainoAgent.getAgentConfig().getApplications().getEntry(transaction.getToKey()), sb); appendNameAndValueToLogMessage("ainoTimestamp", String.valueOf(transaction.getTimestamp()), sb); } private void appendNameAndValueToLogMessage(String name, String value, StringBuilder sb) { sb.append(name).append(" = ").append(value).append(this.separator); } private void processTransaction(MessageContext context, Transaction transaction) { if (transaction == null) { return; } addFieldsToTransaction(transaction); for (MediatorProperty property : customProperties) { if (isMetadataProperty(property)) { String propertyValue = property.getValue() != null ? property.getValue() : property.getEvaluatedExpression(context); transaction.addMetadata(property.getName(), propertyValue); } } ainoAgent.addTransaction(transaction); } private boolean isMetadataProperty(MediatorProperty prop) { if (prop == null) return false; return this.dataFields.doesNotContain(prop.getName()); } private void addFieldsToTransaction(Transaction transaction) { transaction.setFromKey(this.fromApplication); transaction.setToKey(this.toApplication); transaction.setMessage(this.message); transaction.setStatus(this.status == null ? "" : this.status.toString()); transaction.setPayloadTypeKey(this.payloadType); } private Transaction createTransaction(MessageContext context) { String flowId = validateOrSetAinoFlowId(context); String operationKey = validateOrSetAinoOperationName(context); Transaction transaction = null; if (ainoAgent.isEnabled()) { transaction = ainoAgent.newTransaction(); transaction.setFlowId(flowId); transaction.setOperationKey(operationKey); transaction.addMetadata("artifactName", mediatorLocation.getArtifactName()); transaction.addMetadata("esbServerName", esbServerName); transaction.addMetadata("artifactType", mediatorLocation.getArtifactType()); transaction.addMetadata("artifactName", mediatorLocation.getArtifactName()); transaction.addMetadata("lineNumber", Integer.toString(mediatorLocation.getLineNumber())); if (status == Enum.Status.FAILURE) { addErrorMetadata(context, transaction); } } return transaction; } private void addErrorMetadata(MessageContext context, Transaction transaction) { if (context.getProperty("ERROR_CODE") != null) { transaction.addMetadata("errorCode", context.getProperty("ERROR_CODE").toString()); } if (context.getProperty("ERROR_MESSAGE") != null) { transaction.addMetadata("errorMessage", context.getProperty("ERROR_MESSAGE").toString()); } if (context.getProperty("ERROR_DETAIL") != null) { transaction.addMetadata("errorDetails", context.getProperty("ERROR_DETAIL").toString()); } if (context.getProperty("ERROR_EXCEPTION") != null) { transaction.addMetadata("errorException", context.getProperty("ERROR_EXCEPTION").toString()); } } /** * Creates a transport headers map if one does not exist. * * @param context */ private Map<String, String> initTransportHeadersMap(MessageContext context) { org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext axis2MessageContext = ((Axis2MessageContext) context) .getAxis2MessageContext(); Map<String, String> headersMap = (Map<String, String>) axis2MessageContext .getProperty(org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext.TRANSPORT_HEADERS); if (headersMap == null) { headersMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); context.setProperty(org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext.TRANSPORT_HEADERS, headersMap); } return headersMap; } private String validateOrSetAinoOperationName(MessageContext context) { String operationKey; if (null != operation) { operationKey = operation; } else { operationKey = getOperationFromHeadersAndContext(context); } setPropertyToTransportHeadersMap(context, AINO_OPERATION_KEY_PROPERTY_NAME, operationKey); return operationKey; } private String getOperationFromHeadersAndContext(MessageContext context) { String ainoOperationName = getOperationNameFromTransportHeaders(context); if (null == ainoOperationName) { ainoOperationName = getOperationNameFromMessageContext(context); } return ainoOperationName; } private String getOperationNameFromTransportHeaders(MessageContext context) { // This logic is in place for situations where the message is coming back from a system which doesn't return custom transport headers. try { Map<String, String> headersMap = getTransportHeadersMap(context); return headersMap.get(AINO_OPERATION_KEY_PROPERTY_NAME); } catch (ClassCastException ignored) { return null; } } private String getOperationNameFromMessageContext(MessageContext context) { try { String name = (String) context.getProperty(AINO_OPERATION_KEY_PROPERTY_NAME); return name; } catch (ClassCastException ignored) { return null; } } private void setPropertyToTransportHeadersMap(MessageContext context, String key, String value) { Map<String, String> headersMap = getTransportHeadersMap(context); headersMap.put(key, value); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Map<String, String> getTransportHeadersMap(MessageContext context) { return initTransportHeadersMap(context); } private String validateOrSetAinoFlowId(MessageContext context) { Map<String, String> headersMap = getTransportHeadersMap(context); String flowId = headersMap.get(AINO_FLOW_ID_PROPERTY_NAME); if (null == flowId) { flowId = getFlowIdFromMessageContext(context); } if (null == flowId) { flowId = ((Axis2MessageContext) context).getAxis2MessageContext().getMessageID(); } setPropertyToTransportHeadersMap(context, AINO_FLOW_ID_PROPERTY_NAME, flowId); return flowId; } private String getFlowIdFromMessageContext(MessageContext context) { try { String flowId = (String) context.getProperty(AINO_FLOW_ID_PROPERTY_NAME); return flowId; } catch (ClassCastException e) { return null; } } /** * Gets mediator location. * * @return mediator location */ public MediatorLocation getMediatorLocation() { return mediatorLocation; } /** * Gets separator used in logging. * Separator is used in between properties. * * @return separator */ public String getSeparator() { return separator; } /** * Sets separator used in logging. * * @param separator separator */ public void setSeparator(String separator) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(separator)) { separator = ","; } this.separator = separator; } /** * Gets operation key configured to this mediator. * * @return operation key */ public String getOperation() { return operation; } /** * Sets operation key. * * @param operation operation key */ public void setOperation(String operation) { this.operation = operation; } /** * Gets message configured to this mediator. * * @return message */ public String getMessage() { return message; } /** * Sets message. * * @param message message to set */ public void setMessage(String message) { this.message = message; } /** * Gets the server name of ESB. * * @return name of server */ public String getEsbServerName() { return esbServerName; } /** * Sets the server name of ESB. * * @param esbServerName server name */ public void setEsbServerName(String esbServerName) { this.esbServerName = esbServerName; } /** * Gets configured 'to application'. * * @return to applcation key */ public String getFromApplication() { return fromApplication; } /** * Sets 'from' application. * * @param fromApplication from application key */ public void setFromApplication(String fromApplication) { this.fromApplication = fromApplication; } /** * Gets configured 'to' application. * * @return to application key */ public String getToApplication() { return toApplication; } /** * Sets 'to' application. * * @param toApplication to application key */ public void setToApplication(String toApplication) { this.toApplication = toApplication; } /** * Sets payload type. * * @param payloadTypeKey payload type key */ public void setPayloadType(String payloadTypeKey) { this.payloadType = payloadTypeKey; } /** * Gets payload type. * * @return payload type key */ public String getPayloadType() { return this.payloadType; } /** * Gets status. * * @return status (success, failure, unknown) */ public String getStatus() { if (status == null) { return null; } return status.toString(); } /** * Sets status. * Valid values are: "success", "failure" and "unknown". * * @param statusString status * @throws IllegalArgumentException when status is invalid */ public void setStatus(String statusString) { Enum.Status status = Enum.Status.getStatus(statusString); if (status == null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("AinoMediator status must me one of: "); sb.append(Arrays.toString(Enum.Status.values())); throw new InvalidAgentConfigException(sb.toString()); } this.status = status; } /** * Gets list of {@link Id}s. * * @return ids */ public List<Id> getIdList() { return idList; } /** * Sets 'to' or 'from' application, based on direction. * * @param direction direction * @param applicationKey application key */ public void setApplication(Enum.ApplicationDirection direction, String applicationKey) { switch (direction) { case TO: this.setToApplication(applicationKey); break; case FROM: this.setFromApplication(applicationKey); break; } } }