Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to Neo Technology under one or more contributor * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. Neo Technology licenses this file to you under * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package internal.product; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken; import common.CommonLabels; import common.CommonProperties; import common.CommonRelationships; import org.neo4j.graphdb.*; import org.neo4j.string.UTF8; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static common.CommonLabels.*; import static common.CommonRelationships.CARRIES; @Path("/import") public class ProductImportResource { private static final long BATCH_SIZE = 50000; private final GraphDatabaseService db; Map<Long, Node> accountLRU = lruCache(10); Map<Long, Node> merchantLRU = lruCache(10); Map<String, Node> brandLRU = lruCache(100); Map<String, Node> categoryLRU = lruCache(5000); JsonFactory jfactory = new JsonFactory(); public ProductImportResource(@Context GraphDatabaseService database) { this.db = database; } @POST @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/batch") public Response batch(InputStream batch, @Context HttpServletRequest request) { try { JsonParser parser = jfactory.createParser(batch); while (parser.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) { System.out.println(parser.getCurrentToken()); } } catch (IOException e) { return Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).entity(UTF8.encode(e.toString())).build(); } return Response.status(Status.OK).entity(UTF8.encode("Hello world:")).build(); } @GET @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) @Path("/file") public Response file(@HeaderParam("path") String path, @HeaderParam("skip") long skip, @HeaderParam("max") long max) { System.out.println("Product Load! path:" + path + " skip:" + skip + " max:" + max); Summary summary = new Summary(); if (max == 0) max = Long.MAX_VALUE; try (BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(Paths.get(path))) { for (int i = 0; i < skip; i++) { reader.readLine(); } long bufferSize = 0; Transaction tx = db.beginTx(); try { for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { if (bufferSize >= BATCH_SIZE) { tx.success(); tx.close(); tx = db.beginTx(); summary.batches++; bufferSize = 0; } String line = reader.readLine(); if (line == null) { summary.eof = true; break; } if (!processLine(line.toString(), summary, accountLRU, merchantLRU, brandLRU)) { StringBuilder extendedLine = new StringBuilder(line); boolean success = false; for (int retry = 0; retry < 20; retry++) { summary.failed++; if (i == max) { break; } line = reader.readLine(); i++; if (line == null) { summary.eof = true; break; } if (processLine(line, summary, accountLRU, merchantLRU, brandLRU)) { summary.processed++; bufferSize++; break; } extendedLine.append(line); if (processLine(extendedLine.toString(), summary, accountLRU, merchantLRU, brandLRU)) { summary.processed++; bufferSize++; summary.failed -= retry + 1; summary.multi_lines++; // System.out.println("Combined lines:"+(retry+1)); success = true; break; } } if (!success) { //System.out.println("Failed on:"+extendedLine.toString()); } } else { summary.processed++; bufferSize++; } if (i % 10000 == 0) { System.out.println(summary); } } } catch (Exception ex) { summary.batches++; tx.success(); tx.close(); ex.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Failed:" + summary); return Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) .entity(UTF8.encode("{\"error\":\"" + ex.getMessage() + "\"}")).build(); } finally { tx.success(); summary.batches++; tx.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Failed:" + summary); return Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) .entity(UTF8.encode("{\"error\":\"" + e.getMessage() + "\"}")).build(); } System.out.println("Done:" + summary); return Response .status(Status.OK).entity(UTF8.encode("{\"" + path + "\":\"OK\" , \"processed\":" + summary.processed + ", \"failed\":" + summary.failed + ", \"eof\":" + summary.eof + " }")) .build(); } static public class Summary { public long processed; public long failed; public long lru_hits; public long creates; public long batches; public long graph_hits; public long merch_brand_creates; public long merch_brand_reuse; public long cat_reuse; public long cat_creates; public long multi_lines; public boolean eof = false; @Override public String toString() { return "Summary{" + "processed=" + processed + ", failed=" + failed + ", lru_hits=" + lru_hits + ", creates=" + creates + ", batches=" + batches + ", graph_hits=" + graph_hits + ", brand_creates=" + merch_brand_creates + ", brand_reuse=" + merch_brand_reuse + ", cat_creates=" + cat_creates + ", cat_reuse=" + cat_reuse + ", multi_lines=" + multi_lines + ", eof=" + eof + '}'; } } private boolean processLine(String s, Summary summary, Map<Long, Node> accountLRU, Map<Long, Node> merchantLRU, Map<String, Node> brandLRU) { Node productNode = db.createNode(PRODUCT, SUBJECT); try { ProductFeedLine line = new ProductFeedLine(s); CommonProperties.setBaseProductProperties(productNode, line.productID,, line.pageID, line.variant, line.locale, line.description, line.productURL, line.imageURL, line.discontinued,; // create / find account Node accountNode = accountLRU.get(line.accountID); if (accountNode == null) { accountNode = db.findNode(ACCOUNT, CommonProperties.ACCOUNT_ID, line.accountID); if (accountNode == null) { accountNode = db.createNode(ACCOUNT); CommonProperties.setAccountProperties(accountNode, line.accountID); summary.creates++; } else { summary.graph_hits++; } accountLRU.put(line.accountID, accountNode); } else { summary.lru_hits++; } Node merchantNode = merchantLRU.get(line.merchantID); if (merchantNode == null) { merchantNode = db.findNode(MERCHANT, CommonProperties.MERCHANT_ID, line.merchantID); if (merchantNode == null) { merchantNode = db.createNode(MERCHANT, SUBJECT); CommonProperties.setMerchantProperties(merchantNode, line.merchantID, line.merchantGroupID); accountNode.createRelationshipTo(merchantNode, CommonRelationships.OWNS); summary.creates++; } else { summary.graph_hits++; } merchantLRU.put(line.merchantID, merchantNode); } else { summary.lru_hits++; } Node brandNode = null; if (!line.brand.isEmpty()) { brandNode = brandLRU.get(line.brand); if (brandNode == null) { brandNode = db.findNode(BRAND, CommonProperties.BRAND_NAME, line.brand); if (brandNode == null) { brandNode = db.createNode(BRAND, SUBJECT); CommonProperties.setBrandProperties(brandNode, line.brand); summary.creates++; } else { summary.graph_hits++; } brandLRU.put(line.brand, brandNode); } else { summary.lru_hits++; } } Node catEdgeNode = null; String categoryPath = line.catPath; catEdgeNode = categoryLRU.get(line.merchantID + categoryPath); if (catEdgeNode == null) { List<String> categories = CategoryProcessor.splitCategories(categoryPath); catEdgeNode = CategoryProcessor.mergeCategoryPath(merchantNode, categories, summary); categoryLRU.put(line.merchantID + categoryPath, catEdgeNode); } else { summary.cat_reuse++; } productNode.createRelationshipTo(catEdgeNode, CommonRelationships.FITS); if (brandNode != null) { brandNode.createRelationshipTo(productNode, CommonRelationships.MARKETS); boolean connectedToMerchant = false; for (Relationship r : brandNode.getRelationships(Direction.INCOMING, CommonRelationships.CARRIES)) { if (r.getStartNode().getId() == merchantNode.getId()) { summary.merch_brand_reuse++; connectedToMerchant = true; break; } } if (!connectedToMerchant) { summary.merch_brand_creates++; merchantNode.createRelationshipTo(brandNode, CARRIES); } } } catch (Throwable n) { productNode.delete(); return false; } return true; } private <K, V> Map<K, V> lruCache(final int maxSize) { return new LinkedHashMap<K, V>(maxSize * 4 / 3, 0.75f, true) { @Override protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<K, V> eldest) { return size() > maxSize; } }; } }