Source code

Java tutorial


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 * This file Copyright (c) 2003-2012 Magnolia International
 * Ltd.  ( All rights reserved.
 * This file is dual-licensed under both the Magnolia
 * Network Agreement and the GNU General Public License.
 * You may elect to use one or the other of these licenses.
 * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be
 * useful, but AS-IS and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
 * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
 * Redistribution, except as permitted by whichever of the GPL
 * or MNA you select, is prohibited.
 * 1. For the GPL license (GPL), you can redistribute and/or
 * modify this file under the terms of the GNU General
 * Public License, Version 3, as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation.  You should have received a copy of the GNU
 * General Public License, Version 3 along with this program;
 * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
 * Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * 2. For the Magnolia Network Agreement (MNA), this file
 * and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the MNA which accompanies this distribution, and
 * is available at
 * Any modifications to this file must keep this entire header
 * intact.
package info.magnolia.cms.core;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import static org.easymock.EasyMock.*;

import info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ContentRepository;
import info.magnolia.cms.core.version.VersionManager;
import info.magnolia.cms.util.NodeDataUtil;
import info.magnolia.cms.util.Rule;
import info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext;
import info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes;
import info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil;
import info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertiesImportExport;
import info.magnolia.repository.Provider;
import info.magnolia.repository.RepositoryConstants;
import info.magnolia.test.RepositoryTestCase;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import javax.jcr.Node;
import javax.jcr.PathNotFoundException;
import javax.jcr.Property;
import javax.jcr.PropertyIterator;
import javax.jcr.PropertyType;
import javax.jcr.RepositoryException;
import javax.jcr.Session;
import javax.jcr.UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException;
import javax.jcr.Value;
import javax.jcr.ValueFactory;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.JcrConstants;
import org.easymock.IAnswer;
import org.junit.Test;

 * Tests.
public class NodeTest extends RepositoryTestCase {

    public interface ExceptionThrowingCallback {
        void call() throws Exception;

    public void testAddMixin() throws IOException, RepositoryException {
        final Node content = getTestNode();
        final String repoName = content.getSession().getWorkspace().getName();
        final String mixDeleted = "mgnl:deleted";
        final Provider repoProvider = ContentRepository.getRepositoryProvider(repoName);
        final String mgnlMixDeleted = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + "<nodeTypes"
                + " xmlns:rep=\"internal\"" + " xmlns:nt=\"\""
                + " xmlns:mix=\"\""
                + " xmlns:mgnl=\"\"" + " xmlns:jcr=\"\">"
                + "<nodeType name=\"" + mixDeleted
                + "\" isMixin=\"true\" hasOrderableChildNodes=\"true\" primaryItemName=\"\">" + "<supertypes>"
                + "<supertype>nt:base</supertype>" + "</supertypes>" + "</nodeType>" + "</nodeTypes>";

        try {
            repoProvider.registerNodeTypes(new ByteArrayInputStream(mgnlMixDeleted.getBytes()));
        } catch (RepositoryException e) {
            // ignore, either it's already registered and test will pass, or type can't be registered and test should fail


    public void testReadingANodeData() throws IOException, RepositoryException {
        Node content = getTestNode();
        Property nodeData = content.getProperty("nd1");
        assertEquals("hello", nodeData.getString());

    public void testThatReadingANonExistingNodeDataFail() throws IOException, RepositoryException {
        Node content = getTestNode();
        try {
            // this should fail
            Property nodeData = content.getProperty("nd2");
            fail("should have failed to retrieve non existing property");
        } catch (PathNotFoundException e) {
            // ignore

    public void testSettingAnExistingNodeData() throws IOException, RepositoryException {
        Node content = getTestNode();
        // this should not fail
        Value value = createValue("test");
        Property nodeData = content.setProperty("nd1", value);
        assertEquals("test", nodeData.getString());

    public void testSettingANonExistingNodeDataCreatesANewNodeData() throws IOException, RepositoryException {
        Node content = getTestNode();
        Value value = createValue("test");
        // does not exist yet
        Property nodeData = content.setProperty("nd2", value);
        assertEquals("test", nodeData.getString());

    // TODO: review JCR Node doesn't support empty properties!
    // public void testCreatingAnEmptyNodeDataSetsADefaultValueIfPossible() throws IOException, RepositoryException {
    // Node content = getTestNode();
    // Property nodeData = content.setProperty("nd2", PropertyType.BOOLEAN);
    // assertTrue(nodeData.isNew());
    // assertEquals(PropertyType.BOOLEAN, nodeData.getType());
    // }

    public void testCreatingAndSettingANodeData() throws IOException, RepositoryException {
        Node content = getTestNode();
        // this should not fail
        Property nodeData = content.setProperty("nd2", "test");
        assertEquals("test", nodeData.getString());

    public void testCreatingAnExistingNodeDataDoesNotFail() throws IOException, RepositoryException {
        Node content = getTestNode();
        Property nodeData = content.setProperty("nd1", "other");
        assertEquals("other", nodeData.getString());

    // TODO: review if binary node data handling
    // public void testCreatingAndReadingABinaryNodeData() throws IOException, RepositoryException{
    // Node content = getTestNode();
    // String binaryContent = "the content";
    // Property nodeData = content.setProperty("nd2", PropertyType.BINARY);
    // nodeData.setValue(IOUtils.toInputStream(binaryContent));
    // nodeData.setAttribute(FileProperties.PROPERTY_CONTENTTYPE, "text/plain");
    // nodeData.setAttribute(FileProperties.PROPERTY_LASTMODIFIED, Calendar.getInstance());
    // Property = content.getProperty("nd2");
    // assertEquals(binaryContent, IOUtils.toString(nodeData.getStream()));
    // //assertEquals("filename", nodeData.getAttribute(FileProperties.PROPERTY_FILENAME));
    // }

    // TODO: review JCR Node doesn't support empty properties!
    // public void testThatReadingANonExistingNodeDataReturnsAnEmptyNodeData() throws IOException, RepositoryException{
    // Node content = getTestNode();
    // Property nd = content.getProperty("nirvana");
    // assertEquals("nirvana", nd.getName());
    // assertEquals("", nd.getString());
    // assertEquals(false, nd.getBoolean());
    // assertEquals(0, nd.getLong());
    // }

    // TODO: review JCR Node doesn't support empty properties!
    // public void testThatReadingANonExistingNodeDataReturnsAnEmptyNodeDataWhichIsUnmutable() throws IOException, RepositoryException{
    // Node content = getTestNode();
    // Property nd = content.getProperty("nirvana");
    // try{
    // nd.setValue("value");
    // }
    // catch(ItemNotFoundException e){
    // return;
    // }
    // fail("should throw an exception");
    // }

    private Node getTestNode() throws IOException, RepositoryException {
        String contentProperties = "/mycontent.@type=mgnl:content\n" + "/mycontent.nd1=hello";

        Session hm = MgnlContext.getJCRSession(RepositoryConstants.WEBSITE);
        new PropertiesImportExport().createNodes(hm.getRootNode(), IOUtils.toInputStream(contentProperties));;
        Node content = hm.getNode("/mycontent");
        return content;

    //    public void testPermissionCheckedOnDeleteNodeData() throws Exception {
    //        HierarchyManager hm = MgnlContext.getHierarchyManager(RepositoryConstants.WEBSITE);
    //        // create the content while we have full permissions
    //        final Content node = hm.createContent("/", "foo", ItemType.CONTENTNODE.getSystemName());
    //        node.createNodeData("bar").setValue("test");
    //        AccessManager am = new AccessManagerImpl();
    //        setPermission(am, "/*", Permission.READ);
    //        // test that we can read
    //        assertTrue(node.hasNodeData("bar"));
    //        assertEquals("test", node.getNodeData("bar").getString());
    //        mustFailWithAccessDeniedException(new ExceptionThrowingCallback() {
    //            public void call() throws Exception {
    //                node.setNodeData("bar", "other");
    //            }
    //        }, "should not be allowed to set a value");
    //        mustFailWithAccessDeniedException(new ExceptionThrowingCallback() {
    //            public void call() throws Exception {
    //                node.delete("bar");
    //            }
    //        }, "should not be allowed to delete a nodedata");
    //        mustFailWithAccessDeniedException(new ExceptionThrowingCallback() {
    //            public void call() throws Exception {
    //                node.deleteNodeData("bar");
    //            }
    //        }, "should not be allowed to delete a nodedata");
    //    }
    //    private void mustFailWithAccessDeniedException(ExceptionThrowingCallback callback, String msg) throws Exception {
    //        try{
    //  ;
    //        }
    //        catch (AccessDeniedException e) {
    //            // this expected
    //            return;
    //        }
    //        fail(msg);
    //    }
    //    private void setPermission(AccessManager am, String path, long permissionValue) {
    //        List<Permission> permissions = am.getPermissionList();
    //        if(permissions == null){
    //            permissions = new ArrayList<Permission>();
    //        }
    //        PermissionImpl permission = new PermissionImpl();
    //        permission.setPattern(new SimpleUrlPattern(path));
    //        permission.setPermissions(permissionValue);
    //        permissions.add(permission);
    //        am.setPermissionList(permissions);
    //    }

    public void testIsNodeTypeForNodeChecksPrimaryType() throws RepositoryException {
        final Node node = createMock(Node.class);
        final Property nodeTypeProp = createStrictMock(Property.class);
        expect(node.isNodeType((String) anyObject())).andAnswer(new IAnswer<Boolean>() {
            public Boolean answer() throws Throwable {
                return getCurrentArguments()[0].equals("foo");
        replay(node, nodeTypeProp);

        final DefaultContent c = new DefaultContent();
        assertTrue(c.isNodeType(node, "foo"));
        assertFalse(c.isNodeType(node, "bar"));
        verify(node, nodeTypeProp);

    public void testIsNodeTypeForNodeCheckFrozenTypeIfWereNotLookingForFrozenNodes() throws Exception {
        // GIVEN
        final Node node = MgnlContext.getJCRSession(RepositoryConstants.WEBSITE).getRootNode().addNode("testPage",
        final Node version = VersionManager.getInstance()
                .addVersion(node, new Rule(NodeTypes.ContentNode.NAME, ",")).getFrozenNode();

        // WHEN-THEN
        assertTrue(NodeUtil.isNodeType(version, NodeTypes.ContentNode.NAME));

    public void testIsNodeTypeForNodeCheckFrozenTypeForSupertypesIfWereNotLookingForFrozenNodes() throws Exception {
        // GIVEN
        final Node node = MgnlContext.getJCRSession(RepositoryConstants.WEBSITE).getRootNode().addNode("testPage",
        final Node version = VersionManager.getInstance()
                .addVersion(node, new Rule(NodeTypes.ContentNode.NAME, ",")).getFrozenNode();

        // WHEN-THEN
        assertTrue(NodeUtil.isNodeType(version, NodeTypes.ContentNode.NAME));

    public void testIsNotNodeTypeForNodeCheckFrozenTypeIfWereNotLookingForFrozenNodes() throws Exception {
        // GIVEN
        final Node node = MgnlContext.getJCRSession(RepositoryConstants.WEBSITE).getRootNode().addNode("testPage",
        final Node version = VersionManager.getInstance()
                .addVersion(node, new Rule(NodeTypes.ContentNode.NAME, ",")).getFrozenNode();

        // WHEN-THEN
        assertFalse(NodeUtil.isNodeType(version, NodeTypes.ContentNode.NAME));

    public void testIsNodeTypeForNodeDoesNotCheckFrozenTypeIfTheRequestedTypeIsFrozenType()
            throws RepositoryException {
        final Node node = createStrictMock(Node.class);
        final Property nodeTypeProp = createStrictMock(Property.class);

        replay(node, nodeTypeProp);
        final DefaultContent c = new DefaultContent();
        assertTrue(c.isNodeType(node, JcrConstants.NT_FROZENNODE));
        verify(node, nodeTypeProp);

    public void testNameFilteringWorksForBothBinaryAndNonBinaryProperties() throws Exception {
        String contentProperties = StringUtils.join(Arrays.asList("/somepage/mypage.@type=mgnl:content",

                // 2 regular props

                // 3 binaries
                // being a binary node, magnolia knows to store data as jcr:data w/o need to be explicitly told so



                // and more which should not match
                "/somepage/mypage/paragraphs/", "/somepage/mypage/paragraphs/0.mybool=boolean:true",
                "/somepage/mypage/paragraphs/0/rand.jcr\\:lastModified=date:2009-10-14T08:59:01.227-04:00"), "\n");
        final Session hm = MgnlContext.getJCRSession(RepositoryConstants.WEBSITE);
        new PropertiesImportExport().createNodes(hm.getRootNode(), IOUtils.toInputStream(contentProperties));;

        final Node content = hm.getNode("/somepage/mypage/paragraphs/0");
        final PropertyIterator props = content.getProperties("att*|ima*");

        // sort by name
        final TreeSet<Property> sorted = new TreeSet<Property>(new Comparator<Property>() {
            public int compare(Property o1, Property o2) {
                try {
                    return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName());
                } catch (RepositoryException e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(e);

        while (props.hasNext()) {

        // TODO: SCRUM-306 (3 binary props are now nodes not props)
        // assertEquals(5, sorted.size());
        // final Iterator<Property> it = sorted.iterator();
        // final Property a =;
        // final Property b =;
        // final Property c =;
        // final Property d =;
        // final Property e =;
        // assertEquals("attachment1", a.getName());
        // assertEquals(PropertyType.BINARY, a.getType());
        // assertEquals("attachment2", b.getName());
        // assertEquals(PropertyType.BINARY, b.getType());
        // assertEquals("image3", d.getName());
        // assertEquals(PropertyType.BINARY, d.getType());
        // assertEquals("image3", d.getName());
        // assertEquals(PropertyType.BINARY, d.getType());
        // assertEquals("attention", c.getName());
        // assertEquals(PropertyType.STRING, c.getType());
        // assertEquals("booyah", c.getString());
        // assertEquals("imaginary", e.getName());
        // assertEquals(PropertyType.DATE, e.getType());
        // assertEquals(true, e.getDate().before(Calendar.getInstance()));

    public void testStringPropertiesCanBeRetrievedByStreamAndViceVersa() throws Exception {
        String[] contentProperties = new String[] { "/",
                // a binary
                "/hello/bin.@type=mgnl:resource", "/hello/bin.fileName=hello", "/hello/bin.extension=gif",
                "/hello/bin.jcr\\:data=binary:some-data", "/hello/bin.jcr\\:mimeType=image/gif",
                "/hello/bin.jcr\\:lastModified=date:2009-10-14T08:59:01.227-04:00" };
        final Session hm = MgnlContext.getJCRSession(RepositoryConstants.WEBSITE);
        new PropertiesImportExport().createNodes(hm.getRootNode(), contentProperties);;

        final Node content = hm.getNode("/hello");
        final Property st = content.getProperty("foo");
        assertEquals(PropertyType.STRING, st.getType());
        assertEquals("bar", st.getString());
        assertEquals("bar", IOUtils.toString(st.getStream()));

        // TODO: SCRUM-306
        // final Property bin = content.getProperty("bin");
        // assertEquals(PropertyType.BINARY, bin.getType());
        // assertEquals("some-data", IOUtils.toString(bin.getStream()));
        // assertEquals("some-data", bin.getString());

    private Value createValue(Object valueObj) throws RepositoryException, UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException {
        ValueFactory valueFactory = MgnlContext.getHierarchyManager("website").getWorkspace().getSession()
        return NodeDataUtil.createValue(valueObj, valueFactory);

    // TODO: SCRUM-308
    // public void testModDate() throws IOException, RepositoryException{
    // Node content = getTestNode();
    // Calendar modDate = MetaDataUtil.getMetaData(content).getModificationDate();
    // Calendar creationDate = MetaDataUtil.getMetaData(content).getCreationDate();
    // assertNotNull(modDate);
    // assertEquals(creationDate, modDate);
    // content.setProperty("test", false);
    // modDate = MetaDataUtil.getMetaData(content).getModificationDate();
    // assertNotNull(modDate);
    // assertNotSame(creationDate, modDate);
    // }

    // TODO: SCRUM-310
    // public void testDelete() throws Exception {
    // // GIVEN content node with version history
    // final Node content = getTestNode();
    // final String uuid = content.getIdentifier();
    // final Node parent = content.getParent();
    // VersionManager.getInstance().addVersion(content);
    // Node versionedContent = MgnlContext.getJCRSession("mgnlVersion").getNodeByIdentifier(uuid);
    // assertNotNull(versionedContent);
    // VersionHistory history = versionedContent.getVersionHistory();
    // // root and current
    // VersionIterator versions = content.getVersionHistory().getAllVersions();
    // // root version
    // assertNotNull(versions.nextVersion());
    // // previously created version
    // assertNotNull(versions.nextVersion());
    // // WHEN we delete the content
    // content.remove();
    // parent.getSession().save();
    // // THEN versioned node and all versions should be deleted as well
    // // make sure versioned node is deleted
    // try {
    // MgnlContext.getHierarchyManager("mgnlVersion").getContentByUUID(uuid);
    // fail("versioned copy should have been deleted but was not.");
    // } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) {
    // // expected
    // }
    // // make sure history has no label => all versions incl. root are gone
    // try {
    // history.getVersionLabels();
    // fail("version history should have been invalidated by JR after manually deleting all versions except root and referencing content");
    // } catch (RepositoryException e) {
    // // no versions exist anymore.
    // }
    // }
