Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import static; import static; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.Model; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ExceptionHandler; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseStatus; /** * * @author PRASAD */ @Controller public class CategoryController { @Autowired ProductHelper pHelper; @Autowired ListGenerator lHelper; @Autowired DAOUtils daoutils; @Autowired ServletContext servletContext; private String singleMobile(HashMap inputMap, Model model) { ArrayList<ProductBean> productdata = (ArrayList) pHelper.getProductDetails(inputMap); if (productdata.size() > 0) { ProductBean pBean = productdata.get(0); inputMap.put(featureTable, pBean.getFeatureTable()); inputMap.put("src_id", pBean.getFeatureSrcId()); inputMap.put("product_id", pBean.getFeatureId()); HashMap fIdMap = pHelper.getFeatureMap(inputMap); HashMap pFeatureMap = pHelper.getProductFeatures(inputMap); HashMap idToFMap = fIdMap; inputMap.put(featureTable, "product_feature_map"); inputMap.put("src_id", 4); inputMap.put("product_id", pBean.getProductId()); HashMap gfIdMap = pHelper.getFeatureMap(inputMap); HashMap gpFeatureMap = pHelper.getProductFeatures(inputMap); HashMap generateMap = pHelper.generateFMap(pBean, "specific"); HashMap gidToFMap = gfIdMap; model.addAttribute("idToFMap", idToFMap); model.addAttribute("pFeatureMap", pFeatureMap); model.addAttribute("gidToFMap", gidToFMap); model.addAttribute("gpFeatureMap", gpFeatureMap); model.addAttribute("generateMap", generateMap); ArrayList catList = (ArrayList) lHelper.getListsDetails(0, (int) inputMap.get(ProductHelper.category)); HashMap alterMap = new HashMap(); alterMap.put(ProductHelper.category, pBean.getCategoryid()); alterMap.put(ProductHelper.maxprice, pBean.getNewPrice() + 2000); alterMap.put(ProductHelper.minprice, pBean.getNewPrice() - 2000); alterMap.put(ProductHelper.from, 0); alterMap.put(, 4); alterMap.put("gFeatureMap", gfIdMap); ArrayList alternateList = (ArrayList) pHelper.getProductLists1(alterMap); model.addAttribute("alternateList", alternateList); model.addAttribute("pBean", pBean); model.addAttribute("pList", productdata); model.addAttribute("catList", catList); } else { throw new CategoryController.ResourceNotFoundException(); } return "product_1"; } private String productList(String unique_id, Model model, HashMap inputMap) { inputMap.put(featureTable, "product_feature_map"); inputMap.put("src_id", 4); inputMap.put(ProductHelper.getFilterVals, 4); HashMap gFeatureMap = pHelper.getFeatureMap(inputMap); inputMap.put("gFeatureMap", gFeatureMap); try { if (inputMap.get("filterQ") != null) { HashMap reqMap = generateRequestMap((String) inputMap.get("filterQ"), gFeatureMap); inputMap.putAll(reqMap); model.addAttribute("filterQ", inputMap.get("filterQ")); } ArrayList data = (ArrayList) pHelper.getProductLists1(inputMap); // if (inputMap.containsKey(pHelper.brandname)) { // model.addAttribute("brandName", ((ArrayList) inputMap.get("brandName")).get(0)); // } ArrayList catList = (ArrayList) lHelper.getListsDetails(0, (int) inputMap.get(ProductHelper.category)); if (data.size() > 0) { model.addAttribute("pBean", data.get(0)); } model.addAttribute("dataList", data); model.addAttribute("cat_id", inputMap.get(ProductHelper.category)); model.addAttribute("bMap", pHelper.selectBrand((int) inputMap.get(ProductHelper.category))); model.addAttribute("gFeatureMap", gFeatureMap); model.addAttribute("catList", catList); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return "category_1"; } private HashMap generateRequestMap(String filterQ, HashMap fMap) { HashMap reqMap = new HashMap(); String[] split = filterQ.split(","); ArrayList filterList = null; for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { String data = split[i].split("=")[0]; String val = split[i].split("=")[1]; if (reqMap.containsKey(data)) { filterList = (ArrayList) reqMap.get(data); } else { filterList = new ArrayList(); } filterList.add(val); reqMap.put(data, filterList); } if (reqMap.containsKey("price")) { ArrayList<String> priceList = (ArrayList) reqMap.get("price"); int minPrice = 1000000000, maxPrice = 0, tMin = 0, tMax = 0; for (String o : priceList) { String t[] = o.split("-"); tMin = Integer.parseInt(t[0]); tMax = Integer.parseInt(t[2]); if (tMin < minPrice) { minPrice = tMin; } if (tMax > maxPrice) { maxPrice = tMax; } } reqMap.put(ProductHelper.minprice, minPrice); reqMap.put(ProductHelper.maxprice, maxPrice); } StringBuilder whereC = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 1; i < 16; i++) { if (reqMap.containsKey("f" + i)) { FeatureBean fBean = (FeatureBean) fMap.get("f" + i); ArrayList<String> fList = fBean.getFilterVals(); whereC.append(" AND ("); ArrayList<String> selfList = (ArrayList) reqMap.get("f" + i); int putOr = 0; for (String o : fList) { for (String o1 : selfList) { if (o.contains(o1)) { if (putOr > 0) { whereC.append(" OR "); } whereC.append(o.split("#")[1]); putOr++; } } } whereC.append(" ) "); } reqMap.put(ProductHelper.whereclause, whereC.toString()); } return reqMap; } private String getHome(Model model, HashMap inputMap) { inputMap.put(ProductHelper.from, 0); inputMap.put(, 6); ArrayList data = (ArrayList) pHelper.getProductLists1(inputMap); model.addAttribute("populer", data); inputMap.put(, 4); model.addAttribute("bMap", pHelper.selectBrand((int) inputMap.get(ProductHelper.category))); ArrayList<String> priceList = (ArrayList) pHelper.getFilterVals(99, (int) inputMap.get(ProductHelper.category)); int i = 0; HashMap priceMap = new HashMap(); for (String p : priceList) { inputMap.put(ProductHelper.whereclause, " and " + p.split("#")[1]); data = (ArrayList) pHelper.getProductLists1(inputMap); priceMap.put(p.split("#")[0], data); i++; } data = (ArrayList) lHelper.getListsDetails(0, (int) inputMap.get(ProductHelper.category)); model.addAttribute("catLists", data); model.addAttribute("priceMap", priceMap); ArrayList catList = (ArrayList) pHelper.getCategoryDetails((int) inputMap.get(ProductHelper.category)); ProductBean catBean = (ProductBean) catList.get(0); model.addAttribute("cat_details", catBean); return "cat_home"; } class ResourceNotFoundException extends RuntimeException { } @ExceptionHandler(ResourceNotFoundException.class) @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND) public String handleResourceNotFoundException() { // System.out.println(""); return "error-404"; } @RequestMapping(value = { "mobile/mobiles-in-india" }) public String getMainHome(Model model) { int category_id = 1; int country_id = 1; try { // model.addAttribute("category_id", category_id); // model.addAttribute("country_id", country_id); return "index"; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new CategoryController.ResourceNotFoundException(); } } @RequestMapping(value = { "{category:[a-zA-Z0-9-]+}/{url:[a-zA-Z0-9-]+}" }) public String getParseUrl(Model model, @PathVariable String category, @PathVariable String url, HttpServletRequest request, @RequestParam(required = false) String filterQ) { String unique_id = null; String page = null; int found = 0; HashMap inputMap = new HashMap(); HashMap catPatternMap = daoutils.getCatPatternMap(); int pageNo = 1; if (request.getParameter("p") != null) { pageNo = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("p")); } int from = ((pageNo - 1) * 20); inputMap.put(ProductHelper.from, from); request.setAttribute("pageNo", (pageNo + 1)); try { if (catPatternMap.containsKey(category)) { LinkedList pList = (LinkedList) catPatternMap.get(category); inputMap.put(ProductHelper.category, pList.get(0)); for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { Pattern pa = Pattern.compile((String) pList.get(i)); Matcher matcher = pa.matcher(url); if (matcher.matches()) { found++; if (i == 2) { unique_id =; inputMap.put(ProductHelper.unique_id, unique_id); page = singleMobile(inputMap, model); break; } if (i == 3) { String brandName =; ArrayList bbList = new ArrayList(); bbList.add(brandName); inputMap.put(ProductHelper.brandname, bbList); model.addAttribute(ProductHelper.brandname, brandName); page = productList(unique_id, model, inputMap); break; } if (i == 1) { inputMap.put("filterQ", filterQ); page = productList(unique_id, model, inputMap); break; } if (i == 4) { inputMap.put("filterQ", filterQ); page = getHome(model, inputMap); break; } } } if (found == 0) { String cUrl = request.getRequestURL().toString(); cUrl = cUrl.substring(cUrl.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); ArrayList<ProductBean> list = (ArrayList) lHelper.getListsDetails(0, 0); for (ProductBean pb : list) { if (pb.getUrl().equals(cUrl)) { inputMap.put(ProductHelper.catListId, pb.getProductId()); inputMap.put("filterQ", filterQ); page = productList(unique_id, model, inputMap); model.addAttribute(ProductHelper.catListId, pb.getProductId()); break; } } } } if (request.getParameter("isAdmin") == null && page.equals("category_1")) { page = "category_2"; } return page; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new CategoryController.ResourceNotFoundException(); } } @RequestMapping(value = { "{category:[a-zA-Z0-9-]+}/", "{category:[a-zA-Z0-9-]+}" }) public String getParseCat(Model model, @PathVariable String category, HttpServletRequest request, @RequestParam(required = false) String filterQ) { String unique_id = null; String page = "error-404"; int found = 0; HashMap inputMap = new HashMap(); HashMap catPatternMap = daoutils.getCatPatternMap(); try { if (catPatternMap.containsKey(category)) { LinkedList pList = (LinkedList) catPatternMap.get(category); inputMap.put(ProductHelper.category, pList.get(0)); inputMap.put("filterQ", filterQ); page = productList(unique_id, model, inputMap); } if (request.getParameter("isAdmin") == null && page.equals("category_1")) { page = "category_2"; } return page; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new CategoryController.ResourceNotFoundException(); } } }