Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * DISCLAIMER: The sample code or utility or tool described herein * is provided on an "as is" basis, without warranty of any kind. * UIDAI does not warrant or guarantee the individual success * developers may have in implementing the sample code on their * environment. * * UIDAI does not warrant, guarantee or make any representations * of any kind with respect to the sample code and does not make * any representations or warranties regarding the use, results * of use, accuracy, timeliness or completeness of any data or * information relating to the sample code. UIDAI disclaims all * warranties, express or implied, and in particular, disclaims * all warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular * purpose, and warranties related to the code, or any service * or software related thereto. * * UIDAI is not responsible for and shall not be liable directly * or indirectly for any direct, indirect damages or costs of any * type arising out of use or any action taken by you or others * related to the sample code. * * THIS IS NOT A SUPPORTED SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************************/ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; import org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderFactory; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource; /** * <code>AuthClient</code> class can be used for submitting an Authentication request to * UIDAI Auth Server, and to get the response back. Given an <code>Auth</code> object, this * class (@see {@link AuthClient#authenticate}) will convert it to XML string, then, * digitally sign it, and submit it to UIDAI Auth Server using HTTP POST message. After, * receiving the resonse, this class converts the response XML into authentication response * @see AuthRes object * * * @author UIDAI * */ public class AuthClient { private URI authServerURI = null; private String asaLicenseKey; private DigitalSigner digitalSignator; /** * Constructor * @param authServerUri - URI of the authentication server */ public AuthClient(URI authServerUri) { this.authServerURI = authServerUri; } /** * Method to perform authentication * @param auth Authentication request * @return Authentication response */ public AuthResponseDetails authenticate(Auth auth) { try { String signedXML = generateSignedAuthXML(auth); System.out.println(signedXML); String uriString = authServerURI.toString() + (authServerURI.toString().endsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + auth.getAc() + "/" + auth.getUid().charAt(0) + "/" + auth.getUid().charAt(1); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(asaLicenseKey)) { uriString = uriString + "/" + asaLicenseKey; } URI authServiceURI = new URI(uriString); WebResource webResource = Client.create(HttpClientHelper.getClientConfig(authServerURI.getScheme())) .resource(authServiceURI); String responseXML = webResource.header("REMOTE_ADDR", InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress()) .post(String.class, signedXML); System.out.println(responseXML); return new AuthResponseDetails(responseXML, parseAuthResponseXML(responseXML)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("Exception during authentication " + e.getMessage(), e); } } private String generateSignedAuthXML(Auth auth) throws JAXBException, Exception { StringWriter authXML = new StringWriter(); JAXBElement authElement = new JAXBElement( new QName("", "Auth"), Auth.class, auth); JAXBContext.newInstance(Auth.class).createMarshaller().marshal(authElement, authXML); boolean includeKeyInfo = true; if (System.getenv().get("SKIP_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE") != null) { return authXML.toString(); } else { return this.digitalSignator.signXML(authXML.toString(), includeKeyInfo); } } private AuthRes parseAuthResponseXML(String xmlToParse) throws JAXBException { //Create an XMLReader to use with our filter try { //Prepare JAXB objects JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(AuthRes.class); Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller(); XMLReader reader; reader = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader(); //Create the filter (to add namespace) and set the xmlReader as its parent. NamespaceFilter inFilter = new NamespaceFilter( "", true); inFilter.setParent(reader); //Prepare the input, in this case a (output) InputSource is = new InputSource(new StringReader(xmlToParse)); //Create a SAXSource specifying the filter SAXSource source = new SAXSource(inFilter, is); //Do unmarshalling AuthRes res = u.unmarshal(source, AuthRes.class).getValue(); return res; } catch (SAXException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * Method to inject an instance of <code>DigitalSigner</code> class. * @param digitalSignator */ public void setDigitalSignator(DigitalSigner digitalSignator) { this.digitalSignator = digitalSignator; } public void setAsaLicenseKey(String asaLicenseKey) { this.asaLicenseKey = asaLicenseKey; } public boolean authenticateAuthData(DeviceCollectedAuthData authData) { boolean result = false; try { //String authServerURL = ""; String asaLicenseKey = "MKHmkuz-MgLYvA54PbwZdo9eC3D5y7SVozWwpNgEPysVqLs_aJgAVOI"; DigitalSigner ds = new DigitalSigner("./public-may2012.p12", "public".toCharArray(), "public"); //AuthClient authClient = new AuthClient(new URL(authServerURL).toURI()); this.setAsaLicenseKey(asaLicenseKey); this.setDigitalSignator(ds); AuthAUADataCreator auaDataCreator = new AuthAUADataCreator(new Encrypter("./Auth_Staging.cer"), true); Meta deviceMetaData = new Meta(); deviceMetaData.setFdc("NC"); deviceMetaData.setIdc("NA"); deviceMetaData.setLot(LocationType.P); deviceMetaData.setLov("560103"); deviceMetaData.setPip(""); deviceMetaData.setUdc("UIDAI:SampleClient"); authData.setDeviceMetaData(deviceMetaData); AuthDataFromDeviceToAUA auaData = auaDataCreator.prepareAUAData(authData.getUid(), "public", authData.getDeviceMetaData(), (Object) PidCreator.createXmlPid(authData), DataType.X); AuthRequestCreator authRequestCreator = new AuthRequestCreator(); Uses usesElement = new Uses(); usesElement.setBio(UsesFlag.N); usesElement.setOtp(UsesFlag.N); usesElement.setPa(UsesFlag.N); usesElement.setPfa(UsesFlag.N); usesElement.setPi(UsesFlag.N); usesElement.setPin(UsesFlag.N); System.out.println("usesElement : " + usesElement.getBt() + "|" + usesElement.getBio() + "|" + usesElement.getOtp() + "|" + usesElement.getPa() + "|" + usesElement.getPfa() + "|" + usesElement.getPi() + "|" + usesElement.getPin()); //System.out.println("token : " + token.toString() + "|" + token.getType() + "|" + token.getValue()); System.out.println("auaData : " + auaData.getCertificateIdentifier() + "|" + auaData.getTerminalId() + "|" + auaData.getUid() + "|" + auaData.getDataType() + "|" + auaData.getMeta() + "|" + auaData.getMeta().getFdc() + "|" + auaData.getMeta().getIdc() + "|" + auaData.getMeta().getUdc() + "|" + auaData.getSessionKeyDetails() + "|" + auaData.getSessionKeyDetails().getKeyIdentifier() + "|" + auaData.getSessionKeyDetails().getSkeyValue()); System.out.println("authData : " + authData.getName() + "|" + authData.getBiometricType() + "|" + authData.getNameMatchValue() + "|" + authData.getNameMatchStrategy() + authData.getDob() + "|" + authData.getDobType() + "|" + authData.getGender()); System.out.println("authData.getDeviceMetaData() : " + authData.getDeviceMetaData() + "|" + authData.getDeviceMetaData().getFdc() + "|" + authData.getDeviceMetaData().getIdc() + "|" + authData.getDeviceMetaData().getLov() + "|" + authData.getDeviceMetaData().getPip() + "|" + authData.getDeviceMetaData().getUdc() + "|" + authData.getDeviceMetaData().getLot()); Auth auth = authRequestCreator.createAuthRequest("public", "public", asaLicenseKey, usesElement, null, auaData, authData.getDeviceMetaData()); AuthResponseDetails data = this.authenticate(auth); AuthRes authResult = data.getAuthRes(); System.out.println(authResult.getCode() + "|" + authResult.getErr() + "|" + authResult.getInfo() + "|" + authResult.getTxn() + "|" + authResult.getTs()); result = authResult.getRet().equals(AuthResult.Y); System.out.println("Result: " + result); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result; } public static void main(String[] args) { String authServerURL = ""; try { AuthClient authClient = new AuthClient(new URL(authServerURL).toURI()); DeviceCollectedAuthData authData = new DeviceCollectedAuthData(); authData.setUid("999999990019"); //authData.setUid("999999990026"); //authData.setName("Shivshankar Choudhury"); //authData.setName("Temp"); //authData.setName("Kumar Agarwal"); authData.setDob("1968-05-13"); authData.setDobType("V"); authData.setNameMatchStrategy(MatchingStrategy.E); authData.setNameMatchValue(100); authData.setGender("Male"); authData.setFullAddress(""); System.out.println("Result from authenticateAuthData : " + authClient.authenticateAuthData(authData)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }