Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011 Witoslaw Koczewsi <> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, * see <>. */ package ilarkesto.integration.max.internet; import ilarkesto.core.logging.Log; import ilarkesto.integration.max.state.MaxCubeState; import ilarkesto.integration.max.state.MaxRoom; import ilarkesto.json.Json; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; /** * */ public class MaxSession { private static Log log = Log.get(MaxSession.class); private DefaultHttpClient httpClient; private String baseUrl; private RequestExecutor requestExecutor; private int batchId; private String httpSessionId; private String scriptSessionId; private String user; private String password; private MaxCubeState maxCubeState; public MaxSession(String baseUrl, DefaultHttpClient httpClient) { super(); this.baseUrl = baseUrl; this.httpClient = httpClient; if (!this.baseUrl.endsWith("/")) this.baseUrl += "/"; } public static MaxSession createElvInstance(DefaultHttpClient httpClient) { return new MaxSession("", httpClient); } public static MaxSession createMdInstance(DefaultHttpClient httpClient) { return new MaxSession("", httpClient); } public static MaxSession createEq3Instance(DefaultHttpClient httpClient) { return new MaxSession("", httpClient); } public void executeSetRoomAutoMode(MaxRoom room) { Map<String, String> extra = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); extra.put("c0-e2", "string:" + room.getId()); extra.put("c0-e1", "Object_MaxSetRoomAutoMode:{roomId:reference:c0-e2}"); executeApiMethod(true, "setClientCommands", extra, "Array:[reference:c0-e1]");"Command transmitted:", "SetRoomAutoMode", room.getName()); } public void executeSetRoomEcoMode(MaxRoom room) { executeSetRoomPermanentMode(room, room.getEcoTemperature()); } public void executeSetRoomComfortMode(MaxRoom room) { executeSetRoomPermanentMode(room, room.getComfortTemperature()); } public void executeSetRoomPermanentMode(MaxRoom room, float temperature) { Map<String, String> extra = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); extra.put("c0-e2", "string:" + room.getId()); extra.put("c0-e3", "number:" + temperature); extra.put("c0-e1", "Object_MaxSetRoomPermanentMode:{roomId:reference:c0-e2, temperature:reference:c0-e3}"); executeApiMethod(true, "setClientCommands", extra, "Array:[reference:c0-e1]");"Command transmitted:", "SetRoomPermanentMode", temperature, room.getName()); } public void executeSetRoomTemporaryMode(MaxRoom room, float temperature, Date until) { if (room == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("room == null"); if (until == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("until == null"); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(until); cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); int minute = cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE); if (minute == 30 || minute == 0) { // no change } else if (minute > 27) { cal.roll(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 1); cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); } else { cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 30); } until = cal.getTime(); Map<String, String> extra = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); extra.put("c0-e2", "string:" + room.getId()); extra.put("c0-e3", "Date:" + until.getTime()); extra.put("c0-e4", "number:" + temperature); extra.put("c0-e1", "Object_MaxSetRoomTemporaryMode:{roomId:reference:c0-e2, date:reference:c0-e3, temperature:reference:c0-e4}"); executeApiMethod(true, "setClientCommands", extra, "Array:[reference:c0-e1]");"Command transmitted:", "SetRoomTemporaryMode", temperature, until, room.getName()); } public MaxCubeState getMaxCubeState() { String result = executeApiMethod(true, "getMaxCubeState", null); DwrParser parser = new DwrParser(result); if (!parser.contains("var s0=new MaxCubeState();")) throw new MaxProtocolException("Missing 'new MaxCubeState()' in response", result); maxCubeState = (MaxCubeState) parser.parseCallbackObject(); maxCubeState.wire();"State loaded"); return maxCubeState; } void relogin() { login(user, password); } public void login(String user, String password) throws LoginFailedException { initialize(); String result = executeApiMethod(false, "login", null, "string:" + user, "string:" + password); DwrParser parser = new DwrParser(result); if (parser.isError()) throw new LoginFailedException(baseUrl, user, parser.getErrorMessage()); if (!parser.contains("dwr.engine._remoteHandleCallback(")) throw new MaxProtocolException("Missing callback in response", result); this.user = user; this.password = password; } synchronized String executeApiMethod(boolean reloginOnFailure, String name, Map<String, String> extraParams, String... arguments) { batchId++; Map<String, String> parameters = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); parameters.put("callCount", "1"); parameters.put("page", "/dwr/test/MaxRemoteApi"); parameters.put("httpSessionId", httpSessionId); parameters.put("scriptSessionId", scriptSessionId); parameters.put("c0-scriptName", "MaxRemoteApi"); parameters.put("c0-methodName", name); parameters.put("c0-id", "0"); if (extraParams != null) parameters.putAll(extraParams); for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { parameters.put("c0-param" + i, arguments[i]); } parameters.put("batchId", String.valueOf(batchId)); String result = requestExecutor.postAndGetContent(baseUrl + "dwr/call/plaincall/MaxRemoteApi.login.dwr", parameters); if (result.contains("message=\"Subject is not authenticated\"")) { if (user == null || password == null) throw new RuntimeException("Login required"); relogin(); return executeApiMethod(false, name, extraParams, arguments); } httpSessionId = requestExecutor.getSessionId(); if (result.contains("MaxClientException")) { String message = "Command execution failed: " + name; int messageIdx = result.indexOf("message=\""); if (messageIdx > 0) { messageIdx += 9; message += " -> " + Json.parseString(result.substring(messageIdx, result.indexOf("\"", messageIdx))); } if (reloginOnFailure) { relogin(); return executeApiMethod(false, name, extraParams, arguments); } else { throw new MaxCommandFailedException(message); } } if (!result.contains("dwr.engine._remoteHandleCallback('" + batchId + "'")) { if (reloginOnFailure) { relogin(); return executeApiMethod(false, name, extraParams, arguments); } else { throw new MaxCommandFailedException( "Command execution failed: " + name + ". Unexpected result: " + result); } } return result; } void initialize() { requestExecutor = new RequestExecutor(httpClient); batchId = 0; String engineScriptUrl = baseUrl + "dwr/engine.js"; String script = requestExecutor.get(engineScriptUrl); httpSessionId = requestExecutor.getSessionId(); DwrParser parser = new DwrParser(script); if (!parser.gotoAfterIf("dwr.engine._origScriptSessionId = \"")) throw new MaxProtocolException("Missing 'dwr.engine._origScriptSessionId' in " + engineScriptUrl, script); String origScriptSessionId = parser.getUntilIf("\""); if (origScriptSessionId == null) throw new MaxProtocolException( "Missing 'dwr.engine._origScriptSessionId = \"...\"' in " + engineScriptUrl, script); scriptSessionId = origScriptSessionId + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000); } public MaxCubeState getLastMaxCubeState() { return maxCubeState; } public String getScriptSessionId() { return scriptSessionId; } public String getHttpSessionId() { return httpSessionId; } public int getBatchId() { return batchId; } }