ict.ocrabase.main.java.client.bulkload.LoadHFiles.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for ict.ocrabase.main.java.client.bulkload.LoadHFiles.java


 * Copyright 2010 The Apache Software Foundation
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package ict.ocrabase.main.java.client.bulkload;

import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HColumnDescriptor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableNotFoundException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HConnection;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RegionServerCallable;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RpcRetryingCallerFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.fs.HFileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.FSDataInputStreamWrapper;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.HalfStoreFileReader;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.Reference;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.compress.Compression.Algorithm;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.CacheConfig;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.FixedFileTrailer;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFile;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFileContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFileContextBuilder;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFileReaderV3;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFileScanner;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.RequestConverter;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos.BulkLoadHFileRequest;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HStore;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.StoreFile;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Pair;

import com.google.protobuf.ServiceException;

 * Tool to load the output of HFileOutputFormat into an existing table.
 * @see #usage()

public class LoadHFiles extends Configured {

    static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(LoadHFiles.class);

    public static String NAME = "completebulkload";

    //  private volatile int total;
    //  private volatile int count;
    private volatile float progress;

    public LoadHFiles(Configuration conf) {

    public LoadHFiles() {

     * Represents an HFile waiting to be loaded. An queue is used
     * in this class in order to support the case where a region has
     * split during the process of the load. When this happens,
     * the HFile is split into two physical parts across the new
     * region boundary, and each part is added back into the queue.
     * The import process finishes when the queue is empty.
    private static class LoadQueueItem {
        final byte[] family;
        final Path hfilePath;

        public LoadQueueItem(byte[] family, Path hfilePath) {
            this.family = family;
            this.hfilePath = hfilePath;

     * Walk the given directory for all HFiles, and return a Queue
     * containing all such files.
    private Deque<LoadQueueItem> discoverLoadQueue(Path hfofDir) throws IOException {
        FileSystem fs = hfofDir.getFileSystem(getConf());

        if (!fs.exists(hfofDir)) {
            throw new FileNotFoundException("HFileOutputFormat dir " + hfofDir + " not found");

        FileStatus[] familyDirStatuses = fs.listStatus(hfofDir);
        if (familyDirStatuses == null) {
            throw new FileNotFoundException("No families found in " + hfofDir);

        Deque<LoadQueueItem> ret = new LinkedList<LoadQueueItem>();
        for (FileStatus stat : familyDirStatuses) {
            if (!stat.isDir()) {
                LOG.warn("Skipping non-directory " + stat.getPath());
            Path familyDir = stat.getPath();
            // Skip _logs, etc
            if (familyDir.getName().startsWith("_"))
            byte[] family = familyDir.getName().getBytes();
            Path[] hfiles = FileUtil.stat2Paths(fs.listStatus(familyDir));
            for (Path hfile : hfiles) {
                if (hfile.getName().startsWith("_"))
                ret.add(new LoadQueueItem(family, hfile));
        return ret;

    public float getProgress() {
        return progress;

     * Perform a bulk load of the given directory into the given
     * pre-existing table.
     * @param hfofDir the directory that was provided as the output path
     * of a job using HFileOutputFormat
     * @param table the table to load into
     * @throws TableNotFoundException if table does not yet exist
    public void doBulkLoad(Path outDir, String[] tableNames) throws TableNotFoundException, IOException {
        Configuration config = getConf();
        int num = 0;
        int tableNum = tableNames.length;
        for (String tableName : tableNames) {
            HTable table = new HTable(config, tableName);
            Path hfofDir = new Path(outDir, tableName);
            HConnection conn = table.getConnection();

            if (!conn.isTableAvailable(table.getTableName())) {
                throw new TableNotFoundException(
                        "Table " + Bytes.toStringBinary(table.getTableName()) + "is not currently available.");

            Deque<LoadQueueItem> queue = null;
            try {
                queue = discoverLoadQueue(hfofDir);
                int total = queue.size();
                while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
                    LoadQueueItem item = queue.remove();
                    tryLoad(item, conn, table.getTableName(), queue, config);
                    progress = (num + 1 - (float) queue.size() / total) / tableNum;
            } finally {
                if (queue != null && !queue.isEmpty()) {
                    StringBuilder err = new StringBuilder();
                    err.append("Bulk load aborted with some files not yet loaded:\n");
                    for (LoadQueueItem q : queue) {
                        err.append("  ").append(q.hfilePath).append('\n');
                    throw new IOException();
        progress = 1;

     * Attempt to load the given load queue item into its target region server.
     * If the hfile boundary no longer fits into a region, physically splits
     * the hfile such that the new bottom half will fit, and adds the two
     * resultant hfiles back into the load queue.
    private void tryLoad(final LoadQueueItem item, HConnection conn, final byte[] table,
            final Deque<LoadQueueItem> queue, Configuration config) throws IOException {
        final Path hfilePath = item.hfilePath;

        final FileSystem fs = hfilePath.getFileSystem(getConf());

        //FSDataInputStreamWrapper fsdis = new FSDataInputStreamWrapper(fs,hfilePath);
        //long fileSize = fs.getFileStatus(hfilePath).getLen();
        //FixedFileTrailer trailer = 
        //   FixedFileTrailer.readFromStream(fsdis.getStream(false), fileSize);
        HFile.Reader hfr = HFile.createReader(fs, hfilePath, new CacheConfig(config), config);
        //new HFileReaderV3(hfilePath, trailer, fsdis, 0, new CacheConfig(config), new HFileSystem(fs), config);

        //HFileReaderV3 hfr = new HFileReaderV3(hfilePath, null, 
        //null, 0, new CacheConfig(config), new HFileSystem(fs), config);
        //HFileReaderV3(fs, hfilePath, null, false);
        final byte[] first, last;
        try {
            first = hfr.getFirstRowKey();
            last = hfr.getLastRowKey();
            System.out.println("hfr first row key:" + first);
            System.out.println("hfr last row key:" + last);
        } finally {

        LOG.info("Trying to load hfile=" + hfilePath + " first=" + Bytes.toStringBinary(first) + " last="
                + Bytes.toStringBinary(last));
        if (first == null || last == null) {
            assert first == null && last == null;
            LOG.info("hfile " + hfilePath + " has no entries, skipping");

        // We use a '_' prefix which is ignored when walking directory trees
        // above.
        final Path tmpDir = new Path(item.hfilePath.getParent(), "_tmp");

        //RpcRetryingCallerFactory rpc_caller_factory =
        // RpcRetryingCallerFactory.instantiate(conn.getConfiguration(),null);

        RegionServerCallable<Void> callable =
                // conn.getRegionServerWithRetries(
                new RegionServerCallable<Void>(conn, TableName.valueOf(Bytes.toString(table)), first) {
                    public Void call(int arg) throws Exception {
                                "Going to connect to server " + location + "for row " + Bytes.toStringBinary(row));
                        HRegionInfo hri = location.getRegionInfo();
                        if (!hri.containsRange(first, last)) {
                            LOG.info("HFile at " + hfilePath + " no longer fits inside a single "
                                    + "region. Splitting...");

                            HColumnDescriptor familyDesc = ((HConnection) this.connection)
                            Path botOut = new Path(tmpDir, hri.getEncodedName() + ".bottom");
                            Path topOut = new Path(tmpDir, hri.getEncodedName() + ".top");
                            splitStoreFile(getConf(), hfilePath, familyDesc, hri.getEndKey(), botOut, topOut);

                            // Add these back at the *front* of the queue, so there's a lower
                            // chance that the region will just split again before we get there.
                            queue.addFirst(new LoadQueueItem(item.family, botOut));
                            queue.addFirst(new LoadQueueItem(item.family, topOut));
                            LOG.info("Successfully split into new HFiles " + botOut + " and " + topOut);
                            return null;

                        byte[] regionName = location.getRegionInfo().getRegionName();
                        // server.bulkLoadHFile(hfilePath.toString(), regionName, item.family);

                        final List<Pair<byte[], String>> famPaths = new ArrayList<Pair<byte[], String>>();
                        famPaths.add(Pair.newPair(item.family, hfilePath.toString()));
                        BulkLoadHFileRequest request = RequestConverter.buildBulkLoadHFileRequest(famPaths,
                                regionName, false);
                        this.getStub().bulkLoadHFile(null, request);
                        return null;
        Void succcess = RpcRetryingCallerFactory.instantiate(conn.getConfiguration(), null).<Void>newCaller()
                .callWithRetries(callable, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
        System.out.println("loadHfiles- line:295");
        //rpc_caller_factory.<Void> newCaller().callWithRetries(callable);

     * Split a storefile into a top and bottom half, maintaining
     * the metadata, recreating bloom filters, etc.
    static void splitStoreFile(Configuration conf, Path inFile, HColumnDescriptor familyDesc, byte[] splitKey,
            Path bottomOut, Path topOut) throws IOException {
        // Open reader with no block cache, and not in-memory

        Reference topReference = Reference.createTopReference(splitKey);
        Reference bottomReference = Reference.createBottomReference(splitKey);

        copyHFileHalf(conf, inFile, topOut, topReference, familyDesc);
        copyHFileHalf(conf, inFile, bottomOut, bottomReference, familyDesc);

     * Copy half of an HFile into a new HFile.
    private static void copyHFileHalf(Configuration conf, Path inFile, Path outFile, Reference reference,
            HColumnDescriptor familyDescriptor) throws IOException {
        FileSystem fs = inFile.getFileSystem(conf);
        HalfStoreFileReader halfReader = null;
        StoreFile.Writer halfWriter = null;
        try {
            halfReader = new HalfStoreFileReader(fs, inFile, null, reference, conf);
            Map<byte[], byte[]> fileInfo = halfReader.loadFileInfo();

            int blocksize = familyDescriptor.getBlocksize();
            Algorithm compression = familyDescriptor.getCompression();
            // BloomType bloomFilterType = familyDescriptor.getBloomFilterType();
            HFileContext hFileContext = new HFileContextBuilder().withCompression(compression)

            halfWriter = new StoreFile.WriterBuilder(conf, new CacheConfig(conf), fs)

            // halfWriter = new StoreFile.Writer(fs, outFile, conf,
            // new CacheConfig(conf),KeyValue.COMPARATOR,
            // familyDescriptor.getBloomFilterType(), 0, null, hFileContext);
            HFileScanner scanner = halfReader.getScanner(false, false);
            do {
                KeyValue kv = (KeyValue) scanner.getKeyValue();
            } while (scanner.next());

            for (Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]> entry : fileInfo.entrySet()) {
                if (shouldCopyHFileMetaKey(entry.getKey())) {
                    halfWriter.appendFileInfo(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
        } finally {
            if (halfWriter != null)
            if (halfReader != null)

    private static boolean shouldCopyHFileMetaKey(byte[] key) {
        return !HFile.isReservedFileInfoKey(key);

    //  @Override
    //  public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {
    //    if (args.length != 2) {
    //      usage();
    //      return -1;
    //    }
    //    Path hfofDir = new Path(args[0]);
    //    HTable table = new HTable(this.getConf(), args[1]);
    //    doBulkLoad(hfofDir, table);
    //    return 0;
    //  }

    //  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    //    ToolRunner.run(new LoadHFiles(), args);
    //  }

    class LoadItem {
        public byte[] startKey;
        public List<Path> fileList;

        public LoadItem(byte[] startKey, List<Path> fileList) {
            this.startKey = startKey;
            this.fileList = fileList;

    class LoadHFileThread extends Thread {
        private ConcurrentLinkedQueue<LoadItem> conQueue;
        private String tableName;

        public LoadHFileThread(String tableName, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<LoadItem> conQueue) {
            this.conQueue = conQueue;
            this.tableName = tableName;

        public void run() {
            Configuration config = getConf();
            HTable table;
            try {
                table = new HTable(config, tableName);
            } catch (IOException e) {
            HConnection conn = table.getConnection();
            final Deque<LoadQueueItem> queue = new LinkedList<LoadQueueItem>();
            LoadItem item;

            while ((item = conQueue.poll()) != null) {

                final List<Path> list = item.fileList;

                try {
                    //  RpcRetryingCallerFactory rpc_caller_factory =
                    //    RpcRetryingCallerFactory.instantiate(conn.getConfiguration(),null);
                    //RegionServerCallable<Void> callable =

                    // conn.getRegionServerWithRetries(
                    // new ServerCallable<Void>(conn, table.getTableName(), item.startKey) {

                    Void succcess = RpcRetryingCallerFactory.instantiate(conn.getConfiguration(), null)
                            .callWithRetries(new RegionServerCallable<Void>(conn, table.getName(), item.startKey) {

                                public Void call(int callTimeout) {
                                    byte[] regionName = location.getRegionInfo().getRegionName();
                                    LOG.info("Loading region " + Bytes.toString(regionName));
                                    for (Path hfilePath : list) {
                                        byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes(hfilePath.getParent().getName());
                                        try {

                                            // server.bulkLoadHFile(hfilePath.toString(), regionName, family);

                                            final List<Pair<byte[], String>> famPaths = new ArrayList<Pair<byte[], String>>();

                                            famPaths.add(Pair.newPair(family, hfilePath.toString()));

                                                    "family-hfilepath: " + family + ' ' + hfilePath.toString());

                                            BulkLoadHFileRequest request = RequestConverter
                                                    .buildBulkLoadHFileRequest(famPaths, regionName, true);

                                            this.getStub().bulkLoadHFile(null, request);

                                            //return null;

                                        } catch (ServiceException e) {
                                            queue.add(new LoadQueueItem(family, hfilePath));
                                    return null;
                            }, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
                    System.out.println("loadHfiles- line:465");
                } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                    System.err.println("RPC error: Void success not success.");


            try {
                System.out.println("queue: " + queue.size());
                while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
                    LoadQueueItem reLoadItem = queue.remove();
                    tryLoad(reLoadItem, conn, table.getTableName(), queue, config);

                     * private void tryLoad(final LoadQueueItem item, HConnection conn, final byte[] table,
                     * final Deque<LoadQueueItem> queue, Configuration config)
            } catch (IOException e) {


    public void doQuickBulkLoad(Map<String, Map<byte[], List<Path>>> loadMap)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Configuration config = getConf();
        int loadThreadNum = config.getInt("bulkload.loadthread.num", 10);

        for (Map.Entry<String, Map<byte[], List<Path>>> entry : loadMap.entrySet()) {
            String tableName = entry.getKey();

            LOG.info("Start loading table " + tableName);

            Map<byte[], List<Path>> regionMap = entry.getValue();

            ConcurrentLinkedQueue<LoadItem> conQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<LoadHFiles.LoadItem>();
            for (Map.Entry<byte[], List<Path>> item : regionMap.entrySet()) {
                conQueue.add(new LoadItem(item.getKey(), item.getValue()));

            int threadNum;
            if (regionMap.size() < loadThreadNum) {
                threadNum = regionMap.size();
            } else {
                threadNum = loadThreadNum;
            LoadHFileThread[] threads = new LoadHFileThread[threadNum];
            for (int i = 0; i < threadNum; i++) {
                threads[i] = new LoadHFileThread(tableName, conQueue);

            LOG.info("Starting threads");

            for (int i = 0; i < threadNum; i++) {

            LOG.info("Started threads!");

            for (int i = 0; i < threadNum; i++) {

            progress = 1;