Java tutorial
/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER * * Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle Corporation All Rights Reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development * and Distribution License ("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain * a copy of the License at * See the License for the specific language governing permission and * limitations under the License. * * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each * file and include the License file at openICOM/bootstrap/legal/LICENSE.txt. * Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception * as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the License * Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [ ] replaced by your own * identifying information: "Portions Copyrighted [year] * [name of copyright owner]. * * Contributor(s): Oracle Corporation * * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or * only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding "[Contributor] * elects to include this software in this distribution under the [CDDL or GPL * Version 2] license." If you don't indicate a single choice of license, a * recipient has the option to distribute your version of this file under * either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or to extend the choice of license to * its licensees as provided above. However, if you add GPL Version 2 code * and therefore, elected the GPL Version 2 license, then the option applies * only if the new code is made subject to such option by the copyright * holder. */ package icom.jpa.bdk; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import icom.jpa.ManagedObjectProxy; import icom.jpa.dao.AbstractDAO; import icom.jpa.dao.DataAccessStateObject; import icom.jpa.rt.PersistenceContext; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import javax.persistence.PersistenceException; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.DeleteMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PutMethod; public abstract class BdkAbstractDAO extends AbstractDAO { static protected BdkHttpUtil bdkHttpUtil = BdkHttpUtil.getInstance(); static int QUERY_RESULT_COUNT_LIMIT = 1000; private static final long MAX_SUB_ID = 0xffffffffffffL; private Object syncObj = new Object(); private UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); private long sequenceNumber = 0; static final char[] HEX_DIGITS_UPPER = new char[] { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' }; public final String generateObjectId() { long high64Bits; long middle64Bits; long low48Bits; synchronized (syncObj) { if (sequenceNumber == MAX_SUB_ID) { sequenceNumber = 0; uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); } high64Bits = uuid.getMostSignificantBits(); middle64Bits = uuid.getLeastSignificantBits(); low48Bits = sequenceNumber++; } char[] buffer = new char[44]; longToHexBuffer(high64Bits, buffer, 0); longToHexBuffer(middle64Bits, buffer, 16); sixByteLongToHexBuffer(low48Bits, buffer, 32); String id = new String(buffer); return id; } static final void longToHexBuffer(final long l, final char[] buffer, final int pos) { int x = (int) (l >>> 32); buffer[pos] = HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[(int) ((x & 0xf0000000) >>> 28)]; buffer[pos + 1] = HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[(int) ((x & 0x0f000000) >>> 24)]; buffer[pos + 2] = HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[(int) ((x & 0x00f00000) >>> 20)]; buffer[pos + 3] = HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[(int) ((x & 0x000f0000) >>> 16)]; buffer[pos + 4] = HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[(int) ((x & 0x0000f000) >>> 12)]; buffer[pos + 5] = HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[(int) ((x & 0x00000f00) >>> 8)]; buffer[pos + 6] = HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[(int) ((x & 0x000000f0) >>> 4)]; buffer[pos + 7] = HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[(int) ((x & 0x0000000f) >>> 0)]; x = (int) l & 0xffffffff; buffer[pos + 8] = HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[(int) ((x & 0xf0000000) >>> 28)]; buffer[pos + 9] = HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[(int) ((x & 0x0f000000) >>> 24)]; buffer[pos + 10] = HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[(int) ((x & 0x00f00000) >>> 20)]; buffer[pos + 11] = HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[(int) ((x & 0x000f0000) >>> 16)]; buffer[pos + 12] = HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[(int) ((x & 0x0000f000) >>> 12)]; buffer[pos + 13] = HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[(int) ((x & 0x00000f00) >>> 8)]; buffer[pos + 14] = HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[(int) ((x & 0x000000f0) >>> 4)]; buffer[pos + 15] = HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[(int) ((x & 0x0000000f) >>> 0)]; } static final void sixByteLongToHexBuffer(final long l, final char[] buffer, final int pos) { int x = (int) (l >>> 32); buffer[pos + 0] = HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[(int) ((x & 0x0000f000) >>> 12)]; buffer[pos + 1] = HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[(int) ((x & 0x00000f00) >>> 8)]; buffer[pos + 2] = HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[(int) ((x & 0x000000f0) >>> 4)]; buffer[pos + 3] = HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[(int) ((x & 0x0000000f) >>> 0)]; x = (int) l & 0xffffffff; buffer[pos + 4] = HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[(int) ((x & 0xf0000000) >>> 28)]; buffer[pos + 5] = HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[(int) ((x & 0x0f000000) >>> 24)]; buffer[pos + 6] = HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[(int) ((x & 0x00f00000) >>> 20)]; buffer[pos + 7] = HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[(int) ((x & 0x000f0000) >>> 16)]; buffer[pos + 8] = HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[(int) ((x & 0x0000f000) >>> 12)]; buffer[pos + 9] = HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[(int) ((x & 0x00000f00) >>> 8)]; buffer[pos + 10] = HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[(int) ((x & 0x000000f0) >>> 4)]; buffer[pos + 11] = HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[(int) ((x & 0x0000000f) >>> 0)]; } protected final String generateUUID() { synchronized (syncObj) { UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); return uuid.toString(); } } public Projection load(ManagedObjectProxy obj, String attributeName) { return null; } public Projection load(ManagedObjectProxy obj, String attributeName, Object key) { return null; } public Projection loadFull(ManagedObjectProxy obj) { return null; } public boolean isPartOfProjection(String attributeName, Projection proj) { return false; } public boolean isPartOfProjection(String attributeName, Object proj) { return isPartOfProjection(attributeName, (Projection) proj); } public abstract void copyObjectState(ManagedObjectProxy obj, Object stateObject, Projection proj); public void copyObjectStateForAProjection(ManagedObjectProxy obj, Object stateObject, Object proj) { copyObjectState(obj, stateObject, (Projection) proj); } public String createObjectId(PersistenceContext context) { String resourceType = getResourceType(); if (resourceType != null) { String hexId = generateObjectId(); BdkDataAccessUtilsImpl bdkDataAccessUtils = (BdkDataAccessUtilsImpl) ((PersistenceContext) context) .getDataAccessUtils(); String enterpriseId = bdkDataAccessUtils.getEnterpriseId(); String siteId = bdkDataAccessUtils.getSiteId(); return enterpriseId + ":" + siteId + ":" + resourceType + ":" + hexId; } else { return null; } } public String getResourceType() { throw new RuntimeException("cannot determine bom type for non identifiable objects"); } public BeeId getBeeId(String collabId) { return BdkDataAccessUtilsImpl.getBeeId(collabId); } public Object getPropertyValue(Object pojoObject, String attributeName) { Object value = super.getPropertyValue(pojoObject, attributeName); if (BeanHandler.isInstanceOfObjectIdType(value)) { Object id = BeanHandler.getObjectId(value); BeeId beeId = getBeeId(id.toString()); return beeId; } return value; } public void assignPropertyValue(Object pojoObject, String attributeName, Object value) { if (value instanceof BeeId) { value = BeanHandler.constructId(((BeeId) value).getId()); } super.assignPropertyValue(pojoObject, attributeName, value); } public boolean isCacheable() { return false; } public boolean embedAsNonIdentifiableDependent() { return false; } protected DataAccessStateObject wrapDataAccessStateObject(Object state) { if (state instanceof IdentifiableSnapshot) { return new BdkDataAccessIdentifiableStateObject((IdentifiableSnapshot) state); } else { return new BdkDataAccessNonIdentifiableStateObject(state); } } // example query "/comb/v1/d/user/{collabId}?projection={projection}" static protected GetMethod prepareGetMethod(String resource, String collabId, Projection projection, String params) { String query = "/comb/v1/d/" + resource; if (collabId != null) { query += "/" + collabId; } if (projection != null) { query += "?projection=" +; } if (params != null) { if (projection == null) { query += "?" + params; } else { query += "&" + params; } } return new GetMethod(query); } static protected GetMethod prepareGetMethod(String resource, String collabId, Projection projection) { return prepareGetMethod(resource, collabId, projection, null); } static protected GetMethod prepareGetMethod(String resource, String collabId) { return prepareGetMethod(resource, collabId, null, null); } static protected PutMethod preparePutMethod(String resource, String collabId, String antiCSRF, Projection projection, String params) { String query = "/comb/v1/d/" + resource + "/" + collabId; if (antiCSRF != null && projection != null) { query += "?antiCSRF=" + antiCSRF + "&projection=" +; } else if (antiCSRF != null) { query += "?antiCSRF=" + antiCSRF; } else if (projection != null) { query += "?projection=" +; } if (params != null) { if (antiCSRF == null && projection == null) { query += "?" + params; } else { query += "&" + params; } } return new PutMethod(query); } static protected PutMethod preparePutMethod(String resource, String collabId, String antiCSRF, Projection projection) { return preparePutMethod(resource, collabId, antiCSRF, projection, null); } static protected PutMethod preparePutMethod(String resource, String antiCSRF, Projection projection, String params) { String query = "/comb/v1/d/" + resource; if (antiCSRF != null && projection != null) { query += "?antiCSRF=" + antiCSRF + "&projection=" +; } else if (antiCSRF != null) { query += "?antiCSRF=" + antiCSRF; } else if (projection != null) { query += "?projection=" +; } if (params != null) { if (antiCSRF == null && projection == null) { query += "?" + params; } else { query += "&" + params; } } return new PutMethod(query); } static protected PutMethod preparePutMethod(String resource, String antiCSRF, Projection projection) { return preparePutMethod(resource, antiCSRF, projection, null); } static protected PostMethod preparePostMethod(String resource, String antiCSRF, String params) { String query = "/comb/v1/d/" + resource; if (antiCSRF != null) { query += "?antiCSRF=" + antiCSRF; } if (params != null) { if (antiCSRF == null) { query += "?" + params; } else { query += "&" + params; } } return new PostMethod(query); } static protected PostMethod preparePostMethod(String resource, String collabId, String antiCSRF, Projection projection, String params) { String query = "/comb/v1/d/" + resource; if (collabId != null) { query += "/" + collabId; } if (antiCSRF != null && projection != null) { query += "?antiCSRF=" + antiCSRF + "&projection=" +; } else if (antiCSRF != null) { query += "?antiCSRF=" + antiCSRF; } else if (projection != null) { query += "?projection=" +; } if (params != null) { if (antiCSRF == null && projection == null) { query += "?" + params; } else { query += "&" + params; } } return new PostMethod(query); } static protected PostMethod preparePostMethod(String resource, String collabId, String antiCSRF, Projection projection) { return preparePostMethod(resource, collabId, antiCSRF, projection, null); } static public PostMethod preparePostMethod(String resource, String antiCSRF, Projection projection, String params) { return preparePostMethod(resource, null, antiCSRF, projection, params); } static protected PostMethod prepareListPostMethod(String resource, String resourceId, String antiCSRF, Projection projection, String params) { String query = "/comb/v1/d/" + resource + "/list"; if (resourceId != null) { query += "/" + resourceId; } if (antiCSRF != null && projection != null) { query += "?antiCSRF=" + antiCSRF + "&projection=" +; } else if (antiCSRF != null) { query += "?antiCSRF=" + antiCSRF; } else if (projection != null) { query += "?projection=" +; } if (params != null) { if (antiCSRF == null && projection == null) { query += "?" + params; } else { query += "&" + params; } } return new PostMethod(query); } static protected PostMethod prepareListPostMethod(String resource, String resourceId, String antiCSRF, Projection projection) { return prepareListPostMethod(resource, resourceId, antiCSRF, projection, null); } static protected DeleteMethod prepareDeleteMethod(String resource, String collabId, String antiCSRF) { String query = "/comb/v1/d/" + resource + "/" + collabId; if (antiCSRF != null) { query += "?antiCSRF=" + antiCSRF; } return new DeleteMethod(query); } static public List<Object> listEntities(PersistenceContext context, Class<?> entityClass, PredicateAndSortListParameters predicateAndSortListParameters, String resourceType, String resourceId, Projection proj, String query) { List<Object> bdkEntityList = null; try { BdkUserContextImpl userContext = (BdkUserContextImpl) context.getUserContext(); PostMethod method = prepareListPostMethod(resourceType, resourceId, userContext.antiCSRF, proj, query); ListResult bdkEntityListResult = (ListResult) bdkHttpUtil.execute(ListResult.class, method, predicateAndSortListParameters, userContext.httpClient); bdkEntityList = (List<Object>) bdkEntityListResult.getElements(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new PersistenceException(ex); } return bdkEntityList; } static public List<Object> listEntities(PersistenceContext context, Class<?> entityClass, Predicate predicate, String resourceType, Projection proj, String query) { PredicateAndSortListParameters predicateAndSortListParameters = new PredicateAndSortListParameters(); predicateAndSortListParameters.setPredicate(predicate); predicateAndSortListParameters.setCountLimit(QUERY_RESULT_COUNT_LIMIT); return listEntities(context, entityClass, predicateAndSortListParameters, resourceType, null, proj, query); } static public List<Object> listEntities(PersistenceContext context, Class<?> entityClass, Predicate predicate, String resourceType, Projection proj) { return listEntities(context, entityClass, predicate, resourceType, proj, null); } protected String getProviderObjectId(Object bdkObject) { Entity bdkEntity = (Entity) bdkObject; return bdkEntity.getCollabId().getId(); } }