Java tutorial
/* * $Id$ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) MuleSoft, Inc. All rights reserved. * * The software in this package is published under the terms of the CPAL v1.0 * license, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the * LICENSE.txt file. */ package ibeans.client; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.GXT; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.Style; import; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.util.Margins; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.ContentPanel; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.Html; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.TabItem; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.TabPanel; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.Viewport; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.Window; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.layout.BorderLayout; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.layout.BorderLayoutData; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.layout.FlowLayout; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import ibeans.client.model.AppInfo; import ibeans.client.util.ExternalHyperlink; import ibeans.client.util.InlineFlowPanel; /** * TODO */ public class IBeansConsole2 implements EntryPoint { private InlineFlowPanel rightHeaderPanel; private PluginsServiceAsync pluginsService; private IBeansCentralServiceAsync repositoryService; private ApplicationServiceAsync applicationService; protected TabPanel tabPanel; protected Viewport base; protected Label product; protected FlowPanel footerPanel; private ContentPanel centerPanel; private List<StatusItem> statusList = new ArrayList<StatusItem>(); private StatusPanel statusBar; private UserInfo user; private AppInfo appInfo; /** * This is the entry point method. */ public void onModuleLoad() { this.pluginsService = (PluginsServiceAsync) GWT.create(PluginsService.class); this.repositoryService = (IBeansCentralServiceAsync) GWT.create(IBeansCentralService.class); this.applicationService = (ApplicationServiceAsync) GWT.create(ApplicationService.class); ServiceDefTarget target = (ServiceDefTarget) pluginsService; // Use this so we can run in hosted mode but rewrite the URL once the app is deployed String baseUrl = "/ibeans/ibeans.Console/"; // GWT.getModuleBaseURL(); //String baseUrl = GWT.getModuleBaseURL(); target.setServiceEntryPoint(baseUrl + "PluginsService"); target = (ServiceDefTarget) repositoryService; target.setServiceEntryPoint(baseUrl + "IBeansCentralService"); target = (ServiceDefTarget) applicationService; target.setServiceEntryPoint(baseUrl + "ApplicationService"); GXT.BLANK_IMAGE_URL = "gxt/images/default/s.gif"; // prefetch the image, so that e.g. SessionKilled dialog can be properly displayed for the first time // when the server is already down and cannot serve it. Image.prefetch("images/lightbox.png"); applicationService.getApplicationInfo(new AbstractAsyncCallback<AppInfo>(this) { public void onSuccess(AppInfo info) { appInfo = info; initView(); } }); } protected void initView() { user = getUserInfo(); base = new Viewport(); base.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); createHeader(null /*new Image(LOGO)*/); tabPanel = new TabPanel(); tabPanel.setAutoHeight(true); tabPanel.setBodyBorder(false); tabPanel.setAutoWidth(true); createBody(); loadTabs(this); createFooter(); RootPanel.get().add(base); base.layout(true); updateStatus(Status.INFO, "Ready for action"); } public PluginsServiceAsync getPluginsService() { return pluginsService; } public IBeansCentralServiceAsync getRepositoryService() { return repositoryService; } public ApplicationServiceAsync getApplicationService() { return applicationService; } public void updateStatus(ibeans.client.Status status, String text) { String style; switch (status) { case TIP: statusBar.setInfo(text); break; case INFO: statusBar.setInfo(text); break; case WARNING: statusBar.setWarning(text); break; case ERROR: statusBar.setError(text); break; default: statusBar.setInfo(text); } statusList.add(new StatusItem(statusBar.getCurrentIconStyle(), text)); } public void errorStatus(Throwable t) { if (t.getMessage().startsWith("<")) { new HTMLDialog("Server Error", t.getMessage()).show(); updateStatus(Status.ERROR, "Server Error, see log: " + " (" + t.getClass().getName() + ")"); } else { updateStatus(Status.ERROR, t.getMessage() + " (" + t.getClass().getName() + ")"); } } private void createFooter() { ContentPanel southPanel = new ContentPanel(); southPanel.setBorders(false); southPanel.setHeaderVisible(false); BorderLayoutData data = new BorderLayoutData(Style.LayoutRegion.SOUTH, 60); data.setMargins(new Margins()); footerPanel = new FlowPanel(); footerPanel.setStyleName("footer"); statusBar = new StatusPanel(); footerPanel.add(statusBar); InlineFlowPanel bottom = new InlineFlowPanel(); footerPanel.add(bottom); prependFooterConent(bottom); southPanel.add(footerPanel); base.add(southPanel, data); } public AppInfo getAppInfo() { return appInfo; } /** * adds to the left of the copyright info */ protected void prependFooterConent(final FlowPanel panel) { product = new Label("About " + appInfo.getName()); product.setStyleName("footer-link"); product.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent arg0) { new AboutPanel(IBeansConsole2.this); } }); panel.add(product); panel.add(newSpacerPipe()); Label copyright = new Label(appInfo.getCopyright()); //copyright.setStyleName("footer-text"); panel.add(copyright); } public Label newSpacerPipe() { Label pipe = new Label(" | "); pipe.setStyleName("pipe-with-space"); return pipe; } protected void createHeader(Image logo) { ContentPanel northPanel = new ContentPanel(); northPanel.setBorders(false); northPanel.setHeaderVisible(false); BorderLayoutData data = new BorderLayoutData(Style.LayoutRegion.NORTH, 33); data.setMargins(new Margins()); data.setSize(50); rightHeaderPanel = new InlineFlowPanel(); rightHeaderPanel.setStyleName("header-right"); rightHeaderPanel.add(createHeaderOptions()); // custom logo final FlowPanel header = new FlowPanel(); header.setStyleName("header"); header.add(rightHeaderPanel); // logo.setTitle("Home"); // logo.addStyleName("gwt-Hyperlink"); northPanel.add(header); base.add(northPanel, data); Label head = new Label(appInfo.getName()); head.setStyleName("header-title"); header.add(head); Label subhead = new Label(appInfo.getVersion()); subhead.setStyleName("header-sub-title"); header.add(subhead); } protected InlineFlowPanel createHeaderOptions() { InlineFlowPanel options = new InlineFlowPanel(); options.setStyleName("header-right-options"); if (user.getUser() != null) { Label l = new Label("Welcome, " + user.getUser()); options.add(l); options.add(newSpacerPipe()); Label l2 = new Label("Log Out"); l2.setStyleName("faux-link"); options.add(l2); l2.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent clickEvent) { clearUserInfo(); rightHeaderPanel.remove(0); rightHeaderPanel.add(createHeaderOptions()); } }); } else { Label l = new Label("Log In"); l.setStyleName("faux-link"); l.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent clickEvent) { Window window = new Window(); DownloadWindow login = new DownloadWindow(null, null, null, null, window, IBeansConsole2.this); window.add(login);; } }); options.add(l); } options.add(newSpacerPipe()); options.add( new ExternalHyperlink("Help", "", "_blank")); return options; } protected void createBody() { centerPanel = new ContentPanel(); centerPanel.setBorders(false); centerPanel.setHeaderVisible(false); centerPanel.setScrollMode(Style.Scroll.NONE); centerPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); centerPanel.add(tabPanel); BorderLayoutData data = new BorderLayoutData(Style.LayoutRegion.CENTER); data.setMargins(new Margins()); base.add(centerPanel, data); } protected void loadTabs(final IBeansConsole2 console) { if (user.isShowWelcome()) { final TabItem welcomeTab = new TabItem(); welcomeTab.setText("Welcome"); welcomeTab.setScrollMode(Style.Scroll.AUTOX); RequestBuilder req = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.GET, GWT.getHostPageBaseURL() + "welcome-beta.html"); req.setCallback(new RequestCallback() { public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) { welcomeTab.add(new Html(response.getText())); // final CheckBox box = new CheckBox(" Do not show this screen in future"); // //box.setStyleName("welcome-check"); // box.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() // { // public void onClick(ClickEvent event) // { // user.setShowWelcome(box.getValue()); // saveUserInfo(user); // } // }); // welcomeTab.add(box); welcomeTab.layout(); } public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) { errorStatus(exception); } }); try { req.send(); } catch (RequestException e) { errorStatus(e); } tabPanel.add(welcomeTab); } TabItem configTab = new TabItem(); configTab.setText("Configure"); configTab.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); configTab.add(new InstalledPluginsPanel(console)); configTab.layout(); TabItem storeTab = new TabItem(); storeTab.setText("iBeans Central"); storeTab.add(new IBeansCentralPanel(console)); TabItem examplesTab = new TabItem(); examplesTab.setText("Examples"); examplesTab.add(new ExamplesPanel(console)); tabPanel.add(examplesTab); tabPanel.add(configTab); tabPanel.add(storeTab); } protected TabItem createEmptyTab(String name, String toolTip) { TabItem tab = new TabItem(); TabItem.HeaderItem header = tab.getHeader(); header.setText(name); if (toolTip != null) { header.setToolTip(toolTip); } tab.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); return tab; } protected TabItem createEmptyTab(String name) { return createEmptyTab(name, null); } UserInfo getUserInfo() { if (user == null) { String rawCookie = Cookies.getCookie("ibeans-console"); if (rawCookie.equals("")) { UserInfo info = new UserInfo(); return info; } else { return new UserInfo(rawCookie); } } else { return user; } } void saveUserInfo(final UserInfo info) { if (info.getUser() != null) { this.getRepositoryService().verifyUser(info.getUser(), info.getPass(), new AbstractAsyncCallback<Boolean>(this) { public void onSuccess(Boolean b) { if (b) { doSaveUser(info); updateStatus(Status.INFO, "Welcome " + info.getUser() + "!"); } else { this.onFailure(new ClientIBeansException("Username or password is incorrect")); } } }); } else { doSaveUser(info); } } private void doSaveUser(UserInfo info) { Date now = new Date(); now.setYear(now.getYear() + 1); Cookies.setCookie("ibeans-console", info.toString(), now); user = info; rightHeaderPanel.remove(0); rightHeaderPanel.add(createHeaderOptions()); } void clearUserInfo() { saveUserInfo(new UserInfo()); } private class StatusItem implements ModelData, Serializable { private HashMap<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>(); private StatusItem(String type, String text) { data.put("type", type); data.put("text", text); data.put("timestamp", new Date()); } public <X> X get(String property) { return (X) data.get(property); } public Map<String, Object> getProperties() { return data; } public Collection<String> getPropertyNames() { return data.keySet(); } public <X> X remove(String property) { return (X) data.remove(property); } public <X> X set(String property, X value) { return (X) data.put(property, value); } public String getType() { return (String) data.get("type"); } public String getText() { return (String) data.get("text"); } public Date getTimestamp() { return (Date) data.get("timestamp"); } } class UserInfo { private String user; private String pass; private boolean showWelcome = true; UserInfo() { } UserInfo(String raw) { if (raw == null) { return; } int i = raw.indexOf(";"); while (i > 0 && i < raw.length()) { String pair = raw.substring(0, i); int x = pair.indexOf("="); String key = pair.substring(0, x); String value = pair.substring(x + 1); if (key.equals("user")) { setUser(value); } else if (key.equals("pass")) { setPass(value); } else if (key.equals("showWelcome")) { setShowWelcome(Boolean.parseBoolean(value)); } raw = raw.substring(i + 1); i = raw.indexOf(";"); } } public String getUser() { return user; } public void setUser(String user) { this.user = user; } public String getPass() { return pass; } public void setPass(String pass) { this.pass = pass; } public boolean isShowWelcome() { return showWelcome; } public void setShowWelcome(boolean showWelcome) { this.showWelcome = showWelcome; } public String toString() { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); if (user != null) { buf.append("user=").append(user).append(";"); buf.append("pass=").append(pass).append(";"); buf.append("showWelcome=").append(showWelcome).append(";"); } return buf.toString(); } } }