Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2017 Capital One Services, LLC and Bitwise, Inc. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *******************************************************************************/ package hydrograph.ui.propertywindow.widgets.customwidgets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabFolder; import org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabItem; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text; import hydrograph.ui.common.util.ComponentCacheUtil; import hydrograph.ui.common.util.Constants; import hydrograph.ui.common.util.ImagePathConstant; import hydrograph.ui.common.util.XMLConfigUtil; import; import hydrograph.ui.graph.model.Component; import hydrograph.ui.graph.schema.propagation.SchemaData; import hydrograph.ui.propertywindow.handlers.ShowHidePropertyHelpHandler; import; import; import; import; import hydrograph.ui.propertywindow.propertydialog.PropertyDialog; import hydrograph.ui.propertywindow.propertydialog.PropertyDialogButtonBar; import hydrograph.ui.propertywindow.widgets.customwidgets.config.WidgetConfig; import hydrograph.ui.propertywindow.widgets.gridwidgets.container.AbstractELTContainerWidget; import hydrograph.ui.validators.impl.IValidator; /** * * @author Bitwise * Sep 08, 2015 * */ public abstract class AbstractWidget { protected ComponentConfigrationProperty componentConfigrationProperty; protected ComponentMiscellaneousProperties componentMiscellaneousProperties; protected PropertyDialogButtonBar propertyDialogButtonBar; protected Text firstTextWidget = null; protected WidgetConfig widgetConfig; protected ELTComponenetProperties allComponenetProperties; private String toolTipErrorMessage = null; private Component component; private Schema schemaForInternalPapogation; private List<String> operationFieldList; protected PropertyDialog propertyDialog; private Control propertyHelpWidget; private String propertyHelpText; private CTabFolder tabFolder; private Property property; private SchemaData schemaData; protected static boolean isSchemaUpdated; private static final String DATA_KEY = "0"; private static final String SEPERATOR = "#"; public CTabFolder getTabFolder() { return tabFolder; } public boolean isSchemaUpdated() { return isSchemaUpdated; } public void setSchemaUpdated(boolean isSchemaUpdated1) { isSchemaUpdated = isSchemaUpdated1; } public Property getProperty() { return property; } public void setProperty(Property property) { = property; } public void setTabFolder(CTabFolder tabFolder) { this.tabFolder = tabFolder; } protected Component getComponent() { return component; } /** * * Set component name * * @param component */ public void setComponent(Component component) { this.component = component; } public AbstractWidget() { schemaData = new SchemaData(); } /** * get schema for internal propagation * * @return {@link Schema} */ public Schema getSchemaForInternalPropagation() { return schemaForInternalPapogation; } /** * Set schema for internal propagation * * @param schemaForInternalPapogation */ public void setSchemaForInternalPapogation(Schema schemaForInternalPapogation) { this.schemaForInternalPapogation = schemaForInternalPapogation; } /** * * Get operation field list * * @return - list of operation fields */ public List<String> getOperationFieldList() { return operationFieldList; } /** * * Set operation field list * * @param operationFieldList */ public void setOperationFieldList(List<String> operationFieldList) { this.operationFieldList = operationFieldList; } /** * Instantiates a new abstract widget. * * @param componentConfigrationProperty * the component configration property * @param componentMiscellaneousProperties * the component miscellaneous properties * @param propertyDialogButtonBar * the property dialog button bar */ public AbstractWidget(ComponentConfigrationProperty componentConfigrationProperty, ComponentMiscellaneousProperties componentMiscellaneousProperties, PropertyDialogButtonBar propertyDialogButtonBar) { schemaData = new SchemaData(); this.componentConfigrationProperty = componentConfigrationProperty; this.componentMiscellaneousProperties = componentMiscellaneousProperties; this.propertyDialogButtonBar = propertyDialogButtonBar; } /** * Attach to property sub group. * * @param subGroup * the sub group */ public abstract void attachToPropertySubGroup(AbstractELTContainerWidget subGroup); /** * * get component properties * */ public abstract LinkedHashMap<String, Object> getProperties(); public abstract boolean isWidgetValid(); public abstract void addModifyListener(Property property, ArrayList<AbstractWidget> widgetList); public Text getFirstTextWidget() { return firstTextWidget; } /** * * Get widget configurations * * @return {@link WidgetConfig} */ public WidgetConfig getWidgetConfig() { return widgetConfig; } /** * * Set widget configurations * * @param widgetConfig */ public void setWidgetConfig(WidgetConfig widgetConfig) { this.widgetConfig = widgetConfig; } /** * * Set tooltip message * * @param toolTipErrorMessage */ protected void setToolTipMessage(String toolTipErrorMessage) { this.toolTipErrorMessage = toolTipErrorMessage; } /** * * Get tooltip error message * * @return */ public String getToolTipErrorMessage() { return toolTipErrorMessage; } /** * * Get property name * * @return */ public String getPropertyName() { return componentConfigrationProperty.getPropertyName(); } /** * * get all component properties * * @return */ public ELTComponenetProperties getEltComponenetProperties() { return allComponenetProperties; } /** * * Set all component properties * * @param eltComponenetProperties */ public void setEltComponenetProperties(ELTComponenetProperties eltComponenetProperties) { this.allComponenetProperties = eltComponenetProperties; } /** * * Refresh internal schema * */ public void refresh() { } /** * * Refresh the widget value. * */ public void refresh(Object value) { } public void showHideErrorSymbol(boolean isWidgetValid) { if (!isWidgetValid) { for (CTabItem item : getTabFolder().getItems()) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(StringUtils.trim(item.getText()), getPropertyName())) { item.setImage(ImagePathConstant.COMPONENT_ERROR_ICON.getImageFromRegistry()); } } } else { for (CTabItem item : getTabFolder().getItems()) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(StringUtils.trim(item.getText()), getPropertyName())) { item.setImage(null); } } } } /** * * Set property dialog * * @param {@link PropertyDialog} */ public void setPropertyDialog(PropertyDialog propertyDialog) { this.propertyDialog = propertyDialog; } /** * * Set the widget to which you want to attach property help * * @param propertyHelpWidget */ protected void setPropertyHelpWidget(Control propertyHelpWidget) { this.propertyHelpWidget = propertyHelpWidget; } /** * * Set property help text * * @param propertyHelpText */ public void setPropertyHelpText(String propertyHelpText) { this.propertyHelpText = propertyHelpText; } /** * * Attach help to property help widget * */ public void setPropertyHelp() { if (null != propertyHelpWidget && null != this.propertyHelpWidget.getData(DATA_KEY)) { String array[] = propertyHelpText.split(SEPERATOR); for (int index = 0; index <= array.length - 1; index++) { Control propertyHelpWidget = (Control) this.propertyHelpWidget.getData(String.valueOf(index)); if (null != propertyHelpWidget && null != ShowHidePropertyHelpHandler.getInstance() && ShowHidePropertyHelpHandler.getInstance().isShowHidePropertyHelpChecked()) { propertyHelpWidget.setToolTipText(array[index]); propertyHelpWidget.setCursor(new Cursor(propertyHelpWidget.getDisplay(), SWT.CURSOR_HELP)); } } } else if (ShowHidePropertyHelpHandler.getInstance() != null && propertyHelpText != null && propertyHelpWidget != null && ShowHidePropertyHelpHandler.getInstance().isShowHidePropertyHelpChecked()) { propertyHelpWidget.setToolTipText(propertyHelpText); propertyHelpWidget.setCursor(new Cursor(propertyHelpWidget.getDisplay(), SWT.CURSOR_HELP)); } } public boolean verifySchemaFile() { return true; } /** * @return */ public boolean canClosePropertyDialog() { return true; } public void showHideErrorSymbol(List<AbstractWidget> widgetList) { boolean isErrorPresent = false; for (AbstractWidget abstractWidget : widgetList) { if (StringUtils.equals(abstractWidget.getProperty().getPropertyGroup(), property.getPropertyGroup()) && !(abstractWidget.isWidgetValid())) { isErrorPresent = true; break; } } if (isErrorPresent) { for (CTabItem item : getTabFolder().getItems()) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(StringUtils.trim(item.getText()), property.getPropertyGroup())) { item.setImage(ImagePathConstant.COMPONENT_ERROR_ICON.getImageFromRegistry()); } } } else { for (CTabItem item : getTabFolder().getItems()) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(StringUtils.trim(item.getText()), property.getPropertyGroup())) { item.setImage(null); } } } } public boolean validateAgainstValidationRule(Object object) { boolean isComponentValid = true; ComponentCacheUtil.INSTANCE.getProperties(getComponent().getComponentName()); List<String> validators = ComponentCacheUtil.INSTANCE .getValidatorsForProperty(getComponent().getComponentName(), getPropertyName()); IValidator validator = null; for (String validatorName : validators) { try { validator = (IValidator) Class.forName(Constants.VALIDATOR_PACKAGE_PREFIX + validatorName) .newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create validator", e); } isComponentValid = validator.validate(object, getPropertyName(), schemaData.getInputSchema(getComponent()), false); if (!isComponentValid) break; } return isComponentValid; } }