Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2017 Capital One Services, LLC and Bitwise, Inc. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License *******************************************************************************/ package hydrograph.engine.spark.helper; import hydrograph.engine.core.constants.Constants; import hydrograph.engine.spark.datasource.utils.TypeCast; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.FastDateFormat; import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /** * The Class DelimitedAndFixedWidthHelper. * * @author Bitwise * */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public class DelimitedAndFixedWidthHelper { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DelimitedAndFixedWidthHelper.class); static int counter = 0; static boolean isFixedWidthField = false; private DelimitedAndFixedWidthHelper() { } public static Object[] getFields(StructType schema, String line, String[] lengthsAndDelimiters, String[] lengthsAndDelimitersType, boolean safe, String quote, List<FastDateFormat> dateFormats) throws Exception { if (!line.equals("")) { try { String[] tokens = generateTokensFromRawData(line, lengthsAndDelimiters, lengthsAndDelimitersType, quote); return coerceParsedTokens(line, tokens, safe, schema, dateFormats); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Exception while generating tokens.\nLine being parsed: " + line + "\nFields: " + getFieldsFromSchema(schema, dateFormats.size()) + "\nLengths and delimiters in scheme: " + Arrays.toString(lengthsAndDelimiters) + "\nDatatypes in scheme: " + getTypesFromSchema(schema, dateFormats.size()) + "\nSafe was set to: " + safe + "\n Error being -> ", e); } } else { return new Object[lengthsAndDelimiters.length]; } } private static String getTypesFromSchema(StructType schema, int length) { String fields = schema.apply(0).dataType().toString(); for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) { fields = fields + schema.apply(i).dataType().toString(); } return fields; } private static String getFieldsFromSchema(StructType schema, int length) { String fields = schema.apply(0).name(); for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) { fields = fields + schema.apply(i).name(); } return fields; } private static String[] generateTokensFromRawData(String line, String[] lengthsAndDelimiters, String[] lengthsAndDelimitersType, String quote) { String tokens[] = new String[lengthsAndDelimiters.length]; String strings[]; String identifier; quote = DelimitedAndFixedWidthHelper.maskRegexChar(quote); for (int i = 0; i < lengthsAndDelimiters.length; i++) { identifier = DelimitedAndFixedWidthHelper.maskRegexChar(lengthsAndDelimiters[i]); if (lengthsAndDelimitersType[i].contains("Integer")) { tokens[i] = line.substring(0, Integer.parseInt(identifier)); if (i != (lengthsAndDelimiters.length - 1)) line = line.substring(Integer.parseInt(identifier)); } else { if (!"".equals(quote) && line.contains(quote.replace("\\", ""))) { // Creation of RegEx to split data based on delimiter // ignoring the delimiter present in data based on // presence of quote char identifier = identifier + "(?=(?:[^" + quote + "]*" + quote + "[^" + quote + "]*[^" + quote + identifier + "]*" + quote + ")*(?![^" + quote + "]*" + quote + "))"; } strings = line.split(identifier); if (strings.length != 0) { tokens[i] = ((strings)[0]).replace(quote.replace("\\", ""), ""); if (i != (lengthsAndDelimiters.length - 1)) line = (line.split(identifier, 2))[1]; } else { tokens[i] = ""; } } } return tokens; } private static Object[] coerceParsedTokens(String line, Object[] tokens, boolean safe, StructType schema, List<FastDateFormat> dateFormats) throws Exception { Object[] result = new Object[tokens.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { try { tokens[i] = !schema.apply(i).dataType().simpleString().equalsIgnoreCase("String") ? tokens[i].toString().trim() : tokens[i]; result[i] = TypeCast.inputValue(tokens[i].toString(), schema.apply(i).dataType(), schema.apply(i).nullable(), "null", true, dateFormats.get(i)); } catch (Exception exception) { result[i] = null; if (!safe) { throw new RuntimeException( getSafeMessage(tokens[i], i, schema) + "\n Line being parsed => " + line, exception); } } } tokens = result; return tokens; } private static String getSafeMessage(Object object, int i, StructType schema) { try { return "field " + schema.apply(i).name() + " cannot be coerced from : " + object + " to: " + schema.apply(i).dataType(); } catch (Throwable throwable) { return "field pos " + i + " cannot be coerced from: " + object + ", pos has no corresponding field name or coercion type"; } } public static String createLine(String strTuple, String[] lengthsAndDelimiters, String[] lengthsAndDelimitersType, boolean strict, char filler, String quote) { counter = 0; Object[] tuple = strTuple.split(Constants.LENGTHS_AND_DELIMITERS_SEPARATOR); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); for (Object value : tuple) { isFixedWidthField = false; isFixedWidthField = isFixedWidthField(lengthsAndDelimitersType, counter); if (value == null) { value = ""; } if (isFixedWidthField) { int lengthDifference = value.toString().length() - Integer.parseInt(lengthsAndDelimiters[counter]); if (lengthDifference == 0) { buffer.append(value); counter++; continue; } else if (lengthDifference > 0) { if (strict) { throw new RuntimeException("Fixed width field write error. Field " + value + " has length " + value.toString().length() + " whereas provided is " + lengthsAndDelimiters[counter] + ". Set strict to false and provide filler to overide such errors if this is expected behaviour. " + "The prospect tuple is : " + Arrays.toString(tuple)); } buffer.append(value.toString().substring(0, Integer.parseInt(lengthsAndDelimiters[counter]))); counter++; continue; } else if (lengthDifference < 0) { if (strict) { throw new RuntimeException("Fixed width field write error. Field " + value + " has length " + value.toString().length() + " whereas provided is " + lengthsAndDelimiters[counter] + ". Set strict to false and provide filler to overide such errors if this is expected behaviour." + " The prospect tuple is : " + Arrays.toString(tuple)); } try { if (isNumeric(value)) { appendZero(buffer, lengthDifference * -1); buffer.append(value); } else { buffer.append(value); appendFiller(buffer, filler, lengthDifference * -1); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } counter++; continue; } } if (quoteCharPresent(quote)) { value = appendQuoteChars(value, quote, lengthsAndDelimiters[counter]); } buffer.append(value); if (lengthsAndDelimiters[counter].contentEquals("\\n")) lengthsAndDelimiters[counter] = "\n"; if (lengthsAndDelimiters[counter].contentEquals("\\t")) lengthsAndDelimiters[counter] = "\t"; if (lengthsAndDelimiters[counter].contentEquals("\\r")) lengthsAndDelimiters[counter] = "\r"; buffer.append(parseHex(lengthsAndDelimiters[counter])); counter++; } return buffer.toString(); } private static boolean quoteCharPresent(String quote) { return !quote.equals(""); } private static Object appendQuoteChars(Object value, String quote, String lengthsAndDelimiters) { if (value instanceof String && ((String) value).contains(lengthsAndDelimiters)) { value = quote + value + quote; } return value; } private static boolean isFixedWidthField(String[] lengthsAndDelimitersType, int counter) { return lengthsAndDelimitersType[counter].contains("Integer"); } private static boolean isNumeric(Object value) { return value instanceof Number; } private static void appendZero(Appendable buffer, int times) throws IOException { char filler = ' '; for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) { buffer.append(filler); } } private static void appendFiller(Appendable buffer, char filler, int times) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) { buffer.append(filler); } } public static boolean isLastFieldNewLine(String[] lengthsAndDelimiters) { return lengthsAndDelimiters[lengthsAndDelimiters.length - 1].matches("\n") || lengthsAndDelimiters[lengthsAndDelimiters.length - 1].contentEquals("\\n"); } public static boolean hasaNewLineField(String[] lengthsAndDelimiters) { for (String string : lengthsAndDelimiters) { if (string.contains("\n") || string.contentEquals("\\n")) return true; } return false; } public static boolean containsNewLine(String outputLine) { return outputLine.contains("\n") || outputLine.contains("\\n") || outputLine.contains("\r\n") || outputLine.contains("\\r\\n"); } public static String modifyIdentifier(String identifier) { String string = identifier; if (identifier.contains("\\r\\n")) { string = identifier.replace("\\r\\n", "\r\n"); } else if (identifier.contains("\\n")) { string = identifier.replace("\\n", "\n"); } if (identifier.contains("\\t")) { string = identifier.replace("\\t", "\t"); } if (identifier.contains("\\x")) { string = parseHex(identifier); } return string; } public static String[] modifyIdentifier(String[] identifiers) { for (int i = 0; i < identifiers.length; i++) { identifiers[i] = modifyIdentifier(identifiers[i]); } return identifiers; } public static String spillOneLineToOutput(String sb, String[] lengthsAndDelimiters) { String line = ""; if (!isLastFieldNewLine(lengthsAndDelimiters) && !isLastFixedWidthFieldNewLineField(lengthsAndDelimiters)) { if (hasaNewLineField(lengthsAndDelimiters) || containsNewLine(sb)) { String[] splits = sb.toString().split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < splits.length; i++) { if (i != splits.length - 1) { line += splits[i]; line += "\n"; } } return line.substring(0, line.length() - 1); } } else { sb = sb.substring(0, sb.length() - 1); return sb; } return line; } public static boolean isLastFixedWidthFieldNewLineField(String[] lengthsAndDelimiters) { try { return Integer.parseInt(lengthsAndDelimiters[lengthsAndDelimiters.length - 1]) == 1; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } public static String maskRegexChar(String singleChar) { if (singleChar.contains("|")) { singleChar = singleChar.replace("|", "\\|"); } if (singleChar.contains(".")) { singleChar = singleChar.replace(".", "\\."); } if (singleChar.contains("+")) { singleChar = singleChar.replace("+", "\\+"); } if (singleChar.contains("$")) { singleChar = singleChar.replace("$", "\\$"); } if (singleChar.contains("*")) { singleChar = singleChar.replace("*", "\\*"); } if (singleChar.contains("?")) { singleChar = singleChar.replace("?", "\\?"); } if (singleChar.contains("^")) { singleChar = singleChar.replace("^", "\\^"); } if (singleChar.contains("-")) { singleChar = singleChar.replace("-", "\\-"); } if (singleChar.contains(")")) { singleChar = singleChar.replace(")", "\\)"); } if (singleChar.contains("(")) { singleChar = singleChar.replace("(", "\\("); } if (singleChar.contains("\\x")) { singleChar = parseHex(singleChar); } return singleChar; } public static String[] checkIfDelimiterIsRegexChar(String[] lengthsAndDelimiters) { for (int i = 0; i < lengthsAndDelimiters.length; i++) lengthsAndDelimiters[i] = maskRegexChar(lengthsAndDelimiters[i]); return lengthsAndDelimiters; } public static String arrayToString(String[] lengthsAndDelimiters) { String string = ""; for (String str : lengthsAndDelimiters) { string += str; string += "comma"; } return string; } public static String[] stringToArray(String string) { return string.split("comma"); } public static String parseHex(String input) { final int NO_OF_DIGITS = 2; if (input.contains("\\t")) { input = input.replace("\\t", "\\x09"); } String[] tokens = input.split("\\\\x"); String hex; String temp; boolean startsWithHex = input.startsWith("\\x"); for (int counter = 0; counter < tokens.length; counter++) { if (counter == 0 && !startsWithHex) continue; if (tokens[counter].equals("")) continue; temp = tokens[counter]; hex = temp.substring(0, NO_OF_DIGITS); temp = temp.substring(NO_OF_DIGITS, temp.length()); tokens[counter] = hexToChar(hex) + temp; } String result = ""; for (String token : tokens) { result = result + token; } return result; } private static char hexToChar(String hex) { return (char) Short.parseShort(hex, 16); } }