Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2004-2009, Sun Microsystems, Inc., Kohsuke Kawaguchi, Stephen Connolly * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package hudson.slaves; import hudson.AbortException; import hudson.FilePath; import hudson.Util; import hudson.model.Computer; import hudson.model.Executor; import hudson.model.ExecutorListener; import hudson.model.Node; import hudson.model.Queue; import hudson.model.Slave; import hudson.model.TaskListener; import hudson.model.User; import hudson.remoting.Callable; import hudson.remoting.Channel; import hudson.remoting.Launcher; import hudson.remoting.VirtualChannel; import; import hudson.slaves.OfflineCause.ChannelTermination; import hudson.util.Futures; import hudson.util.NullStream; import hudson.util.RingBufferLogHandler; import hudson.util.StreamTaskListener; import; import; import jenkins.model.Jenkins; import jenkins.slaves.EncryptedSlaveAgentJnlpFile; import jenkins.slaves.JnlpSlaveAgentProtocol; import jenkins.slaves.systemInfo.SlaveSystemInfo; import org.acegisecurity.context.SecurityContext; import org.acegisecurity.context.SecurityContextHolder; import; import org.kohsuke.stapler.HttpRedirect; import org.kohsuke.stapler.HttpResponse; import org.kohsuke.stapler.QueryParameter; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse; import org.kohsuke.stapler.WebMethod; import org.kohsuke.stapler.interceptor.RequirePOST; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.logging.Handler; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.LogRecord; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.annotation.CheckForNull; import jenkins.model.Jenkins; import static hudson.slaves.SlaveComputer.LogHolder.*; /** * {@link Computer} for {@link Slave}s. * * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi */ public class SlaveComputer extends Computer { private volatile Channel channel; private volatile transient boolean acceptingTasks = true; private Charset defaultCharset; private Boolean isUnix; /** * Effective {@link ComputerLauncher} that hides the details of * how we launch a slave agent on this computer. * * <p> * This is normally the same as {@link Slave#getLauncher()} but * can be different. See {@link #grabLauncher(Node)}. */ private ComputerLauncher launcher; /** * Perpetually writable log file. */ private final ReopenableFileOutputStream log; /** * {@link StreamTaskListener} that wraps {@link #log}, hence perpetually writable. */ private final TaskListener taskListener; /** * Number of failed attempts to reconnect to this node * (so that if we keep failing to reconnect, we can stop * trying.) */ private transient int numRetryAttempt; /** * Tracks the status of the last launch operation, which is always asynchronous. * This can be used to wait for the completion, or cancel the launch activity. */ private volatile Future<?> lastConnectActivity = null; private Object constructed = new Object(); public SlaveComputer(Slave slave) { super(slave); this.log = new ReopenableRotatingFileOutputStream(getLogFile(), 10); this.taskListener = new StreamTaskListener(log); assert slave.getNumExecutors() != 0 : "Computer created with 0 executors"; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean isAcceptingTasks() { return acceptingTasks; } /** * @since 1.498 */ public String getJnlpMac() { return JnlpSlaveAgentProtocol.SLAVE_SECRET.mac(getName()); } /** * Allows a {@linkplain hudson.slaves.ComputerLauncher} or a {@linkplain hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy} to * suspend tasks being accepted by the slave computer. * * @param acceptingTasks {@code true} if the slave can accept tasks. */ public void setAcceptingTasks(boolean acceptingTasks) { this.acceptingTasks = acceptingTasks; } /** * True if this computer is a Unix machine (as opposed to Windows machine). * * @return * null if the computer is disconnected and therefore we don't know whether it is Unix or not. */ public Boolean isUnix() { return isUnix; } @CheckForNull @Override public Slave getNode() { Node node = super.getNode(); if (node == null || node instanceof Slave) { return (Slave) node; } else { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "found an unexpected kind of node {0} from {1} with nodeName={2}", new Object[] { node, this, nodeName }); return null; } } @Override public String getIcon() { Future<?> l = lastConnectActivity; if (l != null && !l.isDone()) return "computer-flash.gif"; return super.getIcon(); } /** * @deprecated since 2008-05-20. */ @Deprecated @Override public boolean isJnlpAgent() { return launcher instanceof JNLPLauncher; } @Override public boolean isLaunchSupported() { return launcher.isLaunchSupported(); } public ComputerLauncher getLauncher() { return launcher; } protected Future<?> _connect(boolean forceReconnect) { if (channel != null) return Futures.precomputed(null); if (!forceReconnect && isConnecting()) return lastConnectActivity; if (forceReconnect && isConnecting()) logger.fine("Forcing a reconnect on " + getName()); closeChannel(); return lastConnectActivity = Computer.threadPoolForRemoting .submit(new java.util.concurrent.Callable<Object>() { public Object call() throws Exception { // do this on another thread so that the lengthy launch operation // (which is typical) won't block UI thread. ACL.impersonate(ACL.SYSTEM); // background activity should run like a super user try { log.rewind(); try { for (ComputerListener cl : ComputerListener.all()) cl.preLaunch(SlaveComputer.this, taskListener); launcher.launch(SlaveComputer.this, taskListener); } catch (AbortException e) { taskListener.error(e.getMessage()); throw e; } catch (IOException e) { Util.displayIOException(e, taskListener); e.printStackTrace(taskListener.error(Messages.ComputerLauncher_unexpectedError())); throw e; } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(taskListener.error(Messages.ComputerLauncher_abortedLaunch())); throw e; } } finally { if (channel == null) { offlineCause = new OfflineCause.LaunchFailed(); for (ComputerListener cl : ComputerListener.all()) cl.onLaunchFailure(SlaveComputer.this, taskListener); } } if (channel == null) throw new IOException( "Slave failed to connect, even though the launcher didn't report it. See the log output for details."); return null; } }); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void taskAccepted(Executor executor, Queue.Task task) { super.taskAccepted(executor, task); if (launcher instanceof ExecutorListener) { ((ExecutorListener) launcher).taskAccepted(executor, task); } //getNode() can return null at indeterminate times when nodes go offline Slave node = getNode(); if (node != null && node.getRetentionStrategy() instanceof ExecutorListener) { ((ExecutorListener) node.getRetentionStrategy()).taskAccepted(executor, task); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void taskCompleted(Executor executor, Queue.Task task, long durationMS) { super.taskCompleted(executor, task, durationMS); if (launcher instanceof ExecutorListener) { ((ExecutorListener) launcher).taskCompleted(executor, task, durationMS); } RetentionStrategy r = getRetentionStrategy(); if (r instanceof ExecutorListener) { ((ExecutorListener) r).taskCompleted(executor, task, durationMS); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void taskCompletedWithProblems(Executor executor, Queue.Task task, long durationMS, Throwable problems) { super.taskCompletedWithProblems(executor, task, durationMS, problems); if (launcher instanceof ExecutorListener) { ((ExecutorListener) launcher).taskCompletedWithProblems(executor, task, durationMS, problems); } RetentionStrategy r = getRetentionStrategy(); if (r instanceof ExecutorListener) { ((ExecutorListener) r).taskCompletedWithProblems(executor, task, durationMS, problems); } } @Override public boolean isConnecting() { Future<?> l = lastConnectActivity; return isOffline() && l != null && !l.isDone(); } public OutputStream openLogFile() { try { log.rewind(); return log; } catch (IOException e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to create log file " + getLogFile(), e); return new NullStream(); } } private final Object channelLock = new Object(); public void setChannel(InputStream in, OutputStream out, TaskListener taskListener, Channel.Listener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { setChannel(in, out, taskListener.getLogger(), listener); } /** * Creates a {@link Channel} from the given stream and sets that to this slave. * * @param in * Stream connected to the remote "slave.jar". It's the caller's responsibility to do * buffering on this stream, if that's necessary. * @param out * Stream connected to the remote peer. It's the caller's responsibility to do * buffering on this stream, if that's necessary. * @param launchLog * If non-null, receive the portion of data in <tt>is</tt> before * the data goes into the "binary mode". This is useful * when the established communication channel might include some data that might * be useful for debugging/trouble-shooting. * @param listener * Gets a notification when the channel closes, to perform clean up. Can be null. * By the time this method is called, the cause of the termination is reported to the user, * so the implementation of the listener doesn't need to do that again. */ public void setChannel(InputStream in, OutputStream out, OutputStream launchLog, Channel.Listener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Channel channel = new Channel(nodeName, threadPoolForRemoting, Channel.Mode.NEGOTIATE, in, out, launchLog); setChannel(channel, launchLog, listener); } /** * Shows {@link Channel#classLoadingCount}. * @since 1.495 */ public int getClassLoadingCount() throws IOException, InterruptedException { return LoadingCount(false)); } /** * Shows {@link Channel#classLoadingPrefetchCacheCount}. * @return -1 in case that capability is not supported * @since 1.519 */ public int getClassLoadingPrefetchCacheCount() throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (!channel.remoteCapability.supportsPrefetch()) { return -1; } return LoadingPrefetchCacheCount()); } /** * Shows {@link Channel#resourceLoadingCount}. * @since 1.495 */ public int getResourceLoadingCount() throws IOException, InterruptedException { return LoadingCount(true)); } /** * Shows {@link Channel#classLoadingTime}. * @since 1.495 */ public long getClassLoadingTime() throws IOException, InterruptedException { return LoadingTime(false)); } /** * Shows {@link Channel#resourceLoadingTime}. * @since 1.495 */ public long getResourceLoadingTime() throws IOException, InterruptedException { return LoadingTime(true)); } static class LoadingCount implements Callable<Integer, RuntimeException> { private final boolean resource; LoadingCount(boolean resource) { this.resource = resource; } @Override public Integer call() { Channel c = Channel.current(); return resource ? c.resourceLoadingCount.get() : c.classLoadingCount.get(); } } static class LoadingPrefetchCacheCount implements Callable<Integer, RuntimeException> { @Override public Integer call() { return Channel.current().classLoadingPrefetchCacheCount.get(); } } static class LoadingTime implements Callable<Long, RuntimeException> { private final boolean resource; LoadingTime(boolean resource) { this.resource = resource; } @Override public Long call() { Channel c = Channel.current(); return resource ? c.resourceLoadingTime.get() : c.classLoadingTime.get(); } } /** * Sets up the connection through an existing channel. * * @since 1.444 */ public void setChannel(Channel channel, OutputStream launchLog, Channel.Listener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if ( != null) throw new IllegalStateException("Already connected"); final TaskListener taskListener = new StreamTaskListener(launchLog); PrintStream log = taskListener.getLogger(); channel.addListener(new Channel.Listener() { @Override public void onClosed(Channel c, IOException cause) { // Orderly shutdown will have null exception if (cause != null) { offlineCause = new ChannelTermination(cause); cause.printStackTrace(taskListener.error("Connection terminated")); } else { taskListener.getLogger().println("Connection terminated"); } closeChannel(); launcher.afterDisconnect(SlaveComputer.this, taskListener); } }); if (listener != null) channel.addListener(listener); String slaveVersion = SlaveVersion()); log.println("Slave.jar version: " + slaveVersion); boolean _isUnix = DetectOS()); log.println(_isUnix ? hudson.model.Messages.Slave_UnixSlave() : hudson.model.Messages.Slave_WindowsSlave()); String defaultCharsetName = DetectDefaultCharset()); Slave node = getNode(); if (node == null) { // Node has been disabled/removed during the connection throw new IOException("Node " + nodeName + " has been deleted during the channel setup"); } String remoteFs = node.getRemoteFS(); if (_isUnix && !remoteFs.contains("/") && remoteFs.contains("\\")) log.println("WARNING: " + remoteFs + " looks suspiciously like Windows path. Maybe you meant " + remoteFs.replace('\\', '/') + "?"); FilePath root = new FilePath(channel, remoteFs); // reference counting problem is known to happen, such as JENKINS-9017, and so as a preventive measure // we pin the base classloader so that it'll never get GCed. When this classloader gets released, // it'll have a catastrophic impact on the communication. channel.pinClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader()); SlaveInitializer()); SecurityContext old = ACL.impersonate(ACL.SYSTEM); try { for (ComputerListener cl : ComputerListener.all()) { cl.preOnline(this, channel, root, taskListener); } } finally { SecurityContextHolder.setContext(old); } offlineCause = null; // update the data structure atomically to prevent others from seeing a channel that's not properly initialized yet synchronized (channelLock) { if ( != null) { // check again. we used to have this entire method in a big sycnhronization block, // but Channel constructor blocks for an external process to do the connection // if CommandLauncher is used, and that cannot be interrupted because it blocks at InputStream. // so if the process hangs, it hangs the thread in a lock, and since Hudson will try to relaunch, // we'll end up queuing the lot of threads in a pseudo deadlock. // This implementation prevents that by avoiding a lock. HUDSON-1705 is likely a manifestation of this. channel.close(); throw new IllegalStateException("Already connected"); } isUnix = _isUnix; numRetryAttempt = 0; = channel; defaultCharset = Charset.forName(defaultCharsetName); synchronized (statusChangeLock) { statusChangeLock.notifyAll(); } } old = ACL.impersonate(ACL.SYSTEM); try { for (ComputerListener cl : ComputerListener.all()) { cl.onOnline(this, taskListener); } } finally { SecurityContextHolder.setContext(old); } log.println("Slave successfully connected and online"); Jenkins.getInstance().getQueue().scheduleMaintenance(); } @Override public Channel getChannel() { return channel; } public Charset getDefaultCharset() { return defaultCharset; } public List<LogRecord> getLogRecords() throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (channel == null) return Collections.emptyList(); else return SlaveLogFetcher()); } @RequirePOST public HttpResponse doDoDisconnect(@QueryParameter String offlineMessage) throws IOException, ServletException { if (channel != null) { //does nothing in case computer is already disconnected checkPermission(DISCONNECT); offlineMessage = Util.fixEmptyAndTrim(offlineMessage); disconnect(new OfflineCause.UserCause(User.current(), offlineMessage)); } return new HttpRedirect("."); } @Override public Future<?> disconnect(OfflineCause cause) { super.disconnect(cause); return Computer.threadPoolForRemoting.submit(new Runnable() { public void run() { // do this on another thread so that any lengthy disconnect operation // (which could be typical) won't block UI thread. launcher.beforeDisconnect(SlaveComputer.this, taskListener); closeChannel(); launcher.afterDisconnect(SlaveComputer.this, taskListener); } }); } @RequirePOST public void doLaunchSlaveAgent(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException, ServletException { if (channel != null) { req.getView(this, "already-launched.jelly").forward(req, rsp); return; } connect(true); // TODO: would be nice to redirect the user to "launching..." wait page, // then spend a few seconds there and poll for the completion periodically. rsp.sendRedirect("log"); } public void tryReconnect() { numRetryAttempt++; if (numRetryAttempt < 6 || (numRetryAttempt % 12) == 0) { // initially retry several times quickly, and after that, do it infrequently."Attempting to reconnect " + nodeName); connect(true); } } /** * Serves jar files for JNLP slave agents. * * @deprecated since 2008-08-18. * This URL binding is no longer used and moved up directly under to {@link jenkins.model.Jenkins}, * but it's left here for now just in case some old JNLP slave agents request it. */ public Slave.JnlpJar getJnlpJars(String fileName) { return new Slave.JnlpJar(fileName); } @WebMethod(name = "slave-agent.jnlp") public HttpResponse doSlaveAgentJnlp(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse res) throws IOException, ServletException { return new EncryptedSlaveAgentJnlpFile(this, "slave-agent.jnlp.jelly", getName(), CONNECT); } @Override protected void kill() { super.kill(); closeChannel(); IOUtils.closeQuietly(log); } public RetentionStrategy getRetentionStrategy() { Slave n = getNode(); return n == null ? RetentionStrategy.INSTANCE : n.getRetentionStrategy(); } /** * If still connected, disconnect. */ private void closeChannel() { // TODO: race condition between this and the setChannel method. Channel c = channel; channel = null; isUnix = null; if (c != null) { try { c.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to terminate channel to " + getDisplayName(), e); } for (ComputerListener cl : ComputerListener.all()) cl.onOffline(this); } } @Override protected void setNode(Node node) { super.setNode(node); launcher = grabLauncher(node); // maybe the configuration was changed to relaunch the slave, so try to re-launch now. // "constructed==null" test is an ugly hack to avoid launching before the object is fully // constructed. if (constructed != null) { if (node instanceof Slave) ((Slave) node).getRetentionStrategy().check(this); else connect(false); } } /** * Grabs a {@link ComputerLauncher} out of {@link Node} to keep it in this {@link Computer}. * The returned launcher will be set to {@link #launcher} and used to carry out the actual launch operation. * * <p> * Subtypes that needs to decorate {@link ComputerLauncher} can do so by overriding this method. * This is useful for {@link SlaveComputer}s for clouds for example, where one normally needs * additional pre-launch step (such as waiting for the provisioned node to become available) * before the user specified launch step (like SSH connection) kicks in. * * @see ComputerLauncherFilter */ protected ComputerLauncher grabLauncher(Node node) { return ((Slave) node).getLauncher(); } /** * Get the slave version */ public String getSlaveVersion() throws IOException, InterruptedException { return SlaveVersion()); } /** * Get the OS description. */ public String getOSDescription() throws IOException, InterruptedException { return DetectOS()) ? "Unix" : "Windows"; } private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SlaveComputer.class.getName()); private static final class SlaveVersion implements Callable<String, IOException> { public String call() throws IOException { try { return Launcher.VERSION; } catch (Throwable ex) { return "< 1.335"; } // Older slave.jar won't have VERSION } } private static final class DetectOS implements Callable<Boolean, IOException> { public Boolean call() throws IOException { return File.pathSeparatorChar == ':'; } } private static final class DetectDefaultCharset implements Callable<String, IOException> { public String call() throws IOException { return Charset.defaultCharset().name(); } } /** * Puts the {@link #SLAVE_LOG_HANDLER} into a separate class so that loading this class * in JVM doesn't end up loading tons of additional classes. */ static final class LogHolder { /** * This field is used on each slave node to record log records on the slave. */ static final RingBufferLogHandler SLAVE_LOG_HANDLER = new RingBufferLogHandler(); } private static class SlaveInitializer implements Callable<Void, RuntimeException> { public Void call() { // avoid double installation of the handler. JNLP slaves can reconnect to the master multiple times // and each connection gets a different RemoteClassLoader, so we need to evict them by class name, // not by their identity. for (Handler h : LOGGER.getHandlers()) { if (h.getClass().getName().equals(SLAVE_LOG_HANDLER.getClass().getName())) LOGGER.removeHandler(h); } LOGGER.addHandler(SLAVE_LOG_HANDLER); // remove Sun PKCS11 provider if present. See try { Security.removeProvider("SunPKCS11-Solaris"); } catch (SecurityException e) { // ignore this error. } Channel.current().setProperty("slave", Boolean.TRUE); // indicate that this side of the channel is the slave side. return null; } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(""); } /** * Obtains a {@link VirtualChannel} that allows some computation to be performed on the master. * This method can be called from any thread on the master, or from slave (more precisely, * it only works from the remoting request-handling thread in slaves, which means if you've started * separate thread on slaves, that'll fail.) * * @return null if the calling thread doesn't have any trace of where its master is. * @since 1.362 */ public static VirtualChannel getChannelToMaster() { if (Jenkins.getInstance() != null) return FilePath.localChannel; // if this method is called from within the slave computation thread, this should work Channel c = Channel.current(); if (c != null && Boolean.TRUE.equals(c.getProperty("slave"))) return c; return null; } /** * Helper method for Jelly. */ public static List<SlaveSystemInfo> getSystemInfoExtensions() { return SlaveSystemInfo.all(); } private static class SlaveLogFetcher implements Callable<List<LogRecord>, RuntimeException> { public List<LogRecord> call() { return new ArrayList<LogRecord>(SLAVE_LOG_HANDLER.getView()); } } }