Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2004-2009, Sun Microsystems, Inc., Kohsuke Kawaguchi, CloudBees, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package hudson; import hudson.Launcher.ProcStarter; import hudson.model.TaskListener; import hudson.remoting.Channel; import hudson.util.DaemonThreadFactory; import hudson.util.ExceptionCatchingThreadFactory; import hudson.util.NamingThreadFactory; import hudson.util.NullStream; import hudson.util.StreamCopyThread; import hudson.util.ProcessTree; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * External process wrapper. * * <p> * Used for launching, monitoring, waiting for a process. * * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi */ public abstract class Proc { protected Proc() { } /** * Checks if the process is still alive. */ public abstract boolean isAlive() throws IOException, InterruptedException; /** * Terminates the process. * * @throws IOException * if there's an error killing a process * and a stack trace could help the trouble-shooting. */ public abstract void kill() throws IOException, InterruptedException; /** * Waits for the completion of the process. * * Unless the caller opts to pump the streams via {@link #getStdout()} etc., * this method also blocks until we finish reading everything that the process has produced * to stdout/stderr. * * <p> * If the thread is interrupted while waiting for the completion * of the process, this method terminates the process and * exits with a non-zero exit code. * * @throws IOException * if there's an error launching/joining a process * and a stack trace could help the trouble-shooting. */ public abstract int join() throws IOException, InterruptedException; /** * Returns an {@link InputStream} to read from {@code stdout} of the child process. * <p> * When this method returns null, {@link Proc} will internally pump the output from * the child process to your {@link OutputStream} of choosing. * * @return * null unless {@link ProcStarter#readStdout()} is used to indicate * that the caller intends to pump the stream by itself. * @since 1.399 */ public abstract InputStream getStdout(); /** * Returns an {@link InputStream} to read from {@code stderr} of the child process. * <p> * When this method returns null, {@link Proc} will internally pump the output from * the child process to your {@link OutputStream} of choosing. * * @return * null unless {@link ProcStarter#readStderr()} is used to indicate * that the caller intends to pump the stream by itself. * @since 1.399 */ public abstract InputStream getStderr(); /** * Returns an {@link OutputStream} to write to {@code stdin} of the child process. * <p> * When this method returns null, {@link Proc} will internally pump the {@link InputStream} * of your choosing to the child process. * * @return * null unless {@link ProcStarter#writeStdin()} is used to indicate * that the caller intends to pump the stream by itself. * @since 1.399 */ public abstract OutputStream getStdin(); private static final ExecutorService executor = Executors .newCachedThreadPool(new ExceptionCatchingThreadFactory( new NamingThreadFactory(new DaemonThreadFactory(), "Proc.executor"))); /** * Like {@link #join} but can be given a maximum time to wait. * @param timeout number of time units * @param unit unit of time * @param listener place to send messages if there are problems, incl. timeout * @return exit code from the process * @throws IOException for the same reasons as {@link #join} * @throws InterruptedException for the same reasons as {@link #join} * @since 1.363 */ public final int joinWithTimeout(final long timeout, final TimeUnit unit, final TaskListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); try { executor.submit(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (!latch.await(timeout, unit)) { listener.error( "Timeout after " + timeout + " " + unit.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); kill(); } } catch (InterruptedException x) { x.printStackTrace(listener.error("Failed to join a process")); } catch (IOException x) { x.printStackTrace(listener.error("Failed to join a process")); } catch (RuntimeException x) { x.printStackTrace(listener.error("Failed to join a process")); } } }); return join(); } finally { latch.countDown(); } } /** * Locally launched process. */ public static final class LocalProc extends Proc { private final Process proc; private final Thread copier, copier2; private final OutputStream out; private final EnvVars cookie; private final String name; private final InputStream stdout, stderr; private final OutputStream stdin; public LocalProc(String cmd, Map<String, String> env, OutputStream out, File workDir) throws IOException { this(cmd, Util.mapToEnv(env), out, workDir); } public LocalProc(String[] cmd, Map<String, String> env, InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException { this(cmd, Util.mapToEnv(env), in, out); } public LocalProc(String cmd, String[] env, OutputStream out, File workDir) throws IOException { this(Util.tokenize(cmd), env, out, workDir); } public LocalProc(String[] cmd, String[] env, OutputStream out, File workDir) throws IOException { this(cmd, env, null, out, workDir); } public LocalProc(String[] cmd, String[] env, InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException { this(cmd, env, in, out, null); } public LocalProc(String[] cmd, String[] env, InputStream in, OutputStream out, File workDir) throws IOException { this(cmd, env, in, out, null, workDir); } /** * @param err * null to redirect stderr to stdout. */ public LocalProc(String[] cmd, String[] env, InputStream in, OutputStream out, OutputStream err, File workDir) throws IOException { this(calcName(cmd), stderr(environment(new ProcessBuilder(cmd), env).directory(workDir), err == null || err == SELFPUMP_OUTPUT), in, out, err); } private static ProcessBuilder stderr(ProcessBuilder pb, boolean redirectError) { if (redirectError) pb.redirectErrorStream(true); return pb; } private static ProcessBuilder environment(ProcessBuilder pb, String[] env) { if (env != null) { Map<String, String> m = pb.environment(); m.clear(); for (String e : env) { int idx = e.indexOf('='); m.put(e.substring(0, idx), e.substring(idx + 1, e.length())); } } return pb; } private LocalProc(String name, ProcessBuilder procBuilder, InputStream in, OutputStream out, OutputStream err) throws IOException { Logger.getLogger(Proc.class.getName()).log(Level.FINE, "Running: {0}", name); = name; this.out = out; this.cookie = EnvVars.createCookie(); procBuilder.environment().putAll(cookie); this.proc = procBuilder.start(); InputStream procInputStream = proc.getInputStream(); if (out == SELFPUMP_OUTPUT) { stdout = procInputStream; copier = null; } else { copier = new StreamCopyThread(name + ": stdout copier", procInputStream, out); copier.start(); stdout = null; } if (in == null) { // nothing to feed to stdin stdin = null; proc.getOutputStream().close(); } else if (in == SELFPUMP_INPUT) { stdin = proc.getOutputStream(); } else { new StdinCopyThread(name + ": stdin copier", in, proc.getOutputStream()).start(); stdin = null; } InputStream procErrorStream = proc.getErrorStream(); if (err != null) { if (err == SELFPUMP_OUTPUT) { stderr = procErrorStream; copier2 = null; } else { stderr = null; copier2 = new StreamCopyThread(name + ": stderr copier", procErrorStream, err); copier2.start(); } } else { // the javadoc is unclear about what getErrorStream() returns when ProcessBuilder.redirectErrorStream(true), // // according to the source code, Sun JREs still still returns a distinct reader end of a pipe that needs to be closed. // but apparently at least on some IBM JDK5, returned input and error streams are the same. // so try to close them smartly if (procErrorStream != procInputStream) { procErrorStream.close(); } copier2 = null; stderr = null; } } public InputStream getStdout() { return stdout; } public InputStream getStderr() { return stderr; } public OutputStream getStdin() { return stdin; } /** * Waits for the completion of the process. */ @Override public int join() throws InterruptedException, IOException { // show what we are waiting for in the thread title // since this involves some native work, let's have some soak period before enabling this by default Thread t = Thread.currentThread(); String oldName = t.getName(); if (SHOW_PID) { ProcessTree.OSProcess p = ProcessTree.get().get(proc); t.setName(oldName + " " + (p != null ? "waiting for pid=" + p.getPid() : "waiting for " + name)); } try { int r = proc.waitFor(); // see // problems like that shows up as infinite wait in join(), which confuses great many users. // So let's do a timed wait here and try to diagnose the problem if (copier != null) copier.join(10 * 1000); if (copier2 != null) copier2.join(10 * 1000); if ((copier != null && copier.isAlive()) || (copier2 != null && copier2.isAlive())) { // looks like handles are leaking. // closing these handles should terminate the threads. String msg = "Process leaked file descriptors. See for more information"; Throwable e = new Exception().fillInStackTrace(); LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, msg, e); // doing proc.getInputStream().close() hangs in FileInputStream.close0() // it could be either because another thread is blocking on read, or // it could be a bug in Windows JVM. Who knows. // so I'm abandoning the idea of closing the stream // try { // proc.getInputStream().close(); // } catch (IOException x) { // LOGGER.log(Level.FINE,"stdin termination failed",x); // } // try { // proc.getErrorStream().close(); // } catch (IOException x) { // LOGGER.log(Level.FINE,"stderr termination failed",x); // } out.write(msg.getBytes()); out.write('\n'); } return r; } catch (InterruptedException e) { // aborting. kill the process destroy(); throw e; } finally { t.setName(oldName); } } @Override public boolean isAlive() throws IOException, InterruptedException { try { proc.exitValue(); return false; } catch (IllegalThreadStateException e) { return true; } } @Override public void kill() throws InterruptedException, IOException { destroy(); join(); } /** * Destroys the child process without join. */ private void destroy() throws InterruptedException { ProcessTree.get().killAll(proc, cookie); } /** * {@link Process#getOutputStream()} is buffered, so we need to eagerly flash * the stream to push bytes to the process. */ private static class StdinCopyThread extends Thread { private final InputStream in; private final OutputStream out; public StdinCopyThread(String threadName, InputStream in, OutputStream out) { super(threadName); = in; this.out = out; } @Override public void run() { try { try { byte[] buf = new byte[8192]; int len; while ((len = >= 0) { out.write(buf, 0, len); out.flush(); } } finally { in.close(); out.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO: what to do? } } } private static String calcName(String[] cmd) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (String token : cmd) { if (buf.length() > 0) buf.append(' '); buf.append(token); } return buf.toString(); } public static final InputStream SELFPUMP_INPUT = new NullInputStream(0); public static final OutputStream SELFPUMP_OUTPUT = new NullStream(); } /** * Remotely launched process via {@link Channel}. * * @deprecated as of 1.399. Replaced by {@link Launcher.RemoteLauncher.ProcImpl} */ @Deprecated public static final class RemoteProc extends Proc { private final Future<Integer> process; public RemoteProc(Future<Integer> process) { this.process = process; } @Override public void kill() throws IOException, InterruptedException { process.cancel(true); } @Override public int join() throws IOException, InterruptedException { try { return process.get(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // aborting. kill the process process.cancel(true); throw e; } catch (ExecutionException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof IOException) throw (IOException) e.getCause(); throw new IOException("Failed to join the process", e); } catch (CancellationException x) { return -1; } } @Override public boolean isAlive() throws IOException, InterruptedException { return !process.isDone(); } @Override public InputStream getStdout() { return null; } @Override public InputStream getStderr() { return null; } @Override public OutputStream getStdin() { return null; } } private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Proc.class.getName()); /** * Debug switch to have the thread display the process it's waiting for. */ public static boolean SHOW_PID = false; }