Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2010, CloudBees, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package hudson.plugins.git; import hudson.FilePath; import hudson.Launcher; import hudson.matrix.Axis; import hudson.matrix.AxisList; import hudson.matrix.MatrixBuild; import hudson.matrix.MatrixProject; import hudson.model.*; import hudson.plugins.git.GitPublisher.BranchToPush; import hudson.plugins.git.GitPublisher.NoteToPush; import hudson.plugins.git.GitPublisher.TagToPush; import hudson.plugins.git.extensions.GitSCMExtension; import hudson.plugins.git.extensions.impl.LocalBranch; import hudson.plugins.git.extensions.impl.PreBuildMerge; import hudson.scm.NullSCM; import hudson.tasks.BuildStepDescriptor; import hudson.util.StreamTaskListener; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId; import org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.MergeCommand; import org.jvnet.hudson.test.Issue; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.PersonIdent; import org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.GitClient; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder; /** * Tests for {@link GitPublisher} * * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi */ public class GitPublisherTest extends AbstractGitProject { @Rule public TemporaryFolder tmpFolder = new TemporaryFolder(); @Issue("JENKINS-5005") @Test public void testMatrixBuild() throws Exception { final AtomicInteger run = new AtomicInteger(); // count the number of times the perform is called commitNewFile("a"); MatrixProject mp = jenkins.createMatrixProject("xyz"); mp.setAxes(new AxisList(new Axis("VAR", "a", "b"))); mp.setScm(new GitSCM(testGitDir.getAbsolutePath())); mp.getPublishersList().add(new GitPublisher( Collections.singletonList(new TagToPush("origin", "foo", "message", true, false)), Collections.<BranchToPush>emptyList(), Collections.<NoteToPush>emptyList(), true, true, false) { @Override public boolean perform(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) throws InterruptedException, IOException { run.incrementAndGet(); try { return super.perform(build, launcher, listener); } finally { // until the 3rd one (which is the last one), we shouldn't create a tag if (run.get() < 3) assertFalse(existsTag("foo")); } } @Override public BuildStepDescriptor getDescriptor() { return (BuildStepDescriptor) Hudson.getInstance().getDescriptorOrDie(GitPublisher.class); // fake } private Object writeReplace() { return new NullSCM(); } }); MatrixBuild b = jenkins.assertBuildStatusSuccess(mp.scheduleBuild2(0).get()); assertTrue(existsTag("foo")); assertTrue(containsTagMessage("foo", "message")); // twice for MatrixRun, which is to be ignored, then once for matrix completion assertEquals(3, run.get()); } @Test public void testMergeAndPush() throws Exception { FreeStyleProject project = setupSimpleProject("master"); GitSCM scm = new GitSCM(remoteConfigs(), Collections.singletonList(new BranchSpec("*")), false, Collections.<SubmoduleConfig>emptyList(), null, null, Collections.<GitSCMExtension>emptyList()); scm.getExtensions().add(new PreBuildMerge(new UserMergeOptions("origin", "integration", null, null))); scm.getExtensions().add(new LocalBranch("integration")); project.setScm(scm); project.getPublishersList() .add(new GitPublisher(Collections.<TagToPush>emptyList(), Collections.singletonList(new BranchToPush("origin", "integration")), Collections.<NoteToPush>emptyList(), true, true, false)); // create initial commit and then run the build against it: commitNewFile("commitFileBase"); testGitClient.branch("integration"); build(project, Result.SUCCESS, "commitFileBase"); testGitClient.checkout(null, "topic1"); final String commitFile1 = "commitFile1"; commitNewFile(commitFile1); final FreeStyleBuild build1 = build(project, Result.SUCCESS, commitFile1); assertTrue(build1.getWorkspace().child(commitFile1).exists()); String sha1 = getHeadRevision(build1, "integration"); assertEquals(sha1, testGitClient.revParse(Constants.HEAD).name()); } @Issue("JENKINS-12402") @Test public void testMergeAndPushFF() throws Exception { FreeStyleProject project = setupSimpleProject("master"); GitSCM scm = new GitSCM(remoteConfigs(), Collections.singletonList(new BranchSpec("*")), false, Collections.<SubmoduleConfig>emptyList(), null, null, Collections.<GitSCMExtension>emptyList()); scm.getExtensions().add(new PreBuildMerge( new UserMergeOptions("origin", "integration", null, MergeCommand.GitPluginFastForwardMode.FF))); scm.getExtensions().add(new LocalBranch("integration")); project.setScm(scm); project.getPublishersList() .add(new GitPublisher(Collections.<TagToPush>emptyList(), Collections.singletonList(new BranchToPush("origin", "integration")), Collections.<NoteToPush>emptyList(), true, true, false)); // create initial commit and then run the build against it: commitNewFile("commitFileBase"); testGitClient.branch("integration"); final FreeStyleBuild build1 = build(project, Result.SUCCESS, "commitFileBase"); assertTrue(build1.getWorkspace().child("commitFileBase").exists()); String shaIntegration = getHeadRevision(build1, "integration"); assertEquals("the integration branch should be at HEAD", shaIntegration, testGitClient.revParse(Constants.HEAD).name()); // create a new branch and build, this results in a fast-forward merge testGitClient.checkout("master"); ObjectId master = testGitClient.revParse("HEAD"); testGitClient.branch("branch1"); testGitClient.checkout("branch1"); final String commitFile1 = "commitFile1"; commitNewFile(commitFile1); String shaBranch1 = testGitClient.revParse("branch1").name(); final FreeStyleBuild build2 = build(project, Result.SUCCESS, commitFile1); // Test that the build (including publish) performed as expected. // - commitFile1 is in the workspace // - HEAD and integration should line up with branch1 like so: // * f4d190c (HEAD, integration, branch1) Commit number 1 // * f787536 (master) Initial Commit // assertTrue(build2.getWorkspace().child("commitFile1").exists()); shaIntegration = getHeadRevision(build2, "integration"); String shaHead = testGitClient.revParse(Constants.HEAD).name(); assertEquals("the integration branch and branch1 should line up", shaIntegration, shaBranch1); assertEquals("the integration branch should be at HEAD", shaIntegration, shaHead); // integration should have master as the parent commit List<ObjectId> revList = testGitClient.revList("integration^1"); ObjectId integrationParent = revList.get(0); assertEquals("Fast-forward merge should have had master as a parent", master, integrationParent); // create a second branch off of master, so as to force a merge commit and to test // that --ff gracefully falls back to a merge commit testGitClient.checkout("master"); testGitClient.branch("branch2"); testGitClient.checkout("branch2"); final String commitFile2 = "commitFile2"; commitNewFile(commitFile2); String shaBranch2 = testGitClient.revParse("branch2").name(); final FreeStyleBuild build3 = build(project, Result.SUCCESS, commitFile2); // Test that the build (including publish) performed as expected // - commitFile1 is in the workspace // - commitFile2 is in the workspace // - the integration branch has branch1 and branch2 as parents, like so: // * f9b37d8 (integration) Merge commit '96a11fd...' into integration // |\ // | * 96a11fd (HEAD, branch2) Commit number 2 // * | f4d190c (branch1) Commit number 1 // |/ // * f787536 (master) Initial Commit // assertTrue(build1.getWorkspace().child(commitFile1).exists()); assertTrue(build1.getWorkspace().child(commitFile2).exists()); // the integration branch should have branch1 and branch2 as parents revList = testGitClient.revList("integration^1"); assertEquals("Integration should have branch1 as a parent", revList.get(0).name(), shaBranch1); revList = testGitClient.revList("integration^2"); assertEquals("Integration should have branch2 as a parent", revList.get(0).name(), shaBranch2); } @Issue("JENKINS-12402") @Test public void testMergeAndPushNoFF() throws Exception { FreeStyleProject project = setupSimpleProject("master"); GitSCM scm = new GitSCM(remoteConfigs(), Collections.singletonList(new BranchSpec("*")), false, Collections.<SubmoduleConfig>emptyList(), null, null, Collections.<GitSCMExtension>emptyList()); scm.getExtensions().add(new PreBuildMerge( new UserMergeOptions("origin", "integration", null, MergeCommand.GitPluginFastForwardMode.NO_FF))); scm.getExtensions().add(new LocalBranch("integration")); project.setScm(scm); project.getPublishersList() .add(new GitPublisher(Collections.<TagToPush>emptyList(), Collections.singletonList(new BranchToPush("origin", "integration")), Collections.<NoteToPush>emptyList(), true, true, false)); // create initial commit and then run the build against it: commitNewFile("commitFileBase"); testGitClient.branch("integration"); final FreeStyleBuild build1 = build(project, Result.SUCCESS, "commitFileBase"); assertTrue(build1.getWorkspace().child("commitFileBase").exists()); String shaIntegration = getHeadRevision(build1, "integration"); assertEquals("integration branch should be at HEAD", shaIntegration, testGitClient.revParse(Constants.HEAD).name()); // create a new branch and build // This would be a fast-forward merge, but we're calling for --no-ff and that should work testGitClient.checkout("master"); ObjectId master = testGitClient.revParse("HEAD"); testGitClient.branch("branch1"); testGitClient.checkout("branch1"); final String commitFile1 = "commitFile1"; commitNewFile(commitFile1); String shaBranch1 = testGitClient.revParse("branch1").name(); final FreeStyleBuild build2 = build(project, Result.SUCCESS, commitFile1); ObjectId mergeCommit = testGitClient.revParse("integration"); // Test that the build and publish performed as expected. // - commitFile1 is in the workspace // - integration has branch1 and master as parents, like so: // * 6913e57 (integration) Merge commit '257e33c...' into integration // |\ // | * 257e33c (HEAD, branch1) Commit number 1 // |/ // * 3066c87 (master) Initial Commit // assertTrue(build2.getWorkspace().child("commitFile1").exists()); List<ObjectId> revList = testGitClient.revList("integration^1"); assertEquals("Integration should have master as a parent", revList.get(0), master); revList = testGitClient.revList("integration^2"); assertEquals("Integration should have branch1 as a parent", revList.get(0).name(), shaBranch1); // create a second branch off of master, so as to test that --no-ff is published as expected testGitClient.checkout("master"); testGitClient.branch("branch2"); testGitClient.checkout("branch2"); final String commitFile2 = "commitFile2"; commitNewFile(commitFile2); String shaBranch2 = testGitClient.revParse("branch2").name(); final FreeStyleBuild build3 = build(project, Result.SUCCESS, commitFile2); // Test that the build performed as expected // - commitFile1 is in the workspace // - commitFile2 is in the workspace // - the integration branch has branch1 and the previous merge commit as parents, like so: // * 5908447 (integration) Merge commit '157fd0b...' into integration // |\ // | * 157fd0b (HEAD, branch2) Commit number 2 // * | 7afa661 Merge commit '0a37dd6...' into integration // |\ \ // | |/ // |/| // | * 0a37dd6 (branch1) Commit number 1 // |/ // * a5dda1a (master) Initial Commit // assertTrue("commitFile1 should exist in the workspace", build1.getWorkspace().child(commitFile1).exists()); assertTrue("commitFile2 should exist in the workspace", build1.getWorkspace().child(commitFile2).exists()); // the integration branch should have branch1 and branch2 as parents revList = testGitClient.revList("integration^1"); assertEquals("Integration should have the first merge commit as a parent", revList.get(0), mergeCommit); revList = testGitClient.revList("integration^2"); assertEquals("Integration should have branch2 as a parent", revList.get(0).name(), shaBranch2); } @Issue("JENKINS-12402") @Test public void testMergeAndPushFFOnly() throws Exception { FreeStyleProject project = setupSimpleProject("master"); GitSCM scm = new GitSCM(remoteConfigs(), Collections.singletonList(new BranchSpec("*")), false, Collections.<SubmoduleConfig>emptyList(), null, null, Collections.<GitSCMExtension>emptyList()); scm.getExtensions().add(new PreBuildMerge(new UserMergeOptions("origin", "integration", null, MergeCommand.GitPluginFastForwardMode.FF_ONLY))); scm.getExtensions().add(new LocalBranch("integration")); project.setScm(scm); project.getPublishersList() .add(new GitPublisher(Collections.<TagToPush>emptyList(), Collections.singletonList(new BranchToPush("origin", "integration")), Collections.<NoteToPush>emptyList(), true, true, false)); // create initial commit and then run the build against it: commitNewFile("commitFileBase"); testGitClient.branch("integration"); final FreeStyleBuild build1 = build(project, Result.SUCCESS, "commitFileBase"); assertTrue(build1.getWorkspace().child("commitFileBase").exists()); String shaIntegration = getHeadRevision(build1, "integration"); assertEquals("integration should be at HEAD", shaIntegration, testGitClient.revParse(Constants.HEAD).name()); // create a new branch and build // This merge can work with --ff-only testGitClient.checkout("master"); ObjectId master = testGitClient.revParse("HEAD"); testGitClient.branch("branch1"); testGitClient.checkout("branch1"); final String commitFile1 = "commitFile1"; commitNewFile(commitFile1); String shaBranch1 = testGitClient.revParse("branch1").name(); final FreeStyleBuild build2 = build(project, Result.SUCCESS, commitFile1); ObjectId mergeCommit = testGitClient.revParse("integration"); // Test that the build (including publish) performed as expected. // - commitFile1 is in the workspace // - HEAD and integration should line up with branch1 like so: // * f4d190c (HEAD, integration, branch1) Commit number 1 // * f787536 (master) Initial Commit // assertTrue("commitFile1 should exist in the worksapce", build2.getWorkspace().child("commitFile1").exists()); shaIntegration = getHeadRevision(build2, "integration"); String shaHead = testGitClient.revParse(Constants.HEAD).name(); assertEquals("integration and branch1 should line up", shaIntegration, shaBranch1); assertEquals("integration and head should line up", shaIntegration, shaHead); // integration should have master as the parent commit List<ObjectId> revList = testGitClient.revList("integration^1"); ObjectId integrationParent = revList.get(0); assertEquals("Fast-forward merge should have had master as a parent", master, integrationParent); // create a second branch off of master, so as to force a merge commit // but the publish will fail as --ff-only cannot work with a parallel branch testGitClient.checkout("master"); testGitClient.branch("branch2"); testGitClient.checkout("branch2"); final String commitFile2 = "commitFile2"; commitNewFile(commitFile2); String shaBranch2 = testGitClient.revParse("branch2").name(); final FreeStyleBuild build3 = build(project, Result.FAILURE, commitFile2); // Test that the publish did not merge the branches // - The workspace will contain commitFile2, but not branch1's file (commitFile1) // - The repository will be left with branch2 unmerged like so: // * c19a55d (HEAD, branch2) Commit number 2 // | * 79c49b2 (integration, branch1) Commit number 1 // |/ // * ebffeb3 (master) Initial Commit assertFalse("commitFile1 should not exist in the worksapce", build2.getWorkspace().child("commitFile1").exists()); assertTrue("commitFile2 should exist in the worksapce", build2.getWorkspace().child("commitFile2").exists()); revList = testGitClient.revList("branch2^1"); assertEquals("branch2 should have master as a parent", revList.get(0), master); try { revList = testGitClient.revList("branch2^2"); assertTrue("branch2 should have no other parent than master", false); } catch (java.lang.NullPointerException err) { // expected } } @Issue("JENKINS-24786") @Test public void testPushEnvVarsInRemoteConfig() throws Exception { FreeStyleProject project = setupSimpleProject("master"); // create second (bare) test repository as target TaskListener listener = StreamTaskListener.fromStderr(); TestGitRepo testTargetRepo = new TestGitRepo("target", tmpFolder.newFolder("push_env_vars"), listener); testTargetRepo.git.init_().workspace(testTargetRepo.gitDir.getAbsolutePath()).bare(true).execute(); testTargetRepo.commit("lostTargetFile", new PersonIdent("John Doe", ""), "Initial Target Commit"); // add second test repository as remote repository with environment variables List<UserRemoteConfig> remoteRepositories = remoteConfigs(); remoteRepositories.add(new UserRemoteConfig("$TARGET_URL", "$TARGET_NAME", "+refs/heads/$TARGET_BRANCH:refs/remotes/$TARGET_NAME/$TARGET_BRANCH", null)); GitSCM scm = new GitSCM(remoteRepositories, Collections.singletonList(new BranchSpec("origin/master")), false, Collections.<SubmoduleConfig>emptyList(), null, null, Collections.<GitSCMExtension>emptyList()); project.setScm(scm); // add parameters for remote repository configuration project.addProperty(new ParametersDefinitionProperty( new StringParameterDefinition("TARGET_URL", testTargetRepo.gitDir.getAbsolutePath()), new StringParameterDefinition("TARGET_NAME", "target"), new StringParameterDefinition("TARGET_BRANCH", "master"))); String tag_name = "test-tag"; String note_content = "Test Note"; project.getPublishersList() .add(new GitPublisher( Collections.singletonList(new TagToPush("$TARGET_NAME", tag_name, "", false, false)), Collections.singletonList(new BranchToPush("$TARGET_NAME", "$TARGET_BRANCH")), Collections.singletonList( new NoteToPush("$TARGET_NAME", note_content, Constants.R_NOTES_COMMITS, false)), true, false, true)); commitNewFile("commitFile"); testGitClient.tag(tag_name, "Comment"); ObjectId expectedCommit = testGitClient.revParse("master"); build(project, Result.SUCCESS, "commitFile"); // check if everything reached target repository assertEquals(expectedCommit, testTargetRepo.git.revParse("master")); assertTrue(existsTagInRepo(testTargetRepo.git, tag_name)); } @Issue("JENKINS-24082") @Test public void testForcePush() throws Exception { FreeStyleProject project = setupSimpleProject("master"); GitSCM scm = new GitSCM(remoteConfigs(), Collections.singletonList(new BranchSpec("master")), false, Collections.<SubmoduleConfig>emptyList(), null, null, Collections.<GitSCMExtension>emptyList()); project.setScm(scm); project.getPublishersList() .add(new GitPublisher(Collections.<TagToPush>emptyList(), Collections.singletonList(new BranchToPush("origin", "otherbranch")), Collections.<NoteToPush>emptyList(), true, true, true)); commitNewFile("commitFile"); testGitClient.branch("otherbranch"); testGitClient.checkout("otherbranch"); commitNewFile("otherCommitFile"); testGitClient.checkout("master"); commitNewFile("commitFile2"); ObjectId expectedCommit = testGitClient.revParse("master"); build(project, Result.SUCCESS, "commitFile"); assertEquals(expectedCommit, testGitClient.revParse("otherbranch")); } /** * Fix push to remote when skipTag is enabled */ @Issue("JENKINS-17769") @Test public void testMergeAndPushWithSkipTagEnabled() throws Exception { FreeStyleProject project = setupSimpleProject("master"); GitSCM scm = new GitSCM(remoteConfigs(), Collections.singletonList(new BranchSpec("*")), false, Collections.<SubmoduleConfig>emptyList(), null, null, new ArrayList<GitSCMExtension>()); scm.getExtensions().add(new PreBuildMerge(new UserMergeOptions("origin", "integration", null, null))); scm.getExtensions().add(new LocalBranch("integration")); project.setScm(scm); project.getPublishersList() .add(new GitPublisher(Collections.<TagToPush>emptyList(), Collections.singletonList(new BranchToPush("origin", "integration")), Collections.<NoteToPush>emptyList(), true, true, false)); // create initial commit and then run the build against it: commitNewFile("commitFileBase"); testGitClient.branch("integration"); build(project, Result.SUCCESS, "commitFileBase"); testGitClient.checkout(null, "topic1"); final String commitFile1 = "commitFile1"; commitNewFile(commitFile1); final FreeStyleBuild build1 = build(project, Result.SUCCESS, commitFile1); assertTrue(build1.getWorkspace().child(commitFile1).exists()); String sha1 = getHeadRevision(build1, "integration"); assertEquals(sha1, testGitClient.revParse(Constants.HEAD).name()); } @Issue("JENKINS-24786") @Test public void testMergeAndPushWithCharacteristicEnvVar() throws Exception { FreeStyleProject project = setupSimpleProject("master"); /* * JOB_NAME seemed like the more obvious choice, but when run from a * multi-configuration job, the value of JOB_NAME includes an equals * sign. That makes log parsing and general use of the variable more * difficult. JENKINS_SERVER_COOKIE is a characteristic env var which * probably never includes an equals sign. */ String envName = "JENKINS_SERVER_COOKIE"; String envValue = project.getCharacteristicEnvVars().get(envName, "NOT-SET"); assertFalse("Env " + envName + " not set", envValue.equals("NOT-SET")); checkEnvVar(project, envName, envValue); } @Issue("JENKINS-24786") @Test public void testMergeAndPushWithSystemEnvVar() throws Exception { FreeStyleProject project = setupSimpleProject("master"); String envName = isWindows() ? "COMPUTERNAME" : "LOGNAME"; String envValue = System.getenv().get(envName); assertNotNull("Env " + envName + " not set", envValue); assertFalse("Env " + envName + " empty", envValue.isEmpty()); checkEnvVar(project, envName, envValue); } private void checkEnvVar(FreeStyleProject project, String envName, String envValue) throws Exception { String envReference = "${" + envName + "}"; List<GitSCMExtension> scmExtensions = new ArrayList<GitSCMExtension>(); scmExtensions.add(new PreBuildMerge(new UserMergeOptions("origin", envReference, null, null))); scmExtensions.add(new LocalBranch(envReference)); GitSCM scm = new GitSCM(remoteConfigs(), Collections.singletonList(new BranchSpec("*")), false, Collections.<SubmoduleConfig>emptyList(), null, null, scmExtensions); project.setScm(scm); String tagNameReference = envReference + "-tag"; // ${BRANCH_NAME}-tag String tagNameValue = envValue + "-tag"; // master-tag String tagMessageReference = envReference + " tag message"; String noteReference = "note for " + envReference; String noteValue = "note for " + envValue; GitPublisher publisher = new GitPublisher( Collections .singletonList(new TagToPush("origin", tagNameReference, tagMessageReference, false, true)), Collections.singletonList(new BranchToPush("origin", envReference)), Collections .singletonList(new NoteToPush("origin", noteReference, Constants.R_NOTES_COMMITS, false)), true, true, true); assertTrue(publisher.isForcePush()); assertTrue(publisher.isPushBranches()); assertTrue(publisher.isPushMerge()); assertTrue(publisher.isPushNotes()); assertTrue(publisher.isPushOnlyIfSuccess()); assertTrue(publisher.isPushTags()); project.getPublishersList().add(publisher); // create initial commit commitNewFile("commitFileBase"); ObjectId initialCommit = testGitClient.getHeadRev(testGitDir.getAbsolutePath(), "master"); assertTrue(testGitClient.isCommitInRepo(initialCommit)); // Create branch in the test repo (pulled into the project workspace at build) assertFalse("Test repo has " + envValue + " branch", hasBranch(envValue)); testGitClient.branch(envValue); assertTrue("Test repo missing " + envValue + " branch", hasBranch(envValue)); assertFalse(tagNameValue + " in " + testGitClient, testGitClient.tagExists(tagNameValue)); // Build the branch final FreeStyleBuild build0 = build(project, Result.SUCCESS, "commitFileBase"); String build0HeadBranch = getHeadRevision(build0, envValue); assertEquals(build0HeadBranch, initialCommit.getName()); assertTrue(tagNameValue + " not in " + testGitClient, testGitClient.tagExists(tagNameValue)); assertTrue(tagNameValue + " not in build", build0.getWorkspace().child(".git/refs/tags/" + tagNameValue).exists()); // Create a topic branch in the source repository and commit to topic branch String topicBranch = envValue + "-topic1"; assertFalse("Test repo has " + topicBranch + " branch", hasBranch(topicBranch)); testGitClient.checkout(null, topicBranch); assertTrue("Test repo has no " + topicBranch + " branch", hasBranch(topicBranch)); final String commitFile1 = "commitFile1"; commitNewFile(commitFile1); ObjectId topicCommit = testGitClient.getHeadRev(testGitDir.getAbsolutePath(), topicBranch); assertTrue(testGitClient.isCommitInRepo(topicCommit)); // Run a build, should be on the topic branch, tagged, and noted final FreeStyleBuild build1 = build(project, Result.SUCCESS, commitFile1); FilePath myWorkspace = build1.getWorkspace(); assertTrue(myWorkspace.child(commitFile1).exists()); assertTrue("Tag " + tagNameValue + " not in build", myWorkspace.child(".git/refs/tags/" + tagNameValue).exists()); String build1Head = getHeadRevision(build1, envValue); assertEquals(build1Head, testGitClient.revParse(Constants.HEAD).name()); assertEquals("Wrong head commit in build1", topicCommit.getName(), build1Head); } private boolean existsTag(String tag) throws InterruptedException { return existsTagInRepo(testGitClient, tag); } private boolean existsTagInRepo(GitClient gitClient, String tag) throws InterruptedException { Set<String> tags = gitClient.getTagNames("*"); return tags.contains(tag); } private boolean containsTagMessage(String tag, String str) throws InterruptedException { String msg = testGitClient.getTagMessage(tag); return msg.contains(str); } private boolean hasBranch(String branchName) throws GitException, InterruptedException { Set<Branch> testRepoBranches = testGitClient.getBranches(); for (Branch branch : testRepoBranches) { if (branch.getName().equals(branchName)) { return true; } } return false; } /** inline ${@link hudson.Functions#isWindows()} to prevent a transient remote classloader issue */ private boolean isWindows() { return == ';'; } }