Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2004-2011, Sun Microsystems, Inc., Kohsuke Kawaguchi, id:cactusman, Timothy Bingaman * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package hudson.ivy; import hudson.CopyOnWrite; import hudson.Functions; import hudson.Util; import hudson.model.AbstractProject; import hudson.model.Action; import hudson.model.DependencyGraph; import hudson.model.Descriptor; import hudson.model.Hudson; import hudson.model.Item; import hudson.model.ItemGroup; import hudson.model.JDK; import hudson.model.Job; import hudson.model.Label; import hudson.model.Node; import hudson.model.Resource; import hudson.model.Result; import hudson.model.Saveable; import hudson.model.DependencyGraph.Dependency; import hudson.model.Descriptor.FormException; import hudson.model.queue.CauseOfBlockage; import hudson.tasks.BuildStepDescriptor; import hudson.tasks.BuildWrapper; import hudson.tasks.LogRotator; import hudson.tasks.Publisher; import hudson.util.DescribableList; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse; import org.kohsuke.stapler.export.Exported; /** * {@link Job} that builds projects based on Ivy. * * @author Timothy Bingaman */ public final class IvyModule extends AbstractIvyProject<IvyModule, IvyBuild> implements Saveable { private static final String IVY_XML_PATH = "ivy.xml"; private DescribableList<Publisher, Descriptor<Publisher>> publishers = new DescribableList<Publisher, Descriptor<Publisher>>( this); /** * Name taken from {@link ModuleRevisionId#getName()}. */ private String displayName; /** * Revision number of this module as of the last build, taken from * {@link ModuleRevisionId#getRevision()}. * * This field can be null if Hudson loaded old data that didn't record this * information, so that situation needs to be handled gracefully. */ private String revision; /** * Ivy branch of this module as of the last build, taken from * {@link ModuleRevisionId#getBranch()}. * * This field can be null if Hudson loaded old data that didn't record this * information, so that situation needs to be handled gracefully. */ private String ivyBranch; private transient ModuleName moduleName; /** * Relative path from the workspace to the ivy descriptor file for this * module. * * Strings like "ivy.xml" (if the ivy.xml file is checked out directly in * the workspace), "abc/ivy.xml", "foo/bar/zot/ivy.xml". */ private String relativePathToDescriptorFromWorkspace; /** * If this module has targets specified by itself. Otherwise leave it null * to use the default targets specified in the parent. */ private String targets; /** * Relative path from the workspace to the ivy descriptor file for this * module. * * Strings like "ivy.xml" (if the ivy.xml file is directly in * the module root), "ivy/ivy.xml", "build/ivy.xml". */ private String relativePathToDescriptorFromModuleRoot; private DescribableList<BuildWrapper, Descriptor<BuildWrapper>> buildWrappers = new DescribableList<BuildWrapper, Descriptor<BuildWrapper>>( this); public DescribableList<BuildWrapper, Descriptor<BuildWrapper>> getBuildWrappersList() { if (buildWrappers == null) { buildWrappers = new DescribableList<BuildWrapper, Descriptor<BuildWrapper>>(this); } return buildWrappers; } /** * List of modules that this module declares direct dependencies on. */ @CopyOnWrite private volatile Set<ModuleDependency> dependencies; /* package */ IvyModule(IvyModuleSet parent, IvyModuleInfo moduleInfo, int firstBuildNumber) throws IOException { super(parent,; reconfigure(moduleInfo); updateNextBuildNumber(firstBuildNumber); copyParentBuildWrappers(parent); } private void copyParentBuildWrappers(IvyModuleSet parent) { if (!parent.isAggregatorStyleBuild()) { List<BuildWrapper> parentWrappers = parent.getBuildWrappersList().getAll(BuildWrapper.class); for (BuildWrapper buildWrapper : parentWrappers) { try { IvyClonerWrapper cloner = new IvyClonerWrapper(); cloner.dontClone(Descriptor.class); getBuildWrappersList().add(cloner.deepClone(buildWrapper)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not copy build wrappers", e); } } } } /** * {@link IvyModule} follows the same log rotation schedule as its parent. */ @Override public LogRotator getLogRotator() { return getParent().getLogRotator(); } /** * @deprecated Not allowed to configure log rotation per module. */ @Deprecated @Override public void setLogRotator(LogRotator logRotator) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public boolean supportsLogRotator() { return false; } @Override public boolean isBuildable() { // not buildable if the parent project is disabled return super.isBuildable() && getParent().isBuildable(); } /** * Called to update the module with the new ivy.xml information. * <p> * This method is invoked on {@link IvyModule} that has the matching * {@link ModuleName}. */ /* package */final void reconfigure(IvyModuleInfo moduleInfo) { this.displayName = moduleInfo.displayName; this.revision = moduleInfo.revision; this.ivyBranch = moduleInfo.branch; this.relativePathToDescriptorFromWorkspace = moduleInfo.relativePathToDescriptor; this.dependencies = moduleInfo.dependencies; disabled = false; } @Override protected void doSetName(String name) { moduleName = ModuleName.fromFileSystemName(name); super.doSetName(moduleName.toString()); } @Override public void onLoad(ItemGroup<? extends Item> parent, String name) throws IOException { super.onLoad(parent, name); if (publishers == null) publishers = new DescribableList<Publisher, Descriptor<Publisher>>(this); publishers.setOwner(this); if (dependencies == null) { dependencies = Collections.emptySet(); } } /** * Relative path to this module's root directory from the workspace of a * {@link IvyModuleSet}. * * The path separator is normalized to '/'. */ public String getRelativePath() { return relativePathToDescriptorFromWorkspace; } /** * Gets the revision number in the ivy.xml file as of the last build. * * @return This method can return null if Hudson loaded old data that didn't * record this information, so that situation needs to be handled * gracefully. */ public String getRevision() { return revision; } /** * Gets the Ivy branch in the ivy.xml file as of the last build. * * @return This method can return null if Hudson loaded old data that didn't * record this information, so that situation needs to be handled * gracefully. */ public String getIvyBranch() { return ivyBranch; } /** * Gets the list of targets to execute for this module. */ public String getTargets() { return targets; } public String getRelativePathToDescriptorFromModuleRoot() { if (relativePathToDescriptorFromModuleRoot != null) return relativePathToDescriptorFromModuleRoot; return getParent().getRelativePathToDescriptorFromModuleRoot(); } public String getUserConfiguredRelativePathToDescriptorFromModuleRoot() { return relativePathToDescriptorFromModuleRoot; } public String getRelativePathToModuleRoot() { return StringUtils.removeEnd(relativePathToDescriptorFromWorkspace, StringUtils.defaultString(getRelativePathToDescriptorFromModuleRoot(), IVY_XML_PATH)); } @Override public DescribableList<Publisher, Descriptor<Publisher>> getPublishersList() { if (getParent().isAggregatorStyleBuild()) { return publishers; } DescribableList<Publisher, Descriptor<Publisher>> publishersList = new DescribableList<Publisher, Descriptor<Publisher>>( Saveable.NOOP); try { publishersList.addAll(createModulePublishers()); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.warning("Failed to load module publisher list"); } return publishersList; } @Override public JDK getJDK() { // share one setting for the whole module set. return getParent().getJDK(); } @Override protected Class<IvyBuild> getBuildClass() { return IvyBuild.class; } @Override protected IvyBuild newBuild() throws IOException { return super.newBuild(); } public ModuleName getModuleName() { return moduleName; } /** * Gets organisation+name+revision as {@link ModuleDependency}. */ public ModuleDependency asDependency() { return new ModuleDependency(moduleName, Functions.defaulted(revision, ModuleDependency.UNKNOWN), Functions.defaulted(ivyBranch, ModuleDependency.UNKNOWN)); } @Override public String getShortUrl() { return moduleName.toFileSystemName() + '/'; } @Exported(visibility = 2) @Override public String getDisplayName() { return displayName; } @Override public String getPronoun() { return Messages.IvyModule_Pronoun(); } @Override public boolean isNameEditable() { return false; } @Override public IvyModuleSet getParent() { return (IvyModuleSet) super.getParent(); } /** * {@link IvyModule} uses the workspace of the {@link IvyModuleSet}, so it * always needs to be built on the same slave as the parent. */ @Override public Label getAssignedLabel() { Node n = getParent().getLastBuiltOn(); if (n == null) return null; return n.getSelfLabel(); } /** * Workspace of a {@link IvyModule} is a part of the parent's workspace. * <p> * That is, {@Link IvyModuleSet} builds are incompatible with any * {@link IvyModule} builds, whereas {@link IvyModule} builds are compatible * with each other. * * @deprecated as of 1.319 in {@link AbstractProject}. */ @Deprecated @Override public Resource getWorkspaceResource() { return new Resource(getParent().getWorkspaceResource(), getDisplayName() + " workspace"); } @Override public boolean isFingerprintConfigured() { return true; } @Override // to make this accessible to IvyModuleSet protected void updateTransientActions() { super.updateTransientActions(); } @Override protected void buildDependencyGraph(DependencyGraph graph) { // Allow a module's publishers to add to the dependency graph. // This permits the standard build trigger to still work in // addition to the triggers generated by ivy dependencies. publishers.buildDependencyGraph(this, graph); if (!isBuildable() || (getParent().ignoreUpstreamChanges() && getParent().isAggregatorStyleBuild())) return; IvyDependencyComputationData data = graph.getComputationalData(IvyDependencyComputationData.class); // Build a map of all Ivy modules in this Jenkins instance as dependencies. if (!getParent().ignoreUpstreamChanges() && data == null) { Map<ModuleDependency, IvyModule> modules = new HashMap<ModuleDependency, IvyModule>(); for (IvyModule m : getAllIvyModules()) { if (!m.isBuildable() || !m.getParent().isAllowedToTriggerDownstream()) continue; ModuleDependency moduleDependency = m.asDependency(); modules.put(moduleDependency, m); modules.put(moduleDependency.withUnknownRevision(), m); } data = new IvyDependencyComputationData(modules); graph.putComputationalData(IvyDependencyComputationData.class, data); } // In case two modules with the same name are defined, modules in the same IvyModuleSet // take precedence. Map<ModuleDependency, IvyModule> myParentsModules = new HashMap<ModuleDependency, IvyModule>(); for (IvyModule m : getParent().getModules()) { if (m.isDisabled()) continue; ModuleDependency moduleDependency = m.asDependency(); myParentsModules.put(moduleDependency, m); myParentsModules.put(moduleDependency.withUnknownRevision(), m); } // if the build style is the aggregator build, define dependencies against project, // not module. AbstractProject<?, ?> downstream = getParent().isAggregatorStyleBuild() ? getParent() : this; for (ModuleDependency d : dependencies) { IvyModule src = myParentsModules.get(d); if (src == null) { src = myParentsModules.get(d.withUnknownRevision()); } if (src == null && !getParent().ignoreUpstreamChanges()) { src = data.allModules.get(d); if (src == null) { src = data.allModules.get(d.withUnknownRevision()); } } if (src == null) continue; AbstractProject upstream; if (src.getParent().isAggregatorStyleBuild()) { upstream = src.getParent(); } else { // Add a virtual dependency from the parent project to the // downstream one to make the // "Block build when upstream project is building" option behave // properly if (!this.getParent().equals(src.getParent()) && !hasDependency(graph, src.getParent(), downstream)) graph.addDependency(new IvyVirtualDependency(src.getParent(), downstream)); upstream = src; } AbstractProject revisedDownstream = downstream; if (!getParent().equals(src.getParent()) && !getParent().isAggregatorStyleBuild()) { revisedDownstream = getParent(); if (!src.getParent().isAggregatorStyleBuild() && !hasDependency(graph, src.getParent(), revisedDownstream)) { graph.addDependency(new IvyVirtualDependency(src.getParent(), revisedDownstream)); } } // Create the build dependency, ignoring self-referencing or already existing deps if (upstream != revisedDownstream && !hasDependency(graph, upstream, revisedDownstream)) graph.addDependency(new IvyThresholdDependency(upstream, revisedDownstream, Result.SUCCESS, isUseUpstreamParameters())); } } /** * Returns all Ivy modules in this Jenkins instance. */ protected Collection<IvyModule> getAllIvyModules() { return Hudson.getInstance().getAllItems(IvyModule.class); } private boolean hasDependency(DependencyGraph graph, AbstractProject upstream, AbstractProject downstream) { for (Dependency dep : graph.getDownstreamDependencies(upstream)) { if (dep instanceof IvyDependency && dep.getDownstreamProject().equals(downstream)) return true; } return false; } private static class IvyDependencyComputationData { Map<ModuleDependency, IvyModule> allModules; public IvyDependencyComputationData(Map<ModuleDependency, IvyModule> modules) { this.allModules = modules; } } @Override public CauseOfBlockage getCauseOfBlockage() { CauseOfBlockage cob = super.getCauseOfBlockage(); if (cob != null) return cob; if (!getParent().isAggregatorStyleBuild()) { DependencyGraph graph = Hudson.getInstance().getDependencyGraph(); for (AbstractProject tup : graph.getTransitiveUpstream(this)) { if (getParent() == tup.getParent() && (tup.isBuilding() || tup.isInQueue())) return new BecauseOfUpstreamModuleBuildInProgress(tup); } } return null; } /** * Because the upstream module build is in progress, and we are configured to wait for that. */ public static class BecauseOfUpstreamModuleBuildInProgress extends CauseOfBlockage { public final AbstractProject<?, ?> up; public BecauseOfUpstreamModuleBuildInProgress(AbstractProject<?, ?> up) { this.up = up; } @Override public String getShortDescription() { return Messages.IvyModule_UpstreamModuleBuildInProgress(up.getName()); } } @Override protected void addTransientActionsFromBuild(IvyBuild build, List<Action> collection, Set<Class> added) { if (build == null) return; List<IvyReporter> list = build.projectActionReporters; if (list == null) return; for (IvyReporter step : list) { if (!added.add(step.getClass())) continue; // already added try { collection.addAll(step.getProjectActions(this)); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to getProjectAction from " + step + ". Report issue to plugin developers.", e); } } } /** * List of active {@link Publisher}s configured for this module. */ public DescribableList<Publisher, Descriptor<Publisher>> getPublishers() { return publishers; } @Override protected void submit(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException, ServletException, FormException { super.submit(req, rsp); targets = Util.fixEmptyAndTrim(req.getParameter("targets")); relativePathToDescriptorFromModuleRoot = Util .fixEmptyAndTrim(req.getParameter("relativePathToDescriptorFromModuleRoot")); publishers.rebuild(req, req.getSubmittedForm(), BuildStepDescriptor.filter(Publisher.all(), this.getClass())); // dependency setting might have been changed by the user, so rebuild. Hudson.getInstance().rebuildDependencyGraph(); } @Override protected void performDelete() throws IOException, InterruptedException { super.performDelete(); getParent().onModuleDeleted(this); } /** * Creates a list of {@link Publisher}s to be used for a build of this project. */ protected final List<Publisher> createModulePublishers() { List<Publisher> modulePublisherList = new ArrayList<Publisher>(); getPublishers().addAllTo(modulePublisherList); if (!getParent().isAggregatorStyleBuild()) { getParent().getPublishers().addAllTo(modulePublisherList); } return modulePublisherList; } @Override public boolean isUseUpstreamParameters() { return getParent().isUseUpstreamParameters(); } private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(IvyModule.class.getName()); }