Java tutorial
/** * * Copyright 2013 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package hk.idv.kenson.jrconsole; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.PropertyResourceBundle; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.DefaultJasperReportsContext; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRExporterParameter; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperExportManager; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrint; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperReport; import; import; import; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.oasis.JROdtExporter; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRLoader; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * Generating report by JasperReport with minimal dependency. * @author kenson */ public class Console { public static final String ARG_TEXT = "_arg_text_"; public static final String DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd"; public static final String DEFAULT_DECIMAL_FORMAT = "#,##0.0"; public static final String VERSION = "v1.1"; public static final String PARAM_LOCALE = "REPORT_LOCALE"; public static final String PARAM_BUNDLE = "REPORT_RESOURCE_BUNDLE"; private static DateFormat dateFormat; private static DecimalFormat decimalFormat; private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Console.class); /** * Checking the param is ready to generate the report or not * @param params Parameters to be checked * @throws IllegalArgumentException The exception talking about the which argument is invalid */ private static void checkParam(Map<String, Object> params) throws IllegalArgumentException { log.debug("Checking runtime parameters..."); //Checking the data-source if (params.get("source") == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please specify the data-source"); if (params.get("type") == null) params.put("type", "jdbc"); String type = params.get("type").toString(); if (!(type.equals("jdbc") || type.equals("json") || type.equals("xml") || type.equals("csv"))) throw new IllegalArgumentException("type \"" + type + "\" is not supported"); if (!("jdbc".equals(type) || !"pipe".equals(params.get("source")))) { File file = new File(params.get("source").toString()); if (!(file.exists() && file.isFile())) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The source file is not exists: " + params.get("source")); if (!file.canRead()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The source file is not readable: " + params.get("source")); } //Checking the report template if (params.get("jrxml") == null && params.get("jasper") == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please specify -jrxml or -jasper for loading report template"); if (params.get("jrxml") != null) { File jrxml = new File(params.get("jrxml").toString()); if (!jrxml.exists()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("jrxml \"" + params.get("jrxml") + "\" is not exists"); if (!jrxml.canRead()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("jrxml \"" + params.get("jrxml") + "\" is not readable"); } if (params.get("jasper") != null) { File jasper = new File(params.get("jasper").toString()); if (!jasper.exists()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("jasper \"" + params.get("jasper") + "\" is not exists"); if (!jasper.canRead()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("jasper \"" + params.get("jasper") + "\" is not readable"); } //Checking output if (params.get("outputtype") == null) params.put("outputtype", "pdf"); if (params.get("output") == null) params.put("output", System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/output.pdf"); File output = new File(params.get("output").toString()); if (output.exists() && !output.canWrite()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("output \"" + params.get("output") + "\" cannot be overwrited"); //Checking the locale and bundle try { if (params.get("locale") != null) params.put(PARAM_LOCALE, getLocale(params.remove("locale").toString())); if (params.get(PARAM_LOCALE) == null) params.put(PARAM_LOCALE, Locale.getDefault()); if (params.get("bundle") != null) params.put(PARAM_BUNDLE, parseVal("bundle:" + params.get("bundle"), params)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error when reading properties/locale/resource-bundle", ex); } } /** * Copy the data from ips into ops. * @param ips * @param ops * @throws IOException */ private static void copy(InputStream ips, OutputStream ops) throws IOException { byte[] b = new byte[1024]; int noOfBytes = 0; while ((noOfBytes = != -1) ops.write(b, 0, noOfBytes); } /** * Loading the resource bundle from file-system or classpath. * <div>Loading resource-bundle from class: classpath:/org/apache/resourceBundle</div> * <div>Loading resource-bundle file file-system: /path/to/</div> * @param path * @param locale * @return * @throws IOException */ private static ResourceBundle getBundle(String path, Locale locale) throws IOException { if (path == null) throw new NullPointerException("Cannot loading the resource-bundle from empty path"); if (path.toLowerCase().startsWith("classpath:")) return ResourceBundle.getBundle(path.substring(10), locale); else return new PropertyResourceBundle(new FileInputStream(path)); } /** * @return the dateFormat */ public static DateFormat getDateFormat() { if (dateFormat == null) { String format = System.getProperty("dateFormat"); if (format == null) format = DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT; dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(format); } return dateFormat; } /** * @return the decimalFormat */ public static DecimalFormat getDecimalFormat() { if (decimalFormat == null) { String format = System.getProperty("decimalFormat"); if (format == null) format = DEFAULT_DECIMAL_FORMAT; decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat(format); } return decimalFormat; } /** * * @param localeString * @return */ private static Locale getLocale(String localeString) { if ("default".equals(localeString)) return Locale.getDefault(); if ("canada".equals(localeString)) return Locale.CANADA; if ("canada_french".equals(localeString)) return Locale.CANADA_FRENCH; if ("china".equals(localeString)) return Locale.CHINA; if ("chinese".equals(localeString)) return Locale.CHINESE; if ("english".equals(localeString)) return Locale.ENGLISH; if ("franch".equals(localeString)) return Locale.FRANCE; if ("german".equals(localeString)) return Locale.GERMAN; if ("germany".equals(localeString)) return Locale.GERMANY; if ("italian".equals(localeString)) return Locale.ITALIAN; if ("italy".equals(localeString)) return Locale.ITALY; if ("japan".equals(localeString)) return Locale.JAPAN; if ("japanese".equals(localeString)) return Locale.JAPANESE; if ("korea".equals(localeString)) return Locale.KOREA; if ("korean".equals(localeString)) return Locale.KOREAN; if ("prc".equals(localeString)) return Locale.PRC; if ("simplified_chinese".equals(localeString)) return Locale.SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE; if ("taiwan".equals(localeString)) return Locale.TAIWAN; if ("traditional_chinese".equals(localeString)) return Locale.TRADITIONAL_CHINESE; if ("uk".equals(localeString)) return Locale.UK; if ("us".equals(localeString)) return Locale.US; String parts[] = localeString.split("_", -1); if (parts.length == 1) return new Locale(parts[0]); else if (parts.length == 2) return new Locale(parts[0], parts[1]); else return new Locale(parts[0], parts[1], parts[2]); } /** * Loading the properties from file-system * @param path * @return * @throws IOException */ private static Properties getProperties(String path) throws IOException { if (path == null) throw new NullPointerException("Cannot loading the properties from empty path"); Properties result = new Properties(); if (path.toLowerCase().endsWith(".xml")) result.loadFromXML(new FileInputStream(path)); else result.load(new FileInputStream(path)); return result; } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { try { Map<String, Object> params = Console.parseArgs(args); if (params.containsKey("help")) { printUsage(); return; } if (params.containsKey("version")) { System.err.println("Version: " + VERSION); return; } if (params.containsKey("debug")) { for (String key : params.keySet())"\"" + key + "\" => \"" + params.get(key) + "\""); return; } checkParam(params); stepCompile(params); JasperReport jasper = stepLoadReport(params); JasperPrint print = stepFill(jasper, params); InputStream stream = stepExport(print, params); File output = new File(params.get("output").toString()); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(output); copy(stream, fos); fos.close(); stream.close(); System.out.println(output.getAbsolutePath()); //Output the report path for pipe } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { printUsage(); System.err.println("Error: " + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception", ex); } } /** * Parsing the string array into the Map<String, Object> format * @param args The string array to be pased * @return The Map<String, Object> * @throws ParseException */ public static Map<String, Object> parseArgs(String[] args) throws ParseException { log.debug("Parsing arguments..."); Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String name = null; if (args != null) for (String arg : args) if (arg.startsWith("-")) { if (name != null) result.put(arg.substring(1), true); name = arg.substring(1); } else { if (name == null) name = ARG_TEXT; if (name.startsWith("D")) result.put(name.substring(1), parseVal(arg, result)); else result.put(name, arg); name = null; } if (name != null) result.put(name, true); return result; } /** * Parsing the string into the specified value (with right data-type) * @param arg * @return * @throws java.text.ParseException */ public static Object parseVal(String arg, Map<String, Object> params) throws java.text.ParseException { try { if (arg == null) return null; if (arg.startsWith("boolean:")) return Boolean.valueOf(arg.substring(8)); if (arg.startsWith("int:")) return Integer.valueOf(arg.substring(4)); if (arg.startsWith("long:")) return Long.valueOf(arg.substring(5)); if (arg.startsWith("double:")) return Double.valueOf(arg.substring(7)); if (arg.startsWith("url:")) return new URL(arg.substring(4)); if (arg.startsWith("date:")) return getDateFormat().parse(arg.substring(5)); if (arg.startsWith("decimal:")) return getDecimalFormat().parse(arg.substring(8)); if (arg.startsWith("stream:")) return new URL(arg.substring(7)).openStream(); if (arg.startsWith("string:")) return arg.substring(7); if (arg.startsWith("locale:")) return getLocale(arg.substring(7)); if (arg.startsWith("properties:")) return getProperties(arg.substring(11)); if (arg.startsWith("bundle:")) { Object locale = params.get(PARAM_LOCALE); if (locale == null) locale = Locale.getDefault(); if (!(locale instanceof Locale)) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "parameter[" + PARAM_LOCALE + "] is reserved for the locale specification. "); return getBundle(arg.substring(7), (Locale) locale); } return arg; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new ParseException("Cannot create the url: " + arg.substring(4), 0); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ParseException("Cannot open the stream: " + arg.substring(7), 0); } } /** * Print the usage of the application */ private static void printUsage() { System.err.printf("Usage:\n"); System.err.printf(" java -cp <jar-file> -jar jrconsole.jar <options>\n"); System.err.printf(" java -jar jrconsole.jar -version\n"); System.err.printf(" java -jar jrconsole.jar -help\n"); System.err.printf("Options:\n"); System.err.printf(" %-20s: %s\n", "-driver", "The jdbc driver class name"); System.err.printf(" %-20s: %s\n", "-source", "The datasource specification. It can be the jdbc-url or file path"); System.err.printf(" %-20s: %s\n", "-type", "The datasource type. It can be 'jdbc', 'csv', 'json' or 'xml'. Default is 'jdbc'"); System.err.printf(" %-20s: %s\n", "-username", "The username of the data-source"); System.err.printf(" %-20s: %s\n", "-password", "The password of the data-source"); System.err.printf(" %-20s: %s\n", "-jrxml", "The path of the jrxml file. I\'ll compile it automatically"); System.err.printf(" %-20s: %s\n", "-jasper", "The compiled jasper file"); System.err.printf(" %-20s: %s\n", "-outputtype", "The report file type. Default is PDF"); System.err.printf(" %-20s: %s\n", "-output", "The output path of the report"); System.err.printf(" %-20s: %s\n", "-locale", "The locale of the report"); System.err.printf(" %-20s: %s\n", "-bundle", "The resource-bundle of the report"); System.err.printf(" %-20s: %s\n", "-Dparam", "The parameter that passed into JasperReport"); System.err.printf("Supported Parameter Types:\n"); System.err.printf(" boolean, int, long, double, url, date, decimal, stream, string, properties\n"); System.err.printf( " * Loading properties from the path. If loading classpath properties, use \"classpath:\" prefix.\n"); System.err.printf(" * Date Format can be specified by system property \"dateFormat\". Default is: %s\n", DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT); System.err.printf( " * Decimal Format can be specified by system property \"decimalFormat\". Default is: %s\n", DEFAULT_DECIMAL_FORMAT); System.err.printf("\nExamples:\n"); System.err.printf( " java -cp jasperreport.jar:postgresql.jar:itext.jar -DdateFormat yyyy-MM-dd -jar jrconsole.jar \\\n"); System.err.printf(" -type jdbc \\\n"); System.err.printf(" -driver org.postgresql.Driver \\\n"); System.err.printf(" -source jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/dbname \\\n"); System.err.printf(" -username test -password abc123 \\\n"); System.err.printf(" -jrxml /home/test/report.jrxml \\\n"); System.err.printf(" -output /home/test/report.pdf -outputtype pdf \\\n"); System.err.printf(" -Dabc boolean:true -DreportDate date:2013-01-28\n"); System.err.printf(" -Dproperties properties:/path/to/ \\\n"); System.err.printf(" -DREPORT_RESOURCE_BUNDLE bundle:/path/to/ \\\n"); } /** * Compile the jrxml to jasper if necessary * @param params Runtime parameters */ private static void stepCompile(Map<String, Object> params) { if (params.containsKey("jasper")) return;//Don't need to compile"Compiling jrxml into jasper..."); try { File jasper = File.createTempFile("jrconsole-", ".jasper"); File jrxml = new File(params.get("jrxml").toString()); JasperCompileManager.compileReportToStream(new FileInputStream(jrxml), new FileOutputStream(jasper)); params.put("jasper", jasper.getAbsolutePath()); log.debug("Compiled report is ready on \"" + jasper.getAbsolutePath() + "\"."); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception", ex); } } /** * Export the JasperPrint into output stream according to runtime parameters * @param report The filled report * @param params Runtime parameters * @return The InputStream stream for reading the report */ private static InputStream stepExport(JasperPrint report, Map<String, Object> params) {"Exporting report in " + params.get("outputtype") + " format..."); byte[] result = null; try { String type = params.get("outputtype").toString(); if ("pdf".equals(type)) result = JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdf(report); else if ("odt".equals(type)) { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); JROdtExporter exporter = new JROdtExporter(DefaultJasperReportsContext.getInstance()); exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, report); exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_STREAM, baos); exporter.exportReport(); return new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()); } if (result == null) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("output-type \"" + type + "\" is not supported"); } catch (JRException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception", ex); } return new ByteArrayInputStream(result); } /** * Filling the report with data-source * @param report The compiled jasper-report * @param params Runtime parameters * @return The filled report */ private static JasperPrint stepFill(JasperReport report, Map<String, Object> params) {"Filling report (with locale: " + params.get(PARAM_LOCALE) + ")..."); try { if (params.get("driver") != null) Class.forName(params.get("driver").toString()); JasperPrint result = null; if ("jdbc".equals(params.get("type"))) { log.debug("Filling report from jdbc datasource..."); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(params.get("source").toString(), params.get("username").toString(), params.get("password").toString()); result = JasperFillManager.fillReport(report, params, conn); } else { InputStream source = null; if ("pipe".equals(params.get("source"))) { } else source = new FileInputStream(params.get("source").toString()); JRDataSource datasource = null; if ("csv".equals(params.get("source"))) { log.debug("Filling report from csv datasource[" + params.get("source") + "]..."); datasource = new JRCsvDataSource(source); ((JRCsvDataSource) datasource).setUseFirstRowAsHeader(true); } else if ("json".equals(params.get("type"))) { log.debug("Filling report from json datasource..."); datasource = new JsonDataSource(source); } else if ("xml".equals(params.get("source"))) { log.debug("Filling report from xml datasource..."); datasource = new JRXmlDataSource(source); } result = JasperFillManager.fillReport(report, params, datasource); } return result; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected Exception", ex); } } /** * Loading the report from jasper * @param params Runtime parameters * @return The compiled jasper-report */ private static JasperReport stepLoadReport(Map<String, Object> params) {"Loading report template..."); try { JasperReport result = (JasperReport) JRLoader.loadObjectFromFile(params.get("jasper").toString()); return result; } catch (JRException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot loading the jasper-report: " + params.get("jasper")); } } }