Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2012 Eric Bodden. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License v2.1 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Eric Bodden - initial API and implementation ******************************************************************************/ package heros.solver; import heros.DontSynchronize; import heros.EdgeFunction; import heros.EdgeFunctionCache; import heros.EdgeFunctions; import heros.FlowFunction; import heros.FlowFunctionCache; import heros.FlowFunctions; import heros.IDETabulationProblem; import heros.InterproceduralCFG; import heros.JoinLattice; import heros.SynchronizedBy; import heros.ZeroedFlowFunctions; import heros.edgefunc.EdgeIdentity; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Solves the given {@link IDETabulationProblem} as described in the 1996 paper by Sagiv, * Horwitz and Reps. To solve the problem, call {@link #solve()}. Results can then be * queried by using {@link #resultAt(Object, Object)} and {@link #resultsAt(Object)}. * * Note that this solver and its data structures internally use mostly {@link LinkedHashSet}s * instead of normal {@link HashSet}s to fix the iteration order as much as possible. This * is to produce, as much as possible, reproducible benchmarking results. We have found * that the iteration order can matter a lot in terms of speed. * * @param <N> The type of nodes in the interprocedural control-flow graph. * @param <D> The type of data-flow facts to be computed by the tabulation problem. * @param <M> The type of objects used to represent methods. * @param <V> The type of values to be computed along flow edges. * @param <I> The type of inter-procedural control-flow graph being used. */ public class IDESolver<N, D, M, V, I extends InterproceduralCFG<N, M>> { public static CacheBuilder<Object, Object> DEFAULT_CACHE_BUILDER = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .concurrencyLevel(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()).initialCapacity(10000).softValues(); protected static final boolean DEBUG = false; //executor for dispatching individual compute jobs (may be multi-threaded) @DontSynchronize("only used by single thread") protected ExecutorService executor; @DontSynchronize("only used by single thread") protected int numThreads; //the number of currently running tasks protected final AtomicInteger numTasks = new AtomicInteger(); @SynchronizedBy("consistent lock on field") //We are using a LinkedHashSet here to enforce FIFO semantics, which leads to a breath-first construction //of the exploded super graph. As we observed in experiments, this can speed up the construction. protected final Collection<PathEdge<N, D, M>> pathWorklist = new LinkedHashSet<PathEdge<N, D, M>>(); @SynchronizedBy("thread safe data structure, consistent locking when used") protected final JumpFunctions<N, D, V> jumpFn; @SynchronizedBy("thread safe data structure, consistent locking when used") protected final SummaryFunctions<N, D, V> summaryFunctions = new SummaryFunctions<N, D, V>(); @SynchronizedBy("thread safe data structure, only modified internally") protected final I icfg; //stores summaries that were queried before they were computed //see CC 2010 paper by Naeem, Lhotak and Rodriguez @SynchronizedBy("consistent lock on 'incoming'") protected final Table<N, D, Table<N, D, EdgeFunction<V>>> endSummary = HashBasedTable.create(); //edges going along calls //see CC 2010 paper by Naeem, Lhotak and Rodriguez @SynchronizedBy("consistent lock on field") protected final Table<N, D, Map<N, Set<D>>> incoming = HashBasedTable.create(); @DontSynchronize("stateless") protected final FlowFunctions<N, D, M> flowFunctions; @DontSynchronize("stateless") protected final EdgeFunctions<N, D, M, V> edgeFunctions; @DontSynchronize("only used by single thread") protected final Set<N> initialSeeds; @DontSynchronize("stateless") protected final JoinLattice<V> valueLattice; @DontSynchronize("stateless") protected final EdgeFunction<V> allTop; @DontSynchronize("only used by single thread - phase II not parallelized (yet)") protected final List<Pair<N, D>> nodeWorklist = new LinkedList<Pair<N, D>>(); @DontSynchronize("only used by single thread - phase II not parallelized (yet)") protected final Table<N, D, V> val = HashBasedTable.create(); @DontSynchronize("benign races") public long flowFunctionApplicationCount; @DontSynchronize("benign races") public long flowFunctionConstructionCount; @DontSynchronize("benign races") public long propagationCount; @DontSynchronize("benign races") public long durationFlowFunctionConstruction; @DontSynchronize("benign races") public long durationFlowFunctionApplication; @DontSynchronize("stateless") protected final D zeroValue; @DontSynchronize("readOnly") protected final FlowFunctionCache<N, D, M> ffCache; @DontSynchronize("readOnly") protected final EdgeFunctionCache<N, D, M, V> efCache; /** * Creates a solver for the given problem, which caches flow functions and edge functions. * The solver must then be started by calling {@link #solve()}. */ public IDESolver(IDETabulationProblem<N, D, M, V, I> tabulationProblem) { this(tabulationProblem, DEFAULT_CACHE_BUILDER, DEFAULT_CACHE_BUILDER); } /** * Creates a solver for the given problem, constructing caches with the given {@link CacheBuilder}. The solver must then be started by calling * {@link #solve()}. * @param flowFunctionCacheBuilder A valid {@link CacheBuilder} or <code>null</code> if no caching is to be used for flow functions. * @param edgeFunctionCacheBuilder A valid {@link CacheBuilder} or <code>null</code> if no caching is to be used for edge functions. */ public IDESolver(IDETabulationProblem<N, D, M, V, I> tabulationProblem, @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") CacheBuilder flowFunctionCacheBuilder, @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") CacheBuilder edgeFunctionCacheBuilder) { if (DEBUG) { flowFunctionCacheBuilder = flowFunctionCacheBuilder.recordStats(); edgeFunctionCacheBuilder = edgeFunctionCacheBuilder.recordStats(); } this.zeroValue = tabulationProblem.zeroValue(); this.icfg = tabulationProblem.interproceduralCFG(); FlowFunctions<N, D, M> flowFunctions = new ZeroedFlowFunctions<N, D, M>(tabulationProblem.flowFunctions(), tabulationProblem.zeroValue()); EdgeFunctions<N, D, M, V> edgeFunctions = tabulationProblem.edgeFunctions(); if (flowFunctionCacheBuilder != null) { ffCache = new FlowFunctionCache<N, D, M>(flowFunctions, flowFunctionCacheBuilder); flowFunctions = ffCache; } else { ffCache = null; } if (edgeFunctionCacheBuilder != null) { efCache = new EdgeFunctionCache<N, D, M, V>(edgeFunctions, edgeFunctionCacheBuilder); edgeFunctions = efCache; } else { efCache = null; } this.flowFunctions = flowFunctions; this.edgeFunctions = edgeFunctions; this.initialSeeds = tabulationProblem.initialSeeds(); this.valueLattice = tabulationProblem.joinLattice(); this.allTop = tabulationProblem.allTopFunction(); this.jumpFn = new JumpFunctions<N, D, V>(allTop); } /** * Runs the solver on the configured problem. This can take some time. * Uses a number of threads equal to the return value of * <code>Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()</code>. */ public void solve() { solve(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()); } /** * Runs the solver on the configured problem. This can take some time. * @param numThreads The number of threads to use. */ public void solve(int numThreads) { if (numThreads < 2) { this.executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); this.numThreads = 1; } else { this.executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numThreads); this.numThreads = numThreads; } for (N startPoint : initialSeeds) { propagate(zeroValue, startPoint, zeroValue, allTop); pathWorklist.add(new PathEdge<N, D, M>(zeroValue, startPoint, zeroValue)); jumpFn.addFunction(zeroValue, startPoint, zeroValue, EdgeIdentity.<V>v()); } { final long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); forwardComputeJumpFunctionsSLRPs(); durationFlowFunctionConstruction = System.currentTimeMillis() - before; } { final long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); computeValues(); durationFlowFunctionApplication = System.currentTimeMillis() - before; } if (DEBUG) printStats(); executor.shutdown(); } /** * Forward-tabulates the same-level realizable paths and associated functions. * Note that this is a little different from the original IFDS formulations because * we can have statements that are, for instance, both "normal" and "exit" statements. * This is for instance the case on a "throw" statement that may on the one hand * lead to a catch block but on the other hand exit the method depending * on the exception being thrown. */ private void forwardComputeJumpFunctionsSLRPs() { while (true) { synchronized (pathWorklist) { if (!pathWorklist.isEmpty()) { //pop edge Iterator<PathEdge<N, D, M>> iter = pathWorklist.iterator(); PathEdge<N, D, M> edge =; iter.remove(); numTasks.getAndIncrement(); //dispatch processing of edge (potentially in a different thread) executor.execute(new PathEdgeProcessingTask(edge)); propagationCount++; } else if (numTasks.intValue() == 0) { //path worklist is empty; no running tasks, we are done return; } else { //the path worklist is empty but we still have running tasks //wait until woken up, then try again try { pathWorklist.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } } } /** * Computes the final values for edge functions. */ private void computeValues() { //Phase II(i) for (N startPoint : initialSeeds) { setVal(startPoint, zeroValue, valueLattice.bottomElement()); Pair<N, D> superGraphNode = new Pair<N, D>(startPoint, zeroValue); nodeWorklist.add(superGraphNode); } while (true) { synchronized (nodeWorklist) { if (!nodeWorklist.isEmpty()) { //pop job Pair<N, D> nAndD = nodeWorklist.remove(0); numTasks.getAndIncrement(); //dispatch processing of job (potentially in a different thread) executor.execute(new ValuePropagationTask(nAndD)); } else if (numTasks.intValue() == 0) { //node worklist is empty; no running tasks, we are done break; } else { //the node worklist is empty but we still have running tasks //wait until woken up, then try again try { nodeWorklist.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } } //Phase II(ii) //we create an array of all nodes and then dispatch fractions of this array to multiple threads Set<N> allNonCallStartNodes = icfg.allNonCallStartNodes(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") N[] nonCallStartNodesArray = (N[]) new Object[allNonCallStartNodes.size()]; int i = 0; for (N n : allNonCallStartNodes) { nonCallStartNodesArray[i] = n; i++; } for (int t = 0; t < numThreads; t++) { executor.execute(new ValueComputationTask(nonCallStartNodesArray, t)); } //wait until done executor.shutdown(); try { executor.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.DAYS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private void propagateValueAtStart(Pair<N, D> nAndD, N n) { D d = nAndD.getO2(); M p = icfg.getMethodOf(n); for (N c : icfg.getCallsFromWithin(p)) { Set<Entry<D, EdgeFunction<V>>> entries; synchronized (jumpFn) { entries = jumpFn.forwardLookup(d, c).entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<D, EdgeFunction<V>> dPAndFP : entries) { D dPrime = dPAndFP.getKey(); EdgeFunction<V> fPrime = dPAndFP.getValue(); N sP = n; propagateValue(c, dPrime, fPrime.computeTarget(val(sP, d))); flowFunctionApplicationCount++; } } } } private void propagateValueAtCall(Pair<N, D> nAndD, N n) { D d = nAndD.getO2(); for (M q : icfg.getCalleesOfCallAt(n)) { FlowFunction<D> callFlowFunction = flowFunctions.getCallFlowFunction(n, q); flowFunctionConstructionCount++; for (D dPrime : callFlowFunction.computeTargets(d)) { EdgeFunction<V> edgeFn = edgeFunctions.getCallEdgeFunction(n, d, q, dPrime); for (N startPoint : icfg.getStartPointsOf(q)) { propagateValue(startPoint, dPrime, edgeFn.computeTarget(val(n, d))); flowFunctionApplicationCount++; } } } } private void propagateValue(N nHashN, D nHashD, V v) { synchronized (val) { V valNHash = val(nHashN, nHashD); V vPrime = valueLattice.join(valNHash, v); if (!vPrime.equals(valNHash)) { setVal(nHashN, nHashD, vPrime); synchronized (nodeWorklist) { nodeWorklist.add(new Pair<N, D>(nHashN, nHashD)); } } } } private V val(N nHashN, D nHashD) { V l = val.get(nHashN, nHashD); if (l == null) return valueLattice.topElement(); //implicitly initialized to top; see line [1] of Fig. 7 in SRH96 paper else return l; } private void setVal(N nHashN, D nHashD, V l) { val.put(nHashN, nHashD, l); if (DEBUG) System.err.println("VALUE: " + icfg.getMethodOf(nHashN) + " " + nHashN + " " + nHashD + " " + l); } /** * Lines 13-20 of the algorithm; processing a call site in the caller's context * @param edge an edge whose target node resembles a method call */ private void processCall(PathEdge<N, D, M> edge) { final D d1 = edge.factAtSource(); final N n = edge.getTarget(); // a call node; line 14... final D d2 = edge.factAtTarget(); Set<M> callees = icfg.getCalleesOfCallAt(n); for (M sCalledProcN : callees) { //still line 14 FlowFunction<D> function = flowFunctions.getCallFlowFunction(n, sCalledProcN); flowFunctionConstructionCount++; Set<D> res = function.computeTargets(d2); for (N sP : icfg.getStartPointsOf(sCalledProcN)) { for (D d3 : res) { propagate(d3, sP, d3, EdgeIdentity.<V>v()); //line 15 Set<Cell<N, D, EdgeFunction<V>>> endSumm; synchronized (incoming) { //line 15.1 of Naeem/Lhotak/Rodriguez addIncoming(sP, d3, n, d2); //line 15.2, copy to avoid concurrent modification exceptions by other threads endSumm = new HashSet<Table.Cell<N, D, EdgeFunction<V>>>(endSummary(sP, d3)); } //still line 15.2 of Naeem/Lhotak/Rodriguez for (Cell<N, D, EdgeFunction<V>> entry : endSumm) { N eP = entry.getRowKey(); D d4 = entry.getColumnKey(); EdgeFunction<V> fCalleeSummary = entry.getValue(); for (N retSiteN : icfg.getReturnSitesOfCallAt(n)) { FlowFunction<D> retFunction = flowFunctions.getReturnFlowFunction(n, sCalledProcN, eP, retSiteN); flowFunctionConstructionCount++; for (D d5 : retFunction.computeTargets(d4)) { EdgeFunction<V> f4 = edgeFunctions.getCallEdgeFunction(n, d2, sCalledProcN, d3); EdgeFunction<V> f5 = edgeFunctions.getReturnEdgeFunction(n, sCalledProcN, eP, d4, retSiteN, d5); synchronized (summaryFunctions) { EdgeFunction<V> summaryFunction = summaryFunctions.summariesFor(n, d2, retSiteN) .get(d5); if (summaryFunction == null) summaryFunction = allTop; //SummaryFn initialized to all-top, see line [4] in SRH96 paper EdgeFunction<V> fPrime = f4.composeWith(fCalleeSummary).composeWith(f5) .joinWith(summaryFunction); if (!fPrime.equalTo(summaryFunction)) { summaryFunctions.insertFunction(n, d2, retSiteN, d5, fPrime); } } } } } } } } //line 17-19 of Naeem/Lhotak/Rodriguez EdgeFunction<V> f = jumpFunction(edge); List<N> returnSiteNs = icfg.getReturnSitesOfCallAt(n); for (N returnSiteN : returnSiteNs) { FlowFunction<D> callToReturnFlowFunction = flowFunctions.getCallToReturnFlowFunction(n, returnSiteN); flowFunctionConstructionCount++; for (D d3 : callToReturnFlowFunction.computeTargets(d2)) { EdgeFunction<V> edgeFnE = edgeFunctions.getCallToReturnEdgeFunction(n, d2, returnSiteN, d3); propagate(d1, returnSiteN, d3, f.composeWith(edgeFnE)); } Map<D, EdgeFunction<V>> d3sAndF3s = summaryFunctions.summariesFor(n, d2, returnSiteN); for (Map.Entry<D, EdgeFunction<V>> d3AndF3 : d3sAndF3s.entrySet()) { D d3 = d3AndF3.getKey(); EdgeFunction<V> f3 = d3AndF3.getValue(); if (f3 == null) f3 = allTop; //SummaryFn initialized to all-top, see line [4] in SRH96 paper propagate(d1, returnSiteN, d3, f.composeWith(f3)); } } } private EdgeFunction<V> jumpFunction(PathEdge<N, D, M> edge) { synchronized (jumpFn) { EdgeFunction<V> function = jumpFn.forwardLookup(edge.factAtSource(), edge.getTarget()) .get(edge.factAtTarget()); if (function == null) return allTop; //JumpFn initialized to all-top, see line [2] in SRH96 paper return function; } } /** * Lines 21-32 of the algorithm. */ private void processExit(PathEdge<N, D, M> edge) { final N n = edge.getTarget(); // an exit node; line 21... EdgeFunction<V> f = jumpFunction(edge); M methodThatNeedsSummary = icfg.getMethodOf(n); final D d1 = edge.factAtSource(); final D d2 = edge.factAtTarget(); for (N sP : icfg.getStartPointsOf(methodThatNeedsSummary)) { //line 21.1 of Naeem/Lhotak/Rodriguez Set<Entry<N, Set<D>>> inc; synchronized (incoming) { addEndSummary(sP, d1, n, d2, f); //copy to avoid concurrent modification exceptions by other threads inc = new HashSet<Map.Entry<N, Set<D>>>(incoming(d1, sP)); } for (Entry<N, Set<D>> entry : inc) { //line 22 N c = entry.getKey(); for (N retSiteC : icfg.getReturnSitesOfCallAt(c)) { FlowFunction<D> retFunction = flowFunctions.getReturnFlowFunction(c, methodThatNeedsSummary, n, retSiteC); flowFunctionConstructionCount++; Set<D> targets = retFunction.computeTargets(d2); for (D d4 : entry.getValue()) { //line 23 for (D d5 : targets) { EdgeFunction<V> f4 = edgeFunctions.getCallEdgeFunction(c, d4, icfg.getMethodOf(n), d1); EdgeFunction<V> f5 = edgeFunctions.getReturnEdgeFunction(c, icfg.getMethodOf(n), n, d2, retSiteC, d5); EdgeFunction<V> fPrime; synchronized (summaryFunctions) { EdgeFunction<V> summaryFunction = summaryFunctions.summariesFor(c, d4, retSiteC) .get(d5); if (summaryFunction == null) summaryFunction = allTop; //SummaryFn initialized to all-top, see line [4] in SRH96 paper fPrime = f4.composeWith(f).composeWith(f5).joinWith(summaryFunction); if (!fPrime.equalTo(summaryFunction)) { summaryFunctions.insertFunction(c, d4, retSiteC, d5, fPrime); } } for (Map.Entry<D, EdgeFunction<V>> valAndFunc : jumpFn.reverseLookup(c, d4) .entrySet()) { EdgeFunction<V> f3 = valAndFunc.getValue(); if (!f3.equalTo(allTop)) ; { D d3 = valAndFunc.getKey(); propagate(d3, retSiteC, d5, f3.composeWith(fPrime)); } } } } } } } } /** * Lines 33-37 of the algorithm. * @param edge */ private void processNormalFlow(PathEdge<N, D, M> edge) { final D d1 = edge.factAtSource(); final N n = edge.getTarget(); final D d2 = edge.factAtTarget(); EdgeFunction<V> f = jumpFunction(edge); for (N m : icfg.getSuccsOf(n)) { FlowFunction<D> flowFunction = flowFunctions.getNormalFlowFunction(n, m); flowFunctionConstructionCount++; Set<D> res = flowFunction.computeTargets(d2); for (D d3 : res) { EdgeFunction<V> fprime = f.composeWith(edgeFunctions.getNormalEdgeFunction(n, d2, m, d3)); propagate(d1, m, d3, fprime); } } } private void propagate(D sourceVal, N target, D targetVal, EdgeFunction<V> f) { EdgeFunction<V> jumpFnE; EdgeFunction<V> fPrime; boolean newFunction; synchronized (jumpFn) { jumpFnE = jumpFn.reverseLookup(target, targetVal).get(sourceVal); if (jumpFnE == null) jumpFnE = allTop; //JumpFn is initialized to all-top (see line [2] in SRH96 paper) fPrime = jumpFnE.joinWith(f); newFunction = !fPrime.equalTo(jumpFnE); if (newFunction) { jumpFn.addFunction(sourceVal, target, targetVal, fPrime); } } if (newFunction) { PathEdge<N, D, M> edge = new PathEdge<N, D, M>(sourceVal, target, targetVal); synchronized (pathWorklist) { pathWorklist.add(edge); } if (DEBUG) { if (targetVal != zeroValue) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append("EDGE: <"); result.append(icfg.getMethodOf(target)); result.append(","); result.append(sourceVal); result.append("> -> <"); result.append(target); result.append(","); result.append(targetVal); result.append("> - "); result.append(fPrime); System.err.println(result.toString()); } } } } private Set<Cell<N, D, EdgeFunction<V>>> endSummary(N sP, D d3) { Table<N, D, EdgeFunction<V>> map = endSummary.get(sP, d3); if (map == null) return Collections.emptySet(); return map.cellSet(); } private void addEndSummary(N sP, D d1, N eP, D d2, EdgeFunction<V> f) { Table<N, D, EdgeFunction<V>> summaries = endSummary.get(sP, d1); if (summaries == null) { summaries = HashBasedTable.create(); endSummary.put(sP, d1, summaries); } summaries.put(eP, d2, f); } private Set<Entry<N, Set<D>>> incoming(D d1, N sP) { Map<N, Set<D>> map = incoming.get(sP, d1); if (map == null) return Collections.emptySet(); return map.entrySet(); } private void addIncoming(N sP, D d3, N n, D d2) { Map<N, Set<D>> summaries = incoming.get(sP, d3); if (summaries == null) { summaries = new HashMap<N, Set<D>>(); incoming.put(sP, d3, summaries); } Set<D> set = summaries.get(n); if (set == null) { set = new HashSet<D>(); summaries.put(n, set); } set.add(d2); } /** * Returns the V-type result for the given value at the given statement. */ public V resultAt(N stmt, D value) { return val.get(stmt, value); } /** * Returns the resulting environment for the given statement. * The artificial zero value is automatically stripped. */ public Map<D, V> resultsAt(N stmt) { //filter out the artificial zero-value return Maps.filterKeys(val.row(stmt), new Predicate<D>() { public boolean apply(D val) { return val != zeroValue; } }); } public void printStats() { if (DEBUG) { if (ffCache != null) ffCache.printStats(); if (efCache != null) efCache.printStats(); } else { System.err.println("No statistics were collected, as DEBUG is disabled."); } } private class PathEdgeProcessingTask implements Runnable { private final PathEdge<N, D, M> edge; public PathEdgeProcessingTask(PathEdge<N, D, M> edge) { this.edge = edge; } public void run() { if (icfg.isCallStmt(edge.getTarget())) { processCall(edge); } else { //note that some statements, such as "throw" may be //both an exit statement and a "normal" statement if (icfg.isExitStmt(edge.getTarget())) { processExit(edge); } if (!icfg.getSuccsOf(edge.getTarget()).isEmpty()) { processNormalFlow(edge); } } synchronized (pathWorklist) { numTasks.getAndDecrement(); //potentially wake up waiting broker thread //(see forwardComputeJumpFunctionsSLRPs()) pathWorklist.notify(); } } } private class ValuePropagationTask implements Runnable { private final Pair<N, D> nAndD; public ValuePropagationTask(Pair<N, D> nAndD) { this.nAndD = nAndD; } public void run() { N n = nAndD.getO1(); if (icfg.isStartPoint(n)) { propagateValueAtStart(nAndD, n); } if (icfg.isCallStmt(n)) { propagateValueAtCall(nAndD, n); } synchronized (nodeWorklist) { numTasks.getAndDecrement(); //potentially wake up waiting broker thread //(see forwardComputeJumpFunctionsSLRPs()) nodeWorklist.notify(); } } } private class ValueComputationTask implements Runnable { private final N[] values; final int num; public ValueComputationTask(N[] values, int num) { this.values = values; this.num = num; } public void run() { int sectionSize = (int) Math.floor(values.length / numThreads) + numThreads; for (int i = sectionSize * num; i < Math.min(sectionSize * (num + 1), values.length); i++) { N n = values[i]; for (N sP : icfg.getStartPointsOf(icfg.getMethodOf(n))) { Set<Cell<D, D, EdgeFunction<V>>> lookupByTarget; lookupByTarget = jumpFn.lookupByTarget(n); for (Cell<D, D, EdgeFunction<V>> sourceValTargetValAndFunction : lookupByTarget) { D dPrime = sourceValTargetValAndFunction.getRowKey(); D d = sourceValTargetValAndFunction.getColumnKey(); EdgeFunction<V> fPrime = sourceValTargetValAndFunction.getValue(); synchronized (val) { setVal(n, d, valueLattice.join(val(n, d), fPrime.computeTarget(val(sP, dPrime)))); } flowFunctionApplicationCount++; } } } } } }