Source code

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 * Copyright 2010 The gwtquery plugins team.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.
package gwtquery.plugins.droppable.client.gwt;


import gwtquery.plugins.draggable.client.DraggableOptions;
import gwtquery.plugins.droppable.client.DroppableOptions;
import gwtquery.plugins.droppable.client.gwt.CellDragAndDropBehaviour.CellDragOnlyBehaviour;
import gwtquery.plugins.droppable.client.gwt.CellDragAndDropBehaviour.CellDropOnlyBehaviour;

 * {@link Column} implementation allowing dragging and dropping of cells.
 * @author Julien Dramaix (
 * @param <T>
 *          the row type
 * @param <C>
 *          the column type
public abstract class DragAndDropColumn<T, C> extends Column<T, C> {

     * {@link CellDragAndDropBehaviour} used to determine if cells have to be
     * droppable and/or draggable
    private CellDragAndDropBehaviour<T> cellDragAndDropBehaviour;

     * The options used for draggable cells.
    private DraggableOptions draggableOptions;

     * The options used for droppable cells.
    private DroppableOptions droppableOptions;

     * Construct a new Column with a given {@link Cell}.
     * @param cell
     *          the Cell used by this Column
    public DragAndDropColumn(Cell<C> cell) {
        this(cell, null);

     * Construct a new Column with a given {@link Cell}.
     * @param cell
     *          the Cell used by this Column
     * @param cellDragAndDropBehaviour
     *          an instance of {@link CellDragAndDropBehaviour} or null if you
     *          want that all cell are draggable and droppable.
    public DragAndDropColumn(Cell<C> cell, CellDragAndDropBehaviour<T> cellDragAndDropBehaviour) {
        this.cellDragAndDropBehaviour = cellDragAndDropBehaviour;
        this.draggableOptions = new DraggableOptions();
        this.droppableOptions = new DroppableOptions();

     * @return the {@link CellDragAndDropBehaviour}
    public CellDragAndDropBehaviour<T> getCellDragAndDropBehaviour() {
        return cellDragAndDropBehaviour;

     * @return the {@link DraggableOptions} used to make cells draggable
    public DraggableOptions getDraggableOptions() {
        return draggableOptions;

     * @return the {@link DroppableOptions} used to make cells droppable
    public DroppableOptions getDroppableOptions() {
        return droppableOptions;

     * Set the {@link CellDragAndDropBehaviour}. If null is given, all cells will
     * be draggable and droppable
     * @param cellDragAndDropBehaviour
    public void setCellDragAndDropBehaviour(CellDragAndDropBehaviour<T> cellDragAndDropBehaviour) {
        this.cellDragAndDropBehaviour = cellDragAndDropBehaviour;

     * By invoking this method, the cells will be draggable only
    public void setCellDraggableOnly() {
        cellDragAndDropBehaviour = new CellDragOnlyBehaviour<T>();


     * By invoking this method, the cells will be droppable only
    public void setCellDroppableOnly() {
        cellDragAndDropBehaviour = new CellDropOnlyBehaviour<T>();

     * Set the {@link DraggableOptions} used to make cells draggable
    public void setDraggableOptions(DraggableOptions draggableOptions) {
        this.draggableOptions = draggableOptions;

     * Set the {@link DroppableOptions} used to make cells droppable
    public void setDroppableOptions(DroppableOptions droppableOptions) {
        this.droppableOptions = droppableOptions;
