Java tutorial
/* * #%L * GwtMaterial * %% * Copyright (C) 2015 - 2017 GwtMaterialDesign * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import*; import; import; import*; import; import static$; //@formatter:off /** * AbstractSideNav handles the creation and Ui logic for * different sidenavs, you can easily setup any kind of logic for * you sidenav behaviour in {@link AbstractSideNav#setup()}. * * @author kevzlou7979 */ //@formatter:on public abstract class AbstractSideNav extends MaterialWidget implements JsLoader, HasSelectables, HasInOutDurationTransition, HasSideNavHandlers { protected int width = 240; protected int inDuration = 400; protected int outDuration = 200; protected boolean open; protected boolean closeOnClick; protected boolean alwaysShowActivator = true; protected boolean allowBodyScroll = true; protected Edge edge = Edge.LEFT; protected Boolean showOnAttach; protected Element activator; protected WidthBoundary closingBoundary; protected ViewPort autoHideViewport; private StyleMixin<MaterialSideNav> typeMixin; public AbstractSideNav() { super(Document.get().createULElement(), CssName.SIDE_NAV); } public AbstractSideNav(final Widget... widgets) { this(); for (final Widget w : widgets) { add(w); } } public AbstractSideNav(SideNavType type) { this(); setType(type); } @Override protected void onLoad() { super.onLoad(); load(); setupShowOnAttach(); } protected void setupShowOnAttach() { if (showOnAttach != null) { // Ensure the side nav starts closed $(activator).trigger("menu-in", null); if (showOnAttach) { Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(() -> { // We are ignoring cases with mobile if (Window.getClientWidth() > 960) { show(); } }); } } else { if (Window.getClientWidth() > 960) { $(activator).trigger("menu-out", null); } } } @Override protected void onUnload() { super.onUnload(); unload(); } public Widget wrap(Widget child) { if (child instanceof MaterialImage) { child.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("border", "1px solid #e9e9e9"); child.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("textAlign", "center"); } // Check whether the widget is not selectable by default boolean isNotSelectable = false; if (child instanceof MaterialWidget) { MaterialWidget widget = (MaterialWidget) child; if (widget.getInitialClasses() != null) { if (widget.getInitialClasses().length > 0) { if (child instanceof HasNoSideNavSelection) { isNotSelectable = true; } } } } if (!(child instanceof ListItem)) { // Direct list item not collapsible final ListItem listItem = new ListItem(); if (child instanceof MaterialCollapsible) { listItem.getElement().getStyle().setBackgroundColor("transparent"); } if (child instanceof HasWaves) { listItem.setWaves(((HasWaves) child).getWaves()); ((HasWaves) child).setWaves(null); } if (child instanceof HasNoSideNavSelection) { super.add(child); } else { listItem.add(child); child = listItem; } } // Collapsible and Side Porfile should not be selectable final Widget finalChild = child; if (!isNotSelectable) { // Active click handler registerHandler(finalChild.addDomHandler(event -> { clearActive(); finalChild.addStyleName(CssName.ACTIVE); }, ClickEvent.getType())); } child.getElement().getStyle().setDisplay(Style.Display.BLOCK); return child; } @Override public void add(Widget child) { super.add(wrap(child)); } @Override protected void insert(Widget child, container, int beforeIndex, boolean domInsert) { super.insert(wrap(child), container, beforeIndex, domInsert); } protected void pushElement(Element element, int value) { applyTransition($(element).asElement()); if (getEdge() == Edge.RIGHT) { $(element).css("paddingRight", value + "px"); } else { $(element).css("paddingLeft", value + "px"); } } protected void pushElementMargin(Element element, int value) { applyTransition($(element).asElement()); if (getEdge() == Edge.LEFT) { $(element).css("margin-left", value + "px"); } else { $(element).css("margin-right", value + "px"); } } protected void applyBodyScroll() { if (isAllowBodyScroll()) { $("header").css("width", "100%"); $("header").css("position", "fixed"); $("header").css("zIndex", "997"); $(getElement()).css("position", "fixed"); } } protected void applyTransition(Element element) { applyTransition(element, "all"); } protected void applyTransition(Element element, String property) { int duration; if (isOpen()) { duration = inDuration; } else { duration = outDuration; } if (element != null) { setTransition(new TransitionConfig(element, duration, 0, property, "cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1)")); } } @Override public void clearActive() { clearActiveClass(this);; } public void setActive(int index) { clearActive(); getWidget(index).addStyleName(CssName.ACTIVE); } @Override public void load() { load(true); } @Override public void unload() { activator = null; } /** * Reinitialize the side nav configurations when changing properties. */ @Override public void reload() { unload(); load(false); } protected void load(boolean strict) { try { activator = DOMHelper.getElementByAttribute("data-activates", getId()); getNavMenu().setShowOn(ShowOn.SHOW_ON_MED_DOWN); if (alwaysShowActivator && !getTypeMixin().getStyle().equals(SideNavType.FIXED.getCssName())) { getNavMenu().setShowOn(ShowOn.SHOW_ON_LARGE); } else { getNavMenu().setHideOn(HideOn.HIDE_ON_LARGE); } getNavMenu().removeStyleName(CssName.NAVMENU_PERMANENT); } catch (Exception ex) { if (strict) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not setup MaterialSideNav please ensure you have " + "MaterialNavBar with an activator setup to match this widgets id.", ex); } } setup(); JsSideNavOptions options = new JsSideNavOptions(); options.menuWidth = width; options.edge = edge != null ? edge.getCssName() : null; options.closeOnClick = closeOnClick; JsMaterialElement element = $(activator); element.sideNav(options);"side-nav-closing"); element.on("side-nav-closing", e1 -> { onClosing(); return true; });"side-nav-closed"); element.on("side-nav-closed", e1 -> { onClosed(); return true; });"side-nav-opening"); element.on("side-nav-opening", e1 -> { onOpening(); return true; });"side-nav-opened"); element.on("side-nav-opened", e1 -> { onOpened(); return true; }); } /** * Override the type of your sidenav. * Used by {@link MaterialSideNavDrawer}, {@link MaterialSideNavCard}, {@link MaterialSideNavMini}, {@link MaterialSideNavPush} */ protected abstract void setup(); @Override protected void onDetach() { super.onDetach(); getNavMenu().setVisibility(Style.Visibility.HIDDEN); getNavMenu().removeStyleName(ShowOn.SHOW_ON_LARGE.getCssName()); getNavMenu().removeStyleName(ShowOn.SHOW_ON_MED_DOWN.getCssName()); pushElement(getHeader(), 0); pushElement(getMain(), 0); pushElementMargin(getFooter(), 0); } @Override protected void onAttach() { super.onAttach(); getNavMenu().setVisibility(Style.Visibility.VISIBLE); } protected Element getMain() { return $("main").asElement(); } protected Element getHeader() { return $("header").asElement(); } protected Element getFooter() { return $("footer").asElement(); } @Override public void setWidth(String width) { setWidth(Integer.parseInt(width)); } /** * Set the menu's width in pixels. */ public void setWidth(int width) { this.width = width; getElement().getStyle().setWidth(width, Style.Unit.PX); } public int getWidth() { return width; } public boolean isCloseOnClick() { return closeOnClick; } /** * Close the side nav menu when an \<a\> tag is clicked * from inside it. Note that if you want this to work you * must wrap your item within a {@link MaterialLink}. */ public void setCloseOnClick(boolean closeOnClick) { this.closeOnClick = closeOnClick; } public Edge getEdge() { return edge; } /** * Set which edge of the window the menu should attach to. */ public void setEdge(Edge edge) { this.edge = edge; } protected void setType(SideNavType type) { getTypeMixin().setStyle(type.getCssName()); } protected boolean isSmall() { return !"all and (max-width: 992px)"); } protected MaterialWidget getNavMenu() { Element navMenuElement = DOMHelper.getElementByAttribute("data-activates", getId()); if (navMenuElement != null) { return new MaterialWidget(navMenuElement); } return null; } protected void onClosing() { open = false;; } protected void onClosed() {; } protected void onOpening() { open = true;; // Ensure to clean all the overlays attached before opening // This will fixed multiple sidenav implementations with edge support. $(".drag-target").remove(); $("#sidenav-overlay").each((param1, element) -> element.removeFromParent()); } protected void onOpened() { if (allowBodyScroll) { RootPanel.getBodyElement().getStyle().clearOverflow(); }; } /** * Hide the overlay menu. */ public void hideOverlay() { $("#sidenav-overlay").remove(); } /** * Show the sidenav using the activator element */ public void show() { $("#sidenav-overlay").remove(); $(activator).sideNav("show"); } /** * Hide the sidenav using the activator element */ public void hide() { $(activator).sideNav("hide"); } public boolean isOpen() { return open; } /** * Will the body have scroll capability * while the menu is open. */ public boolean isAllowBodyScroll() { return allowBodyScroll; } /** * Allow the body to maintain its scroll capability * while the menu is visible. */ public void setAllowBodyScroll(boolean allowBodyScroll) { this.allowBodyScroll = allowBodyScroll; } /** * Will the activator always be shown. */ public boolean isAlwaysShowActivator() { return alwaysShowActivator; } /** * Disable the hiding of your activator element. */ public void setAlwaysShowActivator(boolean alwaysShowActivator) { this.alwaysShowActivator = alwaysShowActivator; } /** * Will the menu forcefully show on attachment. */ public boolean isShowOnAttach() { return showOnAttach != null && showOnAttach; } /** * Show the menu upon attachment.<br> * Note that you shouldn't apply this setting if you want your side nav to appear static. * otherwise when set to <code>true</code> will slide in from the left. */ public void setShowOnAttach(boolean showOnAttach) { this.showOnAttach = showOnAttach; } public boolean isAutoHideOnResize() { return autoHideViewport != null; } /** * When enabled the sidenav will auto hide / collapse it durating browser resized. * Default true */ public void setAutoHideOnResize(boolean autoHideOnResize) { if (autoHideOnResize) { autoHideViewport = ViewPort.when(getClosingBoundary()).then(param1 -> hide()); } else { if (autoHideViewport != null) { autoHideViewport.destroy(); autoHideViewport = null; } } } @Override public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { getEnabledMixin().setEnabled(this, enabled); } @Override public void setInDuration(int inDuration) { this.inDuration = inDuration; } @Override public int getInDuration() { return inDuration; } @Override public void setOutDuration(int outDuration) { this.outDuration = outDuration; } @Override public int getOutDuration() { return outDuration; } public void setClosingBoundary(WidthBoundary closingBoundary) { this.closingBoundary = closingBoundary; } public WidthBoundary getClosingBoundary() { if (closingBoundary == null) { closingBoundary = new WidthBoundary(0, 992); } return closingBoundary; } public Element getActivator() { return activator; } @Override public HandlerRegistration addOpeningHandler(SideNavOpeningEvent.SideNavOpeningHandler handler) { return addHandler(handler, SideNavOpeningEvent.TYPE); } @Override public HandlerRegistration addOpenedHandler(SideNavOpenedEvent.SideNavOpenedHandler handler) { return addHandler(handler, SideNavOpenedEvent.TYPE); } @Override public HandlerRegistration addClosingHandler(SideNavClosingEvent.SideNavClosingHandler handler) { return addHandler(handler, SideNavClosingEvent.TYPE); } @Override public HandlerRegistration addClosedHandler(SideNavClosedEvent.SideNavClosedHandler handler) { return addHandler(handler, SideNavClosedEvent.TYPE); } protected StyleMixin<MaterialSideNav> getTypeMixin() { if (typeMixin == null) { typeMixin = new StyleMixin(this); } return typeMixin; } }