Java tutorial
/* * GRAKN.AI - THE KNOWLEDGE GRAPH * Copyright (C) 2018 Grakn Labs Ltd * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package grakn.core.daemon.executor; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.yaml.YAMLFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.yaml.YAMLGenerator; import; import grakn.core.common.config.Config; import grakn.core.common.config.ConfigKey; import grakn.core.common.config.SystemProperty; import grakn.core.daemon.exception.GraknDaemonException; import grakn.core.server.GraknStorage; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import; import static grakn.core.daemon.executor.Executor.WAIT_INTERVAL_SECOND; /** * A class responsible for managing the bootup-related process for the Storage component, including * starting and stopping, performing status checks, and cleaning the data. * The PID file for the Storage component is managed internally by Cassandra and not by this class. This means that * you will not find any code which creates or deletes the PID file for the Storage component. */ public class Storage { private static final String DISPLAY_NAME = "Storage"; private static final long STORAGE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT_SECOND = 60; private static final Path STORAGE_PIDFILE = Paths.get(System.getProperty(""), ""); private static final Path STORAGE_DATA = Paths.get("server", "db", "cassandra"); private static final String JAVA_OPTS = SystemProperty.STORAGE_JAVAOPTS.value(); private static final String EMPTY_VALUE = ""; private static final String CONFIG_PARAM_PREFIX = "storage.internal."; private static final String SAVED_CACHES_SUBDIR = "cassandra/saved_caches"; private static final String COMMITLOG_SUBDIR = "cassandra/commitlog"; private static final String DATA_SUBDIR = "cassandra/data"; private static final String DATA_FILE_DIR_CONFIG_KEY = "data_file_directories"; private static final String SAVED_CACHES_DIR_CONFIG_KEY = "saved_caches_directory"; private static final String COMMITLOG_DIR_CONFIG_KEY = "commitlog_directory"; private static final String STORAGE_CONFIG_PATH = "server/services/cassandra/"; private static final String STORAGE_CONFIG_NAME = "cassandra.yaml"; private Executor daemonExecutor; private final Path graknHome; private final Config graknProperties; public Storage(Executor processExecutor, Path graknHome, Path graknPropertiesPath) { this.graknHome = graknHome; this.graknProperties =; this.daemonExecutor = processExecutor; } private void initialiseConfig() { try { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(new YAMLFactory().enable(YAMLGenerator.Feature.MINIMIZE_QUOTES)); TypeReference<Map<String, Object>> reference = new TypeReference<Map<String, Object>>() { }; ByteArrayOutputStream outputstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // Read the original Cassandra config from services/cassandra/cassandra.yaml into a String byte[] oldConfigBytes = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(STORAGE_CONFIG_PATH, STORAGE_CONFIG_NAME)); String oldConfig = new String(oldConfigBytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); // Convert the String of config values into a Map Map<String, Object> oldConfigMap = mapper.readValue(oldConfig, reference); oldConfigMap = Maps.transformValues(oldConfigMap, value -> value == null ? EMPTY_VALUE : value); // Set the original config as the starting point of the new config values Map<String, Object> newConfigMap = new HashMap<>(oldConfigMap); // Read the Grakn config which is available to the user Config inputConfig = Config .read(Paths.get(Objects.requireNonNull(SystemProperty.CONFIGURATION_FILE.value()))); // Set the new data directories for Cassandra String newDataDir = inputConfig.getProperty(ConfigKey.DATA_DIR); newConfigMap.put(DATA_FILE_DIR_CONFIG_KEY, Collections.singletonList(newDataDir + DATA_SUBDIR)); newConfigMap.put(SAVED_CACHES_DIR_CONFIG_KEY, newDataDir + SAVED_CACHES_SUBDIR); newConfigMap.put(COMMITLOG_DIR_CONFIG_KEY, newDataDir + COMMITLOG_SUBDIR); // Overwrite Cassandra config values with values provided in the Grakn config -> key.contains(CONFIG_PARAM_PREFIX)) .forEach(key -> newConfigMap.put(key.replaceAll(CONFIG_PARAM_PREFIX, ""),; // Write the new Cassandra config into the original file: services/cassandra/cassandra.yaml mapper.writeValue(outputstream, newConfigMap); String newConfigStr = outputstream.toString(; Files.write(Paths.get(STORAGE_CONFIG_PATH, STORAGE_CONFIG_NAME), newConfigStr.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Attempt to start Storage if it is not already running */ public void startIfNotRunning() { boolean isProcessRunning = daemonExecutor.isProcessRunning(STORAGE_PIDFILE); boolean isGraknStorageProcess = daemonExecutor.isAGraknProcess(STORAGE_PIDFILE, GraknStorage.class.getName()); if (isProcessRunning && isGraknStorageProcess) { System.out.println(DISPLAY_NAME + " is already running"); } else { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(STORAGE_PIDFILE.toFile()); // delete dangling STORAGE_PIDFILE, if any start(); } } public void stop() { daemonExecutor.stopProcessIfRunning(STORAGE_PIDFILE, DISPLAY_NAME); } public void status() { daemonExecutor.processStatus(STORAGE_PIDFILE, DISPLAY_NAME, GraknStorage.class.getName()); } public void clean() { System.out.print("Cleaning " + DISPLAY_NAME + "..."); System.out.flush(); try (Stream<Path> files = Files.walk(STORAGE_DATA)) {; Files.createDirectories(graknHome.resolve(STORAGE_DATA).resolve("data")); Files.createDirectories(graknHome.resolve(STORAGE_DATA).resolve("commitlog")); Files.createDirectories(graknHome.resolve(STORAGE_DATA).resolve("saved_caches")); System.out.println("SUCCESS"); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("FAILED!"); System.out.println("Unable to clean " + DISPLAY_NAME); } } public boolean isRunning() { return daemonExecutor.isProcessRunning(STORAGE_PIDFILE); } /** * Attempt to start Storage and perform periodic polling until it is ready. The readiness check is performed with nodetool. * <p> * A {@link GraknDaemonException} will be thrown if Storage does not start after a timeout specified * in the 'WAIT_INTERVAL_SECOND' field. * * @throws GraknDaemonException */ private void start() { System.out.print("Starting " + DISPLAY_NAME + "..."); System.out.flush(); // Consume configuration from Grakn config file into Cassandra config file initialiseConfig(); Future<Executor.Result> result = daemonExecutor.executeAsync(storageCommand(), graknHome.toFile()); LocalDateTime timeout =; while ( && !result.isDone()) { System.out.print("."); System.out.flush(); if (storageStatus().equals("running")) { System.out.println("SUCCESS"); return; } try { Thread.sleep(WAIT_INTERVAL_SECOND * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } try { System.out.println("FAILED!"); System.err.println("Unable to start " + DISPLAY_NAME + "."); String errorMessage = "Process exited with code '" + result.get().exitCode() + "': '" + result.get().stderr() + "'"; System.err.println(errorMessage); throw new GraknDaemonException(errorMessage); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { throw new GraknDaemonException(e.getMessage(), e); } } private String storageStatus() { return daemonExecutor.executeAndWait(nodetoolCommand(), graknHome.toFile()).stdout().trim(); } private List<String> storageCommand() { Path logback = graknHome.resolve("services").resolve("cassandra").resolve("logback.xml"); ArrayList<String> storageCommand = new ArrayList<>(); storageCommand.add("java"); storageCommand.add("-cp"); storageCommand.add(getStorageClassPath()); storageCommand.add("-Dlogback.configurationFile=" + logback); storageCommand.add("-Dcassandra.logdir=" + getStorageLogPathFromGraknProperties()); storageCommand.add("-Dcassandra-pidfile=" + STORAGE_PIDFILE.toString()); //default port over for JMX connections, needed for nodetool status storageCommand.add("-Dcassandra.jmx.local.port=7199"); // stop the jvm on OutOfMemoryError as it can result in some data corruption storageCommand.add("-XX:+CrashOnOutOfMemoryError"); if (JAVA_OPTS != null && JAVA_OPTS.length() > 0) { storageCommand.addAll(Arrays.asList(JAVA_OPTS.split(" "))); } storageCommand.add(GraknStorage.class.getCanonicalName()); return storageCommand; } private String getStorageClassPath() { return graknHome.resolve("server").resolve("services").resolve("lib").toString() + File.separator + "*" + File.pathSeparator + graknHome.resolve("server").resolve("services").resolve("cassandra"); } private List<String> nodetoolCommand() { Path logback = graknHome.resolve("server").resolve("services").resolve("cassandra").resolve("logback.xml"); String classpath = graknHome.resolve("server").resolve("services").resolve("lib").toString() + File.separator + "*"; return Arrays.asList("java", "-cp", classpath, "-Dlogback.configurationFile=" + logback, NodeTool.class.getCanonicalName(), "statusthrift"); } private Path getStorageLogPathFromGraknProperties() { Path logPath = Paths.get(graknProperties.getProperty(ConfigKey.LOG_DIR)); return logPath.isAbsolute() ? logPath : graknHome.resolve(logPath); } }