Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2007 - 2010 <> * * This file is part of Calipso, a software platform by * * Calipso is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Calipso is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Calipso. If not, see */ package gr.abiss.calipso.util; import gr.abiss.calipso.CalipsoService; import gr.abiss.calipso.domain.Asset; import gr.abiss.calipso.domain.AssetTypeCustomAttribute; import gr.abiss.calipso.domain.Country; import gr.abiss.calipso.domain.Item; import gr.abiss.calipso.domain.Organization; import gr.abiss.calipso.domain.User; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import org.apache.commons.collections.MapUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.velocity.VelocityContext; import; import org.apache.wicket.Component; import org.apache.wicket.Localizer; import org.htmlcleaner.CleanerProperties; import org.htmlcleaner.HtmlCleaner; import org.htmlcleaner.PrettyXmlSerializer; import org.htmlcleaner.TagNode; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.xhtmlrenderer.pdf.ITextRenderer; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.BaseFont; /** * Excel Sheet generation helper */ public class PdfUtils { /** * Please make proper use of logging, see */ private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PdfUtils.class); public static byte[] getPdf(CalipsoService calipso, Asset asset, Component callerComponent) { ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); String html = null; try { Localizer localizer = callerComponent.getLocalizer(); String template = calipso.getPrintTemplateTextForAsset(asset.getId());// asset.getAssetType().getPrintingTemplate().getTemplateText(); if (template != null) { // template exists, use it Reader templateReader = new StringReader(template); // create a Velocity context object and add the asset final VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext(); context.put("rootAsset", asset); context.put("calipso", calipso); // create a writer for capturing the Velocity output StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); // execute the velocity script and capture the output in writer Velocity.evaluate(context, writer, asset.getInventoryCode(), templateReader); // get the output as a string html = writer.getBuffer().toString(); // logger.debug("Velocity result: \n"+html); } else { StringBuffer htmlBuffer = getDefaultHeader(); htmlBuffer .append("<h1>").append(localizer .getString(asset.getAssetType().getNameTranslationResourceKey(), callerComponent)) .append("</h1>"); htmlBuffer.append("<table cellspacing='0'>"); htmlBuffer.append("<tr><th>") .append(localizer.getString("asset.form.inventoryCode", callerComponent)) .append("</th><td>").append(asset.getInventoryCode()); htmlBuffer.append("</td></tr>"); if (MapUtils.isNotEmpty(asset.getCustomAttributes())) { Map<AssetTypeCustomAttribute, String> attrs = asset.getCustomAttributes(); for (Entry<AssetTypeCustomAttribute, String> entry : attrs.entrySet()) { AssetTypeCustomAttribute customAttr = entry.getKey(); htmlBuffer .append("<tr><th>").append(localizer .getString(customAttr.getNameTranslationResourceKey(), callerComponent)) .append("</th><td>"); if (customAttr.getFormType().equals(AssetTypeCustomAttribute.FORM_TYPE_SELECT) || customAttr .getFormType().equals(AssetTypeCustomAttribute.FORM_TYPE_OPTIONS_TREE)) { htmlBuffer.append(XmlUtils.escapeHTML(localizer .getString(customAttr.getLookupValue().getNameTranslationResourceKey(), null))); } else if (customAttr.getFormType().equals(AssetTypeCustomAttribute.FORM_TYPE_USER)) { User user = customAttr.getUserValue(); htmlBuffer.append(user != null ? XmlUtils.escapeHTML(user.getFullName()) : ""); } else if (customAttr.getFormType() .equals(AssetTypeCustomAttribute.FORM_TYPE_ORGANIZATION)) { Organization org = customAttr.getOrganizationValue(); htmlBuffer.append(org != null ? XmlUtils.escapeHTML(org.getName()) : ""); } else if (customAttr.getFormType().equals(AssetTypeCustomAttribute.FORM_TYPE_ASSET)) { Asset innerAsset = customAttr.getAssetValue(); htmlBuffer.append( innerAsset != null ? XmlUtils.escapeHTML(innerAsset.getInventoryCode()) : ""); } else if (customAttr.getFormType().equals(AssetTypeCustomAttribute.FORM_TYPE_COUNTRY)) { Country country = customAttr.getCountryValue(); htmlBuffer.append(country != null ? localizer.getString("country." + country.getId(), callerComponent) : ""); } else { htmlBuffer.append(XmlUtils.escapeHTML(entry.getValue())); } htmlBuffer.append("</td></tr>"); } } htmlBuffer.append("</table>"); htmlBuffer.append("</body></html>"); html = htmlBuffer.toString(); } // convert HTML string to PDF and store it in the buffer output stream } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to creare PDF for asset, html: \n" + html, e); } writePdf(calipso, os, html); return os.toByteArray(); } public static byte[] getPdf(CalipsoService calipso, Item item, String template, Component callerComponent) { ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); String html = null; try { Localizer localizer = callerComponent.getLocalizer(); if (template != null) { // template exists, use it Reader templateReader = new StringReader(template); // create a Velocity context object and add the asset final VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext(); context.put("item", item); context.put("calipso", calipso); // create a writer for capturing the Velocity output StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); // execute the velocity script and capture the output in writer Velocity.evaluate(context, writer, item.getRefId(), templateReader); // get the output as a string html = writer.getBuffer().toString(); } else { // no template exists, just output manual HTML to feed xhtmlrenderer StringBuffer htmlBuffer = getDefaultHeader(); htmlBuffer.append("<h1>").append( localizer.getString(item.getSpace().getNameTranslationResourceKey(), callerComponent)) .append(": ").append(item.getRefId()).append("</h1>"); // htmlBuffer.append("<table cellspacing='0'>"); // htmlBuffer.append("<tr><th>") // .append(localizer.getString("asset.form.inventoryCode", callerComponent)) // .append("</th><td>") // .append(asset.getInventoryCode()); // htmlBuffer.append("</td></tr>"); // if(MapUtils.isNotEmpty(asset.getCustomAttributes())){ // Map<AssetTypeCustomAttribute,String> attrs = asset.getCustomAttributes(); // for(Entry<AssetTypeCustomAttribute, String> entry : attrs.entrySet()){ // AssetTypeCustomAttribute customAttr = entry.getKey(); // htmlBuffer.append("<tr><th>") // .append(localizer.getString(customAttr.getNameTranslationResourceKey(), callerComponent)) // .append("</th><td>"); // // if (customAttr.getFormType().equals(AssetTypeCustomAttribute.FORM_TYPE_SELECT) // || customAttr.getFormType().equals(AssetTypeCustomAttribute.FORM_TYPE_OPTIONS_TREE)) { // htmlBuffer.append(XmlUtils.escapeHTML(localizer.getString(customAttr.getLookupValue().getNameTranslationResourceKey(), null))); // } // else if (customAttr.getFormType().equals(AssetTypeCustomAttribute.FORM_TYPE_USER)) { // User user = customAttr.getUserValue(); // htmlBuffer.append(user!=null?XmlUtils.escapeHTML(user.getFullName()):""); // } else if (customAttr.getFormType().equals(AssetTypeCustomAttribute.FORM_TYPE_ORGANIZATION)) { // Organization org = customAttr.getOrganizationValue(); // htmlBuffer.append(org!=null?XmlUtils.escapeHTML(org.getName()):""); // } else if (customAttr.getFormType().equals(AssetTypeCustomAttribute.FORM_TYPE_ASSET)) { // Asset innerAsset = customAttr.getAssetValue(); // htmlBuffer.append(innerAsset!=null?XmlUtils.escapeHTML(innerAsset.getInventoryCode()):""); // } else if (customAttr.getFormType().equals(AssetTypeCustomAttribute.FORM_TYPE_COUNTRY)) { // Country country = customAttr.getCountryValue(); // htmlBuffer.append(country!=null?localizer.getString("country."+country.getId(), callerComponent):""); // } else { // htmlBuffer.append(XmlUtils.escapeHTML(entry.getValue())); // } // htmlBuffer.append("</td></tr>"); // } // } // htmlBuffer.append("</table>"); htmlBuffer.append("</body></html>"); html = htmlBuffer.toString(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to creare PDF for item, html: \n" + html, e); } // convert HTML string to PDF and store it in the buffer output stream writePdf(calipso, os, html); return os.toByteArray(); } public static StringBuffer getDefaultHeader() { StringBuffer htmlBuffer = new StringBuffer("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n" + "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"\">\n" + "<html xmlns=\"\"><head>" + "<style type='text/css'>" + "#normalFooter, #firstPageFooter{font-size:12px;} " + "@page {" + " padding-top:100px;" + " background: url('watermark.png') no-repeat top center; " + " @top-center { content: element(header) }" + " @bottom-right {content: element(footer);}" + "}" + "@page :first {" + " padding-top:10px;" + " background: url('watermark.png') no-repeat center 30px; " + " @top-center { content: element(header) }" + " @bottom-right {content: element(firstPageFooter);}" + "}" + "#page:before {content: counter(page);}" + "#pagecount:before {content: counter(pages);} " + "#footer{position: running(footer);}" + "#firstPageFooter{position: running(firstPageFooter);}" + "#header {\n" + " display: block; text-align: center;\n" + " position: running(header);}\n" + "body { font-family: \"Arial Unicode MS\";margin:10px;padding:10px; }th{width:50%;background:#EEEEEE;}td, th{border:1px solid #EEEEEE;padding-left:4px;padding-right:4px;vertical-align:top;}table{border-collapse:collapse;}</style></head><body>" + "<div id='header'>Header</div>").append( "<div id='footer' style=''><div class='footerContent'>Page <span id='page'/> of <span id='pagecount'/></div></div>") .append("<div id='firstPageFooter' style=''><div class='footerContent'>Page <span id='page'/> of <span id='pagecount'/></div></div>"); // "<html><head><style>\n" + // "div.footer {\n" + // "display: block; text-align: center;\n" + // "position: running(footer);}\n" + // "div.content {page-break-after: always;}" + // "@page { }\n " + // "@page { @bottom-center { content: element(footer) }}\n" + // "</style></head>\n" + // "<body><div class='header'>Header</div><div class='footer'>Footer</div><div class='content'>Page1</div><div>Page2</div></body></html>"; return htmlBuffer; } // public static void appendDefaultFooter(StringBuffer htmlBuffer) { // // } /** * @param fontDir * @param os * @param html * @throws DocumentException * @throws IOException */ public static void writePdf(CalipsoService calipso, OutputStream os, String html) { writePdf(calipso.getFontsDirPath(), calipso.getResourcesDirPath(), os, html); } public static void writePdf(String fontDir, String resourcesBasePath, OutputStream os, String html) { try { // Create a buffer to hold the cleaned up HTML // Note: you can safely ignore both flush() and close(), // as they do nothing in ByteArrayOutputStream's implementation. // ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // Clean up the HTML to be well formed HtmlCleaner cleaner = new HtmlCleaner(); CleanerProperties props = cleaner.getProperties(); props.setAdvancedXmlEscape(true); props.setRecognizeUnicodeChars(true); props.setTranslateSpecialEntities(true); props.setUseCdataForScriptAndStyle(false); props.setOmitXmlDeclaration(false); props.setOmitDoctypeDeclaration(false); TagNode node = cleaner.clean(html); // write to the ByteArray buffer html = new PrettyXmlSerializer(props).getAsString(node); //"CLEANED HTML: " + html); // update the html string using the cleaned-up version // html = new String(out.toByteArray()); ITextRenderer renderer = new ITextRenderer(); renderer.getFontResolver().addFont(fontDir + File.separator + "ARIALUNI.TTF", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.EMBEDDED); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(resourcesBasePath)) { try { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); factory.setValidating(false); factory.setFeature("", false); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); InputSource is = new InputSource(new StringReader(html)); Document doc = builder.parse(is); String rsPath = new File(resourcesBasePath + File.separator).toURI().toURL().toString(); renderer.setDocument(doc, rsPath); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } else { renderer.setDocumentFromString(html); } renderer.layout(); renderer.createPDF(os); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to creare PDF for item, html: \n" + html, e); } } /** * @param fontDir * @param os * @param html * @throws DocumentException * @throws IOException */ @Deprecated public static void writePdf(String fontDir, OutputStream os, String html) throws DocumentException, IOException { writePdf(fontDir, null, os, html); } }