Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2007 - 2010 <> * * This file is part of Calipso, a software platform by * * Calipso is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Calipso is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Calipso. If not, see * * This file incorporates work released by the JTrac project and covered * by the following copyright and permission notice: * * Copyright 2002-2005 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package gr.abiss.calipso.domain; import static gr.abiss.calipso.Constants.ASSET_TYPE_ID; import static gr.abiss.calipso.Constants.DATEFORMAT; import static gr.abiss.calipso.Constants.DATEFORMATS; import static gr.abiss.calipso.Constants.DATEFORMATS_XPATH; import static gr.abiss.calipso.Constants.EXISTING_ASSET_TYPE_ID; import static gr.abiss.calipso.Constants.EXISTING_ASSET_TYPE_MULTIPLE; import static gr.abiss.calipso.Constants.EXPRESSION; import static gr.abiss.calipso.Constants.FIELD; import static gr.abiss.calipso.Constants.FIELDS; import static gr.abiss.calipso.Constants.FIELD_GROUP_XPATH; import static gr.abiss.calipso.Constants.FIELD_ORDER; import static gr.abiss.calipso.Constants.FIELD_ORDER_XPATH; import static gr.abiss.calipso.Constants.FIELD_XPATH; import static gr.abiss.calipso.Constants.LABEL; import static gr.abiss.calipso.Constants.MAX_DURATION; import static gr.abiss.calipso.Constants.METADATA; import static gr.abiss.calipso.Constants.NAME; import static gr.abiss.calipso.Constants.PLUGIN; import static gr.abiss.calipso.Constants.ROLES; import static gr.abiss.calipso.Constants.ROLE_XPATH; import static gr.abiss.calipso.Constants.STATE; import static gr.abiss.calipso.Constants.STATES; import static gr.abiss.calipso.Constants.STATE_XPATH; import static gr.abiss.calipso.Constants.STATUS; import gr.abiss.calipso.CalipsoService; import gr.abiss.calipso.domain.Field.Name; import gr.abiss.calipso.util.XmlUtils; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.Element; /** * XML metadata is one of the interesting design decisions of JTrac. Metadata is * defined for each space and so Items that belong to a space are customized by * the space metadata. This class can marshall and unmarshall itself to XML and * this XML is stored in the database in a single column. Because of this * approach, Metadata can be made more and more complicated in the future * without impact to the database schema. * * Things that the Metadata configures for a Space: * * 1) custom Fields for an Item (within a Space) - Label - whether mandatory or * not [ DEPRECATED ] - the option values (drop down list options) - the option * "key" values are stored in the database (WITHOUT any relationships) - the * values corresponding to "key"s are resolved in memory from the Metadata and * not through a database join. * * 2) the Roles available within a space - for each (from) State the (to) State * transitions allowed for this role - and within each (from) State the fields * that this Role can view / edit * * 3) the State labels corresponding to each state - internally States are * integers, but for display we need a label - labels can be customized - * special State values: 0 = New, 1 = Open, 99 = Closed * * 4) the order in which the fields are displayed on the data entry screens and * the query result screens etc. * * There is one downside to this approach and that is there is a limit to the * nunmbers of custom fields available. The existing limits are - Drop Down: 10 * - Free Text: 5 - Numeric: 3 - Date/Time: 3 * * Metadata can be inherited, and this allows for "reuse" TODO */ public class Metadata implements Serializable { public static final String YYYY_MM_DD = "yyyy/MM/dd"; public static final String YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM = "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"; public static final String YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS = "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"; public static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Metadata.class); // date formats public static final String DATE_FORMAT_LONG = "dateFormatLong"; public static final String DATE_FORMAT_SHORT = "dateFormatShort"; public static final String DATETIME_FORMAT_LONG = "dateTimeFormatLong"; public static final String DATETIME_FORMAT_SHORT = "dateTimeFormatShort"; public static final List<String> DATE_FORMAT_KEYS; static { String[] keys = { DATETIME_FORMAT_LONG, DATETIME_FORMAT_SHORT, DATE_FORMAT_LONG, DATE_FORMAT_SHORT }; DATE_FORMAT_KEYS = Arrays.asList(keys); } private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> dateFormats = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(); private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, SimpleDateFormat> simpleDateFormats = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, SimpleDateFormat>(); private long id; private int version; private Integer type; private String name; private String description; private Metadata parent; private List<FieldGroup> fieldGroups = new LinkedList<FieldGroup>(); private Map<String, FieldGroup> fieldGroupsById = new HashMap<String, FieldGroup>(); private Map<Field.Name, Field> fields; private Map<String, Field> fieldsByLabel; private Map<String, Role> roles; private Map<Integer, String> states; private Map<String, Integer> statesByName; private Map<Integer, String> statesPlugins; private Map<Integer, Long> maxDurations; // holds all asset types ids for a space private Map<Integer, Long> assetTypeIdMap; // a map that holds existing assetTypes ids for a space // this serves as flag that an asset of the given type must be sesected // by the user upon entering the given State private Map<Integer, Long> existingAssetTypeIdsMap; // whether multiple assets of the above type can be selected private Map<Integer, Boolean> existingAssetTypeMultipleMap; private List<Field.Name> fieldOrder; public Metadata() { init(); addDefaultFieldGroup(); } public SimpleDateFormat getDateFormat(String formatKey) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = simpleDateFormats.get(formatKey); if (sdf == null) { String expression = this.dateFormats.get(formatKey); if (expression == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid date format key: " + formatKey); } sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(expression); simpleDateFormats.put(formatKey, sdf); } return sdf; } public FieldGroup getDefaultFieldGroup() { return this.fieldGroups.get(0); } private void init() { fields = new EnumMap<Field.Name, Field>(Field.Name.class); fieldsByLabel = new HashMap<String, Field>(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { for (Field f : fields.values()) { logger.debug("Field " + " name " + f.getName().getText() + " , description" + f.getName().getDescription() + " "); } } roles = new HashMap<String, Role>(); states = new TreeMap<Integer, String>(); statesByName = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); statesPlugins = new TreeMap<Integer, String>(); maxDurations = new TreeMap<Integer, Long>(); fieldOrder = new LinkedList<Field.Name>(); assetTypeIdMap = new TreeMap<Integer, Long>(); existingAssetTypeIdsMap = new TreeMap<Integer, Long>(); existingAssetTypeMultipleMap = new TreeMap<Integer, Boolean>(); // date formats this.dateFormats.put(DATETIME_FORMAT_LONG, YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS); this.dateFormats.put(DATETIME_FORMAT_SHORT, YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM); this.dateFormats.put(DATE_FORMAT_LONG, YYYY_MM_DD); this.dateFormats.put(DATE_FORMAT_SHORT, YYYY_MM_DD); } public void loadOptions(CalipsoService calipso, Space space) { for (Field field : fields.values()) { field.setCustomAttribute(calipso.loadItemCustomAttribute(space, field.getName().getText())); } } /* accessor, will be used by Hibernate */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void setXmlString(String xmlString) { //init(); //"setXmlString: "+xmlString); if (xmlString == null) { return; } Document document = XmlUtils.parse(xmlString); // date formats for (Element e : (List<Element>) document.selectNodes(DATEFORMATS_XPATH)) { String dfKey = e.attribute(NAME).getValue(); String dfExpression = e.attribute(EXPRESSION).getValue(); this.dateFormats.put(dfKey, dfExpression); } // field groups fieldGroups.clear(); for (Element e : (List<Element>) document.selectNodes(FIELD_GROUP_XPATH)) { FieldGroup fieldGroup = new FieldGroup(e); fieldGroups.add(fieldGroup); fieldGroupsById.put(fieldGroup.getId(), fieldGroup); } if (fieldGroups.isEmpty()) { addDefaultFieldGroup(); } // sort by priority TreeSet<FieldGroup> fieldGroupSet = new TreeSet<FieldGroup>(); fieldGroupSet.addAll(fieldGroups); fieldGroups.clear(); fieldGroups.addAll(fieldGroupSet); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Loaded fieldGroups:" + fieldGroups); for (Element e : (List<Element>) document.selectNodes(FIELD_XPATH)) { Field field = new Field(e); fields.put(field.getName(), field); fieldsByLabel.put(field.getLabel(), field); // link to full field group object or // of default if none is set //"field name: "+field.getName().getText()+", group id: "+field.getGroupId()+", group: "+fieldGroupsById.get(field.getGroupId()).getName()); if (field.getGroupId() != null) { FieldGroup fieldGroup = fieldGroupsById.get(field.getGroupId()); if (fieldGroup == null) { logger.warn("Field belongs to undefined field-group element with id: " + field.getGroupId() + ", adding to default group"); fieldGroup = fieldGroupsById.get("default"); } else { fieldGroup.addField(field); } } else { // add field to default group if it does not // belong to any FieldGroup defaultFieldGroup = fieldGroups.get(0); field.setGroup(defaultFieldGroup); defaultFieldGroup.addField(field); } } for (Element e : (List<Element>) document.selectNodes(ROLE_XPATH)) { Role role = new Role(e); roles.put(role.getName(), role); } for (Element e : (List<Element>) document.selectNodes(STATE_XPATH)) { String key = e.attributeValue(STATUS); String value = e.attributeValue(LABEL); states.put(Integer.parseInt(key), value); statesByName.put(value, Integer.parseInt(key)); statesPlugins.put(Integer.parseInt(key), e.attributeValue(PLUGIN)); String sDurations = e.attributeValue(MAX_DURATION); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sDurations)) { maxDurations.put(Integer.parseInt(key), NumberUtils.createLong(sDurations)); } String asTypeId = e.attributeValue(ASSET_TYPE_ID); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(asTypeId)) { assetTypeIdMap.put(Integer.parseInt(key), NumberUtils.createLong(asTypeId)); } String existingAssetTypeId = e.attributeValue(EXISTING_ASSET_TYPE_ID); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(existingAssetTypeId)) { existingAssetTypeIdsMap.put(Integer.parseInt(key), NumberUtils.createLong(existingAssetTypeId)); } String existingAssetTypeMultiple = e.attributeValue(EXISTING_ASSET_TYPE_MULTIPLE); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(existingAssetTypeMultiple)) { existingAssetTypeMultipleMap.put(Integer.parseInt(key), BooleanUtils.toBoolean(existingAssetTypeMultiple)); } } fieldOrder.clear(); for (Element e : (List<Element>) document.selectNodes(FIELD_ORDER_XPATH)) { String fieldName = e.attributeValue(NAME); fieldOrder.add(Field.convertToName(fieldName)); } } protected void addDefaultFieldGroup() { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("adding default group to fieldGroups:" + fieldGroups); FieldGroup fieldGroup = new FieldGroup(); fieldGroup.setId("default"); fieldGroup.setName("default"); fieldGroup.setPriority(Short.parseShort("1")); fieldGroups.add(fieldGroup); fieldGroupsById.put(fieldGroup.getId(), fieldGroup); } /* accessor, will be used by Hibernate */ public String getXmlString() { Document d = XmlUtils.getNewDocument(METADATA); Element root = d.getRootElement(); Element dateFormats = root.addElement(DATEFORMATS); for (String dfKey : this.dateFormats.keySet()) { Element df = dateFormats.addElement(DATEFORMAT); df.addAttribute(NAME, dfKey); df.addAttribute(EXPRESSION, this.dateFormats.get(dfKey)); } Element fs = root.addElement(FIELDS); for (FieldGroup fieldGroup : this.fieldGroups) { fieldGroup.addAsChildOf(fs); } for (Field field : fields.values()) { field.addAsChildOf(fs); } Element rs = root.addElement(ROLES); for (Role role : roles.values()) { role.addAsChildOf(rs); } Element ss = root.addElement(STATES); for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : states.entrySet()) { Element e = ss.addElement(STATE); e.addAttribute(STATUS, entry.getKey() + ""); e.addAttribute(LABEL, entry.getValue()); e.addAttribute(PLUGIN, statesPlugins.get(entry.getKey())); Long lMaxDuration = maxDurations.get(entry.getKey()); Long assetTypeId = assetTypeIdMap.get(entry.getKey()); Long existingAssetTypeId = existingAssetTypeIdsMap.get(entry.getKey()); Boolean existingAssetTypeMuliple = existingAssetTypeMultipleMap.get(entry.getKey()); if (lMaxDuration != null) { e.addAttribute(MAX_DURATION, lMaxDuration.toString()); } if (assetTypeId != null) { e.addAttribute(ASSET_TYPE_ID, assetTypeId.toString()); } if (existingAssetTypeId != null) { e.addAttribute(EXISTING_ASSET_TYPE_ID, existingAssetTypeId.toString()); } if (existingAssetTypeMuliple != null) { e.addAttribute(EXISTING_ASSET_TYPE_MULTIPLE, BooleanUtils.toStringTrueFalse(existingAssetTypeMuliple)); } } Element fo = fs.addElement(FIELD_ORDER); for (Field.Name f : fieldOrder) { Element e = fo.addElement(FIELD); e.addAttribute(NAME, f.toString()); } String xml = XmlUtils.getAsPrettyXml(d.asXML()); //"getXmlString: "+xml); return xml; } // ==================================================================== public void initRoles() { // set up default simple workflow states.put(State.NEW, "New"); states.put(State.OPEN, "Open"); // states.put(State.MOVE_TO_OTHER_SPACE, "Move-To-Other-Space"); states.put(State.CLOSED, "Closed"); statesByName.put("New", State.NEW); statesByName.put("Open", State.OPEN); statesByName.put("Closed", State.CLOSED); addRole(RoleType.REGULAR_USER.getIdAsString()); toggleTransition(RoleType.REGULAR_USER.getIdAsString(), State.NEW, State.OPEN); toggleTransition(RoleType.REGULAR_USER.getIdAsString(), State.OPEN, State.OPEN); toggleTransition(RoleType.REGULAR_USER.getIdAsString(), State.OPEN, State.CLOSED); toggleTransition(RoleType.REGULAR_USER.getIdAsString(), State.CLOSED, State.OPEN); addRole(RoleType.GUEST.getIdAsString()); } public void initRegularUserRole(String roleCode) { states.put(State.NEW, "New"); states.put(State.OPEN, "Open"); // states.put(State.MOVE_TO_OTHER_SPACE, "Move-To-Other-Space"); states.put(State.CLOSED, "Closed"); statesByName.put("New", State.NEW); statesByName.put("Open", State.OPEN); statesByName.put("Closed", State.CLOSED); addRole(roleCode); toggleTransition(roleCode, State.NEW, State.OPEN); toggleTransition(roleCode, State.OPEN, State.OPEN); toggleTransition(roleCode, State.OPEN, State.CLOSED); toggleTransition(roleCode, State.CLOSED, State.OPEN); } public void initGuestUserRole(String roleCode) { addRole(roleCode); } public Field getField(Name fieldName) { return fields.get(fieldName); } public Field getFieldByLabel(String label) { return fieldsByLabel.get(label); } public Field getField(String fieldName) { return fields.get(Field.convertToName(fieldName)); } public void add(Field field) {"Metadata.add field: " + field);"field line count: " + field.getLineCount());"field default value expression: " + field.getDefaultValueExpression());"field customAttribute: " + field.getCustomAttribute());"field validationExpression: " + field.getValidationExpression()); fields.put(field.getName(), field); // will overwrite if exists if (!fieldOrder.contains(field.getName())) { // but for List, need to check fieldOrder.add(field.getName()); } for (Role role : roles.values()) { for (State state : role.getStates().values()) { state.add(field.getName()); } } } public void removeField(String fieldName) {"Removing field, Name: " + fieldName); Field.Name tempName = Field.convertToName(fieldName);"Removing field, tempName: " + tempName); Field field2remove = fields.remove(tempName);"Removing field, field: " + field2remove); fieldOrder.remove(tempName); String label = null; if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(this.fieldsByLabel.keySet())) { for (String key : this.fieldsByLabel.keySet()) { Field field = this.fieldsByLabel.get(key); if (field.getName().equals(tempName)) { label = key; break; } } } if (label != null) { Field removed = this.fieldsByLabel.remove(label);"removed field: " + removed); if (removed != null) { field2remove = removed; } } if (field2remove != null) { if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(this.fieldGroups)) { for (FieldGroup group : this.fieldGroups) { if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(group.getFields())) { boolean groupRemoved = group.getFields().remove(field2remove);"removed fild from group? " + groupRemoved); } } } } for (Role role : roles.values()) { for (State state : role.getStates().values()) { state.remove(tempName); } } } /** * Adds a "special" state like Move-To-Other-Space. Can be used for future * use where another state should be added with an explicit state order * number. * * */ public void addSpcecialState(int status, String stateName) { states.put(status, stateName); statesByName.put(stateName, status); for (Role role : roles.values()) { State state = new State(status, null, null, null); state.add(fields.keySet()); role.add(state); } } /** * * @param state * The space state * @return the state Integer ID */ public Integer getStateByName(String stateName) { return this.statesByName.get(stateName); } // TODO: proper asset type save public void addState(String stateName, String statePlugin, Long duration, Long assetTypeId, Long existingAssetTypeId) { addState(stateName, statePlugin, duration, assetTypeId, existingAssetTypeId, Boolean.FALSE); } // TODO: proper asset type save public void addState(String stateName, String statePlugin, Long duration, Long assetTypeId, Long existingAssetTypeId, Boolean existingAssetTypeMultiple) { // always the application will have by default at least to states // so we can't get outOfBoundException // so the new state we'll be added before the State.CLOSED int newStatus = states.keySet().size() - 1; states.put(newStatus, stateName); statesByName.put(stateName, newStatus); // by default each role will have permissions for this state, for all // fields for (Role role : roles.values()) { // crate state instance State state = new State(newStatus, statePlugin, duration, assetTypeId); state.setExistingAssetTypeId(existingAssetTypeId); state.add(fields.keySet()); role.add(state); } } public void removeState(int stateId) { String stateName = states.remove(stateId); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(stateName)) { statesByName.remove(stateName); } for (Role role : roles.values()) { role.removeState(stateId); } } public void addRole(String roleName) { Role role = new Role(roleName); for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : states.entrySet()) { State state = new State(entry.getKey(), null, null, null); state.add(fields.keySet()); role.add(state); } roles.put(role.getName(), role); } public void renameRole(String oldRole, String newRole) { // important! this has to be combined with a database update Role role = roles.get(oldRole); if (role == null) { return; // TODO improve CalipsoTest and assert not null here } role.setName(newRole); roles.remove(oldRole); roles.put(newRole, role); } public void removeRole(String roleName) { // important! this has to be combined with a database update roles.remove(roleName); } public Set<Field.Name> getUnusedFieldNames() { EnumSet<Field.Name> allFieldNames = EnumSet.allOf(Field.Name.class); for (Field f : getFields().values()) { allFieldNames.remove(f.getName()); } return allFieldNames; } public Map<String, String> getAvailableFieldTypes() { Map<String, String> fieldTypes = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); for (Field.Name fieldName : getUnusedFieldNames()) { if (!fieldName.isAssignableSpaces()) { String fieldType = fieldTypes.get(fieldName.getType() + ""); if (fieldType == null) { fieldTypes.put(fieldName.getType() + "", "1"); } else { int count = Integer.parseInt(fieldType); count++; fieldTypes.put(fieldName.getType() + "", count + ""); } } // if } // for return fieldTypes; } public Field getNextAvailableField(int fieldType) { Field newField = null; for (Field.Name fieldName : getUnusedFieldNames()) { if (fieldName.getType() == fieldType) { newField = new Field(fieldName + "");"New field name: '" + fieldName + "' type: " + fieldType); break; } } if (fieldType == 200) {"New field is a simple attachement"); newField.setFieldType(Field.FIELD_TYPE_SIMPLE_ATTACHEMENT); newField.setLabel(Field.FIELD_TYPE_SIMPLE_ATTACHEMENT); } // throw error if null. should not happen but helps during development. if (newField == null) { throw new RuntimeException("No field available of type " + fieldType); } return newField; } // customized accessor public Map<Field.Name, Field> getFields() { Map<Field.Name, Field> map = fields; if (parent != null) { map.putAll(parent.getFields()); } return fields; } // to make JSTL easier public Collection<Role> getRoleList() { return roles.values(); } public List<Field> getFieldList() { Map<Field.Name, Field> map = getFields(); List<Field> list = new ArrayList<Field>(fields.size()); list.addAll(map.values()); return list; } public String getCustomValue(Field.Name fieldName, Integer key) { return getCustomValue(fieldName, key + ""); } public String getCustomValue(Field.Name fieldName, String key) { Field field = fields.get(fieldName); if (field != null) { return field.getCustomValue(key); } if (parent != null) { return parent.getCustomValue(fieldName, key); } return ""; } public String getStatusValue(Integer key) { if (key == null) { return ""; } String s = states.get(key); if (s == null) { return ""; } return s; } public int getRoleCount() { return roles.size(); } public int getFieldCount() { return getFields().size(); } public int getStateCount() { return states.size(); } /** * logic for resolving the next possible transitions for a given role and * state - lookup Role by roleKey - for this Role, lookup state by key * (integer) - for the State, iterate over transitions, get the label for * each and add to map The map returned is used to render the drop down list * on screen, [ key = value ] */ public Map<Integer, String> getPermittedTransitions(List<String> roleKeys, int status) { Map<String, Role> rolesMap = getRolesMap(); for (String key : rolesMap.keySet()) { Role role = rolesMap.get(key); } Map<Integer, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); for (String roleKey : roleKeys) { Role role = roles.get(roleKey); if (role != null) { State state = role.getStates().get(status); if (state != null) { for (int transition : state.getTransitions()) { map.put(transition, this.states.get(transition)); } } } } return map; } // returning map ideal for JSTL public Map<String, Boolean> getRolesAbleToTransition(int fromStatus, int toStatus) { Map<String, Boolean> map = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(roles.size()); for (Role role : roles.values()) { State s = role.getStates().get(fromStatus); if (s.getTransitions().contains(toStatus)) { map.put(role.getName(), true); } } return map; } public Set<String> getRolesAbleToTransitionFrom(int state) { Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(roles.size()); for (Role role : roles.values()) { State s = role.getStates().get(state); if (s.getTransitions().size() > 0) { set.add(role.getName()); } } return set; } private State getRoleState(String roleKey, int stateKey) { Role role = roles.get(roleKey); return role.getStates().get(stateKey); } public void toggleTransition(String roleKey, int fromState, int toState) { State state = getRoleState(roleKey, fromState); if (state.getTransitions().contains(toState)) { state.getTransitions().remove(toState); } else { state.getTransitions().add(toState); } } /** * Saves the next available mask * * @param stateKey * Current space state * @param roleKey * Current space role * @param fieldName * The custom field's name */ public void switchMask(int stateKey, String roleKey, String fieldName) { State state = getRoleState(roleKey, stateKey); Field.Name tempName = Field.convertToName(fieldName); Integer mask = state.getFields().get(tempName); switch (mask) { // case State.MASK_HIDDEN: state.getFields().put(name, // State.MASK_READONLY); return; HIDDEN support in future case State.MASK_HIDDEN: state.getFields().put(tempName, State.MASK_READONLY); return; case State.MASK_READONLY: state.getFields().put(tempName, State.MASK_OPTIONAL); return; case State.MASK_OPTIONAL: state.getFields().put(tempName, State.MASK_MANDATORY); return; case State.MASK_MANDATORY: state.getFields().put(tempName, State.MASK_MANDATORY_IF_EMPTY); return; case State.MASK_MANDATORY_IF_EMPTY: state.getFields().put(tempName, State.MASK_HIDDEN); return; default: // should never happen } } /** * Saves the next available mask * * @param stateKey * Current space state * @param mask * The chosen mask to set * @param roleKey * Current space role * @param fieldName * The custom field's name */ public void setMask(int stateKey, Integer mask, String roleKey, String fieldName) { State state = getRoleState(roleKey, stateKey); Field.Name tempName = Field.convertToName(fieldName); state.getFields().put(tempName, mask); } public List<Field> getEditableFields(String roleKey, int status) { return getEditableFields(Collections.singletonList(roleKey), status); } public List<Field> getReadableFields(List<SpaceRole> roles, int status) { Set<String> roleKeys = new HashSet<String>(); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(roles)) { for (SpaceRole role : roles) { roleKeys.add(role.getRoleCode()); } } return getReadableFields(roleKeys, status); } public List<Field> getReadableFields(Collection<String> roleKeys, int status) { Map<Field.Name, Field> fs = new HashMap<Field.Name, Field>(getFieldCount()); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(roleKeys)) { for (String roleKey : roleKeys) { if (status > -1) { State state = getRoleState(roleKey, status); fs.putAll(getReadableFields(state)); } else { // we are trying to find all editable fields Role role = roles.get(roleKey); for (State state : role.getStates().values()) { if (state.getStatus() == State.NEW) { continue; } fs.putAll(getReadableFields(state)); } } } } // just to fix the order of the fields List<Field> result = new ArrayList<Field>(getFieldCount()); for (Field.Name fieldName : fieldOrder) { Field f = fs.get(fieldName); // and not all fields may be editable if (f != null) { result.add(f); } } return result; } /** * * @param roleKeys * * @param status * The item status can be (i.e new, open, close ) * * @return The custom fields that an item can edit */ public List<Field> getEditableFields(Collection<String> roleKeys, int status) { Map<Field.Name, Field> fs = new HashMap<Field.Name, Field>(getFieldCount()); for (String roleKey : roleKeys) { if (status > -1) { State state = getRoleState(roleKey, status); fs.putAll(getEditableFields(state)); } else { // we are trying to find all editable fields Role role = roles.get(roleKey); for (State state : role.getStates().values()) { if (state.getStatus() == State.NEW) { continue; } fs.putAll(getEditableFields(state)); } } } // just to fix the order of the fields List<Field> result = new ArrayList<Field>(getFieldCount()); for (Field.Name fieldName : fieldOrder) { Field f = fs.get(fieldName); // and not all fields may be editable if (f != null) { result.add(f); } } return result; } public List<Field> getEditableFields() { return getEditableFields(roles.keySet(), -1); } private Map<Field.Name, Field> getEditableFields(State state) { Map<Field.Name, Field> fs = new HashMap<Field.Name, Field>(getFieldCount()); for (Map.Entry<Field.Name, Integer> entry : state.getFields().entrySet()) { int entryState = entry.getValue(); if (entryState != State.MASK_HIDDEN && entryState != State.MASK_READONLY) { Field f = fields.get(entry.getKey()); // set if optional or not, this changes depending on the user / // role and status // TODO // set field mask from the entry's value f.setMask(entry.getValue()); fs.put(f.getName(), f); } } return fs; } private Map<Field.Name, Field> getReadableFields(State state) { Map<Field.Name, Field> fs = new HashMap<Field.Name, Field>(getFieldCount()); for (Map.Entry<Field.Name, Integer> entry : state.getFields().entrySet()) { int entryState = entry.getValue(); if (entryState != State.MASK_HIDDEN) { Field f = fields.get(entry.getKey()); // set if optional or not, this changes depending on the user / // role and status // TODO // set field mask from the entry's value f.setMask(entry.getValue()); fs.put(f.getName(), f); } } return fs; } public List<Field> getViewableFields(List<SpaceRole> roles, int status) { Set<String> roleKeys = new HashSet<String>(); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(roles)) { for (SpaceRole role : roles) { roleKeys.add(role.getRoleCode()); } } return getViewableFields(roleKeys, status); } /** * Used to retreive the custom fields a user can actually see in the * overview, i.e. not MASK_HIDDEN * * @param roleKeys * @param status * @return */ public List<Field> getViewableFields(Collection<String> roleKeys, int status) { Map<Field.Name, Field> fs = new HashMap<Field.Name, Field>(getFieldCount()); for (String roleKey : roleKeys) { if (status > -1) { State state = getRoleState(roleKey, status); fs.putAll(getViewableFields(state)); } else { // we are trying to find all editable fields Role role = roles.get(roleKey); for (State state : role.getStates().values()) { if (state.getStatus() == State.NEW) { continue; } fs.putAll(getViewableFields(state)); } } } // just to fix the order of the fields List<Field> result = new ArrayList<Field>(getFieldCount()); for (Field.Name fieldName : fieldOrder) { Field f = fs.get(fieldName); // and not all fields may be editable if (f != null) { result.add(f); } } return result; } /** * Used to retrieve the custom fields a user can actually see in the * overview, i.e. not MASK_HIDDEN * * @param roleKeys * @param status * @return */ public Map<Field.Name, Field> getViewableFieldsMap(Collection<String> roleKeys, int status) { Map<Field.Name, Field> fs = new HashMap<Field.Name, Field>(getFieldCount()); for (String roleKey : roleKeys) { if (status > -1) { State state = getRoleState(roleKey, status); fs.putAll(getViewableFields(state)); } else { // we are trying to find all editable fields Role role = roles.get(roleKey); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("trying to find all editable fields"); } for (State state : role.getStates().values()) { if (state.getStatus() == State.NEW) { continue; } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("geting viewable fields"); } fs.putAll(getViewableFields(state)); } } } return fs; } /** * Used to retrieve the custom fields a user can actually see in the * overview, i.e. not MASK_HIDDEN * * @param state * @return */ private Map<Field.Name, Field> getViewableFields(State state) { Map<Field.Name, Field> fs = new HashMap<Field.Name, Field>(getFieldCount()); for (Map.Entry<Field.Name, Integer> entry : state.getFields().entrySet()) { int entryState = entry.getValue(); if (entryState != State.MASK_HIDDEN) { Field f = fields.get(entry.getKey()); // set field mask from the entry's value f.setMask(entry.getValue()); fs.put(f.getName(), f); } } return fs; } // ================================================================== public int getVersion() { return version; } public void setVersion(int version) { this.version = version; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } public long getId() { return id; } public void setId(long id) { = id; } public Integer getType() { return type; } public void setType(Integer type) { this.type = type; } public Metadata getParent() { return parent; } public void setParent(Metadata parent) { this.parent = parent; } // ======================================= // no setters required public Map<String, Role> getRolesMap() { return roles; } public Map<Integer, String> getStatesMap() { return states; } public Map<Integer, String> getStatesPluginMap() { return this.statesPlugins; } public Map<Integer, Long> getStatesDurationMap() { return this.maxDurations; } public Map<Integer, Long> getStatesAssetTypeIdMap() { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Returning asset type map : " + assetTypeIdMap); } return this.assetTypeIdMap; } public List<Field.Name> getFieldOrder() { return fieldOrder; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("id [").append(id); sb.append("]; parent [").append(parent); sb.append("]; fields [").append(fields); sb.append("]; roles [").append(roles); sb.append("]; states [").append(states); sb.append("]; fieldOrder [").append(fieldOrder); sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } /** * @return */ public Map<Integer, Long> getStatesExistingSpaceAssetTypeIdsMap() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return this.existingAssetTypeIdsMap; } public Map<Integer, Boolean> getExistingAssetTypeMultipleMap() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return this.existingAssetTypeMultipleMap; } public Map<String, FieldGroup> getFieldGroupsById() { return fieldGroupsById; } public void setFieldGroupsById(Map<String, FieldGroup> fieldGroupsById) { this.fieldGroupsById = fieldGroupsById; } public List<FieldGroup> getFieldGroups() { return fieldGroups; } public void setFieldGroups(List<FieldGroup> fieldGroups) { this.fieldGroups = fieldGroups; } public Map<String, String> getDateFormats() { return dateFormats; } }