Java tutorial
/** * Copyright Notice * * This is a work of the U.S. Government and is not subject to copyright * protection in the United States. Foreign copyrights may apply. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.function.Function; import javafx.application.Platform; import javafx.beans.binding.BooleanBinding; import javafx.beans.binding.ObjectBinding; import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener; import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue; import javafx.collections.FXCollections; import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener; import javafx.collections.ObservableList; import javafx.collections.WeakListChangeListener; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.geometry.Insets; import javafx.geometry.Pos; import javafx.scene.control.ComboBox; import javafx.scene.control.ContextMenu; import javafx.scene.control.MenuItem; import javafx.scene.control.ProgressIndicator; import javafx.scene.control.Tooltip; import javafx.scene.image.ImageView; import javafx.scene.layout.Background; import javafx.scene.layout.BackgroundFill; import javafx.scene.layout.CornerRadii; import javafx.scene.layout.HBox; import javafx.scene.layout.Priority; import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane; import javafx.scene.paint.Color; import javafx.util.StringConverter; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.ihtsdo.otf.tcc.api.concept.ConceptVersionBI; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * {@link ConceptNode} * * This class handles the GUI display of concepts with many other useful tidbits, * such as allowing users to enter UUIDs, SCTIDs, NIDS, or do type ahead searches. * * Validation lookups are background threaded. * * @author <a href="">Dan Armbrust</a> */ public class ConceptNode implements ConceptLookupCallback { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConceptNode.class); private HBox hbox_; private ComboBox<SimpleDisplayConcept> cb_; private ProgressIndicator pi_; private ImageView lookupFailImage_; private ConceptVersionBI c_; private ObjectBinding<ConceptVersionBI> conceptBinding_; private SimpleDisplayConcept codeSetComboBoxConcept_ = null; private SimpleValidBooleanProperty isValid = new SimpleValidBooleanProperty(true, null); private boolean flagAsInvalidWhenBlank_ = true; private volatile long lookupUpdateTime_ = 0; private AtomicInteger lookupsCurrentlyInProgress_ = new AtomicInteger(); private BooleanBinding isLookupInProgress_ = new BooleanBinding() { @Override protected boolean computeValue() { return lookupsCurrentlyInProgress_.get() > 0; } }; private ListChangeListener<SimpleDisplayConcept> listChangeListener_; private volatile boolean disableChangeListener_ = false; private Function<ConceptVersionBI, String> descriptionReader_; private ObservableList<SimpleDisplayConcept> dropDownOptions_; private ContextMenu cm_; public ConceptNode(ConceptVersionBI initialConcept, boolean flagAsInvalidWhenBlank) { this(initialConcept, flagAsInvalidWhenBlank, null, null); } /** * descriptionReader is optional */ public ConceptNode(ConceptVersionBI initialConcept, boolean flagAsInvalidWhenBlank, ObservableList<SimpleDisplayConcept> dropDownOptions, Function<ConceptVersionBI, String> descriptionReader) { c_ = initialConcept; //We can't simply use the ObservableList from the CommonlyUsedConcepts, because it infinite loops - there doesn't seem to be a way //to change the items in the drop down without changing the selection. So, we have this hack instead. listChangeListener_ = new ListChangeListener<SimpleDisplayConcept>() { @Override public void onChanged(Change<? extends SimpleDisplayConcept> c) { //TODO I still have an infinite loop here. Find and fix. logger.debug("updating concept dropdown"); disableChangeListener_ = true; SimpleDisplayConcept temp = cb_.getValue(); cb_.setItems(FXCollections.observableArrayList(dropDownOptions_)); cb_.setValue(temp); cb_.getSelectionModel().select(temp); disableChangeListener_ = false; } }; descriptionReader_ = (descriptionReader == null ? (conceptVersion) -> { return conceptVersion == null ? "" : OTFUtility.getDescription(conceptVersion); } : descriptionReader); dropDownOptions_ = dropDownOptions == null ? AppContext.getService(CommonlyUsedConcepts.class).getObservableConcepts() : dropDownOptions; dropDownOptions_.addListener(new WeakListChangeListener<SimpleDisplayConcept>(listChangeListener_)); conceptBinding_ = new ObjectBinding<ConceptVersionBI>() { @Override protected ConceptVersionBI computeValue() { return c_; } }; flagAsInvalidWhenBlank_ = flagAsInvalidWhenBlank; cb_ = new ComboBox<>(); cb_.setConverter(new StringConverter<SimpleDisplayConcept>() { @Override public String toString(SimpleDisplayConcept object) { return object == null ? "" : object.getDescription(); } @Override public SimpleDisplayConcept fromString(String string) { return new SimpleDisplayConcept(string, 0); } }); cb_.setValue(new SimpleDisplayConcept("", 0)); cb_.setEditable(true); cb_.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE); cb_.setPrefWidth(ComboBox.USE_COMPUTED_SIZE); cb_.setMinWidth(200.0); cb_.setPromptText("Type, drop or select a concept"); cb_.setItems(FXCollections.observableArrayList(dropDownOptions_)); cb_.setVisibleRowCount(11); cm_ = new ContextMenu(); MenuItem copyText = new MenuItem("Copy Description"); copyText.setGraphic(Images.COPY.createImageView()); copyText.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ActionEvent event) { CustomClipboard.set(cb_.getEditor().getText()); } }); cm_.getItems().add(copyText); CommonMenusNIdProvider nidProvider = new CommonMenusNIdProvider() { @Override public Set<Integer> getNIds() { Set<Integer> nids = new HashSet<>(); if (c_ != null) { nids.add(c_.getNid()); } return nids; } }; CommonMenuBuilderI menuBuilder = CommonMenus.CommonMenuBuilder.newInstance(); menuBuilder.setInvisibleWhenFalse(isValid); CommonMenus.addCommonMenus(cm_, menuBuilder, nidProvider); cb_.getEditor().setContextMenu(cm_); updateGUI(); new LookAheadConceptPopup(cb_); if (cb_.getValue().getNid() == 0) { if (flagAsInvalidWhenBlank_) { isValid.setInvalid("Concept Required"); } } else { isValid.setValid(); } cb_.valueProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<SimpleDisplayConcept>() { @Override public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends SimpleDisplayConcept> observable, SimpleDisplayConcept oldValue, SimpleDisplayConcept newValue) { if (newValue == null) { logger.debug("Combo Value Changed - null entry"); } else { logger.debug("Combo Value Changed: {} {}", newValue.getDescription(), newValue.getNid()); } if (disableChangeListener_) { logger.debug("change listener disabled"); return; } if (newValue == null) { //This can happen if someone calls clearSelection() - it passes in a null. cb_.setValue(new SimpleDisplayConcept("", 0)); return; } else { if (newValue.shouldIgnoreChange()) { logger.debug("One time change ignore"); return; } //Whenever the focus leaves the combo box editor, a new combo box is generated. But, the new box will have 0 for an id. detect and ignore if (oldValue != null && oldValue.getDescription().equals(newValue.getDescription()) && newValue.getNid() == 0) { logger.debug("Not a real change, ignore"); newValue.setNid(oldValue.getNid()); return; } lookup(); } } }); AppContext.getService(DragRegistry.class).setupDragAndDrop(cb_, new SingleConceptIdProvider() { @Override public String getConceptId() { return cb_.getValue().getNid() + ""; } }, true); pi_ = new ProgressIndicator(ProgressIndicator.INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS); pi_.visibleProperty().bind(isLookupInProgress_); pi_.setPrefHeight(16.0); pi_.setPrefWidth(16.0); pi_.setMaxWidth(16.0); pi_.setMaxHeight(16.0); lookupFailImage_ = Images.EXCLAMATION.createImageView(); lookupFailImage_.visibleProperty().bind(isValid.not().and(isLookupInProgress_.not())); Tooltip t = new Tooltip(); t.textProperty().bind(isValid.getReasonWhyInvalid()); Tooltip.install(lookupFailImage_, t); StackPane sp = new StackPane(); sp.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE); sp.getChildren().add(cb_); sp.getChildren().add(lookupFailImage_); sp.getChildren().add(pi_); StackPane.setAlignment(cb_, Pos.CENTER_LEFT); StackPane.setAlignment(lookupFailImage_, Pos.CENTER_RIGHT); StackPane.setMargin(lookupFailImage_, new Insets(0.0, 30.0, 0.0, 0.0)); StackPane.setAlignment(pi_, Pos.CENTER_RIGHT); StackPane.setMargin(pi_, new Insets(0.0, 30.0, 0.0, 0.0)); hbox_ = new HBox(); hbox_.setSpacing(5.0); hbox_.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER_LEFT); hbox_.getChildren().add(sp); HBox.setHgrow(sp, Priority.SOMETIMES); } public void addMenu(MenuItem mi) { cm_.getItems().add(mi); } private void updateGUI() { logger.debug("update gui - is concept null? {}", c_ == null); if (c_ == null) { //Keep the user entry, if it was invalid, so they can edit it. codeSetComboBoxConcept_ = new SimpleDisplayConcept( (cb_.getValue() != null ? cb_.getValue().getDescription() : ""), 0, true); cb_.setTooltip(null); } else { codeSetComboBoxConcept_ = new SimpleDisplayConcept(descriptionReader_.apply(c_), c_.getNid(), true); //In case the description is too long, also put it in a tooltip Tooltip t = new Tooltip(codeSetComboBoxConcept_.getDescription()); cb_.setTooltip(t); } cb_.setValue(codeSetComboBoxConcept_); } private synchronized void lookup() { lookupsCurrentlyInProgress_.incrementAndGet(); isLookupInProgress_.invalidate(); if (cb_.getValue().getNid() != 0) { OTFUtility.getConceptVersion(cb_.getValue().getNid(), this, null); } else { OTFUtility.lookupIdentifier(cb_.getValue().getDescription(), this, null); } } public HBox getNode() { return hbox_; } public ConceptVersionBI getConcept() { if (isLookupInProgress_.get()) { synchronized (lookupsCurrentlyInProgress_) { while (lookupsCurrentlyInProgress_.get() > 0) { try { lookupsCurrentlyInProgress_.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // noop } } } } return c_; } public ConceptVersionBI getConceptNoWait() { return c_; } protected String getDisplayedText() { return cb_.getValue().getDescription(); } protected void set(String newValue) { cb_.setValue(new SimpleDisplayConcept(newValue, 0)); } public void set(ConceptVersionBI newValue) { cb_.setValue(new SimpleDisplayConcept(newValue, descriptionReader_)); } public void set(SimpleDisplayConcept newValue) { if (newValue == null) { cb_.setValue(new SimpleDisplayConcept("", 0)); } else { cb_.setValue(newValue); } } public SimpleValidBooleanProperty isValid() { return isValid; } public void revalidate() { lookup(); } @Override public void lookupComplete(final ConceptVersionBI concept, final long submitTime, Integer callId) { Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { logger.debug("lookupComplete - found '{}'", (concept == null ? "-null-" : concept.toUserString())); synchronized (lookupsCurrentlyInProgress_) { lookupsCurrentlyInProgress_.decrementAndGet(); isLookupInProgress_.invalidate(); lookupsCurrentlyInProgress_.notifyAll(); } if (submitTime < lookupUpdateTime_) { // Throw it away, we already got back a newer lookup. logger.debug("throwing away a lookup"); return; } else { lookupUpdateTime_ = submitTime; } if (concept != null) { c_ = concept; AppContext.getService(CommonlyUsedConcepts.class).addConcept(new SimpleDisplayConcept(c_)); isValid.setValid(); } else { // lookup failed c_ = null; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(cb_.getValue().getDescription())) { isValid.setInvalid("The specified concept was not found in the database"); } else if (flagAsInvalidWhenBlank_) { isValid.setInvalid("Concept required"); } else { isValid.setValid(); } } updateGUI(); conceptBinding_.invalidate(); } }); } public void setPromptText(String promptText) { cb_.setPromptText(promptText); } public ObjectBinding<ConceptVersionBI> getConceptProperty() { return conceptBinding_; } public void clear() { logger.debug("Clear called"); Runnable r = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { cb_.setValue(new SimpleDisplayConcept("", 0)); } }; if (Platform.isFxApplicationThread()) {; } else { Platform.runLater(r); } } /** * If, for some reason, you want a concept node selection box that is completely disabled - call this method after constructing * the concept node. Though one wonders, why you wouldn't just use a label in this case.... */ public void disableEdit() { AppContext.getService(DragRegistry.class).removeDragCapability(cb_); cb_.setEditable(false); dropDownOptions_.removeListener(listChangeListener_); listChangeListener_ = null; cb_.setItems(FXCollections.observableArrayList()); cb_.setBackground(new Background(new BackgroundFill(Color.LIGHTGRAY, new CornerRadii(0), new Insets(0)))); } }