Java tutorial
/* * EDStatic Copyright 2008, NOAA. * See the LICENSE.txt file in this file's directory. */ package gov.noaa.pfel.erddap.util; import com.cohort.array.PrimitiveArray; import com.cohort.array.Attributes; import com.cohort.array.StringArray; import com.cohort.util.Calendar2; import com.cohort.util.File2; import com.cohort.util.Math2; import com.cohort.util.MustBe; import com.cohort.util.ResourceBundle2; import com.cohort.util.SimpleException; import com.cohort.util.String2; import com.cohort.util.String2LogOutputStream; import com.cohort.util.Test; import com.cohort.util.XML; import gov.noaa.pfel.coastwatch.griddata.NcHelper; import gov.noaa.pfel.coastwatch.griddata.OpendapHelper; import gov.noaa.pfel.coastwatch.pointdata.Table; import gov.noaa.pfel.coastwatch.Projects; import gov.noaa.pfel.coastwatch.sgt.Boundaries; import gov.noaa.pfel.coastwatch.sgt.FilledMarkerRenderer; import gov.noaa.pfel.coastwatch.sgt.GSHHS; import gov.noaa.pfel.coastwatch.sgt.PathCartesianRenderer; import gov.noaa.pfel.coastwatch.sgt.SgtGraph; import gov.noaa.pfel.coastwatch.sgt.SgtMap; import gov.noaa.pfel.coastwatch.sgt.SgtUtil; import gov.noaa.pfel.coastwatch.util.RegexFilenameFilter; import gov.noaa.pfel.coastwatch.util.SSR; import gov.noaa.pfel.coastwatch.util.Tally; import gov.noaa.pfel.erddap.*; import gov.noaa.pfel.erddap.dataset.*; import gov.noaa.pfel.erddap.variable.*; import java.awt.Color; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; //import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils; //in netcdf-all.jar import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriterConfig; import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.QueryParser; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.lucene.util.Version; //import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; //import org.apache.lucene.document.Field; //import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter; //import; //import; //import; /** * This class holds a lot of static information set from the setup.xml and messages.xml * files and used by all the other ERDDAP classes. */ public class EDStatic { /** The all lowercase name for the program that appears in urls. */ public final static String programname = "erddap"; /** The uppercase name for the program that appears on web pages. */ public final static String ProgramName = "ERDDAP"; /** This changes with each release. * <br>See Changes information in /downloads/setup.html . * <br>0.1 started on 2007-09-17 * <br>0.11 released on 2007-11-09 * <br>0.12 released on 2007-12-05 * <br>0.2 released on 2008-01-10 * <br>From here on, odd .01 are used during development * <br>0.22 released on 2008-02-21 * <br>0.24 released on 2008-03-03 * <br>0.26 released on 2008-03-11 * <br>0.28 released on 2008-04-14 * <br>1.00 released on 2008-05-06 * <br>1.02 released on 2008-05-26 * <br>1.04 released on 2008-06-10 * <br>1.06 released on 2008-06-20 * <br>1.08 released on 2008-07-13 * <br>1.10 released on 2008-10-14 * <br>1.12 released on 2008-11-02 * <br>1.14 released on 2009-03-17 * <br>1.16 released on 2009-03-26 * <br>1.18 released on 2009-04-08 * <br>1.20 released on 2009-07-02 * <br>1.22 released on 2009-07-05 * <br>1.24 released on 2010-08-06 * <br>1.26 released on 2010-08-25 * <br>1.28 released on 2010-08-27 * <br>1.30 released on 2011-04-29 * <br>1.32 released on 2011-05-20 * <br>1.34 released on 2011-06-15 * <br>1.36 released on 2011-08-01 * <br>1.38 released on 2012-04-21 * <br>1.40 released on 2012-10-25 * <br>1.42 released on 2012-11-26 * <br>1.44 released on 2013-05-30 * <br>1.46 released on 2013-07-09 * <br>It's okay if .001 used for minor releases. * Some code deals with it as a double, but never d.dd. * <br>1.48 released on 2014-09-04 * <br>1.50 released on 2014-09-06 * <br>1.52 released on 2014-10-03 * <br>1.54 released on 2014-10-24 * <br>1.56 released on 2014-12-16 * <br>1.58 released on 2015-02-25 * <br>1.60 released on 2015-03-12 * <br>1.62 released on 2015-06-08 * <br>1.64 released on 2015-08-19 * <br>1.66 released on 2016-01-19 * <br>1.68 released on 2016-02-08 * <br>1.70 released on 2016-04-15 * <br>1.72 released on 2016-05-12 */ public static String erddapVersion = "1.72"; /** * This is almost always false. * During development, Bob sets this to true. No one else needs to. * If true, ERDDAP uses setup2.xml and datasets2.xml (and messages2.xml if it exists). */ public static boolean developmentMode = false; /** This identifies the dods server/version that this mimics. */ public static String dapVersion = "DAP/2.0"; //??? public static String serverVersion = "dods/3.7"; //this is what thredds replies //drds at replies "DODS/3.2" //both reply with server version, neither replies with coreVersion //spec says #.#.#, but Gallagher says #.# is fine. /** * contentDirectory is the local directory on this computer, e.g., [tomcat]/content/erddap/ * It will have a slash at the end. */ public static String contentDirectory; public final static String INSTITUTION = "institution"; /* contextDirectory is the local directory on this computer, e.g., [tomcat]/webapps/erddap/ */ public static String contextDirectory = SSR.getContextDirectory(); //with / separator and / at the end //fgdc and iso19115XmlDirectory are used for virtual URLs. public final static String fgdcXmlDirectory = "metadata/fgdc/xml/"; //virtual public final static String iso19115XmlDirectory = "metadata/iso19115/xml/"; //virtual public final static String DOWNLOAD_DIR = "download/"; public final static String IMAGES_DIR = "images/"; public final static String PUBLIC_DIR = "public/"; public static String fullPaletteDirectory = contextDirectory + "WEB-INF/cptfiles/", fullPublicDirectory = contextDirectory + PUBLIC_DIR, downloadDir = contextDirectory + DOWNLOAD_DIR, //local directory on this computer imageDir = contextDirectory + IMAGES_DIR; //local directory on this computer public static Tally tally = new Tally(); public static int failureTimesDistributionLoadDatasets[] = new int[String2.DistributionSize]; public static int failureTimesDistribution24[] = new int[String2.DistributionSize]; public static int failureTimesDistributionTotal[] = new int[String2.DistributionSize]; public static int majorLoadDatasetsDistribution24[] = new int[String2.DistributionSize]; public static int majorLoadDatasetsDistributionTotal[] = new int[String2.DistributionSize]; public static int minorLoadDatasetsDistribution24[] = new int[String2.DistributionSize]; public static int minorLoadDatasetsDistributionTotal[] = new int[String2.DistributionSize]; public static int responseTimesDistributionLoadDatasets[] = new int[String2.DistributionSize]; public static int responseTimesDistribution24[] = new int[String2.DistributionSize]; public static int responseTimesDistributionTotal[] = new int[String2.DistributionSize]; public static int taskThreadFailedDistribution24[] = new int[String2.DistributionSize]; public static int taskThreadFailedDistributionTotal[] = new int[String2.DistributionSize]; public static int taskThreadSucceededDistribution24[] = new int[String2.DistributionSize]; public static int taskThreadSucceededDistributionTotal[] = new int[String2.DistributionSize]; public static String datasetsThatFailedToLoad = ""; public static String duplicateDatasetIDsMsg = ""; public static StringBuffer memoryUseLoadDatasetsSB = new StringBuffer(""); //thread-safe (1 thread writes but others may read) public static StringBuffer failureTimesLoadDatasetsSB = new StringBuffer(""); //thread-safe (1 thread writes but others may read) public static StringBuffer responseTimesLoadDatasetsSB = new StringBuffer(""); //thread-safe (1 thread writes but others may read) public static HashSet requestBlacklist = null; public static volatile int slowDownTroubleMillis = 1000; public static long startupMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); public static String startupLocalDateTime = Calendar2.getCurrentISODateTimeStringLocal(); public static int nGridDatasets = 0; public static int nTableDatasets = 0; public static long lastMajorLoadDatasetsStartTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); public static long lastMajorLoadDatasetsStopTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - 1; private static ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> sessionNonce = new ConcurrentHashMap(16, 0.75f, 4); //for a session: loggedInAs -> nonce /** userHashMap. * key=username (if email address, they are lowercased) * value=[encoded password, sorted roles String[]] * It is empty until the first LoadDatasets is finished and puts a new HashMap in place. * It is private so no other code can access the information except * via doesPasswordMatch() and getRoles(). * MD5'd and SHA'd passwords should all already be lowercase. * No need to be thread-safe: one thread writes it, then put here where read only. */ private static HashMap userHashMap = new HashMap(); /** This is a HashMap of key=id value=thread that need to be interrupted/killed * when erddap is stopped in Tomcat. * For example, key="taskThread", value=taskThread. * The key make it easy to get a specific thread (e.g., to remove it). */ public static ConcurrentHashMap runningThreads = new ConcurrentHashMap(16, 0.75f, 4); //taskThread variables //Funnelling all taskThread tasks through one taskThread ensures // that the memory requirements, bandwidth usage, cpu usage, // and stress on remote servers will be minimal // (although at the cost of not doing the tasks faster / in parallel). //In a grid of erddaps, each will have its own taskThread, which is appropriate. public static ArrayList taskList = new ArrayList(); //keep here in case TaskThread needs to be restarted private static TaskThread taskThread; /** lastAssignedTask is used by EDDxxxCopy instances to keep track of * the number of the last task assigned to taskThread. * key=datasetID value=Integer(task#) */ public static ConcurrentHashMap lastAssignedTask = new ConcurrentHashMap(16, 0.75f, 4); /** * This returns the index number of the task in taskList (-1,0..) of the last completed task * (successful or not). * nFinishedTasks = lastFinishedTask + 1; */ public static volatile int lastFinishedTask = -1; /** * This returns the index number of the task in taskList (0..) that will be started * when the current task is finished. */ public static volatile int nextTask = 0; /** This recieves key=startOfLocalSourceUrl value=startOfPublicSourceUrl from LoadDatasets * and is used by EDD.convertToPublicSourceUrl. */ public static ConcurrentHashMap convertToPublicSourceUrl = new ConcurrentHashMap(16, 0.75f, 4); /** * This returns the position of the "/" in if tFrom has "[something]//[something]/...", * and is thus a valid tFrom for convertToPublicSourceUrl. * * @return the po of the end "/" (or -1 if invalid). */ public static int convertToPublicSourceUrlFromSlashPo(String tFrom) { if (tFrom == null) return -1; int spo = tFrom.indexOf("//"); if (spo > 0) spo = tFrom.indexOf("/", spo + 2); return spo; } /** For Lucene. */ //The latest version as of writing this. //Since I recreate the index when erddap restarted, I can change anything // (e.g., Directory type, Version) any time // (no worries about compatibility with existing index). //useful documentatino // // // // public static Version luceneVersion = Version.LUCENE_35; public final static String luceneDefaultField = "text"; //special characters to be escaped //see bottom of public static String luceneSpecialCharacters = "+-&|!(){}[]^\"~*?:\\"; //made below if useLuceneSearchEngine //there are many analyzers; this is a good starting point public static Analyzer luceneAnalyzer; private static QueryParser luceneQueryParser; //not thread-safe //made once by RunLoadDatasets public static Directory luceneDirectory; public static IndexWriter luceneIndexWriter; //is thread-safe //made/returned by luceneIndexSearcher private static IndexReader luceneIndexReader; //is thread-safe, but only need/want one private static Object luceneIndexReaderLock = Calendar2.newGCalendarLocal(); public static boolean needNewLuceneIndexReader = true; private static IndexSearcher luceneIndexSearcher; //is thread-safe, so can reuse private static String[] luceneDatasetIDFieldCache; //also see updateLucene in LoadDatasets public final static int defaultItemsPerPage = 1000; //1000, for /info/ and search public final static String defaultPIppQuery = "page=1&itemsPerPage=" + defaultItemsPerPage; public final static String allPIppQuery = "page=1&itemsPerPage=1000000000"; /** The HTML/XML encoded form */ public final static String encodedDefaultPIppQuery = "page=1&itemsPerPage=" + defaultItemsPerPage; public final static String encodedAllPIppQuery = "page=1&itemsPerPage=1000000000"; public final static String DONT_LOG_THIS_EMAIL = "!!! DON'T LOG THIS EMAIL: "; /** * These values are loaded from the [contentDirectory]setup.xml file. * See comments in the [contentDirectory]setup.xml file. */ public static String baseUrl, baseHttpsUrl, //won't be null, may be "(not specified)" bigParentDirectory, unitTestDataDir, EDDGridIdExample, EDDGridDimensionExample, EDDGridNoHyperExample, EDDGridDimNamesExample, EDDGridDataIndexExample, EDDGridDataValueExample, EDDGridDataTimeExample, EDDGridGraphExample, EDDGridMapExample, EDDGridMatlabPlotExample, EDDTableIdExample, EDDTableVariablesExample, EDDTableConstraintsExample, EDDTableDataValueExample, EDDTableDataTimeExample, EDDTableGraphExample, EDDTableMapExample, EDDTableMatlabPlotExample, adminInstitution, adminIndividualName, adminPosition, adminPhone, adminAddress, adminCity, adminStateOrProvince, adminPostalCode, adminCountry, adminEmail, accessConstraints, accessRequiresAuthorization, fees, keywords, units_standard, sosFeatureOfInterest, sosUrnBase, sosBaseGmlName, sosStandardNamePrefix, wmsSampleDatasetID, wmsSampleVariable, wmsSampleBBox, authentication, //will be one of "", "custom" ["openid"]. If baseHttpsUrl doesn't start with https:, this will be "". datasetsRegex, drawLandMask, emailEverythingToCsv, emailDailyReportToCsv, emailSubscriptionsFrom, flagKeyKey, fontFamily, googleClientID, //if authentication=google, this will be something googleEarthLogoFile, highResLogoImageFile, legendTitle1, legendTitle2, lowResLogoImageFile, passwordEncoding, //will be one of "MD5", "UEPMD5", "SHA256", "UEPSHA256" questionMarkImageFile, searchEngine, warName; public static String ampLoginInfo = "&loginInfo;"; public static int lowResLogoImageFileWidth, lowResLogoImageFileHeight, highResLogoImageFileWidth, highResLogoImageFileHeight, googleEarthLogoFileWidth, googleEarthLogoFileHeight; public static Color graphBackgroundColor; private static String legal; private static int ampLoginInfoPo = -1; /** These are special because other loggedInAs must be String2.justPrintable loggedInAsHttps is for using https without being logged in, but &loginInfo; indicates user isn't logged in. It is a reserved username -- LoadDatasets prohibits defining a user with that name. Tab is useful here: LoadDatasets prohibits it as valid userName, but it won't cause big trouble when printed in tally info. */ public final static String loggedInAsHttps = "[https]"; //final so not changeable public final static String loggedInAsSuperuser = "\tsuperuser"; //final so not changeable public final static int minimumPasswordLength = 8; private static String startBodyHtml, endBodyHtml, startHeadHtml; //see xxx() methods public static boolean listPrivateDatasets, reallyVerbose, subscriptionSystemActive, convertersActive, slideSorterActive, fgdcActive, iso19115Active, geoServicesRestActive, filesActive, dataProviderFormActive, sosActive, wcsActive, wmsActive, quickRestart, subscribeToRemoteErddapDataset, useOriginalSearchEngine, useLuceneSearchEngine, //exactly one will be true variablesMustHaveIoosCategory, verbose; public static String categoryAttributes[]; //as it appears in metadata (and used for hashmap) public static String categoryAttributesInURLs[]; //fileNameSafe (as used in URLs) public static boolean categoryIsGlobal[]; public static int variableNameCategoryAttributeIndex = -1; public static int logMaxSizeMB, unusualActivity = 10000, partialRequestMaxBytes = 490000000, //this is just below tds default <opendap><binLimit> of 500MB partialRequestMaxCells = 100000; public static long cacheMillis, loadDatasetsMinMillis, loadDatasetsMaxMillis; private static String emailSmtpHost, emailUserName, emailFromAddress, emailPassword, emailProperties; private static int emailSmtpPort; private static String emailLogDate = ""; private static BufferedWriter emailLogFile; //these are set as a consequence of setup.xml info public static SgtGraph sgtGraph; public static String erddapUrl, //without slash at end erddapHttpsUrl, //without slash at end (may be useless, but won't be null) fullDatasetDirectory, //all the Directory's have slash at end fullCacheDirectory, fullLogsDirectory, fullCopyDirectory, fullLuceneDirectory, fullResetFlagDirectory, fullCptCacheDirectory, fullPlainFileNcCacheDirectory, fullSgtMapTopographyCacheDirectory, fullTestCacheDirectory, fullWmsCacheDirectory, imageDirUrl, imageDirHttpsUrl, //downloadDirUrl, computerName; //e.g., coastwatch (or "") public static Subscriptions subscriptions; /** These values are loaded from the [contentDirectory]messages.xml file (if present) or .../classes/gov/noaapfel/erddap/util/messages.xml. */ public static String admKeywords, admSubsetVariables, admSummary, admTitle, advl_datasetID, advc_accessible, advl_accessible, advl_institution, advc_dataStructure, advl_dataStructure, advr_dataStructure, advl_cdm_data_type, advr_cdm_data_type, advl_class, advr_class, advl_title, advl_minLongitude, advl_maxLongitude, advl_longitudeSpacing, advl_minLatitude, advl_maxLatitude, advl_latitudeSpacing, advl_minAltitude, advl_maxAltitude, advl_minTime, advc_maxTime, advl_maxTime, advl_timeSpacing, advc_griddap, advl_griddap, advl_subset, advc_tabledap, advl_tabledap, advl_MakeAGraph, advc_sos, advl_sos, advl_wcs, advl_wms, advc_files, advl_files, advc_fgdc, advl_fgdc, advc_iso19115, advl_iso19115, advc_metadata, advl_metadata, advl_sourceUrl, advl_infoUrl, advl_rss, advc_email, advl_email, advl_summary, advancedSearch, advancedSearchResults, advancedSearchDirections, advancedSearchHtml, advancedSearchBounds, advancedSearchMinLat, advancedSearchMaxLat, advancedSearchMinLon, advancedSearchMaxLon, advancedSearchMinMaxLon, advancedSearchMinTime, advancedSearchMaxTime, advancedSearchClear, advancedSearchClearHelp, advancedSearchCategoryTooltip, advancedSearchRangeTooltip, advancedSearchMapTooltip, advancedSearchLonTooltip, advancedSearchTimeTooltip, advancedSearchWithCriteria, advancedSearchFewerCriteria, advancedSearchNoCriteria, blacklistMsg, categoryTitleHtml, category1Html, category2Html, category3Html, categoryPickAttribute, categorySearchHtml, categorySearchDifferentHtml, categoryClickHtml, categoryNotAnOption, clickAccessHtml, clickAccess, clickBackgroundInfo, clickERDDAP, clickInfo, clickToSubmit, convertOceanicAtmosphericAcronyms, convertOceanicAtmosphericAcronymsIntro, convertOceanicAtmosphericAcronymsNotes, convertOceanicAtmosphericAcronymsService, convertOceanicAtmosphericVariableNames, convertOceanicAtmosphericVariableNamesIntro, convertOceanicAtmosphericVariableNamesNotes, convertOceanicAtmosphericVariableNamesService, convertFipsCounty, convertFipsCountyIntro, convertFipsCountyNotes, convertFipsCountyService, convertHtml, convertKeywords, convertKeywordsCfTooltip, convertKeywordsGcmdTooltip, convertKeywordsIntro, convertKeywordsNotes, convertKeywordsService, convertTime, convertTimeReference, convertTimeIntro, convertTimeNotes, convertTimeService, convertTimeUnitsHelp, convertUnits, convertUnitsComparison, convertUnitsFilter, convertUnitsIntro, convertUnitsNotes, convertUnitsService, cookiesHelp, daf, dafGridBypass, dafGridHtml, dafTableBypass, dafTableHtml, dasTitle, dataAccessNotAllowed, databaseUnableToConnect, disabled, distinctValuesHtml, doWithGraphs, dtAccessible, dtAccessibleYes, dtAccessibleGraphs, dtAccessibleNo, dtAccessibleLogIn, dtLogIn, dtDAF1, dtDAF2, dtFiles, dtMAG, dtSOS, dtSubset, dtWCS, dtWMS, EDDDatasetID, EDDFgdc, EDDFgdcMetadata, EDDFiles, EDDIso19115, EDDIso19115Metadata, EDDMetadata, EDDBackground, EDDClickOnSubmitHtml, EDDInstitution, EDDInformation, EDDSummary, EDDDatasetTitle, EDDDownloadData, EDDMakeAGraph, EDDMakeAMap, EDDFileType, EDDFileTypeInformation, EDDSelectFileType, EDDMinimum, EDDMaximum, EDDConstraint, EDDChangedWasnt, EDDChangedDifferentNVar, EDDChanged2Different, EDDChanged1Different, EDDChangedCGADifferent, EDDChangedAxesDifferentNVar, EDDChangedAxes2Different, EDDChangedAxes1Different, EDDChangedNoValue, EDDChangedTableToGrid, EDDSimilarDifferentNVar, EDDSimilarDifferent, EDDGridDapDescription, EDDGridDapLongDescription, EDDGridDownloadDataHtml, EDDGridDimension, EDDGridDimensionRanges, EDDGridFirst, EDDGridLast, EDDGridStart, EDDGridStop, EDDGridStartStopHelp, EDDGridStride, EDDGridNValues, EDDGridNValuesHtml, EDDGridSpacing, EDDGridJustOneValue, EDDGridEven, EDDGridUneven, EDDGridDimensionHtml, EDDGridDimensionFirstHtml, EDDGridDimensionLastHtml, EDDGridVarHasDimHtml, EDDGridSSSHtml, EDDGridStartHtml, EDDGridStopHtml, EDDGridStrideHtml, EDDGridSpacingHtml, EDDGridDownloadTooltipHtml, EDDGridGridVariableHtml, EDDTableConstraints, EDDTableTabularDatasetHtml, EDDTableVariable, EDDTableCheckAll, EDDTableCheckAllTooltip, EDDTableUncheckAll, EDDTableUncheckAllTooltip, EDDTableMinimumTooltip, EDDTableMaximumTooltip, EDDTableCheckTheVariables, EDDTableSelectAnOperator, EDDTableOptConstraint1Html, EDDTableOptConstraint2Html, EDDTableOptConstraintVar, EDDTableNumericConstraintHtml, EDDTableStringConstraintHtml, EDDTableTimeConstraintHtml, EDDTableConstraintHtml, EDDTableSelectConstraint, EDDTableDapDescription, EDDTableDapLongDescription, EDDTableDownloadDataHtml, errorTitle, errorRequestUrl, errorRequestQuery, errorTheError, errorCopyFrom, errorFileNotFound, errorFileNotFoundImage, errorInternal, errorJsonpFunctionName, errorMoreThan2GB, errorNotFound, errorNotFoundIn, errorOdvLLTGrid, errorOdvLLTTable, errorOnWebPage, errorXWasntSpecified, errorXWasTooLong, externalLink, externalWebSite, fileHelp_asc, fileHelp_csv, fileHelp_csvp, fileHelp_csv0, fileHelp_das, fileHelp_dds, fileHelp_dods, fileHelpGrid_esriAscii, fileHelpTable_esriAscii, fileHelp_fgdc, fileHelp_geoJson, fileHelp_graph, fileHelpGrid_help, fileHelpTable_help, fileHelp_html, fileHelp_htmlTable, fileHelp_iso19115, fileHelp_json, fileHelp_mat, fileHelpGrid_nc, fileHelpTable_nc, fileHelp_ncHeader, fileHelp_ncCF, fileHelp_ncCFHeader, fileHelp_ncCFMA, fileHelp_ncCFMAHeader, fileHelp_ncml, fileHelpGrid_odvTxt, fileHelpTable_odvTxt, fileHelp_subset, fileHelp_tsv, fileHelp_tsvp, fileHelp_tsv0, fileHelp_xhtml, fileHelp_geotif, //graphical fileHelpGrid_kml, fileHelpTable_kml, fileHelp_smallPdf, fileHelp_pdf, fileHelp_largePdf, fileHelp_smallPng, fileHelp_png, fileHelp_largePng, fileHelp_transparentPng, filesDescription, filesDocumentation, filesSort, filesWarning, functions, functionHtml, functionDistinctCheck, functionDistinctHtml, functionOrderByHtml, functionOrderBySort, functionOrderBySort1, functionOrderBySort2, functionOrderBySort3, functionOrderBySort4, functionOrderBySortLeast, functionOrderBySortRowMax, geoServicesDescription, getStartedHtml, htmlTableMaxMessage, imageDataCourtesyOf, indexViewAll, indexSearchWith, indexDevelopersSearch, indexProtocol, indexDescription, indexDatasets, indexDocumentation, indexRESTfulSearch, indexAllDatasetsSearch, indexOpenSearch, indexServices, indexDescribeServices, indexMetadata, indexWAF1, indexWAF2, indexConverters, indexDescribeConverters, infoAboutFrom, infoTableTitleHtml, infoRequestForm, inotifyFix, justGenerateAndView, justGenerateAndViewHtml, justGenerateAndViewUrl, justGenerateAndViewGraphUrlHtml, license, listAll, listOfDatasets, LogIn, login, loginAttemptBlocked, loginDescribeCustom, loginDescribeEmail, loginDescribeGoogle, loginDescribeOpenID, loginCanNot, loginAreNot, loginToLogIn, loginEmailAddress, loginYourEmailAddress, loginUserName, loginPassword, loginUserNameAndPassword, loginGoogleSignIn, loginGoogleErddap, loginOpenID, loginOpenIDOr, loginOpenIDCreate, loginOpenIDFree, loginOpenIDSame, loginAs, loginFailed, loginSucceeded, loginInvalid, loginNot, loginBack, loginProblemExact, loginProblemExpire, loginProblemGoogleAgain, loginProblemSameBrowser, loginProblem3Times, loginProblems, loginProblemsAfter, loginPublicAccess, LogOut, logout, logoutOpenID, logoutSuccess, mag, magAxisX, magAxisY, magAxisColor, magAxisStickX, magAxisStickY, magAxisVectorX, magAxisVectorY, magAxisHelpGraphX, magAxisHelpGraphY, magAxisHelpMarkerColor, magAxisHelpSurfaceColor, magAxisHelpStickX, magAxisHelpStickY, magAxisHelpMapX, magAxisHelpMapY, magAxisHelpVectorX, magAxisHelpVectorY, magAxisVarHelp, magAxisVarHelpGrid, magConstraintHelp, magDocumentation, magDownload, magDownloadTooltip, magFileType, magGraphType, magGraphTypeTooltipGrid, magGraphTypeTooltipTable, magGS, magGSMarkerType, magGSSize, magGSColor, magGSColorBar, magGSColorBarTooltip, magGSContinuity, magGSContinuityTooltip, magGSScale, magGSScaleTooltip, magGSMin, magGSMinTooltip, magGSMax, magGSMaxTooltip, magGSNSections, magGSNSectionsTooltip, magGSLandMask, magGSLandMaskTooltipGrid, magGSLandMaskTooltipTable, magGSVectorStandard, magGSVectorStandardTooltip, magGSYAscendingTooltip, magGSYAxisMin, magGSYAxisMax, magGSYRangeMinTooltip, magGSYRangeMaxTooltip, magGSYRangeTooltip, magItemFirst, magItemPrevious, magItemNext, magItemLast, magJust1Value, magRange, magRangeTo, magRedraw, magRedrawTooltip, magTimeRange, magTimeRangeFirst, magTimeRangeBack, magTimeRangeForward, magTimeRangeLast, magTimeRangeTooltip, magTimeRangeTooltip2, magTimesVary, magViewUrl, magZoom, magZoomCenter, magZoomCenterTooltip, magZoomIn, magZoomInTooltip, magZoomOut, magZoomOutTooltip, magZoomALittle, magZoomData, magZoomOutData, magGridHtml, magTableHtml, metadataDownload, moreInformation, nMatching1, nMatchingAlphabetical, nMatchingMostRelevant, nMatchingPage, nMatchingCurrent, noDataFixedValue, noDataNoLL, noDatasetWith, noPage1, noPage2, notAllowed, notAuthorized, notAuthorizedForData, notAvailable, noXxx, noXxxBecause, noXxxBecause2, noXxxNotActive, noXxxNoAxis1, noXxxNoColorBar, noXxxNoCdmDataType, noXxxNoLL, noXxxNoLLEvenlySpaced, noXxxNoLLGt1, noXxxNoLLT, noXxxNoLonIn180, noXxxNoNonString, noXxxNo2NonString, noXxxNoStation, noXxxNoStationID, noXxxNoSubsetVariables, noXxxNoOLLSubsetVariables, noXxxNoMinMax, noXxxItsGridded, noXxxItsTabular, optional, orRefineSearchWith, orSearchWith, orComma, palettes[], palettes0[], paletteSections[] = { "", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39", "40" }, patientData, patientYourGraph, pickADataset, protocolSearchHtml, protocolSearch2Html, protocolClick, queryError, queryError180, queryError1Value, queryError1Var, queryError2Var, queryErrorActualRange, queryErrorAdjusted, queryErrorAscending, queryErrorConstraintNaN, queryErrorEqualSpacing, queryErrorExpectedAt, queryErrorFileType, queryErrorInvalid, queryErrorLL, queryErrorLLGt1, queryErrorLLT, queryErrorNeverTrue, queryErrorNeverBothTrue, queryErrorNotAxis, queryErrorNotExpectedAt, queryErrorNotFoundAfter, queryErrorOccursTwice, queryErrorOneOrderBy, queryErrorOrderByVariable, queryErrorUnknownVariable, queryErrorGrid1Axis, queryErrorGridAmp, queryErrorGridDiagnostic, queryErrorGridBetween, queryErrorGridLessMin, queryErrorGridGreaterMax, queryErrorGridMissing, queryErrorGridNoAxisVar, queryErrorGridNoDataVar, queryErrorGridNotIdentical, queryErrorGridSLessS, queryErrorLastEndP, queryErrorLastExpected, queryErrorLastUnexpected, queryErrorLastPMInvalid, queryErrorLastPMInteger, rangesFromTo, resetTheForm, resetTheFormWas, resourceNotFound, requestFormatExamplesHtml, resultsFormatExamplesHtml, resultsOfSearchFor, restfulInformationFormats, restfulViaService, rows, searchTitle, searchDoFullTextHtml, searchFullTextHtml, searchHintsHtml, searchHintsLuceneHtml, searchHintsOriginalHtml, searchButton, searchClickTip, searchNotAvailable, searchTip, searchSpelling, searchFewerWords, searchWithQuery, seeProtocolDocumentation, selectNext, selectPrevious, sosDescriptionHtml, sosLongDescriptionHtml, ssUse, ssBePatient, ssInstructionsHtml, standardShortDescriptionHtml, standardLicense, standardContact, standardDataLicenses, standardDisclaimerOfEndorsement, standardDisclaimerOfExternalLinks, standardGeneralDisclaimer, standardPrivacyPolicy, submit, submitTooltip, subscriptionsTitle, subscriptionOptions, subscriptionAdd, subscriptionAddHtml, subscriptionValidate, subscriptionValidateHtml, subscriptionList, subscriptionListHtml, subscriptionRemove, subscriptionRemoveHtml, subscriptionAbuse, subscriptionAddError, subscriptionAdd2, subscriptionAddSuccess, subscriptionEmail, subscriptionEmailInvalid, subscriptionEmailTooLong, subscriptionEmailUnspecified, subscriptionHtml, subscription2Html, subscriptionIDInvalid, subscriptionIDTooLong, subscriptionIDUnspecified, subscriptionKeyInvalid, subscriptionKeyUnspecified, subscriptionListError, subscriptionListSuccess, subscriptionRemoveError, subscriptionRemove2, subscriptionRemoveSuccess, subscriptionRSS, subscriptionsNotAvailable, subscriptionUrlHtml, subscriptionUrlInvalid, subscriptionUrlTooLong, subscriptionValidateError, subscriptionValidateSuccess, subset, subsetSelect, subsetNMatching, subsetInstructions, subsetOption, subsetOptions, subsetRefineMapDownload, subsetRefineSubsetDownload, subsetClickResetClosest, subsetClickResetLL, subsetMetadata, subsetCount, subsetPercent, subsetViewSelect, subsetViewSelectDistinctCombos, subsetViewSelectRelatedCounts, subsetWhen, subsetWhenNoConstraints, subsetWhenCounts, subsetComboClickSelect, subsetNVariableCombos, subsetShowingAllRows, subsetShowingNRows, subsetChangeShowing, subsetNRowsRelatedData, subsetViewRelatedChange, subsetTotalCount, subsetView, subsetViewCheck, subsetViewCheck1, subsetViewDistinctMap, subsetViewRelatedMap, subsetViewDistinctDataCounts, subsetViewDistinctData, subsetViewRelatedDataCounts, subsetViewRelatedData, subsetViewDistinctMapTooltip, subsetViewRelatedMapTooltip, subsetViewDistinctDataCountsTooltip, subsetViewDistinctDataTooltip, subsetViewRelatedDataCountsTooltip, subsetViewRelatedDataTooltip, subsetWarn, subsetWarn10000, subsetTooltip, subsetNotSetUp, subsetLongNotShown, Then, unknownDatasetID, unknownProtocol, unsupportedFileType, viewAllDatasetsHtml, waitThenTryAgain, warning, wcsDescriptionHtml, wcsLongDescriptionHtml, wmsDescriptionHtml, wmsInstructions, wmsLongDescriptionHtml, wmsManyDatasets; public static int[] imageWidths, imageHeights, pdfWidths, pdfHeights; private static String theShortDescriptionHtml, theLongDescriptionHtml; //see the xxx() methods public static String errorFromDataSource = String2.ERROR + " from data source: "; /** These are only created/used by GenerateDatasetsXml threads. * See the related methods below that create them. */ private static Table gdxAcronymsTable; private static HashMap<String, String> gdxAcronymsHashMap, gdxVariableNamesHashMap; /** This static block reads this class's static String values from * contentDirectory, which must contain setup.xml and datasets.xml * (and may contain messages.xml). * It may be a defined environment variable ("erddapContentDirectory") * or a subdir of <tomcat> (e.g., usr/local/tomcat/content/erddap/) * (more specifically, a sibling of 'tomcat'/webapps). * * @throws RuntimeException if trouble */ static { String erdStartup = "ERD Low Level Startup"; String errorInMethod = ""; try { //route calls to a logger to com.cohort.util.String2Log String2.setupCommonsLogging(-1); String eol = String2.lineSeparator; String2.log(eol + "////**** " + erdStartup + eol + "localTime=" + Calendar2.getCurrentISODateTimeStringLocal() + eol + String2.standardHelpAboutMessage()); //**** find contentDirectory String ecd = "erddapContentDirectory"; //the name of the environment variable errorInMethod = "Couldn't find 'content' directory (<tomcat>/content/erddap/ ?) " + "because '" + ecd + "' environment variable not found " + "and couldn't find '/webapps/' in classPath=" + String2.getClassPath() + //with / separator and / at the end " (and 'content/erddap' should be a sibling of <tomcat>/webapps)."; contentDirectory = System.getProperty(ecd); if (contentDirectory == null) { //Or, it must be sibling of webapps //e.g., c:/programs/_tomcat/webapps/erddap/WEB-INF/classes/[these classes] //On windows, contentDirectory may have spaces as %20(!) contentDirectory = String2.replaceAll(String2.getClassPath(), //with / separator and / at the end "%20", " "); int po = contentDirectory.indexOf("/webapps/"); contentDirectory = contentDirectory.substring(0, po) + "/content/erddap/"; //exception if po=-1 } else { contentDirectory = File2.addSlash(contentDirectory); } Test.ensureTrue(File2.isDirectory(contentDirectory), "contentDirectory (" + contentDirectory + ") doesn't exist."); //**** setup.xml ************************************************************* //read static Strings from setup.xml String setupFileName = contentDirectory + "setup" + (developmentMode ? "2" : "") + ".xml"; errorInMethod = "ERROR while reading " + setupFileName; ResourceBundle2 setup = ResourceBundle2.fromXml(XML.parseXml(setupFileName, false)); //logLevel may be: warning, info(default), all String logLevel = setup.getString("logLevel", "info").toLowerCase(); verbose = !logLevel.equals("warning"); AxisDataAccessor.verbose = verbose; Boundaries.verbose = verbose; Calendar2.verbose = verbose; EDD.verbose = verbose; EDV.verbose = verbose; Erddap.verbose = verbose; FilledMarkerRenderer.verbose = verbose; GridDataAccessor.verbose = verbose; GSHHS.verbose = verbose; LoadDatasets.verbose = verbose; NcHelper.verbose = verbose; OutputStreamFromHttpResponse.verbose = verbose; PathCartesianRenderer.verbose = verbose; Projects.verbose = verbose; //ResourceBundle2.verbose = verbose; RunLoadDatasets.verbose = verbose; SgtGraph.verbose = verbose; SgtMap.verbose = verbose; SgtUtil.verbose = verbose; SSR.verbose = verbose; Subscriptions.verbose = verbose; Table.verbose = verbose; TaskThread.verbose = verbose; reallyVerbose = logLevel.equals("all"); AxisDataAccessor.reallyVerbose = reallyVerbose; Boundaries.reallyVerbose = reallyVerbose; Calendar2.reallyVerbose = reallyVerbose; EDD.reallyVerbose = reallyVerbose; EDV.reallyVerbose = reallyVerbose; FilledMarkerRenderer.reallyVerbose = reallyVerbose; GridDataAccessor.reallyVerbose = reallyVerbose; GSHHS.reallyVerbose = reallyVerbose; LoadDatasets.reallyVerbose = reallyVerbose; NcHelper.reallyVerbose = reallyVerbose; PathCartesianRenderer.reallyVerbose = reallyVerbose; SgtGraph.reallyVerbose = reallyVerbose; SgtMap.reallyVerbose = reallyVerbose; SgtUtil.reallyVerbose = reallyVerbose; SSR.reallyVerbose = reallyVerbose; Subscriptions.reallyVerbose = reallyVerbose; Table.reallyVerbose = reallyVerbose; //Table.debug = reallyVerbose; //for debugging TaskThread.reallyVerbose = reallyVerbose; bigParentDirectory = setup.getNotNothingString("bigParentDirectory", ""); bigParentDirectory = File2.addSlash(bigParentDirectory); Test.ensureTrue(File2.isDirectory(bigParentDirectory), "bigParentDirectory (" + bigParentDirectory + ") doesn't exist."); unitTestDataDir = setup.getString("unitTestDataDir", "[specify <unitTestDataDir> in setup.xml]"); unitTestDataDir = File2.addSlash(unitTestDataDir); String2.unitTestDataDir = unitTestDataDir; //email (do early on so email can be sent if trouble later in this method) emailSmtpHost = setup.getString("emailSmtpHost", null); emailSmtpPort = setup.getInt("emailSmtpPort", 25); emailUserName = setup.getString("emailUserName", null); emailPassword = setup.getString("emailPassword", null); emailProperties = setup.getString("emailProperties", null); emailFromAddress = setup.getString("emailFromAddress", null); emailEverythingToCsv = setup.getString("emailEverythingTo", ""); //won't be null emailDailyReportToCsv = setup.getString("emailDailyReportTo", ""); //won't be null String tsar[] = String2.split(emailEverythingToCsv, ','); if (emailEverythingToCsv.length() > 0) for (int i = 0; i < tsar.length; i++) if (!String2.isEmailAddress(tsar[i]) || tsar[i].startsWith("your.")) //prohibit the default email addresses throw new RuntimeException( "setup.xml error: invalid email address=" + tsar[i] + " in <emailEverythingTo>."); emailSubscriptionsFrom = tsar.length > 0 ? tsar[0] : ""; //won't be null tsar = String2.split(emailDailyReportToCsv, ','); if (emailDailyReportToCsv.length() > 0) for (int i = 0; i < tsar.length; i++) if (!String2.isEmailAddress(tsar[i]) || tsar[i].startsWith("your.")) //prohibit the default email addresses throw new RuntimeException( "setup.xml error: invalid email address=" + tsar[i] + " in <emailDailyReportTo>."); //test of email //Test.error("This is a test of emailing an error in Erddap constructor."); //2014-09-03 deleting all cache and public files was moved from here to ERDDAP constructor //*** set up directories //all with slashes at end //before 2011-12-30, was fullDatasetInfoDirectory datasetInfo/; see conversion below fullDatasetDirectory = bigParentDirectory + "dataset/"; fullCacheDirectory = bigParentDirectory + "cache/"; fullResetFlagDirectory = bigParentDirectory + "flag/"; fullLogsDirectory = bigParentDirectory + "logs/"; fullCopyDirectory = bigParentDirectory + "copy/"; fullLuceneDirectory = bigParentDirectory + "lucene/"; Test.ensureTrue(File2.isDirectory(fullPaletteDirectory), "fullPaletteDirectory (" + fullPaletteDirectory + ") doesn't exist."); errorInMethod = "ERROR while creating directories."; //File2.makeDir throws exception if failure File2.makeDirectory(fullPublicDirectory); //make it, because Git doesn't track empty dirs File2.makeDirectory(fullDatasetDirectory); File2.makeDirectory(fullCacheDirectory); File2.makeDirectory(fullResetFlagDirectory); File2.makeDirectory(fullLogsDirectory); File2.makeDirectory(fullCopyDirectory); File2.makeDirectory(fullLuceneDirectory); String2.log("logLevel=" + logLevel + ": verbose=" + verbose + " reallyVerbose=" + reallyVerbose + eol + "bigParentDirectory=" + bigParentDirectory + eol + "contextDirectory=" + contextDirectory); //are bufferedImages hardware accelerated? String2.log(SgtUtil.isBufferedImageAccelerated()); //2011-12-30 convert /datasetInfo/[datasetID]/ to // /dataset/[last2char]/[datasetID]/ //to prepare for huge number of datasets String oldBaseDir = bigParentDirectory + "datasetInfo/"; //the old name if (File2.isDirectory(oldBaseDir)) { errorInMethod = "ERROR while converting from oldBaseDir=" + oldBaseDir; try { String2.log("[[converting datasetInfo/ to dataset/"); String oldBaseDirList[] = (new File(oldBaseDir)).list(); int oldBaseDirListSize = oldBaseDirList == null ? 0 : oldBaseDirList.length; for (int od = 0; od < oldBaseDirListSize; od++) { String odName = oldBaseDirList[od]; if (File2.isFile(oldBaseDir + odName)) { //delete obsolete files File2.delete(oldBaseDir + odName); continue; } if (!File2.isDirectory(oldBaseDir + odName)) { //link?? continue; } String fullNdName = EDD.datasetDir(odName); File2.makeDirectory(fullNdName); String oldFileList[] = (new File(oldBaseDir + odName)).list(); int oldFileListSize = oldFileList == null ? 0 : oldFileList.length; for (int of = 0; of < oldFileListSize; of++) { String ofName = oldFileList[of]; String fullOfName = oldBaseDir + odName + "/" + ofName; if (!ofName.matches(".*[0-9]{7}")) //skip temp files File2.copy(fullOfName, fullNdName + ofName); //dir will be created File2.delete(fullOfName); } File2.deleteAllFiles(oldBaseDir + odName); //should be already empty } File2.deleteAllFiles(oldBaseDir, true, true); //and delete empty subdir File2.delete(oldBaseDir); //hopefully empty String2.log("]]datasetInfo/ was successfully converted to dataset/"); } catch (Throwable t) { String2.log("WARNING: " + MustBe.throwableToString(t)); } } //deal with cache //how many millis should files be left in the cache (if untouched)? cacheMillis = setup.getInt("cacheMinutes", 60) * 60000L; // millis/min //make some subdirectories of fullCacheDirectory //'_' distinguishes from dataset cache dirs errorInMethod = "ERROR while creating directories."; fullCptCacheDirectory = fullCacheDirectory + "_cpt/"; fullPlainFileNcCacheDirectory = fullCacheDirectory + "_plainFileNc/"; fullSgtMapTopographyCacheDirectory = fullCacheDirectory + "_SgtMapTopography/"; fullTestCacheDirectory = fullCacheDirectory + "_test/"; fullWmsCacheDirectory = fullCacheDirectory + "_wms/"; //for all-datasets WMS and subdirs for non-data layers File2.makeDirectory(fullCptCacheDirectory); File2.makeDirectory(fullPlainFileNcCacheDirectory); File2.makeDirectory(fullSgtMapTopographyCacheDirectory); File2.makeDirectory(fullTestCacheDirectory); File2.makeDirectory(fullWmsCacheDirectory); File2.makeDirectory(fullWmsCacheDirectory + "Land"); //includes LandMask File2.makeDirectory(fullWmsCacheDirectory + "Coastlines"); File2.makeDirectory(fullWmsCacheDirectory + "LakesAndRivers"); File2.makeDirectory(fullWmsCacheDirectory + "Nations"); File2.makeDirectory(fullWmsCacheDirectory + "States"); //get other info from setup.xml errorInMethod = "ERROR while reading " + setupFileName; baseUrl = setup.getNotNothingString("baseUrl", ""); baseHttpsUrl = setup.getString("baseHttpsUrl", "(not specified)"); //not "" (to avoid relative urls) categoryAttributes = String2.split(setup.getNotNothingString("categoryAttributes", ""), ','); int nCat = categoryAttributes.length; categoryAttributesInURLs = new String[nCat]; categoryIsGlobal = new boolean[nCat]; //initially all false for (int cati = 0; cati < nCat; cati++) { String cat = categoryAttributes[cati]; if (cat.startsWith("global:")) { categoryIsGlobal[cati] = true; cat = cat.substring(7); categoryAttributes[cati] = cat; } else if (cat.equals("institution")) { //legacy special case categoryIsGlobal[cati] = true; } categoryAttributesInURLs[cati] = String2.modifyToBeFileNameSafe(cat); } variableNameCategoryAttributeIndex = String2.indexOf(categoryAttributes, "variableName"); EDDGridIdExample = setup.getNotNothingString("EDDGridIdExample", ""); EDDGridDimensionExample = setup.getNotNothingString("EDDGridDimensionExample", ""); EDDGridNoHyperExample = setup.getNotNothingString("EDDGridNoHyperExample", ""); EDDGridDimNamesExample = setup.getNotNothingString("EDDGridDimNamesExample", ""); EDDGridDataIndexExample = setup.getNotNothingString("EDDGridDataIndexExample", ""); EDDGridDataValueExample = setup.getNotNothingString("EDDGridDataValueExample", ""); EDDGridDataTimeExample = setup.getNotNothingString("EDDGridDataTimeExample", ""); EDDGridGraphExample = setup.getNotNothingString("EDDGridGraphExample", ""); EDDGridMapExample = setup.getNotNothingString("EDDGridMapExample", ""); EDDGridMatlabPlotExample = setup.getNotNothingString("EDDGridMatlabPlotExample", ""); EDDTableIdExample = setup.getNotNothingString("EDDTableIdExample", ""); EDDTableVariablesExample = setup.getNotNothingString("EDDTableVariablesExample", ""); EDDTableConstraintsExample = setup.getNotNothingString("EDDTableConstraintsExample", ""); EDDTableDataValueExample = setup.getNotNothingString("EDDTableDataValueExample", ""); EDDTableDataTimeExample = setup.getNotNothingString("EDDTableDataTimeExample", ""); EDDTableGraphExample = setup.getNotNothingString("EDDTableGraphExample", ""); EDDTableMapExample = setup.getNotNothingString("EDDTableMapExample", ""); EDDTableMatlabPlotExample = setup.getNotNothingString("EDDTableMatlabPlotExample", ""); adminInstitution = setup.getNotNothingString("adminInstitution", ""); adminIndividualName = setup.getNotNothingString("adminIndividualName", ""); adminPosition = setup.getNotNothingString("adminPosition", ""); adminPhone = setup.getNotNothingString("adminPhone", ""); adminAddress = setup.getNotNothingString("adminAddress", ""); adminCity = setup.getNotNothingString("adminCity", ""); adminStateOrProvince = setup.getNotNothingString("adminStateOrProvince", ""); adminPostalCode = setup.getNotNothingString("adminPostalCode", ""); adminCountry = setup.getNotNothingString("adminCountry", ""); adminEmail = setup.getNotNothingString("adminEmail", ""); if (adminInstitution.length() == 0 || adminInstitution.startsWith("Your")) throw new RuntimeException("setup.xml error: invalid <adminInstitution>=" + adminInstitution); if (adminIndividualName.length() == 0 || adminIndividualName.startsWith("Your")) throw new RuntimeException("setup.xml error: invalid <adminIndividualName>=" + adminIndividualName); if (adminPosition.length() == 0) throw new RuntimeException("setup.xml error: invalid <adminPosition>=" + adminPosition); if (adminPhone.length() == 0 || adminPhone.indexOf("999-999") >= 0) throw new RuntimeException("setup.xml error: invalid <adminPhone>=" + adminPhone); if (adminAddress.length() == 0 || adminAddress.equals("123 Main St.")) throw new RuntimeException("setup.xml error: invalid <adminAddress>=" + adminAddress); if (adminCity.length() == 0 || adminCity.equals("Some Town")) throw new RuntimeException("setup.xml error: invalid <adminCity>=" + adminCity); if (adminStateOrProvince.length() == 0) throw new RuntimeException( "setup.xml error: invalid <adminStateOrProvince>=" + adminStateOrProvince); if (adminPostalCode.length() == 0 || adminPostalCode.equals("99999")) throw new RuntimeException("setup.xml error: invalid <adminPostalCode>=" + adminPostalCode); if (adminCountry.length() == 0) throw new RuntimeException("setup.xml error: invalid <adminCountry>=" + adminCountry); if (!String2.isEmailAddress(adminEmail) || adminEmail.startsWith("your.")) throw new RuntimeException("setup.xml error: invalid <adminEmail>=" + adminEmail); accessConstraints = setup.getNotNothingString("accessConstraints", ""); accessRequiresAuthorization = setup.getNotNothingString("accessRequiresAuthorization", ""); fees = setup.getNotNothingString("fees", ""); keywords = setup.getNotNothingString("keywords", ""); legal = setup.getNotNothingString("legal", ""); units_standard = setup.getString("units_standard", "UDUNITS"); fgdcActive = setup.getBoolean("fgdcActive", true); iso19115Active = setup.getBoolean("iso19115Active", true); //until geoServicesRest is finished, it is always inactive geoServicesRestActive = false; //setup.getBoolean( "geoServicesRestActive", false); filesActive = setup.getBoolean("filesActive", true); dataProviderFormActive = setup.getBoolean("dataProviderFormActive", true); //until SOS is finished, it is always inactive sosActive = false;// sosActive = setup.getBoolean( "sosActive", false); if (sosActive) { sosFeatureOfInterest = setup.getNotNothingString("sosFeatureOfInterest", ""); sosStandardNamePrefix = setup.getNotNothingString("sosStandardNamePrefix", ""); sosUrnBase = setup.getNotNothingString("sosUrnBase", ""); //make the sosGmlName, e.g., -> gov.noaa.pfeg.coastwatch sosBaseGmlName = baseUrl; int po = sosBaseGmlName.indexOf("//"); if (po > 0) sosBaseGmlName = sosBaseGmlName.substring(po + 2); po = sosBaseGmlName.indexOf(":"); if (po > 0) sosBaseGmlName = sosBaseGmlName.substring(0, po); StringArray sbgn = new StringArray(String2.split(sosBaseGmlName, '.')); sbgn.reverse(); sosBaseGmlName = String2.toSVString(sbgn.toArray(), ".", false); } //until it is finished, it is always inactive wcsActive = false; //setup.getBoolean( "wcsActive", false); wmsActive = setup.getBoolean("wmsActive", true); wmsSampleDatasetID = setup.getNotNothingString("wmsSampleDatasetID", ""); wmsSampleVariable = setup.getNotNothingString("wmsSampleVariable", ""); wmsSampleBBox = setup.getNotNothingString("wmsSampleBBox", ""); authentication = setup.getString("authentication", ""); datasetsRegex = setup.getString("datasetsRegex", ".*"); drawLandMask = setup.getString("drawLandMask", null); if (drawLandMask == null) //2014-08-28 changed defaults below to "under". It will be in v1.48 drawLandMask = setup.getString("drawLand", "under"); if (!drawLandMask.equals("under") && !drawLandMask.equals("over")) drawLandMask = "under"; //default endBodyHtml = setup.getNotNothingString("endBodyHtml", ""); endBodyHtml = String2.replaceAll(endBodyHtml, "&erddapVersion;", erddapVersion); flagKeyKey = setup.getString("flagKeyKey", ""); if (flagKeyKey == null || flagKeyKey.length() == 0) flagKeyKey = "flagKeyKey"; fontFamily = setup.getString("fontFamily", "SansSerif"); graphBackgroundColor = new Color( String2.parseInt(setup.getString("graphBackgroundColor", "0xffccccff")), true); //hasAlpha googleClientID = setup.getString("googleClientID", null); googleEarthLogoFile = setup.getNotNothingString("googleEarthLogoFile", ""); highResLogoImageFile = setup.getNotNothingString("highResLogoImageFile", ""); legendTitle1 = setup.getString("legendTitle1", null); legendTitle2 = setup.getString("legendTitle2", null); listPrivateDatasets = setup.getBoolean("listPrivateDatasets", false); loadDatasetsMinMillis = Math.max(1, setup.getInt("loadDatasetsMinMinutes", 15)) * 60000L; loadDatasetsMaxMillis = setup.getInt("loadDatasetsMaxMinutes", 60) * 60000L; loadDatasetsMaxMillis = Math.max(loadDatasetsMinMillis * 2, loadDatasetsMaxMillis); logMaxSizeMB = Math2.minMax(1, 2000, setup.getInt("logMaxSizeMB", 20)); //2048MB=2GB lowResLogoImageFile = setup.getNotNothingString("lowResLogoImageFile", ""); partialRequestMaxBytes = setup.getInt("partialRequestMaxBytes", partialRequestMaxBytes); partialRequestMaxCells = setup.getInt("partialRequestMaxCells", partialRequestMaxCells); questionMarkImageFile = setup.getNotNothingString("questionMarkImageFile", ""); quickRestart = setup.getBoolean("quickRestart", true); passwordEncoding = setup.getString("passwordEncoding", "UEPSHA256"); searchEngine = setup.getString("searchEngine", "original"); startBodyHtml = setup.getNotNothingString("startBodyHtml", ""); startHeadHtml = setup.getNotNothingString("startHeadHtml", ""); subscribeToRemoteErddapDataset = setup.getBoolean("subscribeToRemoteErddapDataset", true); subscriptionSystemActive = setup.getBoolean("subscriptionSystemActive", true); convertersActive = setup.getBoolean("convertersActive", true); slideSorterActive = setup.getBoolean("slideSorterActive", true); theShortDescriptionHtml = setup.getNotNothingString("theShortDescriptionHtml", ""); unusualActivity = setup.getInt("unusualActivity", unusualActivity); variablesMustHaveIoosCategory = setup.getBoolean("variablesMustHaveIoosCategory", true); warName = setup.getString("warName", "erddap"); //use Lucence? if (searchEngine.equals("lucene")) { useLuceneSearchEngine = true; } else { Test.ensureEqual(searchEngine, "original", "<searchEngine> must be \"original\" (the default) or \"lucene\"."); useOriginalSearchEngine = true; } errorInMethod = "ERROR while initializing SgtGraph."; sgtGraph = new SgtGraph(fontFamily); //ensure authentication setup is okay errorInMethod = "ERROR while checking authentication setup."; if (authentication == null) authentication = ""; authentication = authentication.trim().toLowerCase(); if (!authentication.equals("") && !authentication.equals("custom") && !authentication.equals("email") && !authentication.equals("google") //&& !authentication.equals("openid") //OUT-OF-DATE ) throw new RuntimeException("setup.xml error: authentication=" + authentication + " must be (nothing)|custom|google|email."); //was also "openid" //google NOT FINISHED if (!authentication.equals("") && !baseHttpsUrl.startsWith("https://")) throw new RuntimeException( "setup.xml error: " + ": For any <authentication> other than \"\", the baseHttpsUrl=" + baseHttpsUrl + " must start with \"https://\"."); if (authentication.equals("google") && !String2.isSomething(googleClientID)) throw new RuntimeException("setup.xml error: " + ": When authentication=google, you must provide your <googleClientID>."); if (authentication.equals("custom") && (!passwordEncoding.equals("MD5") && !passwordEncoding.equals("UEPMD5") && !passwordEncoding.equals("SHA256") && !passwordEncoding.equals("UEPSHA256"))) throw new RuntimeException("setup.xml error: When authentication=custom, passwordEncoding=" + passwordEncoding + " must be MD5|UEPMD5|SHA256|UEPSHA256."); //String2.log("authentication=" + authentication); //things set as a consequence of setup.xml erddapUrl = baseUrl + "/" + warName; erddapHttpsUrl = baseHttpsUrl + "/" + warName; imageDirUrl = erddapUrl + "/" + IMAGES_DIR; //static images, never need https: imageDirHttpsUrl = erddapHttpsUrl + "/" + IMAGES_DIR; //static images, never need https: //downloadDirUrl = erddapUrl + "/" + DOWNLOAD_DIR; //if uncommented, you need downloadDirHttpsUrl too //???if logoImgTag is needed, convert to method logoImgTag(loggedInAs) //logoImgTag = " <img src=\"" + imageDirUrl(loggedInAs) + lowResLogoImageFile + "\" " + // "alt=\"logo\" title=\"logo\">\n"; //**** messages.xml ************************************************************* //read static messages from messages(2).xml in contentDirectory? String messagesFileName = contentDirectory + "messages" + (developmentMode ? "2" : "") + ".xml"; if (File2.isFile(messagesFileName)) { String2.log("Using custom messages.xml from " + messagesFileName); } else { //use default messages.xml String2.log("Custom messages.xml not found at " + messagesFileName); //use String2.getClass(), not ClassLoader.getSystemResource (which fails in Tomcat) messagesFileName = String2.getClassPath() + //with / separator and / at the end "gov/noaa/pfel/erddap/util/messages.xml"; String2.log("Using default messages.xml from " + messagesFileName); } errorInMethod = "ERROR while reading messages.xml."; ResourceBundle2 messages = ResourceBundle2.fromXml(XML.parseXml(messagesFileName, false)); //read all the static Strings from messages.xml admKeywords = messages.getNotNothingString("admKeywords", ""); admSubsetVariables = messages.getNotNothingString("admSubsetVariables", ""); admSummary = messages.getNotNothingString("admSummary", ""); admTitle = messages.getNotNothingString("admTitle", ""); advl_datasetID = messages.getNotNothingString("advl_datasetID", ""); advc_accessible = messages.getNotNothingString("advc_accessible", ""); advl_accessible = messages.getNotNothingString("advl_accessible", ""); advl_institution = messages.getNotNothingString("advl_institution", ""); advc_dataStructure = messages.getNotNothingString("advc_dataStructure", ""); advl_dataStructure = messages.getNotNothingString("advl_dataStructure", ""); advr_dataStructure = messages.getNotNothingString("advr_dataStructure", ""); advl_cdm_data_type = messages.getNotNothingString("advl_cdm_data_type", ""); advr_cdm_data_type = messages.getNotNothingString("advr_cdm_data_type", ""); advl_class = messages.getNotNothingString("advl_class", ""); advr_class = messages.getNotNothingString("advr_class", ""); advl_title = messages.getNotNothingString("advl_title", ""); advl_minLongitude = messages.getNotNothingString("advl_minLongitude", ""); advl_maxLongitude = messages.getNotNothingString("advl_maxLongitude", ""); advl_longitudeSpacing = messages.getNotNothingString("advl_longitudeSpacing", ""); 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magGSVectorStandard = messages.getNotNothingString("magGSVectorStandard", ""); magGSVectorStandardTooltip = messages.getNotNothingString("magGSVectorStandardTooltip", ""); magGSYAscendingTooltip = messages.getNotNothingString("magGSYAscendingTooltip", ""); magGSYAxisMin = messages.getNotNothingString("magGSYAxisMin", ""); magGSYAxisMax = messages.getNotNothingString("magGSYAxisMax", ""); magGSYRangeMinTooltip = messages.getNotNothingString("magGSYRangeMinTooltip", ""); magGSYRangeMaxTooltip = messages.getNotNothingString("magGSYRangeMaxTooltip", ""); magGSYRangeTooltip = messages.getNotNothingString("magGSYRangeTooltip", ""); magItemFirst = messages.getNotNothingString("magItemFirst", ""); magItemPrevious = messages.getNotNothingString("magItemPrevious", ""); magItemNext = messages.getNotNothingString("magItemNext", ""); magItemLast = messages.getNotNothingString("magItemLast", ""); magJust1Value = messages.getNotNothingString("magJust1Value", ""); magRange = messages.getNotNothingString("magRange", ""); magRangeTo = messages.getNotNothingString("magRangeTo", ""); magRedraw = messages.getNotNothingString("magRedraw", ""); magRedrawTooltip = messages.getNotNothingString("magRedrawTooltip", ""); magTimeRange = messages.getNotNothingString("magTimeRange", ""); magTimeRangeFirst = messages.getNotNothingString("magTimeRangeFirst", ""); magTimeRangeBack = messages.getNotNothingString("magTimeRangeBack", ""); magTimeRangeForward = messages.getNotNothingString("magTimeRangeForward", ""); magTimeRangeLast = messages.getNotNothingString("magTimeRangeLast", ""); magTimeRangeTooltip = messages.getNotNothingString("magTimeRangeTooltip", ""); magTimeRangeTooltip2 = messages.getNotNothingString("magTimeRangeTooltip2", ""); magTimesVary = messages.getNotNothingString("magTimesVary", ""); magViewUrl = messages.getNotNothingString("magViewUrl", ""); magZoom = messages.getNotNothingString("magZoom", ""); magZoomCenter = messages.getNotNothingString("magZoomCenter", ""); magZoomCenterTooltip = messages.getNotNothingString("magZoomCenterTooltip", ""); magZoomIn = messages.getNotNothingString("magZoomIn", ""); magZoomInTooltip = messages.getNotNothingString("magZoomInTooltip", ""); magZoomOut = messages.getNotNothingString("magZoomOut", ""); magZoomOutTooltip = messages.getNotNothingString("magZoomOutTooltip", ""); magZoomALittle = messages.getNotNothingString("magZoomALittle", ""); magZoomData = messages.getNotNothingString("magZoomData", ""); magZoomOutData = messages.getNotNothingString("magZoomOutData", ""); magGridHtml = messages.getNotNothingString("magGridHtml", ""); magTableHtml = messages.getNotNothingString("magTableHtml", ""); Math2.memoryTooMuchData = messages.getNotNothingString("memoryTooMuchData", ""); Math2.memoryArraySize = messages.getNotNothingString("memoryArraySize", ""); Math2.memoryThanCurrentlySafe = messages.getNotNothingString("memoryThanCurrentlySafe", ""); Math2.memoryThanSafe = messages.getNotNothingString("memoryThanSafe", ""); metadataDownload = messages.getNotNothingString("metadataDownload", ""); moreInformation = messages.getNotNothingString("moreInformation", ""); MustBe.THERE_IS_NO_DATA = messages.getNotNothingString("MustBeThereIsNoData", ""); MustBe.NotNull = messages.getNotNothingString("MustBeNotNull", ""); MustBe.NotEmpty = messages.getNotNothingString("MustBeNotEmpty", ""); MustBe.InternalError = messages.getNotNothingString("MustBeInternalError", ""); MustBe.OutOfMemoryError = messages.getNotNothingString("MustBeOutOfMemoryError", ""); nMatching1 = messages.getNotNothingString("nMatching1", ""); nMatchingAlphabetical = messages.getNotNothingString("nMatchingAlphabetical", ""); nMatchingMostRelevant = messages.getNotNothingString("nMatchingMostRelevant", ""); nMatchingPage = messages.getNotNothingString("nMatchingPage", ""); nMatchingCurrent = messages.getNotNothingString("nMatchingCurrent", ""); noDataFixedValue = messages.getNotNothingString("noDataFixedValue", ""); noDataNoLL = messages.getNotNothingString("noDataNoLL", ""); noDatasetWith = messages.getNotNothingString("noDatasetWith", ""); noPage1 = messages.getNotNothingString("noPage1", ""); 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noXxxNoLLT = messages.getNotNothingString("noXxxNoLLT", ""); noXxxNoLonIn180 = messages.getNotNothingString("noXxxNoLonIn180", ""); noXxxNoNonString = messages.getNotNothingString("noXxxNoNonString", ""); noXxxNo2NonString = messages.getNotNothingString("noXxxNo2NonString", ""); noXxxNoStation = messages.getNotNothingString("noXxxNoStation", ""); noXxxNoStationID = messages.getNotNothingString("noXxxNoStationID", ""); noXxxNoSubsetVariables = messages.getNotNothingString("noXxxNoSubsetVariables", ""); noXxxNoOLLSubsetVariables = messages.getNotNothingString("noXxxNoOLLSubsetVariables", ""); noXxxNoMinMax = messages.getNotNothingString("noXxxNoMinMax", ""); noXxxItsGridded = messages.getNotNothingString("noXxxItsGridded", ""); noXxxItsTabular = messages.getNotNothingString("noXxxItsTabular", ""); optional = messages.getNotNothingString("optional", ""); orRefineSearchWith = messages.getNotNothingString("orRefineSearchWith", ""); orRefineSearchWith += " "; orSearchWith = messages.getNotNothingString("orSearchWith", ""); orSearchWith += " "; orComma = messages.getNotNothingString("orComma", ""); orComma += " "; palettes = String2.split(messages.getNotNothingString("palettes", ""), ','); palettes0 = new String[palettes.length + 1]; palettes0[0] = ""; System.arraycopy(palettes, 0, palettes0, 1, palettes.length); patientData = messages.getNotNothingString("patientData", ""); patientYourGraph = messages.getNotNothingString("patientYourGraph", ""); pdfWidths = String2.toIntArray(String2.split(messages.getNotNothingString("pdfWidths", ""), ',')); pdfHeights = String2.toIntArray(String2.split(messages.getNotNothingString("pdfHeights", ""), ',')); pickADataset = messages.getNotNothingString("pickADataset", ""); protocolSearchHtml = messages.getNotNothingString("protocolSearchHtml", ""); protocolSearch2Html = messages.getNotNothingString("protocolSearch2Html", ""); protocolClick = messages.getNotNothingString("protocolClick", ""); queryError = messages.getNotNothingString("queryError", "") + " "; Table.QUERY_ERROR = queryError; 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subset = messages.getNotNothingString("subset", ""); subsetSelect = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetSelect", ""); subsetNMatching = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetNMatching", ""); subsetInstructions = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetInstructions", ""); subsetOption = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetOption", ""); subsetOptions = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetOptions", ""); subsetRefineMapDownload = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetRefineMapDownload", ""); subsetRefineSubsetDownload = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetRefineSubsetDownload", ""); subsetClickResetClosest = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetClickResetClosest", ""); subsetClickResetLL = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetClickResetLL", ""); subsetMetadata = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetMetadata", ""); subsetCount = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetCount", ""); subsetPercent = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetPercent", ""); subsetViewSelect = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetViewSelect", ""); subsetViewSelectDistinctCombos = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetViewSelectDistinctCombos", ""); subsetViewSelectRelatedCounts = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetViewSelectRelatedCounts", ""); subsetWhen = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetWhen", ""); subsetWhenNoConstraints = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetWhenNoConstraints", ""); subsetWhenCounts = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetWhenCounts", ""); subsetComboClickSelect = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetComboClickSelect", ""); subsetNVariableCombos = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetNVariableCombos", ""); subsetShowingAllRows = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetShowingAllRows", ""); subsetShowingNRows = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetShowingNRows", ""); subsetChangeShowing = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetChangeShowing", ""); subsetNRowsRelatedData = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetNRowsRelatedData", ""); subsetViewRelatedChange = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetViewRelatedChange", ""); subsetTotalCount = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetTotalCount", ""); subsetView = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetView", ""); subsetViewCheck = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetViewCheck", ""); subsetViewCheck1 = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetViewCheck1", ""); subsetViewDistinctMap = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetViewDistinctMap", ""); subsetViewRelatedMap = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetViewRelatedMap", ""); subsetViewDistinctDataCounts = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetViewDistinctDataCounts", ""); subsetViewDistinctData = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetViewDistinctData", ""); subsetViewRelatedDataCounts = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetViewRelatedDataCounts", ""); subsetViewRelatedData = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetViewRelatedData", ""); subsetViewDistinctMapTooltip = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetViewDistinctMapTooltip", ""); subsetViewRelatedMapTooltip = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetViewRelatedMapTooltip", ""); subsetViewDistinctDataCountsTooltip = messages .getNotNothingString("subsetViewDistinctDataCountsTooltip", ""); subsetViewDistinctDataTooltip = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetViewDistinctDataTooltip", ""); subsetViewRelatedDataCountsTooltip = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetViewRelatedDataCountsTooltip", ""); subsetViewRelatedDataTooltip = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetViewRelatedDataTooltip", ""); subsetWarn = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetWarn", ""); subsetWarn10000 = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetWarn10000", ""); subsetTooltip = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetTooltip", ""); subsetNotSetUp = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetNotSetUp", ""); subsetLongNotShown = messages.getNotNothingString("subsetLongNotShown", ""); theLongDescriptionHtml = messages.getNotNothingString("theLongDescriptionHtml", ""); Then = messages.getNotNothingString("Then", ""); unknownDatasetID = messages.getNotNothingString("unknownDatasetID", ""); unknownProtocol = messages.getNotNothingString("unknownProtocol", ""); unsupportedFileType = messages.getNotNothingString("unsupportedFileType", ""); viewAllDatasetsHtml = messages.getNotNothingString("viewAllDatasetsHtml", ""); waitThenTryAgain = messages.getNotNothingString("waitThenTryAgain", ""); gov.noaa.pfel.erddap.dataset.WaitThenTryAgainException.waitThenTryAgain = waitThenTryAgain; warning = messages.getNotNothingString("warning", ""); wcsDescriptionHtml = messages.getNotNothingString("wcsDescriptionHtml", ""); wcsLongDescriptionHtml = messages.getNotNothingString("wcsLongDescriptionHtml", ""); wmsDescriptionHtml = messages.getNotNothingString("wmsDescriptionHtml", ""); wmsInstructions = messages.getNotNothingString("wmsInstructions", ""); wmsLongDescriptionHtml = messages.getNotNothingString("wmsLongDescriptionHtml", ""); wmsManyDatasets = messages.getNotNothingString("wmsManyDatasets", ""); Test.ensureEqual(imageWidths.length, 3, "imageWidths.length must be 3."); Test.ensureEqual(imageHeights.length, 3, "imageHeights.length must be 3."); Test.ensureEqual(pdfWidths.length, 3, "pdfWidths.length must be 3."); Test.ensureEqual(pdfHeights.length, 3, "pdfHeights.length must be 3."); for (int p = 0; p < palettes.length; p++) { String tName = fullPaletteDirectory + palettes[p] + ".cpt"; Test.ensureTrue(File2.isFile(tName), "\"" + palettes[p] + "\" is listed in <palettes>, but there is no file " + tName); } ampLoginInfoPo = startBodyHtml.indexOf(ampLoginInfo); //String2.log("ampLoginInfoPo=" + ampLoginInfoPo); searchHintsHtml = searchHintsHtml + "\n" + (useLuceneSearchEngine ? searchHintsLuceneHtml : searchHintsOriginalHtml); advancedSearchDirections = String2.replaceAll(advancedSearchDirections, "&searchButton;", searchButton); //always non-https: url convertOceanicAtmosphericAcronymsService = MessageFormat .format(convertOceanicAtmosphericAcronymsService, erddapUrl) + "\n"; convertOceanicAtmosphericVariableNamesService = MessageFormat .format(convertOceanicAtmosphericVariableNamesService, erddapUrl) + "\n"; convertFipsCountyService = MessageFormat.format(convertFipsCountyService, erddapUrl) + "\n"; convertKeywordsService = MessageFormat.format(convertKeywordsService, erddapUrl) + "\n"; convertTimeNotes = MessageFormat.format(convertTimeNotes, erddapUrl, convertTimeUnitsHelp) + "\n"; convertTimeService = MessageFormat.format(convertTimeService, erddapUrl) + "\n"; convertUnitsFilter = MessageFormat.format(convertUnitsFilter, erddapUrl, units_standard) + "\n"; convertUnitsService = MessageFormat.format(convertUnitsService, erddapUrl) + "\n"; //standardContact is used by legal String tEmail = SSR.getSafeEmailAddress(adminEmail); filesDocumentation = String2.replaceAll(filesDocumentation, "&adminEmail;", tEmail); standardContact = String2.replaceAll(standardContact, "&adminEmail;", tEmail); legal = String2.replaceAll(legal, "[standardContact]", standardContact + "\n\n"); legal = String2.replaceAll(legal, "[standardDataLicenses]", standardDataLicenses + "\n\n"); legal = String2.replaceAll(legal, "[standardDisclaimerOfExternalLinks]", standardDisclaimerOfExternalLinks + "\n\n"); legal = String2.replaceAll(legal, "[standardDisclaimerOfEndorsement]", standardDisclaimerOfEndorsement + "\n\n"); legal = String2.replaceAll(legal, "[standardPrivacyPolicy]", standardPrivacyPolicy + "\n\n"); loginProblems = String2.replaceAll(loginProblems, "&cookiesHelp;", cookiesHelp); loginProblems = String2.replaceAll(loginProblems, "&adminContact;", adminContact()) + "\n\n"; loginProblemsAfter = String2.replaceAll(loginProblemsAfter, "&adminContact;", adminContact()) + "\n\n"; loginPublicAccess += "\n"; logoutSuccess += "\n"; doWithGraphs = String2.replaceAll(doWithGraphs, "&ssUse;", slideSorterActive ? ssUse : ""); theLongDescriptionHtml = String2.replaceAll(theLongDescriptionHtml, "&ssUse;", slideSorterActive ? ssUse : ""); theLongDescriptionHtml = String2.replaceAll(theLongDescriptionHtml, "&requestFormatExamplesHtml;", requestFormatExamplesHtml); theLongDescriptionHtml = String2.replaceAll(theLongDescriptionHtml, "&resultsFormatExamplesHtml;", resultsFormatExamplesHtml); standardShortDescriptionHtml = String2.replaceAll(standardShortDescriptionHtml, "&convertTimeReference;", convertersActive ? convertTimeReference : ""); standardShortDescriptionHtml = String2.replaceAll(standardShortDescriptionHtml, "&wmsManyDatasets;", wmsActive ? wmsManyDatasets : ""); theShortDescriptionHtml = String2.replaceAll(theShortDescriptionHtml, "[standardShortDescriptionHtml]", standardShortDescriptionHtml); theShortDescriptionHtml = String2.replaceAll(theShortDescriptionHtml, "&requestFormatExamplesHtml;", requestFormatExamplesHtml); theShortDescriptionHtml = String2.replaceAll(theShortDescriptionHtml, "&resultsFormatExamplesHtml;", resultsFormatExamplesHtml); try { computerName = System.getenv("COMPUTERNAME"); //windows if (computerName == null) computerName = System.getenv("HOSTNAME"); //linux if (computerName == null) computerName =; // if (computerName == null) computerName = ""; int dotPo = computerName.indexOf('.'); if (dotPo > 0) computerName = computerName.substring(0, dotPo); } catch (Throwable t2) { computerName = ""; } //**************************************************************** //other initialization //trigger CfToGcmd initialization to ensure CfToGcmd.txt file is valid. String testCfToGcmd[] = CfToFromGcmd.cfToGcmd("sea_water_temperature"); Test.ensureTrue(testCfToGcmd.length > 0, "testCfToGcmd=" + String2.toCSSVString(testCfToGcmd)); //successfully finished String2.log("*** " + erdStartup + " finished successfully." + eol); } catch (Throwable t) { errorInMethod = "ERROR during " + erdStartup + ":\n" + errorInMethod + "\n" + MustBe.throwableToString(t); System.out.println(errorInMethod); // if (String2.logFileName() != null) // String2.log(errorInMethod); // String2.returnLoggingToSystemOut(); throw new RuntimeException(errorInMethod); } } /** * If loggedInAs is null, this returns baseUrl, else baseHttpsUrl * (neither has slash at end). * * @param loggedInAs * @return If loggedInAs == null, this returns baseUrl, else baseHttpsUrl * (neither has slash at end). */ public static String baseUrl(String loggedInAs) { return loggedInAs == null ? baseUrl : baseHttpsUrl; //works because of loggedInAsHttps } /** * If loggedInAs is null, this returns erddapUrl, else erddapHttpsUrl * (neither has slash at end). * * @param loggedInAs * @return If loggedInAs == null, this returns erddapUrl, else erddapHttpsUrl * (neither has slash at end). */ public static String erddapUrl(String loggedInAs) { return loggedInAs == null ? erddapUrl : erddapHttpsUrl; //works because of loggedInAsHttps } /** * If publicAccess, this returns erddapUrl, else erddapHttpsUrl * (neither has slash at end). * * @param publicAccess * @return If public access, this returns erddapUrl, else erddapHttpsUrl * (neither has slash at end). */ public static String publicErddapUrl(boolean publicAccess) { return publicAccess ? erddapUrl : erddapHttpsUrl; } /** * If loggedInAs is null, this returns imageDirUrl, else imageDirHttpsUrl * (with slash at end). * * @param loggedInAs * @return If loggedInAs == null, this returns imageDirUrl, else imageDirHttpsUrl * (with slash at end). */ public static String imageDirUrl(String loggedInAs) { return loggedInAs == null ? imageDirUrl : imageDirHttpsUrl; //works because of loggedInAsHttps } /** * This returns the html needed to display the external.png image * with the warning that the link is to an external web site. * * @param tErddapUrl * @return the html needed to display the external.png image and messages. */ public static String externalLinkHtml(String tErddapUrl) { return "<img\n" + " src=\"" + tErddapUrl + "/images/external.png\" " + "align=\"bottom\" alt=\"" + externalLink + "\"\n" + " title=\"" + externalWebSite + "\"/>"; } /** * This is used by html web page generating methods to * return the You Are Here html for ERDDAP. * * @return the You Are Here html for this EDD subclass. */ public static String youAreHere() { return "\n<h1>" + ProgramName + "</h1>\n"; } /** * This is used by html web page generating methods to * return the You Are Here html for a ERDDAP/protocol. * * @param loggedInAs * @param protocol e.g., tabledap * @return the You Are Here html for this EDD subclass. */ public static String youAreHere(String loggedInAs, String protocol) { return "\n<h1>" + erddapHref(erddapUrl(loggedInAs)) + " > " + protocol + "</h1>\n"; } /** This returns a not-yet-HTML-encoded protocol URL. * You may want to encode it with XML.encodeAsHTML(url) */ public static String protocolUrl(String tErddapUrl, String protocol) { return tErddapUrl + "/" + protocol + (protocol.equals("files") ? "/" : "/index.html") + (protocol.equals("tabledap") || protocol.equals("griddap") || protocol.equals("wms") || protocol.equals("wcs") || protocol.equals("info") || protocol.equals("categorize") ? "?" + defaultPIppQuery : ""); } /** * This is used by html web page generating methods to * return the You Are Here html for ERDDAP/protocol/datasetID. * * @param loggedInAs * @param protocol e.g., tabledap (must be the same case as in the URL so the link will work) * @param datasetID e.g., erdGlobecBottle * @return the You Are Here html for this EDD subclass. */ public static String youAreHere(String loggedInAs, String protocol, String datasetID) { String tErddapUrl = erddapUrl(loggedInAs); return "\n<h1>" + erddapHref(tErddapUrl) + "\n > <a rel=\"contents\" rev=\"chapter\" " + "href=\"" + XML.encodeAsHTMLAttribute(protocolUrl(tErddapUrl, protocol)) + "\">" + protocol + "</a>" + "\n > " + datasetID + "</h1>\n"; } /** * This is used by html web page generating methods to * return the You Are Here html for ERDDAP/protocol with a helpful information. * * @param loggedInAs * @param protocol e.g., tabledap * @param htmlHelp * @return the You Are Here html for this EDD subclass. */ public static String youAreHereWithHelp(String loggedInAs, String protocol, String htmlHelp) { String tErddapUrl = erddapUrl(loggedInAs); return "\n<h1>" + erddapHref(tErddapUrl) + "\n > " + protocol + "\n" + htmlTooltipImage(loggedInAs, htmlHelp) + "\n</h1>\n"; } /** * This is used by html web page generating methods to * return the You Are Here html for ERDDAP/protocol/datasetID with a helpful information. * * @param loggedInAs * @param protocol e.g., tabledap * @param datasetID e.g., erdGlobecBottle * @param htmlHelp * @return the You Are Here html for this EDD subclass. */ public static String youAreHereWithHelp(String loggedInAs, String protocol, String datasetID, String htmlHelp) { String tErddapUrl = erddapUrl(loggedInAs); return "\n<h1>" + erddapHref(tErddapUrl) + "\n > <a rel=\"contents\" rev=\"chapter\" " + "href=\"" + XML.encodeAsHTMLAttribute(protocolUrl(tErddapUrl, protocol)) + "\">" + protocol + "</a>" + "\n > " + datasetID + "\n" + htmlTooltipImage(loggedInAs, htmlHelp) + "\n</h1>\n"; } /** THIS IS NO LONGER USED * This is used by html web page generating methods to * return the You Are Here html for ERDDAP/{protocol}/{attribute}/{category}. * IF REVIVED, append current ?page=x&itemsPerPage=y * * @param loggedInAs * @param protocol e.g., categorize * @param attribute e.g., ioos_category * @param category e.g., Temperature * @return the You Are Here html for this EDD subclass. */ /*public static String youAreHere(String loggedInAs, String protocol, String attribute, String category) { String tErddapUrl = erddapUrl(loggedInAs); String attributeUrl = tErddapUrl + "/" + protocol + "/" + attribute + "/index.html"; //+?defaultPIppQuery return "\n<h1>" + erddapHref(tErddapUrl) + "\n > <a href=\"" + XML.encodeAsHTMLAttribute(protocolUrl(tErddapUrl, protocol)) + "\">" + protocol + "</a>" + "\n > <a href=\"" + XML.encodeAsHTMLAttribute(attributeUrl) + "\">" + attribute + "</a>" + "\n > " + category + "\n</h1>\n"; }*/ /** * This returns the html to draw a question mark that has big html tooltip. * htmlTooltipScript (see HtmlWidgets) must be already in the document. * * @param html the html tooltip text, e.g., "Hi,<br>there!". * It needs explicit br tags to set window width correctly. * For plain text, generate html from XML.encodeAsPreHTML(plainText, 100). */ public static String htmlTooltipImage(String loggedInAs, String html) { return HtmlWidgets.htmlTooltipImage(imageDirUrl(loggedInAs) + questionMarkImageFile, "?", html, ""); } /** * This returns the html to draw a question mark that has big html tooltip * for an EDDTable EDV data variable. * * @param edv from an EDDTable */ public static String htmlTooltipImageEDV(String loggedInAs, EDV edv) throws Throwable { return htmlTooltipImageLowEDV(loggedInAs, edv.destinationDataTypeClass(), edv.destinationName(), edv.combinedAttributes()); } /** * This returns the html to draw a question mark that has big html tooltip * for an EDDGrid EDV axis variable. * * @param edvga */ public static String htmlTooltipImageEDVGA(String loggedInAs, EDVGridAxis edvga) throws Throwable { return htmlTooltipImageLowEDV(loggedInAs, edvga.destinationDataTypeClass(), edvga.destinationName() + "[" + edvga.sourceValues().size() + "]", edvga.combinedAttributes()); } /** * This returns the html to draw a question mark that has big html tooltip * for an EDDGrid EDV data variable. * * @param edv for a grid variable * @param allDimString from eddGrid.allDimString() */ public static String htmlTooltipImageEDVG(String loggedInAs, EDV edv, String allDimString) throws Throwable { return htmlTooltipImageLowEDV(loggedInAs, edv.destinationDataTypeClass(), edv.destinationName() + allDimString, edv.combinedAttributes()); } /** * This returns the html to draw a question mark that has big html tooltip * with a variable's name and attributes. * htmlTooltipScript (see HtmlWidgets) must be already in the document. * * @param destinationDataTypeClass * @param destinationName perhaps with axis information appended (e.g., [time][latitude][longitude] * @param attributes */ public static String htmlTooltipImageLowEDV(String loggedInAs, Class destinationDataTypeClass, String destinationName, Attributes attributes) throws Throwable { String destType = //long and char aren't handled by getAtomicType. I don't think ever used. destinationDataTypeClass == long.class ? "Int64" : destinationDataTypeClass == char.class ? "UInt16" : //??? OpendapHelper.getAtomicType(destinationDataTypeClass); StringBuilder sb = OpendapHelper.dasToStringBuilder(destType + " " + destinationName, attributes, false); //false, do encoding below //String2.log("htmlTooltipImage sb=" + sb.toString()); return htmlTooltipImage(loggedInAs, XML.encodeAsPreHTML(sb.toString(), 100)); } /** * This sends the specified email to one or more emailAddresses. * * @param emailAddressCsv comma-separated list (may have ", ") * @return an error message ("" if no error). * If emailAddress is null or "", this logs the message and returns "". */ public static String email(String emailAddressCsv, String subject, String content) { return email(String2.split(emailAddressCsv, ','), subject, content); } /** * This sends the specified email to the emailAddresses. * <br>This won't throw an exception if trouble. * <br>This method always prepends the subject and content with [erddapUrl], * so that it will be clear which ERDDAP this came from * (in case you administer multiple ERDDAPs). * <br>This method always logs that an email was sent: to whom and the subject, * but not the content. * <br>This method logs all emails to the email log, e.g., * (bigParentDirectory)/emailLog2009-01.txt * * @param emailAddresses each e.g., * @param subject If error, recommended: "Error in [someClass]". * If this starts with EDStatic.DONT_LOG_THIS_EMAIL, this email won't be logged * (which is useful for confidential emails). * @param content If error, recommended: MustBe.throwableToString(t); * @return an error message ("" if no error). * If emailAddresses is null or length==0, this logs the message and returns "". */ public static String email(String emailAddresses[], String subject, String content) { //write the email to the log String emailAddressesCSSV = String2.toCSSVString(emailAddresses); String localTime = Calendar2.getCurrentISODateTimeStringLocal(); boolean logIt = !subject.startsWith(DONT_LOG_THIS_EMAIL); if (!logIt) subject = subject.substring(DONT_LOG_THIS_EMAIL.length()); subject = (computerName.length() > 0 ? computerName + " " : "") + "ERDDAP: " + subject; //Always note that email sent in log. String2.log("Emailing \"" + subject + "\" to " + emailAddressesCSSV); //almost always write to emailLog try { String date = localTime.substring(0, 10); if (!emailLogDate.equals(date) || emailLogFile == null) { //update emailLogDate //do first so other threads won't do this simultaneously emailLogDate = date; //close the previous file if (emailLogFile != null) { try { emailLogFile.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { } emailLogFile = null; } //open a new file emailLogFile = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter(fullLogsDirectory + "emailLog" + date + ".txt", true)); //true=append } //write the email to the log //do in one write encourages threads not to intermingle (or synchronize on emailLogFile?) emailLogFile.write("\n==== BEGIN =====================================================================" + "\n To: " + emailAddressesCSSV + "\nSubject: " + subject + //always non-https url "\n Date: " + localTime + "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" + (logIt ? "\n" + erddapUrl + " reports:" + //always non-https url "\n" + content : "\n[CONFIDENTIAL]") + "\n==== END =======================================================================" + "\n"); emailLogFile.flush(); } catch (Throwable t) { String2.log(MustBe.throwable("Error: Writing to emailLog failed.", t)); if (emailLogFile != null) { try { emailLogFile.close(); } catch (Throwable t2) { } emailLogFile = null; } } //done? if (emailAddressesCSSV == null || emailAddressesCSSV.length() == 0 || emailSmtpHost == null || emailSmtpHost.length() == 0) return ""; //send email String errors = ""; try { //catch common problem: sending email to one invalid address if (emailAddresses.length == 1 && (!String2.isEmailAddress(emailAddresses[0]) || emailAddresses[0].startsWith("nobody@") || emailAddresses[0].startsWith("") || emailAddresses[0].startsWith(""))) { errors = "Error in invalid emailAddresses=" + emailAddressesCSSV; String2.log(errors); } if (errors.length() == 0) //??? THREAD SAFE? SYNCHRONIZED? //I don't think use of this needs to be synchronized. I could be wrong. I haven't tested. SSR.sendEmail(emailSmtpHost, emailSmtpPort, emailUserName, emailPassword, emailProperties, emailFromAddress, emailAddressesCSSV, subject, erddapUrl + " reports:\n" + content); //always non-https url } catch (Throwable t) { String msg = "Error: Sending email to " + emailAddressesCSSV + " failed"; String2.log(MustBe.throwable(msg, t)); errors = msg + ": " + t.toString() + "\n"; } //write errors to email log if (errors.length() > 0 && emailLogFile != null) { try { //do in one write encourages threads not to intermingle (or synchronize on emailLogFile?) emailLogFile.write("\n********** ERRORS **********\n" + errors); emailLogFile.flush(); } catch (Throwable t) { String2.log(MustBe.throwable("Error: Writing to emailLog failed.", t)); if (emailLogFile != null) { try { emailLogFile.close(); } catch (Throwable t2) { } emailLogFile = null; } } } return errors; } /** * This throws an exception if the requested nBytes are unlikely to be * available. * This isn't perfect, but is better than nothing. * Future: locks? synchronization? ...? * * <p>This is almost identical to Math2.ensureMemoryAvailable, but adds tallying. * * @param nBytes size of data structure that caller plans to create * @param attributeTo for the Tally system, this is the string (datasetID?) * to which this not-enough-memory issue should be attributed. * @throws RuntimeException if the requested nBytes are unlikely to be available. */ public static void ensureMemoryAvailable(long nBytes, String attributeTo) { //if it is a small request, don't take the time/effort to check if (nBytes < Math2.ensureMemoryAvailableTrigger) return; String attributeToParen = attributeTo == null || attributeTo.length() == 0 ? "" : " (" + attributeTo + ")"; //is the request too big under any circumstances? if (nBytes > Math2.maxSafeMemory) { tally.add("Request refused: not enough memory ever (since startup)", attributeTo); tally.add("Request refused: not enough memory ever (since last daily report)", attributeTo); throw new RuntimeException(Math2.memoryTooMuchData + " " + MessageFormat.format(Math2.memoryThanSafe, "" + (nBytes / Math2.BytesPerMB), "" + (Math2.maxSafeMemory / Math2.BytesPerMB)) + attributeToParen); } //request is fine without gc? long memoryInUse = Math2.getMemoryInUse(); if (memoryInUse + nBytes <= Math2.maxSafeMemory) //it'll work return; //lots of memory is in use //is the request is too big for right now? Math2.gcAndWait(); //part of ensureMemoryAvailable: lots of memory in use memoryInUse = Math2.getMemoryInUse(); if (memoryInUse + nBytes > Math2.maxSafeMemory) { //eek! not enough memory! //Wait, then try gc again and hope that some other request requiring lots of memory will finish. //If nothing else, this 1 second delay will delay another request by same user (e.g., programmatic re-request) Math2.sleep(1000); Math2.gcAndWait(); //in ensureMemoryIsAvailable, lots of memory in use memoryInUse = Math2.getMemoryInUse(); } if (memoryInUse > Math2.maxSafeMemory) { tally.add("MemoryInUse > MaxSafeMemory (since startup)", attributeTo); tally.add("MemoryInUse > MaxSafeMemory (since last daily report)", attributeTo); } if (memoryInUse + nBytes > Math2.maxSafeMemory) { tally.add("Request refused: not enough memory currently (since startup)", attributeTo); tally.add("Request refused: not enough memory currently (since last daily report)", attributeTo); throw new RuntimeException( Math2.memoryTooMuchData + " " + MessageFormat.format(Math2.memoryThanCurrentlySafe, "" + (nBytes / Math2.BytesPerMB), "" + ((Math2.maxSafeMemory - memoryInUse) / Math2.BytesPerMB)) + attributeToParen); } } /** * Even if JavaBits is 64, the limit on an array size is Integer.MAX_VALUE. * * <p>This is almost identical to Math2.ensureArraySizeOkay, but adds tallying. * * @param tSize * @param attributeTo for the Tally system, this is the string (datasetID?) * to which this not-enough-memory issue should be attributed. * @throws Exception if tSize >= Integer.MAX_VALUE. * (equals is forbidden for safety since I often use if as missing value / trouble) */ public static void ensureArraySizeOkay(long tSize, String attributeTo) { if (tSize >= Integer.MAX_VALUE) { tally.add("Request refused: array size >= Integer.MAX_VALUE (since startup)", attributeTo); tally.add("Request refused: array size >= Integer.MAX_VALUE (since last daily report)", attributeTo); throw new RuntimeException(Math2.memoryTooMuchData + " " + MessageFormat.format(Math2.memoryArraySize, "" + tSize, "" + Integer.MAX_VALUE) + (attributeTo == null || attributeTo.length() == 0 ? "" : " (" + attributeTo + ")")); } } /** * This sets the request blacklist of numeric ip addresses (e.g., * (e.g., to fend of a Denial of Service attack or an overzealous web robot). * This sets requestBlacklist to be a HashSet (or null). * * @param csv the comma separated list of numeric ip addresses */ public static void setRequestBlacklist(String csv) { if (csv == null || csv.length() == 0) { requestBlacklist = null; String2.log("requestBlacklist is now null."); } else { String rb[] = String2.split(csv, ','); HashSet hs = new HashSet(Math2.roundToInt(1.4 * rb.length)); for (int i = 0; i < rb.length; i++) hs.add(rb[i]); requestBlacklist = hs; //set in an instant String2.log("requestBlacklist is now " + String2.toCSSVString(rb)); } } /** * This adds the common, publicly accessible statistics to the StringBuilder. */ public static void addIntroStatistics(StringBuilder sb) { sb.append("Current time is " + Calendar2.getCurrentISODateTimeStringLocal() + " local time\n"); sb.append("Startup was at " + startupLocalDateTime + " local time\n"); long loadTime = lastMajorLoadDatasetsStopTimeMillis - lastMajorLoadDatasetsStartTimeMillis; sb.append("Last major LoadDatasets started " + Calendar2.elapsedTimeString( 1000 * Math2.roundToInt((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastMajorLoadDatasetsStartTimeMillis) / 1000)) + " ago and " + (loadTime < 0 ? "is still running.\n" : "finished after " + (loadTime / 1000) + " seconds.\n")); //would be nice to know if minor LoadDataset is active, for how long sb.append("nGridDatasets = " + nGridDatasets + "\n"); sb.append("nTableDatasets = " + nTableDatasets + "\n"); sb.append("nTotalDatasets = " + (nGridDatasets + nTableDatasets) + "\n"); sb.append(datasetsThatFailedToLoad); sb.append(duplicateDatasetIDsMsg); sb.append("Response Failed Time (since last major LoadDatasets) "); sb.append(String2.getBriefDistributionStatistics(failureTimesDistributionLoadDatasets) + "\n"); sb.append("Response Failed Time (since last Daily Report) "); sb.append(String2.getBriefDistributionStatistics(failureTimesDistribution24) + "\n"); sb.append("Response Failed Time (since startup) "); sb.append(String2.getBriefDistributionStatistics(failureTimesDistributionTotal) + "\n"); sb.append("Response Succeeded Time (since last major LoadDatasets) "); sb.append(String2.getBriefDistributionStatistics(responseTimesDistributionLoadDatasets) + "\n"); sb.append("Response Succeeded Time (since last Daily Report) "); sb.append(String2.getBriefDistributionStatistics(responseTimesDistribution24) + "\n"); sb.append("Response Succeeded Time (since startup) "); sb.append(String2.getBriefDistributionStatistics(responseTimesDistributionTotal) + "\n"); synchronized (taskList) { //all task-related things synch on taskList ensureTaskThreadIsRunningIfNeeded(); //clients (like this class) are responsible for checking on it long tElapsedTime = taskThread == null ? -1 : taskThread.elapsedTime(); sb.append( "TaskThread has finished " + (lastFinishedTask + 1) + " out of " + taskList.size() + " tasks. " + (tElapsedTime < 0 ? "Currently, no task is running.\n" : "The current task has been running for " + Calendar2.elapsedTimeString(tElapsedTime) + ".\n")); } sb.append("TaskThread Failed Time (since last Daily Report) "); sb.append(String2.getBriefDistributionStatistics(taskThreadFailedDistribution24) + "\n"); sb.append("TaskThread Failed Time (since startup) "); sb.append(String2.getBriefDistributionStatistics(taskThreadFailedDistributionTotal) + "\n"); sb.append("TaskThread Succeeded Time (since last Daily Report) "); sb.append(String2.getBriefDistributionStatistics(taskThreadSucceededDistribution24) + "\n"); sb.append("TaskThread Succeeded Time (since startup) "); sb.append(String2.getBriefDistributionStatistics(taskThreadSucceededDistributionTotal) + "\n"); } /** * This adds the common, publicly accessible statistics to the StringBuffer. */ public static void addCommonStatistics(StringBuilder sb) { if (memoryUseLoadDatasetsSB.length() > 0) { sb.append("Memory Use Summary (time series from ends of major LoadDatasets)\n"); sb.append(memoryUseLoadDatasetsSB); sb.append("\n\n"); } sb.append("Major LoadDatasets Times Distribution (since last Daily Report):\n"); sb.append(String2.getDistributionStatistics(majorLoadDatasetsDistribution24)); sb.append('\n'); sb.append("Major LoadDatasets Times Distribution (since startup):\n"); sb.append(String2.getDistributionStatistics(majorLoadDatasetsDistributionTotal)); sb.append('\n'); sb.append('\n'); sb.append("Minor LoadDatasets Times Distribution (since last Daily Report):\n"); sb.append(String2.getDistributionStatistics(minorLoadDatasetsDistribution24)); sb.append('\n'); sb.append("Minor LoadDatasets Times Distribution (since startup):\n"); sb.append(String2.getDistributionStatistics(minorLoadDatasetsDistributionTotal)); sb.append('\n'); sb.append('\n'); if (failureTimesLoadDatasetsSB.length() > 0) { sb.append("Response Failed Summary (time series from between major LoadDatasets)\n"); sb.append(failureTimesLoadDatasetsSB); sb.append('\n'); } sb.append("Response Failed Time Distribution (since last major LoadDatasets):\n"); sb.append(String2.getDistributionStatistics(failureTimesDistributionLoadDatasets)); sb.append('\n'); sb.append("Response Failed Time Distribution (since last Daily Report):\n"); sb.append(String2.getDistributionStatistics(failureTimesDistribution24)); sb.append('\n'); sb.append("Response Failed Time Distribution (since startup):\n"); sb.append(String2.getDistributionStatistics(failureTimesDistributionTotal)); sb.append('\n'); sb.append('\n'); if (responseTimesLoadDatasetsSB.length() > 0) { sb.append("Response Succeeded Summary (time series from between major LoadDatasets)\n"); sb.append(responseTimesLoadDatasetsSB); sb.append('\n'); } sb.append("Response Succeeded Time Distribution (since last major LoadDatasets):\n"); sb.append(String2.getDistributionStatistics(responseTimesDistributionLoadDatasets)); sb.append('\n'); sb.append("Response Succeeded Time Distribution (since last Daily Report):\n"); sb.append(String2.getDistributionStatistics(responseTimesDistribution24)); sb.append('\n'); sb.append("Response Succeeded Time Distribution (since startup):\n"); sb.append(String2.getDistributionStatistics(responseTimesDistributionTotal)); sb.append('\n'); sb.append('\n'); sb.append("TaskThread Failed Time Distribution (since last Daily Report):\n"); sb.append(String2.getDistributionStatistics(taskThreadFailedDistribution24)); sb.append('\n'); sb.append("TaskThread Failed Time Distribution (since startup):\n"); sb.append(String2.getDistributionStatistics(taskThreadFailedDistributionTotal)); sb.append('\n'); sb.append("TaskThread Succeeded Time Distribution (since last Daily Report):\n"); sb.append(String2.getDistributionStatistics(taskThreadSucceededDistribution24)); sb.append('\n'); sb.append("TaskThread Succeeded Time Distribution (since startup):\n"); sb.append(String2.getDistributionStatistics(taskThreadSucceededDistributionTotal)); sb.append('\n'); sb.append('\n'); sb.append(SgtMap.topographyStats() + "\n"); sb.append(GSHHS.statsString() + "\n"); sb.append(SgtMap.nationalBoundaries.statsString() + "\n"); sb.append(SgtMap.stateBoundaries.statsString() + "\n"); sb.append(SgtMap.rivers.statsString() + "\n"); sb.append(SgtUtil.isBufferedImageAccelerated() + "\n"); sb.append('\n'); } /** * This returns the user's login name (or null if not logged in). * * <p>This relies on EDStatic.authentication * * <p>This is safe to use this after outputStream has been written to -- * this won't make a session if the user doesn't have one. * * @param request * @return null (using http), * loggedInAsHttps (using https and not logged in), * or userName (using https and logged in). */ public static String getLoggedInAs(HttpServletRequest request) { if (request == null) return null; //request is via http? treat as not logged in String fullRequestUrl = request.getRequestURL().toString(); //has proxied port#, e.g. :8080 if (!fullRequestUrl.startsWith("https://")) return null; //request is via https, but authentication=""? if (authentication.length() == 0) return loggedInAsHttps; //see if user is logged in //NOTE: session is associated with https urls, not http urls! // So user only appears logged in to https urls. HttpSession session = request.getSession(false); //don't make one if none already //String2.log("session=" + (session==null? "null" : session.getServletContext().getServletContextName())); if (session == null) return loggedInAsHttps; //session != null String loggedInAs = null; if (authentication.equals("custom") || authentication.equals("email") || authentication.equals("google")) { loggedInAs = (String) session.getAttribute("loggedInAs:" + warName); //} else if (authentication.equals("openid")) // loggedInAs = OpenIdFilter.getCurrentUser(session); } //ensure printable characters only (which makes loggedInAsSuperuser special) return loggedInAs == null ? loggedInAsHttps : String2.justPrintable(loggedInAs); } /** * This generates a nonce (a long "random" string related to basis). */ public static String nonce(String basis) { return String2.passwordDigest("SHA-256", Math2.random(Integer.MAX_VALUE) + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis() + "_" + basis + "_" + EDStatic.flagKeyKey); } /** This allows LoadDatasets to set EDStatic.userHashMap (which is private). * There is no getUserHashMap (so info remains private). * MD5'd and SHA256'd passwords should all already be lowercase. */ public static void setUserHashMap(HashMap tUserHashMap) { userHashMap = tUserHashMap; } /** * This returns true if the plaintextPassword (after passwordEncoding as * specified in setup.xml) matches the stored password for user. * * @param username the user's log in name * @param plaintextPassword that the user entered on a log-in form * @return true if the plaintextPassword (after passwordEncoding as * specified in setup.xml) matches the stored password for username. * If user==null or user has no password defined in datasets.xml, this returns false. */ public static boolean doesPasswordMatch(String username, String plaintextPassword) { if (username == null || username.length() == 0 || !username.equals(String2.justPrintable(username)) || plaintextPassword == null || plaintextPassword.length() < minimumPasswordLength) return false; Object oar[] = (Object[]) userHashMap.get(username); if (oar == null) { String2.log("username=" + username + " not found in userHashMap."); return false; } String expected = (String) oar[0]; //using passwordEncoding in setup.xml if (expected == null) return false; //generate observedPassword from plaintextPassword via passwordEncoding String observed = plaintextPassword; if (passwordEncoding.equals("MD5")) observed = String2.md5Hex(plaintextPassword); //it will be lowercase else if (passwordEncoding.equals("UEPMD5")) observed = String2.md5Hex(username + ":ERDDAP:" + plaintextPassword); //it will be lowercase else if (passwordEncoding.equals("SHA256")) observed = String2.passwordDigest("SHA-256", plaintextPassword); //it will be lowercase else if (passwordEncoding.equals("UEPSHA256")) observed = String2.passwordDigest("SHA-256", username + ":ERDDAP:" + plaintextPassword); //it will be lowercase else throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected passwordEncoding=" + passwordEncoding); //only for debugging: //String2.log("username=" + username + // "\nobsPassword=" + observed + // "\nexpPassword=" + expected); boolean ok = observed.equals(expected); if (reallyVerbose) String2.log("username=" + username + " password matched: " + ok); return ok; } /** * This indicates if a user is on the list of potential users * (i.e., there's a user tag for this user in datasets.xml). * * @param userName the user's potential user name * @return true if a user is on the list of potential users * (i.e., there's a user tag for this user in datasets.xml). */ public static boolean onListOfUsers(String userName) { if (!String2.isSomething(userName)) return false; return userHashMap.get(userName) != null; } /** * This returns the roles for a user. * * @param loggedInAs the user's logged in name (or null if not logged in) * @return the roles for the user. * If user==null or user has no roles defined in datasets.xml, this returns null. */ public static String[] getRoles(String loggedInAs) { if (loggedInAs == null) return null; //???future: for authentication="basic", use tomcat-defined roles??? //all other authentication methods Object oar[] = (Object[]) userHashMap.get(loggedInAs); if (oar == null) return null; return (String[]) oar[1]; } /** * If the user tries to access a dataset to which he doesn't have access, * call this to send Http UNAUTHORIZED error. * (was: redirectToLogin: redirect him to the login page). * * @param loggedInAs the name of the logged in user (or null if not logged in) * @param datasetID or use "" for general login. * @param graphsAccessibleToPublic From edd.graphsAccessibleToPublic(). * If this is true, then this method * was called because the request was for data from a dataset that * allows graphics|metadata requests from the public. * @throws Throwable (notably ClientAbortException) */ public static void sendHttpUnauthorizedError(String loggedInAs, HttpServletResponse response, String datasetID, boolean graphsAccessibleToPublic) throws Throwable { String message = null; try { tally.add("Request refused: not authorized (since startup)", datasetID); tally.add("Request refused: not authorized (since last daily report)", datasetID); if (datasetID != null && datasetID.length() > 0) message = MessageFormat.format( graphsAccessibleToPublic ? EDStatic.notAuthorizedForData : EDStatic.notAuthorized, loggedInAsHttps.equals(loggedInAs) ? "" : loggedInAs, datasetID); if (message == null) response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED); else response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, message); } catch (Throwable t2) { EDStatic.rethrowClientAbortException(t2); //first thing in catch{} String2.log("Error in sendHttpUnauthorizedError:\n" + (message == null ? "" : message + "\n") + MustBe.throwableToString(t2)); } } /** * This returns the session's login status html (with a link to log in/out) * suitable for use at the top of a web page. * <br>If logged in: loggedInAs | logout * <br>If not logged in: login * * <p>This is safe to use this after outputStream has been written to -- * this won't make a session if the user doesn't have one. * * @param loggedInAs the name of the logged in user (or null if not logged in) * Special case: "loggedInAsHttps" is for using https without being logged in, * but &loginInfo; indicates user isn't logged in. */ public static String getLoginHtml(String loggedInAs) { if (authentication.equals("")) { //user can't log in return ""; } else { return loggedInAs == null || loggedInAsHttps.equals(loggedInAs) ? //ie not logged in //always use the erddapHttpsUrl for login/logout pages "<a href=\"" + erddapHttpsUrl + "/login.html\">" + login + "</a>" : "<a href=\"" + erddapHttpsUrl + "/login.html\"><b>" + XML.encodeAsHTML(loggedInAs) + "</b></a> | \n" + "<a href=\"" + erddapHttpsUrl + "/logout.html\">" + logout + "</a>"; } } /** * This returns the startBodyHtml (with the user's login info inserted if * &loginInfo; is present). * * <p>This is safe to use this after outputStream has been written to -- * this won't make a session if the user doesn't have one. * * @param loggedInAs the name of the logged in user (or null if not logged in). * Special case: "loggedInAsHttps" is for using https without being logged in, * but &loginInfo; indicates user isn't logged in. */ public static String startBodyHtml(String loggedInAs) { String s = startBodyHtml; if (ampLoginInfoPo >= 0) { s = startBodyHtml.substring(0, ampLoginInfoPo) + getLoginHtml(loggedInAs) + startBodyHtml.substring(ampLoginInfoPo + ampLoginInfo.length()); } return String2.replaceAll(s, "&erddapUrl;", erddapUrl(loggedInAs)); } /** * @param tErddapUrl from EDStatic.erddapUrl(loggedInAs) (erddapUrl, or erddapHttpsUrl if user is logged in) */ public static String endBodyHtml(String tErddapUrl) { return String2.replaceAll(endBodyHtml, "&erddapUrl;", tErddapUrl); } public static String legal(String tErddapUrl) { return String2.replaceAll(legal, "&erddapUrl;", tErddapUrl); } /** @param addToTitle has not yet been encodeAsHTML(addToTitle). */ public static String startHeadHtml(String tErddapUrl, String addToTitle) { String ts = startHeadHtml; if (addToTitle.length() > 0) ts = String2.replaceAll(ts, "</title>", " - " + XML.encodeAsHTML(addToTitle) + "</title>"); return String2.replaceAll(ts, "&erddapUrl;", tErddapUrl); } public static String theLongDescriptionHtml(String tErddapUrl) { return String2.replaceAll(theLongDescriptionHtml, "&erddapUrl;", tErddapUrl); } public static String theShortDescriptionHtml(String tErddapUrl) { return String2.replaceAll(theShortDescriptionHtml, "&erddapUrl;", tErddapUrl); } public static String erddapHref(String tErddapUrl) { return "<a title=\"" + clickERDDAP + "\" \n" + "rel=\"start\" " + "href=\"" + tErddapUrl + "/index.html\">" + ProgramName + "</a>"; } /** This calls pEncode then hEncode. */ public static String phEncode(String tUrl) { return hEncode(pEncode(tUrl)); } /** This calls XML.encodeAsHTML(tUrl). */ public static String hEncode(String tUrl) { return XML.encodeAsHTML(tUrl); } /** This percent encodes < and > */ public static String pEncode(String tUrl) { tUrl = String2.replaceAll(tUrl, "<", "%3C"); return String2.replaceAll(tUrl, ">", "%3E"); } public static String adminContact() { String ae = String2.replaceAll(adminEmail, "@", " at "); ae = String2.replaceAll(ae, ".", " dot "); return adminIndividualName + " (email: " + ae + ")"; } /** * This appends an error message to an html page and flushes the writer. * This also logs the error. * * <p>Note that the use of try/catch blocks and htmlForException is necessary * because the outputstream is usually gzipped, so erddap can't just * catch the exception in doGet try/catch and append error message * since original outputstream and writer (which own/control the gzip stream) * aren't available. */ public static String htmlForException(Throwable t) { String message = MustBe.getShortErrorMessage(t); String2.log("HtmlForException is processing:\n " + MustBe.throwableToString(t)); //log full message with stack trace return "<p> <hr>\n" + "<p><font class=\"warningColor\"><b>" + errorOnWebPage + "</b></font>\n" + "<pre>" + XML.encodeAsPreHTML(message, 120) + "</pre>\n"; } /** This interrupts/kill all of the thredds in runningThreads. * Erddap.destroy calls this when tomcat is stopped. */ public static void destroy() { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { String names[] = String2.toStringArray(runningThreads.keySet().toArray()); String2.log("\nEDStatic.destroy will try to interrupt nThreads=" + names.length + "\n threadNames=" + String2.toCSSVString(names)); //shutdown Cassandra clusters/sessions EDDTableFromCassandra.shutdown(); //interrupt all of them for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { try { Thread thread = (Thread) runningThreads.get(names[i]); if (thread != null && thread.isAlive()) thread.interrupt(); else runningThreads.remove(names[i]); } catch (Throwable t) { String2.log(MustBe.throwableToString(t)); } } //wait for threads to finish int waitedSeconds = 0; int maxSeconds = 600; //10 minutes while (true) { boolean allDone = true; for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { try { if (names[i] == null) continue; //it has already stopped Thread thread = (Thread) runningThreads.get(names[i]); if (thread != null && thread.isAlive()) { allDone = false; if (waitedSeconds > maxSeconds) { String2.log(" " + names[i] + " thread is being stop()ped!!!"); thread.stop(); runningThreads.remove(names[i]); names[i] = null; } } else { String2.log(" " + names[i] + " thread recognized the interrupt in " + waitedSeconds + " s"); runningThreads.remove(names[i]); names[i] = null; } } catch (Throwable t) { String2.log(MustBe.throwableToString(t)); allDone = false; } } if (allDone) { String2.log("EDStatic.destroy successfully interrupted all threads in " + waitedSeconds + " s"); break; } if (waitedSeconds > maxSeconds) { String2.log("!!! EDStatic.destroy is done, but it had to stop() some threads."); break; } Math2.sleep(2000); waitedSeconds += 2; } //finally if (useLuceneSearchEngine) String2.log("stopping lucene..."); try { if (luceneIndexSearcher != null) luceneIndexSearcher.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { } luceneIndexSearcher = null; try { if (luceneIndexReader != null) luceneIndexReader.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { } luceneIndexReader = null; luceneDatasetIDFieldCache = null; try { if (luceneIndexWriter != null) //indices will be thrown away, so don't make pending changes luceneIndexWriter.close(false); } catch (Throwable t) { } luceneIndexWriter = null; } catch (Throwable t) { String2.log(MustBe.throwableToString(t)); } } /** This interrupts the thread and waits up to maxSeconds for it to finish. * If it still isn't finished, it is stopped. * */ public static void stopThread(Thread thread, int maxSeconds) { try { if (thread == null) return; String name = thread.getName(); if (verbose) String2.log("stopThread(" + name + ")..."); if (!thread.isAlive()) { if (verbose) String2.log("thread=" + name + " was already not alive."); return; } thread.interrupt(); int waitSeconds = 0; while (thread.isAlive() && waitSeconds < maxSeconds) { waitSeconds += 2; Math2.sleep(2000); } if (thread.isAlive()) { if (verbose) String2.log("!!!Stopping thread=" + name + " after " + waitSeconds + " s"); thread.stop(); } else { if (verbose) String2.log("thread=" + name + " noticed interrupt in " + waitSeconds + " s"); } } catch (Throwable t) { String2.log(MustBe.throwableToString(t)); } } /** * This checks if the task thread is running and not stalled. * If it is stalled, this will stop it. * * @return true if the task thread is running. * If false, taskThread will be null. */ public static boolean isTaskThreadRunning() { synchronized (taskList) { //all task-related things synch on taskList if (taskThread == null) return false; if (taskThread.isAlive()) { //is it stalled? long eTime = taskThread.elapsedTime(); long maxTime = 6 * Calendar2.MILLIS_PER_HOUR; //appropriate??? user settable??? if (eTime > maxTime) { //taskThread is stalled; interrupt it String tError = "\n*** Error: EDStatic is interrupting a stalled taskThread (" + Calendar2.elapsedTimeString(eTime) + " > " + Calendar2.elapsedTimeString(maxTime) + ") at " + Calendar2.getCurrentISODateTimeStringLocal(); email(emailEverythingToCsv, "taskThread Stalled", tError); String2.log("\n*** " + tError); stopThread(taskThread, 10); //short time; it is already in trouble //runningThreads.remove not necessary since new one is put() in below lastFinishedTask = nextTask - 1; taskThread = null; return false; } return true; } else { //it isn't alive String2.log("\n*** EDStatic noticed that taskThread is finished (" + Calendar2.getCurrentISODateTimeStringLocal() + ")\n"); lastFinishedTask = nextTask - 1; taskThread = null; return false; } } } /** * This ensures the task thread is running if there are tasks to do */ public static void ensureTaskThreadIsRunningIfNeeded() { synchronized (taskList) { //all task-related things synch on taskList try { //this checks if it is running and not stalled if (isTaskThreadRunning()) return; //taskThread isn't running //Are there no tasks to do? int nPending = taskList.size() - nextTask; if (nPending <= 0) return; //no need to start it //need to start a new taskThread taskThread = new TaskThread(nextTask); runningThreads.put(taskThread.getName(), taskThread); String2.log("\n*** new taskThread started at " + Calendar2.getCurrentISODateTimeStringLocal() + " nPendingTasks=" + nPending + "\n"); taskThread.start(); return; } catch (Throwable t) { } } } /** * This returns the number of unfinished tasks. */ public static int nUnfinishedTasks() { return (taskList.size() - lastFinishedTask) - 1; } /** This adds a task to the taskList if it (other than TASK_SET_FLAG) * isn't already on the taskList. * @return the task number that was assigned to the task, * or -1 if it was a duplicate task. */ public static int addTask(Object taskOA[]) { synchronized (taskList) { //all task-related things synch on taskList //Note that all task creators check that // EDStatic.lastFinishedTask >= lastAssignedTask(datasetID). I.E., tasks are all done, //before again creating new tasks. //So no need to see if this new task duplicates an existing unfinished task. //add the task to the list taskList.add(taskOA); return taskList.size() - 1; } } /** * This returns the Oceanic/Atmospheric Acronyms table: col 0=acronym 1=fullName. * <br>Acronyms are case-sensitive, sometimes with common variants included. * <br>The table is basically sorted by acronym, but with longer acronyms * (e.g., AMSRE) before shorter siblings (e.g., AMSR). * <br>Many of these are from * * and * * @return the oceanic/atmospheric acronyms table * @throws Exception if trouble (e.g., file not found) */ public static Table oceanicAtmosphericAcronymsTable() throws Exception { Table table = new Table(); StringArray col1 = new StringArray(); StringArray col2 = new StringArray(); table.addColumn("acronym", col1); table.addColumn("fullName", col2); String lines[] = String2.readLinesFromFile( contextDirectory + "WEB-INF/classes/gov/noaa/pfel/erddap/util/OceanicAtmosphericAcronyms.tsv", "ISO-8859-1", 1); int nLines = lines.length; for (int i = 1; i < nLines; i++) { //1 because skip colNames String s = lines[i].trim(); if (s.length() == 0 || s.startsWith("//")) continue; int po = s.indexOf('\t'); if (po < 0) po = s.length(); col1.add(s.substring(0, po).trim()); col2.add(s.substring(po + 1).trim()); } return table; } /** * This returns the Oceanic/Atmospheric Variable Names table: col 0=variableName 1=fullName. * <br>varNames are all lower-case. long_names are mostly first letter of each word capitalized. * <br>The table is basically sorted by varName. * <br>Many of these are from * * * @return the oceanic/atmospheric variable names table * @throws Exception if trouble (e.g., file not found) */ public static Table oceanicAtmosphericVariableNamesTable() throws Exception { Table table = new Table(); StringArray col1 = new StringArray(); StringArray col2 = new StringArray(); table.addColumn("variableName", col1); table.addColumn("fullName", col2); String lines[] = String2.readLinesFromFile( contextDirectory + "WEB-INF/classes/gov/noaa/pfel/erddap/util/OceanicAtmosphericVariableNames.tsv", "ISO-8859-1", 1); int nLines = lines.length; for (int i = 1; i < nLines; i++) { String s = lines[i].trim(); if (s.length() == 0 || s.startsWith("//")) continue; int po = s.indexOf('\t'); if (po < 0) po = s.length(); col1.add(s.substring(0, po).trim()); col2.add(s.substring(po + 1).trim()); } return table; } /** * This returns the Oceanic/Atmospheric Acronyms table as a Table: * col0=acronym, col1=fullName. * THIS IS ONLY FOR GenerateDatasetsXml THREADS -- a few common acronyms are removed. * * @return the oceanic/atmospheric variable names table with some common acronyms removed * @throws Exception if trouble (e.g., file not found) */ public static Table gdxAcronymsTable() throws Exception { if (gdxAcronymsTable == null) { Table table = oceanicAtmosphericAcronymsTable(); StringArray acronymSA = (StringArray) (table.getColumn(0)); StringArray fullNameSA = (StringArray) (table.getColumn(1)); //remove some really common acronyms I don't want to expand BitSet keep = new BitSet(); keep.set(0, acronymSA.size()); String common[] = { //"DOC", "DOD", "DOE", "USDOC", "USDOD", "USDOE", "NOAA", "NASA", "US" }; for (int c = 0; c < common.length; c++) { int po = acronymSA.indexOf(common[c]); if (po >= 0) keep.clear(po); } table.justKeep(keep); gdxAcronymsTable = table; //swap into place } return gdxAcronymsTable; } /** * This returns the Oceanic/Atmospheric Acronyms table as a HashMap: * key=acronym, value=fullName. * THIS IS ONLY FOR GenerateDatasetsXml THREADS -- a few common acronyms are removed. * * @return the oceanic/atmospheric variable names table as a HashMap * @throws Exception if trouble (e.g., file not found) */ public static HashMap<String, String> gdxAcronymsHashMap() throws Exception { if (gdxAcronymsHashMap == null) { Table table = gdxAcronymsTable(); StringArray acronymSA = (StringArray) (table.getColumn(0)); StringArray fullNameSA = (StringArray) (table.getColumn(1)); int n = table.nRows(); HashMap<String, String> hm = new HashMap(); for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) hm.put(acronymSA.get(i), fullNameSA.get(i)); gdxAcronymsHashMap = hm; //swap into place } return gdxAcronymsHashMap; } /** * This returns the Oceanic/Atmospheric Variable Names table as a HashMap: * key=variableName, value=fullName. * THIS IS ONLY FOR GenerateDatasetsXml THREADS. * * @return the oceanic/atmospheric variable names table as a HashMap * @throws Exception if trouble (e.g., file not found) */ public static HashMap<String, String> gdxVariableNamesHashMap() throws Exception { if (gdxVariableNamesHashMap == null) { Table table = oceanicAtmosphericVariableNamesTable(); StringArray varNameSA = (StringArray) (table.getColumn(0)); StringArray fullNameSA = (StringArray) (table.getColumn(1)); int n = table.nRows(); HashMap<String, String> hm = new HashMap(); for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) hm.put(varNameSA.get(i), fullNameSA.get(i)); gdxVariableNamesHashMap = hm; //swap into place } return gdxVariableNamesHashMap; } /** * This returns the FIPS county table: col 0=FIPS (5-digit-FIPS), 1=Name (ST, County Name). * <br>States are included (their last 3 digits are 000). * <br>The table is sorted (case insensitive) by the county column. * <br>The most official source is * * <p>The table is modified from . * It includes the Appendix A and B counties from * U.S. protectorates and county-equivalent entities of the freely associated atates * from . * I changed "lsabela" PR to "Isabela". * * @return the FIPS county table * @throws Exception if trouble (e.g., file not found) */ public static Table fipsCountyTable() throws Exception { Table table = new Table(); table.readASCII(contextDirectory + "WEB-INF/classes/gov/noaa/pfel/erddap/util/FipsCounty.tsv", 0, 1, null, null, null, null, false); //false = don't simplify return table; } /** * This returns the complete list of CF Standard Names as a table with 1 column. * * @return the complete list of CF Standard Names as a table with 1 column * @throws Exception if trouble (e.g., file not found) */ public static Table keywordsCfTable() throws Exception { StringArray sa = StringArray .fromFile(contextDirectory + "WEB-INF/classes/gov/noaa/pfel/erddap/util/cfStdNames.txt"); Table table = new Table(); table.addColumn("CfStandardNames", sa); return table; } /** * This returns the complete list of GCMD Science Keywords as a table with 1 column. * * @return the complete list of GCMD Science Keywords as a table with 1 column * @throws Exception if trouble (e.g., file not found) */ public static Table keywordsGcmdTable() throws Exception { StringArray sa = StringArray .fromFile(contextDirectory + "WEB-INF/classes/gov/noaa/pfel/erddap/util/gcmdScienceKeywords.txt"); Table table = new Table(); table.addColumn("GcmdScienceKeywords", sa); return table; } /** * This returns the complete CF to GCMD conversion information as a table with 1 column. * The GCMD to CF conversion information can be derived from this. * * @return the CF to GCMD conversion information as a table with 1 column * @throws Exception if trouble (e.g., file not found) */ public static Table keywordsCfToGcmdTable() throws Exception { StringArray sa = StringArray .fromFile(contextDirectory + "WEB-INF/classes/gov/noaa/pfel/erddap/util/CfToGcmd.txt"); Table table = new Table(); table.addColumn("CfToGcmd", sa); return table; } /** * This returns true during the initial loadDatasets. * @return true during the initial loadDatasets, else false. */ public static boolean initialLoadDatasets() { return memoryUseLoadDatasetsSB.length() == 0; } /** This is called by the ERDDAP constructor to initialize Lucene. */ public static void initializeLucene() { //ERDDAP consciously doesn't use any stopWords (words not included in the index) //1) this matches the behaviour of the original searchEngine //2) this is what users expect, e.g., when searching for a phrase //3) the content here isn't prose, so the stop words aren't nearly as common HashSet stopWords = new HashSet(); luceneAnalyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(luceneVersion, stopWords); //it is important that the queryParser use the same analyzer as the indexWriter luceneQueryParser = new QueryParser(luceneVersion, luceneDefaultField, luceneAnalyzer); } /** * This creates an IndexWriter. * Normally, this is created once in RunLoadDatasets. * But if trouble, a new one will be created. * * @throws RuntimeException if trouble */ public static void createLuceneIndexWriter(boolean firstTime) { try { String2.log("createLuceneIndexWriter(" + firstTime + ")"); long tTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //if this is being called, directory shouldn't be locked //see javaDocs for indexWriter.close() if (IndexWriter.isLocked(luceneDirectory)) IndexWriter.unlock(luceneDirectory); //create indexWriter IndexWriterConfig lucConfig = new IndexWriterConfig(luceneVersion, luceneAnalyzer); lucConfig.setOpenMode( firstTime ? IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode.CREATE : IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode.CREATE_OR_APPEND); luceneIndexWriter = new IndexWriter(luceneDirectory, lucConfig); luceneIndexWriter.setInfoStream(verbose ? new PrintStream(new String2LogOutputStream()) : null); String2.log(" createLuceneIndexWriter finished. time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - tTime)); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new RuntimeException(t); } } /** * This returns the Lucene IndexSearcher and datasetIDFieldCache (thread-safe). * IndexSearch uses IndexReader (also thread-safe). * IndexReader works on a snapshot of an index, * so it is recreated if flagged at end of LoadDatasetsevery * via needNewLuceneIndexReader. * * @return Object[2]: [0]=a luceneIndexSearcher (thread-safe), or null if trouble. * [1]=luceneDatasetIDFieldCache, or null if trouble. * Either both will be null or both will be !null. */ public static Object[] luceneIndexSearcher() { //synchronize synchronized (luceneIndexReaderLock) { //need a new indexReader? //(indexReader is thread-safe, but only need one) if (luceneIndexReader == null || needNewLuceneIndexReader || luceneIndexSearcher == null) { //clear out old one try { if (luceneIndexSearcher != null) luceneIndexSearcher.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { } luceneIndexSearcher = null; try { if (luceneIndexReader != null) luceneIndexReader.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { } luceneIndexReader = null; luceneDatasetIDFieldCache = null; needNewLuceneIndexReader = true; //create a new one try { long rTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); luceneIndexReader =; // read-only=true luceneIndexSearcher = new IndexSearcher(luceneIndexReader); String2.log(" new luceneIndexReader+Searcher time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - rTime)); //create the luceneDatasetIDFieldCache //save memory by sharing the canonical strings //(EDD.ensureValid makes datasetID's canonical) rTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); luceneDatasetIDFieldCache = FieldCache.DEFAULT.getStrings(luceneIndexReader, "datasetID"); int n = luceneDatasetIDFieldCache.length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) luceneDatasetIDFieldCache[i] = String2.canonical(luceneDatasetIDFieldCache[i]); String2.log(" new luceneDatasetIDFieldCache time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - rTime)); //if successful, we no longer needNewLuceneIndexReader needNewLuceneIndexReader = false; //if successful, fall through } catch (Throwable t) { String subject = String2.ERROR + " while creating Lucene Searcher"; String msg = MustBe.throwableToString(t); email(emailEverythingToCsv, subject, msg); String2.log(subject + "\n" + msg); //clear out old one try { if (luceneIndexSearcher != null) luceneIndexSearcher.close(); } catch (Throwable t2) { } luceneIndexSearcher = null; try { if (luceneIndexReader != null) luceneIndexReader.close(); } catch (Throwable t2) { } luceneIndexReader = null; luceneDatasetIDFieldCache = null; needNewLuceneIndexReader = true; //return return new Object[] { null, null }; } } return new Object[] { luceneIndexSearcher, luceneDatasetIDFieldCache }; } } /** * This parses a query with luceneQueryParser (not thread-safe). * * @param searchString the user's searchString, but modified slightly for Lucene * @return a Query, or null if trouble */ public static Query luceneParseQuery(String searchString) { //queryParser is not thread-safe, so re-use it in a synchronized block //(It is fast, so synchronizing on one parser shouldn't be a bottleneck. synchronized (luceneQueryParser) { try { //long qTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Query q = luceneQueryParser.parse(searchString); //String2.log(" luceneParseQuery finished. time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - qTime)); //always 0 return q; } catch (Throwable t) { String2.log( "Lucene failed to parse searchString=" + searchString + "\n" + MustBe.throwableToString(t)); return null; } } } /** * This gets the raw requested (or inferred) page number and itemsPerPage * by checking the request parameters. * * @param request * @return int[2] * [0]=page (may be invalid, e.g., -5 or Integer.MAX_VALUE) * [1]=itemsPerPage (may be invalid, e.g., -5 or Integer.MAX_VALUE) */ public static int[] getRawRequestedPIpp(HttpServletRequest request) { return new int[] { String2.parseInt(request.getParameter("page")), String2.parseInt(request.getParameter("itemsPerPage")) }; } /** * This gets the requested (or inferred) page number and itemsPerPage * by checking the request parameters. * * @param request * @return int[2] * [0]=page (will be 1..., but may be too big), * [1]=itemsPerPage (will be 1...), */ public static int[] getRequestedPIpp(HttpServletRequest request) { int iar[] = getRawRequestedPIpp(request); //page is 1.. if (iar[0] < 1 || iar[0] == Integer.MAX_VALUE) iar[0] = 1; //default //itemsPerPage if (iar[1] < 1 || iar[1] == Integer.MAX_VALUE) iar[1] = defaultItemsPerPage; return iar; } /** * This returns the .jsonp=[functionName] part of the request (percent encoded) or "". * If not "", it will have "&" at the end. * * @param request * @return the .jsonp=[functionName] part of the request (percent encoded) or "". * If not "", it will have "&" at the end. * If the query has a syntax error, this returns "". * If the !String2.isVariableNameSafe(functionName), this throws a SimpleException. */ public static String passThroughJsonpQuery(HttpServletRequest request) { String jsonp = ""; try { String parts[] = Table.getDapQueryParts(request.getQueryString()); //decoded. Does some validity checking. jsonp = String2.stringStartsWith(parts, ".jsonp="); //may be null if (jsonp == null) return ""; String functionName = jsonp.substring(7); //it will be because it starts with .jsonp= if (!String2.isJsonpNameSafe(functionName)) throw new SimpleException(errorJsonpFunctionName); return ".jsonp=" + SSR.minimalPercentEncode(functionName) + "&"; } catch (Throwable t) { String2.log(MustBe.throwableToString(t)); return ""; } } /** * This extracts the page= and itemsPerPage= parameters * of the request (if any) and returns them lightly validated and formatted for a URL * (e.g., "page=1&itemsPerPage=1000"). * * @param request * @return e.g., "page=1&itemsPerPage=1000" (encoded here for JavaDocs) */ public static String passThroughPIppQuery(HttpServletRequest request) { int pipp[] = getRequestedPIpp(request); return "page=" + pipp[0] + "&itemsPerPage=" + pipp[1]; } /** * This is like passThroughPIppQuery, but always sets page=1. * * @param request * @return e.g., "page=1&itemsPerPage=1000" (encoded here for JavaDocs) */ public static String passThroughPIppQueryPage1(HttpServletRequest request) { int pipp[] = getRequestedPIpp(request); return "page=1&itemsPerPage=" + pipp[1]; } /** * This is like passThroughPIppQuery, but the ampersand is XML encoded so * it is ready to be put into HTML. * * @param request * @return e.g., "page=1&amp;itemsPerPage=1000" (doubly encoded here for JavaDocs) */ public static String encodedPassThroughPIppQuery(HttpServletRequest request) { int pipp[] = getRequestedPIpp(request); return "page=" + pipp[0] + "&itemsPerPage=" + pipp[1]; } /** * This is like encodedPassThroughPIppQuery, but always sets page=1. * * @param request * @return e.g., "page=1&amp;itemsPerPage=1000" (doubly encoded here for JavaDocs) */ public static String encodedPassThroughPIppQueryPage1(HttpServletRequest request) { int pipp[] = getRequestedPIpp(request); return "page=1&itemsPerPage=" + pipp[1]; } /** * This calculates the requested (or inferred) page number and itemsPerPage * by checking the request parameters. * * @param request * @param nItems e.g., total number of datasets from search results * @return int[4] * [0]=page (will be 1..., but may be too big), * [1]=itemsPerPage (will be 1...), * [2]=startIndex (will be 0..., but may be too big), * [3]=lastPage with items (will be 1...). * Note that page may be greater than lastPage (caller should write error message to user). */ public static int[] calculatePIpp(HttpServletRequest request, int nItems) { int pipp[] = getRequestedPIpp(request); int page = pipp[0]; int itemsPerPage = pipp[1]; int startIndex = Math2.narrowToInt((page - 1) * (long) itemsPerPage); //0.. int lastPage = Math.max(1, Math2.hiDiv(nItems, itemsPerPage)); return new int[] { page, itemsPerPage, startIndex, lastPage }; } /** This returns the error String[2] if a search yielded no matches. * */ public static String[] noSearchMatch(String searchFor) { if (searchFor == null) searchFor = ""; return new String[] { MustBe.THERE_IS_NO_DATA, (searchFor.length() > 0 ? searchSpelling + " " : "") + (searchFor.indexOf(' ') >= 0 ? searchFewerWords : "") }; } /** * This returns the error String[2] if page > lastPage. * * @param page * @param lastPage * @return String[2] with the two Strings */ public static String[] noPage(int page, int lastPage) { return new String[] { MessageFormat.format(noPage1, "" + page, "" + lastPage), MessageFormat.format(noPage2, "" + page, "" + lastPage) }; } /** * This returns the nMatchingDatasets HTML message, with paging options. * * @param nMatches this must be 1 or more * @param page * @param lastPage * @param relevant true=most relevant first, false=sorted alphabetically * @param urlWithQuery percentEncoded, but not HTML/XML encoded, * e.g., * @return string with HTML content */ public static String nMatchingDatasetsHtml(int nMatches, int page, int lastPage, boolean relevant, String urlWithQuery) { if (nMatches == 1) return nMatching1; StringBuilder results = new StringBuilder( MessageFormat.format(relevant ? nMatchingMostRelevant : nMatchingAlphabetical, "" + nMatches) + "\n"); if (lastPage > 1) { //figure out where page number is so replaceable int pagePo = urlWithQuery.indexOf("?page="); if (pagePo < 0) pagePo = urlWithQuery.indexOf("&page="); if (pagePo < 0) { pagePo = urlWithQuery.length(); urlWithQuery += (urlWithQuery.indexOf('?') < 0 ? "?" : "&") + "page=" + page; } int pageNumberPo = pagePo + 6; int ampPo = urlWithQuery.indexOf('&', pageNumberPo); if (ampPo < 0) ampPo = urlWithQuery.length(); String url1 = " <a href=\"" + XML.encodeAsHTMLAttribute(urlWithQuery.substring(0, pageNumberPo)); // + p String url2 = XML.encodeAsHTMLAttribute(urlWithQuery.substring(ampPo)) + "\">"; // + p String url3 = "</a> \n"; //links, e.g. if page=5 and lastPage=12: _1 ... _4 5 _6 ... _12 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (page >= 2) sb.append(url1 + 1 + url2 + 1 + url3); if (page >= 4) sb.append("...\n"); if (page >= 3) sb.append(url1 + (page - 1) + url2 + (page - 1) + url3); sb.append(" " + page + " (" + EDStatic.nMatchingCurrent + ") \n"); //always show current page if (page <= lastPage - 2) sb.append(url1 + (page + 1) + url2 + (page + 1) + url3); if (page <= lastPage - 3) sb.append("...\n"); if (page <= lastPage - 1) sb.append(url1 + lastPage + url2 + lastPage + url3); //append to results results.append(" " + MessageFormat.format(nMatchingPage, "" + page, "" + lastPage, sb.toString()) + "\n"); } return results.toString(); } /** If query is null or "", this returns ""; otherwise, this returns "?" + query. */ public static String questionQuery(String query) { return query == null || query.length() == 0 ? "" : "?" + query; } /** * This indicates if t is a ClientAbortException. * * @param t the exception * @return true if t is a ClientAbortException. * @throws Throwable */ public static boolean isClientAbortException(Throwable t) { String tString = t.toString(); return tString.indexOf("ClientAbortException") >= 0; } /** * If t is a ClientAbortException, this will rethrow it. * org.apache.catalina.connector.ClientAbortException is hard to catch * since catalina code is linked in after deployment. * So this looks for the string. * * Normal use: Use this first thing in catch, before throwing WaitThenTryAgainException. * * @param t the exception which will be thrown again if it is a ClientAbortException * @throws Throwable */ public static void rethrowClientAbortException(Throwable t) throws Throwable { if (isClientAbortException(t)) throw t; } /** * This tests some of the methods in this class. * @throws an Exception if trouble. */ public static void test() throws Throwable { String2.log("\n*** EDStatic.test"); } }