Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * EDDGridFromMergeIRFiles Copyright 2014, R.Tech.
 * See the LICENSE.txt file in this file's directory.
package gov.noaa.pfel.erddap.dataset;

import com.cohort.array.Attributes;
import com.cohort.array.ByteArray;
import com.cohort.array.DoubleArray;
import com.cohort.array.FloatArray;
import com.cohort.array.IntArray;
import com.cohort.array.PrimitiveArray;
import com.cohort.array.StringArray;
import com.cohort.util.File2;
import com.cohort.util.MustBe;
import com.cohort.util.SimpleException;
import com.cohort.util.String2;
import com.cohort.util.Test;
import com.cohort.util.XML;

import gov.noaa.pfel.coastwatch.griddata.DataHelper;
import gov.noaa.pfel.erddap.GenerateDatasetsXml;
import gov.noaa.pfel.erddap.util.EDStatic;
import gov.noaa.pfel.erddap.variable.*;

import java.nio.file.FileSystemException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.TimeZone;

import org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.CompressorStreamFactory;

 * This class represents gridded data aggregated from a collection of NCEP/CPC
 * 4km Global (60N - 60S) IR Dataset data files.
 * Project info and file structure:
 * Source data files:
 * (which works for Bob in a browser but not yet in FileZilla)
 * @author
public class EDDGridFromMergeIRFiles extends EDDGridFromFiles {

    private static final int NLON = 9896;
    private static final int NLAT = 3298;

    private static final double SLON = 0.036378335;
    private static final double SLAT = 0.036383683;

    private static final double SIGMA = 5.67E-8;

    private static final short IR_MV = (short) 330;
    private static final double FLUX_MV = 470.0;

     * The constructor just calls the super constructor.
    public EDDGridFromMergeIRFiles(String tDatasetID, String tAccessibleTo, String tGraphsAccessibleTo,
            boolean tAccessibleViaWMS, StringArray tOnChange, String tFgdcFile, String tIso19115File,
            String tDefaultDataQuery, String tDefaultGraphQuery, Attributes tAddGlobalAttributes,
            Object[][] tAxisVariables, Object[][] tDataVariables, int tReloadEveryNMinutes, int tUpdateEveryNMillis,
            String tFileDir, String tFileNameRegex, boolean tRecursive, String tPathRegex, String tMetadataFrom,
            int tMatchAxisNDigits, boolean tFileTableInMemory, boolean tAccessibleViaFiles) throws Throwable {

        super("EDDGridFromMergeIRFiles", tDatasetID, tAccessibleTo, tGraphsAccessibleTo, tAccessibleViaWMS,
                tOnChange, tFgdcFile, tIso19115File, tDefaultDataQuery, tDefaultGraphQuery, tAddGlobalAttributes,
                tAxisVariables, tDataVariables, tReloadEveryNMinutes, tUpdateEveryNMillis, tFileDir, tFileNameRegex,
                tRecursive, tPathRegex, tMetadataFrom, tMatchAxisNDigits, tFileTableInMemory, tAccessibleViaFiles);

        if (verbose)
            String2.log("\n*** constructing EDDGridFromMergeIRFiles(xmlReader)...");

     * This gets sourceGlobalAttributes and sourceDataAttributes from the
     * specified source file.
     * @param fileDir
     * @param fileName
     * @param sourceAxisNames If there is a special axis0, this list will be the instances list[1 ... n-1].
     * @param sourceDataNames the names of the desired source data columns.
     * @param sourceDataTypes the data types of the desired source columns
     * (e.g., "String" or "float")
     * @param sourceGlobalAttributes should be an empty Attributes. It will be
     * populated by this method
     * @param sourceAxisAttributes should be an array of empty Attributes. It
     * will be populated by this method
     * @param sourceDataAttributes should be an array of empty Attributes. It
     * will be populated by this method
     * @throws Throwable if trouble (e.g., invalid file, or a sourceAxisName or
     * sourceDataName not found). If there is trouble, this doesn't call
     * addBadFile or requestReloadASAP().
    public void lowGetSourceMetadata(String fileDir, String fileName, StringArray sourceAxisNames,
            StringArray sourceDataNames, String sourceDataTypes[], Attributes sourceGlobalAttributes,
            Attributes sourceAxisAttributes[], Attributes sourceDataAttributes[]) throws Throwable {

        if (reallyVerbose)
            String2.log("getSourceMetadata " + fileDir + fileName);

        try {
            sourceGlobalAttributes.add("Conventions", "COARDS, CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3");
            sourceGlobalAttributes.add("creator_name", "Bob Joyce");
            sourceGlobalAttributes.add("creator_email", "");
            sourceGlobalAttributes.add("creator_type", "person");
            sourceGlobalAttributes.add("creator_url", "");
            sourceGlobalAttributes.add("institution", "NOAA NWS NCEP CPC");
                    "4km, brightness, cpc, flux, global, ir, merge, ncep, noaa, nws, temperature");
            sourceGlobalAttributes.add("keywords_vocabulary", "GCMD Science Keywords");
                    "The Climate Prediction Center/NCEP/NWS is now making available\n"
                            + "globally-merged (60N-60S) pixel-resolution IR brightness\n"
                            + "temperature data (equivalent blackbody temps), merged from all\n"
                            + "available geostationary satellites (GOES-8/10, METEOSAT-7/5 and\n"
                            + "GMS).  The availability of data from METEOSAT-7, which is\n"
                            + "located at 57E at the present time, yields a unique opportunity\n"
                            + "for total global (60N-60S) coverage.");
            sourceGlobalAttributes.add("title", "NCEP/CPC 4km Global (60N - 60S) IR Dataset");

            //This is cognizant of special axis0         
            for (int avi = 0; avi < sourceAxisNames.size(); avi++) {
                if (reallyVerbose)
                    String2.log("axisAttributes for avi=" + avi + " name=" + sourceAxisNames.get(avi));
                switch (sourceAxisNames.get(avi)) {
                case "longitude":
                    sourceAxisAttributes[avi].add("axis", "Y");
                    sourceAxisAttributes[avi].add("ioos_category", "Location");
                    sourceAxisAttributes[avi].add("units", "degrees_east");
                case "latitude":
                    sourceAxisAttributes[avi].add("axis", "X");
                    sourceAxisAttributes[avi].add("ioos_category", "Location");
                    sourceAxisAttributes[avi].add("units", "degrees_north");
                case "time":
                    sourceAxisAttributes[avi].add("axis", "T");
                    sourceAxisAttributes[avi].add("delta_t", "0000-00-00 00:30:00");
                    sourceAxisAttributes[avi].add("long_name", "Time");
                    sourceAxisAttributes[avi].add("standard_name", "time");
                    sourceAxisAttributes[avi].add("units", "seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z");
                    sourceAxisAttributes[avi].add("units", "count"); //"count" is udunits;  "index" isn't, but better?
            for (int avi = 0; avi < sourceDataNames.size(); avi++) {
                if (reallyVerbose)
                    String2.log("dataAttributes for avi=" + avi + " name=" + sourceDataNames.get(avi));
                switch (sourceDataNames.get(avi)) {
                case "ir":
                    sourceDataAttributes[avi].add("colorBarMinimum", 170);
                    sourceDataAttributes[avi].add("colorBarMaximum", 330);
                    sourceDataAttributes[avi].add("ioos_category", "Heat Flux");
                    sourceDataAttributes[avi].add("long_name", "IR Brightness Temperature");
                    sourceDataAttributes[avi].add("missing_value", IR_MV);
                    sourceDataAttributes[avi].add("standard_name", "brightness_temperature");
                    sourceDataAttributes[avi].add("units", "degreeK");
                case "flux":
                    sourceDataAttributes[avi].add("colorBarMinimum", 0.0);
                    sourceDataAttributes[avi].add("colorBarMaximum", 500.0);
                    sourceDataAttributes[avi].add("ioos_category", "Heat Flux");
                    sourceDataAttributes[avi].add("long_name", "Flux");
                    sourceDataAttributes[avi].add("missing_value", FLUX_MV);
                    sourceDataAttributes[avi].add("standard_name", "surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux");
                    sourceDataAttributes[avi].add("units", "W/m^2");
                    sourceAxisAttributes[avi].add("ioos_category", "Unknown");

        } catch (Throwable t) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Error in EDDGridFromMergeIRFiles.getSourceMetadata" + "\nfrom " + fileDir
                    + fileName + "\nCause: " + MustBe.throwableToShortString(t), t);

     * This gets source axis values from one file.
     * @param fileDir
     * @param fileName
     * @param sourceAxisNames the names of the desired source axis variables.
     *   If there is a special axis0, this will not include axis0's name.
     * @return a PrimitiveArray[] with the results (with the requested
     *   sourceDataTypes). It needn't set sourceGlobalAttributes or
     *   sourceDataAttributes (but see getSourceMetadata).
     * @throws Throwable if trouble (e.g., invalid file). If there is trouble,
     * this doesn't call addBadFile or requestReloadASAP().
    public PrimitiveArray[] lowGetSourceAxisValues(String fileDir, String fileName, StringArray sourceAxisNames)
            throws Throwable {

        String getWhat = "";

        try {
            PrimitiveArray[] avPa = new PrimitiveArray[sourceAxisNames.size()];

            for (int avi = 0; avi < sourceAxisNames.size(); avi++) {
                String avName = sourceAxisNames.get(avi);
                getWhat = "axisValues for variable=" + avName;

                switch (avName) {
                case "longitude":
                    FloatArray lonBounds = new FloatArray(NLON, true);
                    float lon = 0.0182f;
                    for (int i = 0; i < NLON; i++) {
                        lonBounds.setFloat(i, lon);
                        lon += SLON;
                    avPa[avi] = lonBounds;
                case "latitude":
                    FloatArray latBounds = new FloatArray(NLAT, true);
                    float lat = -59.982f;
                    for (int i = 0; i < NLAT; i++) {
                        latBounds.setFloat(i, lat);
                        lat += SLAT;
                    avPa[avi] = latBounds;
                case "time": {
                    if (reallyVerbose)
                        String2.log("case time with " + fileName);
                    String sdate = File2.getNameNoExtension(fileName).replaceAll("merg_", "")
                            .replaceAll("_4km-pixel", "");
                    if (reallyVerbose)
                        String2.log("date = " + sdate + " (" + sdate.length() + ")");

                    if (sdate.length() != 10)
                        throw new RuntimeException(
                                "File name (" + fileName + ") must contain a date encoded as 10 characters.");

                    //format fdjksdfljk_2014010102
                    String year = sdate.substring(0, 4);
                    String month = sdate.substring(4, 6);
                    String day = sdate.substring(6, 8);
                    String hour = sdate.substring(8, 10);

                    java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss");
                    String fileTime = month + "/" + day + "/" + year + " " + hour + ":00:00";
                    Date date = sdf.parse(fileTime);

                    //calculate bounds 
                    long d0 = date.getTime() / 1000;
                    long d1 = d0 + 1800;

                    getWhat += "fileTime = " + fileTime + " --> date = \"" + date.toString() + "\" (d0=" + d0
                            + ", d1=" + d1 + ")";
                    if (reallyVerbose)

                    //set result
                    DoubleArray ret = new DoubleArray(2, true);
                    ret.set(0, d0);
                    ret.set(1, d1);

                    avPa[avi] = ret;
                    throw new Exception("case : " + avName);
            return avPa;

        } catch (Throwable t) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Error in EDDGridFromMergeIRFiles.getSourceAxisValues" + "\nwhile getting "
                    + getWhat + "\nfrom " + fileDir + fileName + "\nCause: " + MustBe.throwableToShortString(t), t);

     * This gets source data from one file.
     * @param fileDir
     * @param fileName
     * @param tDataVariables the desired data variables
     * @param tConstraints 
     *   For each axis variable, there will be 3 numbers (startIndex, stride, stopIndex).
     *   !!! If there is a special axis0, this will not include constraints for axis0.
     * @return a PrimitiveArray[] with an element for each tDataVariable with
     *   the dataValues.
     *   <br>The dataValues are straight from the source, not modified.
     *   <br>The primitiveArray dataTypes are usually the sourceDataTypeClass, but
     *   can be any type. EDDGridFromFiles will convert to the
     *   sourceDataTypeClass.
     *   <br>Note the lack of axisVariable values!
     * @throws Throwable if trouble (notably, WaitThenTryAgainException). If
     *   there is trouble, this doesn't call addBadFile or requestReloadASAP().
    public PrimitiveArray[] lowGetSourceDataFromFile(String fileDir, String fileName, EDV tDataVariables[],
            IntArray tConstraints) throws Throwable {

        if (verbose)
            String2.log("getSourceDataFromFile(" + fileDir + ", " + fileName + ", " + tDataVariables + ", "
                    + tConstraints + ")");

        //make the selection spec  and get the axis values
        int nbAxisVariable = axisVariables.length;
        int nbDataVariable = tDataVariables.length;
        PrimitiveArray[] paa = new PrimitiveArray[nbDataVariable];
        StringBuilder selectionSB = new StringBuilder();

        int minTime = 0, maxTime = 0, strideTime = 0;
        int minLat = 0, maxLat = 0, strideLat = 0;
        int minLon = 0, maxLon = 0, strideLon = 0;

        for (int avi = 0; avi < nbAxisVariable; avi++) {
            switch (axisVariables[avi].sourceName()) {
            case "latitude":
                minLat = tConstraints.get(avi * 3);
                strideLat = tConstraints.get(avi * 3 + 1);
                maxLat = tConstraints.get(avi * 3 + 2);
            case "longitude":
                minLon = tConstraints.get(avi * 3);
                strideLon = tConstraints.get(avi * 3 + 1);
                maxLon = tConstraints.get(avi * 3 + 2);
            case "time":
                minTime = tConstraints.get(avi * 3);
                strideTime = tConstraints.get(avi * 3 + 1);
                maxTime = tConstraints.get(avi * 3 + 2);
                    (avi == 0 ? "" : ",") + axisVariables[avi].sourceName() + "{" + tConstraints.get(avi * 3) + ":"
                            + tConstraints.get(avi * 3 + 1) + ":" + tConstraints.get(avi * 3 + 2) + "}"); //start:stop:stride !
        String selection = selectionSB.toString();

        int nbLat = DataHelper.strideWillFind(maxLat - minLat + 1, strideLat);
        int nbLon = DataHelper.strideWillFind(maxLon - minLon + 1, strideLon);
        int nbTime = DataHelper.strideWillFind(maxTime - minTime + 1, strideTime);
        int total = nbLat * nbLon * nbTime;//data length

        if (reallyVerbose)
            String2.log("constraints : " + selection + "\nnb: lat=" + nbLat + ", lon=" + nbLon + ", time=" + nbTime
                    + ", total size=" + total);
        int indexOut = 0;//index in data array

        BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream( //because it supports "marks"
                new FileInputStream(fileDir + fileName));//may throw exception
        InputStream inStream;
        String ext = File2.getExtension(fileName);
        if (ext.equals(""))
            inStream = bis;
            inStream = new CompressorStreamFactory().createCompressorInputStream(bis); //This inputStream must support "marks".
        //was just for .gz: else inStream = new GZIPInputStream(bis);

        try {

            byte[] in = new byte[NLON * NLAT * 2];
            short[] out1 = new short[total];
            double[] out2 = new double[total];

            //entire read of the file
            long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
            int indexIn = 0;
            byte[] buff = new byte[NLAT];
            int n = -2;
            while ((n =, 0, buff.length)) != -1) {
                System.arraycopy(buff, 0, in, indexIn, n);
                indexIn += n;
            if (indexIn != in.length) {
                throw new FileSystemException("Merge file seems to be corrupted because size is : " + indexIn
                        + " and should be " + in.length);
            if (verbose)
                String2.log("read file in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0) + "ms");
            if (reallyVerbose)
                String2.logNoNewline("Closing file...");
            inStream.close();//I care about this exception                        
            inStream = null; //indicate it closed successfully
            if (reallyVerbose)

            if (reallyVerbose)
                String2.logNoNewline("Copy filtered data...");
            t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
            for (int t = minTime; t <= maxTime; t += strideTime) {//[0 - 1]
                int offsetTime = NLON * NLAT * t;
                for (int la = minLat; la <= maxLat; la += strideLat) {
                    int offsetLat = NLON * la;
                    for (int lo = minLon; lo <= maxLon; lo += strideLon) {
                        short value = (short) (in[offsetTime + offsetLat + lo] & 0xff);
                        value += 75;
                        out1[indexOut] = value;
                        out2[indexOut] = ((double) Math.round(T2F(value) * 10.)) / 10.;
            if (reallyVerbose) {
                String2.log("Done in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0) + "ms");
                if (total >= 10) {
                    String2.log("Log the 10 last values :");
                    int i = 0;
                    while (i != 10) {
                        int j = total - 1 - i;
                        String2.log("\tT[" + j + "] = " + out1[j] + "F[" + j + "] = " + out2[j]);

            in = null;
            if (nbDataVariable == 2) {
                paa[0] = PrimitiveArray.factory(out1);
                paa[1] = PrimitiveArray.factory(out2);
            } else if (nbDataVariable == 1) {
                if (tDataVariables[0].sourceName().equalsIgnoreCase("ir")) {
                    paa[0] = PrimitiveArray.factory(out1);
                } else {
                    paa[0] = PrimitiveArray.factory(out2);
            } //else 0

        } catch (Throwable t) {
            //make sure it is explicitly closed
            if (inStream != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Throwable t2) {
                    if (verbose)
                        String2.log("2nd attempt to close also failed:\n" + MustBe.throwableToShortString(t2));
            if (verbose)
                String2.log("Error while reading " + fileDir + fileName);
            throw t;
        return paa;

    private static double T2F(double pT) {
        // relation to go from brightness temperature to flux
        //return (T-162.)*(300./(330.-162.));
        //return T;
        //return SIGMA*T*T*T*T;
        //return (T-120)*(325.0/(330-75.0));
        //return (T-140)*(400.0/(330-75.0));
        boolean model2007 = true;
        if (model2007) {
            double t2 = pT - 40.;
            return SIGMA * t2 * t2 * t2 * t2 + 69.;
        return (pT - 160) * (500.0 / (330 - 75.0));

     * This makes a sibling dataset, based on the new sourceUrl.
     * @throws Throwable always (since this class doesn't support sibling())
    public EDDGrid sibling(String tLocalSourceUrl, int firstAxisToMatch, int matchAxisNDigits, boolean shareInfo)
            throws Throwable {
        throw new SimpleException("Error: EDDGridFromMergeIRFiles doesn't support method=\"sibling\".");


     * This does its best to generate a clean, ready-to-use datasets.xml entry
     * for an EDDGridFromMergeIRFiles dataset. The XML can then be edited by hand 
     * and added to the datasets.xml file.
     * <p>This can't be made into a web service because it would allow any user
     * to look at (possibly) private files on the server.
     * @param tFileDir the starting (parent) directory for searching for files
     * @param tFileNameRegex the regex that each filename (no directory info)
     *   must match (e.g., ".*\\.gz") (usually only 1 backslash; 2 here since it
     *   is Java code).
     * @return a suggested chunk of xml for this dataset for use in datasets.xml
     * @throws Throwable if trouble. 
     *   If no trouble, then a valid dataset.xml chunk has been returned.
    public static String generateDatasetsXml(String tFileDir, String tFileNameRegex, int tReloadEveryNMinutes)
            throws Throwable {

        String2.log("\n*** EDDGridFromMergeIRFiles.generateDatasetsXml" + "\nfileDir=" + tFileDir
                + " fileNameRegex=" + tFileNameRegex + " reloadEveryNMinutes=" + tReloadEveryNMinutes);
        if (!String2.isSomething(tFileDir))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("fileDir wasn't specified.");
        tFileDir = File2.addSlash(tFileDir); //ensure it has trailing slash
        if (tReloadEveryNMinutes < 0 || tReloadEveryNMinutes == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
            tReloadEveryNMinutes = 1440; //daily. More often than usual default.

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        //gather the results 
        String tDatasetID = "mergeIR";

        //sb.append( "!!! The source for " + tDatasetID + " has nGridVariables=" + 2 +".\n");

        sb.append("-->\n\n" + "<dataset type=\"EDDGridFromMergeIRFiles\" datasetID=\"" + tDatasetID
                + "\" active=\"true\">\n" + "    <reloadEveryNMinutes>" + tReloadEveryNMinutes
                + "</reloadEveryNMinutes>\n" + "    <updateEveryNMillis>10000</updateEveryNMillis>\n"
                + "    <fileDir>" + XML.encodeAsXML(tFileDir) + "</fileDir>\n" + "    <fileNameRegex>"
                + XML.encodeAsXML(tFileNameRegex) + "</fileNameRegex>\n" + "    <recursive>true</recursive>\n"
                + "    <pathRegex>.*</pathRegex>\n" + "    <metadataFrom>last</metadataFrom>\n"
                + "    <fileTableInMemory>false</fileTableInMemory>\n");

        sb.append("    <addAttributes>\n" + "        <att name=\"cdm_data_type\">Grid</att>\n"
                + "        <att name=\"Conventions\">COARDS, CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3</att>\n"
                + "        <att name=\"creator_name\">Bob Joyce</att>\n"
                + "        <att name=\"creator_email\"></att>\n"
                + "        <att name=\"creator_url\"></att>\n"
                + "        <att name=\"drawLandMask\">under</att>\n"
                + "        <att name=\"infoUrl\"></att>\n"
                + "        <att name=\"institution\">NOAA NWS NCEP CPC</att>\n"
                + "        <att name=\"keywords\">4km, brightness, cpc, flux, global, ir, merge, ncep, noaa, nws, temperature</att>\n"
                + "        <att name=\"keywords_vocabulary\">GCMD Science Keywords</att>\n"
                + "        <att name=\"license\">[standard]</att>\n" + "        <att name=\"summary\">"
                + "The Climate Prediction Center/NCEP/NWS is now making available\n"
                + "globally-merged (60N-60S) pixel-resolution IR brightness\n"
                + "temperature data (equivalent blackbody temps), merged from all\n"
                + "available geostationary satellites (GOES-8/10, METEOSAT-7/5 and\n"
                + "GMS).  The availability of data from METEOSAT-7, which is\n"
                + "located at 57E at the present time, yields a unique opportunity\n"
                + "for total global (60N-60S) coverage.</att>\n"
                + "        <att name=\"title\">NCEP/CPC 4km Global (60N - 60S) IR Dataset</att>\n"
                + "    </addAttributes>\n");

        sb.append("    <axisVariable>\n" + "        <sourceName>time</sourceName>\n"
                + "        <destinationName>time</destinationName>\n" + "        <addAttributes>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"axis\">T</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"delta_t\">0000-00-00 00:30:00</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"long_name\">Time</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"standard_name\">time</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"units\">seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z</att>\n"
                + "        </addAttributes>\n" + "    </axisVariable>\n" + "    <axisVariable>\n"
                + "        <sourceName>latitude</sourceName>\n" + "        <addAttributes>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"units\">" + EDV.LAT_UNITS + "</att>\n" + "        </addAttributes>\n"
                + "    </axisVariable>\n" + "    <axisVariable>\n" + "        <sourceName>longitude</sourceName>\n"
                + "        <addAttributes>\n" + "            <att name=\"units\">" + EDV.LON_UNITS + "</att>\n"
                + "        </addAttributes>\n" + "    </axisVariable>\n");

        sb.append("    <dataVariable>\n" + "        <sourceName>ir</sourceName>\n"
                + "        <dataType>short</dataType>\n" + "        <!-- sourceAttributes>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"colorBarMaximum\" type=\"int\">170</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"colorBarMinimum\" type=\"int\">330</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"ioos_cateory\">Heat Flux</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"long_name\">IR Brightness Temperature</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"missing_value\" type=\"short\">" + IR_MV + "</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"standard_name\">brightness_temperature</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"units\">degreeK</att>\n" + "        </sourceAttributes -->\n"
                + "        <addAttributes>\n" + "        </addAttributes>\n" + "    </dataVariable>\n"
                + "    <dataVariable>\n" + "        <sourceName>flux</sourceName>\n"
                + "        <dataType>double</dataType>\n" + "        <!-- sourceAttributes>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"colorBarMaximum\" type=\"double\">500.0</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"colorBarMinimum\" type=\"double\">0.0</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"ioos_cateory\">Heat Flux</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"long_name\">Flux</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"missing_value\" type=\"double\">" + FLUX_MV + "</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"standard_name\">surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"units\">W/m^2</att>\n" + "        </sourceAttributes -->\n"
                + "        <addAttributes>\n" + "        </addAttributes>\n" + "    </dataVariable>\n");

        sb.append("</dataset>\n" + "\n");

        return sb.toString();

    /** This tests generateDatasetsXml. */
    public static void testGenerateDatasetsXml() throws Throwable {

        String2.log("\n*** EDDGridFromMergeIRFiles.testGenerateDatasetsXml");

        String results = generateDatasetsXml(EDStatic.unitTestDataDir + "mergeIR/", "merg_[0-9]{10}_4km-pixel\\.gz",
                -1) + "\n";

        String gdxResults = (new GenerateDatasetsXml()).doIt(
                new String[] { "-verbose", "EDDGridFromMergeIRFiles", EDStatic.unitTestDataDir + "mergeIR/",
                        "merg_[0-9]{10}_4km-pixel\\.gz", "-1" }, //default reloadEvery
                false); //doIt loop?
        Test.ensureEqual(gdxResults, results, "Unexpected results from GenerateDatasetsXml.doIt. "
                + gdxResults.length() + " " + results.length());

        String expected = directionsForGenerateDatasetsXml() + "-->\n" + "\n"
                + "<dataset type=\"EDDGridFromMergeIRFiles\" datasetID=\"mergeIR\" active=\"true\">\n"
                + "    <reloadEveryNMinutes>1440</reloadEveryNMinutes>\n"
                + "    <updateEveryNMillis>10000</updateEveryNMillis>\n" + "    <fileDir>" + String2.unitTestDataDir
                + "mergeIR/</fileDir>\n" + "    <fileNameRegex>merg_[0-9]{10}_4km-pixel\\.gz</fileNameRegex>\n"
                + "    <recursive>true</recursive>\n" + "    <pathRegex>.*</pathRegex>\n"
                + "    <metadataFrom>last</metadataFrom>\n" + "    <fileTableInMemory>false</fileTableInMemory>\n"
                + "    <addAttributes>\n" + "        <att name=\"cdm_data_type\">Grid</att>\n"
                + "        <att name=\"Conventions\">COARDS, CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3</att>\n"
                + "        <att name=\"creator_name\">Bob Joyce</att>\n"
                + "        <att name=\"creator_email\"></att>\n"
                + "        <att name=\"creator_url\"></att>\n"
                + "        <att name=\"drawLandMask\">under</att>\n"
                + "        <att name=\"infoUrl\"></att>\n"
                + "        <att name=\"institution\">NOAA NWS NCEP CPC</att>\n"
                + "        <att name=\"keywords\">4km, brightness, cpc, flux, global, ir, merge, ncep, noaa, nws, temperature</att>\n"
                + "        <att name=\"keywords_vocabulary\">GCMD Science Keywords</att>\n"
                + "        <att name=\"license\">[standard]</att>\n"
                + "        <att name=\"summary\">The Climate Prediction Center/NCEP/NWS is now making available\n"
                + "globally-merged (60N-60S) pixel-resolution IR brightness\n"
                + "temperature data (equivalent blackbody temps), merged from all\n"
                + "available geostationary satellites (GOES-8/10, METEOSAT-7/5 and\n"
                + "GMS).  The availability of data from METEOSAT-7, which is\n"
                + "located at 57E at the present time, yields a unique opportunity\n"
                + "for total global (60N-60S) coverage.</att>\n"
                + "        <att name=\"title\">NCEP/CPC 4km Global (60N - 60S) IR Dataset</att>\n"
                + "    </addAttributes>\n" + "    <axisVariable>\n" + "        <sourceName>time</sourceName>\n"
                + "        <destinationName>time</destinationName>\n" + "        <addAttributes>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"axis\">T</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"delta_t\">0000-00-00 00:30:00</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"long_name\">Time</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"standard_name\">time</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"units\">seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z</att>\n"
                + "        </addAttributes>\n" + "    </axisVariable>\n" + "    <axisVariable>\n"
                + "        <sourceName>latitude</sourceName>\n" + "        <addAttributes>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"units\">degrees_north</att>\n" + "        </addAttributes>\n"
                + "    </axisVariable>\n" + "    <axisVariable>\n" + "        <sourceName>longitude</sourceName>\n"
                + "        <addAttributes>\n" + "            <att name=\"units\">degrees_east</att>\n"
                + "        </addAttributes>\n" + "    </axisVariable>\n" + "    <dataVariable>\n"
                + "        <sourceName>ir</sourceName>\n" + "        <dataType>short</dataType>\n"
                + "        <!-- sourceAttributes>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"colorBarMaximum\" type=\"int\">170</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"colorBarMinimum\" type=\"int\">330</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"ioos_cateory\">Heat Flux</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"long_name\">IR Brightness Temperature</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"missing_value\" type=\"short\">" + IR_MV + "</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"standard_name\">brightness_temperature</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"units\">degreeK</att>\n" + "        </sourceAttributes -->\n"
                + "        <addAttributes>\n" + "        </addAttributes>\n" + "    </dataVariable>\n"
                + "    <dataVariable>\n" + "        <sourceName>flux</sourceName>\n"
                + "        <dataType>double</dataType>\n" + "        <!-- sourceAttributes>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"colorBarMaximum\" type=\"double\">500.0</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"colorBarMinimum\" type=\"double\">0.0</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"ioos_cateory\">Heat Flux</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"long_name\">Flux</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"missing_value\" type=\"double\">" + FLUX_MV + "</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"standard_name\">surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux</att>\n"
                + "            <att name=\"units\">W/m^2</att>\n" + "        </sourceAttributes -->\n"
                + "        <addAttributes>\n" + "        </addAttributes>\n" + "    </dataVariable>\n"
                + "</dataset>\n" + "\n\n";
        Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results.length=" + results.length() + " expected.length="
                + expected.length() + "\nresults=\n" + results);

        //ensure it is ready-to-use by making a dataset from it
        EDD edd = oneFromXmlFragment(null, results);
        Test.ensureEqual(edd.className(), "EDDGridFromMergeIRFiles", "className");
        Test.ensureEqual(edd.title(), "NCEP/CPC 4km Global (60N - 60S) IR Dataset", "title");
        Test.ensureEqual(String2.toCSSVString(edd.dataVariableDestinationNames()), "ir, flux",

        String2.log("\nEDDGridFromMergeIRFiles.testGenerateDatasetsXml passed the test.");

    /** This tests this class. */
    public static void testMergeIR() throws Throwable {

        String2.log("\n*** EDDGridFromMergeIRFiles.testMergeIRgz\n");
        //String2.log(NcHelper.dumpString("/erddapTest/mergeIR/merg_20150101_4km-pixel", false));
        EDDGrid edd = (EDDGrid) oneFromDatasetsXml(null, "mergeIR"); //from uncompressed files
        EDDGrid eddZ = (EDDGrid) oneFromDatasetsXml(null, "mergeIRZ"); //from .Z files
        EDDGrid eddgz = (EDDGrid) oneFromDatasetsXml(null, "mergeIRgz"); //from .gz files
        String dir = EDStatic.fullTestCacheDirectory;
        String tName, results, expected, dapQuery;
        int po;

        expected = "Dataset {\n" + "  Float64 time[time = 4];\n" + "  Float32 latitude[latitude = 3298];\n"
                + "  Float32 longitude[longitude = 9896];\n" + "  GRID {\n" + "    ARRAY:\n"
                + "      Int16 ir[time = 4][latitude = 3298][longitude = 9896];\n" + "    MAPS:\n"
                + "      Float64 time[time = 4];\n" + "      Float32 latitude[latitude = 3298];\n"
                + "      Float32 longitude[longitude = 9896];\n" + "  } ir;\n" + "  GRID {\n" + "    ARRAY:\n"
                + "      Float64 flux[time = 4][latitude = 3298][longitude = 9896];\n" + "    MAPS:\n"
                + "      Float64 time[time = 4];\n" + "      Float32 latitude[latitude = 3298];\n"
                + "      Float32 longitude[longitude = 9896];\n" + "  } flux;\n" + "} mergeIR;\n";
        tName = edd.makeNewFileForDapQuery(null, null, "", dir, edd.className() + "_", ".dds");
        results = String2.directReadFrom88591File(dir + tName);
        Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

        expected = String2.replaceAll(expected, "mergeIR;", "mergeIRZ;");
        tName = eddZ.makeNewFileForDapQuery(null, null, "", dir, eddZ.className() + "_Z", ".dds");
        results = String2.directReadFrom88591File(dir + tName);
        Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "Z results=\n" + results);

        expected = String2.replaceAll(expected, "mergeIRZ;", "mergeIRgz;");
        tName = eddgz.makeNewFileForDapQuery(null, null, "", dir, eddgz.className() + "_gz", ".dds");
        results = String2.directReadFrom88591File(dir + tName);
        Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "gz results=\n" + results);

        //*** .das
        expected = "Attributes {\n" + "  time {\n" + "    String _CoordinateAxisType \"Time\";\n"
                + "    Float64 actual_range 1.4200704e+9, 1.4200758e+9;\n" + "    String axis \"T\";\n"
                + "    String delta_t \"0000-00-00 00:30:00\";\n" + "    String ioos_category \"Time\";\n"
                + "    String long_name \"Time\";\n" + "    String standard_name \"time\";\n"
                + "    String time_origin \"01-JAN-1970 00:00:00\";\n"
                + "    String units \"seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z\";\n" + "  }\n" + "  latitude {\n"
                + "    String _CoordinateAxisType \"Lat\";\n" + "    Float32 actual_range -59.982, 59.97713;\n"
                + "    String axis \"Y\";\n" + "    String ioos_category \"Location\";\n"
                + "    String long_name \"Latitude\";\n" + "    String standard_name \"latitude\";\n"
                + "    String units \"degrees_north\";\n" + "  }\n" + "  longitude {\n"
                + "    String _CoordinateAxisType \"Lon\";\n" + "    Float32 actual_range 0.0182, 359.9695;\n"
                + "    String axis \"X\";\n" + "    String ioos_category \"Location\";\n"
                + "    String long_name \"Longitude\";\n" + "    String standard_name \"longitude\";\n"
                + "    String units \"degrees_east\";\n" + "  }\n" + "  ir {\n" + "    Int32 colorBarMaximum 330;\n"
                + "    Int32 colorBarMinimum 170;\n" + "    String ioos_category \"Heat Flux\";\n"
                + "    String long_name \"IR Brightness Temperature\";\n" + "    Int16 missing_value " + IR_MV
                + ";\n" + "    String standard_name \"brightness_temperature\";\n"
                + "    String units \"degreeK\";\n" + "  }\n" + "  flux {\n"
                + "    Float64 colorBarMaximum 500.0;\n" + "    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;\n"
                + "    String ioos_category \"Heat Flux\";\n" + "    String long_name \"Flux\";\n"
                + "    Float64 missing_value " + FLUX_MV + ";\n"
                + "    String standard_name \"surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux\";\n"
                + "    String units \"W/m^2\";\n" + "  }\n" + "  NC_GLOBAL {\n"
                + "    String cdm_data_type \"Grid\";\n" + "    String Conventions \"COARDS, CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3\";\n"
                + "    String creator_email \"\";\n"
                + "    String creator_name \"Bob Joyce\";\n" + "    String creator_type \"person\";\n"
                + "    String creator_url \"\";\n"
                + "    Float64 Easternmost_Easting 359.9695;\n" + "    Float64 geospatial_lat_max 59.97713;\n"
                + "    Float64 geospatial_lat_min -59.982;\n"
                + "    Float64 geospatial_lat_resolution 0.03638432817713073;\n"
                + "    String geospatial_lat_units \"degrees_north\";\n"
                + "    Float64 geospatial_lon_max 359.9695;\n" + "    Float64 geospatial_lon_min 0.0182;\n"
                + "    Float64 geospatial_lon_resolution 0.03637708943911066;\n"
                + "    String geospatial_lon_units \"degrees_east\";\n" + "    String history \"";

        //2015-03-20T17:28:57Z (local files)\n" +
        String expected2 = "http://localhost:8080/cwexperimental/griddap/mergeIR.das\";\n"
                + "    String infoUrl \"\";\n"
                + "    String institution \"NOAA NWS NCEP CPC\";\n"
                + "    String keywords \"4km, brightness, cpc, flux, global, ir, merge, ncep, noaa, nws, temperature\";\n"
                + "    String keywords_vocabulary \"GCMD Science Keywords\";\n"
                + "    String license \"The data may be used and redistributed for free but is not intended\n"
                + "for legal use, since it may contain inaccuracies. Neither the data\n"
                + "Contributor, ERD, NOAA, nor the United States Government, nor any\n"
                + "of their employees or contractors, makes any warranty, express or\n"
                + "implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a\n"
                + "particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy,\n"
                + "completeness, or usefulness, of this information.\";\n"
                + "    Float64 Northernmost_Northing 59.97713;\n" + "    String sourceUrl \"(local files)\";\n"
                + "    Float64 Southernmost_Northing -59.982;\n"
                + "    String summary \"The Climate Prediction Center/NCEP/NWS is now making available\n"
                + "globally-merged (60N-60S) pixel-resolution IR brightness\n"
                + "temperature data (equivalent blackbody temps), merged from all\n"
                + "available geostationary satellites (GOES-8/10, METEOSAT-7/5 and\n"
                + "GMS).  The availability of data from METEOSAT-7, which is\n"
                + "located at 57E at the present time, yields a unique opportunity\n"
                + "for total global (60N-60S) coverage.\";\n"
                + "    String time_coverage_end \"2015-01-01T01:30:00Z\";\n"
                + "    String time_coverage_start \"2015-01-01T00:00:00Z\";\n"
                + "    String title \"NCEP/CPC 4km Global (60N - 60S) IR Dataset\";\n"
                + "    Float64 Westernmost_Easting 0.0182;\n" + "  }\n" + "}\n";
        tName = edd.makeNewFileForDapQuery(null, null, "", dir, edd.className() + "_", ".das");
        results = String2.directReadFrom88591File(dir + tName);
        Test.ensureEqual(results.substring(0, expected.length()), expected, "results=\n" + results);

        po = results.indexOf(expected2.substring(0, 20));
        Test.ensureEqual(results.substring(po), expected2, "results=\n" + results);

        expected2 = String2.replaceAll(expected2, "mergeIR.das", "mergeIRZ.das");
        tName = eddZ.makeNewFileForDapQuery(null, null, "", dir, eddZ.className() + "_Z", ".das");
        results = String2.directReadFrom88591File(dir + tName);
        Test.ensureEqual(results.substring(0, expected.length()), expected, "Z results=\n" + results);

        po = results.indexOf(expected2.substring(0, 20));
        Test.ensureEqual(results.substring(po), expected2, "Z results=\n" + results);

        expected2 = String2.replaceAll(expected2, "mergeIRZ.das", "mergeIRgz.das");
        tName = eddgz.makeNewFileForDapQuery(null, null, "", dir, eddgz.className() + "_gz", ".das");
        results = String2.directReadFrom88591File(dir + tName);
        Test.ensureEqual(results.substring(0, expected.length()), expected, "gz results=\n" + results);

        po = results.indexOf(expected2.substring(0, 20));
        Test.ensureEqual(results.substring(po), expected2, "gz results=\n" + results);

        //*** data
        dapQuery = "ir[0][0:1000:3200][0:1000:9800],flux[0][0:1000:3200][0:1000:9800]";
        expected = "time,latitude,longitude,ir,flux\n" + "UTC,degrees_north,degrees_east,degreeK,W/m^2\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,-59.982,0.0182,237,154.4\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,-59.982,36.396515,273,236.1\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,-59.982,72.77347,NaN,NaN\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,-59.982,109.15042,NaN,NaN\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,-59.982,145.52737,NaN,NaN\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,-59.982,181.90433,NaN,NaN\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,-59.982,218.28128,NaN,NaN\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,-59.982,254.65823,NaN,NaN\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,-59.982,291.0352,NaN,NaN\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,-59.982,327.41214,NaN,NaN\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,-23.597416,0.0182,271,230.4\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,-23.597416,36.396515,296,312.5\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,-23.597416,72.77347,285,273.3\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,-23.597416,109.15042,283,266.7\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,-23.597416,145.52737,NaN,NaN\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,-23.597416,181.90433,293,301.3\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,-23.597416,218.28128,294,305.0\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,-23.597416,254.65823,242,163.4\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,-23.597416,291.0352,294,305.0\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,-23.597416,327.41214,284,270.0\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,12.786415,0.0182,283,266.7\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,12.786415,36.396515,208,114.2\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,12.786415,72.77347,290,290.5\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,12.786415,109.15042,295,308.7\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,12.786415,145.52737,294,305.0\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,12.786415,181.90433,282,263.5\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,12.786415,218.28128,296,312.5\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,12.786415,254.65823,288,283.5\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,12.786415,291.0352,245,169.1\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,12.786415,327.41214,264,211.7\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,49.170914,0.0182,277,247.9\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,49.170914,36.396515,269,224.9\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,49.170914,72.77347,276,244.9\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,49.170914,109.15042,275,241.9\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,49.170914,145.52737,279,254.0\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,49.170914,181.90433,264,211.7\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,49.170914,218.28128,262,206.7\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,49.170914,254.65823,281,260.3\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,49.170914,291.0352,282,263.5\n"
                + "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z,49.170914,327.41214,250,179.3\n";
        tName = edd.makeNewFileForDapQuery(null, null, dapQuery, dir, edd.className() + "_", ".csv");
        results = String2.directReadFrom88591File(dir + tName);
        Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

        tName = eddZ.makeNewFileForDapQuery(null, null, dapQuery, dir, eddZ.className() + "_Z", ".csv");
        results = String2.directReadFrom88591File(dir + tName);
        Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "Z results=\n" + results);

        tName = eddgz.makeNewFileForDapQuery(null, null, dapQuery, dir, eddgz.className() + "_gz", ".csv");
        results = String2.directReadFrom88591File(dir + tName);
        Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "gz results=\n" + results);

        String2.log("\n*** EDDGridFromMergeIRFiles.testMergeIR() finished successfully");

    /** This tests this class. */
    public static void test() throws Throwable {
        /* for releases, this line should have open/close comment */
