Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * FileVisitorDNLS Copyright 2014, NOAA.
 * See the LICENSE.txt file in this file's directory.
package gov.noaa.pfel.coastwatch.util;

import com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException;
import com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException;
import com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfileCredentialsProvider;

import com.cohort.array.Attributes;
import com.cohort.array.DoubleArray;
import com.cohort.array.LongArray;
import com.cohort.array.StringArray;
import com.cohort.util.Calendar2;
import com.cohort.util.File2;
import com.cohort.util.Math2;
import com.cohort.util.MustBe;
import com.cohort.util.SimpleException;
import com.cohort.util.String2;
import com.cohort.util.Test;
import com.cohort.util.XML;

import gov.noaa.pfel.coastwatch.pointdata.Table;
import gov.noaa.pfel.coastwatch.util.Tally;

import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.FileVisitOption;
import java.nio.file.FileVisitResult;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.SimpleFileVisitor;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.tar.TarArchiveOutputStream;
import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.tar.TarArchiveEntry;

 * This class gathers basic information about a group of files.
 * This follows Linux symbolic links, but not Windows .lnk's (see testSymbolicLinks() below).
 * @author Bob Simons ( 2014-11-25
public class FileVisitorDNLS extends SimpleFileVisitor<Path> {

     * These are thread-safe ways to recognize different types of servers. 
     * Use them in this order.
    public final static String AWS_S3_REGEX = String2.AWS_S3_REGEX;
    /** If testing a "dir", url should have a trailing slash.*/
    public final static Pattern AWS_S3_PATTERN = String2.AWS_S3_PATTERN;
    //test hyrax before tds because some hyrax offer a tds-like catalog
    public final static String HYRAX_REGEX = "https?://.+/opendap/.+";
    public final static Pattern HYRAX_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(HYRAX_REGEX);
    public final static String THREDDS_REGEX = "https?://.+/thredds/catalog/.+";
    public final static Pattern THREDDS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(THREDDS_REGEX);
    //works for any http service (e.g., WAF), so test last
    //FileVisitorSubdir also uses this.
    public final static String HTTP_REGEX = "https?://.+";
    public final static Pattern HTTP_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(HTTP_REGEX);
    //not that . doesn't match line terminator characters!
    public final static String TT_REGEX = "<tt>.*</tt>";

     * Set this to true (by calling verbose=true in your program, 
     * not by changing the code here)
     * if you want lots of diagnostic messages sent to String2.log.
    public static boolean verbose = false;
    public static boolean reallyVerbose = false;
    public static boolean debugMode = false;

    /** The names of the columns in the table. */
    public final static String DIRECTORY = "directory";
    public final static String NAME = "name";
    public final static String LASTMODIFIED = "lastModified";
    public final static String SIZE = "size";

    public final static String URL = "url"; //in place of directory for oneStepAccessibleViaFiles

    /** things set by constructor */
    public String dir; //with \\ or / separators. With trailing slash (to match).
    private char fromSlash, toSlash;
    public String fileNameRegex;
    public String pathRegex; //will be null if equivalent of .*
    public Pattern fileNamePattern; //from fileNameRegex
    public Pattern pathPattern; //will be null if pathRegex is null
    public boolean recursive, directoriesToo;
    static boolean OSIsWindows = String2.OSIsWindows;
    public Table table;
    /** dirs will have \\ or / like original constructor tDir, and a matching trailing slash. */
    public StringArray directoryPA;
    public StringArray namePA;
    public LongArray lastModifiedPA;
    public LongArray sizePA;

     * The constructor.
     * Usage: see useIt().
     * @param tDir The starting directory, with \\ or /, with or without trailing /.  
     *    The resulting dirPA will contain dirs with matching slashes.
     * @param pathRegex This is a regex to constrain which subdirectories to include.
     *   null or "" is treated as .* (i.e., match everything).
     * @param tDirectoriesToo
    public FileVisitorDNLS(String tDir, String tFileNameRegex, boolean tRecursive, String tPathRegex,
            boolean tDirectoriesToo) {

        dir = File2.addSlash(tDir);
        toSlash = dir.indexOf('\\') >= 0 ? '\\' : '/';
        fromSlash = toSlash == '/' ? '\\' : '/';
        fileNameRegex = tFileNameRegex;
        fileNamePattern = Pattern.compile(fileNameRegex);
        recursive = tRecursive;
        pathRegex = tPathRegex == null || tPathRegex.length() == 0 || tPathRegex.equals(".*") ? null : tPathRegex;
        pathPattern = pathRegex == null ? null : Pattern.compile(pathRegex);
        directoriesToo = tDirectoriesToo;
        table = makeEmptyTable();
        directoryPA = (StringArray) table.getColumn(DIRECTORY);
        namePA = (StringArray) table.getColumn(NAME);
        lastModifiedPA = (LongArray) table.getColumn(LASTMODIFIED);
        sizePA = (LongArray) table.getColumn(SIZE);

    /** Invoked before entering a directory. */
    public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path tDir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {

        String ttDir = String2.replaceAll(tDir.toString(), fromSlash, toSlash) + toSlash;
        if (ttDir.equals(dir)) {
            if (debugMode)
                String2.log(">> initial dir");
            return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

        //skip because it doesn't match pathRegex?
        if (pathPattern != null && !pathPattern.matcher(ttDir).matches()) {
            if (debugMode)
                String2.log(">> doesn't match pathRegex: " + ttDir + " regex=" + pathRegex);
            return FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE;

        if (directoriesToo) {

        if (debugMode)
            String2.log(">> recursive=" + recursive + " dir=" + ttDir);
        return recursive ? FileVisitResult.CONTINUE : FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE;

    /** Invoked for a file in a directory. */
    public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {

        int oSize = directoryPA.size();
        try {
            String name = file.getFileName().toString();
            if (!fileNamePattern.matcher(name).matches()) {
                if (debugMode)
                    String2.log(">> fileName doesn't match: name=" + name + " regex=" + fileNameRegex);
                return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

            //getParent returns \\ or /, without trailing /
            String ttDir = String2.replaceAll(file.getParent().toString(), fromSlash, toSlash) + toSlash;
            if (debugMode)
                String2.log(">> add fileName: " + ttDir + name);
            //for debugging only:
            //String2.log(ttDir + name + 
            //    " mod=" + attrs.lastModifiedTime().toMillis() +
            //    " size=" + attrs.size());
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            if (directoryPA.size() > oSize)
            if (namePA.size() > oSize)
            if (lastModifiedPA.size() > oSize)
            if (sizePA.size() > oSize)

        return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

    /** Invoked for a file that could not be visited. */
    public FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(Path file, IOException exc) {
        //2015-03-10 I added this method to override the superclass
        //which apparently throws the exception and stops the parent
        //SimpleFileVisitor. This class just ignores the error.
        //Partial test that this change solves the problem: call
        //    new FileVisitorSubdir("/") 
        //  on my Windows computer with message analogous to below enabled.
        //  It shows several files where visitFileFailed.
        //Always show message here. It is useful information.     (message is just filename)
        String2.log("WARNING: FileVisitorDNLS.visitFileFailed: " + exc.getMessage());
        return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

    /** table.dataToString(); */
    public String resultsToString() {
        return table.dataToString();

     * This returns an empty table with columns suitable for the instance table or oneStep.
    public static Table makeEmptyTable() {
        Table table = new Table();
        table.addColumn(DIRECTORY, new StringArray());
        table.addColumn(NAME, new StringArray());
        table.addColumn(LASTMODIFIED, new LongArray());
        table.addColumn(SIZE, new LongArray());
        return table;

     * This is a convenience method for using this class. 
     * <p>This works with Amazon AWS S3 bucket URLs. Internal /'s in the keys will be
     * treated as folder separators. If there aren't any /'s, all the keys will 
     * be in the root directory.
     * @param tDir The starting directory, with \\ or /, with or without trailing slash.  
     *    The resulting directoryPA will contain dirs with matching slashes and trailing slash.
     * @param tPathRegex a regex to constrain which subdirs to include.
     *   This is ignored if recursive is false.
     *   null or "" is treated as .* (i.e., match everything).
     * @param tDirectoriesToo if true, each directory name will get its own rows 
     *   in the results.
     * @return a table with columns with DIRECTORY, NAME, LASTMODIFIED, and SIZE columns.
     *    LASTMODIFIED and SIZE are LongArrays -- For directories when the values
     *    are otherwise unknown, the value will be Long.MAX_VALUE.
     *    If directoriesToo=true, the original dir won't be included and any 
     *    directory's file NAME will be "".
     * @throws IOException if trouble
    public static Table oneStep(String tDir, String tFileNameRegex, boolean tRecursive, String tPathRegex,
            boolean tDirectoriesToo) throws IOException {
        long time = System.currentTimeMillis();

        //is tDir an http URL?
        if (tDir.matches(FileVisitorDNLS.HTTP_REGEX)) {

            //Is it an S3 bucket with "files"?
            //If testing a "dir", url should have a trailing slash.
            Matcher matcher = AWS_S3_PATTERN.matcher(File2.addSlash(tDir)); //force trailing slash
            if (matcher.matches()) {
                //If files have file-system-like names, e.g., 
                //  you still can't request just dir2 info because they aren't directories.
                //  They are just object keys with internal slashes. 
                //So specify prefix in request.
                Table table = makeEmptyTable();
                StringArray directoryPA = (StringArray) table.getColumn(DIRECTORY);
                StringArray namePA = (StringArray) table.getColumn(NAME);
                LongArray lastModifiedPA = (LongArray) table.getColumn(LASTMODIFIED);
                LongArray sizePA = (LongArray) table.getColumn(SIZE);

                String bucketName =;
                String prefix =;
                String baseURL = tDir.substring(0, matcher.start(2));
                AmazonS3 s3client = new AmazonS3Client(new ProfileCredentialsProvider());
                try {
                    if (verbose)
                        String2.log("FileVisitorDNLS.oneStep getting info from AWS S3 at" + "\nURL=" + tDir);
                    //"\nbucket=" + bucketName + " prefix=" + prefix);

                    //I wanted to generate lastMod for dir based on lastMod of files
                    //but it would be inconsistent for different requests (recursive, fileNameRegex).
                    //so just a set of dir names.
                    HashSet<String> dirHashSet = new HashSet();
                    ListObjectsRequest listObjectsRequest = new ListObjectsRequest().withBucketName(bucketName)
                    ObjectListing objectListing;
                    do {
                        objectListing = s3client.listObjects(listObjectsRequest);
                        for (S3ObjectSummary objectSummary : objectListing.getObjectSummaries()) {
                            String keyFullName = objectSummary.getKey();
                            String keyDir = File2.getDirectory(baseURL + keyFullName);
                            String keyName = File2.getNameAndExtension(keyFullName);
                            if (debugMode)
                                        "keyFullName=" + keyFullName + "\nkeyDir=" + keyDir + "\n  tDir=" + tDir);
                            if (keyDir.startsWith(tDir) && //it should
                                    (tRecursive || keyDir.length() == tDir.length())) {

                                //store this dir
                                if (tDirectoriesToo) {
                                    //S3 only returns object keys. I must infer/collect directories.
                                    //Store this dir and parents back to tDir.
                                    String choppedKeyDir = keyDir;
                                    while (choppedKeyDir.length() >= tDir.length()) {
                                        if (!dirHashSet.add(choppedKeyDir))
                                            break; //hash set already had this, so will already have parents

                                        //chop off last subdirectory
                                        choppedKeyDir = File2.getDirectory(
                                                choppedKeyDir.substring(0, choppedKeyDir.length() - 1)); //remove trailing /

                                //store this file's information
                                //Sometimes directories appear as files are named "" with size=0.
                                //I don't store those as files.
                                if (debugMode)
                                    String2.log("keyName=" + keyFullName + "\n tFileNameRegex=" + tFileNameRegex
                                            + " matches=" + keyName.matches(tFileNameRegex));
                                if (keyName.length() > 0 && keyName.matches(tFileNameRegex)) {
                                    lastModifiedPA.add(objectSummary.getLastModified().getTime()); //epoch millis
                                    sizePA.add(objectSummary.getSize()); //long
                    } while (objectListing.isTruncated());

                    //add directories to the table
                    if (tDirectoriesToo) {
                        Iterator<String> it = dirHashSet.iterator();
                        while (it.hasNext()) {

                    return table;

                } catch (AmazonServiceException ase) {
                    throw new IOException("AmazonServiceException: " + ase.getErrorType() + " ERROR, HTTP Code="
                            + ase.getStatusCode() + ": " + ase.getMessage(), ase);
                } catch (AmazonClientException ace) {
                    throw new IOException(ace.getMessage(), ace);

            //HYRAX before THREDDS
            matcher = HYRAX_PATTERN.matcher(tDir);
            if (matcher.matches()) {
                try {
                    if (verbose)
                        String2.log("FileVisitorDNLS.oneStep getting info from Hyrax at" + "\nURL=" + tDir);
                    Table table = makeEmptyTable();
                    StringArray directoryPA = (StringArray) table.getColumn(DIRECTORY);
                    StringArray namePA = (StringArray) table.getColumn(NAME);
                    LongArray lastModifiedPA = (LongArray) table.getColumn(LASTMODIFIED);
                    LongArray sizePA = (LongArray) table.getColumn(SIZE);

                    DoubleArray lastModDA = new DoubleArray();
                    addToHyraxUrlList(tDir, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, tDirectoriesToo, namePA,
                            lastModDA, sizePA);
                    int n = namePA.size();
                    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                        String fn = namePA.get(i);
                        namePA.set(i, File2.getNameAndExtension(fn));

                    return table;
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    throw new IOException(t.getMessage(), t);

            matcher = THREDDS_PATTERN.matcher(tDir);
            if (matcher.matches()) {
                try {
                    if (verbose)
                        String2.log("FileVisitorDNLS.oneStep getting info from THREDDS at" + "\nURL=" + tDir);
                    Table table = makeEmptyTable();
                    StringArray directoryPA = (StringArray) table.getColumn(DIRECTORY);
                    StringArray namePA = (StringArray) table.getColumn(NAME);
                    LongArray lastModifiedPA = (LongArray) table.getColumn(LASTMODIFIED);
                    LongArray sizePA = (LongArray) table.getColumn(SIZE);

                    DoubleArray lastModDA = new DoubleArray();
                    addToThreddsUrlList(tDir, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, tDirectoriesToo, namePA,
                            lastModDA, sizePA);
                    int n = namePA.size();
                    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                        String fn = namePA.get(i);
                        namePA.set(i, File2.getNameAndExtension(fn));

                    return table;
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    throw new IOException(t.getMessage(), t);

            //default: Apache-style WAF
            try {
                if (verbose)
                    String2.log("FileVisitorDNLS.oneStep getting info from Apache-style WAF at" + "\nURL=" + tDir);
                Table table = makeEmptyTable();
                StringArray directorySA = (StringArray) table.getColumn(DIRECTORY);
                StringArray nameSA = (StringArray) table.getColumn(NAME);
                LongArray lastModLA = (LongArray) table.getColumn(LASTMODIFIED);
                LongArray sizeLA = (LongArray) table.getColumn(SIZE);

                addToWAFUrlList(tDir, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, tDirectoriesToo, directorySA, nameSA,
                        lastModLA, sizeLA);
                return table;
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                throw new IOException(t.getMessage(), t);

        //local files
        //follow symbolic links:
        //But this doesn't follow Windows symbolic link .lnk's:
        FileVisitorDNLS fv = new FileVisitorDNLS(tDir, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, tDirectoriesToo);
        EnumSet<FileVisitOption> opts = EnumSet.of(FileVisitOption.FOLLOW_LINKS);
        Files.walkFileTree(FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(tDir), opts, //follow symbolic links
                Integer.MAX_VALUE, //maxDepth
        if (verbose)
            String2.log("FileVisitorDNLS.oneStep(local) finished successfully. n=" + fv.directoryPA.size()
                    + " time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + "ms");
        return fv.table;

     * This is a variant of oneStep (a convenience method for using this class)
     * that returns lastModified as double epoch seconds and size as doubles (bytes)
     * with some additional metadata. 
     * @param tDir The starting directory, with \\ or /, with or without trailing slash.  
     *    The resulting directoryPA will contain dirs with matching slashes and trailing slash.
     * @param pathRegex a regex to constrain which subdirs to include.
     *   This is ignored if recursive is false.
     *   null or "" is treated as .* (i.e., match everything).
     * @return a table with columns with DIRECTORY, NAME, 
     *    LASTMODIFIED (double epochSeconds), and SIZE (doubles) columns.
     *    If directoriesToo=true, the original dir won't be included and any 
     *    directory's name will be "".
     * @throws IOException if trouble
    public static Table oneStepDouble(String tDir, String tFileNameRegex, boolean tRecursive, String tPathRegex,
            boolean tDirectoriesToo) throws IOException {

        return oneStepDouble(oneStep(tDir, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, tDirectoriesToo));

     * This is a variant of oneStepDouble() that uses an existing table from oneStep().
     * @throws IOException if trouble
    public static Table oneStepDouble(Table tTable) throws IOException {
        int nCols = tTable.nColumns();
        int nRows = tTable.nRows();

        for (int col = 0; col < nCols; col++) {
            String colName = tTable.getColumnName(col);
            Attributes atts = tTable.columnAttributes(col);

            if (colName.equals(DIRECTORY)) {
                atts.set("ioos_category", "Identifier");
                atts.set("long_name", "Directory");

            } else if (colName.equals(NAME)) {
                atts.set("ioos_category", "Identifier");
                atts.set("long_name", "File Name");

            } else if (colName.equals(LASTMODIFIED)) {
                atts.set("ioos_category", "Time");
                atts.set("long_name", "Last Modified");
                atts.set("units", Calendar2.SECONDS_SINCE_1970);
                LongArray la = (LongArray) tTable.getColumn(col);
                DoubleArray da = new DoubleArray(nRows, false);
                for (int row = 0; row < nRows; row++)
                    da.add(la.get(row) / 1000.0);
                tTable.setColumn(col, da);

            } else if (colName.equals(SIZE)) {
                atts.set("ioos_category", "Other");
                atts.set("long_name", "Size");
                atts.set("units", "bytes");
                tTable.setColumn(col, new DoubleArray(tTable.getColumn(col)));

        return tTable;

     * This is like oneStep (a convenience method for using this class)
     * but returns a url column instead of a directory column. 
     * @param tDir The starting directory, with \\ or /, with or without trailing slash,
     *    which will be removed.
     * @param startOfUrl usually EDStatic.erddapUrl(loggedInAs) + "/files/" + datasetID() + "/"
     *    which will be prepended.
     * @return a table with columns with DIRECTORY (always "/"), NAME,
     *    LASTMODIFIED (milliSeconds), and SIZE (long) columns.
    public static Table oneStepWithUrlsNotDirs(String tDir, String tFileNameRegex, boolean tRecursive,
            String tPathRegex, String startOfUrl) throws IOException {

        tDir = File2.addSlash(String2.replaceAll(tDir, "\\", "/")); //ensure forward/ and trailing/
        return oneStepDoubleWithUrlsNotDirs(oneStep(tDir, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, false), //tDirectoriesToo
                tDir, startOfUrl);

     * This is like oneStepDouble (a convenience method for using this class)
     * but returns a url column instead of a directory column. 
     * @param tDir The starting directory, with \\ or /, with or without trailing slash,
     *    which will be removed.
     * @param startOfUrl usually EDStatic.erddapUrl(loggedInAs) + "/files/" + datasetID() + "/"
     *    which will be prepended.
     * @return a table with columns with DIRECTORY (always "/"), NAME,
     *    LASTMODIFIED (double epochSeconds), and SIZE (doubles) columns.
    public static Table oneStepDoubleWithUrlsNotDirs(String tDir, String tFileNameRegex, boolean tRecursive,
            String tPathRegex, String startOfUrl) throws IOException {

        tDir = File2.addSlash(String2.replaceAll(tDir, "\\", "/")); //ensure forward/ and trailing/
        return oneStepDoubleWithUrlsNotDirs(oneStepDouble(tDir, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, false), //tDirectoriesToo
                tDir, startOfUrl);

     * This is a variant of oneStepDoubleWithUrlsNotDirs() that uses an existing 
     * table from oneStepDouble(tDirToo=false).
     * @param tTable an existing table from oneStepDouble(tDirToo=false)
     * @throws IOException if trouble
    public static Table oneStepDoubleWithUrlsNotDirs(Table tTable, String tDir, String startOfUrl)
            throws IOException {

        int nCols = tTable.nColumns();
        int nRows = tTable.nRows();

        //replace directory with virtual url
        int diri = tTable.findColumnNumber(DIRECTORY);
        tTable.setColumnName(diri, URL);
        tTable.columnAttributes(diri).set("long_name", "URL");
        if (nRows == 0)
            return tTable;

        StringArray dirPA = (StringArray) tTable.getColumn(diri);
        StringArray namePA = (StringArray) tTable.getColumn(NAME);
        int fromLength = tDir.length();
        //ensure returned dir is exactly as expected
        String from = dirPA.get(0).substring(0, fromLength);
        if (nRows > 0 && !from.equals(tDir)) {
            String2.log("Observed dir=" + from + "\n" + "Expected dir=" + tDir);
            throw new SimpleException(MustBe.InternalError + " unexpected directory name.");
        for (int row = 0; row < nRows; row++) {
            //replace from with to 
            dirPA.set(row, startOfUrl + dirPA.get(row).substring(fromLength) + namePA.get(row));

        return tTable;

     * As a convenience to generateDatasetsXml methods, this returns the last
     * matching fullFileName.
    public static String getSampleFileName(String tFileDir, String tFileNameRegex, boolean tRecursive,
            String tPathRegex) throws Exception {
        Table fileTable = oneStep(tFileDir, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, false); //dirNamesToo
        int nRows = fileTable.nRows();
        if (nRows == 0)
            throw new RuntimeException("ERROR in getSampleFileName: No matching files found for\n" + "  dir="
                    + tFileDir + " fileNameRegex=" + tFileNameRegex + " recursive=" + tRecursive + " pathRegex="
                    + tPathRegex);
        return fileTable.getColumn(DIRECTORY).getString(nRows - 1) + fileTable.getColumn(NAME).getString(nRows - 1);

    //Patterns are thread safe.
    //<table><tr><th><img src="/icons/blank.gif" alt="[ICO]"></th><th>
    //  <a href="?C=N;O=D">Name</a></th><th><a href="?C=M;O=A">Last modified</a></th>
    //  <th><a href="?C=S;O=A">Size</a></th><th><a href="?C=D;O=A">Description</a></th>
    //  </tr><tr><th colspan="5"><hr></th></tr>
    //<pre><img src="..." alt="Icon "> <a href="?C=N;O=D">Name</a>
    //  <a href="?C=M;O=A">Last modified</a>      <a href="?C=S;O=A">Size</a>  
    //  <a href="?C=D;O=A">Description</a>
    //This line is reliable. Not all WAFs have "Parent Directory".
    public final static Pattern wafHeaderPattern = Pattern
            .compile(".*>Name</a>.*>Last modified</a>.*>Size</a>.*>Description</a>.*");

    //<tr><td valign="top"><img src="/icons/back.gif" alt="[DIR]"></td><td>
    //  <a href="/waf/NOAA/NMFS/">Parent Directory</a>       </td><td>&nbsp;</td>
    //  <td align="right">  - </td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
    //<img src="..." alt="[DIR]" align="absbottom"> <a href="0&#x2f;">0</a>
    public final static Pattern wafDirPattern = Pattern.compile(".* alt=\"\\[DIR\\]\".*>.*<a.*>(.*?)</a>.*");
    //<tr><td valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td><a href="doc/">doc/</a></td>
    //  <td align="right">14-Mar-2017 08:34  </td><td align="right">  - </td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
    public final static Pattern wafDirPattern2 = Pattern
            .compile(".*href=\"(.*?/)\">" + ".*>\\d{2}-[a-zA-Z]{3}-\\d{4} \\d{2}:\\d{2}(|:\\d{2})" + //date, note internal ()

    //<tr><td valign="top"><img src="/icons/unknown.gif" alt="[   ]"></td><td>
    // <a href="16734.xml">16734.xml</a> </td>
    // <td align="right">30-Jul-2015 13:05  </td><td align="right"> 10K</td>
    // <td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
    //<img src="..." alt="[BIN]" align="absbottom"> <a href="1932&#x2e;nc">1932&#x2e;nc</a>
    //  07-Jan-2010 16:29  236K  
    public final static Pattern wafFilePattern = Pattern.compile(".* alt=\"\\[.*?\\]\".*>.*<a.*>(.*?)</a>" + //name
            ".*(\\d{2}-[a-zA-Z]{3}-\\d{4} \\d{2}:\\d{2}(|:\\d{2}))" + //date, note internal ()
            ".*\\W(\\d{1,15}\\.?\\d{0,10}[KMGTP]?).*"); //size
    //<tr><td valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td><a href="gpcp_1dd_v1.2_p1d.199610">gpcp_1dd_v1.2_p1d.199610</a>
    //  </td><td align="right">18-Sep-2012 12:55  </td><td align="right">7.7M</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
    public final static Pattern wafFilePattern2 = Pattern.compile(".* href=\"(.*?)\">" + //name
            ".*>(\\d{2}-[a-zA-Z]{3}-\\d{4} \\d{2}:\\d{2}(|:\\d{2}))" + //date, note internal ()
            ".*>(\\d{1,15}\\.?\\d{0,10}[KMGTP]?)</td>.*"); //size

    public static String[] getUrlsFromWAF(String startUrl, String fileNameRegex, boolean recursive,
            String pathRegex) throws Throwable {
        if (verbose)
            String2.log("getUrlsFromHyraxCatalog fileNameRegex=" + fileNameRegex);

        //call the recursive method
        boolean tDirectoriesToo = false;
        StringArray dirs = new StringArray();
        StringArray names = new StringArray();
        LongArray lastModified = new LongArray();
        LongArray size = new LongArray();
        addToWAFUrlList(startUrl, fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex, tDirectoriesToo, dirs, names, lastModified,

        int n = dirs.size();
        String urls[] = new String[n];
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            urls[i] = dirs.get(i) + names.get(i);

        return urls;

     * This gets file information from a 
     *   WAF (an Apache-style Web Accessible Folder) URL.
     * This calls itself recursively, adding into to the PrimitiveArrays as info 
     * for a URLs are found. 
     * dirs, names, lastModified and size are like a table with one row per item.
     * @param url the url of a directory, e.g.,
     * @param fileNameRegex e.g., "pentad.*flk\\.nc\\.gz"
     * @param recursive
     * @param pathRegex a regex to constrain which subdirs to include.
     *   This is ignored if recursive is false.
     *   null or "" is treated as .* (i.e., match everything).
     * @param dirsToo  if true, subdirectories should be collected also.
     *   But the original url won't be included.
     * @param dirs directory names will be added here (they'll have / at end).
     * @param names file names will be added here (if dirsToo, "" for a dir).
     * @param lastModified the lastModified time (epochMillis, MAX_VALUE if not available).
     *   Source times are assumed to be Zulu time zone (which is probably incorrect).
     * @param size the file's size (bytes, Long.MAX_VALUE if not available).
     *   Usually, this is approximate (e.g., 10K vs 11K).
     * @return true if completely successful (no exceptions of any type)
    public static boolean addToWAFUrlList(String url, String fileNameRegex, boolean recursive, String pathRegex,
            boolean dirsToo, StringArray dirs, StringArray names, LongArray lastModified, LongArray size) {

        boolean completelySuccessful = true; //but any child can set it to false
        if (pathRegex == null || pathRegex.length() == 0)
            pathRegex = ".*";
        BufferedReader in = null;
        try {
            if (reallyVerbose)
                String2.log("\naddToWAFUrlList nNames=" + names.size() + " url=" + url);
            url = File2.addSlash(url);

            //for html, any charset should be fine. 
            //All non-ASCII chars should be entities.
            //But use common Linux to be consistent.
            in = SSR.getBufferedUrlReader(url);
            String s;

            //look for header line
            while ((s = in.readLine()) != null) {
                if (wafHeaderPattern.matcher(s).matches())

            //read the lines with dir or file info
            while ((s = in.readLine()) != null) {

                //look for dirs before files (since dirs match filePattern, too)
                if (s.indexOf("Parent Directory") >= 0)
                Matcher matcher = wafDirPattern.matcher(s);
                boolean matched = matcher.matches();
                if (!matched) {
                    matcher = wafDirPattern2.matcher(s);
                    matched = matcher.matches();
                if (matched) {
                    String name = XML.decodeEntities(;
                    String tUrl = File2.addSlash(url + name);
                    if (tUrl.matches(pathRegex)) {
                        if (dirsToo) {
                        if (recursive) {
                            if (!addToWAFUrlList(tUrl, fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex, dirsToo, dirs, names,
                                    lastModified, size))
                                completelySuccessful = false;

                //look for files 
                matcher = wafFilePattern.matcher(s);
                matched = matcher.matches();
                if (!matched) {
                    matcher = wafFilePattern2.matcher(s);
                    matched = matcher.matches();
                if (matched) {
                    String name = XML.decodeEntities(;
                    if (name.matches(fileNameRegex)) {

                        //interpret last modified
                        long millis = Long.MAX_VALUE;
                        try {
                            millis = Calendar2.parseDDMonYYYYZulu(;
                        } catch (Throwable t2) {

                        //convert size to bytes
                        String tSize =;
                        char lastCh = tSize.charAt(tSize.length() - 1);
                        long times = 1;
                        if (!String2.isDigit(lastCh)) {
                            tSize = tSize.substring(0, tSize.length() - 1);
                            times = lastCh == 'K' ? Math2.BytesPerKB
                                    : lastCh == 'M' ? Math2.BytesPerMB
                                            : lastCh == 'G' ? Math2.BytesPerGB
                                                    : lastCh == 'T' ? Math2.BytesPerTB
                                                            : lastCh == 'P' ? Math2.BytesPerPB : 1;
                        long lSize = Math2.roundToLong(String2.parseDouble(tSize) * times);

                    } else if (debugMode) {
                        if (debugMode)
                            String2.log("name matches=false: " + name);
                } else {
                    if (debugMode)
                        String2.log("matches=false: " + s);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            String2.log(String2.ERROR + " from url=" + url + " :\n" + MustBe.throwableToString(e));
            completelySuccessful = false;

        } finally {
            try {
                if (in != null)
            } catch (Throwable t) {
        return completelySuccessful;


     * This tests WAF-related (Web Accessible Folder) methods.
    public static void testWAF() throws Throwable {
        String2.log("\n*** FileVisitorDNLS.testWAF()\n");

        try {
            //test with trailing /
            String url = "";
            String tFileNameRegex = "194\\d\\.nc";
            boolean tRecursive = true;
            String tPathRegex = ".*/(3|4)/.*";
            boolean tDirsToo = true;
            Table table = makeEmptyTable();
            StringArray dirs = (StringArray) table.getColumn(0);
            StringArray names = (StringArray) table.getColumn(1);
            LongArray lastModifieds = (LongArray) table.getColumn(2);
            LongArray sizes = (LongArray) table.getColumn(3);
            String results, expected;
            Table tTable;

            //* test all features
            Test.ensureTrue( //completelySuccessful
                    addToWAFUrlList(url, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, tDirsToo, dirs, names,
                            lastModifieds, sizes),
            results = table.dataToString();
            expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n"
                    + ",,,\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,14336\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,16384\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,20480\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,16384\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,12288\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,15360\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,16384\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,11264\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,12288\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,14336\n"
                    + ",,,\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,285696\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,336896\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,297984\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,175104\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,215040\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,194560\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,238592\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,189440\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,262144\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,351232\n";
            Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

            Test.ensureEqual(Calendar2.epochSecondsToIsoStringT(1262881740), "2010-01-07T16:29:00", "");

            //test via oneStep 
            tTable = oneStep(url, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, tDirsToo);
            results = tTable.dataToString();
            Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

            //* test !dirsToo
            Test.ensureTrue( //completelySuccessful
                    addToWAFUrlList(url, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, false, dirs, names, lastModifieds,
            results = table.dataToString();
            expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,14336\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,16384\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,20480\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,16384\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,12288\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,15360\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,16384\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,11264\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,12288\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,14336\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,285696\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,336896\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,297984\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,175104\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,215040\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,194560\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,238592\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,189440\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,262144\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,351232\n";
            Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

            //test via oneStep 
            tTable = oneStep(url, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, false);
            results = tTable.dataToString();
            Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

            //* test subdir
            Test.ensureTrue( //completelySuccessful
                    addToWAFUrlList(url + "3", //test no trailing /
                            tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, tDirsToo, dirs, names, lastModifieds, sizes),
            results = table.dataToString();
            expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,14336\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,16384\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,20480\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,16384\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,12288\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,15360\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,16384\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,11264\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,12288\n"
                    + ",,1262881740000,14336\n";
            Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

            //test via oneStep 
            tTable = oneStep(url + "3", tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, tDirsToo);
            results = tTable.dataToString();
            Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

            //* test file regex that won't match
            Test.ensureTrue( //completelySuccessful
                    addToWAFUrlList(url, //test no trailing /
                            "zztop", tRecursive, tPathRegex, tDirsToo, dirs, names, lastModifieds, sizes),
            results = table.dataToString();
            expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n"
                    + ",,,\n"
                    + ",,,\n";
            Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

            //test via oneStep 
            tTable = oneStep(url, "zztop", tRecursive, tPathRegex, tDirsToo);
            results = tTable.dataToString();
            Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

            //* that should be the same as !recursive
            Test.ensureTrue( //completelySuccessful
                    addToWAFUrlList(url, //test no trailing /
                            tFileNameRegex, false, tPathRegex, tDirsToo, dirs, names, lastModifieds, sizes),
            results = table.dataToString();
            Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

            //test via oneStep 
            tTable = oneStep(url, tFileNameRegex, false, tPathRegex, tDirsToo);
            results = tTable.dataToString();
            Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

            //* Test InPort WAF        
            Test.ensureTrue( //completelySuccessful
                    addToWAFUrlList("", "22...\\.xml",
                            //pre 2016-03-04 I tested NWFSC/inport/xml, but it has been empty for a month!
                            true, ".*/NMFS/(|NEFSC/)(|inport/)(|xml/)", //tricky!  //should be slashStar, no space
                            true, //tDirsToo, 
                            dirs, names, lastModifieds, sizes),
            results = table.dataToString();
            expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n"
                    + ",,,\n"
                    + ",,,\n"
                    + ",,,\n"
                    + ",22560.xml,1510670100000,319488\n"
                    + ",22561.xml,1510670160000,319488\n"
                    + ",22562.xml,1510670160000,317440\n"
                    + ",22563.xml,1510670160000,319488\n"
                    + ",22564.xml,1510670220000,321536\n"
                    + ",22565.xml,1510670220000,323584\n";
            Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

            //* Test ncei WAF        
            tTable = oneStep("",
                    "gpcp_1dd_v1\\.2_p1d\\.1997[0-9]{2}", true, ".*", true); //tDirsToo, 
            results = tTable.dataToString();
            expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n"
                    + ",,,\n"
                    + ",gpcp_1dd_v1.2_p1d.199701,1347972900000,8074035\n"
                    + ",gpcp_1dd_v1.2_p1d.199702,1347972900000,7235174\n"
                    + ",gpcp_1dd_v1.2_p1d.199703,1347972900000,8074035\n"
                    + ",gpcp_1dd_v1.2_p1d.199704,1347972900000,7759462\n"
                    + ",gpcp_1dd_v1.2_p1d.199705,1347972900000,8074035\n"
                    + ",gpcp_1dd_v1.2_p1d.199706,1347972900000,7759462\n"
                    + ",gpcp_1dd_v1.2_p1d.199707,1347972900000,8074035\n"
                    + ",gpcp_1dd_v1.2_p1d.199708,1347972720000,8074035\n"
                    + ",gpcp_1dd_v1.2_p1d.199709,1347972720000,7759462\n"
                    + ",gpcp_1dd_v1.2_p1d.199710,1347972720000,8074035\n"
                    + ",gpcp_1dd_v1.2_p1d.199711,1347972720000,7759462\n"
                    + ",gpcp_1dd_v1.2_p1d.199712,1347972720000,8074035\n"
                    + ",,,\n"
                    + ",,,\n";
            Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

        } catch (Throwable t) {
                    MustBe.throwableToString(t) + "\nThis changes periodically. If reasonable, just continue."
                            + "\n(there no more subtests in this test).");

     * This gets the file names from Hyrax catalog directory URL.
     * This only finds info for DAP URLs. 
     * This doesn't find other types of files (although they may be listed)
     * This is used by EDDGridFromDap and EDDTableFromHyraxFiles.
     * @param startUrl the url of the current web directory to which "contents.html" 
     *  can be added to see a hyrax catalog) e.g.,
     * @param fileNameRegex e.g.,
     * @param recursive
     * @param pathRegex a regex to constrain which subdirs to include.
     *   This is ignored if recursive is false.
     *   null or "" is treated as .* (i.e., match everything).
     * @returns a String[] with a list of full URLs of the children (may be new String[0]) 
     * @throws Throwable if unexpected trouble. But url not responding won't throw Throwable.
    public static String[] getUrlsFromHyraxCatalog(String startUrl, String fileNameRegex, boolean recursive,
            String pathRegex) throws Throwable {
        if (verbose)
            String2.log("getUrlsFromHyraxCatalog fileNameRegex=" + fileNameRegex);

        //call the recursive method
        boolean tDirectoriesToo = false;
        StringArray childUrls = new StringArray();
        DoubleArray lastModified = new DoubleArray();
        LongArray size = new LongArray();
        addToHyraxUrlList(startUrl, fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex, tDirectoriesToo, childUrls, lastModified,

        return childUrls.toArray();

     * This does the work for getUrlsFromHyraxCatalogs.
     * This calls itself recursively, adding into to the PrimitiveArrays as info 
     * for a DAP URL is found. 
     * This doesn't find other types of files (although they may be listed)
     * @param url the url of the directory to which contents.html can be added
     *    to see a hyrax catalog, e.g.,
     *   (If url has a file name, it must be "contents.html".)
     * @param fileNameRegex e.g., "pentad.*flk\\.nc\\.gz"
     * @param recursive
     * @param pathRegex a regex to constrain which subdirs to include.
     *   This is ignored if recursive is false.
     *   null or "" is treated as .* (i.e., match everything).
     * @param dirsToo  if true, directories should be collected also
     * @param childUrls  new children will be added to this
     * @param lastModified the lastModified time (secondsSinceEpoch, NaN if not available).
     *   Source times are assumed to be Zulu time zone (which is probably incorrect).
     * @param size the file's size (bytes, Long.MAX_VALUE if not available)
     * @return true if completely successful (no access errors, all URLs found)
     * @throws Throwable if unexpected trouble. But url not responding won't throw Throwable.
    public static boolean addToHyraxUrlList(String url, String fileNameRegex, boolean recursive, String pathRegex,
            boolean dirsToo, StringArray childUrls, DoubleArray lastModified, LongArray size) throws Throwable {

        if (reallyVerbose)
            String2.log("\naddToHyraxUrlList childUrls.size=" + childUrls.size() + "\n  url=" + url);
        if (pathRegex == null || pathRegex.length() == 0)
            pathRegex = ".*";
        boolean completelySuccessful = true; //but any child can set it to false
        String response;
        try {
            if (url.endsWith("/contents.html"))
                url = File2.getDirectory(url);
                url = File2.addSlash(url); //otherwise, assume url is missing final slash
            response = SSR.getUrlResponseStringUnchanged(url + "contents.html");
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            return false;
        String responseLC = response.toLowerCase();
        if (dirsToo) {

        //skip header line and parent directory
        int po = responseLC.indexOf("parent directory"); //Lower Case
        if (po >= 0) {
            po += 18;
        } else {
            if (verbose)
                String2.log("ERROR: \"parent directory\" not found in Hyrax response.");
            po = responseLC.indexOf("<table"); //Lower Case
            if (po < 0) {
                if (verbose)
                            "ERROR: \"<table\" not found in Hyrax response.\n" + "No dir info found for " + url);
                return false;
            } else {
                po += 6;
                if (verbose)
                    String2.log("Using \"<table\" as starting point instead.");

        int endPre = responseLC.indexOf("</pre>", po); //Lower Case
        if (endPre < 0)
            endPre = response.length();

        //go through file,dir listings
        boolean diagnosticMode = false;
        while (true) {

            //EXAMPLE  No longer available

            //(reformatted: look for tags, not formatting
            /*   <tr>
               <td align="left"><strong><a href=""></a></strong></td>
               <td align="center" nowrap="nowrap">2007-04-04T07:00:00</td>
               <td align="right">4807310</td>
               <td align="center">
                    <td><a href="">ddx</a>&nbsp;</td>
                    <td><a href="">dds</a>&nbsp;</td>
                  </table>  //will exist if <table> exists
               <td align="center"><a href="/opendap/webstart/viewers?dapService=/opendap/hyrax&amp;datasetID=/allData/ccmp/L3.5a/monthly/flk/1987/M07/">viewers</a></td>
             </tr>  //may or may not exist
             <tr>   //may or may not exist
               //the next row...

            //find beginRow and nextRow
            int beginRow = responseLC.indexOf("<tr", po); //Lower Case
            if (beginRow < 0 || beginRow > endPre)
                return completelySuccessful;
            int endRow = responseLC.indexOf("<tr", beginRow + 3); //Lower Case
            if (endRow < 0 || endRow > endPre)
                endRow = endPre;

            //if <table> in the middle, skip table 
            int tablePo = responseLC.indexOf("<table", beginRow + 3);
            if (tablePo > 0 && tablePo < endRow) {
                int endTablePo = responseLC.indexOf("</table", tablePo + 6);
                if (endTablePo < 0 || endTablePo > endPre)
                    endTablePo = endPre;

                //find <tr after </table>
                endRow = responseLC.indexOf("<tr", endTablePo + 7); //Lower Case
                if (endRow < 0 || endRow > endPre)
                    endRow = endPre;
            String thisRow = response.substring(beginRow, endRow);
            String thisRowLC = responseLC.substring(beginRow, endRow);
            if (diagnosticMode)
                String2.log("<<<beginRow=" + beginRow + " endRow=" + endRow + "\n" + thisRow + "\n>>>");

            //look for .das   href="">das<     
            int dasPo = thisRowLC.indexOf(".das\">das<");
            if (diagnosticMode)
                String2.log("    .das " + (dasPo < 0 ? "not " : "") + "found");
            if (dasPo > 0) {
                int quotePo = thisRow.lastIndexOf('"', dasPo);
                if (quotePo < 0) {
                    String2.log("ERROR: invalid .das reference:\n  " + thisRow);
                    po = endRow;
                String fileName = thisRow.substring(quotePo + 1, dasPo);
                if (diagnosticMode)
                    String2.log("    filename=" + fileName
                            + (fileName.matches(fileNameRegex) ? " does" : " doesn't") + " match " + fileNameRegex);
                if (fileName.matches(fileNameRegex)) {

                    //get lastModified time   >2011-06-30T04:43:09<
                    String stime = String2.extractRegex(thisRow, ">\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}<", 0);
                    double dtime = Calendar2.safeIsoStringToEpochSeconds(
                            stime == null ? "" : stime.substring(1, stime.length() - 1));

                    //get size   e.g., 119K
                    String sSize = String2.extractRegex(thisRow, ">(\\d|\\.)+(|K|M|G|T|P)</td>", 0);
                    long lSize = Long.MAX_VALUE;
                    if (sSize != null) {
                        sSize = sSize.substring(1, sSize.length() - 5);
                        char lastCh = sSize.charAt(sSize.length() - 1);
                        long times = 1;
                        if (!String2.isDigit(lastCh)) {
                            //this is done, but my samples just have nBytes
                            sSize = sSize.substring(0, sSize.length() - 1);
                            times = lastCh == 'K' ? Math2.BytesPerKB
                                    : lastCh == 'M' ? Math2.BytesPerMB
                                            : lastCh == 'G' ? Math2.BytesPerGB
                                                    : lastCh == 'T' ? Math2.BytesPerTB
                                                            : lastCh == 'P' ? Math2.BytesPerPB : 1;
                        lSize = Math2.roundToLong(String2.parseDouble(sSize) * times);

                    //then add to PrimitiveArrays
                    childUrls.add(url + fileName);
                    //String2.log("  file=" + fileName + "   " + stime);
                    po = endRow;

            if (recursive) {
                //look for   href="199703-199705/contents.html"     
                int conPo = thisRowLC.indexOf("/contents.html\"");
                if (conPo > 0) {
                    int quotePo = thisRow.lastIndexOf('"', conPo);
                    if (quotePo < 0) {
                        String2.log("ERROR: invalid contents.html reference:\n  " + thisRow);
                        po = endRow;
                    String tUrl = url + thisRow.substring(quotePo + 1, conPo + 1);
                    if (tUrl.matches(pathRegex)) {
                        boolean tSuccessful = addToHyraxUrlList(tUrl, fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex, dirsToo,
                                childUrls, lastModified, size);
                        if (!tSuccessful)
                            completelySuccessful = false;
                    po = endRow;
            po = endRow;

     * This tests Hyrax-related methods.
    public static void testHyrax() throws Throwable {
        String2.log("\n*** FileVisitorDNLS.testHyrax()\n");
        //reallyVerbose = true;

        try {
            //podaac-opendap causes the  
            //" handshake alert: unrecognized_name" error
            //  String url = ""; //contents.html
            //so use domain name shown on digital certificate:
            String url = ""; //contents.html
            String fileNameRegex = "month_198(8|9).*flk\\.nc\\.gz";
            boolean recursive = true;
            String pathRegex = null;
            boolean dirsToo = true;
            StringArray childUrls = new StringArray();
            DoubleArray lastModified = new DoubleArray();
            LongArray size = new LongArray();

            //test error via addToHyraxUrlList  
            //(yes, logged message includes directory name)
            String2.log("\nIntentional error:");
            Test.ensureEqual(addToHyraxUrlList(url + "testInvalidUrl", fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex, dirsToo,
                    childUrls, lastModified, size), false, "");

            //test addToHyraxUrlList
            childUrls = new StringArray();
            lastModified = new DoubleArray();
            size = new LongArray();
            boolean allOk = addToHyraxUrlList(url, fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex, dirsToo, childUrls,
                    lastModified, size);
            Table table = new Table();
            table.addColumn("URL", childUrls);
            table.addColumn("lastModified", lastModified);
            table.addColumn("size", size);
            String results = table.dataToString();
            String expected = "URL,lastModified,size\n"
                    + ",,\n"
                    + ",,\n"
                    + ",,\n"
                    + ",1.336863115E9,4981045\n"
                    + ",1.336723222E9,5024372\n"
                    + ",1.336546575E9,5006043\n"
                    + ",1.336860015E9,4948285\n"
                    + ",1.336835143E9,4914250\n"
                    + ",1.336484405E9,4841084\n"
                    + ",1.336815079E9,4837417\n"
                    + ",1.336799789E9,4834242\n"
                    + ",1.336676042E9,4801865\n"
                    + ",1.336566352E9,4770289\n"
                    + ",1.336568382E9,4769160\n"
                    + ",1.336838712E9,4866335\n"
                    + ",,\n"
                    + ",1.336886548E9,5003981\n"
                    + ",1.336268373E9,5054907\n"
                    + ",1.336605483E9,4979393\n"
                    + ",1.336350339E9,4960865\n"
                    + ",1.336551575E9,4868541\n"
                    + ",1.336177278E9,4790364\n"
                    + ",1.336685187E9,4854943\n"
                    + ",1.336534686E9,4859216\n"
                    + ",1.33622953E9,4838390\n"
                    + ",1.336853599E9,4820645\n"
                    + ",1.336882933E9,4748166\n"
                    + ",1.336748115E9,4922858\n"
                    + ",,\n"
                    + ",,\n"
                    + ",,\n"
                    + ",,\n"
                    + ",,\n"
                    + ",,\n"
                    + ",,\n"
                    + ",,\n"
                    + ",,\n"
                    + ",,\n"
                    + ",,\n"
                    + ",,\n"
                    + ",,\n"
                    + ",,\n"
                    + ",,\n"
                    + ",,\n"
                    + ",,\n"
                    + ",,\n"
                    + ",,\n"
                    + ",,\n"
                    + ",,\n"
                    + ",,\n";
            Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);
            Test.ensureTrue(allOk, "");

            //test getUrlsFromHyraxCatalog
            String resultsAr[] = getUrlsFromHyraxCatalog(url, fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex);
            String expectedAr[] = new String[] {
                    "" };
            Test.ensureEqual(resultsAr, expectedAr, "results=\n" + results);

            //different test of addToHyraxUrlList
            childUrls = new StringArray();
            lastModified = new DoubleArray();
            LongArray fSize = new LongArray();
            url = ""; //startUrl, 
            fileNameRegex = "month_[0-9]{8}_v11l35flk\\.nc\\.gz"; //fileNameRegex, 
            recursive = true;
            addToHyraxUrlList(url, fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex, dirsToo, childUrls, lastModified, fSize);

            results = childUrls.toNewlineString();
            expected = "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n";
            Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

            results = lastModified.toString();
            expected = "NaN, 1.336609915E9, 1.336785444E9, 1.336673639E9, 1.336196561E9, 1.336881763E9, 1.336705731E9";
            Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

            //test via oneStep -- dirs
            table = oneStep(url, fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex, true);
            results = table.dataToString();
            expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n"
                    + ",,,\n"
                    + ",,1336609915,4807310\n"
                    + ",,1336785444,4835774\n"
                    + ",,1336673639,4809582\n"
                    + ",,1336196561,4803285\n"
                    + ",,1336881763,4787239\n"
                    + ",,1336705731,4432696\n";
            Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

            //test via oneStep -- no dirs
            table = oneStep(url, fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex, false);
            results = table.dataToString();
            expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n"
                    + ",,1336609915,4807310\n"
                    + ",,1336785444,4835774\n"
                    + ",,1336673639,4809582\n"
                    + ",,1336196561,4803285\n"
                    + ",,1336881763,4787239\n"
                    + ",,1336705731,4432696\n";
            Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

        } catch (Throwable t) {
            String2.pressEnterToContinue(MustBe.throwableToString(t) + "\nUnexpected error.");

     * This parses /thredds/catalog/.../catalog.html files to extract file URLs 
     * (/thredds/fileServer/.../name.ext), lastModified, and size info.
     * This calls itself recursively, adding into to the PrimitiveArrays as info 
     * for a file URL is found. 
     * This doesn't find other types of files (although they may be listed)
     * @param url the url of the current Thredds directory 
     *   (which usually includes /thredds/catalog/)
     *   to which catalog.html will be added, e.g.,
     *    <br>
     *   (If url has a file name, it must be catalog.html or catalog.xml.)
     * @param fileNameRegex e.g., ".*\\.hdf"
     * @param recursive
     * @param pathRegex a regex to constrain which subdirs to include.
     *   This is ignored if recursive is false.
     *   null or "" is treated as .* (i.e., match everything).
     * @param childUrls  new children will be added to this
     * @param lastModified the lastModified time (secondsSinceEpoch, NaN if not available).
     *   Source times are assumed to be Zulu time zone (which is probably incorrect).
     * @param size the file's size (bytes, Long.MAX_VALUE if not available)
     * @return true if completely successful (no access errors, all URLs found)
     * @throws Throwable if unexpected trouble. But url not responding won't throw Throwable.
    public static boolean addToThreddsUrlList(String url, String fileNameRegex, boolean recursive, String pathRegex,
            boolean dirsToo, StringArray childUrls, DoubleArray lastModified, LongArray size) throws Throwable {

        if (reallyVerbose)
            String2.log("\naddToThreddsUrlList childUrls.size=" + childUrls.size() + "\n  url=" + url);
        if (pathRegex == null || pathRegex.length() == 0)
            pathRegex = ".*";
        boolean completelySuccessful = true; //but any child can set it to false
        String response;
        try {
            if (url.endsWith("/catalog.html") || url.endsWith("/catalog.xml"))
                url = File2.getDirectory(url);
                url = File2.addSlash(url); //otherwise, assume url is missing final slash
            response = SSR.getUrlResponseStringUnchanged(url + "catalog.html");
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            return false;
        String fileServerDir = String2.replaceAll(url, "/thredds/catalog/", "/thredds/fileServer/");
        if (dirsToo) {

        //skip header line and parent directory
        int po = response.indexOf("<table"); //Lower Case
        if (po < 0) {
            String2.log("ERROR: \"<table\" not found in Thredds response.");
            return false;
        po += 6;

        int endTable = response.indexOf("</table>", po); //Lower Case
        if (endTable < 0) {
            if (reallyVerbose)
                String2.log("WARNING: </table> not found!");
            completelySuccessful = false;
            endTable = response.length();

        //go through file,dir listings
        boolean diagnosticMode = false;
        int row = 0;
        while (true) {

            /* EXAMPLE from TDS 4.2.10 at
            ...<table ...
            <th align='left'><font size='+1'>Dataset</font></th>
            <th align='center'><font size='+1'>Size</font></th>
            <th align='right'><font size='+1'>Last Modified</font></th>
            <td align='left'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
            <img src='/thredds/folder.gif' alt='Folder'> &nbsp;<a href='catalog.html?dataset=pathfinder/Version5.1_CloudScreened/5day/FullRes/1981'><tt>1981</tt></a></td>
            <td align='right'><tt>&nbsp;</tt></td>
            <td align='right'><tt>--</tt></td>
            <tr bgcolor='#eeeeee'>
            <td align='left'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
            <a href='catalog.html?dataset=pathfinder/Version5.1_CloudScreened/5day/FullRes/1981/1981236-1981240.pfv51sst_5day.hdf'><tt>1981236-1981240.pfv51sst_5day.hdf</tt></a></td>
            <td align='right'><tt>70.03 Mbytes</tt></td>
            <td align='right'><tt>2009-11-23 17:58:53Z</tt></td>
            //find beginRow and nextRow
            int beginRow = response.indexOf("<tr", po);
            if (beginRow < 0 || beginRow > endTable)
                return completelySuccessful;
            int nextRow = response.indexOf("<tr", beginRow + 3);
            if (nextRow < 0 || nextRow > endTable)
                nextRow = endTable;

            String thisRow = response.substring(beginRow, nextRow);
            if (diagnosticMode)
                String2.log("=== thisRow=" + thisRow);

            //look for <td>     
            int td1Po = thisRow.indexOf("<td");
            int td2Po = td1Po >= 0 ? thisRow.indexOf("<td", td1Po + 3) : -1;
            int td3Po = td2Po >= 0 ? thisRow.indexOf("<td", td2Po + 3) : -1;
            if (diagnosticMode)
                String2.log("=== td1Po=" + td1Po + " td2Po=" + td2Po + " td3Po=" + td3Po);

            //are there no <td's  (e.g., row with <th>'s)
            if (td1Po < 0) {
                po = nextRow;

            //There is at least 1 <td>.  Is it a catalog?
            String td1 = thisRow.substring(td1Po + 3, td2Po >= 0 ? td2Po : thisRow.length());
            if (td1.indexOf("'/thredds/folder.gif'") > 0) {
                //This is a folder row.
                //Row with current dir doesn't match fileNameRegex; row for subdir does.
                if (diagnosticMode)
                    String2.log("=== folder row");
                String content1 = String2.extractRegex(td1, "href='[^']*/catalog.html'>", 0);
                if (recursive && content1 != null && content1.length() > 21) { //21 is non-.* stuff
                    content1 = content1.substring(6, content1.length() - 2);
                    completelySuccessful = addToThreddsUrlList(url + content1, fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex,
                            dirsToo, childUrls, lastModified, size);
                po = nextRow;

            //file info row will have 3 <td>'s.   So if not, skip this row.
            if (td3Po < 0) {
                po = nextRow;
                if (diagnosticMode)
                    String2.log("=== td3Po<0 so go to next row");

            //look for <tt>content</tt> in the 3 <td>'s
            //note that String2.extractCaptureGroup fails if the string has line terminators
            String content1 = String2.extractRegex(td1, TT_REGEX, 0);
            String content2 = String2.extractRegex(thisRow.substring(td2Po, td3Po), TT_REGEX, 0);
            String content3 = String2.extractRegex(thisRow.substring(td3Po, thisRow.length()), TT_REGEX, 0);
            if (diagnosticMode)
                String2.log("=== <td><tt> content #1=" + content1 + " #2=" + content2 + " #3=" + content3);
            content1 = content1 == null ? "" : content1.substring(4, content1.length() - 5);
            content2 = content2 == null ? "" : content2.substring(4, content2.length() - 5);
            content3 = content3 == null ? "" : content3.substring(4, content3.length() - 5);
            if (content1.length() == 0) {
                if (reallyVerbose)
                    String2.log("WARNING: No <tt>content</tt> in first <td>...</td>"
                            + (row < 3 ? ":" + String2.annotatedString(td1) : ""));
                completelySuccessful = false;
                po = nextRow;

            //ensure fileName matches fileNameRegex
            if (!content1.matches(fileNameRegex)) {
                po = nextRow;
                if (diagnosticMode)
                    String2.log("=== skip this row: content1=" + content1 + " doesn't match fileNameRegex="
                            + fileNameRegex);

            //extract approximate size,   e.g., 70.03 Mbytes
            String sSize = String2.extractRegex(content2, "(\\d|\\.)+ (|K|M|G|T|P)bytes", 0);
            long lSize = Long.MAX_VALUE;
            if (sSize != null) {
                int spacePo = sSize.indexOf(' ');
                char ch = sSize.charAt(spacePo + 1);
                long times = ch == 'K' ? Math2.BytesPerKB
                        : ch == 'M' ? Math2.BytesPerMB
                                : ch == 'G' ? Math2.BytesPerGB
                                        : ch == 'T' ? Math2.BytesPerTB : ch == 'P' ? Math2.BytesPerPB : 1;
                lSize = Math2.roundToLong(String2.parseDouble(sSize.substring(0, spacePo)) * times);

            //extract lastModified, e.g.,  2011-06-30 04:43:09Z
            String stime = String2.extractRegex(content3, "\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}", 0);
            double dtime = Calendar2.safeIsoStringToEpochSeconds(stime);

            //add info to PrimitiveArrays
            childUrls.add(fileServerDir + content1);
            //String2.log("  file=" + fileName + "   " + stime);
            po = nextRow;

     * This tests THREDDS-related methods.
    public static void testThredds() throws Throwable {
        String2.log("\n*** FileVisitorDNLS.testThredds");
        boolean oReallyVerbose = reallyVerbose;
        reallyVerbose = true;

        try {
            String url = ""; //catalog.html
            String fileNameRegex = "sss_binned_L3_MON_SCI_V3.0_\\d{4}\\.nc";
            boolean recursive = true;
            String pathRegex = null;
            boolean dirsToo = true;
            StringArray childUrls = new StringArray();
            DoubleArray lastModified = new DoubleArray();
            LongArray fSize = new LongArray();

            //test TT_REGEX
            //note that String2.extractCaptureGroup fails if the string has line terminators
            Test.ensureEqual(String2.extractRegex("q\r\na<tt>b</tt>c\r\nz", TT_REGEX, 0), "<tt>b</tt>", "");

            //test error via addToThreddsUrlList  
            //(yes, logged message includes directory name)
            String2.log("\nIntentional error:");
            Test.ensureEqual(addToThreddsUrlList(url + "testInvalidUrl", fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex,
                    dirsToo, childUrls, lastModified, fSize), false, "");

            //test addToThreddsUrlList
            childUrls = new StringArray();
            lastModified = new DoubleArray();
            fSize = new LongArray();
            addToThreddsUrlList(url, fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex, dirsToo, childUrls, lastModified, fSize);

            String results = childUrls.toNewlineString();
            String expected = "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "\n";
            Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

            results = lastModified.toString();
            expected = "NaN, 1.405495932E9, 1.405492834E9, 1.405483892E9, 1.429802008E9, 1.429867829E9";
            Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

            results = fSize.toString();
            expected = "9223372036854775807, 2723152, 6528434, 6528434, 6528434, 1635779";
            Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

            //test via oneStep -- dirs
            Table table = oneStep(url, fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex, true);
            results = table.dataToString();
            expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n"
                    + ",,,\n"
                    + ",,1405495932,2723152\n"
                    + ",,1405492834,6528434\n"
                    + ",,1405483892,6528434\n"
                    + ",,1429802008,6528434\n"
                    + ",,1429867829,1635779\n";
            Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

            //test via oneStep -- no dirs
            table = oneStep(url, fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex, false);
            results = table.dataToString();
            expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n"
                    + ",,1405495932,2723152\n"
                    + ",,1405492834,6528434\n"
                    + ",,1405483892,6528434\n"
                    + ",,1429802008,6528434\n"
                    + ",,1429867829,1635779\n";
            Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

        } catch (Throwable t) {
            String2.pressEnterToContinue(MustBe.throwableToString(t) + "\nUnexpected error.");
        reallyVerbose = oReallyVerbose;

     * This tests this class with the local file system. 
    public static void testLocal(boolean doBigTest) throws Throwable {
        String2.log("\n*** FileVisitorDNLS.testLocal");
        verbose = true;
        String contextDir = SSR.getContextDirectory(); //with / separator and / at the end
        String tPathRegex = null;
        Table table;
        long time;
        int n;
        String results, expected;

        //recursive and dirToo             and test \\ separator
        table = oneStep("c:\\erddapTest\\fileNames", ".*\\.png", true, tPathRegex, true);
        results = table.dataToString();
        expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n"
                + "c:\\\\erddapTest\\\\fileNames\\\\,jplMURSST20150103090000.png,1421276044628,46482\n"
                + "c:\\\\erddapTest\\\\fileNames\\\\,jplMURSST20150104090000.png,1420669338436,46586\n"
                + "c:\\\\erddapTest\\\\fileNames\\\\sub\\\\,,1420735700318,0\n"
                + "c:\\\\erddapTest\\\\fileNames\\\\sub\\\\,jplMURSST20150105090000.png,1420669304917,46549\n";
        Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

        //recursive and !dirToo           and test // separator
        table = oneStep(String2.unitTestDataDir + "fileNames", ".*\\.png", true, tPathRegex, false);
        results = table.dataToString();
        expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n" + String2.unitTestDataDir
                + "fileNames/,jplMURSST20150103090000.png,1421276044628,46482\n" + String2.unitTestDataDir
                + "fileNames/,jplMURSST20150104090000.png,1420669338436,46586\n" + String2.unitTestDataDir
                + "fileNames/sub/,jplMURSST20150105090000.png,1420669304917,46549\n";
        Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

        //!recursive and dirToo
        table = oneStep(String2.unitTestDataDir + "fileNames", ".*\\.png", false, tPathRegex, true);
        results = table.dataToString();
        expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n" + String2.unitTestDataDir
                + "fileNames/,jplMURSST20150103090000.png,1421276044628,46482\n" + String2.unitTestDataDir
                + "fileNames/,jplMURSST20150104090000.png,1420669338436,46586\n" + String2.unitTestDataDir
                + "fileNames/sub/,,1420735700318,0\n";
        Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

        //!recursive and !dirToo
        table = oneStep(String2.unitTestDataDir + "fileNames", ".*\\.png", false, tPathRegex, false);
        results = table.dataToString();
        expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n" + String2.unitTestDataDir
                + "fileNames/,jplMURSST20150103090000.png,1421276044628,46482\n" + String2.unitTestDataDir
                + "fileNames/,jplMURSST20150104090000.png,1420669338436,46586\n";
        Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

        table = oneStepDouble(String2.unitTestDataDir + "fileNames", ".*\\.png", true, tPathRegex, true);
        results = table.toString();
        expected = "{\n" + "dimensions:\n" + "\trow = 4 ;\n" + "\tdirectory_strlen = 26 ;\n"
                + "\tname_strlen = 27 ;\n" + "variables:\n" + "\tchar directory(row, directory_strlen) ;\n"
                + "\t\tdirectory:ioos_category = \"Identifier\" ;\n" + "\t\tdirectory:long_name = \"Directory\" ;\n"
                + "\tchar name(row, name_strlen) ;\n" + "\t\tname:ioos_category = \"Identifier\" ;\n"
                + "\t\tname:long_name = \"File Name\" ;\n" + "\tdouble lastModified(row) ;\n"
                + "\t\tlastModified:ioos_category = \"Time\" ;\n"
                + "\t\tlastModified:long_name = \"Last Modified\" ;\n"
                + "\t\tlastModified:units = \"seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z\" ;\n" + "\tdouble size(row) ;\n"
                + "\t\tsize:ioos_category = \"Other\" ;\n" + "\t\tsize:long_name = \"Size\" ;\n"
                + "\t\tsize:units = \"bytes\" ;\n" + "\n" + "// global attributes:\n" + "}\n"
                + "directory,name,lastModified,size\n" + String2.unitTestDataDir
                + "fileNames/,jplMURSST20150103090000.png,1.421276044628E9,46482.0\n" + String2.unitTestDataDir
                + "fileNames/,jplMURSST20150104090000.png,1.420669338436E9,46586.0\n" + String2.unitTestDataDir
                + "fileNames/sub/,,1.420735700318E9,0.0\n" + String2.unitTestDataDir
                + "fileNames/sub/,jplMURSST20150105090000.png,1.420669304917E9,46549.0\n";
        Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

        table = oneStepDoubleWithUrlsNotDirs(String2.unitTestDataDir + "fileNames", ".*\\.png", true, tPathRegex,
        results = table.toString();
        expected = "{\n" + "dimensions:\n" + "\trow = 3 ;\n" + "\turl_strlen = 88 ;\n" + "\tname_strlen = 27 ;\n"
                + "variables:\n" + "\tchar url(row, url_strlen) ;\n" + "\t\turl:ioos_category = \"Identifier\" ;\n"
                + "\t\turl:long_name = \"URL\" ;\n" + "\tchar name(row, name_strlen) ;\n"
                + "\t\tname:ioos_category = \"Identifier\" ;\n" + "\t\tname:long_name = \"File Name\" ;\n"
                + "\tdouble lastModified(row) ;\n" + "\t\tlastModified:ioos_category = \"Time\" ;\n"
                + "\t\tlastModified:long_name = \"Last Modified\" ;\n"
                + "\t\tlastModified:units = \"seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z\" ;\n" + "\tdouble size(row) ;\n"
                + "\t\tsize:ioos_category = \"Other\" ;\n" + "\t\tsize:long_name = \"Size\" ;\n"
                + "\t\tsize:units = \"bytes\" ;\n" + "\n" + "// global attributes:\n" + "}\n"
                + "url,name,lastModified,size\n"
                + "http://localhost:8080/cwexperimental/files/testFileNames/jplMURSST20150103090000.png,jplMURSST20150103090000.png,1.421276044628E9,46482.0\n"
                + "http://localhost:8080/cwexperimental/files/testFileNames/jplMURSST20150104090000.png,jplMURSST20150104090000.png,1.420669338436E9,46586.0\n"
                + "http://localhost:8080/cwexperimental/files/testFileNames/sub/jplMURSST20150105090000.png,jplMURSST20150105090000.png,1.420669304917E9,46549.0\n";
        Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

        //*** huge dir
        String unexpected = "\nUnexpected FileVisitorDNLS error (but /data/gtspp/temp dir has variable nFiles):\n";

        if (doBigTest) {
            for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 2; attempt++) {
                try {
                    //forward slash in huge directory
                    time = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    table = oneStep("/data/gtspp/temp", ".*\\.nc", false, tPathRegex, false);
                    time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
                    //2014-11-25 98436 files in 410ms
                    StringArray directoryPA = (StringArray) table.getColumn(DIRECTORY);
                    String2.log("forward test: n=" + directoryPA.size() + " time=" + time + "ms");
                    if (directoryPA.size() < 1000) {
                        String2.log(directoryPA.size() + " files. Not a good test.");
                    } else {
                        Test.ensureBetween(time / (double) directoryPA.size(), 2e-3, 8e-3,
                                "ms/file (4.1e-3 expected)");
                        String dir0 = directoryPA.get(0);
                        String2.log("forward slash test: dir0=" + dir0);
                        Test.ensureTrue(dir0.indexOf('\\') < 0, "");
                        Test.ensureTrue(dir0.endsWith("/"), "");
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    String2.pressEnterToContinue(unexpected + MustBe.throwableToString(t));

            for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 2; attempt++) {
                try {
                    //backward slash in huge directory
                    time = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    table = oneStep("\\data\\gtspp\\temp", ".*\\.nc", false, tPathRegex, false);
                    time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
                    //2014-11-25 98436 files in 300ms
                    StringArray directoryPA = (StringArray) table.getColumn(DIRECTORY);
                    String2.log("backward test: n=" + directoryPA.size() + " time=" + time + "ms");
                    if (directoryPA.size() < 1000) {
                        String2.log(directoryPA.size() + " files. Not a good test.");
                    } else {
                        Test.ensureBetween(time / (double) directoryPA.size(), 1e-3, 8e-3,
                                "ms/file (3e-3 expected)");
                        String dir0 = directoryPA.get(0);
                        String2.log("backward slash test: dir0=" + dir0);
                        Test.ensureTrue(dir0.indexOf('/') < 0, "");
                        Test.ensureTrue(dir0.endsWith("\\"), "");
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    String2.pressEnterToContinue(unexpected + MustBe.throwableToString(t));
        String2.log("\n*** FileVisitorDNLS.testLocal finished.");

     * This tests this class with Amazon AWS S3 file system. 
     * Your S3 credentials must be in 
     * <br> ~/.aws/credentials on Linux, OS X, or Unix
     * <br> C:\Users\USERNAME\.aws\credentials on Windows
     * See .
    public static void testAWSS3() throws Throwable {
        String2.log("\n*** FileVisitorDNLS.testAWSS3");
        try {

            verbose = true;
            String contextDir = SSR.getContextDirectory(); //with / separator and / at the end
            Table table;
            long time;
            int n;
            String results, expected;
            String parent = "";
            String child = "CONUS/";
            String pathRegex = null;

            //recursive and dirToo
            table = oneStep(parent, ".*\\.nc", true, pathRegex, true);
            results = table.dataToString();
            expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n"
                    + ",,,\n"
                    + ",,,\n"
                    + ",,1380652638000,1368229240\n"
                    + ",,1380649780000,1368487462\n"
                    + ",,1380651065000,1368894133\n";
            if (expected.length() > results.length())
                String2.log("results=\n" + results);
            Test.ensureEqual(results.substring(0, expected.length()), expected, "results=\n" + results);

            //recursive and !dirToo
            table = oneStep(parent, ".*\\.nc", true, pathRegex, false);
            results = table.dataToString();
            expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n"
                    + ",,1380652638000,1368229240\n"
                    + ",,1380649780000,1368487462\n"
                    + ",,1380651065000,1368894133\n";
            if (expected.length() > results.length())
                String2.log("results=\n" + results);
            Test.ensureEqual(results.substring(0, expected.length()), expected, "results=\n" + results);

            //!recursive and dirToo
            table = oneStep(parent + child, ".*\\.nc", false, pathRegex, true);
            results = table.dataToString();
            expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n"
                    + ",,,\n"
                    + ",,1380652638000,1368229240\n"
                    + ",,1380649780000,1368487462\n"
                    + ",,1380651065000,1368894133\n";
            if (expected.length() > results.length())
                String2.log("results=\n" + results);
            Test.ensureEqual(results.substring(0, expected.length()), expected, "results=\n" + results);

            //!recursive and !dirToo
            table = oneStep(parent + child, ".*\\.nc", false, pathRegex, false);
            results = table.dataToString();
            expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n"
                    + ",,1380652638000,1368229240\n"
                    + ",,1380649780000,1368487462\n"
                    + ",,1380651065000,1368894133\n";
            if (expected.length() > results.length())
                String2.log("results=\n" + results);
            Test.ensureEqual(results.substring(0, expected.length()), expected, "results=\n" + results);

            String2.log("\n*** FileVisitorDNLS.testAWSS3 finished.");

        } catch (Throwable t) {
                    + "\nUnexpected error.  (Did you create your AWS S3 credentials file?)");

     * This makes sure a local directory has the same contents as 
     * a remote directory, based on the lastModified time (not size,
     * since size of some remote sources is approximate).
     * If a file is in the localDir but not the remoteDir, it isn't deleted.
     * If a file in the localDir is newer than in remoteDir, it isn't changed.
     * @param localDir need not currently exist. If doIt=true, it will be created,
     *    as will all needed subdir.
     * @param tPathRegex if tRecursive=true, this restricts which remoteDir 
     *    paths will be followed.
     *    Use null, "", or ".*" to get the default ".*".
     *    Creating these is very tricky. In general, it must start with .* and
     *    then a specific directory using forward slashes. 
     *    Each subsequent dir must be a capturing group
     *    with the option of nothing, e.g., "(|someDir/)". 
     *    It must start with the last part of the remoteDir and localDir, which must be the same.
     *    Use "(|[^/]+/)" to match anything at a given level.  Example:
     *    ".* /NMFS/(|NEFSC/)(|inport/)(|xml/)" (but remove the internal space which
     *    lets this javadoc comment continue).
     * @param doIt if true, the files are actually copied
     * @return a Table with 2 String columns (remote, local)
     *    with the full names of the files which were (or need to be)
     *    copied, and the lastModified time of the remote file.
     * @throws Exception if trouble getting remote or local file info.
     *    If doIt, exceptions while downloading files are caught, logged,
     *    and not rethrown.
    public static Table sync(String remoteDir, String localDir, String tFileNameRegex, boolean tRecursive,
            String tPathRegex, boolean doIt) throws Exception {

        //use forward slashes and final slash so I can work consistently with the two dirs
        remoteDir = File2.addSlash(String2.replaceAll(remoteDir, '\\', '/'));
        localDir = File2.addSlash(String2.replaceAll(localDir, '\\', '/'));
        int rDirLen = remoteDir.length();
        int lDirLen = localDir.length();

        //get the remote and local file information
        Table rTable = oneStep(remoteDir, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, false); //dir too
        Table lTable = oneStep(localDir, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, false); //dir too
        rTable.leftToRightSort(2); //lexical sort, so can walk through below
        lTable.leftToRightSort(2); //lexical sort, so can walk through below
        //String2.log("\nremote table (max of 5)\n" + rTable.dataToString(5) +
        //            "\nlocal  table (max of 5)\n" + lTable.dataToString(5));

        StringArray rDir = (StringArray) rTable.getColumn(DIRECTORY);
        StringArray lDir = (StringArray) lTable.getColumn(DIRECTORY);
        StringArray rName = (StringArray) rTable.getColumn(NAME);
        StringArray lName = (StringArray) lTable.getColumn(NAME);
        LongArray rLastMod = (LongArray) rTable.getColumn(LASTMODIFIED);
        LongArray lLastMod = (LongArray) lTable.getColumn(LASTMODIFIED);

        //make a table for the results
        StringArray remoteSA = new StringArray();
        StringArray localSA = new StringArray();
        LongArray lastModLA = new LongArray();
        Table outTable = new Table();
        outTable.addColumn("remote", remoteSA);
        outTable.addColumn("local", localSA);
        outTable.addColumn(LASTMODIFIED, lastModLA);

        //walk through both tables, dealing with nextr and nextl items
        int nr = rDir.size();
        int nl = lDir.size();
        int nextr = 0;
        int nextl = 0;
        int nTooRecent = 0, nExtraLocal = 0, nAlready = 0;
        while (nextr < nr || nextl < nl) {
            if (nextr >= nr) {
                //no more remote files
                //delete this local file that doesn't exist at the source?
                String2.log("  WARNING: localFile=" + lDir.get(nextl) + lName.get(nextl)
                        + " has no remote counterpart at " + remoteDir);
            String rFullName = rDir.get(nextr) + rName.get(nextr);
            if (nextl >= nl) {
                //no more local files: so download this remote file
                localSA.add(localDir + rFullName.substring(rDirLen));
            String lFullName = lDir.get(nextl) + lName.get(nextl);

            //find which of nextLocal or nextRemote has lower relativeDir+name
            int compare = rFullName.substring(rDirLen).compareTo(lFullName.substring(lDirLen));
            if (compare == 0 && rLastMod.get(nextr) < lLastMod.get(nextl)) {
                //newer local version!
                String2.log("  WARNING: localFile=" + lFullName + "(" + lLastMod.get(nextl)
                        + ") is newer than comparable remoteFile=" + rFullName + "(" + rLastMod.get(nextr) + ")");
            } else if (compare < 0 || //new remote file
                    (compare == 0 && rLastMod.get(nextr) > lLastMod.get(nextl))) { //newer remote version
                //new remote file: so download it
                localSA.add(localDir + rFullName.substring(rDirLen));
                if (compare == 0)
            } else if (compare == 0) {
                //times are same, so do nothing
            } else { //compare > 0: local file is unexpected. Delete it?
                String2.log("  WARNING: localFile=" + lFullName + " has no remote counterpart at " + remoteDir);
        int n = remoteSA.size();

        StringArray downloadFailures = new StringArray();
        if (doIt) {
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                try {
                    if (i % 100 == 0)
                        String2.log("sync is downloading #" + i + " of " + n);
                    SSR.downloadFile(remoteSA.get(i), localSA.get(i), false); //try to compress
                    File2.setLastModified(localSA.get(i), lastModLA.get(i));
                } catch (Throwable t) {

        String2.log("sync(" + remoteDir + ", " + localDir + ", " + tFileNameRegex + ")\n  found nAlready="
                + nAlready + " nToDownload=" + n + " nTooRecent=" + nTooRecent + " nExtraLocal=" + nExtraLocal);
        if (doIt)
                    "nDownloadFailures=" + downloadFailures.size() + ":\n" + downloadFailures.toNewlineString());

        return outTable;

     * This tests sync().
    public static void testSync() throws Throwable {
        String2.log("\n*** FileVisitorDNLS.testSync");
        String rDir = "";
        String lDir = String2.unitTestDataDir + "sync/NMFS"; //test without trailing slash 
        String fileRegex = "22...\\.xml";
        boolean recursive = true;
        //first part of pathRegex must be the last part of the rDir and the lDir, e.g., NMFS
        //pre 2016-03-04 I tested NWFSC/inport/xml, but it has been empty for a month!
        String pathRegex = ".*/NMFS/(|NEFSC/)(|inport/)(|xml/)"; //tricky!            
        boolean doIt = true;

        //get original times
        String name22560 = lDir + "/NEFSC/inport/xml/22560.xml";
        String name22565 = lDir + "/NEFSC/inport/xml/22565.xml";

        long time22560 = File2.getLastModified(name22560);
        long time22565 = File2.getLastModified(name22565);

        try {
            //For testing purposes, I put one extra file in the dir: 8083.xml renamed as 22ext.xml

            //do the sync
            sync(rDir, lDir, fileRegex, recursive, pathRegex, true);

            //current date on all these files
            //    "2016-02-20T06:02:00", ""); //what the web site shows for many

            //delete 1 local file
            File2.delete(lDir + "/NEFSC/inport/xml/22563.xml");

            //make 1 local file older
            File2.setLastModified(name22560, 100);

            //make 1 local file newer
            File2.setLastModified(name22565, System.currentTimeMillis() + 100);

            //test the sync 
            Table table = sync(rDir, lDir, fileRegex, recursive, pathRegex, doIt);
            String2.pressEnterToContinue("\nCheck above to ensure these numbers:\n"
                    + "\"found nAlready=3 nToDownload=2 nTooRecent=1 nExtraLocal=1\"\n");
            String results = table.dataToString();
            String expected = //the lastModified values change periodically
                    //these are the files which were downloaded
                            + ","
                            + String2.unitTestDataDir + "sync/NMFS/NEFSC/inport/xml/22560.xml,1510670100000\n"
                            + ","
                            + String2.unitTestDataDir + "sync/NMFS/NEFSC/inport/xml/22563.xml,1510670160000\n";
            Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

            //no changes, do the sync again
            table = sync(rDir, lDir, fileRegex, recursive, pathRegex, doIt);
            String2.pressEnterToContinue("\nCheck above to ensure these numbers:\n"
                    + "\"found nAlready=5 nToDownload=0 nTooRecent=1 nExtraLocal=1\"\n");
            results = table.dataToString();
            expected = "remote,local,lastModified\n";
            Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

        } finally {
            File2.setLastModified(name22560, time22560);
            File2.setLastModified(name22565, time22565);


     * This looks in all the specified files until a file with a line that
     * matches lineRegex is found.
     * @param tallyWhich if &gt;= 0, this tabulates the values of the
     *   tallyWhich-th capture group in the lineRegex.
     * @param interactiveNLines if &gt;0, this shows the file, 
     *   the matching line and nLines thereafter, and calls pressEnterToContinue().
     *   If false, this returns the name of the first file matching lineRegex.
     * @return this returns the first matching fileName, or null if none
    public static String findFileWith(String tDir, String tFileNameRegex, boolean tRecursive, String tPathRegex,
            String lineRegex, int tallyWhich, int interactiveNLines, int showTopN) throws Throwable {
        String2.log("\n*** findFileWith(\"" + lineRegex + "\")");
        Table table = oneStep(tDir, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, false);
        StringArray dirs = (StringArray) table.getColumn(DIRECTORY);
        StringArray names = (StringArray) table.getColumn(NAME);
        Tally tally = tallyWhich >= 0 ? new Tally() : null;
        int nFiles = names.size();
        Pattern linePattern = Pattern.compile(lineRegex);
        String firstFullName = null;
        int lastFileiMatch = -1;
        int nFilesMatched = 0;
        int nLinesMatched = 0;
        for (int filei = 0; filei < nFiles; filei++) {
            if (filei % 100 == 0)
                        "file#" + filei + " nFilesMatched=" + nFilesMatched + " nLinesMatched=" + nLinesMatched);
            try {
                String fullName = dirs.get(filei) + names.get(filei);
                String lines[] = SSR.getUrlResponseLines(fullName);
                for (int linei = 0; linei < lines.length; linei++) {
                    Matcher matcher = linePattern.matcher(lines[linei]);
                    if (matcher.matches()) {
                        if (lastFileiMatch != filei) {
                            lastFileiMatch = filei;
                        if (firstFullName == null)
                            firstFullName = fullName;
                        if (tallyWhich >= 0)
                        if (interactiveNLines > 0) {
                            String msg = "\n***** Found match in fileName#" + filei + "=" + fullName + " on line#"
                                    + linei;
                            String2.log(msg + ". File contents=");
                            String2.log("\n" + msg + ":\n");
                            for (int tl = linei; tl < Math.min(linei + interactiveNLines + 1, lines.length); tl++)
                        } else if (tallyWhich < 0) {
                            return firstFullName;
            } catch (Exception e) {
        String2.log("\nfindFileWhich finished successfully. nFiles=" + nFiles + " nFilesMatched=" + nFilesMatched
                + " nLinesMatched=" + nLinesMatched);
        if (tallyWhich >= 0)
            String2.log(tally.toString(showTopN)); //most common n will be shown
        return firstFullName;

     * This makes a .tgz or .tar.gz file.
     * @param tResultName is the full result file name, usually 
     *   the name of the dir being archived, and ending in .tgz or .tar.gz.
    public static void makeTgz(String tDir, String tFileNameRegex, boolean tRecursive, String tPathRegex,
            String tResultName) throws Exception {
        TarArchiveOutputStream tar = null;
        String outerDir = File2.getDirectory(tDir.substring(0, tDir.length() - 1));
        tar = new TarArchiveOutputStream(
                new GZIPOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tResultName))));

        // Add data to out and flush stream
        Table filesTable = oneStep(tDir, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, false); //tDirectoriesToo
        StringArray directoryPA = (StringArray) filesTable.getColumn(DIRECTORY);
        StringArray namePA = (StringArray) filesTable.getColumn(NAME);
        LongArray lastModifiedPA = (LongArray) filesTable.getColumn(LASTMODIFIED);
        LongArray sizePA = (LongArray) filesTable.getColumn(SIZE);
        byte buffer[] = new byte[32768];
        int nBytes;
        for (int fi = 0; fi < namePA.size(); fi++) {
            String fullName = directoryPA.get(fi) + namePA.get(fi);
            TarArchiveEntry entry = new TarArchiveEntry(new File(fullName.substring(outerDir.length())));
            FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fullName);
            while ((nBytes = > 0)
                tar.write(buffer, 0, nBytes);

     * This tests makeTgz.
    public static void testMakeTgz() throws Exception {
        String2.log("\n*** FileVisitorDNLS.testMakeTgz");

        String tgzName = String2.unitTestDataDir + "testMakeTgz.tar.gz";
        try {
            makeTgz(String2.unitTestDataDir + "fileNames/", ".*", true, ".*", tgzName);
            SSR.displayInBrowser("file://" + tgzName); //works with .tar.gz, not .tgz
            String2.pressEnterToContinue("Are the contents of the .tar.gz file okay?");
        } catch (Throwable t) {

     * This makes a String representation of the directories, fileNames, sizes,
     * and lastModified times.
     * @param relativeDirectoryNames if true, the directory names shown will 
     *    be relative to tDir.
     * @return a String representation of the directories, fileNames, sizes,
     *   and lastModified times.  Most lines will have 99 characters.
    public static String oneStepToString(String tDir, String tFileNameRegex, boolean tRecursive, String tPathRegex)
            throws IOException {

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        tDir = File2.addSlash(tDir);
        String slash = tDir.indexOf('/') >= 0 ? "/" : "\\";

        Table table = oneStep(tDir, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, true); //directoriesToo
        StringArray directoryPA = (StringArray) table.getColumn(DIRECTORY);
        StringArray namePA = (StringArray) table.getColumn(NAME);
        LongArray lastModifiedPA = (LongArray) table.getColumn(LASTMODIFIED);
        LongArray sizePA = (LongArray) table.getColumn(SIZE);
        int nRows = table.nRows();
        StringBuilder spaces = new StringBuilder();
        for (int row = 0; row < nRows; row++) {
            String cDir = directoryPA.get(row);
            String cName = namePA.get(row);
            long cTime = lastModifiedPA.get(row);
            long cSize = sizePA.get(row);

            String relDir = cDir.substring(Math.min(tDir.length(), cDir.length()));
            int nSpaces = String2.countAll(relDir, slash) * 2;
            if (spaces.length() > nSpaces) {
            } else
                while (spaces.length() < nSpaces) {
                    spaces.append(' ');

            if (cName.length() == 0) {
                //a directory
                sb.append(spaces.substring(0, Math.max(0, nSpaces - 2)) + relDir + "\n");
            } else {
                sb.append(String2.left(spaces + cName, 64)); //64
                sb.append(' '); //1                   
                        cTime == Long.MAX_VALUE ? "" : Calendar2.epochSecondsToIsoStringT(cTime / 1000) + "Z", 21)); //21
                sb.append(' '); //1
                sb.append(String2.right(cSize == Long.MAX_VALUE ? "" : "" + cSize, 12)); //just <1TB //12

        return sb.toString();

     * This tests oneStepToString().
    public static void testOneStepToString() throws Throwable {

        String2.log("\n*** FileVisitorDNLS.testOneStepToString()");

        String results = oneStepToString(String2.unitTestDataDir + "CFPointConventions/timeSeries/", ".*", true,
        String expected =
                //this tests that all files are before all dirs
                "timeSeries-Incomplete-MultiDimensional-MultipleStations-H.2.2.rb 2012-11-01T18:16:26Z          5173\n"
                        + "timeSeries-Orthogonal-Multidimenstional-MultipleStations-H.2.1.rb 2012-11-01T18:16:26Z          2979\n"
                        + "timeSeries-Incomplete-MultiDimensional-MultipleStations-H.2.2/\n"
                        + "  README                                                         2012-11-01T18:16:26Z            87\n"
                        + "  timeSeries-Incomplete-MultiDimensional-MultipleStations-H.2.2.cdl 2012-11-01T18:16:26Z          1793\n"
                        + " 2012-11-01T18:16:26Z          4796\n"
                        + "  timeSeries-Incomplete-MultiDimensional-MultipleStations-H.2.2.ncml 2012-11-01T18:16:26Z          3026\n"
                        + "timeSeries-Orthogonal-Multidimenstional-MultipleStations-H.2.1/\n"
                        + "  README                                                         2012-11-01T18:16:26Z           538\n"
                        + "  timeSeries-Orthogonal-Multidimenstional-MultipleStations-H.2.1.cdl 2012-11-01T18:16:26Z          1515\n"
                        + " 2012-11-01T18:16:26Z         10436\n"
                        + "  timeSeries-Orthogonal-Multidimenstional-MultipleStations-H.2.1.ncml 2012-11-01T18:16:26Z          2625\n";
        Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

     * This tests pathRegex().
    public static void testPathRegex() throws Throwable {

        String2.log("\n*** FileVisitorDNLS.testPathRegex()");

        String results = oneStepToString(String2.unitTestDataDir + "CFPointConventions/timeSeries/", ".*", true, //all files
                ".*H\\.2\\.1.*"); //but only H.2.1 dirs
        String expected = "timeSeries-Incomplete-MultiDimensional-MultipleStations-H.2.2.rb 2012-11-01T18:16:26Z          5173\n"
                + "timeSeries-Orthogonal-Multidimenstional-MultipleStations-H.2.1.rb 2012-11-01T18:16:26Z          2979\n"
                + "timeSeries-Orthogonal-Multidimenstional-MultipleStations-H.2.1/\n"
                + "  README                                                         2012-11-01T18:16:26Z           538\n"
                + "  timeSeries-Orthogonal-Multidimenstional-MultipleStations-H.2.1.cdl 2012-11-01T18:16:26Z          1515\n"
                + " 2012-11-01T18:16:26Z         10436\n"
                + "  timeSeries-Orthogonal-Multidimenstional-MultipleStations-H.2.1.ncml 2012-11-01T18:16:26Z          2625\n";
        Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);

     * This tests following symbolic links / soft links.
     * THIS DOESN'T WORK on Windows, because Java doesn't follow Windows .lnk's.
     *  Windows links are not easily parsed files. It would be hard to add support
     *  for .lnk's to this class.
     * This class now works as expected with symbolic links on Linux.
     *   I tested manually on coastwatch Linux with and main() below and
     *   ./ /u00/satellite/MUR41/anom/1day/ ....0401.\* 
    public static void testSymbolicLinks() throws Throwable {

        String2.log("\n*** FileVisitorDNLS.testSymbolicLinks()");
        boolean oDebugMode = debugMode;
        debugMode = true;

        String results = oneStepToString("/u00/satellite/MUR41/anom/1day/", ".*", true, ".*");
        String expected =
                //2002 are files. 2003 is a shortcut to files
        Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results);
        debugMode = oDebugMode;

     * This tallys the contents of the specified XML findTags in the specified files
     * and returns the Tally object.
    public static Tally tallyXml(String dir, String fileNameRegex, boolean recursive, String findTags[])
            throws Exception {

        Table table = oneStep(dir, fileNameRegex, recursive, ".*", false); //tRecursive, tPathRegex, tDirectoriesToo
        StringArray dirs = (StringArray) table.getColumn(FileVisitorDNLS.DIRECTORY);
        StringArray names = (StringArray) table.getColumn(FileVisitorDNLS.NAME);
        Tally tally = new Tally();
        int nErrors = 0;
        int nFindTags = findTags.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) {

            SimpleXMLReader xmlReader = null;
            try {
                String2.log("reading #" + i + ": " + dirs.get(i) + names.get(i));
                xmlReader = new SimpleXMLReader(new FileInputStream(dirs.get(i) + names.get(i)));
                while (true) {
                    String tags = xmlReader.allTags();
                    if (tags.length() == 0)
                    for (int t = 0; t < nFindTags; t++) {
                        if (tags.equals(findTags[t]))
                            tally.add(findTags[t], xmlReader.content());

            } catch (Throwable t) {
                if (xmlReader != null)
        String2.log("\n*** tallyXml() finished. nErrors=" + nErrors);
        return tally;

     * This finds the file names where an xml findTags matches a regex.
    public static void findMatchingContentInXml(String dir, String fileNameRegex, boolean recursive, String findTag,
            String matchRegex) throws Exception {

        Table table = oneStep(dir, fileNameRegex, recursive, ".*", false); //tRecursive, tPathRegex, tDirectoriesToo
        StringArray dirs = (StringArray) table.getColumn(FileVisitorDNLS.DIRECTORY);
        StringArray names = (StringArray) table.getColumn(FileVisitorDNLS.NAME);
        Tally tally = new Tally();
        int nErrors = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) {

            SimpleXMLReader xmlReader = null;
            try {
                String2.log("reading #" + i + ": " + dirs.get(i) + names.get(i));
                xmlReader = new SimpleXMLReader(new FileInputStream(dirs.get(i) + names.get(i)));
                while (true) {
                    String tags = xmlReader.allTags();
                    if (tags.length() == 0)
                    if (tags.equals(findTag) && xmlReader.content().matches(matchRegex))
                        String2.log(dirs.get(i) + names.get(i) + " has \"" + xmlReader.content() + "\"");

            } catch (Throwable t) {
                if (xmlReader != null)
        String2.log("\n*** findMatchingContentInXml() finished. nErrors=" + nErrors);

     * This tests the methods in this class.
     * @throws Throwable if trouble
    public static void test(boolean doBigTest) throws Throwable {
        String2.log("\n****************** FileVisitorDNLS.test() *****************\n");
        /* for releases, this line should have open/close comment */
        //always done        

        //testSymbolicLinks(); //THIS TEST DOESN'T WORK on Windows, but links are followed on Linux

        //future: FTP?

      * This is used for testing this class.
      * This is used when called from the command line.
      * It explicitly calls System.exit(0) when done.
      * @param args if args has values, they are used to answer the question.
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Throwable {
        verbose = true;
        reallyVerbose = true;
        debugMode = true;
        if (args == null || args.length < 2) {
            String2.log("Usage: FileVisitorDNLS startingDirectory fileNameRegex");
        } else {
            Table table = oneStep(args[0], args[1], true, ".*", true); //tRecursive, tPathRegex, tDirectoriesToo
