Java tutorial
/* * FileVisitorDNLS Copyright 2014, NOAA. * See the LICENSE.txt file in this file's directory. */ package gov.noaa.pfel.coastwatch.util; import com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException; import com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException; import com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfileCredentialsProvider; import; import; import; import; import; import com.cohort.array.Attributes; import com.cohort.array.DoubleArray; import com.cohort.array.LongArray; import com.cohort.array.StringArray; import com.cohort.util.Calendar2; import com.cohort.util.File2; import com.cohort.util.Math2; import com.cohort.util.MustBe; import com.cohort.util.SimpleException; import com.cohort.util.String2; import com.cohort.util.Test; import com.cohort.util.XML; import gov.noaa.pfel.coastwatch.pointdata.Table; import gov.noaa.pfel.coastwatch.util.Tally; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.FileSystems; import java.nio.file.FileVisitOption; import java.nio.file.FileVisitResult; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.SimpleFileVisitor; import java.util.Date; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.tar.TarArchiveOutputStream; import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.tar.TarArchiveEntry; /** * This class gathers basic information about a group of files. * This follows Linux symbolic links, but not Windows .lnk's (see testSymbolicLinks() below). * * @author Bob Simons ( 2014-11-25 */ public class FileVisitorDNLS extends SimpleFileVisitor<Path> { /** * These are thread-safe ways to recognize different types of servers. * Use them in this order. */ public final static String AWS_S3_REGEX = String2.AWS_S3_REGEX; /** If testing a "dir", url should have a trailing slash.*/ public final static Pattern AWS_S3_PATTERN = String2.AWS_S3_PATTERN; //test hyrax before tds because some hyrax offer a tds-like catalog public final static String HYRAX_REGEX = "https?://.+/opendap/.+"; public final static Pattern HYRAX_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(HYRAX_REGEX); public final static String THREDDS_REGEX = "https?://.+/thredds/catalog/.+"; public final static Pattern THREDDS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(THREDDS_REGEX); //works for any http service (e.g., WAF), so test last //FileVisitorSubdir also uses this. public final static String HTTP_REGEX = "https?://.+"; public final static Pattern HTTP_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(HTTP_REGEX); //not that . doesn't match line terminator characters! public final static String TT_REGEX = "<tt>.*</tt>"; /** * Set this to true (by calling verbose=true in your program, * not by changing the code here) * if you want lots of diagnostic messages sent to String2.log. */ public static boolean verbose = false; public static boolean reallyVerbose = false; public static boolean debugMode = false; /** The names of the columns in the table. */ public final static String DIRECTORY = "directory"; public final static String NAME = "name"; public final static String LASTMODIFIED = "lastModified"; public final static String SIZE = "size"; public final static String URL = "url"; //in place of directory for oneStepAccessibleViaFiles /** things set by constructor */ public String dir; //with \\ or / separators. With trailing slash (to match). private char fromSlash, toSlash; public String fileNameRegex; public String pathRegex; //will be null if equivalent of .* public Pattern fileNamePattern; //from fileNameRegex public Pattern pathPattern; //will be null if pathRegex is null public boolean recursive, directoriesToo; static boolean OSIsWindows = String2.OSIsWindows; public Table table; /** dirs will have \\ or / like original constructor tDir, and a matching trailing slash. */ public StringArray directoryPA; public StringArray namePA; public LongArray lastModifiedPA; public LongArray sizePA; /** * The constructor. * Usage: see useIt(). * * @param tDir The starting directory, with \\ or /, with or without trailing /. * The resulting dirPA will contain dirs with matching slashes. * @param pathRegex This is a regex to constrain which subdirectories to include. * null or "" is treated as .* (i.e., match everything). * @param tDirectoriesToo */ public FileVisitorDNLS(String tDir, String tFileNameRegex, boolean tRecursive, String tPathRegex, boolean tDirectoriesToo) { super(); dir = File2.addSlash(tDir); toSlash = dir.indexOf('\\') >= 0 ? '\\' : '/'; fromSlash = toSlash == '/' ? '\\' : '/'; fileNameRegex = tFileNameRegex; fileNamePattern = Pattern.compile(fileNameRegex); recursive = tRecursive; pathRegex = tPathRegex == null || tPathRegex.length() == 0 || tPathRegex.equals(".*") ? null : tPathRegex; pathPattern = pathRegex == null ? null : Pattern.compile(pathRegex); directoriesToo = tDirectoriesToo; table = makeEmptyTable(); directoryPA = (StringArray) table.getColumn(DIRECTORY); namePA = (StringArray) table.getColumn(NAME); lastModifiedPA = (LongArray) table.getColumn(LASTMODIFIED); sizePA = (LongArray) table.getColumn(SIZE); } /** Invoked before entering a directory. */ public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path tDir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { String ttDir = String2.replaceAll(tDir.toString(), fromSlash, toSlash) + toSlash; if (ttDir.equals(dir)) { if (debugMode) String2.log(">> initial dir"); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } //skip because it doesn't match pathRegex? if (pathPattern != null && !pathPattern.matcher(ttDir).matches()) { if (debugMode) String2.log(">> doesn't match pathRegex: " + ttDir + " regex=" + pathRegex); return FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE; } if (directoriesToo) { directoryPA.add(ttDir); namePA.add(""); lastModifiedPA.add(attrs.lastModifiedTime().toMillis()); sizePA.add(0); } if (debugMode) String2.log(">> recursive=" + recursive + " dir=" + ttDir); return recursive ? FileVisitResult.CONTINUE : FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE; } /** Invoked for a file in a directory. */ public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { int oSize = directoryPA.size(); try { String name = file.getFileName().toString(); if (!fileNamePattern.matcher(name).matches()) { if (debugMode) String2.log(">> fileName doesn't match: name=" + name + " regex=" + fileNameRegex); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } //getParent returns \\ or /, without trailing / String ttDir = String2.replaceAll(file.getParent().toString(), fromSlash, toSlash) + toSlash; if (debugMode) String2.log(">> add fileName: " + ttDir + name); directoryPA.add(ttDir); namePA.add(name); lastModifiedPA.add(attrs.lastModifiedTime().toMillis()); sizePA.add(attrs.size()); //for debugging only: //String2.log(ttDir + name + // " mod=" + attrs.lastModifiedTime().toMillis() + // " size=" + attrs.size()); } catch (Throwable t) { if (directoryPA.size() > oSize) directoryPA.remove(oSize); if (namePA.size() > oSize) namePA.remove(oSize); if (lastModifiedPA.size() > oSize) lastModifiedPA.remove(oSize); if (sizePA.size() > oSize) sizePA.remove(oSize); String2.log(MustBe.throwableToString(t)); } return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } /** Invoked for a file that could not be visited. */ public FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(Path file, IOException exc) { //2015-03-10 I added this method to override the superclass //which apparently throws the exception and stops the parent //SimpleFileVisitor. This class just ignores the error. //Partial test that this change solves the problem: call // new FileVisitorSubdir("/") // on my Windows computer with message analogous to below enabled. // It shows several files where visitFileFailed. //Always show message here. It is useful information. (message is just filename) String2.log("WARNING: FileVisitorDNLS.visitFileFailed: " + exc.getMessage()); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } /** table.dataToString(); */ public String resultsToString() { return table.dataToString(); } /** * This returns an empty table with columns suitable for the instance table or oneStep. */ public static Table makeEmptyTable() { Table table = new Table(); table.addColumn(DIRECTORY, new StringArray()); table.addColumn(NAME, new StringArray()); table.addColumn(LASTMODIFIED, new LongArray()); table.addColumn(SIZE, new LongArray()); return table; } /** * This is a convenience method for using this class. * <p>This works with Amazon AWS S3 bucket URLs. Internal /'s in the keys will be * treated as folder separators. If there aren't any /'s, all the keys will * be in the root directory. * * @param tDir The starting directory, with \\ or /, with or without trailing slash. * The resulting directoryPA will contain dirs with matching slashes and trailing slash. * @param tPathRegex a regex to constrain which subdirs to include. * This is ignored if recursive is false. * null or "" is treated as .* (i.e., match everything). * @param tDirectoriesToo if true, each directory name will get its own rows * in the results. * @return a table with columns with DIRECTORY, NAME, LASTMODIFIED, and SIZE columns. * LASTMODIFIED and SIZE are LongArrays -- For directories when the values * are otherwise unknown, the value will be Long.MAX_VALUE. * If directoriesToo=true, the original dir won't be included and any * directory's file NAME will be "". * @throws IOException if trouble */ public static Table oneStep(String tDir, String tFileNameRegex, boolean tRecursive, String tPathRegex, boolean tDirectoriesToo) throws IOException { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); //is tDir an http URL? if (tDir.matches(FileVisitorDNLS.HTTP_REGEX)) { //Is it an S3 bucket with "files"? //If testing a "dir", url should have a trailing slash. Matcher matcher = AWS_S3_PATTERN.matcher(File2.addSlash(tDir)); //force trailing slash if (matcher.matches()) { // //If files have file-system-like names, e.g., // // // you still can't request just dir2 info because they aren't directories. // They are just object keys with internal slashes. //So specify prefix in request. Table table = makeEmptyTable(); StringArray directoryPA = (StringArray) table.getColumn(DIRECTORY); StringArray namePA = (StringArray) table.getColumn(NAME); LongArray lastModifiedPA = (LongArray) table.getColumn(LASTMODIFIED); LongArray sizePA = (LongArray) table.getColumn(SIZE); String bucketName =; String prefix =; String baseURL = tDir.substring(0, matcher.start(2)); AmazonS3 s3client = new AmazonS3Client(new ProfileCredentialsProvider()); try { if (verbose) String2.log("FileVisitorDNLS.oneStep getting info from AWS S3 at" + "\nURL=" + tDir); //"\nbucket=" + bucketName + " prefix=" + prefix); //I wanted to generate lastMod for dir based on lastMod of files //but it would be inconsistent for different requests (recursive, fileNameRegex). //so just a set of dir names. HashSet<String> dirHashSet = new HashSet(); ListObjectsRequest listObjectsRequest = new ListObjectsRequest().withBucketName(bucketName) .withPrefix(prefix); ObjectListing objectListing; do { objectListing = s3client.listObjects(listObjectsRequest); for (S3ObjectSummary objectSummary : objectListing.getObjectSummaries()) { String keyFullName = objectSummary.getKey(); String keyDir = File2.getDirectory(baseURL + keyFullName); String keyName = File2.getNameAndExtension(keyFullName); if (debugMode) String2.log( "keyFullName=" + keyFullName + "\nkeyDir=" + keyDir + "\n tDir=" + tDir); if (keyDir.startsWith(tDir) && //it should (tRecursive || keyDir.length() == tDir.length())) { //store this dir if (tDirectoriesToo) { //S3 only returns object keys. I must infer/collect directories. //Store this dir and parents back to tDir. String choppedKeyDir = keyDir; while (choppedKeyDir.length() >= tDir.length()) { if (!dirHashSet.add(choppedKeyDir)) break; //hash set already had this, so will already have parents //chop off last subdirectory choppedKeyDir = File2.getDirectory( choppedKeyDir.substring(0, choppedKeyDir.length() - 1)); //remove trailing / } } //store this file's information //Sometimes directories appear as files are named "" with size=0. //I don't store those as files. if (debugMode) String2.log("keyName=" + keyFullName + "\n tFileNameRegex=" + tFileNameRegex + " matches=" + keyName.matches(tFileNameRegex)); if (keyName.length() > 0 && keyName.matches(tFileNameRegex)) { directoryPA.add(keyDir); namePA.add(keyName); lastModifiedPA.add(objectSummary.getLastModified().getTime()); //epoch millis sizePA.add(objectSummary.getSize()); //long } } } listObjectsRequest.setMarker(objectListing.getNextMarker()); } while (objectListing.isTruncated()); //add directories to the table if (tDirectoriesToo) { Iterator<String> it = dirHashSet.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { directoryPA.add(; namePA.add(""); lastModifiedPA.add(Long.MAX_VALUE); sizePA.add(Long.MAX_VALUE); } } table.leftToRightSortIgnoreCase(2); return table; } catch (AmazonServiceException ase) { throw new IOException("AmazonServiceException: " + ase.getErrorType() + " ERROR, HTTP Code=" + ase.getStatusCode() + ": " + ase.getMessage(), ase); } catch (AmazonClientException ace) { throw new IOException(ace.getMessage(), ace); } } //HYRAX before THREDDS // matcher = HYRAX_PATTERN.matcher(tDir); if (matcher.matches()) { try { if (verbose) String2.log("FileVisitorDNLS.oneStep getting info from Hyrax at" + "\nURL=" + tDir); Table table = makeEmptyTable(); StringArray directoryPA = (StringArray) table.getColumn(DIRECTORY); StringArray namePA = (StringArray) table.getColumn(NAME); LongArray lastModifiedPA = (LongArray) table.getColumn(LASTMODIFIED); LongArray sizePA = (LongArray) table.getColumn(SIZE); DoubleArray lastModDA = new DoubleArray(); addToHyraxUrlList(tDir, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, tDirectoriesToo, namePA, lastModDA, sizePA); lastModifiedPA.append(lastModDA); int n = namePA.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { String fn = namePA.get(i); directoryPA.add(File2.getDirectory(fn)); namePA.set(i, File2.getNameAndExtension(fn)); } table.leftToRightSortIgnoreCase(2); return table; } catch (Throwable t) { throw new IOException(t.getMessage(), t); } } //THREDDS matcher = THREDDS_PATTERN.matcher(tDir); if (matcher.matches()) { try { if (verbose) String2.log("FileVisitorDNLS.oneStep getting info from THREDDS at" + "\nURL=" + tDir); Table table = makeEmptyTable(); StringArray directoryPA = (StringArray) table.getColumn(DIRECTORY); StringArray namePA = (StringArray) table.getColumn(NAME); LongArray lastModifiedPA = (LongArray) table.getColumn(LASTMODIFIED); LongArray sizePA = (LongArray) table.getColumn(SIZE); DoubleArray lastModDA = new DoubleArray(); addToThreddsUrlList(tDir, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, tDirectoriesToo, namePA, lastModDA, sizePA); lastModifiedPA.append(lastModDA); int n = namePA.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { String fn = namePA.get(i); directoryPA.add(File2.getDirectory(fn)); namePA.set(i, File2.getNameAndExtension(fn)); } table.leftToRightSortIgnoreCase(2); return table; } catch (Throwable t) { throw new IOException(t.getMessage(), t); } } //default: Apache-style WAF try { if (verbose) String2.log("FileVisitorDNLS.oneStep getting info from Apache-style WAF at" + "\nURL=" + tDir); Table table = makeEmptyTable(); StringArray directorySA = (StringArray) table.getColumn(DIRECTORY); StringArray nameSA = (StringArray) table.getColumn(NAME); LongArray lastModLA = (LongArray) table.getColumn(LASTMODIFIED); LongArray sizeLA = (LongArray) table.getColumn(SIZE); addToWAFUrlList(tDir, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, tDirectoriesToo, directorySA, nameSA, lastModLA, sizeLA); table.leftToRightSortIgnoreCase(2); return table; } catch (Throwable t) { throw new IOException(t.getMessage(), t); } } //local files //follow symbolic links: //But this doesn't follow Windows symbolic link .lnk's: // FileVisitorDNLS fv = new FileVisitorDNLS(tDir, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, tDirectoriesToo); EnumSet<FileVisitOption> opts = EnumSet.of(FileVisitOption.FOLLOW_LINKS); Files.walkFileTree(FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(tDir), opts, //follow symbolic links Integer.MAX_VALUE, //maxDepth fv); fv.table.leftToRightSortIgnoreCase(2); if (verbose) String2.log("FileVisitorDNLS.oneStep(local) finished successfully. n=" + fv.directoryPA.size() + " time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + "ms"); return fv.table; } /** * This is a variant of oneStep (a convenience method for using this class) * that returns lastModified as double epoch seconds and size as doubles (bytes) * with some additional metadata. * * @param tDir The starting directory, with \\ or /, with or without trailing slash. * The resulting directoryPA will contain dirs with matching slashes and trailing slash. * @param pathRegex a regex to constrain which subdirs to include. * This is ignored if recursive is false. * null or "" is treated as .* (i.e., match everything). * @return a table with columns with DIRECTORY, NAME, * LASTMODIFIED (double epochSeconds), and SIZE (doubles) columns. * If directoriesToo=true, the original dir won't be included and any * directory's name will be "". * @throws IOException if trouble */ public static Table oneStepDouble(String tDir, String tFileNameRegex, boolean tRecursive, String tPathRegex, boolean tDirectoriesToo) throws IOException { return oneStepDouble(oneStep(tDir, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, tDirectoriesToo)); } /** * This is a variant of oneStepDouble() that uses an existing table from oneStep(). * * @throws IOException if trouble */ public static Table oneStepDouble(Table tTable) throws IOException { int nCols = tTable.nColumns(); int nRows = tTable.nRows(); for (int col = 0; col < nCols; col++) { String colName = tTable.getColumnName(col); Attributes atts = tTable.columnAttributes(col); if (colName.equals(DIRECTORY)) { atts.set("ioos_category", "Identifier"); atts.set("long_name", "Directory"); } else if (colName.equals(NAME)) { atts.set("ioos_category", "Identifier"); atts.set("long_name", "File Name"); } else if (colName.equals(LASTMODIFIED)) { atts.set("ioos_category", "Time"); atts.set("long_name", "Last Modified"); atts.set("units", Calendar2.SECONDS_SINCE_1970); LongArray la = (LongArray) tTable.getColumn(col); DoubleArray da = new DoubleArray(nRows, false); for (int row = 0; row < nRows; row++) da.add(la.get(row) / 1000.0); tTable.setColumn(col, da); } else if (colName.equals(SIZE)) { atts.set("ioos_category", "Other"); atts.set("long_name", "Size"); atts.set("units", "bytes"); tTable.setColumn(col, new DoubleArray(tTable.getColumn(col))); } } return tTable; } /** * This is like oneStep (a convenience method for using this class) * but returns a url column instead of a directory column. * * @param tDir The starting directory, with \\ or /, with or without trailing slash, * which will be removed. * @param startOfUrl usually EDStatic.erddapUrl(loggedInAs) + "/files/" + datasetID() + "/" * which will be prepended. * @return a table with columns with DIRECTORY (always "/"), NAME, * LASTMODIFIED (milliSeconds), and SIZE (long) columns. */ public static Table oneStepWithUrlsNotDirs(String tDir, String tFileNameRegex, boolean tRecursive, String tPathRegex, String startOfUrl) throws IOException { tDir = File2.addSlash(String2.replaceAll(tDir, "\\", "/")); //ensure forward/ and trailing/ return oneStepDoubleWithUrlsNotDirs(oneStep(tDir, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, false), //tDirectoriesToo tDir, startOfUrl); } /** * This is like oneStepDouble (a convenience method for using this class) * but returns a url column instead of a directory column. * * @param tDir The starting directory, with \\ or /, with or without trailing slash, * which will be removed. * @param startOfUrl usually EDStatic.erddapUrl(loggedInAs) + "/files/" + datasetID() + "/" * which will be prepended. * @return a table with columns with DIRECTORY (always "/"), NAME, * LASTMODIFIED (double epochSeconds), and SIZE (doubles) columns. */ public static Table oneStepDoubleWithUrlsNotDirs(String tDir, String tFileNameRegex, boolean tRecursive, String tPathRegex, String startOfUrl) throws IOException { tDir = File2.addSlash(String2.replaceAll(tDir, "\\", "/")); //ensure forward/ and trailing/ return oneStepDoubleWithUrlsNotDirs(oneStepDouble(tDir, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, false), //tDirectoriesToo tDir, startOfUrl); } /** * This is a variant of oneStepDoubleWithUrlsNotDirs() that uses an existing * table from oneStepDouble(tDirToo=false). * * @param tTable an existing table from oneStepDouble(tDirToo=false) * @throws IOException if trouble */ public static Table oneStepDoubleWithUrlsNotDirs(Table tTable, String tDir, String startOfUrl) throws IOException { int nCols = tTable.nColumns(); int nRows = tTable.nRows(); //replace directory with virtual url int diri = tTable.findColumnNumber(DIRECTORY); tTable.setColumnName(diri, URL); tTable.columnAttributes(diri).set("long_name", "URL"); if (nRows == 0) return tTable; StringArray dirPA = (StringArray) tTable.getColumn(diri); StringArray namePA = (StringArray) tTable.getColumn(NAME); int fromLength = tDir.length(); //ensure returned dir is exactly as expected String from = dirPA.get(0).substring(0, fromLength); if (nRows > 0 && !from.equals(tDir)) { String2.log("Observed dir=" + from + "\n" + "Expected dir=" + tDir); throw new SimpleException(MustBe.InternalError + " unexpected directory name."); } for (int row = 0; row < nRows; row++) { //replace from with to dirPA.set(row, startOfUrl + dirPA.get(row).substring(fromLength) + namePA.get(row)); } return tTable; } /** * As a convenience to generateDatasetsXml methods, this returns the last * matching fullFileName. * */ public static String getSampleFileName(String tFileDir, String tFileNameRegex, boolean tRecursive, String tPathRegex) throws Exception { Table fileTable = oneStep(tFileDir, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, false); //dirNamesToo int nRows = fileTable.nRows(); if (nRows == 0) throw new RuntimeException("ERROR in getSampleFileName: No matching files found for\n" + " dir=" + tFileDir + " fileNameRegex=" + tFileNameRegex + " recursive=" + tRecursive + " pathRegex=" + tPathRegex); return fileTable.getColumn(DIRECTORY).getString(nRows - 1) + fileTable.getColumn(NAME).getString(nRows - 1); } //Patterns are thread safe. //inport: //<table><tr><th><img src="/icons/blank.gif" alt="[ICO]"></th><th> // <a href="?C=N;O=D">Name</a></th><th><a href="?C=M;O=A">Last modified</a></th> // <th><a href="?C=S;O=A">Size</a></th><th><a href="?C=D;O=A">Description</a></th> // </tr><tr><th colspan="5"><hr></th></tr> //erddap: //<pre><img src="..." alt="Icon "> <a href="?C=N;O=D">Name</a> // <a href="?C=M;O=A">Last modified</a> <a href="?C=S;O=A">Size</a> // <a href="?C=D;O=A">Description</a> //This line is reliable. Not all WAFs have "Parent Directory". public final static Pattern wafHeaderPattern = Pattern .compile(".*>Name</a>.*>Last modified</a>.*>Size</a>.*>Description</a>.*"); //inport: //<tr><td valign="top"><img src="/icons/back.gif" alt="[DIR]"></td><td> // <a href="/waf/NOAA/NMFS/">Parent Directory</a> </td><td> </td> // <td align="right"> - </td><td> </td></tr> //erddap: //<img src="..." alt="[DIR]" align="absbottom"> <a href="0/">0</a> public final static Pattern wafDirPattern = Pattern.compile(".* alt=\"\\[DIR\\]\".*>.*<a.*>(.*?)</a>.*"); // //<tr><td valign="top"> </td><td><a href="doc/">doc/</a></td> // <td align="right">14-Mar-2017 08:34 </td><td align="right"> - </td><td> </td></tr> public final static Pattern wafDirPattern2 = Pattern .compile(".*href=\"(.*?/)\">" + ".*>\\d{2}-[a-zA-Z]{3}-\\d{4} \\d{2}:\\d{2}(|:\\d{2})" + //date, note internal () ".*"); //inport: //<tr><td valign="top"><img src="/icons/unknown.gif" alt="[ ]"></td><td> // <a href="16734.xml">16734.xml</a> </td> // <td align="right">30-Jul-2015 13:05 </td><td align="right"> 10K</td> // <td> </td></tr> //erddap: //<img src="..." alt="[BIN]" align="absbottom"> <a href=""></a> // 07-Jan-2010 16:29 236K public final static Pattern wafFilePattern = Pattern.compile(".* alt=\"\\[.*?\\]\".*>.*<a.*>(.*?)</a>" + //name ".*(\\d{2}-[a-zA-Z]{3}-\\d{4} \\d{2}:\\d{2}(|:\\d{2}))" + //date, note internal () ".*\\W(\\d{1,15}\\.?\\d{0,10}[KMGTP]?).*"); //size // //<tr><td valign="top"> </td><td><a href="gpcp_1dd_v1.2_p1d.199610">gpcp_1dd_v1.2_p1d.199610</a> // </td><td align="right">18-Sep-2012 12:55 </td><td align="right">7.7M</td><td> </td></tr> public final static Pattern wafFilePattern2 = Pattern.compile(".* href=\"(.*?)\">" + //name ".*>(\\d{2}-[a-zA-Z]{3}-\\d{4} \\d{2}:\\d{2}(|:\\d{2}))" + //date, note internal () ".*>(\\d{1,15}\\.?\\d{0,10}[KMGTP]?)</td>.*"); //size public static String[] getUrlsFromWAF(String startUrl, String fileNameRegex, boolean recursive, String pathRegex) throws Throwable { if (verbose) String2.log("getUrlsFromHyraxCatalog fileNameRegex=" + fileNameRegex); //call the recursive method boolean tDirectoriesToo = false; StringArray dirs = new StringArray(); StringArray names = new StringArray(); LongArray lastModified = new LongArray(); LongArray size = new LongArray(); addToWAFUrlList(startUrl, fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex, tDirectoriesToo, dirs, names, lastModified, size); int n = dirs.size(); String urls[] = new String[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) urls[i] = dirs.get(i) + names.get(i); return urls; } /** * This gets file information from a * WAF (an Apache-style Web Accessible Folder) URL. * This calls itself recursively, adding into to the PrimitiveArrays as info * for a URLs are found. * dirs, names, lastModified and size are like a table with one row per item. * * @param url the url of a directory, e.g., * @param fileNameRegex e.g., "pentad.*flk\\.nc\\.gz" * @param recursive * @param pathRegex a regex to constrain which subdirs to include. * This is ignored if recursive is false. * null or "" is treated as .* (i.e., match everything). * @param dirsToo if true, subdirectories should be collected also. * But the original url won't be included. * @param dirs directory names will be added here (they'll have / at end). * @param names file names will be added here (if dirsToo, "" for a dir). * @param lastModified the lastModified time (epochMillis, MAX_VALUE if not available). * Source times are assumed to be Zulu time zone (which is probably incorrect). * @param size the file's size (bytes, Long.MAX_VALUE if not available). * Usually, this is approximate (e.g., 10K vs 11K). * @return true if completely successful (no exceptions of any type) */ public static boolean addToWAFUrlList(String url, String fileNameRegex, boolean recursive, String pathRegex, boolean dirsToo, StringArray dirs, StringArray names, LongArray lastModified, LongArray size) { boolean completelySuccessful = true; //but any child can set it to false if (pathRegex == null || pathRegex.length() == 0) pathRegex = ".*"; BufferedReader in = null; try { if (reallyVerbose) String2.log("\naddToWAFUrlList nNames=" + names.size() + " url=" + url); url = File2.addSlash(url); //for html, any charset should be fine. //All non-ASCII chars should be entities. //But use common Linux to be consistent. in = SSR.getBufferedUrlReader(url); String s; //look for header line while ((s = in.readLine()) != null) { if (wafHeaderPattern.matcher(s).matches()) break; } //read the lines with dir or file info while ((s = in.readLine()) != null) { //look for dirs before files (since dirs match filePattern, too) if (s.indexOf("Parent Directory") >= 0) continue; Matcher matcher = wafDirPattern.matcher(s); boolean matched = matcher.matches(); if (!matched) { matcher = wafDirPattern2.matcher(s); matched = matcher.matches(); } if (matched) { String name = XML.decodeEntities(; String tUrl = File2.addSlash(url + name); if (tUrl.matches(pathRegex)) { if (dirsToo) { dirs.add(tUrl); names.add(""); lastModified.add(Long.MAX_VALUE); size.add(Long.MAX_VALUE); } if (recursive) { if (!addToWAFUrlList(tUrl, fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex, dirsToo, dirs, names, lastModified, size)) completelySuccessful = false; } } continue; } //look for files matcher = wafFilePattern.matcher(s); matched = matcher.matches(); if (!matched) { matcher = wafFilePattern2.matcher(s); matched = matcher.matches(); } if (matched) { String name = XML.decodeEntities(; if (name.matches(fileNameRegex)) { //interpret last modified long millis = Long.MAX_VALUE; try { millis = Calendar2.parseDDMonYYYYZulu(; } catch (Throwable t2) { String2.log(t2.getMessage()); } //convert size to bytes String tSize =; char lastCh = tSize.charAt(tSize.length() - 1); long times = 1; if (!String2.isDigit(lastCh)) { tSize = tSize.substring(0, tSize.length() - 1); times = lastCh == 'K' ? Math2.BytesPerKB : lastCh == 'M' ? Math2.BytesPerMB : lastCh == 'G' ? Math2.BytesPerGB : lastCh == 'T' ? Math2.BytesPerTB : lastCh == 'P' ? Math2.BytesPerPB : 1; } long lSize = Math2.roundToLong(String2.parseDouble(tSize) * times); dirs.add(url); names.add(name); lastModified.add(millis); size.add(lSize); } else if (debugMode) { if (debugMode) String2.log("name matches=false: " + name); } continue; } else { if (debugMode) String2.log("matches=false: " + s); } } } catch (Exception e) { String2.log(String2.ERROR + " from url=" + url + " :\n" + MustBe.throwableToString(e)); completelySuccessful = false; } finally { try { if (in != null) in.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { } } return completelySuccessful; } /** * This tests WAF-related (Web Accessible Folder) methods. */ public static void testWAF() throws Throwable { String2.log("\n*** FileVisitorDNLS.testWAF()\n"); //debugMode=true; try { //test with trailing / String url = ""; String tFileNameRegex = "194\\d\\.nc"; boolean tRecursive = true; String tPathRegex = ".*/(3|4)/.*"; boolean tDirsToo = true; Table table = makeEmptyTable(); StringArray dirs = (StringArray) table.getColumn(0); StringArray names = (StringArray) table.getColumn(1); LongArray lastModifieds = (LongArray) table.getColumn(2); LongArray sizes = (LongArray) table.getColumn(3); String results, expected; Table tTable; //* test all features Test.ensureTrue( //completelySuccessful addToWAFUrlList(url, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, tDirsToo, dirs, names, lastModifieds, sizes), ""); results = table.dataToString(); expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n" + ",,,\n" + ",,1262881740000,14336\n" + ",,1262881740000,16384\n" + ",,1262881740000,20480\n" + ",,1262881740000,16384\n" + ",,1262881740000,12288\n" + ",,1262881740000,15360\n" + ",,1262881740000,16384\n" + ",,1262881740000,11264\n" + ",,1262881740000,12288\n" + ",,1262881740000,14336\n" + ",,,\n" + ",,1262881740000,285696\n" + ",,1262881740000,336896\n" + ",,1262881740000,297984\n" + ",,1262881740000,175104\n" + ",,1262881740000,215040\n" + ",,1262881740000,194560\n" + ",,1262881740000,238592\n" + ",,1262881740000,189440\n" + ",,1262881740000,262144\n" + ",,1262881740000,351232\n"; Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); Test.ensureEqual(Calendar2.epochSecondsToIsoStringT(1262881740), "2010-01-07T16:29:00", ""); //test via oneStep tTable = oneStep(url, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, tDirsToo); results = tTable.dataToString(); Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); //* test !dirsToo table.removeAllRows(); Test.ensureTrue( //completelySuccessful addToWAFUrlList(url, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, false, dirs, names, lastModifieds, sizes), ""); results = table.dataToString(); expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n" + ",,1262881740000,14336\n" + ",,1262881740000,16384\n" + ",,1262881740000,20480\n" + ",,1262881740000,16384\n" + ",,1262881740000,12288\n" + ",,1262881740000,15360\n" + ",,1262881740000,16384\n" + ",,1262881740000,11264\n" + ",,1262881740000,12288\n" + ",,1262881740000,14336\n" + ",,1262881740000,285696\n" + ",,1262881740000,336896\n" + ",,1262881740000,297984\n" + ",,1262881740000,175104\n" + ",,1262881740000,215040\n" + ",,1262881740000,194560\n" + ",,1262881740000,238592\n" + ",,1262881740000,189440\n" + ",,1262881740000,262144\n" + ",,1262881740000,351232\n"; Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); //test via oneStep tTable = oneStep(url, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, false); results = tTable.dataToString(); Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); //* test subdir table.removeAllRows(); Test.ensureTrue( //completelySuccessful addToWAFUrlList(url + "3", //test no trailing / tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, tDirsToo, dirs, names, lastModifieds, sizes), ""); results = table.dataToString(); expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n" + ",,1262881740000,14336\n" + ",,1262881740000,16384\n" + ",,1262881740000,20480\n" + ",,1262881740000,16384\n" + ",,1262881740000,12288\n" + ",,1262881740000,15360\n" + ",,1262881740000,16384\n" + ",,1262881740000,11264\n" + ",,1262881740000,12288\n" + ",,1262881740000,14336\n"; Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); //test via oneStep tTable = oneStep(url + "3", tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, tDirsToo); results = tTable.dataToString(); Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); //* test file regex that won't match table.removeAllRows(); Test.ensureTrue( //completelySuccessful addToWAFUrlList(url, //test no trailing / "zztop", tRecursive, tPathRegex, tDirsToo, dirs, names, lastModifieds, sizes), ""); results = table.dataToString(); expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n" + ",,,\n" + ",,,\n"; Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); //test via oneStep tTable = oneStep(url, "zztop", tRecursive, tPathRegex, tDirsToo); results = tTable.dataToString(); Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); //* that should be the same as !recursive table.removeAllRows(); Test.ensureTrue( //completelySuccessful addToWAFUrlList(url, //test no trailing / tFileNameRegex, false, tPathRegex, tDirsToo, dirs, names, lastModifieds, sizes), ""); results = table.dataToString(); Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); //test via oneStep tTable = oneStep(url, tFileNameRegex, false, tPathRegex, tDirsToo); results = tTable.dataToString(); Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); //* Test InPort WAF table.removeAllRows(); Test.ensureTrue( //completelySuccessful addToWAFUrlList("", "22...\\.xml", //pre 2016-03-04 I tested NWFSC/inport/xml, but it has been empty for a month! true, ".*/NMFS/(|NEFSC/)(|inport/)(|xml/)", //tricky! //should be slashStar, no space true, //tDirsToo, dirs, names, lastModifieds, sizes), ""); results = table.dataToString(); expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n" + ",,,\n" + ",,,\n" + ",,,\n" + ",22560.xml,1510670100000,319488\n" + ",22561.xml,1510670160000,319488\n" + ",22562.xml,1510670160000,317440\n" + ",22563.xml,1510670160000,319488\n" + ",22564.xml,1510670220000,321536\n" + ",22565.xml,1510670220000,323584\n"; Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); //* Test ncei WAF table.removeAllRows(); tTable = oneStep("", "gpcp_1dd_v1\\.2_p1d\\.1997[0-9]{2}", true, ".*", true); //tDirsToo, results = tTable.dataToString(); expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n" + ",,,\n" + ",gpcp_1dd_v1.2_p1d.199701,1347972900000,8074035\n" + ",gpcp_1dd_v1.2_p1d.199702,1347972900000,7235174\n" + ",gpcp_1dd_v1.2_p1d.199703,1347972900000,8074035\n" + ",gpcp_1dd_v1.2_p1d.199704,1347972900000,7759462\n" + ",gpcp_1dd_v1.2_p1d.199705,1347972900000,8074035\n" + ",gpcp_1dd_v1.2_p1d.199706,1347972900000,7759462\n" + ",gpcp_1dd_v1.2_p1d.199707,1347972900000,8074035\n" + ",gpcp_1dd_v1.2_p1d.199708,1347972720000,8074035\n" + ",gpcp_1dd_v1.2_p1d.199709,1347972720000,7759462\n" + ",gpcp_1dd_v1.2_p1d.199710,1347972720000,8074035\n" + ",gpcp_1dd_v1.2_p1d.199711,1347972720000,7759462\n" + ",gpcp_1dd_v1.2_p1d.199712,1347972720000,8074035\n" + ",,,\n" + ",,,\n"; Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); } catch (Throwable t) { String2.pressEnterToContinue( MustBe.throwableToString(t) + "\nThis changes periodically. If reasonable, just continue." + "\n(there no more subtests in this test)."); } } /** * This gets the file names from Hyrax catalog directory URL. * This only finds info for DAP URLs. * This doesn't find other types of files (although they may be listed) * This is used by EDDGridFromDap and EDDTableFromHyraxFiles. * * @param startUrl the url of the current web directory to which "contents.html" * can be added to see a hyrax catalog) e.g., or * @param fileNameRegex e.g., "pentad.*flk\\.nc\\.gz" * @param recursive * @param pathRegex a regex to constrain which subdirs to include. * This is ignored if recursive is false. * null or "" is treated as .* (i.e., match everything). * @returns a String[] with a list of full URLs of the children (may be new String[0]) * @throws Throwable if unexpected trouble. But url not responding won't throw Throwable. */ public static String[] getUrlsFromHyraxCatalog(String startUrl, String fileNameRegex, boolean recursive, String pathRegex) throws Throwable { if (verbose) String2.log("getUrlsFromHyraxCatalog fileNameRegex=" + fileNameRegex); //call the recursive method boolean tDirectoriesToo = false; StringArray childUrls = new StringArray(); DoubleArray lastModified = new DoubleArray(); LongArray size = new LongArray(); addToHyraxUrlList(startUrl, fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex, tDirectoriesToo, childUrls, lastModified, size); return childUrls.toArray(); } /** * This does the work for getUrlsFromHyraxCatalogs. * This calls itself recursively, adding into to the PrimitiveArrays as info * for a DAP URL is found. * This doesn't find other types of files (although they may be listed) * * @param url the url of the directory to which contents.html can be added * to see a hyrax catalog, e.g., * (If url has a file name, it must be "contents.html".) * @param fileNameRegex e.g., "pentad.*flk\\.nc\\.gz" * @param recursive * @param pathRegex a regex to constrain which subdirs to include. * This is ignored if recursive is false. * null or "" is treated as .* (i.e., match everything). * @param dirsToo if true, directories should be collected also * @param childUrls new children will be added to this * @param lastModified the lastModified time (secondsSinceEpoch, NaN if not available). * Source times are assumed to be Zulu time zone (which is probably incorrect). * @param size the file's size (bytes, Long.MAX_VALUE if not available) * @return true if completely successful (no access errors, all URLs found) * @throws Throwable if unexpected trouble. But url not responding won't throw Throwable. */ public static boolean addToHyraxUrlList(String url, String fileNameRegex, boolean recursive, String pathRegex, boolean dirsToo, StringArray childUrls, DoubleArray lastModified, LongArray size) throws Throwable { if (reallyVerbose) String2.log("\naddToHyraxUrlList childUrls.size=" + childUrls.size() + "\n url=" + url); if (pathRegex == null || pathRegex.length() == 0) pathRegex = ".*"; boolean completelySuccessful = true; //but any child can set it to false String response; try { if (url.endsWith("/contents.html")) url = File2.getDirectory(url); else url = File2.addSlash(url); //otherwise, assume url is missing final slash response = SSR.getUrlResponseStringUnchanged(url + "contents.html"); } catch (Throwable t) { String2.log(MustBe.throwableToString(t)); return false; } String responseLC = response.toLowerCase(); if (dirsToo) { childUrls.add(url); lastModified.add(Double.NaN); size.add(Long.MAX_VALUE); } //skip header line and parent directory int po = responseLC.indexOf("parent directory"); //Lower Case if (po >= 0) { po += 18; } else { if (verbose) String2.log("ERROR: \"parent directory\" not found in Hyrax response."); po = responseLC.indexOf("<table"); //Lower Case if (po < 0) { if (verbose) String2.log( "ERROR: \"<table\" not found in Hyrax response.\n" + "No dir info found for " + url); return false; } else { po += 6; if (verbose) String2.log("Using \"<table\" as starting point instead."); } } //endPre int endPre = responseLC.indexOf("</pre>", po); //Lower Case if (endPre < 0) endPre = response.length(); //go through file,dir listings boolean diagnosticMode = false; while (true) { //EXAMPLE No longer available //EXAMPLE //(reformatted: look for tags, not formatting /* <tr> <td align="left"><strong><a href=""></a></strong></td> <td align="center" nowrap="nowrap">2007-04-04T07:00:00</td> <td align="right">4807310</td> <td align="center"> <table> <tr> <td><a href="">ddx</a> </td> <td><a href="">dds</a> </td> </table> //will exist if <table> exists </td> <td align="center"><a href="/opendap/webstart/viewers?dapService=/opendap/hyrax&datasetID=/allData/ccmp/L3.5a/monthly/flk/1987/M07/">viewers</a></td> </tr> //may or may not exist <tr> //may or may not exist //the next row... </table> */ //find beginRow and nextRow int beginRow = responseLC.indexOf("<tr", po); //Lower Case if (beginRow < 0 || beginRow > endPre) return completelySuccessful; int endRow = responseLC.indexOf("<tr", beginRow + 3); //Lower Case if (endRow < 0 || endRow > endPre) endRow = endPre; //if <table> in the middle, skip table int tablePo = responseLC.indexOf("<table", beginRow + 3); if (tablePo > 0 && tablePo < endRow) { int endTablePo = responseLC.indexOf("</table", tablePo + 6); if (endTablePo < 0 || endTablePo > endPre) endTablePo = endPre; //find <tr after </table> endRow = responseLC.indexOf("<tr", endTablePo + 7); //Lower Case if (endRow < 0 || endRow > endPre) endRow = endPre; } String thisRow = response.substring(beginRow, endRow); String thisRowLC = responseLC.substring(beginRow, endRow); if (diagnosticMode) String2.log("<<<beginRow=" + beginRow + " endRow=" + endRow + "\n" + thisRow + "\n>>>"); //look for .das href="">das< int dasPo = thisRowLC.indexOf(".das\">das<"); if (diagnosticMode) String2.log(" .das " + (dasPo < 0 ? "not " : "") + "found"); if (dasPo > 0) { int quotePo = thisRow.lastIndexOf('"', dasPo); if (quotePo < 0) { String2.log("ERROR: invalid .das reference:\n " + thisRow); po = endRow; continue; } String fileName = thisRow.substring(quotePo + 1, dasPo); if (diagnosticMode) String2.log(" filename=" + fileName + (fileName.matches(fileNameRegex) ? " does" : " doesn't") + " match " + fileNameRegex); if (fileName.matches(fileNameRegex)) { //get lastModified time >2011-06-30T04:43:09< String stime = String2.extractRegex(thisRow, ">\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}<", 0); double dtime = Calendar2.safeIsoStringToEpochSeconds( stime == null ? "" : stime.substring(1, stime.length() - 1)); //get size e.g., 119K String sSize = String2.extractRegex(thisRow, ">(\\d|\\.)+(|K|M|G|T|P)</td>", 0); long lSize = Long.MAX_VALUE; if (sSize != null) { sSize = sSize.substring(1, sSize.length() - 5); char lastCh = sSize.charAt(sSize.length() - 1); long times = 1; if (!String2.isDigit(lastCh)) { //this is done, but my samples just have nBytes sSize = sSize.substring(0, sSize.length() - 1); times = lastCh == 'K' ? Math2.BytesPerKB : lastCh == 'M' ? Math2.BytesPerMB : lastCh == 'G' ? Math2.BytesPerGB : lastCh == 'T' ? Math2.BytesPerTB : lastCh == 'P' ? Math2.BytesPerPB : 1; } lSize = Math2.roundToLong(String2.parseDouble(sSize) * times); } //then add to PrimitiveArrays childUrls.add(url + fileName); lastModified.add(dtime); size.add(lSize); //String2.log(" file=" + fileName + " " + stime); po = endRow; continue; } } if (recursive) { //look for href="199703-199705/contents.html" int conPo = thisRowLC.indexOf("/contents.html\""); if (conPo > 0) { int quotePo = thisRow.lastIndexOf('"', conPo); if (quotePo < 0) { String2.log("ERROR: invalid contents.html reference:\n " + thisRow); po = endRow; continue; } String tUrl = url + thisRow.substring(quotePo + 1, conPo + 1); if (tUrl.matches(pathRegex)) { boolean tSuccessful = addToHyraxUrlList(tUrl, fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex, dirsToo, childUrls, lastModified, size); if (!tSuccessful) completelySuccessful = false; } po = endRow; continue; } } po = endRow; } } /** * This tests Hyrax-related methods. */ public static void testHyrax() throws Throwable { String2.log("\n*** FileVisitorDNLS.testHyrax()\n"); //reallyVerbose = true; //debugMode=true; try { //podaac-opendap causes the //" handshake alert: unrecognized_name" error // String url = ""; //contents.html //so use domain name shown on digital certificate: String url = ""; //contents.html String fileNameRegex = "month_198(8|9).*flk\\.nc\\.gz"; boolean recursive = true; String pathRegex = null; boolean dirsToo = true; StringArray childUrls = new StringArray(); DoubleArray lastModified = new DoubleArray(); LongArray size = new LongArray(); //test error via addToHyraxUrlList //(yes, logged message includes directory name) String2.log("\nIntentional error:"); Test.ensureEqual(addToHyraxUrlList(url + "testInvalidUrl", fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex, dirsToo, childUrls, lastModified, size), false, ""); //test addToHyraxUrlList childUrls = new StringArray(); lastModified = new DoubleArray(); size = new LongArray(); boolean allOk = addToHyraxUrlList(url, fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex, dirsToo, childUrls, lastModified, size); Table table = new Table(); table.addColumn("URL", childUrls); table.addColumn("lastModified", lastModified); table.addColumn("size", size); String results = table.dataToString(); String expected = "URL,lastModified,size\n" + ",,\n" + ",,\n" + ",,\n" + ",1.336863115E9,4981045\n" + ",1.336723222E9,5024372\n" + ",1.336546575E9,5006043\n" + ",1.336860015E9,4948285\n" + ",1.336835143E9,4914250\n" + ",1.336484405E9,4841084\n" + ",1.336815079E9,4837417\n" + ",1.336799789E9,4834242\n" + ",1.336676042E9,4801865\n" + ",1.336566352E9,4770289\n" + ",1.336568382E9,4769160\n" + ",1.336838712E9,4866335\n" + ",,\n" + ",1.336886548E9,5003981\n" + ",1.336268373E9,5054907\n" + ",1.336605483E9,4979393\n" + ",1.336350339E9,4960865\n" + ",1.336551575E9,4868541\n" + ",1.336177278E9,4790364\n" + ",1.336685187E9,4854943\n" + ",1.336534686E9,4859216\n" + ",1.33622953E9,4838390\n" + ",1.336853599E9,4820645\n" + ",1.336882933E9,4748166\n" + ",1.336748115E9,4922858\n" + ",,\n" + ",,\n" + ",,\n" + ",,\n" + ",,\n" + ",,\n" + ",,\n" + ",,\n" + ",,\n" + ",,\n" + ",,\n" + ",,\n" + ",,\n" + ",,\n" + ",,\n" + ",,\n" + ",,\n" + ",,\n" + ",,\n" + ",,\n" + ",,\n" + ",,\n"; Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); Test.ensureTrue(allOk, ""); //test getUrlsFromHyraxCatalog String resultsAr[] = getUrlsFromHyraxCatalog(url, fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex); String expectedAr[] = new String[] { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; Test.ensureEqual(resultsAr, expectedAr, "results=\n" + results); //different test of addToHyraxUrlList childUrls = new StringArray(); lastModified = new DoubleArray(); LongArray fSize = new LongArray(); url = ""; //startUrl, fileNameRegex = "month_[0-9]{8}_v11l35flk\\.nc\\.gz"; //fileNameRegex, recursive = true; addToHyraxUrlList(url, fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex, dirsToo, childUrls, lastModified, fSize); results = childUrls.toNewlineString(); expected = "\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "\n"; Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); results = lastModified.toString(); expected = "NaN, 1.336609915E9, 1.336785444E9, 1.336673639E9, 1.336196561E9, 1.336881763E9, 1.336705731E9"; Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); //test via oneStep -- dirs table = oneStep(url, fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex, true); results = table.dataToString(); expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n" + ",,,\n" + ",,1336609915,4807310\n" + ",,1336785444,4835774\n" + ",,1336673639,4809582\n" + ",,1336196561,4803285\n" + ",,1336881763,4787239\n" + ",,1336705731,4432696\n"; Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); //test via oneStep -- no dirs table = oneStep(url, fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex, false); results = table.dataToString(); expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n" + ",,1336609915,4807310\n" + ",,1336785444,4835774\n" + ",,1336673639,4809582\n" + ",,1336196561,4803285\n" + ",,1336881763,4787239\n" + ",,1336705731,4432696\n"; Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); } catch (Throwable t) { String2.pressEnterToContinue(MustBe.throwableToString(t) + "\nUnexpected error."); } } /** * This parses /thredds/catalog/.../catalog.html files to extract file URLs * (/thredds/fileServer/.../name.ext), lastModified, and size info. * This calls itself recursively, adding into to the PrimitiveArrays as info * for a file URL is found. * This doesn't find other types of files (although they may be listed) * * @param url the url of the current Thredds directory * (which usually includes /thredds/catalog/) * to which catalog.html will be added, e.g., * <br> * (If url has a file name, it must be catalog.html or catalog.xml.) * @param fileNameRegex e.g., ".*\\.hdf" * @param recursive * @param pathRegex a regex to constrain which subdirs to include. * This is ignored if recursive is false. * null or "" is treated as .* (i.e., match everything). * @param childUrls new children will be added to this * @param lastModified the lastModified time (secondsSinceEpoch, NaN if not available). * Source times are assumed to be Zulu time zone (which is probably incorrect). * @param size the file's size (bytes, Long.MAX_VALUE if not available) * @return true if completely successful (no access errors, all URLs found) * @throws Throwable if unexpected trouble. But url not responding won't throw Throwable. */ public static boolean addToThreddsUrlList(String url, String fileNameRegex, boolean recursive, String pathRegex, boolean dirsToo, StringArray childUrls, DoubleArray lastModified, LongArray size) throws Throwable { if (reallyVerbose) String2.log("\naddToThreddsUrlList childUrls.size=" + childUrls.size() + "\n url=" + url); if (pathRegex == null || pathRegex.length() == 0) pathRegex = ".*"; boolean completelySuccessful = true; //but any child can set it to false String response; try { if (url.endsWith("/catalog.html") || url.endsWith("/catalog.xml")) url = File2.getDirectory(url); else url = File2.addSlash(url); //otherwise, assume url is missing final slash response = SSR.getUrlResponseStringUnchanged(url + "catalog.html"); } catch (Throwable t) { String2.log(MustBe.throwableToString(t)); return false; } String fileServerDir = String2.replaceAll(url, "/thredds/catalog/", "/thredds/fileServer/"); if (dirsToo) { childUrls.add(fileServerDir); lastModified.add(Double.NaN); size.add(Long.MAX_VALUE); } //skip header line and parent directory int po = response.indexOf("<table"); //Lower Case if (po < 0) { String2.log("ERROR: \"<table\" not found in Thredds response."); return false; } po += 6; //endTable int endTable = response.indexOf("</table>", po); //Lower Case if (endTable < 0) { if (reallyVerbose) String2.log("WARNING: </table> not found!"); completelySuccessful = false; endTable = response.length(); } //go through file,dir listings boolean diagnosticMode = false; int row = 0; while (true) { row++; /* EXAMPLE from TDS 4.2.10 at ...<table ... ...<tr> <th align='left'><font size='+1'>Dataset</font></th> <th align='center'><font size='+1'>Size</font></th> <th align='right'><font size='+1'>Last Modified</font></th> </tr><tr> <td align='left'> <img src='/thredds/folder.gif' alt='Folder'> <a href='catalog.html?dataset=pathfinder/Version5.1_CloudScreened/5day/FullRes/1981'><tt>1981</tt></a></td> <td align='right'><tt> </tt></td> <td align='right'><tt>--</tt></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor='#eeeeee'> <td align='left'> <a href='catalog.html?dataset=pathfinder/Version5.1_CloudScreened/5day/FullRes/1981/1981236-1981240.pfv51sst_5day.hdf'><tt>1981236-1981240.pfv51sst_5day.hdf</tt></a></td> <td align='right'><tt>70.03 Mbytes</tt></td> <td align='right'><tt>2009-11-23 17:58:53Z</tt></td> </tr> */ //find beginRow and nextRow int beginRow = response.indexOf("<tr", po); if (beginRow < 0 || beginRow > endTable) return completelySuccessful; int nextRow = response.indexOf("<tr", beginRow + 3); if (nextRow < 0 || nextRow > endTable) nextRow = endTable; String thisRow = response.substring(beginRow, nextRow); if (diagnosticMode) String2.log("=== thisRow=" + thisRow); //look for <td> int td1Po = thisRow.indexOf("<td"); int td2Po = td1Po >= 0 ? thisRow.indexOf("<td", td1Po + 3) : -1; int td3Po = td2Po >= 0 ? thisRow.indexOf("<td", td2Po + 3) : -1; if (diagnosticMode) String2.log("=== td1Po=" + td1Po + " td2Po=" + td2Po + " td3Po=" + td3Po); //are there no <td's (e.g., row with <th>'s) if (td1Po < 0) { po = nextRow; continue; } //There is at least 1 <td>. Is it a catalog? String td1 = thisRow.substring(td1Po + 3, td2Po >= 0 ? td2Po : thisRow.length()); if (td1.indexOf("'/thredds/folder.gif'") > 0) { //This is a folder row. //Row with current dir doesn't match fileNameRegex; row for subdir does. if (diagnosticMode) String2.log("=== folder row"); String content1 = String2.extractRegex(td1, "href='[^']*/catalog.html'>", 0); if (recursive && content1 != null && content1.length() > 21) { //21 is non-.* stuff content1 = content1.substring(6, content1.length() - 2); completelySuccessful = addToThreddsUrlList(url + content1, fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex, dirsToo, childUrls, lastModified, size); } po = nextRow; continue; } //file info row will have 3 <td>'s. So if not, skip this row. if (td3Po < 0) { po = nextRow; if (diagnosticMode) String2.log("=== td3Po<0 so go to next row"); continue; } //look for <tt>content</tt> in the 3 <td>'s //note that String2.extractCaptureGroup fails if the string has line terminators String content1 = String2.extractRegex(td1, TT_REGEX, 0); String content2 = String2.extractRegex(thisRow.substring(td2Po, td3Po), TT_REGEX, 0); String content3 = String2.extractRegex(thisRow.substring(td3Po, thisRow.length()), TT_REGEX, 0); if (diagnosticMode) String2.log("=== <td><tt> content #1=" + content1 + " #2=" + content2 + " #3=" + content3); content1 = content1 == null ? "" : content1.substring(4, content1.length() - 5); content2 = content2 == null ? "" : content2.substring(4, content2.length() - 5); content3 = content3 == null ? "" : content3.substring(4, content3.length() - 5); if (content1.length() == 0) { if (reallyVerbose) String2.log("WARNING: No <tt>content</tt> in first <td>...</td>" + (row < 3 ? ":" + String2.annotatedString(td1) : "")); completelySuccessful = false; po = nextRow; continue; } //ensure fileName matches fileNameRegex if (!content1.matches(fileNameRegex)) { po = nextRow; if (diagnosticMode) String2.log("=== skip this row: content1=" + content1 + " doesn't match fileNameRegex=" + fileNameRegex); continue; } //extract approximate size, e.g., 70.03 Mbytes String sSize = String2.extractRegex(content2, "(\\d|\\.)+ (|K|M|G|T|P)bytes", 0); long lSize = Long.MAX_VALUE; if (sSize != null) { int spacePo = sSize.indexOf(' '); char ch = sSize.charAt(spacePo + 1); long times = ch == 'K' ? Math2.BytesPerKB : ch == 'M' ? Math2.BytesPerMB : ch == 'G' ? Math2.BytesPerGB : ch == 'T' ? Math2.BytesPerTB : ch == 'P' ? Math2.BytesPerPB : 1; lSize = Math2.roundToLong(String2.parseDouble(sSize.substring(0, spacePo)) * times); } //extract lastModified, e.g., 2011-06-30 04:43:09Z String stime = String2.extractRegex(content3, "\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}", 0); double dtime = Calendar2.safeIsoStringToEpochSeconds(stime); //add info to PrimitiveArrays childUrls.add(fileServerDir + content1); lastModified.add(dtime); size.add(lSize); //String2.log(" file=" + fileName + " " + stime); po = nextRow; } } /** * This tests THREDDS-related methods. */ public static void testThredds() throws Throwable { String2.log("\n*** FileVisitorDNLS.testThredds"); boolean oReallyVerbose = reallyVerbose; reallyVerbose = true; try { String url = ""; //catalog.html String fileNameRegex = "sss_binned_L3_MON_SCI_V3.0_\\d{4}\\.nc"; boolean recursive = true; String pathRegex = null; boolean dirsToo = true; StringArray childUrls = new StringArray(); DoubleArray lastModified = new DoubleArray(); LongArray fSize = new LongArray(); //test TT_REGEX //note that String2.extractCaptureGroup fails if the string has line terminators Test.ensureEqual(String2.extractRegex("q\r\na<tt>b</tt>c\r\nz", TT_REGEX, 0), "<tt>b</tt>", ""); //test error via addToThreddsUrlList //(yes, logged message includes directory name) String2.log("\nIntentional error:"); Test.ensureEqual(addToThreddsUrlList(url + "testInvalidUrl", fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex, dirsToo, childUrls, lastModified, fSize), false, ""); //test addToThreddsUrlList childUrls = new StringArray(); lastModified = new DoubleArray(); fSize = new LongArray(); addToThreddsUrlList(url, fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex, dirsToo, childUrls, lastModified, fSize); String results = childUrls.toNewlineString(); String expected = "\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "\n"; Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); results = lastModified.toString(); expected = "NaN, 1.405495932E9, 1.405492834E9, 1.405483892E9, 1.429802008E9, 1.429867829E9"; Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); results = fSize.toString(); expected = "9223372036854775807, 2723152, 6528434, 6528434, 6528434, 1635779"; Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); //test via oneStep -- dirs Table table = oneStep(url, fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex, true); results = table.dataToString(); expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n" + ",,,\n" + ",,1405495932,2723152\n" + ",,1405492834,6528434\n" + ",,1405483892,6528434\n" + ",,1429802008,6528434\n" + ",,1429867829,1635779\n"; Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); //test via oneStep -- no dirs table = oneStep(url, fileNameRegex, recursive, pathRegex, false); results = table.dataToString(); expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n" + ",,1405495932,2723152\n" + ",,1405492834,6528434\n" + ",,1405483892,6528434\n" + ",,1429802008,6528434\n" + ",,1429867829,1635779\n"; Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); } catch (Throwable t) { String2.pressEnterToContinue(MustBe.throwableToString(t) + "\nUnexpected error."); } reallyVerbose = oReallyVerbose; } /** * This tests this class with the local file system. */ public static void testLocal(boolean doBigTest) throws Throwable { String2.log("\n*** FileVisitorDNLS.testLocal"); verbose = true; String contextDir = SSR.getContextDirectory(); //with / separator and / at the end String tPathRegex = null; Table table; long time; int n; String results, expected; //recursive and dirToo and test \\ separator table = oneStep("c:\\erddapTest\\fileNames", ".*\\.png", true, tPathRegex, true); results = table.dataToString(); expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n" + "c:\\\\erddapTest\\\\fileNames\\\\,jplMURSST20150103090000.png,1421276044628,46482\n" + "c:\\\\erddapTest\\\\fileNames\\\\,jplMURSST20150104090000.png,1420669338436,46586\n" + "c:\\\\erddapTest\\\\fileNames\\\\sub\\\\,,1420735700318,0\n" + "c:\\\\erddapTest\\\\fileNames\\\\sub\\\\,jplMURSST20150105090000.png,1420669304917,46549\n"; Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); //recursive and !dirToo and test // separator table = oneStep(String2.unitTestDataDir + "fileNames", ".*\\.png", true, tPathRegex, false); results = table.dataToString(); expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n" + String2.unitTestDataDir + "fileNames/,jplMURSST20150103090000.png,1421276044628,46482\n" + String2.unitTestDataDir + "fileNames/,jplMURSST20150104090000.png,1420669338436,46586\n" + String2.unitTestDataDir + "fileNames/sub/,jplMURSST20150105090000.png,1420669304917,46549\n"; Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); //!recursive and dirToo table = oneStep(String2.unitTestDataDir + "fileNames", ".*\\.png", false, tPathRegex, true); results = table.dataToString(); expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n" + String2.unitTestDataDir + "fileNames/,jplMURSST20150103090000.png,1421276044628,46482\n" + String2.unitTestDataDir + "fileNames/,jplMURSST20150104090000.png,1420669338436,46586\n" + String2.unitTestDataDir + "fileNames/sub/,,1420735700318,0\n"; Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); //!recursive and !dirToo table = oneStep(String2.unitTestDataDir + "fileNames", ".*\\.png", false, tPathRegex, false); results = table.dataToString(); expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n" + String2.unitTestDataDir + "fileNames/,jplMURSST20150103090000.png,1421276044628,46482\n" + String2.unitTestDataDir + "fileNames/,jplMURSST20150104090000.png,1420669338436,46586\n"; Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); //*** //oneStepDouble table = oneStepDouble(String2.unitTestDataDir + "fileNames", ".*\\.png", true, tPathRegex, true); results = table.toString(); expected = "{\n" + "dimensions:\n" + "\trow = 4 ;\n" + "\tdirectory_strlen = 26 ;\n" + "\tname_strlen = 27 ;\n" + "variables:\n" + "\tchar directory(row, directory_strlen) ;\n" + "\t\tdirectory:ioos_category = \"Identifier\" ;\n" + "\t\tdirectory:long_name = \"Directory\" ;\n" + "\tchar name(row, name_strlen) ;\n" + "\t\tname:ioos_category = \"Identifier\" ;\n" + "\t\tname:long_name = \"File Name\" ;\n" + "\tdouble lastModified(row) ;\n" + "\t\tlastModified:ioos_category = \"Time\" ;\n" + "\t\tlastModified:long_name = \"Last Modified\" ;\n" + "\t\tlastModified:units = \"seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z\" ;\n" + "\tdouble size(row) ;\n" + "\t\tsize:ioos_category = \"Other\" ;\n" + "\t\tsize:long_name = \"Size\" ;\n" + "\t\tsize:units = \"bytes\" ;\n" + "\n" + "// global attributes:\n" + "}\n" + "directory,name,lastModified,size\n" + String2.unitTestDataDir + "fileNames/,jplMURSST20150103090000.png,1.421276044628E9,46482.0\n" + String2.unitTestDataDir + "fileNames/,jplMURSST20150104090000.png,1.420669338436E9,46586.0\n" + String2.unitTestDataDir + "fileNames/sub/,,1.420735700318E9,0.0\n" + String2.unitTestDataDir + "fileNames/sub/,jplMURSST20150105090000.png,1.420669304917E9,46549.0\n"; Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); //*** //oneStepAccessibleViaFiles table = oneStepDoubleWithUrlsNotDirs(String2.unitTestDataDir + "fileNames", ".*\\.png", true, tPathRegex, "http://localhost:8080/cwexperimental/files/testFileNames/"); results = table.toString(); expected = "{\n" + "dimensions:\n" + "\trow = 3 ;\n" + "\turl_strlen = 88 ;\n" + "\tname_strlen = 27 ;\n" + "variables:\n" + "\tchar url(row, url_strlen) ;\n" + "\t\turl:ioos_category = \"Identifier\" ;\n" + "\t\turl:long_name = \"URL\" ;\n" + "\tchar name(row, name_strlen) ;\n" + "\t\tname:ioos_category = \"Identifier\" ;\n" + "\t\tname:long_name = \"File Name\" ;\n" + "\tdouble lastModified(row) ;\n" + "\t\tlastModified:ioos_category = \"Time\" ;\n" + "\t\tlastModified:long_name = \"Last Modified\" ;\n" + "\t\tlastModified:units = \"seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z\" ;\n" + "\tdouble size(row) ;\n" + "\t\tsize:ioos_category = \"Other\" ;\n" + "\t\tsize:long_name = \"Size\" ;\n" + "\t\tsize:units = \"bytes\" ;\n" + "\n" + "// global attributes:\n" + "}\n" + "url,name,lastModified,size\n" + "http://localhost:8080/cwexperimental/files/testFileNames/jplMURSST20150103090000.png,jplMURSST20150103090000.png,1.421276044628E9,46482.0\n" + "http://localhost:8080/cwexperimental/files/testFileNames/jplMURSST20150104090000.png,jplMURSST20150104090000.png,1.420669338436E9,46586.0\n" + "http://localhost:8080/cwexperimental/files/testFileNames/sub/jplMURSST20150105090000.png,jplMURSST20150105090000.png,1.420669304917E9,46549.0\n"; Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); //*** huge dir String unexpected = "\nUnexpected FileVisitorDNLS error (but /data/gtspp/temp dir has variable nFiles):\n"; if (doBigTest) { for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 2; attempt++) { try { //forward slash in huge directory time = System.currentTimeMillis(); table = oneStep("/data/gtspp/temp", ".*\\.nc", false, tPathRegex, false); time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time; //2014-11-25 98436 files in 410ms StringArray directoryPA = (StringArray) table.getColumn(DIRECTORY); String2.log("forward test: n=" + directoryPA.size() + " time=" + time + "ms"); if (directoryPA.size() < 1000) { String2.log(directoryPA.size() + " files. Not a good test."); } else { Test.ensureBetween(time / (double) directoryPA.size(), 2e-3, 8e-3, "ms/file (4.1e-3 expected)"); String dir0 = directoryPA.get(0); String2.log("forward slash test: dir0=" + dir0); Test.ensureTrue(dir0.indexOf('\\') < 0, ""); Test.ensureTrue(dir0.endsWith("/"), ""); } } catch (Throwable t) { String2.pressEnterToContinue(unexpected + MustBe.throwableToString(t)); } } for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 2; attempt++) { try { //backward slash in huge directory time = System.currentTimeMillis(); table = oneStep("\\data\\gtspp\\temp", ".*\\.nc", false, tPathRegex, false); time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time; //2014-11-25 98436 files in 300ms StringArray directoryPA = (StringArray) table.getColumn(DIRECTORY); String2.log("backward test: n=" + directoryPA.size() + " time=" + time + "ms"); if (directoryPA.size() < 1000) { String2.log(directoryPA.size() + " files. Not a good test."); } else { Test.ensureBetween(time / (double) directoryPA.size(), 1e-3, 8e-3, "ms/file (3e-3 expected)"); String dir0 = directoryPA.get(0); String2.log("backward slash test: dir0=" + dir0); Test.ensureTrue(dir0.indexOf('/') < 0, ""); Test.ensureTrue(dir0.endsWith("\\"), ""); } } catch (Throwable t) { String2.pressEnterToContinue(unexpected + MustBe.throwableToString(t)); } } } String2.log("\n*** FileVisitorDNLS.testLocal finished."); } /** * This tests this class with Amazon AWS S3 file system. * Your S3 credentials must be in * <br> ~/.aws/credentials on Linux, OS X, or Unix * <br> C:\Users\USERNAME\.aws\credentials on Windows * See . */ public static void testAWSS3() throws Throwable { String2.log("\n*** FileVisitorDNLS.testAWSS3"); try { verbose = true; String contextDir = SSR.getContextDirectory(); //with / separator and / at the end Table table; long time; int n; String results, expected; String parent = ""; String child = "CONUS/"; String pathRegex = null; //recursive and dirToo table = oneStep(parent, ".*\\.nc", true, pathRegex, true); results = table.dataToString(); expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n" + ",,,\n" + ",,,\n" + ",,1380652638000,1368229240\n" + ",,1380649780000,1368487462\n" + ",,1380651065000,1368894133\n"; if (expected.length() > results.length()) String2.log("results=\n" + results); Test.ensureEqual(results.substring(0, expected.length()), expected, "results=\n" + results); //recursive and !dirToo table = oneStep(parent, ".*\\.nc", true, pathRegex, false); results = table.dataToString(); expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n" + ",,1380652638000,1368229240\n" + ",,1380649780000,1368487462\n" + ",,1380651065000,1368894133\n"; if (expected.length() > results.length()) String2.log("results=\n" + results); Test.ensureEqual(results.substring(0, expected.length()), expected, "results=\n" + results); //!recursive and dirToo table = oneStep(parent + child, ".*\\.nc", false, pathRegex, true); results = table.dataToString(); expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n" + ",,,\n" + ",,1380652638000,1368229240\n" + ",,1380649780000,1368487462\n" + ",,1380651065000,1368894133\n"; if (expected.length() > results.length()) String2.log("results=\n" + results); Test.ensureEqual(results.substring(0, expected.length()), expected, "results=\n" + results); //!recursive and !dirToo table = oneStep(parent + child, ".*\\.nc", false, pathRegex, false); results = table.dataToString(); expected = "directory,name,lastModified,size\n" + ",,1380652638000,1368229240\n" + ",,1380649780000,1368487462\n" + ",,1380651065000,1368894133\n"; if (expected.length() > results.length()) String2.log("results=\n" + results); Test.ensureEqual(results.substring(0, expected.length()), expected, "results=\n" + results); String2.log("\n*** FileVisitorDNLS.testAWSS3 finished."); } catch (Throwable t) { String2.pressEnterToContinue(MustBe.throwableToString(t) + "\nUnexpected error. (Did you create your AWS S3 credentials file?)"); } } /** * This makes sure a local directory has the same contents as * a remote directory, based on the lastModified time (not size, * since size of some remote sources is approximate). * If a file is in the localDir but not the remoteDir, it isn't deleted. * If a file in the localDir is newer than in remoteDir, it isn't changed. * * @param localDir need not currently exist. If doIt=true, it will be created, * as will all needed subdir. * @param tPathRegex if tRecursive=true, this restricts which remoteDir * paths will be followed. * Use null, "", or ".*" to get the default ".*". * Creating these is very tricky. In general, it must start with .* and * then a specific directory using forward slashes. * Each subsequent dir must be a capturing group * with the option of nothing, e.g., "(|someDir/)". * It must start with the last part of the remoteDir and localDir, which must be the same. * Use "(|[^/]+/)" to match anything at a given level. Example: * ".* /NMFS/(|NEFSC/)(|inport/)(|xml/)" (but remove the internal space which * lets this javadoc comment continue). * @param doIt if true, the files are actually copied * @return a Table with 2 String columns (remote, local) * with the full names of the files which were (or need to be) * copied, and the lastModified time of the remote file. * @throws Exception if trouble getting remote or local file info. * If doIt, exceptions while downloading files are caught, logged, * and not rethrown. */ public static Table sync(String remoteDir, String localDir, String tFileNameRegex, boolean tRecursive, String tPathRegex, boolean doIt) throws Exception { //use forward slashes and final slash so I can work consistently with the two dirs remoteDir = File2.addSlash(String2.replaceAll(remoteDir, '\\', '/')); localDir = File2.addSlash(String2.replaceAll(localDir, '\\', '/')); int rDirLen = remoteDir.length(); int lDirLen = localDir.length(); //get the remote and local file information Table rTable = oneStep(remoteDir, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, false); //dir too Table lTable = oneStep(localDir, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, false); //dir too rTable.leftToRightSort(2); //lexical sort, so can walk through below lTable.leftToRightSort(2); //lexical sort, so can walk through below //String2.log("\nremote table (max of 5)\n" + rTable.dataToString(5) + // "\nlocal table (max of 5)\n" + lTable.dataToString(5)); StringArray rDir = (StringArray) rTable.getColumn(DIRECTORY); StringArray lDir = (StringArray) lTable.getColumn(DIRECTORY); StringArray rName = (StringArray) rTable.getColumn(NAME); StringArray lName = (StringArray) lTable.getColumn(NAME); LongArray rLastMod = (LongArray) rTable.getColumn(LASTMODIFIED); LongArray lLastMod = (LongArray) lTable.getColumn(LASTMODIFIED); //make a table for the results StringArray remoteSA = new StringArray(); StringArray localSA = new StringArray(); LongArray lastModLA = new LongArray(); Table outTable = new Table(); outTable.addColumn("remote", remoteSA); outTable.addColumn("local", localSA); outTable.addColumn(LASTMODIFIED, lastModLA); //walk through both tables, dealing with nextr and nextl items int nr = rDir.size(); int nl = lDir.size(); int nextr = 0; int nextl = 0; int nTooRecent = 0, nExtraLocal = 0, nAlready = 0; while (nextr < nr || nextl < nl) { if (nextr >= nr) { //no more remote files //delete this local file that doesn't exist at the source? String2.log(" WARNING: localFile=" + lDir.get(nextl) + lName.get(nextl) + " has no remote counterpart at " + remoteDir); nExtraLocal++; nextl++; continue; } String rFullName = rDir.get(nextr) + rName.get(nextr); if (nextl >= nl) { //no more local files: so download this remote file remoteSA.add(rFullName); localSA.add(localDir + rFullName.substring(rDirLen)); lastModLA.add(rLastMod.get(nextr)); nextr++; continue; } String lFullName = lDir.get(nextl) + lName.get(nextl); //find which of nextLocal or nextRemote has lower relativeDir+name int compare = rFullName.substring(rDirLen).compareTo(lFullName.substring(lDirLen)); if (compare == 0 && rLastMod.get(nextr) < lLastMod.get(nextl)) { //newer local version! String2.log(" WARNING: localFile=" + lFullName + "(" + lLastMod.get(nextl) + ") is newer than comparable remoteFile=" + rFullName + "(" + rLastMod.get(nextr) + ")"); nTooRecent++; nextr++; nextl++; } else if (compare < 0 || //new remote file (compare == 0 && rLastMod.get(nextr) > lLastMod.get(nextl))) { //newer remote version //new remote file: so download it remoteSA.add(rFullName); localSA.add(localDir + rFullName.substring(rDirLen)); lastModLA.add(rLastMod.get(nextr)); nextr++; if (compare == 0) nextl++; } else if (compare == 0) { //times are same, so do nothing nAlready++; nextr++; nextl++; } else { //compare > 0: local file is unexpected. Delete it? String2.log(" WARNING: localFile=" + lFullName + " has no remote counterpart at " + remoteDir); nExtraLocal++; nextl++; } } int n = remoteSA.size(); StringArray downloadFailures = new StringArray(); if (doIt) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { try { if (i % 100 == 0) String2.log("sync is downloading #" + i + " of " + n); SSR.downloadFile(remoteSA.get(i), localSA.get(i), false); //try to compress File2.setLastModified(localSA.get(i), lastModLA.get(i)); } catch (Throwable t) { downloadFailures.add(remoteSA.get(i)); String2.log(MustBe.throwableToString(t)); } } } String2.log("sync(" + remoteDir + ", " + localDir + ", " + tFileNameRegex + ")\n found nAlready=" + nAlready + " nToDownload=" + n + " nTooRecent=" + nTooRecent + " nExtraLocal=" + nExtraLocal); if (doIt) String2.log( "nDownloadFailures=" + downloadFailures.size() + ":\n" + downloadFailures.toNewlineString()); return outTable; } /** * This tests sync(). */ public static void testSync() throws Throwable { String2.log("\n*** FileVisitorDNLS.testSync"); String rDir = ""; String lDir = String2.unitTestDataDir + "sync/NMFS"; //test without trailing slash String fileRegex = "22...\\.xml"; boolean recursive = true; //first part of pathRegex must be the last part of the rDir and the lDir, e.g., NMFS //pre 2016-03-04 I tested NWFSC/inport/xml, but it has been empty for a month! String pathRegex = ".*/NMFS/(|NEFSC/)(|inport/)(|xml/)"; //tricky! boolean doIt = true; //get original times String name22560 = lDir + "/NEFSC/inport/xml/22560.xml"; String name22565 = lDir + "/NEFSC/inport/xml/22565.xml"; long time22560 = File2.getLastModified(name22560); long time22565 = File2.getLastModified(name22565); try { //For testing purposes, I put one extra file in the dir: 8083.xml renamed as 22ext.xml //do the sync sync(rDir, lDir, fileRegex, recursive, pathRegex, true); //current date on all these files //Test.ensureEqual(Calendar2.epochSecondsToIsoStringT(1455948120), // "2016-02-20T06:02:00", ""); //what the web site shows for many //delete 1 local file File2.delete(lDir + "/NEFSC/inport/xml/22563.xml"); //make 1 local file older File2.setLastModified(name22560, 100); //make 1 local file newer File2.setLastModified(name22565, System.currentTimeMillis() + 100); Math2.sleep(500); //test the sync Table table = sync(rDir, lDir, fileRegex, recursive, pathRegex, doIt); String2.pressEnterToContinue("\nCheck above to ensure these numbers:\n" + "\"found nAlready=3 nToDownload=2 nTooRecent=1 nExtraLocal=1\"\n"); String results = table.dataToString(); String expected = //the lastModified values change periodically //these are the files which were downloaded "remote,local,lastModified\n" + "," + String2.unitTestDataDir + "sync/NMFS/NEFSC/inport/xml/22560.xml,1510670100000\n" + "," + String2.unitTestDataDir + "sync/NMFS/NEFSC/inport/xml/22563.xml,1510670160000\n"; Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); //no changes, do the sync again table = sync(rDir, lDir, fileRegex, recursive, pathRegex, doIt); String2.pressEnterToContinue("\nCheck above to ensure these numbers:\n" + "\"found nAlready=5 nToDownload=0 nTooRecent=1 nExtraLocal=1\"\n"); results = table.dataToString(); expected = "remote,local,lastModified\n"; Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); } finally { File2.setLastModified(name22560, time22560); File2.setLastModified(name22565, time22565); } } /** * This looks in all the specified files until a file with a line that * matches lineRegex is found. * * @param tallyWhich if >= 0, this tabulates the values of the * tallyWhich-th capture group in the lineRegex. * @param interactiveNLines if >0, this shows the file, * the matching line and nLines thereafter, and calls pressEnterToContinue(). * If false, this returns the name of the first file matching lineRegex. * @return this returns the first matching fileName, or null if none */ public static String findFileWith(String tDir, String tFileNameRegex, boolean tRecursive, String tPathRegex, String lineRegex, int tallyWhich, int interactiveNLines, int showTopN) throws Throwable { String2.log("\n*** findFileWith(\"" + lineRegex + "\")"); Table table = oneStep(tDir, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, false); StringArray dirs = (StringArray) table.getColumn(DIRECTORY); StringArray names = (StringArray) table.getColumn(NAME); Tally tally = tallyWhich >= 0 ? new Tally() : null; int nFiles = names.size(); Pattern linePattern = Pattern.compile(lineRegex); String firstFullName = null; int lastFileiMatch = -1; int nFilesMatched = 0; int nLinesMatched = 0; for (int filei = 0; filei < nFiles; filei++) { if (filei % 100 == 0) String2.log( "file#" + filei + " nFilesMatched=" + nFilesMatched + " nLinesMatched=" + nLinesMatched); try { String fullName = dirs.get(filei) + names.get(filei); String lines[] = SSR.getUrlResponseLines(fullName); for (int linei = 0; linei < lines.length; linei++) { Matcher matcher = linePattern.matcher(lines[linei]); if (matcher.matches()) { nLinesMatched++; if (lastFileiMatch != filei) { lastFileiMatch = filei; nFilesMatched++; } if (firstFullName == null) firstFullName = fullName; if (tallyWhich >= 0) tally.add(lineRegex,; if (interactiveNLines > 0) { String msg = "\n***** Found match in fileName#" + filei + "=" + fullName + " on line#" + linei; String2.log(msg + ". File contents="); String2.log(String2.toNewlineString(lines)); String2.log("\n" + msg + ":\n"); for (int tl = linei; tl < Math.min(linei + interactiveNLines + 1, lines.length); tl++) String2.log(lines[tl]); String2.pressEnterToContinue(); } else if (tallyWhich < 0) { return firstFullName; } } } } catch (Exception e) { String2.log(MustBe.throwableToString(e)); } } String2.log("\nfindFileWhich finished successfully. nFiles=" + nFiles + " nFilesMatched=" + nFilesMatched + " nLinesMatched=" + nLinesMatched); if (tallyWhich >= 0) String2.log(tally.toString(showTopN)); //most common n will be shown return firstFullName; } /** * This makes a .tgz or .tar.gz file. * * @param tResultName is the full result file name, usually * the name of the dir being archived, and ending in .tgz or .tar.gz. */ public static void makeTgz(String tDir, String tFileNameRegex, boolean tRecursive, String tPathRegex, String tResultName) throws Exception { TarArchiveOutputStream tar = null; String outerDir = File2.getDirectory(tDir.substring(0, tDir.length() - 1)); tar = new TarArchiveOutputStream( new GZIPOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tResultName)))); // Add data to out and flush stream Table filesTable = oneStep(tDir, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, false); //tDirectoriesToo StringArray directoryPA = (StringArray) filesTable.getColumn(DIRECTORY); StringArray namePA = (StringArray) filesTable.getColumn(NAME); LongArray lastModifiedPA = (LongArray) filesTable.getColumn(LASTMODIFIED); LongArray sizePA = (LongArray) filesTable.getColumn(SIZE); byte buffer[] = new byte[32768]; int nBytes; for (int fi = 0; fi < namePA.size(); fi++) { String fullName = directoryPA.get(fi) + namePA.get(fi); TarArchiveEntry entry = new TarArchiveEntry(new File(fullName.substring(outerDir.length()))); entry.setSize(sizePA.get(fi)); entry.setModTime(lastModifiedPA.get(fi)); tar.putArchiveEntry(entry); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fullName); while ((nBytes = > 0) tar.write(buffer, 0, nBytes); fis.close(); tar.closeArchiveEntry(); } tar.close(); } /** * This tests makeTgz. */ public static void testMakeTgz() throws Exception { String2.log("\n*** FileVisitorDNLS.testMakeTgz"); String tgzName = String2.unitTestDataDir + "testMakeTgz.tar.gz"; try { makeTgz(String2.unitTestDataDir + "fileNames/", ".*", true, ".*", tgzName); SSR.displayInBrowser("file://" + tgzName); //works with .tar.gz, not .tgz String2.pressEnterToContinue("Are the contents of the .tar.gz file okay?"); } catch (Throwable t) { String2.pressEnterToContinue(MustBe.throwableToString(t)); } File2.delete(tgzName); } /** * This makes a String representation of the directories, fileNames, sizes, * and lastModified times. * * @param relativeDirectoryNames if true, the directory names shown will * be relative to tDir. * @return a String representation of the directories, fileNames, sizes, * and lastModified times. Most lines will have 99 characters. */ public static String oneStepToString(String tDir, String tFileNameRegex, boolean tRecursive, String tPathRegex) throws IOException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); tDir = File2.addSlash(tDir); String slash = tDir.indexOf('/') >= 0 ? "/" : "\\"; Table table = oneStep(tDir, tFileNameRegex, tRecursive, tPathRegex, true); //directoriesToo StringArray directoryPA = (StringArray) table.getColumn(DIRECTORY); StringArray namePA = (StringArray) table.getColumn(NAME); LongArray lastModifiedPA = (LongArray) table.getColumn(LASTMODIFIED); LongArray sizePA = (LongArray) table.getColumn(SIZE); int nRows = table.nRows(); StringBuilder spaces = new StringBuilder(); for (int row = 0; row < nRows; row++) { String cDir = directoryPA.get(row); String cName = namePA.get(row); long cTime = lastModifiedPA.get(row); long cSize = sizePA.get(row); String relDir = cDir.substring(Math.min(tDir.length(), cDir.length())); int nSpaces = String2.countAll(relDir, slash) * 2; if (spaces.length() > nSpaces) { spaces.setLength(nSpaces); } else while (spaces.length() < nSpaces) { spaces.append(' '); } if (cName.length() == 0) { //a directory sb.append(spaces.substring(0, Math.max(0, nSpaces - 2)) + relDir + "\n"); } else { sb.append(String2.left(spaces + cName, 64)); //64 sb.append(' '); //1 sb.append(String2.left( cTime == Long.MAX_VALUE ? "" : Calendar2.epochSecondsToIsoStringT(cTime / 1000) + "Z", 21)); //21 sb.append(' '); //1 sb.append(String2.right(cSize == Long.MAX_VALUE ? "" : "" + cSize, 12)); //just <1TB //12 sb.append('\n'); } } return sb.toString(); } /** * This tests oneStepToString(). */ public static void testOneStepToString() throws Throwable { String2.log("\n*** FileVisitorDNLS.testOneStepToString()"); String results = oneStepToString(String2.unitTestDataDir + "CFPointConventions/timeSeries/", ".*", true, ".*"); String expected = //this tests that all files are before all dirs "timeSeries-Incomplete-MultiDimensional-MultipleStations-H.2.2.rb 2012-11-01T18:16:26Z 5173\n" + "timeSeries-Orthogonal-Multidimenstional-MultipleStations-H.2.1.rb 2012-11-01T18:16:26Z 2979\n" + "timeSeries-Incomplete-MultiDimensional-MultipleStations-H.2.2/\n" + " README 2012-11-01T18:16:26Z 87\n" + " timeSeries-Incomplete-MultiDimensional-MultipleStations-H.2.2.cdl 2012-11-01T18:16:26Z 1793\n" + " 2012-11-01T18:16:26Z 4796\n" + " timeSeries-Incomplete-MultiDimensional-MultipleStations-H.2.2.ncml 2012-11-01T18:16:26Z 3026\n" + "timeSeries-Orthogonal-Multidimenstional-MultipleStations-H.2.1/\n" + " README 2012-11-01T18:16:26Z 538\n" + " timeSeries-Orthogonal-Multidimenstional-MultipleStations-H.2.1.cdl 2012-11-01T18:16:26Z 1515\n" + " 2012-11-01T18:16:26Z 10436\n" + " timeSeries-Orthogonal-Multidimenstional-MultipleStations-H.2.1.ncml 2012-11-01T18:16:26Z 2625\n"; Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); } /** * This tests pathRegex(). */ public static void testPathRegex() throws Throwable { String2.log("\n*** FileVisitorDNLS.testPathRegex()"); String results = oneStepToString(String2.unitTestDataDir + "CFPointConventions/timeSeries/", ".*", true, //all files ".*H\\.2\\.1.*"); //but only H.2.1 dirs String expected = "timeSeries-Incomplete-MultiDimensional-MultipleStations-H.2.2.rb 2012-11-01T18:16:26Z 5173\n" + "timeSeries-Orthogonal-Multidimenstional-MultipleStations-H.2.1.rb 2012-11-01T18:16:26Z 2979\n" + "timeSeries-Orthogonal-Multidimenstional-MultipleStations-H.2.1/\n" + " README 2012-11-01T18:16:26Z 538\n" + " timeSeries-Orthogonal-Multidimenstional-MultipleStations-H.2.1.cdl 2012-11-01T18:16:26Z 1515\n" + " 2012-11-01T18:16:26Z 10436\n" + " timeSeries-Orthogonal-Multidimenstional-MultipleStations-H.2.1.ncml 2012-11-01T18:16:26Z 2625\n"; Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); } /** * This tests following symbolic links / soft links. * THIS DOESN'T WORK on Windows, because Java doesn't follow Windows .lnk's. * Windows links are not easily parsed files. It would be hard to add support * for .lnk's to this class. * This class now works as expected with symbolic links on Linux. * I tested manually on coastwatch Linux with and main() below and * ./ /u00/satellite/MUR41/anom/1day/ ....0401.\* */ public static void testSymbolicLinks() throws Throwable { String2.log("\n*** FileVisitorDNLS.testSymbolicLinks()"); boolean oDebugMode = debugMode; debugMode = true; String results = oneStepToString("/u00/satellite/MUR41/anom/1day/", ".*", true, ".*"); String expected = //2002 are files. 2003 is a shortcut to files "zztop\n"; Test.ensureEqual(results, expected, "results=\n" + results); debugMode = oDebugMode; } /** * This tallys the contents of the specified XML findTags in the specified files * and returns the Tally object. */ public static Tally tallyXml(String dir, String fileNameRegex, boolean recursive, String findTags[]) throws Exception { Table table = oneStep(dir, fileNameRegex, recursive, ".*", false); //tRecursive, tPathRegex, tDirectoriesToo StringArray dirs = (StringArray) table.getColumn(FileVisitorDNLS.DIRECTORY); StringArray names = (StringArray) table.getColumn(FileVisitorDNLS.NAME); Tally tally = new Tally(); int nErrors = 0; int nFindTags = findTags.length; for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { SimpleXMLReader xmlReader = null; try { String2.log("reading #" + i + ": " + dirs.get(i) + names.get(i)); xmlReader = new SimpleXMLReader(new FileInputStream(dirs.get(i) + names.get(i))); while (true) { xmlReader.nextTag(); String tags = xmlReader.allTags(); if (tags.length() == 0) break; for (int t = 0; t < nFindTags; t++) { if (tags.equals(findTags[t])) tally.add(findTags[t], xmlReader.content()); } } xmlReader.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { String2.log(MustBe.throwableToString(t)); nErrors++; if (xmlReader != null) xmlReader.close(); } } String2.log("\n*** tallyXml() finished. nErrors=" + nErrors); return tally; } /** * This finds the file names where an xml findTags matches a regex. */ public static void findMatchingContentInXml(String dir, String fileNameRegex, boolean recursive, String findTag, String matchRegex) throws Exception { Table table = oneStep(dir, fileNameRegex, recursive, ".*", false); //tRecursive, tPathRegex, tDirectoriesToo StringArray dirs = (StringArray) table.getColumn(FileVisitorDNLS.DIRECTORY); StringArray names = (StringArray) table.getColumn(FileVisitorDNLS.NAME); Tally tally = new Tally(); int nErrors = 0; for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { SimpleXMLReader xmlReader = null; try { String2.log("reading #" + i + ": " + dirs.get(i) + names.get(i)); xmlReader = new SimpleXMLReader(new FileInputStream(dirs.get(i) + names.get(i))); while (true) { xmlReader.nextTag(); String tags = xmlReader.allTags(); if (tags.length() == 0) break; if (tags.equals(findTag) && xmlReader.content().matches(matchRegex)) String2.log(dirs.get(i) + names.get(i) + " has \"" + xmlReader.content() + "\""); } xmlReader.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { String2.log(MustBe.throwableToString(t)); nErrors++; if (xmlReader != null) xmlReader.close(); } } String2.log("\n*** findMatchingContentInXml() finished. nErrors=" + nErrors); } /** * This tests the methods in this class. * * @throws Throwable if trouble */ public static void test(boolean doBigTest) throws Throwable { String2.log("\n****************** FileVisitorDNLS.test() *****************\n"); /* for releases, this line should have open/close comment */ //always done testLocal(doBigTest); testAWSS3(); testHyrax(); testThredds(); testWAF(); testSync(); testMakeTgz(); testOneStepToString(); testPathRegex(); //testSymbolicLinks(); //THIS TEST DOESN'T WORK on Windows, but links are followed on Linux //future: FTP? } /** * This is used for testing this class. * This is used when called from the command line. * It explicitly calls System.exit(0) when done. * * @param args if args has values, they are used to answer the question. */ public static void main(String args[]) throws Throwable { verbose = true; reallyVerbose = true; debugMode = true; if (args == null || args.length < 2) { String2.log("Usage: FileVisitorDNLS startingDirectory fileNameRegex"); } else { Table table = oneStep(args[0], args[1], true, ".*", true); //tRecursive, tPathRegex, tDirectoriesToo String2.log(table.dataToString()); } System.exit(0); } }